Samuel Rodriguez - When Life Throws You Rocks, Build an Altar and Thrive!

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I am I am truly blessed to be with you again I am blessed I am uber ly blessed ya and today in the audience and I am with two of my heroes actually there's a lot more but there are two individuals here who have influenced me who I have followed actually right here if I'm not mistaken on this stage I forget when it was a couple years back one of my spiritual fathers James Robison helped me recognize daddy James please right here on this stage it was a moment an encounter I can't even explain what took place but the outcomes have have had some serious ramifications in the body here and around the world so James I love you I am grateful to God for you believing that the best is yet to come I am your spiritual Hispanic adopted son and you cannot deny me my amigo and of course I am in the presence of el Pasto numero uno que existe el mejor pastor the best pastor on the planet I want to be like him when I grow up pastor Robert Morris his lovely wife to all the leaders I just want to just share a word now this is I was with you in the blessed weekend conference but there's there's a word that God placed in my spirit regarding this year for this first conference here at Gateway and for everyone watching this program right now on Daystar and for all the campuses and it's and it's germane to this year indeed we do live in difficult times and these are difficult times but in to a great degree many even within the confines of the body within the church family have embraced this sort of Perpetual motif of failure or in the best case scenario survival and and so we have even believers that are have embraced this idea of failure and some have embraced the concept or the construct of Perpetual survival and and that's not what God made you for and God has greater things for you and I want to share with you what God placed in my in my heart in man and it's gonna be it's gonna be expedited it's gonna be the fast way it's not gonna be a latte but a caramel macchiato with a double espresso shot so create some space it's a little bit awkward a little bit different a little bit outside the box I'm gonna illustrate it but but it's what God placed in my heart he said oh they whooping I love yo por lo tanto que se lo que no puedo sona but but but here it is in in one biblical chapter a man named Gideon he went from both the facto and de jure failure hiding in the threshing floor because he was afraid of the Midianite Marauders to surviving he came out of the pig and accepted his calling to thriving he built an altar and defeated the Midianites and changed his world in one chapter so God gave me a word for you today confirmed again while I visited a certain coffee establishment or during my grande nonfat upside-down caramel macchiato that we are not in spite of the naysayers who believe otherwise the people that will fail we are not those that will just survive we're gonna change the world because we will do nothing less in the name of Jesus Christ then thrive I want you to look at the neighbor you do look do you do like and accept and tell them thrive tell the other neighbor the one you tolerate and tell him try and find someone who you don't even like but for the sake of your Christian motif you have to embrace them tell them thrive now let me have my volunteers quickly where my volunteers come quickly here I want to title this one life throws you rocks build an altar and thrive here's the word of the Lord from judges six judges chapter 6 let's begin with verse 12 the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said mighty hero the Lord is with you the fourteenth verse and the Lord turned to him and said go with the strength you have not the one that's forthcoming but the one you have and rescue Israel from the Midianites I am sending you the 24th verse and build an altar to the Lord there named it Shalom Yahweh Shalom which means the Lord is peace which means nothing missing nothing broken and the altar remains in the land to this day repeat after me say thrive say it louder say thrive in Spanish say bro sparrow in Greek say I'll forget about it just that's good enough right there if failure because when the angel of the Lord confronts Gideon in judges 6 11 he finds the people of Israel hiding in the threshing floor accepting failure they would work hard only to see the Midianites the Marauders take their hardest they were afraid the Bible says they were afraid to confront they were afraid to thrive I stated this before now stated again I am compelled it behooves me to reiterate it today's complacency is tomorrow's captivity and you are what you tolerate and engaging this biblical narrative as a prophetic rubric we need to understand the following truth there are three types of people even arguably to a great degree in the audience watching by television definitely around the world there are three types of people in the world watching and every single person in the world can fall into one of the corresponding categories three types of people there are those that are failing there are those that are surviving and then there are those that are thriving every single person here can oppress or akane tendo an innate the momentum and I did not speak in tongues every single person watching right now you are either failing you're living in failure or you're barely making it you're surviving or you're thriving every single person can fall into one of these three