10/11/2020 | The Sevening of the Saints | Pastor Joel Urshan

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i'm glad jesus is in the house [Applause] i said i'm glad jesus is in the house for where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty and i feel that liberty that's in this place can we give him praise one more time thank you jesus for being with us living in us blessing us we give you the praise and the glory today in jesus name i'm reading this morning from isaiah chapter 11 and also revelation chapter 5 isaiah chapter 11. we're going to begin at the first verse wonderful to be here on this day a great and momentous day of rededication this is my first time to be back since the renovation this place is beautiful it was already beautiful now it's even more beautiful my goodness just absolutely wonderful to see how the lord is blessing east wind isaiah chapter 11 beginning with verse 1 there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots and the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the lord and shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the lord and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes neither reprove after the hearing of his ears but with righteousness shall he judge the poor and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked i would like to turn your attention also to the book of revelation we're going to read from the fifth chapter of the book of revelation and the sixth verse the word of the lord says this and i beheld and lo in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb hallelujah as it had been slain having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of god sent forth into all the earth and i want to speak to you for just a few moments this morning on the subject the sevening of the saints the sevening of the saints could we lift up our voices unto him right now and ask for his blessing upon the preaching of the word of god today lord we need you we can do nothing without you we pray that you will bless us as we deliver your word we ask for an anointing upon the message that you have prepared for our hearts as it goes forth i pray in jesus name that you will speak life lord we know that when you speak your word it shall not return void but that it will accomplish what you have sinted to do and we pray in the name of jesus that you will do what you have intended to do in this place in every life hallelujah we give you the praise and the glory and the honor in jesus precious name and everybody said in jesus name and everybody said amen any man you may be seated in the name of the lord i'm talking today about the the number seven and i understand that if we talk about the number seven here that it would probably be agreed upon by every body here that the number seven is a special number we know that it's a special number to god we know that it's a special number in scripture and in fact some might say it is the number of perfection it is god's perfect number some people will say the number of completion it's my favorite number it has always been my favorite number as soon as i found out god liked seven it was my favorite number turns out god likes a lot of numbers different ones but seven just seems to top them all and uh and and and i just love that number i was the worst at at playing the game picking number one through ten i was the worst everybody always got the number i was like hey pick a number one through ten they're like seven oh man got it again i was always picking seven but if i were to play basketball on my team i got to pick my jersey number i'd i'd pick number seven unless it was taken i picked number seven because that's god's perfect number unless it was taken and then i would pick number one because the lord our god is one and if that was taken i'd pick 11 because that was isaiah thomas's jersey numbered it wasn't it wasn't quite as spiritual but i had my methodology the number seven it is uh i mean we can we can even sometimes over spiritualize in fact it's important to know when we talk about numbers preach about numbers there's nothing mystical about them nothing magical about them there's no need to be superstitious about them but we sometimes over spiritualize it you know if we go to chick-fil-a and order six nuggets and they put seven nuggets look at god didn't have to do it but he did i know he can do it he can we get to the checkout counter find out there's a seven percent discount well what does that bring my total to that brings your total to 7.77 since look at god look at what the lord has done i went through a i went through a cash out lane one time they said that'll be 17.76 i said 1776. is that your way of telling me it's free is that what you're trying to tell me this [Applause] they they didn't that's not what they were trying to tell me and they didn't think it was funny either but but there's something special about that number seven it emerges over and over throughout the scriptures and so while we don't we don't over spiritualize it we don't think of it in a not at all a superstitious way we don't we don't get into to thinking there's something magical about it we have to take note of the fact that it's in the scriptures and the reason it's significant is not because there's power in that number but it's it's significant because it represents something and so we have to recognize what it represents