Fortress | Full Movie | Action War Adventure | True Story | WW2

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foreign [Music] okay [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] so [Music] over the target heads up gentlemen here comes in our area dragon fighters at the same time i thought that was supposed to happen it does today hey eddie keep an eye out for bogeys on our city yeah don't worry about it i got our six covered long as alice stays awake in the ball cover in my belly entering primary target area two minutes to ip four o'clock coming from left side wake up one minute uh almost there pops call it 30 seconds we're almost there you keep your eyes on that compass and off the flag you let those boys worry about the fight they're coming back [Music] and i'll be as quick as i can boys is opening bombay away roger that turning to 285. [Music] good work boys [Music] it's looking pretty bad certainly appears that way go check on the other engines keep your eyes peeled guys we're about to be sitting ducks up here [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] i got [Music] charlie you're okay you're okay [ __ ] [Music] i need you in the cockpit now [Music] come on pal we can do this all right here's the situation fellas pops box isn't going home but we are we keep our heads level and do our jobs and we've lost hydraulics in one engine but we're making good air speed and the controls are responsive i need a damage report right away sir we'll be coming up on the tunisian coastline in about an hour which means laverne field is about two hours out charlie i need to advise him of our situation and we are damaged and have casualties yes sir we're below 10 000 guys we can come off o2 hey wally the hydraulics are shot we're gonna have to crank the gear down by hand [Music] okay here's the plan we're gonna crank the gear down and as soon as we're over dry land those of us who are fit enough to jump are bailing out archie and i are going to try to land her at the average field sir to my professional opinion this bird is fit to land sure about that damn sure everybody in charlie's cave [Music] alive [Music] [Music] every [ __ ] morning the same wake-up call every [ __ ] morning you complain about it you're getting about as predictable as the arabs they could just give it a rest one more why am i explaining myself to you [ __ ] off here the dog sergeant [ __ ] it uh ah good morning don't worry didn't know i had a new roommate we met last night sir but you were a little drunk i was more than drunk i was blackout shit-faced the only thing i can remember is canned ham and lima beans what's your name again uh schmidt sir michael schmidt i'm assigned to 4224503 as co-pilot she's called the lucky lass if she ever flies again welcome aboard uh if she ever flies again sir no she doesn't you and i can share a jeep back to the replacement depot i don't suppose you know when i can expect my gear to be delivered probably on the next supply truck in from algiers i mean you know you're the replacement i flew in with my luggage on the last what happened to you this is talkative in the morning sorry sir i'm sorry i'm not feeling too well right now it's been a hard couple days tell you what get some coffee in me i'll answer all your questions after the briefing all right but until then please so how's the batch it's refreshing you got your money yeah i got my money you guys flying today no not us caprarelli's got our bird and hawk you yeah going back to grabini the beanie well this one's on the house thanks charlie garbini again what's that five days in a row yeah something like that they ain't hardly shooting at us no more a little flak now and again we drop bombs back in time for suffer and here we are stuck on the ground doing how well our crew chief figures out his ass from a socket wrench hey bird how's the hangover hey bed mornings hey guys you up late today not a whole lot of incentive to get up before the arabs start wailing when we're not flying there's a guy with the arabs you guys they can't keep us on the ground forever look if they didn't think the last was gonna fly again they would have reassigned us to other planes by now you got a point sir but uh just the same you might walk into another flight line caprarelli's been giving us a run around and we could really use the back off i would be delighted to all right this is good now why don't you take a look at heckman's cow flaps and also his hydraulics and playing bathtub on the last mission okay got you there uh the rest of this looks good excuse me sir see to it what can i do for you there sir we're assigned to four two two four five zero three oh it's mcallister's burden yeah you're gonna find the red down there on the left thank you sir hey pal pal sergio martinez guess card porting in lucky lieutenant mcallister oh for [ __ ] sake do i look like lieutenant mcallister huh i'm vincent caporelli but knowing lieutenant mcallister he and his mick crew are already drunk and pissing the day away oh well we just figured we could what you figured what wait you find the entire air crew just fawning over that broken bird just waiting for the replacement waste gunners to show up we don't know but what would you suggest we do sergeant cafarelli hey cabarelli you still giving you trouble nothing i can't handle besides these two belong to you we're your new gunners i'm sergeant giscard and this is sergeant martinez go see