respective categories via the conduit of a biblical metaphor you're either in Egypt the desert or the Promised Land Egypt desert or Promised Land repeat upto me say failure say survive say thrive now here's the word here's the word here's the word Jesus was not born to a virgin baptized in the Jordan crucified on the cross resurrected from the dead and ascended to heaven so you and I would just fail or just survive this is not why because right now the idea of just perpetual failure in survival and then we have a church even a church in America today in 2016 that embraces this reality and we're drinking the proverbial kool-aid out there and whatever CNN and MSNBC and Fox News and ABC and NBC and CBS and even Univision preach to us we drink the kool-aid and we believe that we should be somehow here or here he's not coming back for a failing Church and he's not coming back for a church that's barely making Jesus is coming back for a glorious thriving Church so Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus was not born to a virgin and baptized in the Jordan and crucified a resurrected and ascended so you and I would just fail or survive Jesus Christ the Messiah the Conqueror the son of man in the Son of God the way the truth and the life the resurrection and the life Lavie verdadero buen pastor la puente stretcher la Fuente laga table chair pan de vida he came down now for you and I to fail or just survive he came to give us life and life abundantly he came down so you and I would do nothing lesser than thrive somebody say thrive look at your neighbor tell him fry tell you I never tell him fry because there is a difference there is a difference and you're gonna understand that thrive it's not sort of some sort of nomenclature a descriptor that is manipulated by the very variables of material possessions way beyond that but the idea of the reality even this is kind of simplistic we understand why God would not want us here but even these two have to have somehow they experienced some sort of differential what distinguishes between surviving and thriving there's a difference between the desert and the promised land between living life and what my dear friend will call a blessed life between I am okay and I'm more than a conqueror between enough and more than enough between fall and over fall between making it and conquering it between existing and shiney between rhetoric and action between speaking faith and bearing fruit between having a dream and living out a vision between surviving and thriving there is a difference between existing and living and God did not create you to occupy space he made you to overflow with life in the name of Jesus jesus said the enemy's purpose John 10:10 is to rob kill and destroy but my purpose is to give you life in life abundantly 1st Corinthians 2:9 your eye has yet to see your ear has yet to hear and your mind has yet to imagine the wonderful things that God has in store for those who love him so why are you here and why are you watching right now you are here by the by an appointment to hear from heaven via the Word of God the very same thing that Gideon heard in this passage heaven shows up and the angel of the Lord parenthetically tells Gideon your failure season is over in a matter of fact as you read the rest of the passage of Judges chapter 6 the angel the Lord not only tells him his days of hiding in the threshing floor the days of captivity and failure are over but he assures Gideon that he will never go back to failure again so God placed you to hear this word because just like Gideon some of you have been hiding in the proverbial threshing floor of life you've been hiding from the Midianite Marauders the Midianites of this day and age have stolen your joy your Shalom your children your marriage your peace your health to finances your integrity your morality your righteousness your period - your holiness you're here you're here because you're tired of living a life where things are stolen ripped off and you have yet to see the fruit of the harvest so I'm speaking to every single person who has experienced that threshing floor - those who have yet to see the fullness of the promises fulfilled the enemy has shown up to rob and kill and destroy the very things you hold near and dear well I have news for you and this is not a pathetic word stemming out of the womb of emotional exuberance I am committed to biblical truth and orthodoxy I am coming to you in the name of Jesus led by the Spirit of God to tell you this year you will not live in failure and this year you're not just gonna survive let me speak to you prophetically in the name of Jesus you that are here in this audience you that are watching right now by television this year will not be your year of failure or just survival you and your children and your children's children and your children's children's children's children's children's children's children in the name of Christ will do not be lesser than thrive in the matter of fact look like what time is it what's the exact time though like I know but what's the IKE like what's the iphone time there's a reason for that not the Android has to be iPhone of course 752 I have 750 - okay 750 - 750 I'm gonna wait - 753 look at your neighbour tell him neighbor 750 - for now because it this is why why am I giving you the time I kid you not because and I am believing in the name of Jesus and at this time with fear and trembling in the name the Lord again with an unbridled commitment to God's Word I am believing that at 