Triple Cross (1966, war) by Terence Young with Christopher Plummer, Yul Brynner and Romy Schneider

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Give us a hand, will you? Thank you. Move along then, move! This is BBC Home Service and this is Frank Phillips reading. In a spectacular burglary last night, the Gelignite Gang struck again. Today, a street musician was released from custody after assisting the police in their inquiries. Lord Beaverbrook today firmly stated that war is impossible in our time. Speaking at a banquet in which their majesties participated on the White House lawns. It was reliably reported today that the explosive used by the so-called Gelignite Gang in their daring series of burglaries in London and the home counties in recent weeks, may in reality be some secret new compound introduced from abroad. In a renewed expression of confidence in the Maginot Line. Scotland Yard today revealed that it has detailed 17 of its most qualified personnel to halt the operations of the Gelignite Gang. Investigations disclosed that at the scenes of each previous burglary, quantities of discarded chewing gum has been discovered, leading the authorities to believe that the crimes are the work of a band of foreigners, possibly Americans. Thank you, guard. Oh, that's... -You don't have to get all. Don't be afraid. After a daring middle-of-the-night raid on the Union Cinema in Hempstead, police were interviewing all persons known to them to have participated in safe breaking activities of a more conventional kind. With war clouds gathering over France, more and more Britons are turning to the Channel Islands for their summer holidays. At St Helier on the Island of Jersey, hotel accommodations are this year at a premium. Public houses and restaurants report record business. It's BBC Service sir, may I know your profession? Financier, I handle other people's money. What made you choose Jersey for your holiday? Well, they tell me that friendships ripen quickly here. Open the door! Open it up Chapman! Eddie Chapman, you're under arrest. [French spoken audio] Grab him. Quite apart from its many diversions, its watersports, it's golfing and it's tennis, Jersey today is renowned for an atmosphere of tranquility in repose. Many Britons think of retiring on this island. They speak of its unconfined atmosphere, its fortunate climate, the unusual silence that permeates the landscape. In sunny Jersey, it is said, every day is exactly the same as every other. Room service! Come on, you lousy bunch of screws! Move your fat bottoms, will you? Come on! Ain't got enough trouble going on around here? Come in. What's that lot of Germans doing out there? Come on, tell me! There's a war on, isn't it? Haven't you heard the news, Chapman? Ten months solitary. How can I be knowing what's happening around here? Is there a war or not? I thought so. So they've taken Jersey up? Were I you, I wouldn't be co-operating with a chest full of medals. They'll think you got them for killing Germans last time. What do you want, Chapman? I want the German Commandant! Not that one again! Yes, that again. Tell him I don't like to be kept waiting. You're a cocky one. -Look. If we don't push ourselves, nobody else ever will. Let me tell you something, the more scared you are, talk louder, to get away with murder. Go tell the commander I want to see him! This is outrageous! Do you think he wants to bend down to prison? Trying to set light to himself. That's what he was doing. Come in, it isn't locked. -What's that? What's the meaning of this? Please shut the door, there's a terrible draft. On your feet Chapman, in presence of the commandant. Look who's giving orders around here now. Excuse me. Sorry about this, it seemed the only way to get in touch with you. Now that you are in touch with me, what objective did you have? I wanted to save your job for you. Save my job for me? -Yes. Because you'll lose it if you don't do what I ask. Do what you ask? Don't you understand, I can have you shot? Possibly, but I'm asking you in front of witnesses to get a message pretty damn quick to your German Intelligence. I'd hate to be in your shoes if they ever found out you hadn't passed. You think they'll be interested in a message from a thief like you? They'll be when they find out an Englishman wants to help them and what's more, who can. That's all you want, just that? Just that. Have this doorlock changed. Every day! Heil Hinkle! There my dear Countess. As impressive a list of honours as we have seen for many a day. Wanted by Scotland Yard for 30 broken safes, two escapes from prison, here, read the rest for yourself. Facing 14 years of further imprisonment, that interests me. What do we have in mind, I think he has possibilities. What I have in mind, you have possibilities. I like you, Eddie Chapman. I like his wicked tongue. Wicked tongues can be dangerous. Chapman, evidently you are clever. Are you clever enough to see now that we've met all of us? Are you in a position to identify us and therefore will most certainly be shot? That is to say... That is to say unless you hire me. What are you, Chapman? After three hours of questioning, 22 cigarettes from the lady there I thought you'd understood by now. I'm a realist, I'm in prison and I want to get out. I don't care for Germany or England either. Why should I, what've they done for me lately? England? England will be no more. It will be razed to the ground. Have I a choice? I'd rather live for Germany than die for England. And if we wanted you to die for Germany? Price would be the same. High, of course. Of course. Have the commandant take him back to the cell. I'll help him out. Eddie Chapman! It is possible you will hear from us. More probably, you will not. Let the file in front of you speak for itself. You don't see recommendations like that every day of the week. Well... How much too soon to say? It is obvious he's a risk. Why say that Keller? Merely judging from his dossier, he cares too much for women. A cute observation they say about him in the file. That cigarette will make exactly 23. All right Johnie, go back to your cell. Chapman! Wouldn't listen, would you? I put in a word for you, to see you get promoted. Bye. See you around. Chapman! What is it? Sign here. What for? -Your effects. Check them. Get in then, go on. Where are you taking me? At least it's the direction of Paris. Yes? Charming. Make yourself at home, Englander. Thank you. It's for foreigners I hope you stay alive for a few days to enjoy it. It's like home, isn't it? Eddie Chapman. Laars Veriman. Where are you from? -Stockholm. What's your offence? They picked me up in Paris. My papers weren't in order. Where are we? Romanville. Ten kilometers north of Paris. Sort of a transit camp. Some of us, they send on. Most of us, they shoot. Anyway out? No, there's not enough time to plan an escape route. Get in there! Bastards! Bastards! At least they left me this. Have one. And you? Superstitious. What else are you? A Maltese. Why bring me here? Malta is not at war with Hitler. What did they grab you boys for? With me, I was a waiter at the Savoy Grill. Therefore, to them, I'm a spy. Are you? You must have a great sense of humor. If I told you... [German spoken audio] A commander? A commander! You've got a nerve calling the commandant down here. I thought you might understand German. Now look, you may be a pigeon they planted on us or you may