Windtalkers | Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection father the enemy thinks he's got my child but I think I'll move over into the secret language and I can't fight it in the flesh the Holy Spirit will fight that battle the Holy Spirit will convict that son that door the Holy Spirit will do the work 2nd Samuel chapter 5 and verse 17 when the Philistines heard that they had anointed David King over Israel all the Philistines went up to search for David and David heard of it and he went down to the stronghold he went and the Philistines went and deployed themselves in the valley of Raphael Raphael means Giants and David inquired of the Lord saying shall I go up against the Philistines it's a good idea when the enemy comes against you it's a good idea to go ask God what you should do instead of just going off and shooting off on telling everything saying everything maybe you ought to inquire of the Lord and when he inquired of the Lord he said shall I go up and every other time he asked that question every other time God said go go go but this time God said do not go shall I go up against the Philistines will you deliver them into my hand Lord said to David go up for our doubtless deliver the Philistines in to your hand but he's about to give him a little different direction he said in verse 22 and the Philistines went up once again everybody say once again which means they had done this before once again means it's coming back it's coming back once again and deployed themselves in the valley of Rafi em therefore David inquired of the Lord and notice the last time he said go but this time he's gonna say inquired of the Lord he said you shall not go up it's why you need to keep praying you shall not go up circle around behind them come up upon them in front of the mulberry trees and it shall be when you hear the sound marching in the tops of the mulberry trees then you shall advance quickly the King James Version says be stir thyself I like that bestir turn to your neighbor and say be stirred thyself be stir stir up it means stir up yourself I'm waiting on God to move me stir up yourself stir up yourself advance quickly the Lord will go out before you the Lord will go out before when you hear the sound of going and when going through the tops of the trees it means the Lord's Angel armies have gone out before you into your battle to strike the camp of the Philistines I like the fact that that verse said that when the Philistines heard that David had been anointed which tells me that the anointing doesn't just affect us but it affects our enemy that anytime God anoints you and he you are anointed if you're a believer the anointing is for you jesus said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for he has anointed me and we're the body of Christ and Aaron was anointed in Psalms 133 and all poured down his head all the way down to the bottom of his garments to his feet and you and I no matter what part we play in the body of Christ have an anointing that makes the Philistines or the enemy know that there's power that is upon us that is greater than the power that they possess and when the Philistines heard that David had been anointed sometimes attack doesn't mean most of the time I dare say almost all of the time attack doesn't mean that you've done something wrong it usually means you're doing something right and when the Philistines heard that David had been anointed they rose up I thank God for the anointing of the Holy Spirit and David inquired the first time and God said go up but the second time God said do not go which tells me that you should inquire and when you go to pray go somewhere and pray and don't do all the talking but after you pray after you've talked to God about your problem you are especially when it's a problem that again they came the Bible said if listening set up again account to attack it's a reoccurring problem you're not supposed to just pray about it but sometimes you need to pray and then be quiet and listen listen for the voice of God because our God is never without a plan he's never confused you may be confused about the battle that you're fighting the enemy that you see coming back again and again but God is not without a plan concerning the battle that you're fighting for your family and for your life and for your for your purpose and call that God has on your life God has a plan and God said David you're about to take your enemy by surprise and wipe him out but you're not to go out like you've gone before but let it be when you hear the sound of going of moving in the top of the mulberry trees when you you don't move until you hear something above you you're gonna hear a sound of going or moving in the top of the mulberry trees you're waiting on a sound notice you're not waiting on the enemy and what he's gonna do a lot of people go around I wonder what the devil's gonna do next I'm not waiting on what kind of weapon the enemy's gonna use next you're waiting on a certain sound you're waiting on the wind you're waiting on the moving which means whatever is in heaven is coming down to earth there's an invasion of heavenly warriors that are coming from heaven down to earth and before they hit the earthly battlefield they're going to come through the tops of the trees and when you hear the angelic armies come through the tops of the trees you stir yourself up and you move out with the wind the United States was attacked by Japan at Pearl Harbor and because of that devastating defeat at