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[Music] chainsaw alarm and a buzz saw with the other society men too [Music] Hey 0:01 attacks want eggs so you have to move in you know for some guy to keep Sun tell me oh we got to focus on lasercorn you sure attacking me a lot you piece of yeah [Music] all of them all right oh yeah you hurt yourself buddy that's us let's do it don't hate oh wow I'm going for tight Arthur [Music] what's up and welcome back to board a F today we are waiting group people lots of fruit who wants you bananas who wants some more awesome fruit awesome fruit would work you said in every port entered and free got it that isn't it anyway today we are playing king of New York it's a kind of a sequel to king of Tokyo and in it we will each be playing a monster and we will be trying to take over New York more specifically Manhattan all the way it works is you get all these dice you get to roll them every turn there are different things on the night yeah you get three rolls get out of here your rolls can gather you energy which you can then use to buy cards which will modify your character yeah they can attack which will hurt anyone inside Manhattan if you're outside Manhattan or if you're in it hurts everyone outside so if you're in this green zone you're attacking everyone outside it if you're outside the Green Zone you're attacking anyone in it only one person can be in New York at a time and uh if the person retreats which you can after damage and you rolled an attack to deal that damage you then have to move into New York so the problem of being in New York is of course everyone's attacking you at once the problem with being outside of New York is the person inside New York is earning victory points man every turn typically yes and because this is king of New York as they move up they're going to get more points you can see this is two victory points and two victory points and two energy if you're all the way at the top there you also can destroy these buildings here if you rule the little damaging things see the destroyed building and then they're worth different things they're worth like this one's worth a victory point if you flip it over though you got an army jeep and that's going to come into play because when you roll this skull LG okay yeah you're gonna take damage from any military units in the area if you happen to be living in this area but you can also destroy the Jeeps - so you roll two more attack you destroy this Jeep and you get a little heart so that's that's so the goal of this game is to collect victory points or kill all the other monsters yeah pretty hopeful it's uh I wait is this 220 yeah so yeah twenty victory points you can see the little slider here or if you make everyone's little health slider we all start with ten zero then you went you the last monster standing oh there's also the superstar so if you get these little stars they pretty much do nothing unless you get three of them snag the superstar card and then every time you ruin one of these are gonna get a victory point there's a lot of rules guys we're gonna put it in the vo yeah you're not even have to worry about what he just said it'd probably use bring it up last Kevin I like this uh this little mantis here literally looks like a giant man man oh I'm gonna cut you up I like him he's adorable he does have power tools it's kind of weird you'd think that he enjoyed breaking stuff but he actually enjoys just making things out of wood yeah plus if I mate with anyone I'm gonna bite their head off I'm a female mantis okay sexy female maybe is more you do that voice again we get a lady it up a little bit oh I made with you I'm going to beat your head off oh that's really creepy yeah it's real creamy all right moving on listen uh uh I think I'm gonna draft the sheriff here officer : in the building shanty Rainicorn Torretta card jeff tyrannical look out Karla Soros sounds a lot like ride shield Knight yeah it's weird I'm gonna play shadow cuz he's got a gun huh that's my reference cornis I like the idea of this little dude swimming in the fishbowl but he's part of a bigger suit that swings around a boat and I know he's supposed to be a captain of some sort but he got it looks like mafioso to me katha looks like he ducked like this huh so he said give me the fish Jimmy fish hey hey alright so we aren't using : we aren't using Rob I think I'll stay over here yeah get those guys to eat all right ah so let's decide who goes first and we're gonna roll all these dicing whoever gets the most attacks is gonna go first okay I've got no attack so I should be using deep lots of attacks well I also have not roll with that so many out cheese whoa hey Jimmy's rolling he no attacks for you oh we got one too don't want to attack oh well that is - OH HIDA below I think your voice is completely changing yeah probably wha-what effect is going first so now we all choose a different area to go in Jimmy's going to Staten Island with the boys so hey I want to be in the