7:53 well I am D clip we are about to declare that I don't care what lie what the enemy constructed around you in the time of Gideon the enemy would contract in a stirrup oh and a stirrup oh was literally a physical reminder of captivity so the Midianites the Marauders later on Jezebel and Kate the same she had the same strategy actually the same modus operandi they were constructing a stirrup o which was his physical false god reminder they were under captivity so every single morning Gideon would wake up and he would see this Asherah pole and he was reminded and he would live in failure because he embraced he tolerated failure so it's 757 753 because this is what we're declaring here's what I want you to do son when I say now I want you to rip this poster up now I don't want you to rip it up in some sort of that's a cute illustrated sermon I want I want you to rip it up in the name of Jesus believing that every single person here and every single person watching by television that their season of failure is over in the name of Jesus for every single person less experienced failure failure in the families our homes their marriages their integrity their walk in Christ their faith whatever it may be we are believing that that failure season is over that they will net 2016 will not be a year of failure it will be a year where they will thrive for the glory of Christ and they will see everything God has it out for them are you ready to rip this okay when I say now I want you to rip that thing now how you rip it I'm not going to tell you all the specifics but if I were you there are some that have just they're tired of seeing the Midianite Marauders show up so I wouldn't just rip it one time I would try to rip it in a whip and we'll vacuum later on but but I really want you to break this thing because even collectively in America the church for the past I say this with great due deference we've embraced a failure mentality we have succumbed to the Asherah poles of culture and moral relativism of governmental structures and paradigms that run counter to our judeo-christian value system and instead of fighting it and coming out against in the name of Jesus we're hiding in the threshing floor and we're satisfied with having our services and our celebrations on Sunday all the while this country is going to hell in a handbasket we need a church to come out of failure we need a church to come out of survival we need it we need a church this year to stand up in the name of Jesus and say we are not the generation that will fail and we not the generation that will just survive we are the generation that will drive we will fry we are the Church of Jesus and we will rock are you ready to rip this thing all right here Jesus supposed to be that excited the Midianite see they came in in the diabolical Marauders the fleshly thieves with the assignment from how to take away the harvest and nemesis en este momento Emilia Nita's I am provoked evoke le Lisa ii and El Pozo if that's what's happening with we're a bunch of Gideon's in the threshing floor and all the and off huh are there any questions because this is I kid you not this is the hour this is the year that we're gonna come out of our threshing floor no we really are it begins you personally and your family your home your marriage your Minister your faith in your integrity and then corporately as a church we're gonna come out of the threshing floor I mean we for the pack we've been hiding but that season is over we're coming out so so close so here it is and it just an anointing on this so when I say now I want you to rip this state again you're not just ripping a thing oh isn't that special no you're ripping it because failure is over and I don't just mean personal failure I mean corporate failure of the church sacrificing truth on the altar of political and cultural and sexual expediency let me judges chapter 6 take the date they actually has his Gideon's father constructed he drank the kool-aid and because of political purposes literally because of political correctness in order to somehow receive the validation of the collective Midianite marauders what he did what he's constructed a false altar to bail really do your biblical doodle he did and and they had this alter constructed and then so gideon when he comes out of this threshing floor pen what he brings down that altar and he built another one cos shalom in actually in chronological order he blows Shalom and then brought down the fall soldier because we were intending him going so he he said we're gonna come what time is it alright alright the Midianites were able to take the harvest because gideon and the Israelites lived in failure huh they got away they got away they got away with stealing the harvest because them because the Israelites lived in failure the Midianites of 2016 the Midianites in America and around the world are getting away because to a great degree unfortunately many sectors of the church live in faith in fear they live in fear they live in fear fear of being called names fear being called intolerant fear of being marginalized we fear more than names that man may label upon us instead of walking on the authority of the name that is above all the other names heaven showed up and took Gideon out of failure forever he Jesus Christ's already to broke the bondage of sin and failure forever Revelation chapter 1 verse 5 so if you have experienced some sort of failure in your life or if you have seen failure around you with your children or even in your culture