there were in the scriptures there were seven golden candlesticks in the tabernacle we have to ask ourselves why were there seven golden candlesticks in the tabernacle elisha told naaman to dip seven times in the jordan river but why did elisha tell him to dip seven times in the jordan river in proverbs chapter 17 the scripture teaches us that wisdom hath hewn out her seven pillars does wisdom have seven pillars there are seven feasts that belong unto the lord why are there seven feasts that belong unto the lord there are seven churches in the book of revelation and there were seven stars in the hand of him who walked among the seven golden candlesticks on and on we could talk about the seven sneezes of the man the young man that elisha raised to life we could talk about elijah sending his servant seven times to check out if there's rain we could we could talk about joshua and the children of israel seven times around the wall of jericho and on the seventh day seven times and we could talk about we could talk about so many instances throughout the scriptures where one example after another there's seven here and seven there seven seven seven and perhaps the perhaps the granddaddy of them all is the seven days of creation seven days of creation and many people point to those seven days of creation as to explain why there are seven golden candlesticks and why there are seven this and seven that and the significance of seven and there's no question that creation itself is a model of why seven is so important god created the earth in six days yet he was not done he said i do not discount that seventh day that seventh day is important it's a day of rest i want you to understand the lord is saying that though i though i worked all week every day is filled with work and we do need to know that that's that's the commandment of the lord six days shalt thou labor now we we focus a lot on the lord said i need to take a day of rest but he also said you got to work six days six days that's actually a commandment six days thou shalt labor and on the seventh day you shall rest god did this in creation he created the earth in six days and and when he completed it on the seventh day there was some kind of a holy hush that descended upon this earth there was some kind of a of a holy pause a completeness a perfection there was a there was a rest that filled the earth that god had just completed and it was a beautiful thing but why were there seven days of creation you know you can explain scientifically the year you can play explain scientifically the month but they don't really have a scientific explanation for why a week a week seems to be arbitrary in terms of science it is the sheer prerogative of god that there are seven days in a week he established it by his word in creation that there will be seven days six of labor and one of rest and it will be completion it will be perfection so why all of this you have to go even before creation to understand what is the purpose of the seven in the scriptures and we read about it we read about it in revelation chapter 5. see this number is not a mystical number or a magical number or or a number that has power it's a number that represents something and it represents something in the heavens it's in the heavens that this number gains its prominence and and john peered into the heavens and he was the revelator he received a revelation and then he became a revelator he explained to us what he saw and and this is why the number 12 has significance because he saw 12 foundations and he saw 12 gates and there are other numbers that have significance but one of those numbers that has significance is the number seven and john said i looked into the heavens and i beheld something lo in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb and this lamb had as it had been slain had seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of god sent forth into all the earth these seven horns represent the authority and this seven eyes represent the wisdom and the insight the knowledge and he said i i see this in the heavens there's seven horns there's seven eyes and these represent the seven spirits of god sent forth into all the earth now you must understand that the seven spirits of god are not seven different beings or seven different entities there is only one god hear o israel the lord our god is one lord and him only shall you serve you shall love him with all your heart all your mind all your soul all your strength there's only one god and god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth in fact the original says god is spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth no these are not seven different beings or entities these are seven expressions of one spirit these are the seven breaths if you please of god this word spirit is the word pneuma it means breath we actually use it in the word pneumonia it has to do with breath these are the seven breaths of god that are sent forth into all the earth and john looked into the heavens and he saw that there are seven breaths of god there are seven spirits the seven-fold expression of the one spirit of god that go forth into all the earth the prophet isaiah explained these seven breaths if you please of god these seven expressions of the spirit of god and he described in his messianic prophecy that jesus would come and he described him as a rod out of the stem of