We built our MOST requested idea... (Assassins Creed Hidden Blades)

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[Music] this video is sponsored by Assassin's Creed Nexus did you know when I started this YouTube channel back in 2006 it was about parkour and Freer running so when Assassin's Creed first came out back in' 07 jeez I sound old I was hooked imagine doing all the crazy stunts you can think of without hurting your fragile meat bag of a body and now you can do it in VR too I even visited San gim Gano almost 13 years ago now a town of medieval Towers which was featured in the second game now this particular photo isn't mine but it's a great comparison showing the game versus reality it was super cool to see and proves I am indeed a nerd anyway when I transitioned from doing parkour to videos on Make It Real almost a decade later eto's hidden blade was an obvious choice in fact it was one of the most requested projects on our Channel but honestly I was worried about doing it justice there are so many incredible makers out there who have made amazing hidden blades in fact back in 2020 one of the best makers of hidden blades in my opinion ra Ice Creations well he actually reached out about doing a potential collaboration with me having been inspired into making by some of my earliest videos of exoskeletons years prior and the idea of making a full metal version of his design was pretty enticing the idea kind of fell apart and never came to fruition but this time we're going to do it and we're going to go all out becoming an assassin it's in my blood the years of Parkour are finally going to pay off we even commissioned a full Etso costume from our friend Candace of Plexi cosplay it's time to make Assassin's Creed Nexus [Music] [Music] real let's dive into Assassin's Creed Nexus VR which is available on the meta Quest 3 2 and pro the game is super immersive I love how well they brought this game into VR playing the memory of Etso auditor def Fen in the Animus in VR wait maybe you're watching this in VR as well talk about inception I mean this is literally the most figuratively and literally correct part of a game ever they they truly made it real it's super fun I highly recommend it and using your hidden blades yeah it's kind of addictive all right let's make these real pretty sweet Ry sent me some of his hidden blades um I'll throw a link in the description below and he also gave me permission to show you guys how the design actually works it really is a fascinating mechanism it's a single pull string actuation to bring the blade out and then the exact same movement to bring it back in that's because it actually has an automatic toggle that lets you go from extended to retracted by doing the exact same motion let's hop into saww Works to show you how this works now we can see the magic here's a whole bunch of gears in here a rack and more spring-loaded parts this is where the Brilliance of the mechanical design really shows because you're able to take this string pull and do two different movements when you pull the string and it literally just toggles just the slightest bit to catch that and you'll actually go right past the other one so now you're in the front position but watch as we go back it goes back to here and now it catches this one and once there's tension on this that pulls past and boom now you've got the opposite actuation but how do we make this real it would be possible to make every piece out of metal but that would take a while so what parts do we need to make out of metal and which parts can we print in carbon fiber well obviously the blade needs to be metal and just for fun we're going to use titanium Damascus or Damascus for short when you flame treat it you get these wonderful patterns through the different layers of titanium and the anodization but you're not actually supposed to use this for knives because it doesn't hold an edge but since I'm not planning on actually stabbing anyone it should be fine and it's going to look amazing we're going to try and make these parts out of metal as well so the design is more robust and durable I'm going to first print all the other parts out of glass fill nylon filament which is this beige material and carbon fiber pet G on our new Pantheon hs3 3D printer and while that finishes up let's start [Music] Machining that's all the metal parts that have been machined and cleaned up and now it's time to sharpen the [Music] blade I'm pretty happy with how that turned out now we just have to clean this off with some acetone to get rid of any of my fingerprints and and then we can heat treat it to bring those amazing colors back now to color the blades I'm going to use our new Mini saer Gen 2 light and dark edition like a metal zebra the other side looks pretty good too that looks awesome let's put it together with the metal half these two put the blade locks in now this cover plate is actually what causes the mechanism to spring back this guy which goes right on top set that aside start in the plastic half this is where the real mechanism comes into play we got one Metal Gear there one rack and pinion here so the trick is to actually preload it slightly with the string there we go so far so good Moment of Truth Good click keep face away from this end woo hey uhoh no so let's double check that this mechanism still works or did it pop up oh it still works that's not right the Spring's too tight I almost lost [Music] it yeah why did we have to use such small sprins I don't understand get extension and retraction all right now we just have to laser engrave the logo and they're done the reason I had so much trouble with the Assembly of this is it was never designed for a metal blade we had to triple up the elastics in order to make it work which made it extremely finicky to actually put together all right so now we're going to add the Assassin's Creed logo that I've modified with the hacksmith logo and we're going to use our mtech mopa laser to do that to maybe get a bit of color out of this I love laser noises look at that wow that's nice that turned out real [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Music] oh yeah these are awesome [Music] synchronizing desynchronization has occurred jeez come [Music] on oh [Music] the resulting action has caused [Music] desynchronization [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] as I spent more and more time in the Animus it became difficult to tell what was real and what was just a memory [Music] I was now ETO and well the team's going to have to get used to [Music] it [Music] the resulting action has caused desynchronization there is an idea of a hacksmith some kind of abstraction but there is no real me only an entity something elcer and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours I am simply not there
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 1,018,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AC, Assassin, Assassins creed vr, History, VR headset, altair, animus, assassin's creed, assassin's creed mirages, assassin's creed valhalla, assassins creed hidden blades in real life, assassins creed in real life, assassins creed irl, blades, creed, damascus steel, design, engineering, ezio, ezio in rea, gaming, hacksmith, hidden blade, knife, mechanical, meta quest, metal, nexus, playstation, real hidden baldes, science, technology, thehacksmith, virtual reality, vr, vr gaming, workshop, xbox
Id: i66KOL-YQF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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