Pearl Harbor the Japanese held the upper hand in the Pacific realm everything the United States Army and Navy and Air Force and Marines tried to do somehow the Japanese knew what they were going to do before they would do it this is a this is a historical fact what I'm preaching they could not figure out how that they would the enemy would intercept their messages and somehow know exactly what our army was going to do to try to win the victory in the battle they finally realized that many of the Japanese soldiers had learned English and many of them had been educated even in the United States schools and they knew how to speak our language and because they could speak our language they were picking up and able easily to decode the messages that were being sent by radio to the Troops so they would they would listen they knew the language they could easily decode the military orders and thereby they would know exactly what we were going to do and set up ambush mitts and they were destroying us that is until February 1942 a man by the name of William Johnston who was a civil engineer and a World War one vet had an idea and he went to a general friend of his his idea was what if America could come up with a secret code that the Japanese could not break what if they had a language that was so rare and so unique that the enemy could not decode it and they called a special gathering of generals to talk to this man about his idea his idea was to take 27 men from the Navajo tribe that spoke the Navajo language that had only been spoken on the reservations it's never been taught in any school this language is a language that only this tribe of Indians knew and the reason this man knew about it was he was the son of a missionary and he had been raised all of his life on the Navajo reservation he could speak the language and they got 27 Navajo Indians and gave them walkie talkies this is a historical fact and the way that we defeated the Japanese and the way that the battle started turning was when these men in a language that only they knew would give directions back and forth and the enemy would try to decode it and he couldn't decode the message because what is this I've never heard this before they never taught me this before the enemy could not break the code these men were called Windtalkers that's what I've come to preach on this morning they were called Windtalkers hell was winning the battle demonic forces and satan had the earth in bondage but Jesus died and rose again but he said it's expedient for me to go away for if I go not away the comforter cannot come but go to Jerusalem and tarry in the Upper Room and I'm gonna send my power and send my spirit and I'm gonna give you a special language and I'm gonna give you a special anointing and when I give you this power it's going to defeat the power of the enemy in your life move with me to Acts chapter 2 and verse 1 and when the day of Pentecost was fully come suddenly they were all in one chord in one place when suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a mighty rushing wind there it is it's the moving in the upper room where did the wind move in the Old Testament up in the trees and when the winds started moving the mighty rushing wind filled the place where they were sitting there appeared unto them cloven tongues like his the fire it set upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them the utterance they became Windtalkers they were filled with the Holy Spirit they began to speak as the spirit gave them the utterance the Spirit came on them they open their mouths and they became Windtalkers a language was formed that day that Satan could not decode a language was given by the Holy Spirit that defeats the powers of Satan sin and bondage hell cannot understand this prayer language the Holy Spirit gives it and it is not gibberish and it is not jabber it is not nonsense and emotional crazy fanatics it is this power of the Holy Spirit praying through you in a language that the enemy cannot decode cannot stop and cannot resist it brings victory into your battle clap your hands and praise God for the Holy Ghost praise God I'm a wind talker and I'm not ashamed of it I refuse to give up the secret code in the modern-day Church I refuse to let the devil intimidate me and shut my mouth and tell me I don't need to pray in the Holy Spirit don't let the devil cheat you out a praying in other tongues as the spirit gives you the utterance this church was born talking in tongues and it's going to be raptured talking in tongues I believe when the trumpet sounds if the spirits in you you're gonna become a wind talker well I don't know about that stuff you know and Franklin Jensen I like you little sermons on the on the blood and on the resurrection on the cross but are you going to learn a bit too far a little bit too far well let's see let's see first Corinthians chapter 14 see when you begin to pray in the spirit you begin to pray in the heavenly language that is a language of intercession and worship then something happens according to first Corinthians 14 in verse 2 for he who speaks in a tongue unknown tongue does not speak to men but to God for no one understands him howbeit in the spirit he speaks mysteries well the Apostle Paul just said you get a secret language that nobody understands you're not talking to people you're talking directly to God then he said in verse 18 the great Apostle Paul the man who wrote half the New Testament I think my god I speak with tongues more than you oh