not. Unless you want to wake up dead one morning, you just better keep out of my way. Remember, I'm superstitious too. In my book, three's a crowd. It's nice to know they got women here. -This place has everything. [French spoken audio] Where do you get them from? One of the guards. Can you get us some? -Have one now. No, next time. There may not be a next time. What's your name? -Paulete. There'll be a next time. [French spoken audio] Come on! Come on now, come on pussy. Get the ball now. Look at me. Come on, look at me now. Get the ball. One, two, and three. Get the ball! There you are. Paulete! At the far end, the other side. And who are you? Franz, I'll call on you sometime. Soon, life is so dull here. Paulette! What are you doing here? Nothing to worry about. Are you mad? They can send you to Germany then they'd shoot you. How long have you been here? -A month. What's that to do with it? Everything Move along there, go on! -Goodnight Chapman! I must know your name. -How can it matter? Quiet! Sorry I got you into this. -I'm not. I can tell him it was my fault. -Silence! Paulette Gehehr. Quiet! Inventory, sign here. What for? Property of E A Chapman, £24 in notes, six shillings in silver, one gold plated watch. Gold plated! You must be crazy, I never wear imitation. Well... Put down there, solid gold. What address can they be sent to? Address, I don't get you. So they can be restored after the war, of course. Put them with the other things you're holding for Paulette Gehehr. Charming thought. So she can have them if and when she ever gets out. Do you know what they're going to do with me? I have an idea Having been a waiter, I suppose you know the difference between a sheep and a goat. I don't get you. For either one to hang you. Take him away! Get him out! Out! Back to work, go on. Out! This man is dangerous, he's a public menace. Not for long. [German spoken audio] Anything to say, Chapman? It's been a great life. [German spoken audio] That's what happened to me. Shot while attempting to escape. But why a Jersey newspaper? For circulation in England to those who matter. As an added precaution, your little friend was released. Paulette, something. If as we think she's in the resistance, then we pass that back as well. Yes, but the date! It is tomorrow's date. Your new name is Franz Grauman. Private second-class in the German army. Franz who? Grauman, remember it. Grauman! Lovely. What else must I remember? Not to ask questions. Not to go near the radio room unless accompanied, not to mix with man from the other sections, and to listen to whatever I have to tell you. Whatever. Whatever. I'm sorry, was I crowding you? Any time. Franz, you are about to meet your new chief, the head of the Abwehrstelle Ast, Colonel Baron Von Grunen. Be careful with him, he is unpredictable, but a very remarkable man. I thought all servants left before darkness. They always do so, I'll inquire into it too. Report to me, come on! Go on in. Hi there! Can't you salute? Herr Steinhager, it takes time to learn to salute. Are you well, Countess? Well enough. Long motor trips are always tiring. I suggest you get some sleep. Tomorrow morning at nine, Herr Steinhager. Nine o'clock Good night. -Good night. [German spoken audio] German Order. Sit down. From safecracker and prisoner to private second-class and a potential member of the most successful espionage group in the Army, Abwehrstelle Ast. A long way in one day. To the health of... Franz Grauman. Thought you only drank the Führer's health. To the health of the King of England. I'll drink to mine, more important to me. I see you might be described as a business man. Nice, it makes a change, Brandy with a pedigree. This object also has a pedigree. That's Persian six, 700 years old. And it can be destroyed in a fraction of a second. You were once one of His Majesty's foot guards. Did they teach you how to shoot? I can shoot. From there. Shoot the head of this animal? You obey orders in a roundabout way. This time it happens to suit me. You didn't want me to do that, did you? The shot you just fired Grauman either broke the microphone that I believe is hidden in this room, or the eardrums of the man who was listening in. or behind the paintings on the lamps, no doubt. I'm telling you, all this as a warning Mistrust, everybody. -I always have. I mean, everybody without exceptions. Clear? Goodnight, Franz Grauman. Goodnight. And Grumman, tomorrow you will say Colonel or Sir, then you will salute properly, as in the army, by clicking your heels, or if wearing a cap, touching it with your hand. All right. Baron. Goodnight. Dee-dee da-da! some people just can't distinguish the difference. Hopeless to try and teach them. The best place to hide the igniter, the join in the rails. Cover the wire with a dead fly or piece of dirt, or anything. Code, keep as simple as possible: the Bible, any well-known book. As an agent mustn't carry any heavy or incriminating equipment. Everything has to be homemade, found anywhere. You can improvise, flash powdered sugar and saltpetre that you can find in a hardware store. Paper washed with saltpeter, can give a five-second fuse longer if necessary. The day of the month, the same number as one of the Psalms. That's your key for codes. To make a time-fuse, an ordinary watch. Use either the minute or the hour hand to touch the wire and make the contact. Watch the light bulb, a substitute for an explosion. The human igniter sometimes works even better. A spring, even a rat trap. You don't need much weight. Send XXX at the end of every message. Otherwise, we'll know you've been captured. A homemade detonator out of a child's toy. A construction set. Let someone else do the job for you. This is just one of our own manufacture A gun for firing round corners. You'll see the enemy in the mirror. He can't see you. Everything there you can find in hardware stores, pharmacies, beauty shops, all to make a flash point. An explosive, set it off with any friendly, familiar object. Secret radio frequencies of other regions, not your business. It should be ready in two months. Colonel, I have certain doubts about him. I told you he was to be one of your responsibilities, Countess. Study him thoroughly. It could be worthwhile. I maintained the English Secret Service, trained him and imprisoned him in Jersey so that he could infiltrate himself into our service. I also suggest that his criminal past is nothing but a fiction meant to deceive us. I do not believe it. I say he endangers our work here. I suggest you have a personal prejudice against him. Herr Steinhager, you discovered him. You investigated him, arranged for him to be watched. Are you having second thoughts too? Baron, I trust no one. I'm a security officer. It's my duty to suspect everyone, even those who are here. Are you going to say that you also suspect the Fuhrer? I didn't go to the University of Heidelberg, nor to the Staff College at Potsdam like yourself. Before I joined the Army, I was a policeman. And as a policeman, I know men. The discussion is closed. Franz Grauman will be trained for an extremely important mission, which you don't have to know about for the moment, all right Countess. You're to report to me anything Grauman says or does, no matter how charming and pleasant companion he turns out to be. You all seem determined to force me to this man's bed. My dear Baron, anybody would think I need a procurer. Not