raise one hand if you're tired of it cuz if you're not tired of it you're gonna tolerate it raise both hands if you're overly immensely tired of it and you're eight you're saying we're not gonna take this anymore we're coming out of our threshing floor raise both hands on a foot alright so here it is I was waiting it's at 7:59 your season of failed dreams failed integrity failed righteousness failed relationships failed endeavors is over and I'm not saying you will be perfect you'll never make mistakes what I can assure you with biblical certainty is that you will never live in failure again I say a 40 that's the Word of God I say a 43:13 from eternity to eternity I am God and no one will be able to snatch you away from my head and no one will be able to undo what I have done with you Jude 1:24 now on to him that is able to keep you from falling from failure and present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy now it's 8 o'clock now already come up here at the count of three I want you to break this DJ you're not breaking this just for a sermon illustration for too long we as the church have been hiding in the threshing floor and we've permitted the enemy to get away and taking the harvest that belongs to us we have permitted this to happen even in our watch in our generation we are Gideon's and we're coming out of this failure threshing floor pit and we're coming out and we're never stepping back gate in the name of Jesus and I'm speaking prophetically this year you will not live in failure and you will not just survive you will thrive so if you're ready to come out of failure if you're ready to brake failure forever raise one hand if you're ready to see failure broken in your family home marriage and ministry and community raise both hands if you're ready to see that spirit of failure even in our nation broken that raise both hands in the foot well get ready at the count of three I want you to break this and I am believing that something will break through here it will break through everyone watching right now I right now estás a moment okay fracaso c'est termine en tu vida en el nombre de Heseltine uh sorry this is the moment when you go back home failure will no longer be waiting for you I am believing you and are you ready let's do this 1 2 3 break look at your neighbor tell me this over hey clover dare you to tell your neighbor my family will not fail my faith will not fail my future will not fail my purpose will not fail if you believe that give God your best shout off our generation will no longer accept failure we will not embrace the threshing-floor constructs we will not drink the kool-aid from the Midianite marauders failure is over thank you very much sir gideon replied if the Lord is with us why has all this happened to us judges 614 Gideon comes out of failure in the first thing he does he enters a survival mode he wants to focus on his past and he asked the angel Lord why why did I have to go through that we've all been through something we've all been through something if I mean we've all been through something really right you've never been through anything I I won't talk to you after the service because we've all been through something and I'm gonna ask one more time I was a teacher for many years so I'm compelled to ask come and raise your hand I'm sorry it's part of my DNA if you've been through at least one major storm in life I don't mean a migrant headache I don't need a pimple out of place I mean you've been you've been through one mucho Grande storm in your life I should have taken you out but somehow you survived if you've been through at least one phrase what had if you've been through a couple of major storms that you survived a couple of major ones raise both hands if you've been through so many who lost count raise both hands on the foot if you've been through so many that if I google your your-your-your name update your Instagram account shows up of a big storm picture on it so why are you still here why are you alive today why did you survive because the purpose of God is greater than the brokenness of man you survived matter of fact you made it you made it you made it and you made it not because you perfectly held on to God you made it because God perfectly held on to you you made it not because your faith was so efficient but rather because His grace is always sufficient you made it you survived you're a survivor that's sir and all of us I this cannot be broken because all of us have to go through to get to we have to survive and and even in the past year past couple years many have been through things and and we are all survivors and the purpose of God first Corinthians 2:9 and because God always completes what he starts in your life philippians 1:6 because he who called you is faithful first thessalonians 5 24 because we I say a43 no matter what we go through he will be with us we all have to go through all of us have been through something so no matter what you've been through and you may say but I'm going through something out we all have to go through we do I mean it's a learning experience the anointing and the acumen and the fate that grows in the midst of what we go through we all have to go through Joseph went through the pit to get to the palace the Israelites went to the desert to get to the promised land I mean we all have to go through Jesus we're like crews but I do know you got a character leave a momento we all have to go through but even if you're going through something right now I can with biblical