Queens sure I wanted to be cuz like is your queen do that my queen please going with you where where are we going I guess here all right just uh I'm in the broom goes first also gets to choose their location first it's fun that seems like a double whammy all right hey Jimmy's gonna roll we roll for it Hey ouchy ouchy those don't matter attack attack those don't matter we roll pretty much everything yeah ha ha ha you're keeping the star oh we're gonna keep the star cause maybe want to be famous Hey going for the sea roller garden yah yah yah you get the star and then we're gonna re-roll this boat Hey 0:01 attacks want that the so you have to move in but I get an energy he and you get a destruction and I do you destroy before you move so here's what we're gonna do Oh Jimmy's gonna get a superstar card over here take this car do you roll these three stars so I'm gonna get one victory point here to be a superstar noise you get one and I have one victory point so far now we are going to resolve this building destruction years we're gonna flip this building over it becomes a Jeep alright you get for destroying the building I got one victory so we're gonna move on up to victory points ten percent of the way to victory we get an enemy this is one attack that moves us in we also get another victory point for that or up to three scavenger this is a keep card for three you can buy keep cards for this from the discard by spending one energy point less than their cost Chinatown regular heal to damaged when you enter Manhattan that seems really good and Monster Idol gained one victory point for each star you rolled this turn daddy really good to have a potential and that would be a double whammy because I'm outside Manhattan any attack roles that I'm stuck with I'll be taking away the fish so let's see what we can go Wow one attack you can find to attack me but you can also steal the star for a movie gets another star yeah I'm actually gonna get rid of the stars oh oh whoa Wow or energy and a star and an attack so first things first I'm gonna take my way that you're the realest for energy there might start as nothing for me but I do attack so easy for one damage all right do you choose to take the damage and leave or you stand tell you what did Jimmy it's gonna feel safe foam with the coppers over here so I'm gonna move over come on I said that sir I'm gonna my territory bro I'm over in your territory right yeah I appreciate that yeah I make my way into uh Manhattan and I get a victory point we're gonna be up to one now how much were the items you got I get to reunify there's also shiatsu damage when you enter Manhattan yeah I'm gonna take that one yeah that's very hard all right chameleon you can discard as many stars as you wish for each star discarded you can change the face of one of the dice you haven't resolved oh oh you discard as many of the discard for each star discarded you can change the face of the diet oh wow you have two stars you can get rid of them and now you have and then you can change the two of the other dice okay whatever you want yeah okay my blood flows forward okay energy that's five more stars I'm gonna keep the energy and I'll keep the claw do a damage I'll roll everything else Wow three stars I get the super storm yeah that's a really thick antral to save my life okay so I get one freaking energy in with a victory point and I get a victory point and I attack oh uh yeah I'll take that one damage you're gonna stay in the city I'm going down to nine days I'm gonna pop out okay I don't mean there I get it very for moving in - all right my turn well thanks a minute oh we entered a now Chi resolve the ouchie first in the heart and then I'll destroy that building over here what'd you get for it oh yeah one day it turns into a car take my three energy how many victories yeah one pick your voice one victory point no alright well that actually works out for me a little bit here we're gonna heal the damage back up to ten so I'm using my two destructions to destroy two of the buildings I get two victory points oh man he's good he's up to five victory boys you have another's there's two jeeps there that's a dangerous place to be that just means I can't roll any more actions oh yeah I know what I want see if I can roll for it one energy okay he's gone for any I want energy yeah I want hello the energy do it give it to me nope Oh stray destruction three disruptions you can get some energy all right how do we get in Oh what yes sir that's our plan c3 energy sweet yeah I'm gonna use I have three so this number three here I'm gonna pop this over O'Boyle that's a tank that is a tank I so I get three energy for it Henry three energy please what a lucky ass turn I just have you up this tank is mean because you need for to kill it yeah you get three big ones boiling it end of my turn I know total for energy this is the chameleon the one that you can change the roles by getting stars yeah that's what I want alright give me four yeah that's your energy sweet