procurer, a manager. Yes, that's how you saw it always. I saw that in your case, someone was needed to develop your latent possibilities. Latent possibilities? Charmingly put. Yes, you had costly and highly sophisticated training in England. I was hoping to see some results of it now. One day I must tell you exactly how costly training has been, for me. You already have. Several times. There's your Grauman, back to work. Good hunting. Who sent you in here? I couldn't sleep. You didn't try hard enough. What's the matter? Couldn't sleep. I'd read you a nursery rhyme or sing you a lullaby. Lest you try. You should hear me sing. A voice like a cornflake on a stormy night. That's better. Tell me, what is the matter? This place is beginning to get me down. Not surprised. They made you work madly, they always do that first six weeks. All that damn parachute training, I can hardly move. Come on, turn over I'll give you a rub. Turn my back on you, you must be crazy. Don't be a fool. I'm in charge of the English section and you were one of the English sections, so. What's so funny? Tell me. This whole business. Every spy is another little spy, and that little spy... Well, of course, it's a shabby business. What did you expect? You're not training for priesthood here. Stop complaining, it's good money. I haven't seen anything yet. Don't feel sorry for yourself, you're not the only one, there! Yes, I suppose so. I suppose, anyone... -What? You suppose? If anyone can be honest in this business, it's you. Yes. Honest little Helga Lindstrohm, the poor man's Mata Hari Who, if she had to give me away, would do it? You know I wouldn't enjoy giving you away. But you would. That's what I'm paid for, isn't it? I think I like you, honest Helga Lindstrohm. I think I like you. I'm glad you do. It's not part of the deal, but I prefer it like this. Probably on their way to Cherbourg. At least we can both say it is one of ours. Get down to the air raid shelter. I'll go and drop them please. Someone else. This is an order. You get out of this room. I told you, this is an order, get downstairs. Look boy, you getting on my nerves. Listening at keyholes, why don't you... -I'll give you ten seconds. Well, shoot your bloody fool. Carry me downstairs if it makes you feel any better. Chapman. I'd see you dead. Just watch out. Enjoyed the full show? What're you going to do for an encore? Got a lighter? Gentlemen, there's very little time. British and Canadian forces landed an hour ago at Dieppe. Probably a diversionary tactic for an all-out invasion elsewhere on the coast. Abwehrstelle Ast, must suspend all training activity and concentrate on rounding up any potential French resistance personnel. I'm handing over the control of this operations to Colonel Steininger, who's experience in these matters is far greater than mine. Yes, Colonel. I want you right with me, we meet in 30 minutes. This way. Finish with the radio right now. Open up! Open up! Open up! Open up! German Police! Hurry up. -Open up this door! Quick. What is it? Yes. Come in. Search them, Franz, always do that first. Who did you get that watch from? Who did you take that watch from? I didn't take it. Who from? It was given to me. By whom? A girl. -Her name? Her name? Just a girl. Where is she? Where is she? On the third floor. Bravo, Grauman! You're beginning to learn the business. All right, I'll look after them now. You search the other apartments. Get up. Now, I want to talk to you. Get up! Eddie, that's you! -Quiet! Why are you wearing that uniform? You gave us away, right? They said that you were dead. You've got to get out of here now today, otherwise, you're finished. I'll give an address to someone in this house. And next time, don't give this away. Am I intruding? You intrude? Never. No, that's not your type, surely. We're after bigger fish than that. She's nothing but small fry. I think they will not be needed. Dieppe was not after all the real thing. A diversion. An expensive one. All day I've been a cuppa. Makes a chain Now interrogating prisoners of war. It'll be valuable for you to get anything you can use when you go to England. If and when I send you there. Now I'm with you, Baron. Are you Grauman? I wonder. Proceed. I don't want to interrupt you. Help yourself. Name? -Wallace. Rank? -Lieutenant Number? -632051. Here's a wife and a million. To those concerned, this certifies that while overseas away from me, Sgt. William George Daniels, My lawfully wedded husband, has full permission to consort with any pretty girl he may meet. You speak it pretty good, don't you, buster? Four years in nursery, you'd pick it up a bit. Are you one of them? Hey, fellas, take a look. Another bloody renegade. One of the Lord Haw-haw's gang. Push off, will you? As I was saying before, I was interrupted. One lighter. One 20-size packet of players containing 12 cigarettes. Three penny bus ticket, bar of chocolate, hotel bill. The box of matches... -Leave the rest here, Keller. It means, Colonel, that against my recommendation you're going to use Graham after all. It means check the items listed, nothing more. Do you approve of the contract? It seems all right But why a contract? [German spoken audio] -German order. This is a personal contract between you and me. It gives me control of you. Neither the Luftwaffe nor the Kriegsmarine can have the use of your services without the permission from me. Am I wanted? Succeed in this assignment and they'll all be after you. I don't even know what this assignment is. You won't know. Until the last moment. Unless the British were paying their troops with counterfeit money, that is sterling. We took over £1,000,000 at Dunkirk alone. Are you ready to sign the contract, or do you have any more questions? Two questions -Yes. 100,000 marks, I get paid, when and how? When you succeed in your mission and in any currency you wish. Are they in there? The safe? Sign it. I think this calls for a celebration. If I'd run the Savoy Grill, you'd be fired the first day. That's already picked for a canteen? A navigation major, Swimming the channel was never my ambition. Your people live well, Colonel. But of course, Major. Can't you see we literally lack nothing here? Nothing at all! -Yes, my people are special. Exceptional talent deserve exceptional treatment. Are all of them equally special? You have a mission tonight, Major. You mustn't flirt with me. In this room, I saw the most highly trained specialists in the world. Care to see a demonstration? Now with only this watch, as a time fuse, Albert there, will blow up one of the trees outside the house at the stroke of nine. Let me go with him, keep an eye on him? Good idea, you haven't been drinking. I have been drinking, my God, have I been drinking? Now he has gone. Nine o'clock. It must be fast. My people don't make mistakes. Not of this sort. I heard you. What a foxes one! I'll check with a nine o'clock BBC? You listen to the British? You heard what the Colonel said, special treatment. This is the BBC Home and Forces Programme. Here is the 9 o'clock news. This is Alvar Liddell reading it. Grauman! Grauman! Where are you, Grauman? Grauman! Where is Grauman? I've looked everywhere. Where were you? I cut it on some broken glass. Let me look at it for you. Oh, yes. You don't think I cut it myself now, really? Good luck. -Thank you. Eddie! Oh! Here are your special instructions, within 15 minutes of landing in England, you must get