lieutenant phelps over there he'll make sure you're in the right spot but we got business with caporelli this morning oh come on what do you want from me huh i told you yesterday and the day before that and the day before that we had a lot of planes on the ground after the crowds through the entire luftwaffe at us it's been five days oh yeah your plane was shot to [ __ ] and needed an engine rebuilt look we a lot of crews work around the clock to keep the planes where in the air and off the ground but they got to sleep all right look we appreciate all the hard work that you and your crew are putting in for the u.s army air corps but our plane specifically how much longer jesus christ all right here 42-24503 release of flight operations as of uh july 11th 1943. holy [ __ ] how [ __ ] difficult was that it took us 10 hours to fly here from the states when we finally got here they were so short of crew and planes the minute we landed they were already loading us up with bombs and fuel within four hours we were already up in the air on our first mission you're lucky i guess my point is i mean you know you got some time to settle in i'm just anxious to fly sir well anxious is good everybody's anxious for their first flight by that fifth flight you're just hoping that hoping your luck doesn't run out when those fighters in flack show up looks like your luggage finally caught up with you yes sir guess that's that hey boss good news caprarielly's designated the last ready to fly we're back on the flight roster tomorrow that is good news this is lieutenant michael schmidt he's our new co-pilot how you doing r2 mason navigation very nice to meet you you too all right fellas why don't we go ahead and take our lunch in the last check the girl out sounds good oh hey you got a little something right here i'll get used to it he's an [ __ ] over there it's officers country which you should avoid unless you've got some business over there is your latrine pits about 150 yards off just follow the smell over there is a mess tent you guys get a chance to get breakfast no no not yet now if you missed it today you'll get a chance to get it tomorrow it's the same thing every day and uh over here this is you two cots in the chair go ahead and store your [ __ ] all yeah so this is you me eddie and al are in the tent next to you bert here is over on the end wait why are you three crammed in at 10 while bert's all alone on the end and there she is that's my girl gets mighty hot in here next to the boiler and it's hot enough as it is so i used to cram in with jake and jill what the hell is that thing it's a still a pot still how did you guys put that thing together copper piping and tubing from scrap 17 gasoline stove and one standard issue oil drum that in about 20 gallons of aviation fuel aviation fuel they uh blend in pure grain alcohol and avgas to raise its octane for the aircraft so we just carefully boil it back out that's genius yeah we know take some of this moonshine mix in a little water and uh lemon powder from the k-rats get yourself some irish lemonade that sounds good [Music] all right i suppose there's enough room in our tent for a third all right provided we're included in the distribution of course of course of course we got new gunners and i think this is appropriate situation for celebration heck yeah so charlie do you think we have the stocks for a few extra batches of hooch i know we do why don't you take these two to meet the louise while eddie scores us some female companionship for tonight all right this way boys hey we'll have refreshments by dinner time [Music] you guys are late we already checked her out they passed her up pretty good though so we'll start the engines up after lunch oh this is michael smith our new co-pilot from iowa oh uh new gunners tom and uh oliver welcome aboard where's charlie he's making sure that we have plenty of refreshment for our little celebration hey wally can you get siri to find us something to chow on tonight of course gives us more incentive to uh get all those chicks done he's getting pretty girls right drink until they get pretty no it's a party he'll see if i can't get zero to cater the event oh come on guys you got to remember her the dark-haired girl with the with the green eyes and the long legs and those babies [Music] oh yeah i remember that one what she had isn't anything compared to the broads i got showing up here tonight some local red cross nurses uh yeah hello hey siri what'd you bring us uh uh it's a traditional amsterdam dish spice goat with costco and mint sauce gus what couscous look at this guys looks good right great thank you sir i appreciate it bye-bye good night all right boys dig in there's no way in hell i'm eating that yeah i don't know i got my dinner right here he worked very hard for this a goat died for this and there's no way in hell we're eating that captain isn't it against protocol to eat civilian food michael we won't tell anyone it's still moving who wants k-rods right it's actually not that bad guys i think you work for it all right i'm telling you it's nice marinated we're passing all right fine more from me you guys enjoy your boxes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] come on kid break up [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't drink sir you do tonight this is a wait everybody drinks it away [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen up to pops you got