jesse a branch shall grow out of his roots and the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him that's the first breath of god the spirit of wisdom that's the second breath of god the spirit of understanding the spirit of counsel the spirit of might the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of the fear of the lord these are the seven spirits of god if you please there they are the spirit of the lord the spirit of wisdom the spirit of understanding the spirit of counsel the spirit of might or strength the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of the fear of the lord and isaiah said this one that will come forth as a tender plant out of dry ground upon him shall be the spirit of the lord wisdom understanding counsel might knowledge and the fear of the lord and this was of course confirmed at the baptism at the jordan river when the spirit rested upon him this was the spirit in all of its fullness listen to me ladies and gentlemen in him dwelleth all the fullness of the godhead bodily and ye are complete in him who is the head of all principality and power in jesus christ dwelt the fullness of god he is god almighty manifest in the flesh he is total perfection he is absolute completion and you and i can only be complete in him that's why we baptize in the name of jesus christ and that's why you must be filled with the gift of the holy ghost because that's the only way you can be complete and i can be complete is in him you are looking when you look at the seven to sevenfold expression of the spirit of god you are looking at the completion of god that is completion that is perfection the spirit of the lord wisdom understanding counsel might knowledge and the fear of the lord so in the scriptures when the lord was teaching the people about his divine nature and how his spirit operates he would often take them through experiences that gave them this understanding in symbolic form and this is why there were seven dips in the jordan river and this is why there were seven golden candle sticks in the tabernacle and this is why there were seven this and seven that because he was teaching them the whole time how his spirit operates it's a blast of wind if you please it is the spirit of the lord and then he will blow on you with wisdom and understanding and counsel and might and knowledge and the fear of the lord [Applause] this is the way that god perfects his people as a matter of fact the word seven is not just a number the word seven is a verb when the lord swear unto abraham that word swear means to seven ones the self so when the lord swear his covenant unto abraham he was sevening the covenant unto abraham he was giving forth his word and his word is a perfecting power he was saying abraham what i'm speaking to you today i will complete it in you i will perform it to its fullest extent ladies and gentlemen i know in whom i have believed and i am persuaded that he is able you hear what i'm preaching to you he is faithful to perform what he has promised to you abraham it's a covenant it's a swear this is why you and i do not swear we don't swear and we don't use swear words because we are not god we don't give forth oaths god is the one who swears and he can swear by no greater so he swore by himself and that word swear means to seven to perfect to complete god wants to complete his people god wants to perfect his people this is why he gave us the five-fold ministry hallelujah apostles and prophets and pastors and teachers and evangelists for the work of the ministry hallelujah to edify the body of christ and for the perfecting of the saints of god it is the sevening of the saints of god how does god perfect his church through his spirit which distributes wisdom and understanding and cancel and might and knowledge in the fear of the lord the fear of the lord is the final component this is why solomon said let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter that man must fear god hallelujah he has completed the work when man fears god he has covered you with his spirit he has filled you with his spirit and with wisdom and understanding and counsel it is a process that unfolds in your life and and it is a constant perfecting and a constant sevening don't get discouraged in the process of perfecting don't get discouraged when you feel like things are getting too hot and things are getting too heavy it's just god perfecting you it's god's sevening you i know that this has been a tough year 2020. i don't have to remind you about it i don't have to take you back through a day by day challenge that you faced but if it wasn't one thing it was another and the whole earth was concerned and filled with fear but it wasn't just filled with fear it was filled with the glory of the lord god has been with us every step of the way and i will tell you something i'm closer to him now than i've ever been before he's sevening his people he's sevening his church he's completing his calling he's perfecting his people oh i know it's been strange all the social distancing and all of the all of the i i mean i i don't even know where to start and if i didn't know where to start i wouldn't know where to end it's been a difficult year but god is on the throne and god has a people and he said i will build my church upon this rock and the gates of hell shall not prevail against my church trust in me put your faith in me i will keep you in