on air to us with a safe landing signal, 15 minutes, that's a must. If not, I'll be sending another plane with replacement. Fifteen minutes, clear? You'll hear from me in much less time than that. Heil Hinkle! Jolly Albert! Heil Hitler. Oh, Heil Hitler! Heil Colonel! They're transmitting. They're circling the landing area. We are here, stand by. Hey, you bloody fool. It's the release check. He's not going to transmit. I can tell you exactly what he's doing right now. He's given up all intention of performing his mission. He's trying to get a ride into the nearest town. Still nothing yet. Are you convinced now, Colonel? That makes 40 minutes. We'll wait another half an hour. Made in France. Bastards! Bring him back to me. Dead or alive. We selected all cars ready. He can't have anywhere to hide? -The cars are outside. Colonel, come on! I'm convinced they're mistaking. Maybe woman's intuition, but I have a feeling something's happened to him. No, Colonel Steinhager was right to impose this test. Otherwise, a serious mistake might've been made. Well, if you've caught him, I'm glad it wasn't I who caught him for you. I'm going to bed. Wait, I've got Chapman. Herr Baron, I've got him now. -What is it? Grauman, he's transmitting, he's on the set! Tell him to stay where he is, we're coming for him. Your feminine intuition counts. Remarkable. Come on! Grauman! Grauman! What kept you, you bloody imbeciles! Do you think you are comedians? Did you fall on a bench or on a strong box? Right in the middle of that red bleeding tree, do you mind? You don't play. -Stop that! Grauman! Grauman, I had to put you to the test. Charming. It's the last time I'm jumping, thank you very much. Next time it'll be the real thing. My nerves won't take it. I'm scared to hell of it, it's the shock. Really? Yes. It's going to take a bigger shock to get me back to normal. By that you mean? An extra thousand pounds. Who sent you in here? Couldn't sleep. Keep trying harder. At least you'll be sure of one thing. You're going to laugh. Is that all you have to say to me? No, Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler! The factory entrance, only one policeman on duty. The power plant the position for explosives. Thank you Lars. Take your equipment later. You won't forget Franz, all the codewords I taught you? No. -The XXX at the end. Clear as mud. Goodbye. -See you later. These photographs are much more detailed. Study them carefully. I've been on this for five days. I know them backwards. Know them frontwards too, this is your last chance. And Grauman! Always remember one thing. You are under contract to me. These are clean. One lighter, box of matches. Better drop me in the right place this time. All right! Here, put this on, it'll make you feel better. What is it? -Tonic for your nerves. Makes £1,000 you hinted you would like. I hope it's all right. I don't like passing counterfeit, that's not honest. Sling me one Keller, would you? May I have a cigarette, please? One last thing. If you're captured, take this. It's very effective. Kills instantly. Thank you, how touching. You have three days. If we don't hear from you by then, I'll simply write you off. I'll be back in three days, count on that. Safer up there, than down here. You go onto the plane, sir. I'll bring Chapman. Have we crossed the English Channel yet? We have crossed it. I thought I was unpopular down there but this is ridiculous. Green lights standby! Position report, sir. Aircraft, circling, dropping zone. Altitude 1200. Leo, go and tell the Colonel. Stop that noise, what the devil do you want? I'm a British flyer, I've had an accident, may I use your phone? Telephone? Yes, I've to get to the police. Look, I've been here 24 hours, another 48, I lose any value I have to this country. He thinks it's important to know my mother's maiden name. Where was it you said you were born? Derek and my boots are size eight. Come on now, let's get on with it. Profession? -A bank robber. Profession? -Bank robber. Profession? If you don't believe me bank clerk. That's better. I am trying to make somebody understand that I had to get in touch with them on the radio within three days, I have wasted two of them. Will you please, for God's sake, get me on the air before it's too late? Chapman with war on, I've no power to let you transmit to the foe. Will you please connect me with someone who has. All right, look, I'll make a deal with you. You'll make a deal with me? Yes, I'll give you my radio transmitter and my jumping suit. That'll prove my word is true. Go on. -With what I've got to sell, that's something else again. I just happen to have the radio frequencies of at least half a dozen German secret agents, all of whom are still at large. Would you like the next one or should we see this one out? It all checks out. One of these radio frequencies was already on our intercept list of enemy agents in Norway. Seems he's telling the truth. Look, sir, I dropped out of the sky up there to make a deal with you down here. My bargaining position is getting weaker every second. Now, come on, this is the third day. And who'll be held responsible for not buying some of the best intelligence to come your way during this bloody war? You will. Pretty uniforms and your old-school ties By having a lot of nerve you may have got away with murder with your German friends. It's not going to work here. It worked before, it can work again. If you try it on with us, you'll find you'll never be allowed to transmit that message. Or you may find yourself back in prison for those 14 years you referred to. What would you have to say about that? Well, sir, I'd say... I'll be a terrible waste. Frankly, so would I. Remember the three Xs. Give it a minute, then we'll try again. -Yes. Blow up, Vickers, Thursday, 03:00 hours. You don't mean to tell me you're actually going to let me blow up, Vicar. It'll be worthwhile if you fall in with what we have in mind for you later. I'm always open to a proposition. Even if it means going back to the Germans, but working for us this time. And this time on an exclusive basis. Exclusive that comes extra. You have merit of being consistent, Chapman. I'll say that for you. Well, going back there, my life is in pretty good danger. It's in pretty good danger now. A man who drops into England by parachute with a German radio and the identity card of the man who's been reported dead. You'd hang for that. The last remark sounded nasty. Not at all what I expected from British Fair play. Now we've established you're not going back for patriotic reasons. What else would interest you? £10,000, half in advance, in cash. I don't trust banks, people will keep robbing them. Ten thousand, that's all? A free pardon, and a nice shiny medal like the one he's got on. It's a pleasure to do business with you, Chapman. You know so clearly what you want. But I neglected to tell you, in case we don't go through with this little sabotage. You were a guardsman, weren't you? -Yes. Your call-up papers for the Army will be served by breakfast tomorrow. Blackmail. This war has destroyed all moral values, really? Besides, I'm a pacifist, I'm against all wars. That makes two of us. Coming? All my instructions were precise. Join in with the night shift. Stop here. Then go via one of the main gates like that one. I was told to join in with the workers, listen to what the men in front had to say then. I'll be watching. Hey, you! Your