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i do have a message it's on my heart it's a burden um i wanna i wanna make a statement here tonight that paul made made this statement he said in colossians the book of colossians first chapter he said jesus we preach warning every man and teaching every man that we may present every man and woman in christ perfect as i have walked with the lord for years i've learned there are teachings that inspire us that build us and there are warnings that protect us you know as a kid i didn't you know i i enjoyed my parents teachings i didn't care much for their warnings but when i got older i learned that their warnings are what saved my life so if you want to put this what's in my heart tonight under a category might come under more of a warning i just i'm carrying a burden right now and i'll share it with you in a few minutes and i i pray that god not only gives me what he wants me to say to you tonight but he gives me his heart to deliver it i could be the best communicator on the planet but if the holy spirit doesn't anoint these words tonight we're just going to get information we don't need information we need transformation can you say amen i might share it tonight i have no idea what's going to come out but i have a little idea but one service in the philippines changed my life forever changed my life forever i'm not joking it was in 1987 february of 1987. i'll never forget it i believe that the holy spirit can change a person in one night is anybody else in here i mean really okay if you do you really do put the other hand up because the bible says we don't have because we don't ask so i'm asking we're asking okay and god will answer heavenly father in the name of jesus we come before you as a people tonight we approach your throne and we come boldly because lord you said come and ask for grace in a time of need it is a time of need in our world and i'm asking tonight that you would give the grace that you would give a fresh anointing that you would give the words that you would move in this place tonight that you would change our hearts forever tonight that lord we will not leave this place the same as we came holy spirit the thing you love to do the most is to glorify jesus do it in here tonight may we go from strength to strength from glory to glory as you do and this i decree lord your kingdom has come within us therefore your will shall be done in this place tonight on earth as it is in heaven i thank you for the authority of the king being in this place tonight may we be changed forever and we give you all the glory the honor and the praise and the thanksgiving and it's in jesus mighty wonderful majestic holy awesome magnificent name we pray and everybody that agrees shouts come on give him praise amen amen amen amen you may be seated for those of you who are not familiar with uncle john lisa and i we found a messenger international in 1990 we have 50 team members up in colorado springs our passion is to disciple the nations uh god has given us the chance and it's amazing by the grace of god he's given us the ability now in the last 11 years we've given away now over 43 million resources to pastors and leaders in 226 nations and 111 languages in iran alone we've been able to give away over 2 million resources and we are passionate about seeing the nations hear the word of god because jesus said make disciples of the nations last words he spoke on the earth amen and so we are on a quest we are not near finished and we are continuing we just developed an app the app is about a two and a half million dollar app uh one of the finest app producing companies in the united states did it now this app is into 111 languages so just in iran alone we have 24 books translated in farsi we have 14 courses translating farsi they can go on that app and they can watch it without having to have the physical resources anymore so we feel like what we do is right along the lines in tandem with what victory is doing we all have around here a passion for the nations but when i look at the nations of the world my heart my heart is so inspired but when i look at our nation my heart is a little concerned and i i just i want to open up something that i it just it just it just riveted me when i discovered this as we all know george barna likes to do a lot of studying but last year march the third he released uh a finding a study that he had been doing for he and his company for for quite a while and what they did is they they did a study on the the state of the church and they discovered that from the year 2000 to the year 2020 50 50 percent did you hear that number of practicing christians are no longer practicing now what is a practicing christian a practicing christian is one who gathers on a regular basis and one who prays on a regular basis now that number 50 percent equates to 46 million people now this is what rivets me 25 of the excuse me yeah 25 of that 50 percent so in other words 23 million people moved into atheists and agnostic and et cetera the other 25 which is another 23 million no longer practice in other words they stop attending gathering praying what's going on okay i'm over 60 like i said i have kind of a father's heart if you understand what i'm saying i want to see people succeed i want to see the church grow i want to see the kingdom advance what's going on why are we losing so many people or maybe the question that we should ask is that these did these people ever really possess a genuine faith now now we got to ask some tough tough questions okay in modern day evangelism are we offering a relationship with god that is not authentic it's not biblical are we presenting a jesus who doesn't exist you know this has happened over several times in the bible i think the one that's so clear is do you remember when moses led israel out of egypt and moses went to the top of the mountain with god and aaron was left in charge do you remember he built that golden calf how many of you remember that do you know what's amazing and i find that most christians don't understand the people and aaron didn't call that god ra or baal they called the calf jehovah the people called that calf elohim which ninety percent of the time in the old testament that is the name for god in genesis chapter one elohim created the heavens and the earth it appears 32 times the people said that calf is elohim and then aaron looked at the calf and aaron called it yahweh that is the most sacred name of god that the hebrews wouldn't even write the vows because it's only used for god all throughout the whole old testament and that's the only time it's ascribed to something that's not god almighty so they still said that god yahweh delivered us from egypt yahweh healed us yahweh saved us but they changed them into a yahweh who didn't exist paul makes this statement