all your ways i will refine you with fire hallelujah i will set your feet i will set you up upon high places make your feet like heinz feet glory hallelujah i could i could feel god perfecting me i woke up one night pastor myers in a panic i had a i had i had a panic that just kind of i kind of took my breath away and i woke up and names of people started flashing through my mind and and i started praying for them oh god keep your hand of protection upon your people i started calling their names out people i was concerned about people i knew who struggled in the faith and i and they weren't able to get to church and things were crazy and i was praying for them and and believing god to help them and the lord spoke to me and said hey hey hey this is my church i felt the burden of caring for these people but he said don't forget i love them more than you love them this is my church these are my people i'm going to take care of my people you know you don't you don't learn that when everything is going good when everything is going the way you want it to go you have to go through a process of perfecting a process of sevening naaman comes down to elisha with his leprosy and and he wants elisha he said i wanted him to kind of wave his hand over the leprosy and call upon his god but that's not what elisha did elisha said no i'm going to send you through a process i want you to go down into a river that you wouldn't go down in on your own a river you wouldn't even cross over a river you wouldn't even fish in i want you to go down into the river step down into those waters and naaman was offended and insulted and was about to leave but his servant said but master hallelujah if the if the prophet would have told you some great thing to do you would have done it but because he has told you this this thing that you think insults you you won't do it why don't you go ahead and try you came all this way just try what he said hallelujah hear what i'm telling you ladies and gentlemen just try what the lord said just try what the word of god has instructed you to do he went down into those waters and he went down one time came up nothing went down a second time came up nothing went down a third time came up nothing four five six but when he came up the seventh time his flesh was restored to the flesh of a child i know some of you are dipping down into the waters of adversity and you don't know you can't seem to get your head above water you come up one time and you're back down and come up another time and you back down under keep on going down because god is seven in you he's giving you wisdom he's giving you understanding you may not feel like anything's changing but the lord is filling you with strength and with knowledge and there's going to come a day you're going to come up out of that water and your flesh will be restored to the flesh of a child east wind hear me i know this has been a difficult year a challenging year but hear what i'm telling you god is going to restore your flesh to that of a child which means he's going to restore it like there never was a leprosy like there never was a problem he's going to restore it telling you that's what god will do when you get baptized in the name of jesus don't you know you come up and it's like there never was a scar it's like there never was a leprosy it's restored to the flesh it didn't it didn't say that it just took his leprosy away it says it restored his flesh to that of a child he went from being a leper to having the best skin in the world he gets he comes walking out like he never had acne he comes walking out like he never had a a a laceration he never had a cut never had a scrape it was the flesh of a child god will do that notice when the lord caused them to walk through the red sea he caused him to walk through on dry ground it wasn't soggy it wasn't it wasn't mushy it was dry ground it wasn't muddy it was dry ground when god hallelujah pours his spirit out upon you and begins to work wisdom and understanding and might and counsel and knowledge and the fear of the lord it'll be like you never drank alcohol it'll be like you never were addicted to a chemical substance it'll be like you never did have a marital crisis it'll by the way you never did have a financial hardship because god is able to do exceeding and abundantly above all we can ask a thing [Applause] hallelujah he's sevening me he's sevening me that's why don't don't get don't get frustrated with people that are growing in grace don't get frustrated with them don't get frustrated they might have wisdom and understanding maybe they don't have strength yet god's sevening them he's developing them don't get frustrated with yourself come on don't get frustrated with yourself you wish you had more faith just keep dipping in the water keep coming to the house of god come on in one more time naaman don't stop until god performs the miracle hallelujah don't stop until god performs the miracle [Applause] i'm going to tell you something ladies and gentlemen these these expressions of the spirit of god they predate everything in this world these are the precepts of the lord they are preceptual they are the precepts of god these are things that lasted that existed before the foundation of the earth proverbs chapter 3 verse 19 and 20 says the lord by wisdom hath founded the earth by understanding hath he established the heavens by his knowledge the