flip it over blue card its terminal rage take another turn when you buy this card from now on you can no longer role attacks rewrote and you no longer you know real rose Oh interesting Wow oh it's interesting tyrannical and stern because I completed a full cycle here I get one energy really and one big one I know it is and I think I move up or I do you move up to the next level of Manhattan okay moving on hold up and not one up I'm gonna remote I think would think about yeah I I need other stuff more than I need that up threesome three stars I may be really weird reading I guess I guess yeah I can't stop rolling stars so uh dog I'm gonna reroll one last 100 hits everyone I can I destroy anything no no because it's three buildings so that gets wasted I get a three points oh man let's go and just hit us all all right so three get smack Oh tyrannical No so in order I did the attack this does nothing I took my three victory points I'm now up to six and I took my one energy I now have three there we go wow that's a lot of that it's a lot of destruction Wow a screw it I'll keep it why not I get an energy off of it just keeping that roll yeah what is the first rule one Wow both those buildings alright destroying this and it flips into a tank Jesus and I'll destroy this and it turns into a plane okay I never get an ouchie here in a lot of yeah a lot of trouble okay uh and then I've got my one energy and I get five victory points that brings me up to six I want to buy something hmm getting the terminal rage take another turn I could get its terminal rage that would be fun uh what's terminal rage he takes another turn but he can't reroll attacks let's do it great oh wow I'm going for it yeah oh it's a keep yeah so he can no longer every role attacks oh there's an attack I can't reroll that re-roll on everything else come on energies okay three energies that's nuts grace really good uh hardcore cannery roll this one I'm going what about that heart I know you're gonna yield to her alright cool hard Wow alright awesome you know and at the end of my turn okay I'm gonna move to set now cuz it seems a lot safer over here oh hey hey over and over he got some action there oh he's keeping the attack I don't know yet I wait we forgot the flippin considering I'm not seeing what I got alright and we flip a new card rape pain bow if your results are to destructions you get an extra attack is there for destructions you get extra two attacks and if you roll six destructions you win the game that's pretty cool you get real close that yeah I did he's gonna take me on one start going for my super superstar Eddie gets it all right we gotta do that's nice plus to energy in addition fake it your rat bastard oh hey Jimmy is happy you get another victory point - yeah all right so we get a victory for the superstar we're going up to six would you like to destroy a building uh and then I will destroy that building yep and that gives me another victory point up to seven oh man this is giving a victory point game it is a dangerous place where I am right now I'm gonna move on over here back to my hometown of Staten Island yeah uh just to let you guys know Lee Sehorne is on the site level of Manhattan yes yeah uh I might need to do some damage to him right now I got I rolled an attack I think I'm gonna I'm gonna end here I'm going to discard my star turn this into a Russian destruction killed the tank I'm gonna kill this tank and get four big three points three plus three victory points holy crap this is it wasn't the first time I've ever played this game it's like a victory point or this is actually kind of clattering you have to I'm sorry it I'm up to four victory points now that's discarded I do one damage - lasercorn staying in I'm gonna stay in yes all right Wow all right that's my turn so I get uh I get two victory points and another energy no to let the people at home know Laser court when you are in Manhattan you cannot heal yourself unless you have a card that says you can do it yep so any hartsey gets worth nothing to re-roll in the heart all right is he going for pain well I'll heal the stars back why do you are so good at rolling stars yeah I like to imagine the stars are like the number one spot and you're just really good at rolling ones okay I'm gonna keep these dice I'm gonna take three I'm gonna steal that back I'm gonna resolve that first Jimmy's upset yeah I get one big break your voice so months in a nine up to nine and then I get one energy and then two attacks you know everyone outside the city oh hey shoo I'm now six not a jerk seven help you sir are a jerk and then I move on up Hawaii I already moved you already as high as I can get yeah I'm as high as I can go in this crazy mixed-up world don't talking about came by oh my god hanging the pain bow I'm lazy I need in one card in the card let's do it let's do things all right the next card is general Ellis discard you can only buy this card if you destroy a tank this turn get three victory points and all monsters take