to the corinthian church he said you put up with anything you happily put up with whatever anyone tells you even if they preach a different jesus than the one we preached with paul's words in mind i want to i want to show you a little video okay let me just kind of illustrate what i'm talking about here watch this video real quick i am yoked which is easy to see and these burdens are light [Music] so i am basically jesus i'm not the jesus from 2000 years ago because that would be weird no i can make you a fisher a man watch this while i walk on the water but i must be doing something right because i have all kinds of people starting to follow me now and that's how i met ted yeah there's there's a lot of people following this guy so i was like yeah it sounds like he can do a lot of things for my life so why not follow him i hate to admit this but i kind of i kind of drank quite a bit last night with some friends so bro yeah my first miracle i turned water into wine and guess who asked me to do it yeah my mom's i asked him you know what is like the meaning of life make it rain like noah he said ball is life so i thought that was kind of weird what about repentance though shouldn't i repent of doing that not important it's not important yeah that's that's that's pre-cross let's go ahead and take a look at your instagram account oh yeah sure oh okay wait wait no she started following me but i'm definitely not gonna follow her back i mean like she's like it's like half naked in all of her photos so no half of naked have you even read the song of solomon ooh game of thrones game of thrones uh no i actually heard that one was pretty raunchy so yeah have you even read the old testament yeah there's not that much sex in the old testament game of thrones yeah no uh life has been kind of rough recently it's it's been a little rough okay so whenever i'm reading the bible what do i need to read just spending some time with him it's been great i feel so motivated so encouraged thou shall not read the king james none of these versions what you're going to want to read is the millennial standard verse i got all the correction i took out all the warnings and i just left the positive stuff the msv that was mostly full of memes and facebook posts do you have any other versions that i need to be reading yes there is one more this is a little bit more of a read that is the universal standard version so many different paths to heaven we had to include them all and make everybody happy i thought you said there's just one way to to heaven you i never said that nothing's really changed yet at all i still need help with what i'm going through it doesn't so how are things going with ted um i have some concerns uh he said he's found a different jesus he's starting to read the niv which i told him not to read and uh he's beginning to become a new person which was my major concern is that he didn't lose himself and now he seems to be losing his life which is what i warned him about so i started reading the actual bible uh not the msv don't tell them about it i realized i was just getting a little bit of the information and not all of it it's so much more powerful i actually am free from the bondage now i mean this has been great okay so this jesus healed all the sick healed all the blind this jesus walked on water i hope it works out for him i wish nothing but the best i don't think it will but you know okay no this jesus is not walking on water but in the meantime uh i have a whole line of people booked out um to speak i'm actually gonna be speaking at a conference uh the conference is called grace covers all of the sin that i love i'm really looking forward and helping them to find what makes them happy who is this that the wind and the waves even obey peace all right it's a little out there but i think you get the point right so a knock off jesus he offers forgiveness is not real he doesn't free people from the bondage of sin doesn't change people's nature doesn't keep his promises doesn't answer prayer it doesn't manifest himself now i will say this he appeals to a much wider audience so the short-term benefits are amazing because you get a lot more people to follow them but the long-term results are devastating because why people aren't getting their prayers answered their nature's not changing they're not getting free from sin and now they get offended with him and they fall away and i think where that is where the 46 million have gone and now they're harder to reach because they tried him once but they really didn't try him i believe with all my heart what has created this is our sinner's prayer today we appeal to people to accept jesus we don't tell them that they're entering into a covenant we don't tell them that they have to make a choice we don't tell them that he says deny yourself take up your cross and follow me we just say he'll do all this for you just pray this prayer and you'll be a christian but yet paul makes this statement he said a man's going to leave his father and mother be joined to his wife the two become one he said this is a great mystery he said but this is actually an illustration of the way the church and jesus are one excuse me yes the church and jesus are one god gives us an illustrated sermon that we look at every single day and that is the union of a man and a wife and god says this union will represent the way i am united with my church this is why jesus is called the groom and we are called the bride throughout the new testament paul made a statement he said i promised you as a pure bride to one husband who is christ now the key word here is bride i am presenting you a bride i'm going to show you one more short video and then i want to talk to you about something really important tonight watch this video one more video emma these past seven months have been incredible and i mean honestly when i saw you seven months ago i knew i knew from that moment that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you you're kind beautiful smart i can't picture a more perfect woman so emma lily thompson will you marry me yes yes yes yes i have to see other guys on the side but yeah wait what what are the guys what are you talking about i'm the perfect woman just like you said i'm gonna have gourmet meals for us every single night our house is gonna be perfect oh it's gonna be amazing babe and i mean you don't really expect me to be a one-man kind of woman anyway uh no that's actually like a a big part of marriage like you and me together yeah but i can't give up every guy i mean that's asking a little much don't you think a little a little i just asked you to marry me if we're married you can't see no one else that no that that wait okay it's okay listen to me listen to me look at me i'm sorry i shouldn't have said that you're right i was wrong i totally understand where you're