cap. Go to one of the washrooms, hide up there until midnight. When there's a meal break, join in with the mob again. And this gets you into the main factory area. The next part is much worse. Von Grunen told me the food would be quite ghastly. He wasn't fooling. My orders were to follow the others out, staying till the last. The end building houses the generator plant. The main dynamo that supplies power to the whole factory. Twenty-two pieces from the north corner of the building. You plant your plastic explosive. Insert the igniter. Set your wrist-watch time fuse for a seven-hour delay. How curious to come over the night. Good night, Johnny. -Night. My orders were then to go back to the washroom, hide up in there until six in the morning when the night staff goes off. Like the rest of them, make your way home. Now, do you believe me? -Interesting anyway. Sitting out here all night, I've been thinking. If I can persuade the war cabinet to take a chance, would you proceed with your part of the deal? What do you mean by the war cabinet taking a chance? For instance, justice. Lord Beaverbrook, has been held up by the Prime Minister. But he is on his way, he apologizes. But speaking for the Ministry of Aircraft Production, I can only say that we would take a very dim view of your blowing up one of our biggest factories, as your memorandum suggests. Jerry's so keen to have Chapman destroy Vicker's works. It indicates that our raids are more successful than we thought. You do understand our problem. If Chapman fails to perform this mission, the Germans will sense fishiness. And his value to us as an agent is destroyed. I must confess my ignorance as to your Mr. Chapman's activities here. But however valuable his services may be, you cannot expect the Ministry of Aircraft Production to allow one of its plants to be put out of action for a whole month. My friend, I have news for you. After I've seen Lord Beaverbrook, that's precisely what I do expect. First time I ever had a cop carry my tools to and from a job. You'd make a pretty good gelignite man. When I get back into business, you'll be my first choice. Go back in the business, you'll be mine. Unidentified aircraft in sight of the coast, coming in at southeast, minus ten. Call all anti-aircraft Batterys group seven let the unidentified aircraft through. It's one of ours returning from a mission. -No, sir. The unidentified aircraft is German. You said it might be. They're sending one to investigate. It's just as I... Anti Aircraft Battery 544 states the aircraft is out of range, continuing on its way. Out of range? How high is that range? That's funny. It's even burning on the roofs, we didn't go near. Somebody must've been smoking. What are they trying to do? Ruin the whole bloody operation. Let's get back. Flying at over 50,000 feet, that's nearly 10,000 above the ceiling of anything we all the Americans have. That must be the new twin-engine mystery. We've heard rumors about it for a while. Get a message of the chief of our staff at once. Grateful to you, we might've not heard it for a while. Where is he now? I'm afraid at home. Let's see. 11 Group have got a squatter on the French coast, right? Yes, sir. Let them shoot up the airfield as this boy comes in to land. No As the emperor of France said to his wife, not tonight, Josephine. 17:35, The Admiral, Brigadier Dalrymple, WAAF officer, name unknown. Well, you seem to be very comfortable here. It's a bit racier than most prisons I've known. This is Squadron Officer Lawrence, she's one of our top camouflage people. She's proud of work she did us last night. Show him. Taken in the dark. Yes, infrared film. You didn't say you did much damage. So it looks to me and I'm an expert. And this one, taken just five minutes after the German plane had gone. His photos would be... Not much different from that one. At the factory, how long will that be off? Hours only. The night shift will be on schedule at midnight. Terribly sorry, sir, but they're calling Chapman here on the radio. Answer it for me, you know all the codes by heart now. They could identify your finger on the tapper Take care of this. No. Submarine possible. Proceed. Lisbon, by ship. Last message. That's funny. No good show, or well-done or anything. Last message sounds like breaking off contact, doesn't it? I can't say I like it. I can't say I like it at all. There's a funny smell to it, something's not quite right. It's because we're concerned with your welfare that we're having this talk. I'm not sure now that it's safe for you to go back. Of course, if it was made worth my while, the financial terms have already been agreed. Also, the matter of the free pardon. The distinguished service order, no. I happen to wear it myself when I'm in uniform, and I'm a snob about whoever else should wear it. If you do go back now, it will be on my terms. The day of the private ward of Eddie Chapman has come to an end. Are you with me? I'm not sure that I'm with you, but I'm beginning to get what you have in mind. It's lives 600 feet down in the sea, between the rocks and it eats, mainly small fish and is also fond of human flesh. This crab... So far, you've had it pretty good. You've been working for this Von Grunen, A gentleman of the old school but you're not working for a gentleman now. You've got to decide who'll win this war, God help you if anything goes wrong and the Germans get to London, they'll find tons of official and secret documents, all in beautiful, crumbling ashes in a convenient fireplace in MI-5, they'll stumble across the half-burnt dossier of Edward Arnold Chapman, and that half will be enough to get a rope around your neck or bullet through your brain within the hour. I don't know what's happened to the British sense of justice. Well, all right. Remember the first 5000. And no checks. Fine. All we have to do is to get you back to the Germans and in the best possible condition. The first railway station you came to after you buried your equipment, I told you, Wisbech. And the time of the train? Before six like I told you. -What kind.. A hundrend times. -Corridor or no corridor? Corridor of no corridor? No corridors, as I can remember. I want a definitive answer. No corridor. Look, I'm tired. Got to get some sleep. Give him another drink. That would wake him, you'll take over in half an hour. The film you went to see the first night in London Pretty girl called... Sally... Grey and Anton Walbrook in... Warsaw Concerto, something like that. Which cinema? -Marble Arch. And the color of your railway ticket from Wisbech to London. White! No, you bloody fool. Green, white's for first class and there aren't any first class on the local railways. One mistake like that with the real boys and you'll be a goner. Oh, please, I've been here for days. Fifteen hours, and they'll keep you 30 at a stretch. Make him finish the bottle. Grill him four more hours. If he survives that, it'll be safe to let him catch the ship tomorrow night. Gentlemen, thank you for your help, you taught me one thing: Never let the police take your prisoner. And Chapman, in case we never meet again, I'm relying on you to do a good job. After all, you do represent a considerable investment. Now, sugar ration. How many ounces a week? Hello, Mr. Fonseca. Jolly or bear? Jolly or bear? Don't know what I mean? I adore you. Why? Because you never, never change. Listen, I don't have time for even backchat