deaths are broken up and the clouds drop down the dew proverbs chapter 8 and verse number 12 notice that the seven spirits of god if you please are represented here he said i wisdom dwell with prudence i found out knowledge of witty inventions the fear of the lord is to hate evil pride and arrogancy the evil way and the forward mouth do i hate counsel is mine and sound wisdom i am understanding i have strength hallelujah notice what he said in verse 22 he said the lord possessed me in the beginning of his way before his works of old i was set up from everlasting from the beginning or ever the earth was when there were no depths i was brought forth when there were no fountains abounding with water before the mountains were settled before the hills was i brought forth while as yet had not been made the earth the fields the highest part of the dust of the world when he prepared the heavens i was there in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters that is the seven spirits of god that is the spirit of god in all of its seven breaths hallelujah wisdom and understanding and counsel and might and knowledge and the fear of the lord moved upon the face of the earth hallelujah i'm just going to go ahead and tell you this too god said let there be light and that word let there be in the hebrew is hayah which means the self-existent one or in other words i am so when god said let there be light he was saying i am light and there was light when you received the holy ghost it was the same spirit that moved upon the face of the waters and it was the same god who said i am like that filled you and he fills you with wisdom and understanding and knowledge counsel might the fear of the lord hallelujah he's sevening you don't get discouraged he's sevening you your greatest days are yet to come you're entering into a day of rest i refuse i refuse to be discouraged by this fiery trial i think back to three hebrew children who refused to bow to the image that was set before them the whole world was bowing in fear and intimidation but hannah and i are miss yale and azariah or as you may know them shadrach meshach and abednego said we will not bow the king said i'll throw you in to the fiery furnace they said our god can deliver us from the fiery furnace and if he chooses not to deliver us we still won't bow the king said all right thrown in [Applause] i don't know about shadrach meshach and abednego but i don't know how comfortable i'd be in that moment i just took a stand of faith now they're throwing me in the fiery furnace and then as they're going in he said and heated up seven times that's all i needed to hear because with every degree you heated up you're sevening me you're perfecting me hallelujah one degree wisdom one degree understanding another degree council some of you got a lot more degrees than you thought you did but go ahead and stay in the fire because it's going to reach a seventh degree and when it reaches the seventh degree there's going to be a manifestation of the glory of god in that fiery trial i'm going to tell you when you get all seven expressions of the spirit of the lord operating in your life you see the fourth man in the fire you'll see him in the workplace you'll see him in the hospital room you'll see him in the courtroom you'll see him [Applause] glory you'll see him you'll see things you didn't see before you'll understand things you didn't understand before you'll know things you didn't know before [Applause] because the spirit of the lord is breathing understanding wisdom might counsel knowledge the fear of the law john said i saw those seven spirits of god and they were seven eyes and isaiah said they rested on him he does not judge after the seeing of his eyes are reproved after the hearing of his ears he judges with righteousness he sees the big picture when we look at it we see through our narrow fleshly lens but when he looks at it he's got eyes that run to and fro this is why when they brought the woman caught in the act of adultery to his feet he didn't look at her through the lens of what did she do what did you say she did no he had one eye looking at her past one eye looking at her destiny one eye looking at the abuse she experienced one eye looking at god's call on her life one eye looking at the heart that she had that she didn't want to do it she didn't want to live like this anymore he had an eye on the fact that she was embarrassed and ashamed and wanted to change but didn't know how and he said let him that hath no sin cast the first stone hallelujah they all had to throw the stones down and he said woman where are thy accusers she said lord i have none and he who really did have no sin and could have cast a stone said neither do i condemn thee go and sin no more i'm telling you what you let the holy ghost get ahold of you and breathe on you and breathe in you and you'll see the big picture tovid won't intimidate you you hear what i'm saying national unrest won't intimidate you the difficulty and the violence and the turmoil it won't intimidate you because you've got an eye on the whole big picture i've got the holy ghost down in my soul and he's perfecting me he's sevening me whoa he's he's sevening me [Applause] hallelujah go ahead servant go up and see if there's a cloud i went up there's no cloud go again i did again there's still no cloud go again go again go again lord master prophet i've been