coming from this is our moment and we're going to be so happy together every single day except once a week well uh once a week okay once a week because you're not listening every other year no on a leap year no okay emma i i i can't i can't once a week on a leap year and you're gonna freak out come up we're done what babe you were just asking me to marry you are you kidding me seriously really [Music] okay now that seems a little far-fetched doesn't it so let me ask some questions how many of you would want to marry somebody like that let me see a show of hands really quick nobody why not because even though she loves him more than any other guy she's going to sleep with even though he's her favorite he may spend 90 of her time with him she still has an undivided heart a divided heart excuse me she's still got a place for those guys in her heart now that's far-fetched to all of us why is it far-fetched because that's not going to happen why is that not going to happen because when we're raised people teach us that when you get married you make a decision see when a girl walks down an isle of a church with a white dress on she's made a decision you know what she has made she has said goodbye to about 3.9 billion guys because we tell her from childhood all of her friends all of her family tells her one day when you get married you make a decision i am giving my whole heart and my whole life to this one guy which means i'm not flirting with other guys i'm not entertaining the ideas of seeing other guys i am giving myself entirely to him for the rest of my life why don't we do this with jesus he is the groom we are the bride this is the living sermon so we talk about accepting him she accepted him she wanted him she was upset he walked away was he right to walk away absolutely you can't enter a marriage covenant when your wife says hey look i'm just going to sleep with one guy a year her heart's undivided i came into the kingdom on a sinner's prayer i don't know if i really came in but that's how i came in and that was my mindset i was shown the four spiritual laws there wasn't one word about repentance so i accepted jesus but i still had all the other lovers in my life and then i told you there was this service in the philippines i actually went over to the philippines with another guy to minister i had actually left an engineering job to minister i worked for a church with 450 employees i took my own vacation time to fly over to the philippines so i could minister in the philippines with this guy and this guy that i went over there with got up and preached a message of lordship and repentance and i'm sitting in the front row i am the visiting minister from america and the thought goes through my heart is he really your lord and my head immediately went no no no no no no no no you you left an engineering job you went into ministry but i couldn't shake it i fly all the way back to america and i'll never forget this as long as i live i went into a room and i put a chair in an empty room and i walked around that chair for a total of two hours and i kept justifying why i was a christian but my heart wouldn't let loose my heart kept questioning me is he really your lord do you have other things that he died for that you're tolerating putting up with flirting with are there other things that grab your attention more than him why do you get so excited at these things and you tolerate going to church why do you tolerate whenever there's a gathering why don't you look forward to those i mean this is all go but that but then i kept going in my head i kept going but i've left an engineering position i took a several thousand dollar a year pay cut and i'm in ministry and you know what my heart said at two hours this is what i heard judas left everything he had judas healed the sick judas preached repentance judas is in hell i felt that chair and collapsed and i wept and i wept and i wept and i wept and i wept and i wept and i got up and i walked out of the room and my life was changed forever see when a girl is engaged to be married or married she's already gone through a process of a decision there's a price to pay and the price is for the rest of my life i'm not going to see any of my old boyfriends are for the rest of my life i'm not going to develop a different boyfriend for the rest of my life i'm going to give myself to that one man see here's the thing that we've got to understand i was out praying during corvette and i just got overwhelmed because these words came out of my mouth i said jesus i can't even imagine what you left i i haven't seen the throne room i have not been to the third heaven like the apostle paul i can't even imagine what you left to come here knowing that you would get abused spit on beat with lead tip whip spikes a crown of thorns put on you people punching you shedding every drop of blood in your body and you're you're my creator and you know you're gonna do that you leave what i can't even imagine where the angels are still crying holy and you leave this and you come down here you gave yourself fully for me we think he's coming back for a bride that's giving her herself half-hearted to lead to him see look at look at paul's full words he he says he says this look look at this look at these words i promised you as a pure bride to one husband christ but i fear that somehow you're pure and now look at this undivided devotion of christ will be corrupted it's undivided see there were 11 guys that wanted to marry lisa she told me that 11 guys she walks down that aisle and she said no no her dad even right before we got married tried to set her up with a bartender but she had made up her mind i am giving myself totally to this man and you know what i have never questioned her loyalty in 39 years of marriage i'm telling you i've been halfway around the world i don't even i don't even lose a minute of sleep because i know she gave her heart to me now does she make mistakes oh you better believe it now i made a lot more than she did but i'm not talking about a groom right now i'm talking about abroad man she is she made mistakes okay but one thing she didn't do is she never divided her heart she never went and flirted with a guy said hey here's my number my husband's gonna be gone he's gonna be overseas her heart's been undivided so we you know we have trained people in order to enter a marriage covenant you have to make this decision of am i going to spend the rest of my life with this man and that decision has to be firmly made but yet we offer a relationship with jesus without any repentance so if you look at the foundation of the church the fount i i shouldn't even say that the foundation of having a relationship of jesus paul or the writer of hebrews makes this statement he says therefore leaving the discussions of the elementary principles of christ this is