Wings Above Berlin | FULL ACTION MOVIE

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[Music] why aren't you in a bomb shelter what are you doing why areen you in a shelter we're putting out fires mister are you a sailor a pilot a pilot then why aren't you flying did you lose your plane hey you need some help guys comrad Captain Ginger complains that the mus ovite didn't let him sleep come on over here turned out to be a chatter boox talked about his Civil Life of how he traveled to China with his dad as a child I too couldn't sleep before my first battle I was kind of calm but shaking in my boots well our musite is from the intellectuals his old man is apparently from The Diplomatic field Wilds how did you get out we tied you up the pilot answers tied me up all right only didn't make sure it was tight enough Sergey where do you get all these jokes I've been telling him for a while that he should start performing on stage what's so funny hello sir hi coia comrade Commander musite was given those boots while at the training camp after he put them on he found they were two sizes bigger his feet are too small for them they're a bloody mess we found the smallest boots we could hello sir comrade Captain permission to speak go ahead I was told that if a crew member doesn't return from Battle anyone can take their personal belongings it's true may I have permission to run to the tent real quick say permit me to he's worried about his father's razor it's imported you won't need a Razer in the afterlife I just don't want someone else to use it comrade captain please permit me I'll take off the boots and be right back come line up coming you won't make it to the tent the commander is here dress right now front hey musite you didn't answer me yesterday do you have a girlfriend Commander say what quiet quiet quiet 194 I see the Convoy nine units we'll engage from a height of 50 speed 250 got it heading towards course 194 drop to 50 speed 250 group to battle [Music] formation targets to the right from the first work according to plan what you scared don't be our commander is one hell of a man with him on our side we'll win the war in a month Commander we attack the transport with a hump the third one from the flagship good farming I see it the third one with a hump it's a go come on tie yourself down two to the right Commander course 193 speed 260 affirmative tie yourself down on position and ready group in position Miss we're starting Commander Sergey has been hit he's on fire falling Sergey is falling Don't Panic get back to work Navigator are you ready almost ready add one more degree have one more degree bombs away the torpedo is on the way [Music] we took a dump heading to course 176 we're leaving got him Commander bumped off the damn Nazi yes yes yes confirming the second hand a mess get your damn it what are you looking at oh [Music] Ginger where the hell is the German now I'll get you you bastard got him I got him third do you copy what happened report the pipeline is broken the left engine is dead can you make it I think we will we're going home good job Brothers Commander it seems that our musite didn't make it Ginger what do you mean it seems report he's [Music] dead hello comrade commander commander of the first M torpedo regimen Colonel pre inski nice to meet you let's get going headquarters the German propaganda comrade officers has formerly declared to the world the complete annihilation of our Air Force there were other false statements as well as the air strikes on Moscow that began a week ago have forced me to bring up the issue of a retaliatory strike on the forces of the Baltic Fleet by use of aircraft carrying mines and Torpedoes admiral ketov has reported my suggestion to the Supreme Commander yesterday we received a positive response congratulations this difficult task was entrusted to your regiment comrade Commander what are the plan targets for a retaliatory strike sugar comrade General we're going to bomb Berlin and soon I don't see the Joy on your faces it's so far to bin that even with additional fuel tanks look here this is Sera Island the cahul Airfield where the 12th cover Squadron is now based is situated right here we transfer 20 fighter bombers here from our base at babat only using the most experienced Cruise Talen will provide us with Provisions we'll deliver ammunition here from kronstad on mine sweepers then fly out then we go over the sea through godland to the German Coastline then to steton and turn to berin the total length of the route is 1760 km what do you say it's complicated do you have any ideas who can lead the group I will lead Ah that's great and who will you lead the regiment to here to the commander congratulations to the crew on Mission completion so how did the bombing go hit the Bull's Eye bovich do you happen to have any alcohol my buddy has half a barrel if he has nicely he'll fill you a jar okay Cher why don't you go and get some sleep and don't wander around the Airfield yes sir okay that's an order okay you get the Boo for me I'll asken jeries why'd you have to say that what do you want Galia is leaving she's transferred to a hospital in Leningrad she's leing leaving I understand it she's waiting for you there her car is leaving at 7:00 you'll likely never see her again a Pity but what can we do it's War she knew you wouldn't come she said he's not like that and I said that you will come if you're not a bastard so should she wait for you so she's leaving forever huh you finally get it are you the one to replace her see you in the evening you really are a bastard come on guys let's go Ginger give me a sec come on let's go CER Captain where's the razor bring it here you go it's a tough flight at an extreme altitude you must choose