certainty tell you that you will make it to there and you will say that's a little bit exuberant / sumptuous how dare you say that where's the biblical proof Oh real simple here's the question matter of fact ask your neighbor neighbor did Joseph stay in the pit did the Israelites stay in the desert did Jonah stay in the whale that Daniel stay in the den did Jesus stay in the tomb well I'm not staying either I'm coming out and I'm going to see everything that God has for me in my Emily but simple we are all because when heaven starts it hell cannot stop it I'll say that one more time for the hearing-impaired when heaven starts it hell cannot stop it and and I'm and I'm gonna share something with you I I am a Trekkie I am an evangelical Trekkie I was a math nerd I was a computer engineering major at Penn State University I would make fun of things that would take place even in certain churches a lot of fun and and and and I doubt it many things I saw Elmer Gantry everywhere I thought that a lot of what we saw in churches was snake oil salesmen and it was fake and it was pathetic so I had my true encounter with God where I experienced a living God in my life and I used to critique even people in the churches that would engage in what what just happened before I mean there's thousands of people here and before the worship leader was here and then I saw pastor Robert Morris he was facing the carpet and you know to me at one time I would I said how can someone with so much intellect and cognitive active how can you be so in cognitive ly inclined and just acquiesce in a motif or you're in front of thousands of people and here you are you know with me this is just ludicrous e to a degree I used to critique that and call it emotionalism and exuberance and just outside the confines of reality until I survived my journal and then I discovered I used to I I even used to think that praise was contextualized in the context of pigmentation which means I used to think that we respectfully I used to think that up I was a Trekkie so I used to think that that white Christians were more like Spock and they were very logical and then and that black and Latino Christians were more like William Shatner Captain Kirk the old-school Captain Kirk and and B and they were a little bit more whoo so I used to think it was all culturally contextualize and then I found out it has nothing to do a culture I found out why there's a reason why people will bow down and worship and for the thousands of people were even privately in their home I found out there's a reason why people shout and raise their hands and say hallelujah glory to God I discovered the reason why I found out that worship has an equation I found out that the size of your praise is directly proportional to the magnitude of the hell that God takes you out on I'll say that one more time the size of your praise is directly proportional to the magnitude of the hell that God took you out of so if God took you out of a little hell then you give him a little praise but if he saved you if he delivered you if He healed you if he turned you around if he place your feet on solid ground then you open up your mouth and you give God your higher as we survived the surviving survivor tonight we survived it am I'm gonna hurry I'm gonna hurry but hurry we survived Oh what were they we survived we all go through things and Gideon came out from failure and he entered his survival mode and he had questions and God shows up in the angel the Lord and then subsequently he says the Lord and he says you are a mighty warrior go with the strength you have defeat the Midianites that's pretty crazy stuff I mean it's like cuckoo for cocoa puffs stuff too because the guy was hiding in a threshing floor the guy was just hiding and the angel the Lord shows up and says you're a mighty warrior and then in Hebrew the verbage there is very important so exegetically speaking when you read the narrative is not you will one day be a mighty warrior after 40 steps in three books in two lessons you will be hate mighty warrior Heaven shows up not to condemn him her judge him heaven shows up to define him that's what heaven does you are a mighty warrior you are he mighty warrior you are a mighty warrior no matter what you're going through or what you've been through understanding that you're defined I stated this what I was here for the best not by the hell you may be going through but by the heaven you're going to you are defined by God's purpose in your life in the matter of fact you're defined by everything God says about you because you are and one more thing it doesn't even matter right now if you see God in the midst of what you're going through you smashed it up pastor Sam that's theological irulu you can't say that no no here's what I mean there's no in Daniel chapter 3 when she directly sarcana bendigo were in the fiery furnace do your biblical due diligence first I want you to tell me where it says that she trekked Michigan Abednego saw the fourth man in the fiery furnace that they acknowledge him no it says that Nebuchadnezzar the one that threw him in there he saw the fourth man in the fiery furnace so right now you may not see God the way you think you should be seeing God in the midst of what you're going through it doesn't matter what matters is that hell sees God in the midst of what your one through what matters is that Nebuchadnezzar sees God in the believer because whether you see him or not he is right there so go back survive we're not gonna break you cuz