foundational stuff elementary stuff let us go on to perfection not laying again the foundation so in other words what the writer is saying here this is the foundation of a relationship with jesus what is the first foundation repentance from dead works now if i say the word repentance today in the church people go ah don't say it why do they say that they're scared of the word they recoil they react they manifest you say the word repentance why why are people so petrified by that word because mean-spirited preachers in the past beat up people with repentance and these mean spirit of people did these preachers didn't even like people they just wanted to control them and so we we assigned a very negative feeling to the word repentance but i'm going to tell you i've studied and studied and studied this word repentance and i personally believe it's one of the most beautiful words in the new testament other than the name of jesus so can we just kind of address this for a minute because this is very significant a bride does this before she gets married i'm going to show you how this is what has to happen before a person can enter into an authentic relationship an authentic covenant with jesus are you following me okay so the word repentance is the greek is the greek word metanoia it's found over 50 times in the bible when you hear the word don't think of the old testament where they put the sackcloth the ashes and and the hunger strikes and all that kind of stuff that's not repentance in the new testament the word metanoiae simply means this a change of mind that's that's the definition of it but now if i leave it there we miss the real impact of this word okay baker's encyclopedia defines this word metanoia a as a change in the whole personality because how many of you know i can change my mind but not be fully persuaded right so baker takes it deeper and says it's a change in the whole personality in other words it penetrates my emotions my will right down to my heart it's when i'm firmly convinced about something from the core of my being so lee says doesn't walk down the aisle and go you know i'll give him a try for a few weeks half he doesn't live up to what i'm thinking he's going to be i'll i got my i got tony's old number i got my old boyfriend i've got his number no she was convinced at the bottom of her heart this was the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with so it's when we are convinced to the very core of our being about something that is the word repentance all right this is why jesus says from the heart look at this from the heart come evil thoughts murder adultery all sexual immorality theft and lying if repentance is just a change of mind jesus would have said from the mind come all these things are you seeing what i'm saying all right now in walking with god for years and years and years i have learned something that the wisdom of god is simple so i went to the holy spirit and i said you know you call this word repentance a gift do you realize that it's a gift and god never gives binding constricting gifts right to his children he gives good gifts to his children so i said what's the difference between a person who's really repented and a person who hasn't repented and the lord showed me so clearly the unrepented person says i choose what is good best and right for my life the repented person says i choose what god says is good best and right for my life so in essence the unrepentant person sees the word of god as optional the repentant person sees it as final authority he's already made the decision she's already made the decision no matter what god says i believe it and i will obey it now does this line up with the way the new testament lays out that we're supposed to lead people to jesus well let's first of all go to jesus let's look at him how does he minister look at this this is the very first words that ever came out of jesus's mouth in public ministry on this earth matthew 4 17 jesus began everybody say began to preach repent of your sins and turn to god so you know what he's actually saying right here you cannot turn to god unless you repent of your sins are you seeing that is is that the only time he mentions it no look at matthew 11 20. then jesus began to denounce the towns where he had done so many of his miracles because they hadn't repented of their sins and turned to god at luke 13 jesus said you will perish too unless what you repent of your sins and turn to god now jesus is training these 12 to go out and represent them right he trains them for about a year year and a half and then he sends them out and i want you to notice what these 12 disciples go and do so the disciples now look at mark 6 12 so the disciples went out telling everyone everyone they met to repent of their sins and turn to god everyone how about the rich man in hell how many of you know people in hell don't need to put on a facade i mean they're in hell forever so they're going to be honest right the rich man in hell says no father abraham but if someone is sent to my five brothers from the dead then they will wow what repent of their sins and turn to god i mean this guy in hell knows more than a lot of our preachers in america how about the day of pentecost you got you got thousands of people that want to get saved oh i want to get saved nobody gets saved what does peter say he said each of you must notice he doesn't say i highly recommend each of you must repent of your sins and turn to god how about the apostle paul he had the revelation of grace isn't that correct look what paul said i preached first to those in damascus then in jerusalem and throughout all of judea and to the gentiles that all look at this word must repent of their sins and turn to god so not only did he preach it to the jews he preached it to every gentile the people that had never even heard of the covenant of god he said i preached it to everyone that they must repent of their sins the only way they can turn to god is to repent of their sins now we think this is a little strange i mean let's let's just let's just put a cap on it let's go to god the father god the father look at this god overlooked people's ignorance in times past but now he commands he doesn't suggest he commands everyone everywhere that's every city that's every village that's every town that's every rural place that's every nation everyone everywhere that covers it there's no exceptions with that to repent of their sins and turn to god so what's the biblical truth we're seeing here there's no true faith in jesus christ without repentance if we introduce a jesus without people repenting they need to knock off jesus they meet a different jesus now i want to protect you from the legalistic thinking let's go to let's go let's go back to peter on the day of pentecost he says you must repent of your sins and turn to god