us through flight training you got us through garbini and your spirit will get us through this war here here [Applause] to jake and joe to jake and joe joe they were good fighters you're good friends they'll always be remembered for jake and joe [Applause] schmidt take a walk with me hey we need more music [Music] this is what we need [ __ ] steph [Music] sir there's more to being a bomber pilot than just flying the plane i'm afraid i don't follow a pilot has to be more than just the guy who flies the plane he has to be a father a brother a friend all at once he has to trust the men under his command and they have to trust him or else it all goes to [ __ ] when it falls in the pot i'm trying my best no you're not do you even know what's going on in there binge drinking and celebration of the plane being fixed no it's coping when you're up there getting shot at watching the people you care about get killed you come back down and you drink so you can wake up the next morning and do it all over again they were giving you a free pass kid all you had to do was loosen up just raise your glass drink your whiskey and toast the man you're replacing and those men would have followed you to hell and back but now you're gonna have to find a different way so the next time an opportunity comes along for you and these men to bond like brothers i advise you to take it ugh danette within it you have a mandatory briefing schedule in 30 minutes [Music] get your asses up hop up get them out of bed we got [ __ ] to deliver to the italians let's go let's go let's go oh jesus okay i can't find my socks i can't find anything right now oh hey juan how you doing philly coffee food anything will be good right now got to make it quick briefing in 15. i think i'm still drunk guys [Music] morning monroe sir good morning well well this is uh an interesting and quite extensive list of items required sergeant uh what was it o'hara right yeah perhaps you can explain to me sergeant o'hara the purpose of just uh a quarter of the items on this list well the rations are for the flight today and the gasoline is for a tent stove a tent stove when it never gets below 95 degrees the chocolate bars cigarettes three emergency aid kits baker's yeast what my crew likes bread let me remind you that the penalty for selling army goods to the local population is quite severe oh i suggest you remember that you'll get your rations but that'll be it for today sergeant well thank you for your advice and your generosity there you are o'hara thank you you take it easy oh i will miss scarlet good morning today's target is the marshalling yard located in the eastern coastal city of catania this is going to be a longer than average mission as the course selected spans a good distance across the mediterranean and crosses malta's southern reach this is to avoid overflying the invasion force and ireland's defenders this particular target has been getting bombed in some capacity since june by raf wellington's mitchells and marauders but now that husky's underway they want the heavies in there to finish the job ain't you two a pair of eager beavers yeah you could say that always nice to make a good first impression even so i'm gonna save your lives before you even take a step onto that plane how you gonna do that you see that tent over there the one with the black tent peg best way to come back in one piece is when you're ready to get on the plane you stop and take a piss on it no are you [ __ ] kidding second mission heavy flak flying all over the place not a single hit on the plane third mission piece of flag the size of a quarter comes ripping through the tail misses my head by three inches i'm telling you pissing on that peg stops the flak from getting you what about jake and joe the guys were replacing them didn't they piss on the tempe yeah of course they did but it was fighters that got them not flack it's entirely different just piss on the tent pig just do it i'm not pissing on a tent peg i don't want any more of my buddies dying up there so just go piss on the [ __ ] ted peg see now there's a guy who's here out of safety nice work you're up you're saving your life and ours more importantly hey boss jeez you okay boss i'm fine you look like [ __ ] yeah i'm fine though i just drank too much last night just the same we're gonna let schmidt here do most of the flying today so how bad is it not bad at all it's a milk run boys softened up marshalling yard with a full 12 bomber squadron fly light black if any no fighters expected but they're sending us in with some spitfires from malta thanks [ __ ] god where's owl using that nose on oxygen trying to beat the hangover oh that sounds good we should go jonah all right fellas we're scheduled to be up in the air and in formation in 45 and on mission and two so let's let's get our free flights all done all right [Music] jackpot bacon and cheese [ __ ] pork and beans again i understand the lemon powder from the k rats what's with the crackers what these these are for you buddy when the germans start shooting at us you take these you hook them out that window it fools the radar [Music] [Laughter] seriously up [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] hey guys i found an axis sally how about some crowd propaganda to pass in time [Music] [Applause] [Music] only time will tell [Music] hey boss i got a message from abel extensive cloud cover is extending over the target area