and he wasn't in the upper room he wasn't one of the originals in the upper uncle some people say well it was only for those in the upper room he this was many years after this was many years after he said I thank God the great Apostle Paul pray in tongues more than you all but then he gives some very good guidelines yet when I go to church I'd rather speak five words in my understanding then I teach others also than 10,000 words in a tongue he's not putting praying in tongues down he's just saying it has its place in your personal life in your personal prayer he's saying if I get up and I just start talking in tongues it brings a lot of confusion and nobody understands what I'm saying but there secret coded language that God has for every believer he says I thank God I speaking tons more than y'all but when I come to church I don't do it cuz I've already prayed in the Holy Ghost for I get there now we'll get up and speak the wonders of God in the language they can understand then he pulls from the Old Testament verse 21 in the law it's written with men of other tongues this is Old Testament he's quoting from Isaiah with other tongues and lips will I speak unto this people and yet for all of that they will not hear me and then he says therefore tongues is not a sign to those who believe but to the unbeliever I'm almost done but look what he says down here in verse 39 therefore brethren desire earnestly to prophesy and do not do not forbid to speak with tongues and then he adds a little very important thing especially for wild Pentecostals let all things be done decently and in order so what does the church do the modern-day church takes the whole gift of tongues and throws it out of the church throws the baby out with the bathwater when God clearly said through the Apostle Paul do not forbid this blessing it's a secret language it speaks mysteries it's a coded language the enemy can't decode acts 19 Paul came upon 10 disciples of John they had been saved and baptized in water in Jesus name they were saved as you could be and then he asked them in acts 19 have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed and they said to him what many in modern day churches would say we have never heard so much whether there is a Holy Spirit and when he laid his hands on them they heard them Paul a his hands on them the Holy Spirit came upon them and and the King James says they heard them speak with tongues but this says they spoke with tongues and prophesied this was many many many years after Acts chapter two in the upper room this is Windtalkers who were saved and baptized but they were lacking something and Paul said you need to be filled and he laid his hands on him and when they did they became Windtalkers and began to pray in the Holy Ghost speak in other tongues Acts chapter 10 the Bible said that Peter preached at Cornelius house and the scripture said the Holy Spirit fell on the house Lord please let it happen in this room every room watching me fell on the house the Holy Spirit fell upon those who heard the word what happened next they were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also how do you know they heard them speak with tongues and night what is that their Windtalkers they've got a message the devil cannot break the codon and the only reason that the battle was worn in 2nd Samuel 5 is because they they the wind when the wind when they heard the sound of the wind they went with the wind they Bible said they stirred themselves they bestirred themselves King James says anybody hear the sound moving through the trees this morning anybody believe the power of the Holy Ghost is still relevant for this generation you have to start yourself I told I've told you this illustration before but Cherise loves sweet tea every morning my routine is I'll go get me a coffee and I'll go get her a large sweet tea and I'll bring it back to her but if you go to some states like California if you go up north somewhere and you walk in and you sound would love to have a glass of sweet tea they will look at you like you just set a foul cuss word or something sweet tea oh no no we do not have sweet tea are you you foolish foolish especially when you say do y'all have sweet tea they will look at you like you're an idiot they do it all the time every time we go to California and she'll ask that I don't know why she still ants but she will ask but what they'll do is they'll bring you an unsweetened tea and they'll bring a big old container about that long and it'll have about 40 little packs of sugar and you'll sit there your whole meal one day I made a discovery it's not the sugar that makes the tea sweet it's the stirring you can have it you can have the holy spirit but every now and then you need a good stirring every now and then you need to hear the mighty rushing wind in the in the tops of the mulberry trees in the upper room of your body which is you you need to hear it and you need to open your mouth and be refilled with the power of the Holy Spirit and become a wind talker again I hope many of you began to get up every morning and your wind talkers and you begin to pray and the Holy Spirit again we don't pray enough we need to pray we need to become Windtalkers we've got a secret language the devil can't decode [Applause] and there are some battles that you'll never win so you become a wind talker and let the spirit pray through you and it's for you and it's for your children it's for every person under the sound of my voice I want you to