correct so there's a couple they're living together right and they get saved on the day of pentecost and they keep living together they keep having sex together they're not married but two weeks later pastor peter stands up and says god says this is hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 verse 3 excuse me that the marriage bed is undefiled but those who have sex before marriage and those who commit adultery will be judged by god that's actually a scripture hebrews 12 3 and the couple looks at each other and goes whoa wow babe we repented two weeks ago so we already made up our mind that the word of god is final authority it's not optional it's not outdated it's not old fashion [Music] so either i'm moving out today or we're getting married now if you had a legalist mindset and you got this couple in there and they're living together and they they can be fully repented but they're still living together why because they don't know see it's a posture a person that has repented has this posture i will no longer live as the judge of what is best for me that's the knowledge the tree of the knowledge of good and evil i choose what's right i choose what's wrong so if i want to identify as a dog i can be a dog okay i will no longer live as the judge of what is best for me from this moment forward this is the posture of a repentant heart from this moment forward i will embrace whatever god says is best for me even if i don't get it because i already made the decision but you see we have people they they make a decision we say gee we we sell jesus like a used car salesman we tell them all the good things about god now don't get me wrong we got to talk about the good things of god because it's the goodness of god that leads men and women to repentance but we say all these great things and we say hey do you want to accept jesus do you want to become a child of god sure but then two weeks later you tell them hey the word of god says the fornication will be judged oh come on man that was written 2 000 years ago man 90 of the couples lived together today what creates this us not properly representing jesus it's like my father-in-law looking at lisa and saying babe hey honey try them out for a few weeks have done work out i got a few other guys in mind for you it's okay we're going to get you happy because the bottom line is i want you happy if he doesn't make you happy i got some guys waiting for you well if a father says that to her daughter what's she going to do things get rough in the marriage well why i'm gonna go find this other guy my dad gave me permission see as leaders if we don't tell people that jesus over and over and over and over and over again says if anyone wants to follow me you have to deny yourself you have to take up your cross and follow me you lose your life for him but it's not a loss because you gain everything he's got but why do these 46 million people lead the faith because they meet up with hard times and they say well rich people are happy i'm not happy you know what did lisa have time to lisa and i have times in our marriage where we wanted to quit i'd be lying if i said no my gosh there were times we thought is there any hope sorry i'm just being transparent i mean we were an 18-month fight one time she took off her engagement ring she said i'm married but i'm not engaged i said what in the world does that mean but we both made a decision and we we figured both of us knew at the time during the 18-month fight yeah 18 months i'm not joking we both knew we made a commitment we both knew we said this is the way we're going and there's no out now does jesus minister this way oh yeah remember the rich young ruler in the bible how many remember the rich young ruler come on talk to me right rich young ruler come what's your name andrew andrew come on stand there andrew is jesus i'm the rich young ruler in this illustration right how many of you can see the rich young ruler coming up jesus is going you know he's got his god is uh you know relevant cool zara outfit on he's just gotten out of his ferrari he's got all his buddies around his homies around him he goes so jesus what do i do to get saved huh how many of you can see that let me see your hands put them up high put them up really high that is so wrong i mean we got to read our bibles people look put the scripture up look at this watch this now as he was going on the road one came running and knelt before him and cried out good teacher what do i do to get saved what do i do to inherit eternal life so the guy comes running to jesus gets him gets down and he says what do i do to get saved what am i doing to get saved what do i do to get saved have you ever had anybody do that to you right have you seriously has anybody ever had someone do that to them i haven't yet i would like that i mean you know what we do i know what i would have done before god opened my eyes this i would say this guy wants to say okay pray this prayer jesus come into my life i receive you as my savior forgive me of all my sins amen you're a christian now jesus said what are the commandments names the commandments off right the commandments 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 i'll deal with your relationship with your neighbor the guy goes i've kept them all jesus said you lack something okay this guy wants to be saved and jesus looks at him and says but but this is what i love jesus looked at him and loved him see this is the thing we think we put people in bondage by preaching the cross preaching repentance when in reality that's really loving people because if we offer them knock off jesus that's not loving them because we are giving them a jesus that will not fulfill their pro the promises he will not answer prayers and they're going to be an adultery that's what james said you love the world you're an adulterer and he's speaking to christians okay so jesus says okay there's one boyfriend in your life we gotta address now with this guy it was money but for someone else it might be a football team it might be a relationship with the opposite sex it might be a relationship with the same sex it might be what do you think of people think about me on social media so jesus the reason he loves us guys he says i want to tell you something you got a boyfriend you got to choose between his boyfriend and me because if i just say come follow me then down the road the will of god is going to lead us to go this way money's going to dictate to go this way and you're going to go with your boyfriend and you're still going to say i'm your savior and you're going to be deceived because i'm not with you anymore and you're going to be following a knock off jesus so jesus looks at him and loves him and says man there's there's a boyfriend you got to break up with it's your money see for most of you it may may not be money some of