doing this a long time and there's nothing there's nothing really resulting from it saying of god keep going saint of god keep on keeping on because you're gonna walk up there a seventh time and you're gonna see a cloud rising up out of the water like a man's hand [Applause] hallelujah there's something about the sevening and then and then when you get seven and seven together in the scriptures my god have mercy when you've got hi god i i just i'm not gonna be able to preach all this but but but you you can go look at it yourself there's something that happens when you have seven and seven together seven full ears of corn and seven lean ears of corn seven fat cows and seven lean cows and and seven and seven jesus looked at his disciples and said to them in one place he fed the multitude with seven loaves and they all ate and he sent his disciples back out and said pick up the baskets they picked up the baskets he said how many baskets have you they said we have seven baskets he said that's good they go on to to another place and he looked at them and said they forgot to bring bread with them and he looked at them and said beware ye of the leaven of the pharisees they felt ashamed for not having bread and said he's talking about the leaven of the pharisees because we forgot the bread he knew their thoughts and said why are you worried about the bread have you already forgotten about the miracle of the loaves how many loaves did you have seven how many baskets did you take up seven and you still don't understand you have eyes but you don't see you have ears but you don't hear hallelujah what he's trying to tell them is there is nothing impossible for me there is a seven and a seven ah so let me tell you what the seven and the seven is the seven is the seven in heaven that's what john saw but then there's a seven on earth that's when heaven comes to earth that's god in christ reconciling the world unto himself that's the holy ghost being poured out upon all flesh it's seven in heaven it's seven in earth that's why jesus said when you pray pray like this hallelujah thy will be done in heaven in earth as it is in heaven lord i want the perfection of heaven i want the completion of heaven i want the glory of heaven to be here on earth seven us perfect us complete us and we can go through the drudgery of the sevening and feel like we're not making any progress but when you enter into that seventh day there is a rest wherewith the weary shall rest and the refreshing that's where you are eastwind there's a breath of god coming upon you i know this year has been a challenge in many ways it's been a drudgery i will say that but listen east wind has set the gold standard of internet ministry you have ministered to people around the globe god bless you for that thank you for that god is going to reward you for that and there is a east wind coming upon you there's a breath of god there's a revival that you're getting ready to step into hallelujah god i feel the holy ghost god just sent me to tell you you've been walking laboring lumbering ah he said joshua i want you to walk around the walls i want you to walk around every day i want you to walk around the walls for seven days so here they go they're walking lumbering laboring trudging drudging trying to get through covert trying to get through difficulty trying to get through unusual circumstances trying to keep it all together monday and tuesday and wednesday every day seems like another treasury but they were approaching the seventh day they were coming into the seventeen of the saints he said when you get to that seventh day there's gonna be a holy ghost wind come on you and you're not gonna walk around just one time you're gonna walk around seven times on the seventh day don't even make me talk about seven times seven because that takes us to forty and you get past 49 and you enter pentecost you get past 49 and you into jubilee i feel like somebody knows what i'm talking about you've been in the fiery furnace and the degrees are just heating up heating up heating up hold your peace let the lord fight your battle god got this god got this [Applause] somebody that believes him give him the price [Applause] somebody that believes it give him the [Applause] prize [Applause] ah [Applause] huh jesus god said i don't want you to utter a word while you walk around the wall i know it's been tempting with everything going on to complain to express your frustration but just save it for your praise save it for your praise [Applause] can i encourage your child of god as you walk around this wall just hold your mouth you're coming into the seventh day you're stepping into the seventh day and when you step into the seventh day you're gonna let it all out save it for the shout save it for the praise come on you have stuff building up all year long come on it's time to let it out in praise don't let it out and complain let it out in rejoicing let it out in a shout out praise unto the lord [Applause] come on i need some joshuas to come to the front of this house and say god complete me complete me i'm going down in the jordan another time perfect me seven me give me wisdom give me understanding give me counsel give me might give me knowledge give me the fear of the lord i want everybody who has faced uncertainty in 2020 i want you to give god praise like he kept you i want you to give god praise hallelujah like he's a good