one damage interesting alright let's try and get a good roll here that's two attacks that I can't reroll yeah I'll keep the energy I'll keep the heart oh they're attacking I can't we roll yeah I guess I keep this then so I get one angry I hit Manhattan for three I pick five and I heal back up to ten and you know what I'm gonna spend three minutes cabbage ER I'm gonna get the hell out how do you come in with me to Queen yeah breakfast man I'm with you now I'm lazy sometimes yes and I'm in lower Manhattan get a victory point what do you a I am at seven I'm just gonna try and win the game by the way we didn't flip this other card after he bought scavenger of another world you can use hearts as energy and energy as hard wow wow that's great he knows what he's going for now oh yeah what is yet for oh that's six yeah yeah yeah few more oh there hey there's your two two we don't read anything yeah we don't need the other one Oh Jimmy doesn't want you to have the Stars really actually forget because you're trying to win with destruction anyway and that's gonna be bad for everyone well you can take it super star away yeah he's gonna get more victory points yep I already went to he could technically win on one turn I kept the heel into energy oh no we're gonna heal again and attack you for one and do one disruption which does nothing first we're gonna resolve these I get my two energy noise then we're gonna heal for two back up to nine health then we will do destruction which does nothing then we will hit you for one I'll stay in I'll take the one and I'll stay in turn I am going to purchase it's probably a mistake of another world actually hurts as energy and energy as hearts you know what I I will move out I will I will switch places with you there cool Jimmy Dix Jimmy face Oh Jimmy the fish and then Jimmy's gonna flip out of card stink attack wherever you move you may disperse up to four units from your destination bro each just first unit must move to a separate borough what okay so you pretty much all of the military stuff so if you were in here and whenever you move the units go away so like if you move from here to here the units would scatter oh that's great cool that's awesome very good on anyone you have heads how much does it cost five all right hand me the dice yeah there's two stars you can still weigh the superstar I have a feeling let's go for the whole six destructions and win the game that would be awesome though because it's the super sorry it's the king of New York oh yeah I know exactly what I'm doing okay all right what I'm doing is but as I'm gonna discard my star I'm gonna turn this into a an attack I have two hearts to attack and one star i doing two damage because okay sure head up top spots with you cool so I haven't revolved yet resolved yet so I'm resolving the two hearts brings me up to eight life okay um star does nothing now to damage to you yeah we swap you gain - all right so that brings you down to what seven seven all right I go in and that brings me up to ten life because of Chinatown regular Oh Jimmy knows it was you and he's rollin for six attacks and I'm now at five victory points for moving into any impressive laser coins turn tyrannic or kill this oh wow oh that would have been helpful good - that means he gets an extra attack automatically extra attacker extra damage a attack so on me yes Oh No yeah ladies keeping away yeah don't man you got an attack third attack on me pack oh no we got ready well luckily I'm having yeah that's fine so joven you take one I get to deploy one of these things that's a jeep and then another one another Jeep all right what is that was a worthy victory points or what oh yeah they were each one victory oh god I get to go up to two more victory points eleven oh he's nine away from what yeah he I will resolve this energy we need to go for lasercorn we need I'm actually in that case I'm going Mart I'm gonna take my one damage and I'm gonna let you into Manhattan no don't do that that gives him another victory that's fun it also gives people the opportunity to attack me already can well yeah and yeah turn after I can't reroll my attack yeah all five it so I'm gonna go to Metsa safest possible place with nothing is really greater here that is not a good place to be no but there's also some hearts available air - okay hey did I rolling stars all right my turn yeah all right uh no attacks thanks I've got the super thing taking the destruction all right Oh two attacks Oh can't reroll and I got a destruction that's good and ok cool well resolve your nice alright so I will resolve the destroy your really I will destroy this building and take to it okay we will resolve the attacks okay I take two I'm getting the hell out and the star doesn't nothing and I'll resolve my energy ski switch with you all right then I get a victory you don't in switch I know we don't care about the star as much but um I think we got here with how to write get that away from laser coin yeah well Jimmy's rolling right now so maybe