you it may be maybe a house for some of you maybe security for some of you it's so there's so many gods we can't name them all we always go to the big ones right drunkenness murder all that stuff no no no no it's anything that you love more than jesus anything that will pull you away from him so jesus 11 says go sell it get rid of it take up the cross and follow me and look at this look at this look at the next verse look at this but he was sad at this word and went away sorrowful so now i want you to i want you i want you to get this i'm going to be jesus now he comes excited wants to get saved yes yeah and after jesus gets done preaching he walks away sad and sorrowful look down and say right there stay right there sad and sorrowful now watch what jesus doesn't do he doesn't run after god wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute proverbs 10 17 or 19 17 says he who gives the poor remember i told you give to the poor lend the lord and what he's given the god will repay him don't you understand i'm trying to set you up for a blessing why doesn't jesus do that because he never uses the blessings or the perks or the benefits of following him to entice people to obey him it so if jesus has our mentality ministry who said oh just accept me all you have to do is pray this prayer what he was asking that man to do was to repent see we we we get all hung up on the word repent because we've been beat up by repent but repentance just i changed my mind i'm not gonna i'm not gonna date the money anymore i'm not gonna i'm not gonna flirt i'm not giving the money my number anymore i'm not going to let it control my life i'm going to follow you wholeheartedly does paul minister this way yeah look at this paul's talking to a guy he's a governor he's rich he's got influence his name's felix he's married to a jewish woman her name is drusilla a few days later felix came back with his wife drusilla who was jewish sending for paul they listened to him as he told them about the faith in jesus christ as he raised them with them about righteousness look at that look what he's talking to this guy about about righteousness and self-control and the coming day of judgment felix became frightened so the rich young ruler was sad felix was frightened go away for now he replied when it's more convenient i'll call for you again all paul had to do is just get him to pray prayer if paul would have embraced our western theology he would have said felix just pray this prayer got to work out the rest i know you got a few girlfriends on the side i know you i know you're a nine dollar worship worshiper but just pray this prayer jesus will take care of you god spoke to me and he said sign legalism was the problem of the church in the early days look at the book of galatians paul had to deal with legalism in the whole book right it's constantly what they ran into the holy spirit spoke to me and said son the issue the church is going to have to address in the last days is not legalism it's lawlessness okay look at this and i'm going to wrap here in just a minute look what paul says to timothy he said you should know this timothy that in the last days she's talking about our time how many of you believe were in the last days last of the last days let me see your hands okay so he's talking about our day in the last days there will be very difficult times everybody say very difficult what's going to make the time so difficult paul for people will be now i listed these out from four different translations watch this self-centered self-absorbed money-hungry self-promoting braggers arrogant unthankful crude and coarse they will do foolish things without thinking disobedient to parents they'll loose in morals and conduct they will not control themselves they'll be addicted to lust addicted to pornography they will refuse to forgive they will say evil things against others in other words they'll be gossipers and slanderers they will be lovers of central pleasure and vain amusements more than lovers of god now wait a minute paul are you telling me you didn't have people like that in your day come on i mean look at the roman culture i mean i i i went to pompeii they had like i think it was 20 27 27 i think i saw something like 27 uh sex bars and you go in you pick i want a man or i want a woman and you pay for your sex so paul what may what what what is the deal here in the last days very difficult times are going to come because people are going to be all this well you had all that in your society what makes it difficult watch what he says they will act look at this they will act as if they serve god but they will reject the power that could make them godly stay away from people like that they have depraved minds and a counterfeit faith they don't have genuine faith why they never repented their nature has not been changed that's why they love pleasure more than they love god see in another letter this is the way paul said it such people claim they know god but they deny him by the way they live why they've never repented i'm going to close it with these words the words of jesus jesus said in matthew 7 20 you can identify people by their actions can we just stop there for a moment i'm a christian but i listen to songs with the crudest vulgar stuff i hang around with people that gossip slander shame people on social media i'm a christian i receive jesus oh yeah i can even tell you today well i don't identify you as a christian by the fact you pray to sinner's prayer on such such date because jesus told me i identify you by your actions jesus said just as a bad tree can't produce a good fruit so you identify people by their actions by their fruit stop and think about that oh he's a christian oh she's a christian oh he's a christian yet they sing songs i can't even say what they sing about on this platform they're a christian what what do you understand with four boys with the last two of them we sent to public school do you understand every single night almost i to look at my sons and say how do you know if they're christian because their dad's a bastard no dad because their dad's an elder in the church no dad how do you know they're christians by their actions now watch what he goes on to say not everyone who calls out to me not buddha muhammad me jesus christ now look at the word lord lord you see the word lord is twice want to know why that's the way hebrew writers would emphasize something see today we bold face it we italicize it if you're peter or if you're matthew who actually wrote this you're on the sermon on the mountain jesus goes hey guys not everyone who says to me lord and he emphasizes lord so matthew goes i got to write this twice jesus didn't have a stuttering problem now everyone who says to me not notice it's me lord is going to enter in the kingdom is going to enter the kingdom of heaven