god like he's a mighty god like he's an on guy come on let the shout out let the shout out let the dance out let the praise ascend unto the lord [Applause] [Music] we're gonna sing we're going to sing but the bible says according to thy name so is thy praise i want you to praise him as great as his name is great if he's great then he's greatly to be praised i want you to give him a he brought me out kind of praise i want you to give him a he wiped the tears from my eyes kind of praying won't he do it won't he do it come on lift up your voice and give god is weight has been lifted he did he did there is freedom there is is [Music] he did 10. [Applause] hey there [Applause] is freedom huh i see you doing i see no way do it again [Music] i'm gonna ask you to remain standing where you're at we're gonna move into an official dedication on this building i realize you've been here it's not a new building but we're gonna treat it like it's a new building today that'd be all right and when i ask you to participate here in just a second i think that god takes note of what we're getting ready to do and so it's to me kind of a solemn deal because we're rejoicing and magnifying god which is what we build these houses for so we're not just here today to have just another church service are here today that heaven and earth will bear witness of this building being dedicated jacob's ladders i preached the other night was a place where heaven and earth come together and so the dedication of a building is the decreeing of our alignment to become the house of god and the gate of heaven [Music] somebody said amen so today we're going to dedicate this building that it would be a place where he will dwell through his covenant people that bear his name now i understand some people argue well with the body's the temple i understand that too that we're the house of god but there's also a place where god calls us to a symbol and there's power when we assemble israel assembled when it was time to go to war israel is simple when it was time for god to speak through the prophets so as coming to the house of god there's power when we assemble so god has given you this wonderful edifice as a place for you to assemble for you to assemble and so we're going to dedicate this place today to fulfill the proclamation of jesus it is known of all nations that my house shall be a house of prayer a place where heaven and earth come together a place of seven place of completion that's what we're going to dedicate it for we're not going to turn it into a den of thieves but we're going to remember that it is a house of prayer so here's what we're going to do i'm going to ask you to help me and to respond i'm going to say these words we declare and dedicate this building to be a place of and i'll list a place of and when i get through with saying that specific thing that this will be a place of i'm going to ask you as a congregation to say in jesus name we're going to participate we're dedicating this today together amen [Music] we declare and dedicate this building to be a place of love we declare and dedicate this building to be a place of truth we declare and dedicate this building to be a place of righteousness we dedicate we declare and dedicate this building to be a place of peace [Music] we declare and dedicate this building to be a place of joy we declare and dedicate this building to be a place of faith we declare and dedicate this building to be a place of healing we declare and dedicate this building to be a place of salvation [Music] we declare and dedicate this building to be a place where the spirits of just men meet we declare and dedicate this building to be a place of the angels of god ascending and descending we declare and dedicate this building to be a place of true worship we dedicate this building to be a place where his glory will dwell and all the people say amen now let's let heaven bear witness to our worship today in the name of jesus [Applause] that's it worship and let heaven bear [Applause] witness [Music] [Applause] thank you lord [Music] we invite you to stay pray as long as you want in this altar we invite you to tour the building we've asked the ushers and the staff to open up all the doors and go back to office cafe bible quizzing room there's a whole wall back here that tells the history of this church over the past uh 52 53 years and all that you want to just walk around and look and observe as you do give thanks to god because all the glory belongs to him hallelujah and tonight if you enjoyed what you felt today tonight we're going to go to another whole level and it's going to be the culmination of the most unbelievable week in the history of east wind church evangelist landon gore will be preaching we're all going to be back i hope you come with faith and expectation because we serve almighty good god hallelujah in the name of jesus god bless you we love you you're dismissed in jesus name
Channel: Eastwind Pentecostal Church of Palm Bay, Florida
Views: 5,915
Rating: 4.9136691 out of 5
Keywords: first, pentecostal, apostolic, sermon, pastor, david, myers, palm bay, melbourne, brevard, county, florida, upci, upc, bishop, j., e., jackson, ellis, Eastwind, Eastwind church
Id: K1Kywgksyno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 8sec (3548 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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