we're instructed to use the clouds as cover until our turn towards the ip descended 18 000 feet at 3 degrees angle of descent roger that charlie changing [Music] just give me the goddamn helix [Music] [Music] hey charlie make a log entry spy scope with couscous bad pre-flight cuisine choice you okay boss i'm fine feeling a lot better now what the hell do i do with this give it back to zeri mike can you take the yolk for a while [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sir i had my eye on baker one the entire time uh do you mean you were flying by instruments in this soup damn it tell me where the hell we are uh wally uh you're gonna need to give me a moment to figure this out wherever we are we got company 109. i count four five coming up fast hey what the hell is going on up there you want to fill in the rest of the family we're off course we've got incoming fighters eyes open gentlemen hold on tight we don't have any formation so i'm going to try to make it a harder target [ __ ] [Music] charlie get on the radio request immediate assistance from any friendlies in the area way ahead of you boss i might have some boys okay fellas make every shot count we got help on the way hey wally i think they're done screwing with us they're forming up on our six all right boys don't hold back now we're only gonna get one shot at those 109s because once those fighters make the run at us there's not gonna be much left of the last up here you boys make sure your shoots are clear and ready to hook up and i'll see you on the ground all right they're coming in the rings [ __ ] this is it let's make them pay for that kill [Music] wait a minute incoming friendly six o'clock high [Music] you guys okay better late than never we're low on ammo and taking a beating roger we'll try and drive off you yankee two break left i've got this one i'm on him i see him [Music] [Music] [Music] fighters have taken care of a few but we've still got plenty to deal with all right i'd love to know which direction i should be going i'm still working on it boss but south is a good bet i've got that much covered let me know when you got a headache [Music] than we are all right [Music] come on follow me [Music] [Music] a little higher come on [Music] [Music] all right now you're mine [Music] [Music] [Music] let's head back [Music] hey [Music] looks like they're breaking off because they ain't got a taste for tacos to shoot back roger that they are bugging out baker now we got enough fuel to get you back the med you promise not to get any more trouble once we get you there on my honor yankee one next time you're a tavern drinks are on me roger that faker one yankee one out charlie go ahead and send a message out to never tell about our situation and we're a boarding mission targie get us home all right boss turn to one niner eight turning to one nine or eight sir i'm sorry you gotta be kidding me that's one more mission we're not getting credit for [Music] so three [Music] i just passed the dock on the way over yeah he said i had mild food poisoning didn't feel so mild to me but he said i'm supposed to be feeling better soon he gave me some pepto-bismol i'm sorry about screwing up today sir it won't happen again yeah i know it won't happen again come on in michael have a seat you know you only [ __ ] up that bad once you can't let that happen again of course you're supposed to get that out of your system in flight training but things happen you [ __ ] up on a milk run kid certainly not gonna win a popularity contest with the crew what can i do to smooth this over i'm not sure there's much you can do but if i were you i'd walk out there with my head hung low apologize and drank with those men until they forgot what i did wrong i'm not sure about the drinking sir but i can certainly apologize yeah that's a start they're probably on their way to the childhood or to the still and go catch them yeah so lieutenant plaque magnet uh what was i talking about you were talking about that stiff schmidt oh yeah mr flack magnet that is best to get us killed on mission today lieutenant schmidt should just stay on his [ __ ] side of the field from now on that's all i'm saying i think the army puts up with taking a baseball bat to an officer regardless of how bad he [ __ ] up you have a [ __ ] up on a melt run all i know is my crew's ready to disappear his ass into the desert take our chances with the next replacement what about me and your navigator i heard he went to flight school what archie went to flight school yeah how the hell did you become a navigator natalie went to be a fighter pilot but they washed them out why what do you do to deserve that aren't you a nosy little [ __ ] count me in the nosey column too then all right all right i might have heard he uh crashed a trainer on the runway caa kind of frowns on that so they washed him out yeah well maybe landing a mason strong suit but even so he could have flown a compass heading through a couple of clouds yeah i mean flying instruments is supposed to be a basic training for a pilot [ __ ] schmidt couldn't even do that [ __ ] even al can do that's not supposed to me how you doing wally i think the cure is worse than the disease i hear that brought you something to eat oh well i don't think i can stomach that right now oh come on now i know it's not the usual berber fare you've come to enjoy food poisoning aside you okay never thought i'd have to sit in the pilot