jesus just annihilated our sinner's prayer because we tell people if they pray this in his prayer they're going to enter he just absolutely destroyed our tradition of a sinner's prayer because not everybody who prays the sinner's prayer is what he's saying is going to enter the kingdom of heaven well then my question is jesus who is entering he tells us only those who actually do the will of the father oh so jesus you're preaching law no he's not preaching law he's saying when you repent and break up with all your old boyfriends and you make me lord my father will give you the nature and the grace to do the will of god law says you've got to do the will of god to earn god's favor but grace says no you repent of all your old boyfriends then you get the real jesus and now you have his nature so you do do the will of god okay on judgment day now watch this on judgment day many do you know the greek word many there means majority so it means at least 51 percent many will say to me again emphasis is lord they will not say to buddha they will not say to muhammad they will say to jesus christ lord in your name our church spoke god's messages we spoke god's messages we we told people about you we bash the demons our god-sponsored projects had everybody talking but i will reply i don't know who you are who are you we don't have an authentic relationship get away from me you who break god's laws one version says practice lawlessness okay many of you have heard me say it but there's new people here i'm going to say it again in the late 1980s i had a vision that riveted me forever i saw so many people i couldn't see the end of it millions and millions and millions of people in this vision i knew jesus was standing right behind me i knew the gates were there i knew the city was behind me god just let me see the people's faces millions every one of them called jesus christ their lord every one of them were expecting him to say enter into the joy of the lord and i heard the words from behind me in this vision i don't know who you are who are you and i heard the words depart and you know what god let me see is the excruciating look the agony the shock the utter bewilderment on their faces and i made up my mind right then nobody's nobody's gonna be saying this under my watch i don't care if people hate me i don't care if people are mad at me i don't care if people say that i'm mean because i'm not mean i like people i really like people and one day god said to me he said you know why you tell people nice things because you're more concerned about being rejected by them who's the focus of your love you or them i said i guess it's me he said if you really love people you tell them the truth that's why jesus loved that man and he told him the truth he didn't flatter him if we don't stop this we're going to keep bleeding we're going to keep losing millions of people to atheism and agnosticism i'm going to end with paul's words here they are and then we can have the keyboards thanks for staying with me look what paul said i never shrank back from telling you what you needed to hear either publicly or in your homes i have one message for jews and greeks alike the necessity of repenting from sin and turning to god and having faith in our lord jesus christ now watch what paul says i declare today i have been faithful if anyone suffers eternal death it's not my fault wow another version says i'm innocent of their blood why is it not my fault because i didn't shrink i didn't hold back from declaring all that god wants you to know well if we're not declaring the first foundation there's going to be a lot of blood on our hands i submit to you tonight that what is getting us in trouble is not what we're saying it's what we're not saying we're shrinking back from declaring all that god wants people to know i want every head bowed every eye closed every head bowed every eye closed with all my heart i wanted to come in here tonight with a soft spoken voice tender but i can't because too many lives are being lost i hope you see past any fallacy of mine and you see the love that i have in my heart and the love that god has put in my heart for you and more importantly the love that he has for you i know i'm i'm almost preaching to the choir to preach a message like this at victory christian center but i think you know there's so many leaders here there's so many people watching online right now this tide's got to change but i want to give you a chance because there are some of you in here matter of fact there are many of you in here you have prayed the sinner's prayer you even come to a friday night conference meeting but you know you know that you know that you know you haven't given him your whole heart you're a good person you like being around godly people but you know deep down inside you haven't given him 100 of your hard life soul body and strength remember lisa wasn't perfect the day we got married she made mistakes but her heart was perfect towards me you know who you are [Music] and you're the most important person i came to speak to tonight i want you to ask yourself an honest question have you repented have you made the decision to break up with anything anything that would be offensive to him anything that would replace him have you made that decision in your heart is it been made in the core of your being if you say john as i listen to you preach tonight i couldn't wait till you were done because i want to give him everything if that's you stand to your feet [Music] stand to your feet no bride has ever been ashamed of her groom stand your feet [Music] i'm gonna give you a moment because some of you are deciding right now good make the decision jesus said count the cost but i'm going to warn you if he's dealing with you right now and you stay seated when you walk out of here your heart will be harder than it was before you came in that's why the bible says today if you hear his voice don't harden your heart if he's dealing with you right now and you stay seated that's your choice he will never force you to follow him never but you will leave with a harder heart than when you came so count the cost now while you're in the presence of god because you walk out of here everything will be fine you know you'll get back you know life will go bond but your heart will be less sensitive to him so i'm only asking you if you say i know [Music] i've desired to follow him i was like the rich young ruler i was eve i would even run to a service i would run to anything i thought was him but i realize i have other lovers in my heart [Music] and i'm ready to break up with him just stand up if that's you all right if you're standing i want you to do something i want you i want you to bury whatever it is that you know you you know has has stood between you and him that you maybe maybe you only see that boyfriend you you