stand up on your feet I want you to lift up your hands I want you to open up your mouth with praise I don't want you to say something silent in your mind I want you to open your mouth and I want you to praise God and I want you to listen for the sound and when you hear the sound let the Holy Spirit pray through you again let him feel you let let become a wind talker refuse to be intimidated to become a wind talker this is a message I believe that's in season for hundreds of people today just lift your hands high all over this room we worship You Jesus we praise you Jesus Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah just worship Him just worship Him that's good but I want you to turn the volume up on your voice take it up three notches and begin to glorify Jesus everybody in this room lift him up lift him up lift him up he wants to baptize you he wants to feel you you've been fighting something he keeps coming again and again and again I'm giving you the blueprint for victory it's by the power of the Spirit we know all things when we start praying in the Holy Ghost he knows the mind of the Father he knows the answer he knows the attacks he knows the enemy's plans and he can give them to you and he can defeat the enemy in your valley of giants whoo stir up your sale come on sy the Bible said share up the gifts that are in you that were given through the laying on of hands you might have had the Holy Ghost but is he just laying down in the bottom of the glass how long has it been since you stirred up the gift and became a wind talker I'm a wind talker pray pray pray pray pray come on come on demons - stepping back prey Devils are afraid Devils can't fight against the power of the Spirit you mean fighting the enemy with the flesh fighting with the spirit in your win our weapons are not carnal their mighty their mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds great pray dad pray mom prayed for those children in the spirit pray for them pray for them pray for them pray for that anxiety that worry that burden that financial worry whatever it is pray in the spirit about it pray in the spirit an answer we'll get through that answer we'll get through the enemy's front lines pray we're not defeated we're not victims we're not to be beat up we're not to go around always wondering what the enemy's gonna do next I hear a sound in the mulberry trees well if today's message is spoken to you we want to hear about it just go online right now call or dial the number on the screen tell us how God is touching you through this program it means so much to us before we leave today I wanted to tell you about our latest project you know many years ago God spoke to my Lord and said find the people who are doing great missionary works and support them through the resources of Kingdom connection one of the greatest needs is the women's veterans home at the dream Center a place just for female veterans a place for them to find help and hope and healing and we can bring healing we can get them off drugs we can get them off that we can get them out of that suicidal pit of despair I know what the answer is it's Jesus and I know that's what they'll get at the dream Center right now no matter how big or how small your gift is today please help thank you and God bless you God is calling us a kingdom connection to do everything possible to help heal what has been broken sadly thousands of American military veterans are living with deep wounds after years of service often suffering with unspeakable pain and trauma that is why we are partnering with the Dream Center to build the Freedom House Women's Veterans Home in the heart of Los Angeles and that is why we are asking you to join hands with us today in this incredible outreach of compassion every gift makes a difference when you make a gift today a $50 or more to help change the life of these precious veterans will send you Jenson Franklin's just release book love like you've never been hurt when you make a very special one-time gift of $1,000 or more your name will be inscribed on the wall of Honor at the Freedom House women's Veterans Home as a lasting testimony of your love and generosity to these women who have already given so much you'll also receive a custom edged glass American flag for you to proudly display in her home or office don't wait go to Jensen franklin TV to give your gift hope for these precious women begins with you for word conference 2018 with elevation worship Jesus culture free chapel music and Hillsong young and free and life-changing messages from Jensen Franklin Laura thoughts sigh Rodgers Reggie dabs been Prescott's Jake Fuquay and Brock bird [Music] June 28 through 30th 2018 and registered today at Forward Conference org this program has been sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom Connection we hope you've enjoyed this teaching by Jensen Franklin and thank you for your continued support of this ministry your prayers and financial support make these programs possible for more information about this message and other ministry resources visit us online at jetson franklin TV [Music]
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 37,868
Rating: 4.8849316 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, Free Chapel, Temple, Saved, Save, Christianity, Faith, Depression, Healing, Radical, Devotion, Devotional, Islam, Mosque, Suicide, Struggle
Id: w3KoJt1xNn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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