today. It was you in the black car. Yes, I had to reach you before Schnapps or Keller did. Where is Von Grunen? -On the Russia front. Russian? Why? Some say it was your doing? [Spanish spoken audio] What am I being blamed for now? Three of our best people in England were liquidated within days of your arrival there. The arm of coincidence cannot be that long. Follow all I'm saying? -Yes, I'm all ears. You will be interrogated today and tomorrow and the day after. I hope your story is good. -It is. None of us can be safe unless Von Grunen is brought back. You only can do it. -How do I go about that? Isn't there some valuable piece of information that you can give only to Von Grunen? -No. He owes me lots of money. -Can you prove that? It's in the contract? -As soon as they're satisfied with your story at the Chateau, I might get right people by phone. Agente Provocative. You've been working too hard. Why, does it show? Why not stop, it's a man's game. Yes, I'll stop. One must stop sometimes. For the moment, I've to be clever. Let's both be clever. This way. Come in. You are Franz Grauman. Unless you're a military attache, no, I'm not. Whatever I am is not your business. You will please go over to that table and write down all your activities from the moment you landed in England. You'll omit nothing. I must say, you both seem happy to see me. Of course we are Welcome back. There's only one Franz Grauman, he's the man, all right. No, he hasn't changed, not one bit. At least life will be more gay at the chateau, now he's come back. Just when we've given him up forever. Given me up! I never thought you would dare come back to us after all that has happened. Why not? It takes courage, to do what you are doing now. Walking directly into the lion's den like this. I've come back for my money. -What money? 100,000 marks the Baron owes me. Who is unfortunately no longer with us? Who, unfortunately, may no longer be with anybody? Casualties on the Eastern Front are awful they tell me. Colonel Steinhager, this is defeatist talk. Yes, in the meantime, put it down on paper. Your experiences in England, please. They should make fascinating reading. Omiting nothing. You've got a lot of time. Oh, yes, we have time. After all, time is on our side. Isn't it? Going over your statements, we find we have a few more questions. Oh God! Why did it take you three days to let us know you had arrived? And where did you get the explosives? Now, come on, game over! I've told you ten times. All right, Franz, all right. You must learn that things are very different as your great friend is no longer with us, you will find things at the chateau very changed. I want to know something from you. How did you ever manage to maneuver Von Grunen out of the picture? Let's say he maneuvered himself out. Certain faulty judgments were made, shall we say. What can they be doing here? I really wonder what this could mean. Perhaps you would know more about it than I do. Your honors! You're not going back to things alas. We have special instructions for you, come on. The possibility of political asylum for you has been lost, Franz. We have crossed the border. What're you getting at, Keller? You were in neutral territory, now you're not. Franz, come on. Eddie, good luck. Heil Hitler -Heil Hitler Heil Hitler. For you Oh, yes, they are waiting. They have been waiting quite a time, they don't like to wait. Come on. Come on! What is it? Someone where I can... There's a bathroom through there. Grauman! Franz, open this door! All right. What's up, you look terrible. It's the long ride, no food, I suppose. Drink this, a man must put something into his stomach. I know someone who is just about to. Lead on. All right, gentlemen. I think that is not all for now. We shall discuss this later. If you take these papers, Go on. Herr Field Marshal Rundstedt, May I present to you, Lieutenant Special Service Franz Grauman? They told me your story, I've been looking forward to meeting you. Read it. To Lieutenant Special Service Franz Grauman for successful achievements on behalf of the Bureau of Intelligence of the German Army, culminating in an exploit that resulted in the destruction of the large part of Vickers aircraft factory in England. At great personal risk and requiring specialized skills. Your award is made herewith of the Iron Cross Second Class. In the name of the Führer, Adolf Hitler. It is worthy of further notice that Franz Grauman is the first Englishman to become the recipient of this honor declaration in the name of the Führer, Adolf Hitler. Now that you have been promoted to Lieutenant, I think that the first thing you need is a visit to my tailor and a different uniform. That's kind of you, sir. Is there anything else you want? Anything else I can do for you? Yes, I don't quite know how to put it. There is, actually. There most certainly is. We're glad to see you're back with us, sir. You don't need to make speeches I'm glad to be back. And Alberr, your buttons need shining. I think that includes all my personal documents. The other papers are files that concern the general administration of the dean's.. Thank you, Steinhager, I'm sorry to make you clear everything out my first day back, but I think it's better to start off the way I intend to continue. How did you get hold of this? -What? This aerial photo. What is an aerial photo of, Franz? Tell us. Where have you seen it before? Tell us. It's the Vicker's Factory. Look, I spent four days, learning the layout, looking at pictures in this very room, that's where I've seen it before. No Franz, pictures, drawings, but not aerial photographs. And certainly not aerial photograph of a factory on fire. Don't you think you have made a dangerous little slip-up this time? Don't you, my English friend? Get over Steinhager, you're nutty as Keller. Must be a job disease, once a policeman, always a policeman. Is that how the saying goes? Yes, and it doesn't make me angry as it would like it to. I'm proud of being a policeman and grateful because we policemen have to be kept on no matter what regime is in power, whether Germany is ruled by an Emperor or communists or national socialists, they still need policemen who is now asking you one more question? I'll wait up then. How on earth did you get hold of this? That's right. As if it was very surprising for us, the Germans, to have this picture. But why ask that if we had seen this picture when you were studying them with the Baron here? Why? It's meant to be of the highest security rating kept in a wall, safe and all that. Only the Baron, the projectionist and myself were allowed to see them. Flogging them around for all to see. No wonder I'm surprised. Until the Baron returned today, I was in charge of Abwehrstelle Ast I wasn't one at all. Oh Franz, you disappoint me. You disappoint me that you cannot think of anything better. Steinhager, if you feel so strongly that you have a case against Grauman, then you must make a formal charge press for an investigation. But if you're wrong, it will be your responsibility. Are you willing to take the risk? What'd be the use? Franz seems to have friends in high places. No, it's just that I am disappointed professionally. Cruelly disappointed. It's the first time I felt sympathy for that man. And of course, he's right. He's bound to survive. Why him? He's doing his job, he enjoys it. That makes him dangerous. As long as we both survive. Welcome