the smartest guys and the healthiest of course and get the machines ready we have very little time Rio braet yes C General Sir you will lead the group and you will leave the regiment to phop not a word to anyone about Berlin I will give you the preparation details later [Music] sir to date unfortunately I do not see any Improv movement I'm healthy I'm healthy I'm telling you hello comrade how is he good afternoon Commander tomorrow we need a list of to flight Personnel without Health restrictions no one has restrictions at the moment and if the flight is at an altitude of more than 6,000 M are you sure that everyone can handle it is it a long flight [Applause] very we need just one shooter we dropped the shs we're sending them in groups what kind of a special operation is it when it is then at ease you see this group tomorrow's their last class then they graduate so choose one he'll take one of them and you make sure headquarters knows who he picked where's MV I got it I got it bites I got a got a wild one here got a name didn't give him [Laughter] one come with me H good luck guys cocko watch on the horizon Commander Sera island is straight ahead Z am SA [Music] foree speee fore foree fore spee fore [Music] for we're closing in they're not hiding their planes very well so cocky I'm more concerned about them not making the runway longer get ready for a [Music] landing it's dangerous nicovich there's a bulldozer at the edge of the the runway yeah I see it a plane it's a db3 damn it hurry stephanic the bulldozer Commander he won't make it get away to the right he won't make it it landed the old 10 can well get some rest let me help comrade Navigator I don't think those planes can take it take this Commander come on get up on attention hello camera Colonel sir who's in charge of construction the chief engineer is in there what's going on here bulldozzer was pulled on of the runway people are sleeping we're on a deadline why aren't you making the runway longer the weather's too goddamn hot it's over 90° in the shade we're working really hard I feel what listen the work must be finished by tomorrow evening and one more excuse out of you and you'll be digging your own grave out there how old are you 19 and you Sonia when will you return the in don't worry Ginger did the commander say anything about the shooters he had before you no he won't talk to me at all and he won't even allow any questions yeah our commander is not a talkative guy and what can he tell tell me about the shooters you said there were Shooters before me what about them of course there were they got killed am I right oh look here's our plane Ginger did you remove the oxygen tanks from the mount I did comrade captain and who's putting them back in me our Navigator kachin of mle come on get in [Applause] uhhuh collect the cartridge cases and wash everything thoroughly got it yes I got him hello gentlemen hello Gregory zarovich how was your flight ah it's a bloody mess they still haven't lengthen the runway gave him a scolding two days left they still haven't touched it comrade Colonel lieutenant General zon cof is on the line calls transferred okay commissar line them up tell them about the operation let them do the preparations 15 Crews we mentioned all right sir I'm listening for your present yes comrade Commander get in line and if they don't finish the job not an option comrade dress right attention alignment to the middle comrade commissar of the regiment the air group is lined up on your orders squadron commander baronov edes edes comrades of the red Navy from this moment on your crews are removed from work it means there be no departures until further notice relax sleep write letters home and most important prepare the planes for the longdistance flying we will fly to the full range capacity of the aircrafts the departures mostly will occur at night Peter ilich tomorrow at 8:30 I'm expecting All The Navigators is that clear that's all dismissed dismissed mov MV looks like your military bapti postp not flying anywhere I'd be happy if I were you brov shut your mouth what did I say nothing I think come captain I know everything you told me your Shooters don't live long that's a cursed position but don't you worry about me okay I said uh don't worry I won't die I'm lucky why would I worry I don't even care about [Music] you attention comrade Lieutenant General second ranked military engineer tacov Ed EES Ed E report the task is almost completed the landing strip of the Airfield and the Personnel accommodation areas are ready to fulfill the mission what about camouflage we organized parking spots near trees and prepared camouflage nets warehouses and weapons on the left side of the parking space there's a semi- earth type shelter electricity was brought there a backup engine was installed there's also Barrels of fuel there this is really bad if the Germans accidentally miss everything can explode to Hell store the fuel and lubricant separately and when the bombs are delivered place them in different shelters as you order sir Now show me the rooms 10 men sleep in each room and what's that well desks they were supposed to be thrown out pity they'll dry out we built three additional toilets a washroom for 15 wash bti we're certainly ready to build more if needed everything is ready comrade general and this is your private room sir so give me 10 minutes go get my things yes sir [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Music] nikovic [Music] now nothing to be afraid of we're just flying to another airport you're not really in the Sonic quite yet we're only approaching the entrance you're only taking off your pants in the dressing room generally speaking though it's strange isn't it four young men are put in