sometimes we need you come here thrive thrive it means this right here you must learn to climb out of hell to survive but you must learn to bring down heaven to thrive oh one of them is the Battle of your heart the other one is the Battle of your mind and for your mind there's a difference between surviving and thriving come here survive for a second we bring you back you know how people surviving how they pray the majority of their prayers and there's nothing wrong with it but you have to jump out of that to this and not to being stuck here the majority of people that are surviving pray like this Lord bless me Lord bless me Lord bless me Lord bless me the people that thrive say Lord make me the greatest blessing to everyone I know in the name of Jesus this is where they pray Lord answer my prayer and that's okay answer my prayer answer my prayer and as daddy James reminds us this is where people emerge and say make me the answer to someone else's prayer somebody say thrive thrive this is about mirrors and this is about windows you are a mighty hero it always begins of identity thrive with who you are Drive you are a mighty hero do not permit others to define you do not permit your surroundings your critics your haters your flesh or your past to define you he worked in a threshing floor and God says you are a mighty warrior you will not and cannot come out of failure until you know who you are in Christ and who Christ is in you we failed because we embrace a false definition we suffer from identity moratorium to thrive you must know who you are he begins by telling him you are a mighty warrior you can't embrace what God has for you until you embrace what God did for you may look like a failure but in reality you are a mighty warrior let me tell you what you're not you're not a mistake you're not a random occupier of space and time you're not the devil's punching bag you're not the enemy's trophy you're not a failure you're not just a survivor you're a child of God created in His image washed by his flood filled with the spirit caught Showzen it covered forgiven free and favored you are a child of God indeed you are wonderfully and fearfully made Psalm 139 14 you are the apple of his eye you are his treasured possession that errata me seven six and you are caught Showzen and faithful revelation 17:14 christ defines you raise your right hand and say Jesus Christ defines me repeat after me say the Cross defines me the empty tomb defines me the blood of Jesus defines me I am defined by the Father I am defined by the son and I am the fire by the Holy Spirit through I with who you are thrive with what you have he says go with what you have go with what you have stop focusing on the things that are missing and give God praise for what you already have focus on wait go now we watch sports coming go with what you have you have a faith that moves mountains a shout that brings down laws you have a joiner cannot be explained a peace that passes all understanding you have a grace that is sufficient and annoying thing that destroys our yoke a destiny that cannot be stopped mercies that are new every morning you have the strength of the Father the grace of the son the anointing of the Holy Spirit you have jeeze you have everything thrive on what you have thrive in the face of your weakness such as 6:15 my clan is the weakest I am the least of them God does not call the perfect he calls the willing he does not call the one that has it all he calls upon those I will surrender it all I finish bribe which fellow when he came out a failure in Survivor we begin to drive this is what he did he built shallow we read it the altered SS peace were nothing is missing and nothing is broken and then here comes there was his a sure of home this is so prophetic for us and for this nation there was this coal constructed to remind them of their captivity I love this and the Lord gives this Gideon who's no longer failing or surviving but thriving clear instructions you see that Astra pull right there that reminder cut it down you would assume for a second he will cut it down and discard it and throw it away and the Lord said cut it down right there cut it down but don't throw it away use it to fuel your altar I'm gonna say that one more time whatever the enemy constructed to hold you back this year God's gonna turn it around you're going to cut it down and it will be the fuel it will be literally the resource that will fuel the altar of Shalom in your life what does that mean pastor Regas whatever the enemy created to stop you it will not stop you it will actually be the resource that will fuel your destiny and the greatest year thus far all your line cut it down as touches 625 whatever hell constructed to keep you in your path will be cut down and fuel your future therefore from this moment on you will not be defined by the wall in front of you you will be the fine by the shout inside of you you will not be the fine by the giant that rises up against you you will be defined by the stone that brings him down I conclude I'm pastor Robert we just reminded me of this a few moments ago I shared this with James when I was here for James's conference some years back I was invited in to speak actually to pray at an event in Washington DC if anyone wants to see the video testimonies of those that were there for the skeptics they could speak to Tony Suarez Bishop angel Nunez Carlos Duran and others that were there countless that were there and those videos are available on our website I was invited to Washington