home. This certainly is not the German army that conquered Poland, Norway and France in less than one year of war. No, it certainly isn't. Strange. I am part of this army, and yet I like to think of myself as a pacifist. I'm a pacifist myself. I wonder, Eddie. All the time I wonder, what you really are. Please count them a car. We must hurry. I'd like to do a little shopping first. No more than half an hour. I must get to Paris before dark. [Foreign language audio] It's been the same address now, for over a year. Thank you very much, you've been very helpful. Oh, thank you. Helene, [French spoken audio] More champagne, I think, don't you? Garcon! I'll have to leave you. Those friends of mine in the corner. I cannot keep them waiting any longer. Fearfully top army echelon. Are they? Bring him another bottle, and when he's finished that, put him in a taxi and send him to his hotel. Yes. -I'll see you in the morning. You look so sad and lonely. Yes. I'm a sad and lonely type, darling. Don't you think you need... You push off, I was here first. Anyway, who the hell are you? She doesn't belong here. Go, run, don't walk. I'll feel more sherry. I know I'm late, sorry. Your telegram was hard to deliver. And now, I have another name. Oh, Legally? Yes, my husband's name. Why did you want to see me? To ask you the time. And what else? Well, The last time I saw you, you had friends with you, remember? Friends in the resistance. I'm not trying to trap you, believe me. I need help Help from the French underground. I got to... I must have radio communication with England. I can possibly, but I don't know. No, you don't have to admit to anything, just listen. Suppose you knew someone in the resistance. And suppose he checked up on me with London and finding out I'm fine, he'd contact me. If I knew such people, what would you want to tell them? Take a look at that table in the corner. One of the generals is Field Marshal Von Kluge, if not mistaken. The colonel with him is a certain Von Grunen. Meaning what? -Von Grunen is using me as a cover to attend that meeting over there. Today's Tuesday I only buy books on Fridays and Saturdays at Montebello. The names really doing something to you? Do me a favor, will you? Get me in touch with England by radio. And then to me another. Right afterwards. Get out of this business. Wake up! Come on, wake up! Wake up! Don't make such a fuss about it. Lucy Hastings does notice discrepancies in your original statement. Our friend here from Lisbon has flown in to question you. Tell her to undress and crawl in there. This man doesn't look hopelessly drunk to me. But I am, God, I am. We'll continue this conversation in the morning. And before you go, gentlemen, there's just one last thing. I've been grilled, interrogated, threatened, and cajoled by every known variety of professional questioner, including Scotland Yard. And I must say, beside them, you chaps are nothing but a bunch of amateur. Come here. I told you before. I told you didn't I? This man is not going to be caught easily. He will make one mistake, the one they always make, given time. Yet you know better. You take the law into your own hands, and without my knowledge. It'll not happen again, sir. Unless you wish to go and miss your first job. I've been called many things in many different languages. But tonight, amateur! Amateur! [French spoken audio] At eight o'clock, at the bistro called Les Bons Nuits, Rue Lamartine Eight o'clock. [French spoken audio] Coming back? We'll be coming back in a few minutes. [French spoken audio] Paulette! -Johny quickly. Hello Sir. Raymond! Raymond! Coming. Can we talk here? -Nowhere safer. Got me cleared with London? If you've something to say, I may be able to get it across there. You're taking an awful risk talking openly? That's the secret. The trick to talk openly, I can deny anything. You have a grudge against me, maybe? Or you want me out of the way for some reason. Is there still something you want to tell me? I could've used you back in the good old days. I'll tell you fast. 21st Panzer and the 19th Light have arrived in France. How do you know? The Generals were at dinner here in Paris on Tuesday night. Something funny going on among those generals, the regular army ones. It involves a senior officer on the general... I might have known. Keller, I'm surprised to see you here. Disreputable dive like this. -I'm not surprised to see you, however. Everybody seems to have his hands in his pockets. What is it, a raid or something? But you take your hands out of your pocket. Bit jumpy, right Keller? What seems to be bothering you, cigarette? You are under arrest. Oh, Keller, you really need to have your head examined! I received your telephone message and came as soon as I could. Sorry I disturbed you, it turns out, it was a false alarm. Put your gun away. And you, what are you doing here? Just a coincidence, they happened to walk in. Right, Keller? As Grauman says, sir. A false alarm. I don't know what's happening here, but I intend to find out. It better be worth taking me away from dinner with the Colonel General. Go back to your hotel and stay there until I send for you. Yes, sir. -You have a rendezvous tomorrow evening. I wouldn't like to see you miss it. Now it's you. A telephone message, it's from you? Better ask Grauman, he seems to be the only one who knows what's going on. Night all. Leave your coat here, I'll sign for both of us. Good evening! My dear cousin, so this is your celebrated protege. Good evening, gentlemen, Fuhrer, how's your father? I haven't seen him for years, is he keeping well? Quite well, sir? -We must all keep well. Colonel General, may I present Lieutenant Special Services, Franz Grauman. Good evening. Heil Hitler! Amazing how things have changed, isn't it? Instead of Heil Hitler, he can afford to grunt. Colonel Steinhager! -Yes. Nobody is to go in or out from here until the meeting is quite over. With no exceptions, sir? -No exceptions. That's an order. It looks like we are in for a very rough night, my friends. I say no, no and no. The last mission was entirely for the benefit of the Luftwaffe. This time let's see that the Kriegsmarine has a chance. I say Grauman belongs to the Army. The Navy's the senior of all the services Yes, and the smallest. This meeting is going to last a week. Some offer you, sir, won't sleep for a week. My God, the Luftwaffe are going to bomb the Navy! Our Navy! General Schuler is in there, and I demand that he receives this message. My entire career could be destroyed. An SS General being refused to be allowed to receive an important communique. You heard our instructions? -I'm sorry, sir, but I must insist. Insist? You insist! Sit down at once. I may not be the SS, but by God, I'll see the court-martial and break you for disobeying my orders! Give it to me. 4:30, any minute now. The only solution to this is a mission for Grauman that will have something for each of them. -So it seems. Have you a suggestion. In England, Colonel General Near Portsmouth, five heavy bomber stations are airfields for five specific targets in Germany. The planes from Lakenheath always bomb Hamburg. And Manston has Berlin for a target. What is needed is a man in the Portsmouth area who could... -Exactly, Colonel, a man who could radio us with the news of which airfield the bombers come from. And the Luftwaffe could then focus its night fighters over the target area. From