an iron box put in the sky to drop bombs I never thought I would ever be doing this Commander to the [Music] left they're on their way to bond lenrad Ginger look at this those dirty bastards Commander there are Germans to the left a lot of them Ginger Bay that I can't stop them anyway I would have sent them right to [Music] hell speech speech translator here yeah and your name Emma we need people to peel vegetables oh come on so two young ladies for the water you and you what are your name Martha tra what's with other sitting around two for firewood it's beautiful here uh-huh we've been waiting two days for M sweepers from cronat and the clock is ticking if by tomorrow they don't show up I'll report to the people's commissar why'd you take the accordion well it's sort of a Talisman wish I could take a swim a yeah oh thanks strange people those estonians they so calm quiet want to say an extra word I have never been anywhere except Ukraine I have a grandmother from there from Kei no I'm from G bellarus my grandfather father and father move to the ears where is the translator hey did you get a look at that girl I can see her hey Emma please translate this please explain to them that the drinking water is in that Barrel not this one okay can I help you with anything else you're a teacher right yes do you have an Estonian translation book I could use one do you think you could lend it to me yeah sure thanks so much jeremes I'm thinking about the departure I think we need to review the route again sh good [Music] [Music] up n n lado Go Go what you Ginger you want some straight from the Ice House the old man doesn't speak our language but he's clean and tidy I told him I'm also from a village we also keep AA and he was speaking his own language and nodding at the kinker as if saying give it back well I understand but it's a valuable thing in the household it's so cold it even makes my teeth hurt you'll keep watching turns change every 4 hours got it comrade Captain would you like some milk comrade Captain what's wrong go get the first aid kit okay ammonia hurry [Music] you fell comrade Captain what are you talking about you fell quiet you keep your mouth shut too don't tell anyone understood understood understood not a soul yes sir so I saw a boat sit down sit down I thought it was a fisherman thank God the Estonian was brave enough helped me out of the water and savov was gone it got a bullet right into his heart what's with the weather in the steton area and towards Berlin the cloud cloudiness is dense visibility is almost zero Cyclone exactly and it's going to stay like that for two days if the Mind sweepers with bombs are late for at least another day we'll refer to this damn Cyclone at headquarters damn this operation is rupturing it's rupturing at the seams let's go here Commander encrypted message oh finally comrade general what the someone from Moscow so arrogant from Moscow uh where is he on the runway got motion sickness give me my head yes sir I apologize you're a long way from Moscow I'm bad at flying here we expected you tomorrow don't you worry you have full authority to act uh don't be afraid of control or to put it another way some help are you having issues with the ammunition delivery the M sweepers have already left crad that means we'll fly soon what a big deal you have here I can feel so to say the power I'll be going comrade veriso work is waiting of course we can go Simon fyodorovich i' appreciate a place to stay provide an accommodation so say the sea it's not far from here is it that's right 10 minutes by car let's go speee do you have a club in your village do you have a club in this Village we do but it doesn't work at the moment all the musicians are in the Army what a pity [Laughter] the girls are asking why are you all so serious none of you smiling comrade sergeant major I'm here why the Gathering after lights [Music] out back to the barracks go go back to the barracks tell them to finish in 5 minutes byebye girls the international relations are over for today seems like I'm no longer [Music] needed [Music] fore spe okay attention everyone vich you will send a message to the ground I see some bombers they're flying to bomber evanov scya the bastards height 3,000 heading 175 load the machine gun we will be bombing this bastard ivant timic if you all heard my commands then let's get rolling where's the rifle stay at your post hi comrade Captain sir I didn't I didn't do it on purpose it somehow you see it started up on its own it won't happen again comrade captain and who are these guys Ivan and vasili my uncles my mother's Brothers we were all sent to the war together they're in the Infantry and I'm here finally I see them here are the bombs and you were all worried about them looks like we'll be flying soon mhm hold up hey so what are you doing with that you're asking Weir questions comrade we're fixing a malfunction I want you to stop who's in charge you okay then what kind of malfunction malfunctions happen all the time remember these are old planes the engines are worn out well speaking constructively there's a lot of shortcomings such as well for example gas tank oil leaks cracks bad riveting wait a moment slow down the pneumatic system is failing there are issues with the gills the Pistons are burned out the blower can fail at high altitudes the Navigator's cabin freezes over tail Gunners don't have any protection at all if you like I can keep going comrade start driving with those keep on coming load this one first comrade General can I get a few words with you okay that's the last one what's up um will these planes even be able to make it to Berlin in what sense in the most direct sense these engines are done so to say they could fail in midair have