seat and be the den mother to a pack of hooligans and a clueless co-pilot who can't find his ass with both hands on a map no but you're better at it than you think yeah maybe whether i'm good at it or not though art i wasn't ready for this all to fall in my lap if we waited until we were ready for things to happen before we did anything we'd never do anything i suppose you're right arch of course i'm right ow i'm always right and yet so humble yeah that too feel better boss tried this on the glass hey chief chief yeah come here you should see this get those engines covered now come on [Music] yeah we're gonna be thirsty [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a sandstorm they come up every now and again problem yeah yeah i'm thinking about asking to be transferred to another plane i take it the apology didn't go well then huh let's just say i get the impression that they didn't want to hear one just give them a night to cool off they'll come around yeah well i'm doing my best i really am i just i'm not sure that i can be pops i think that'd be an unreasonable request on their part i do know something's gonna help though how much that plaque when it's thick enough to walk on and you're up there in it with them you're telling me that i should pray for flag so that a bunch of guys who hate me will stop hating me and learn to trust me yeah something like that good news is this this is shooting war and everything so it's just a matter of time you ever feel like you're living on borrowed time every second of the day luckily there is medication for that though go ahead pick the bottle up and take a swig it's good for you it's gonna ease the nerves that's really terrible yeah but it works get some rest we fly in the morning [Music] ever get deja vu every goddamn day finally you are going down al my friend give me two uh dummy this hand come on are we gonna play some cards we're gonna play some cards how about tweets hey captain hey boss oh great not with his hand well lucky us guess he survived the sandstorm still feeling a little under the weather why don't you take the pilot seat today are you sure about that captain let's do the pre-flight yes sir man that numb-nut farm boy couldn't find his [ __ ] from a hole in the ground hey tommy how much you want to bet he [ __ ] up this mission too i'm taking you guys to the first he blows a mission now he's screwing up our poker game i had a hand reducing power cow flap checked out landing gear i don't know give me a moment boss okay fellas we're the last ones up proceed to 20 000 feet yeah rise of that taking her to 20 000 feet [Music] what the hell we got a problem here i know i'm seeing it on engines three and four oil pressure is rising yeah i'm having trouble standing formation here i can imagine i'm gonna play with the mixture see if you can keep up with them while i do it give me a moment boss i'm checking things out uh these engines are running way [Music] that might be optimistic keep her in the air i'm gonna work on engine three okay boss i've thought about it all i can go ahead and give engine three a try [Music] we need to reduce altitude roger michael drop the nose take us down fast okay boss let's give it a try now okay bird engine three and four are up trying to all right we got two back up [Music] why is there a mountain outside my window i'll do it let it come from me that's two milk runs in a row just because we weren't flying don't mean we didn't miss them what's the matter eddie you thinking we're jinxed we ain't jinxed it's that guav caporelli he's [ __ ] with us i know it [Music] hey chief there jesus christ come on don't you [ __ ] know how to knock sorry cap but tower reports there's a bird coming back which one it's the last cap jesus the bad penny that keeps turning up all right let me get dressed i'll be out there in 10. no what i do want is for you to open the [ __ ] engines and fix that [ __ ] half the [ __ ] crews are in their racks all right both shifts were up all night all night getting sand off that runway okay all right all right you again yeah you gonna fix your [ __ ] engine or not not in 110 degree heat i'm not we work in it where's your pilot he's finishing the post flight checklist now what the [ __ ] is wrong with our plane so i want your word this plane would be flying by tomorrow is that clear sergeant caporelli you know all due respect sir i uh can't certify playing without looking at it then go look at it or do i need a pool rank for you to do your [ __ ] job i didn't put a crew on a bird in the middle of the day even after half the squadron shut the [ __ ] at your beanie you can have my viewers dropping that lead that's why we don't work for 9-5 look if you don't want the crew working during the day that's fine but i want this plane looked at the instant crews are available you got that usable enough i'll put the first crew on tonight oh man she is gone the girl is completely [ __ ] blown don't worry buddy be okay another scratched mission add another few tons of bombs into the med oh relax billy i've been assured by the army that the cost of expended ordinance is not going to come out of our paychecks it's not our paychecks i'm worried about archie it's that crouch schmidt here we go six missions oh yeah that was smooth and silk at least we're over the target let's give the kid a break ah those big birds are hard to fly they'll loosen up all right all right i'll give the stiff a