the high command Intelligence bulletin number 317, we have reports of an American army being formed in England, possibly to be commanded by General Patton in the same Portsmouth area. Identify this US third Army successfully, and I promise that we can arrange something a little more interesting than Iron Cross for you. Gentlemen, this suggestion of Colonel Von Grunen is inspired. We've been talking for hours at cross-purposes, and now we have a sensible plan of action for our valuable English associate. Have you no comment to make on this? When am I going to get any sleep? Right now because I am going to open the windows. We need some fresh air. When you see your father, he was my divisional commander, as you know, tell him from me that his son will most certainly equal his achievements. I'll tell him Colonel General, thank you It's difficult to be both a soldier and a diplomat. Good night or good morning rather, gentlemen. Colonel General. -Yes You ordered not to be disturbed sir. You carried on your orders well. -These messages, they are important, sir. They are very important, sir. I can tell you what it is. The Allies... The allies have landed in Normandy. Anything wrong? No it all seems in order. The only thing is the money must be in a Swiss bank in dollars all 100,000 of them. I can't blame you. We've lost the war now, it's only a matter of time. Microphones, no one cares anymore, everybody says it. Hitler has been interfering so much with the army strategy, Von Rundstedt has asked to be replaced. Von Kluge is taking over. -Who was in the nightclub with you? I didn't tell you it was Von Kluge. Some time ago that remark of yours might have got you into a lot of trouble. Now who cares? Your copy of the signed contract. They're not serious about sending me on this job, are they? V1s and V2s that all the madman has left up his sleeve, secret weapons. How far are they? About 25 miles. The American third Army will be here in less than a week. I'll be in Paris tomorrow. Anything I can get you? No. I have an aircraft waiting, it's an important journey for me. Your radio frequencies. What was that? Your radio frequencies, you'll memorize them before you leave. I'll learn them. Wish I was going with you. The Countess going back to Sweden, you go to England. The place won't be the same. With American and British soldiers around, it won't. I meant, Abwehrstelle Ast Did you see that, Free French? -I'm not particular. We're running late, I want to celebrate my last night in Paris When it ends, and it will end, what will you do? If I survive. -You'll survive, as I will. We're both professional survivors. In that case, I'll just go on doing what I like best. Which is? Looking at pretty things. Did you ever go to Sweden? It wouldn't work. Well, we could try, or are we too much alike? Let's just say, we're very much alike. Steinhager's here. [French spoken audio] Can we stop dancing? I don't enjoy it with him watching. Hello Colonel -No. [French spoken audio] Charming! Charming. It makes me feel young again just to watch you. You'll have to steal a heart. Franz, and the last time we shall be together. You've come to me rather early. They are getting anxious at the airfield and no Von Grunen Do we know where he is? Come on. You're coming? I've had too many farewells in my time. I'll miss you, Helga. It's nice to know you remember my name. I will miss you. Just go, I'll have a little more wine. Keller! I was worried about you, I thought they sent you to the Russian front. If I were you, I'd be more worried about myself. I didn't know you cared! Colonel, fog is closing in, so as soon as you're ready... Yes, we are coming. I must say, I'd have seen the Baron. So would we all. -Achtung! Achtung! This is an important announcement. The Führer is well. The Führer is not dead as reported a few minutes ago, by a few German traitors. who had seized Radio Stuttgart illegally. There's been an attempt on the life of our glorious Führer by some treacherous senior officers. In less than one hour, the Führer himself will be speaking to you on this station. Stay tuned to this station. Well, I suppose that cancels my trip. No order canceling your departure as of now. Grauman must wait! Come on, make up your minds. You heard what the pilot said. -Yes. His mission's urgent. I don't see why this group of filthy traitors should affect you. Come on, the cars are waiting. Be ready as soon as I call you. Look after yourself, Steinhager I don't want to come back and find you listed as missing in action. -Always a joker, Franz. Always a joker. Franz, there's one thing I must ask you. Are you... I know, I heard. Already. On the radio. We're doomed. When the aristocracy of the German army cannot even blow up one single room at a given time, we deserve to lose. [German spoken audio] Later. Look, Eddie! Tell me one thing I have to know for myself. You are a British agent, aren't you? -When did you guess? Colonel Von Grunen, you're under arrest. I resist arrest, Stenhager. You resist arrest, sir? You know what your orders are, if I resist arrest. I command you to carry out your orders. It wasn't necessary. Somebody else would have done it for us. The aerial scan is practically inexistent. But thanks to your security, the German high command have no idea where the V1s are landing or what effect they are having on the British people. My mission is to report the exact time and position of each explosion so that they could correct their aim and drop the maximum load on London. You mean they don't know what a hell of a time they've been giving us? Gentlemen, let's call the backroom boys together and work out a plan. We can supply the Germans with information and at the same time divert all their secret weapons. 1700 hours, five bomb landed, 51 degrees, 15 minutes north, zero degrees ten minutes west. Pass to you for translating into decoy information. False reading as follows: 51 degrees, seven minutes north, zero degrees, five minutes west. -That should fool them. All right. Put this up on the board. Here you are. Good evening, Braid. -Evening, sir. Everything's in order? Parker! How's it going? I think we're pulling it off, sir. The bombs all seem to be gradually moving north. Let's cheer them up. Let's tell them that one was self-reduced. Smithson 37, beautiful model. Three minutes to crack that back in the old days. Those were the old days. Now that you've got your free pardon here, You'd better keep it that way. Have they got the Molyneux robbery down and a post office in Bromley? Hey, where's my record? There's nothing here at all. This doesn't make the pardon legal. -It's legal, yes, read it. Anything before 1945, you're in the clear. I'd better be. Now it's all over, I can tell you something else. Your own criminal record, your dossier went up in the Blitz. Would you say that again? -A bomb dropped on the records office. Everything! A to E written off. Before I landed here the first time? You mean I went through all this... I risked my life! Why the hell did I get mixed up in all these anyway? Hi Eddie, tell us something, which side were you really on? You mean you don't know?
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
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Id: 3IBnMqPftZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 42sec (7842 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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