JY nicovic this is Colonel Brio prensky he knows more about these planes than I do please comfort comrade veriso who's worried that the aircraft engines are severely worn out it is true comrade that the db3 is not the newest nor the fastest plane but given our challenges today is the only machine that can carry out such a difficult task you understand we have to hit hard and what do you have are these bombs why are they so small they're bombs we're flying all this way hey and that's what you plan to drop on Berlin Fab 100 there's also Fab 250 and 500 but we're thinking of taking 8100s to increase the hit radius 8100s 800 is that right uh one moment right here how much more 1 and 1/2 tons each bomber is supposed to take 1 and 1/2 tons of bombs 1 and 1/2 tons you know who wrote it kinaki he's the recognized expert and knows all about these planes the blow we inflict must be strong and if I understand correctly you just said that these planes can carry out the task yeah we have to carry additional fuel tanks so we can't take one and A2 tons of bombs but konaki thinks we will be who do you expect me to trust an honored tester a hero of the Soviet Union I mean we do have time we are waiting for the weather aren't we for now we wait mhm I have an idea since we're waiting let's invite konaki [Music] here hello Beauties it's so damn hot here may I please have some water an an follow and here comes your commander thank you let's go let's go constantinovich sorry we didn't meet you didn't know you'd reach us so fast the girls are so beautiful here sadly they don't understand our language I'm k let's go it's konaki konaki girls you have seen konaki my konaki understand Ki KI I use these machines to lift two and a half tons without any real problem you're trembling like an Aspen Leaf because of some extra kilos the db3 is a great machine quite quite reliable sure it's a little out a date but it's not a reason to downsize your bomb loads to a meager 800 kilos the purpose of the air strike is not just to scare but to cause maximum damage to the important strategic objects within the city or am I wrong comrade Colonel I beg your pardon CI but what kind of damage can we talk about if due to overload we do not reach the target at all why the hell are we theorizing about this we have to test it load a ton and a half we are coming yes yes pull it there it is attention edes edes why the Gathering it's so heavy it'll be hard to pull the plane out and who will you maybe with bombs in place and the tanks filled up the total weight is over 2 tons we have our doubts the engines can't even handle it let's go Captain the commander has left orders not to start without him stop stop stop stop listen to me the commander said not to start without him where is he fic the water's fantastic we are ready for the test flight what we are ready for the test flight we're [Music] coming German PLS [Music] son of a [ __ ] it's too late did they notice us we'll find out comrade General the plane is ready to take off if Jenny are you ready godp speed off we go [Music] [Music] Navigator the right engine's on [Music] fire son of a b the left one's gone head left and try to put it on the runway [Music] landing gear it's falling yeah looks like they were right those engines can't handle the [Music] weight F Jenny you alive the tanks are going to blow any second now get back everybody get down don't you see everyone there wants the maximum load on each plane how would they know about your worn out end and what was konaki supposed to do command called him in asking how much a plane could take what could he say he's lifted one of these before with 1 and a/2 tons konaki is very experienced when it comes to Aviation but we lost a plane and people almost died why these experiments you don't know if you don't try hello hello excuse me for a late visit I I saw that the light was on and I thought you weren't sleeping my name is Andre Martha and I met here not today of course yesterday and well I I talked to her and she doesn't understand anything I've been saying to her she pretends to understand everything but only nods and smiles and I'm telling her very important things and I might be transferred tomorrow can you please translate what I'm going to say yes thank you much Martha um I have never known an Estonian girl before you're my very first one and I didn't think that all estonians were so beautiful and cheerful yes and you Martha are very special I only know you two days but I lose sleep over you that's it this is important when the war is over I will come back here for you and take you with me to HOV only if she wants me to of course she likes you too thanks so much [Laughter] for and so I should go so go [ __ ] here there goes a ton and a half H to the south of this parallel cloudiness is stratocumulus 3 to 5,000 m thank you on the lower edge, 1600 M and up to 3,000 M light rain visibility 4 to 5 km please continue soon it will start condensing and then escalates to become a cyclone You Can Fly Above 1400 M but light icing is possible the direction of the wind changes to the north can we bypass the cycle from the north if it doesn't grow bigger thank you dismissed sir but if it should grow we won't have enough fuel to go around it yesterday's German raid called into question the secrecy of our operation there'll be no further delay today at 2100 hours we're sending the crews to Berlin h wait all set load them up Come on load them up to the next one Ed e Ed E comrades of the red Navy congratulations you were greatly honored to respond to the barbaric German bombardments of Moscow Leningrad and other cities of the motherland today at 2100 hours you will fly out to deliver the first bombing strike on Military facilities and government