chance all right well you're not going to get all mushy and sentimental with me by starting on the whop right ooh cabarelli [ __ ] no that guy deserves all this [ __ ] we can toss out i guess it wasn't much of a milk run after all holy [ __ ] you find out what happened no not specifics i was out with caporelli on the last i came in it sounds like it all fell in the pot up there lots of casualties this is not good no it's not good wally am i the one that's jinxed look if we hadn't had that failure we'd have been shot up with the rest of the squadron best thing we can do is just not think about it much there are no more jinx than the rest of us when we're up in that plane our lives are in god's hands whiskey hmm appropriate choice i'm starting to see the need for it yesterday our mission at messina went horribly wrong intel screwed up electing to divert our escort to a higher risk mission believing there was no capacity for the luftwaffe to operate in sicily they were wrong but today gentlemen we are going to remedy that problem and strike the offending airdrome in catania the old man has secured us a squadron of warhawks from tunisia they will escort us to and from the target in case any uninvited guests show up this time now we'll be mixing up the planes and crews for this operation flying some of the older e-models that we hold as reserves so be sure to check your posting before heading to the flight lines now for the meat and potatoes i'm on 41 0 0 1 9 or what do you guys got 42 3819 iris b i'm on the bugs without at least off some company that's good i'm gonna sign felix sorry what are you apologizing for that's great somebody has to keep on caprarelli make sure he stays on our plane you stay on him yeah far plenty of flying with all the casualties floating around that just reassigned us to new slots he's right you coming arch yeah go ahead i'll catch up with you guys hey mikey look don't let that grease ball give you any excuses all right gabrielli can be kind of a prick but he's he's good at his job just uh see to it that our plane gets fixed we'll all go up do our job and then we'll go home all right archie we'll see you tonight all right yeah thanks just [ __ ] take it out it's yours brother i couldn't take it it's good luck take it well there's still a [ __ ] war al better have something waiting for us when we get back i don't know about those guys but time to spend seven hours on a ball listening to the confed yokels on the bugs whining about how they missed the mama's apple pie back on the farm i'm gonna need a stiff one yeah i'll see what i can do but the still's gone perhaps you remember the big fireball yesterday you're a shifty little [ __ ] with no moral compass you won't let me down yeah i guess i am i'll see what i can do hey take care of that little guy yeah make sure you bring that back too al all right gentlemen listen up i know it seems like we uh never get a break but scuttlebutt says there's a big operation coming up and captain shay's a lot of pressure on us to get these battle damage planes in the air or uh condemned and pulled for pots so well i don't know about the rest of the cruise but we won't let you down cap yeah i know you want that's it get lost get some rest didn't catch a plane today lieutenant uh schmidt was it that's right right yeah you're with the mick crew that's right i remember you what can i help with you today well you can tell me the status of the lucky excuse me one second ladies what is this amateur theater i said get lost get some rest god damn it uh right the uh the last um we checked out the engines that were reported faulty but found nothing evidently wrong with them uh the engine was started and nothing had normal was detected so until that's your diagnosis there's nothing mechanically wrong with the engines well that's what the engineers wrote down i mean uh they're clearing it for flight operations tomorrow i was in the pilot seat when we were unable to stay in formation there was power lost at 15 000 feet you know i'm getting tired of repeating myself on this okay we looked at it we couldn't find anything wrong maybe it's a gremlin or maybe it's just bad luck but there's sure [ __ ] nothing wrong mechanically with that bird okay two things sergeant caporelli first i'm an officer so please try and show some semblance of respect for my rank i'm sorry passers second i might be new to this outfit and the odd man out on the crew of that bird but she's still my bird i understand that sir it's just that now i can overlook the disrespect to me because well i'm a good lutheran boy and was taught to turn the other cheek but the last is another story i don't know where this gremlin is living on my plane sergeant but you and i are gonna find it today now i know i can understand your urgency sir it's just that sop is to refrain from working crews in the midday sun is that sop something the co put in place sir all due respect it's 105 degrees in the shade my men are not going out there okay uh if i'm your two best mechanics between the four of us there should be enough hands to go through all the engines in no time really the four of us i used to help fix tractors on my family's farm back home i'm a fair hand with a wrench you tell me what to do and i'll do it right there next to you in the 105 heat well okay i'll uh see if i can find you some volunteers come in let's meet by the last and say 20 minutes uh and sergeant when we fly