shut your mouth oh hey oh hey - so I can use stars as energy and energy as stars I'm gonna reroll these three another heart how you roll these tune is a lot of energy an attack in and out sheet it's like some minor Dixie you all right - all right I take two down to five do one damage Wes you can have it cool well in that case I'm just gonna use all these hearts to go back up to nine all right no and then I get a hug Oh what do we sing exactly yeah - attacks - destruction I'm gonna take a swing at Jimmy the fish so I've kept two attacks so far - destructions and uh kind of up some more fish some more attacks yeah you got one to go one more you change one of your other attack oh and it's something else - pissed you know for some guy to keep Sun tell me oh we got to focus on lasercorn you're sure attacking me a lot you piece of yeah sorry yeah I'm gonna discard it I'm gonna turn this into another fist Wow Wow some be the for damage what are you at down to.5 health and I do have to uh do the destruction which gives me a victory point and brings this to six you've taken five down or for damage and you're leaving yep so I go in I get another victory point and to health what are you a job I'm now at seven victory points oh hey for all your work Jimmy's still ahead of you by - you piece of yeah he ran a corn turn the corn hold some hearts I don't know how to hold a me why are you trying to kill me I'm not trying to kill you I gotta find a way to kill lasered what do you mean you're not trying to kill me I that's exactly what you're doing I did a lot of damage to you so I can get in there but why are you trying to get in there so I can kill laser coil that doesn't make any sense I just know she image to myself alright so uh two hearts I go up to pouchy I go down to these I take two these plug you one damage to me - you alright I'll take that one damage I'm gonna stay in there move out all those attack I can't read all my attacks do a lot as rida structions all right Angie Oh keeping that and destruction all right I'm good oh okay all right so I'm gonna take my car I'm taking your card I'm gonna take the one energy I'm gonna take the card and again another victory and I'm gonna destroy one of these boys all right and then take another victory point a dangerous place to be oh yeah uh miss three there's three take one damage Jim so you hit me for one less that brings me down to eight all right [Applause] interesting oh he's keeping the attack Hey hide me kiss ya Jimmy want some revenge killings boy no I wouldn't I tell myself that's a lot hi so I'm gonna take two damage down to three I do too damaged to joven to damage 1,000 600 they're gonna have to heal myself back up to six Wow how much like me you guys work hard that's a really good guard any more life yeah dang again I don't know I'm staying in oh wow I'm saying it's over bald um what do I get I get one in here one Victor boy I'll take that energy blaze all attacks knocking out the card that's not nice I know man you're mean I know man you're selfish jerk okay bail she's at four okay yeah why I'm on the tack Oh Andy could keep technically keep the star so I'm keeping a star and an attack oh he's up to three last role there's one attack oh and you bail um okay I'm gonna switch this heart by discarding this star cuz it does nothing for me I'm gonna turn it into dad and attack y'all take three y'all take three and I get two more energies yeah Mike are you ready I'm at six I'm killable I'm definitely killing six attacks lasercorn I would love for you or six silly son of a I would love to just win - oh there's two attacks well I want to heal going to get I'm gonna reroll everything oh wow he's playing smart yeah all right there's two there's these two hearts this is the third walk no more destruction and an attack that's bad so you'll get it to get a thing I heal for to any attack magic fortunate yeah you you hit me for how much just one for one that brings me down to five I'm going to leave damn I can't reroll my text is a lens corny but if I want to uh and then my turn i buy stink attack alright alright read the new card laser going through card alright five energy there and we'll flip over this one it's a new york marathon well this card is available for purchase monsters must pay to energy to move including fleeing from Manhattan unless the movement is obligatory you also get two stars you get to energy and heal to damage game for me what cuz I can't even fleet from New York now because I don't have the image oh yeah that wheel arias yeah man he accidentally I roll one more well he doesn't do this thing no attacks that sex I'm gonna keep the one energy and reroll look so basic share yeah I got a reroll this one it hit my arm huh I got no attacks huh cuz you're the superstar oh yeah yeah you're gonna roll this one three victory points going up to 13 Han and I attacked Liz corn for one so I've got to energy one attack on lasercorn but you can't move out of Manhattan because he's a marathon it's a card designed