institutions of the capital of the Nazi Reich let's show the German bastards how it's done today we hit Berlin [Music] hurah well good luck Nikolai when you finish the job or if you see that it's over radio to us got it flight altitude 7,000 M take a turn over the city when I signal you with the lights triple button press you return to cahul on your own Target distance 950 km fuel will be loaded to the brink during the flight we maintain complete radio silence we do not use navigation lights or hand lamps we possibly may lose each other in complete darkness if it happens proceed to the Target on our own go nikovic according to intelligence Berlin is surrounded by two rings of air defense first one is 160 km from Berlin second one is scattered from 35 to 60 km spotlights light up to 6,000 M and of course there are Fighters so be ready for air combat flag Navigator Klo you have the floor The Navigators have Maps the equipment's been checked targets and routs are plotted the liner is done in case of loss of orientation set your Compass Course to 55° go [Music] boys [Music] hit them hard I feel I have to remind you of the importance of today's operation um in these difficult times for Our Country when the enemy tramples our ground we God protect you put it down and finish up God protect you [Music] it's looking good [Music] temperature is -2 cockpit temperature is - [Music] 18 [Music] Navigator copy you they say you were lovey-dovey with that teacher who got caught in the bombing is it a lie or what lieutenant listening I asked you a question Navigator it's true Sweden the island of Godin they don't have War here they sleep in peace so lucky looks like our crack weather God was right it gets thicker and thicker is it that one from the Atlantic pretty pillows fard nich we can't go around there's not enough fuel it's fine we'll squeeze through the gaps got it I'll look where the light is we decided to go through the Cyclone prepare the oxygen masks Shooters buckle up mask put it on hold on tight otherwise you can get injured or killed Ginger what's with you two the young one broke his nose otherwise we're [Music] okay Commander ice formation Commander I repeat we have ice do you copy [Music] Commander B do you hear [Applause] me Commander we're falling he can't hear a damn thing he can't hear you come on [Music] comrade General encrypted message from the front give it to me the Cyclone has intensified now it's right in front of them Commander some tea tea put it down Navigator our coordinates Commander we're on course Sweden is on the right Poland is on the left we passed bronold what about the rest of us still unclear maybe make a request via the radio delay that we must maintain radio silence three out there I don't see the rest at oxygen we're gaining [Music] altitude a fighter straight above us where did that bastard come from it's not him it's us there's an airfield on the left we ran into an outpost Commander he's taking a turn get ready for battle shooter ROV is ready for battle shooter marov is ready for battle I see him I see him he's approaching from the left the theil he's all mine he's burning congrats on your first one newbie got him got him well done boys you right to your uncles about the first German you shot down Commander let's go to 6,000 they must have noticed us crew get ready for gaining altitude right below us is ston Bay course is 140 Berlin is 130 km away we'll be there in 25 minutes congratulations crew we are over Germany well huh silence mhm silence comrade Commander I see silence I guess silence is good I see four planes above us 20° to the right these are ours Commander we passed the first air defense ring Berlin is 50 km away they noticed us hush hush hush they took us for one of their own 6,000 M the Devil Himself couldn't have told them apart good job guys you didn't Panic Commander I can see Berlin [Music] [Music] [Music] Berlin [Music] Navigator you see the power plant 5° to the right affirmative Commander course correct get ready to drop the [Music] bombs Commander we're on target affirmative pass your treat bastard we drag those from Moscow itself choke on them it's your turn [Music] Commander I have dro the bombs all eight are on the way Commander heading course 215 another degree I'm ready on combat go for it ped [Music] you we got him terise what about the power plant heading course 210 speed 350 I'm ready [Music] Shooters get ready to drop the Flyers [Music] make they stop shooting the most interesting part is beginning Commander I see the fighters a freaking ton of Fighters Shooters prepare for battle shooter ROV is ready for battle shter marov is ready for battle send a message my place is Berlin the job is done I'm coming home Commander what about radio silence what if we don't come [Music] back comate Commander sir what yes yes yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the the co [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] yes [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e
Channel: Janson TV - Free Movies & Shows
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Keywords: wings over berlin, wings above berlin, movies, action movie, movies in english, full movie, wings above berlin trailer, wings above berlin full movie, soviet union documentary, full movies 2024, free movies, action movies free, action movies 2024, full action movies, full movies action, new movie, wings over berlin movie, wings above berlin movie, true story, based on a true story, action movies true story, soldier boy, wings of victory, wwii movies, wwii movies free
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 10sec (5830 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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