tomorrow i want that gremlin dead and buried yes sir come on eddie we got to think of something i know i'm thinking i got an idea what is it we go check out a jeep we head into constantine we go to the red cross and we get some beers some wine we see if we can make some trades for something stronger i already did that no dice and all the really hard cases they went last night and this morning all the uh badly wounded went off to regimental they won't be back till tonight man we are sol i bet nobody at the old club would even miss a few bottles when the planes come back they are loaded over there you gonna do it [Music] just kind of thinking you should do oh yeah yeah you know you're faster but i'll look out i'm risking my ass on this one you keep your eagle eye out for that [ __ ] monroe absolutely absolutely let's get some [ __ ] hooch [Music] uh what's that right there looks like the oil pump it is you know our flight engineer said we had high oil pressure right before we aborted so how's your pump looking like a brand new oil pump cap replaced it three weeks ago let's pull it out take a look at it right just to be safe we replaced it three weeks ago sir just pull it for the lieutenant lou we really did just replace those well then it's exactly where i'd hide if i was a gremlin [Music] we're gonna have the ground crew replace the pumps and the screens tonight i don't know cap attention by the amount of sand and grit in that screen must have been a gap or something in the engine covering that last sandstorm sorry sir don't apologize i just missed it it's all right well we uh found that gremlin after all sergeant i suppose we did sir i thank you sir for going the extra mile for my burden or crew i'll make sure they know you did yeah yeah well i want your wake to thank me till after you get the bill [Music] [ __ ] sir thank god i found you likewise i've got good news yeah i don't you got any idea on why this bird's coming back uh based on the briefing this morning it should be within the hour what's going on what's going on is our bird's gonna be down one radio operator i don't follow mp's escort them back to our tent where they waited for him to put on his dress uniform [ __ ] prickman roll qm he caught him stealing stealing what sir this still blew up [ __ ] where is he now i don't know i don't know i beat feet out here as soon as i figured out what's going on but i imagine he's on his way to see the old man by now okay when i opened the box i found no less than seven one liter bottles of alcohol and having observed sergeant o'hara leaving the officers club no more than a few minutes prior there is no question as to the source of the stolen goods the penalties provided by the uniform code of military justice are quite clear when it comes to the case of larceny do you have an explanation or defense in these actions well i was over in the officers colonel sir lieutenant michael schmidt co-pilot of the aircraft that sergeant o'hare is assigned to well lieutenant your crew member was just caught stealing alcohol from the officers club so i don't expect that he will be assigned your aircraft for much longer so i've heard thank you uh has sergeant o'hare given an explanation for his actions yet no mr schmidt he was about to give us his side when you walked in that's good sir uh i'm certain i can explain it was my fault you see our plane had an early return yesterday due to a mechanical issue after working on it all day we determine the cause of the problem to be sand in the fuel and oil lines now the crew chief has replaced the fuel pump and fuel screens however there is still quite a bit of buildup in the lines of sediment and sludge the problem sir is that the acetone used to clean engine parts will eat right through the rubber hoses replacing them will cause us to be grounded another day so the crew chief had suggested to use an alcohol as a solvent to flush out the lines really i asked sergeant o'hara here to locate some i had expected that he would go to the quartermaster and request it however i didn't clarify or specify nor did i draft any orders i'm sorry sir i wasn't thinking and i would hate for him to be court-martialed for stealing due to an oversight on my part lieutenant schmidt sir is irresponsible in borderline dereliction to order an airman under your direct authority to acquire an item for your plane without clear instructions colonel you can't actually be buying this story lieutenant monroe are you now accusing a fellow officer of collusion some sort of conspiracy to steal army property no sir not at all but i i just when i suggest that you stop wasting my time with this chicken [ __ ] i got a war to fight son and a bomb group to come in and unless there is a soldier in this unit that is directly harming the war effort through a deliberate action to do so i would prefer that you take that up with that man's direct superior do you understand are we clear lieutenant monroe yes sir clear good he may go get your solvent sergeant o'hare i'm dealing your way yes sir [Music] sergeant just one more question yes sir with all the alcohol you could have selected at the officers club why the seven bottles of scotch whiskey well the lucky lass is an irish plane sir and as such she has discriminating tastes sir [Music] get out of here yes sir sergeant yes sir [Music] now you may go yes sir [Music] first he handles caporelli like a grifter at a [ __ ] fare he gets him to