DC it was a secular event there were over but a great number of people hundreds of a couple hundred thousand people gathered in the secular event and and when I was first invited I even asked that the television personality who you would recognize who's a friend who invited me I asked him why are you invited me I'm a Californian so I said hey dude why are you inviting me and it's a secular event why would you need me there why would what do you me to do he goes I want you to pray and I go but it's a secular event what what any and he actually said why not good point so I went I went to Washington and I and as I seen I went to Washington and I had like I arrived and there was this kid that was crying all the way from from San Francisco to Washington and when we got off the plane I couldn't sleep at all because of the kid that was crying it was more of a toddler and I wanted to lay hands on the kid but not in the name of Jesus and so I went and I got my camera macchiato when I went to the place and I went backstage and I ran up and he looked at me and he says he goes pastor Sam I have some news for you because the people heard that you were the one praying that could mitii the kid there's always a committee the committee decided that they should invite other faith groups to pray likewise and I went oh wow I prepared something assuming I would be the only one he went that was the original plan but you know can you accommodate and I went okay he goes that you want to go first or last something inside of me said son go last so you can fix the mess everybody else makes before here politically incorrect I know how terrible of me so so they went up in the first and they all went up nice people affable people they went up and the first person prayed and the person she prayed and and you know God you're the god of many names and no name at all and and you're the air the wind the tree the leaf you are everything and yet you are nothing amen and then a rabbi prayed beautiful prayer and then an imam prayed and in his contacts and I came up and I went I would have am arguing with God I'm saying God how do I pray how do I pray I pray I don't want to offend anyone there's cameras here television cameras here all the networks are here I don't want to be controversial when I'm gonna be polarizing under one mortal eyes I had a prayer pre-prep and I don't want offend them how do I pray how do I pray I'm happy to do I pray medieval kumbaya love being a Barney the big wind how do I pray so I do I pray so I'm coming up in a fighting with God I kid you not I'm doing it in Spanish so people would hear me so I'm coming I'm coming up and I hear the Spirit of God tell me son pray the way you pray a church you guys have never been to my church so I got the microphone I went upstage hit the microphone went like this started get to the microphone and I went that's pray I kid you not there's a guy named Tony's virus who works for me now who came to work for me because of that prayer what he saw that day and they were all quiet of deer-in-headlights going like why are we playing in the first place it's not it's not it's not a religious event as a secular man get this guy off the stage so I get the mic hola hmm the other faith leaders were there looked up cameras I said let us pray in the name that is above all the other name in the nature of which every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess no other name given unto man through by which salvation has come but to all mankind in the name of he who saves in the name of evil delivers in the name of he who and the name of heels coming back again in the hallway my righteous victorious to try outfit name of Jesus Christ right stay standing I'm gonna just stop finish it Oh real quick but that's what I did math like you're already standing that's what they did but I kid you not for three and a half four minutes maybe four and a half they wouldn't sit or stand they wouldn't even be quiet for fourth a politician came up and he tried to speak and he couldn't because the crowd wouldn't shut up they just kept on and I'm walking off the stage and my friends are with me I'll walk it off people are going there's other secular people going why why are people responding like this it's real simple there is still power in the name of Jesus I said there's power in the name of Jesus Hey gangway Hey there is ah get out of failure do not just serve up you need to fly you need to drive drive drive lift up your voice and cry raise your right hand let me declare this upon you and walk away from this moment you will not in 2016 from this moment my god this season you will not go back to the pizza you will not drown in the threshing floor you will not sacrifice truth on bales altar you will not listen to the Midianites you will not bow before the Astra Pole you will not believe the lies sacrifice truth quench the spirit hide the light or conform for this world you will not fail or merely survive you and your house will do nothing less in Jesus Christ then to thrive in Jesus name Amen god bless you
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 72,139
Rating: 4.8472085 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway Church, Pastor Jack, Southlake, Texas, DFW, Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, Church, Pastor Robert, Robert Morris, Samuel Rodriguez, When Life Throws You Rocks, Build an Altar and Thrive!
Id: 3K12DpDKWdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2016
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