specifically to and I get three victories so I go up to 13 and you take one damage uh what do you at Liz chord - yep I'm spending five - by General Ellis okay well that no I get three victory points and all monsters take one damage thank you right down to one yeah it includes me this goes into the discard pile see I'm down to four and I take one so I'm down to five and yeah that's gonna be turn let's flip over this card Air Force one six you can you get for victory points on all units attack all monsters in their burrows Wow give me throwing here GB is really close to den if you get one attack yeah one attacking you kills let you kill is ACORN I need to heal too bad to try to get one no all right you're still trying oh my god if he gets it didn't get the fist does he get it oh you guys about I rage quit me you died better of you rage quit right when I have rage quit are you really not gonna stay for the rest of the video fine attack - lasercorn alright here's the problem is now I have to move into the city you already stuck going in and you got you heal for three how much life do you have had to heal I ain't gonna use all of them for hearts unfortunately that's my turn um who's got to get 100 points has it I got the superstar I see how much life do you have five life you have five life killing you not gonna be easy do I have anything that can give me life around me to destruction will do it so I'm going to keep the star keep a destruction keep an attack okay so got the attack did it get it heart I did get a heart I'm gonna go back to having the attack and rolling all of them all right oh yeah you hurt yourself buddy that's us yeah that's right direction you can resolve them in any order alright so first I'm gonna bump myself up to five health when I destroy the Jeep gained one heart to gain another heart and then an ally for to bring me down to four I take one damage down to four alright are you staying in the city I have to because of New York Marathon Oh No what does that do again you could say to energy in order to move I would you spend three energy to wipe the board alright I'm gonna wipe all the idols well in that case I'm gonna move out no no no because I've resolved it I'm doing this at the end of my turn I flicked all three of my energy you have those back and we get three new items so New York Marathon is no longer on the board okay we got leveler gained one victory point each term that you destroy at least one building okay next stage lose all of your victory points gain one energy or heal 1 damage for each entered victory point lost this way oh and hailing cabs you may add to destruction to your result if you do you can destroy only units now this is good tanks and planes yeah interesting that is the end of my turn over do this well if you roll four attacks I'm doomed uh also just to let you guys know I'm at 16 fishery points what we house I'm just regarding them the whole game because I've had this forget scare or heavy things you'll see those out ya know I haven't heard him say it alone he hasn't been called I have me calling it out anyone else hear him yep see he's nodding they got we got a guy in back taking notes of these live videos Evan oh yeah he does they don't nothing I've gained three victory points come on it's five to win there's one no I need four to win let's try for it on a look at those notes oh wait where am I blam yes did you just win by cheating on bullit under your breath why are you attacking I'm sorry I'm just trying to win now he's been to 15 you went so dumb laser courses the one the issue Hey oh I barely have any points I mean I still got like eight or nine points to go before I can win you did yours either you're a senior deaf here you can it was stolen from me I was playing so easily oh you know nothing I'm the king of me oh yes oh you might be the king of New York but everyone knows who the king really is obviously I'm gonna thank you guys very much for watching king of New York this is a ton of fun especially cuz I want to beat all these guys and they weren't paying attention uh but uh let us know in the comments below what you guys want us to play for born EF this wasn't totally fun we should play this more often yeah without you you're absolutely right my god Lincoln bobbler well I certainly was not the king of New York but you know what I was the king of killing zombies that's not actually true but you should check out when we played zombicide on the left also we've got something special just for you on the right and I promise it's not something from my pants
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 526,708
Rating: 4.9306359 out of 5
Keywords: king of new york, kings of new york, board game, monsters game, york, king of new york watch it played, monster board game, new, Watch It Played, Board Games, jovenshire, tabletop games, smosh, board Af, lasercorn, sohinki, wes smosh
Id: iQfrH2jfYVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2016
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