take apart and clean all our engines then this [ __ ] crowd he has time to come across the entire base save my bacon you sure did but i was about to spill good job today we owe you one and charlie here he owes you two one last item of business here's to dedication perseverance and the balls the size of a 500-pound bomb i hereby declare lieutenant michael schmidt an honorary irishman with all the benefits and limitations and limitations it's such an honor and confers here here yeah welcome aboard lieutenant oh schmidt [Laughter] uh gentlemen uh i want to say thank you that's it that's all i got good morning gentlemen the brass and the politicians have finally sorted out the specifics for this operation because today gentlemen we are hitting rome this is to be a precision bombing we will be flying at ten thousand feet the good news is that after gerbini the brass is convinced that the diamondbacks are the right men for the job roosevelt has been in contact with a vatican and made certain assurances to the pope as a result of the concerns over damaging irreplaceable historical sites and harming the civilian population two days ago the raf began dropping pamphlets these pamphlets as it were indicate the areas we will be bombing and warning the civilian population to avoid them the flack is expected to be extensive good luck and godspeed [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] coming up on our turn to the ip turn to heading 3-4 in 30 seconds roger that thanks you ready for this mike sir no fire got it degrees in five four three two one gop philly the bird those sops are hiding 88's in church courtyards you thought they leave them where they said we bombed yeah well still seem shifty to me finally complain with mussolini [ __ ] i think they figured out boss [ __ ] oh [Music] all right away [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on [Music] hold on boys [Music] is i'm okay i'm okay looks like we're almost to the edge okay okay back there i'm good i'm okay radio's okay first hurt sir but i think he's coming around philly archie tom oliver check in [Music] are you okay boss i'm uninjured i don't need you up here go back and check out our gunners okay i'm on it come on bert [Music] take it easy i need you up in the cockpit [Music] i need you up here now [Music] [Music] archie i can't keep her city i need your help keep it together for me buddy come on tom's gone oliver's wounded but i'm taking care of them roger i gotta peek out the nose i got an idea of where we are there's a lot of water go over to get back home all right guys here's the situation while he's gone but we're still here and we're gonna make it home we're not far from tunisia once we're over land eddie charlie you're gonna bail out and locate friendlies on the ground what about burton oliver after the crew bails out archie and i'll stay behind to land with the wounded of malta i can't make it that far al how's the last look from i don't think the last got us through all this just to give up on us now all right well you boys hold on back there i gotta get some altitude if we're gonna fly over sicily [Music] [Music] charlie buddy we're almost home all right [Music] farm boys i just got word from ben garden field they have us on radar [Applause] well it lasted longer than we thought it would hey charlie any further instructions from the ras bass we're about 35 miles out sir roger that they have a clear runway for us yeah they do van garden field home of the 601st squadron hey charlie i'm still new at this job why does it sound like you're giving me bad news runway is made to land spitfires not heavy bombers it's only 1600 feet long [Music] see i'll let him know we're on approach reducing speed lowering here [Music] uh hey the gear isn't down it didn't lower uh no it lowered it just sort of fell off on the left side well that certainly complicates things all right gentlemen change of plans this girl's got damaged flaps one engine no elevators and unusable gear on a short runway there's landing and then there's crashing i think we're gonna cut out early from this dance ali you still awake back there yeah i'm here go ahead and come up out of that ball collect shoots get burt and oliver rigged up and i'll be back there to help intersect check the trim yeah no hey forget that grab first get ready to bail as soon as you're out third pull charlie will take care of you you got me buddy i got you buddy i'm right behind you this is your cord as soon as you're out you pull okay let's go go you're up oh god [Music] oh [Music] hey when we get down the mix they're going to take good care of you see what the hell happened to your shooting hey hey we'll take the old girl down right we'll just crash during the surf [Music] all right you ready take care of the boys [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] good day [Music] ah [Music] good morning sir i'm your new co-pilot lieutenant bob tremain i look forward to flying with you sir so i uh i don't suppose you know when i can expect my luggage to be delivered [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Views: 1,754,011
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Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, fortress full movie, Bug Hall
Id: 2VUz35zvY7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 28sec (6028 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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