haven't hidden away one time a week maybe one time a month maybe one time a year but you've you've tolerated it you've flirted with it bury it bury it bury it at your seat right now in your mind i want you to see yourself bearing it saying i'm breaking up with you right now that's repentance that is what repentance is does that mean you're gonna be perfect no outwardly no it doesn't mean that but it means you're gonna be perfect in your heart [Music] bury it at your feet and i want you to step out in the aisle and i want you to come all the way down to the front as far as you can there's a lot of people i want but i don't care i want you to move and i want to arrest you give them a hand i want you to give them a hand come on hey i'm so proud of you i'm so proud of you i am so proud of you i'm so proud of you come on come on give him a hand i'm so proud of you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on keep coming keep coming come close we got a lot of people behind you come on close come on come on come on come on [Music] come on i'm so proud of you guys i'm so proud of you i'm proud of you you looking at me you'll never regret what you're doing today and you think uh how could god accept me he does yes sir he does i don't care what you've done paul said i'm an example i killed christians and jesus accepted me [Music] i want you to close your eyes once you forget about the guy on the platform but you forget about who's around you who did who's not around you doesn't matter and i want you to turn in close your eyes and i want you to open the eyes of your heart now i'm asking the holy spirit to give you a glimpse of jesus lord give us a glimpse [Music] you see him [Music] you notice his eyes aren't angry you notice his eyes are dancing with joy see the smile it's actually authentic and it's massive [Music] see his arms reached out to embrace you oh my goodness presence of god just manifested okay it's happening there he is he's already here we haven't even prayed holy spirit reveal jesus to us draw near we're drawing near to you there's his presence right there right there right there people are being healed physically and emotionally even right now and we haven't even prayed yet all you've done is repent [Music] there's there's this healing power right there right there you see him see let me give you a little image here in the bible the prodigal son just makes the decision to repent of his stupid thinking and he starts on the way home and the father comes running after him and brings gifts do you realize that jesus came running after you just when you started stepping out into the aisle he came running there's his presence right there right there lift your hands up it's going to get stronger [Music] there he is right there lord wash away the shame wash away the guilt the guilt's not from him the shame is not from him the presence is from him he just washed you he just cleansed you he just purified you by the word that has been spoken over you here he is here he is here's another manifestation a little softer place here's another manifestation right there people in the audience i want you to stand up i want you to lift your hands up because presence of god is in here right now now holy spirit manifest the presence and the power of jesus to them say this out loud speak to the one you're looking at it's just you and him right now it's not a bunch of people around you it's just you and him speak to him say this god in heaven thank you for speaking to me i'm so deeply sorry that i've lived life my way apart from you my creator [Music] but today that's all changing this moment i give you everything my spirit soul and body everything i am everything i have i give it to you from this moment forward the rest of my life i declare jesus you're my king you're my lord you're my groom my lover you're my life i'm all yours i repent of anything offensive to you specifically what you personally have dealt with me about tonight and now fill me with your nature with your spirit lift your hands up one last time holy spirit no no let me pray for you holy spirit you just receive fall on them one more time manifest the presence of jesus there he is i command in the name of jesus in the presence of the holy spirit i command every sickness to go every disease to go and i release healing into your lives into your bodies and now fill them fill them fill all of us with your spirit in jesus name now i want you to just speak to him from your heart just for a moment say jesus i love you so much and now let's give them praise [Applause] [Music] i want to ask you something hey first thing you do first thing you do is not to flatter right you don't want to lie how many of you really sensed his presence honestly put your hands up okay i want you to understand that he will manifest his presence to you like that every time you draw an air with a true heart whether you're in your car in the shower whether you're just waking up in the morning you're getting ready to go to bed at night [Music] the thing you want to guard is your heart draw near to god he'll draw near to you cleanse your hands from all sin purify your heart from any double-mindedness in other words having two lovers if you do those two things just remember he's quick to forgive suppose i mess up tomorrow morning expose him then say jesus i'm so sorry and he will forgive you yes sir okay he's quick to forgive you just gotta be honest and own it and say i'm so sorry this is not what i want i broke up with that boyfriend i'm not i'm not i'm backing off he'll forgive you okay and then your heart's undivided and you draw near and he manifests that's what he does he loves it he loves doing it he said i will manifest myself to you he promises that amen guys i kind of shared out of a book that i wrote called killing kryptonite it's out there also our new book x which we didn't have is out there last year that's probably what i should have or not should have but i normally preach on but i really felt like god put this on my heart for tonight to share with you i hope i hope you heard my heart i hope you didn't see me as being critical judgmental i hope you saw that i'm just trying to turn the tide so we can get a lot of people genuinely safe [Applause] [Music] there's only one thing you can do to trust to put your faith in almighty god that through his son jesus christ when he went to the cross he died for your sins you can't feel it you can't touch it you can't see it it happened 2 000 years ago but you must trust [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] you
Channel: Victory Tulsa
Views: 6,212
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Id: DMVwNfmuACc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 32sec (4532 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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