09/12/2021 | Sunday Evening Worship

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] praise the lord everybody amen let's stand together tonight we're so glad that you are here and we want to begin tonight by just lifting our hands and our voices and inviting the presence of the lord into this place amen let's pray right now lord we are so thankful to be in your house thankful for the anointing of the holy ghost we're thankful lord for people that were filled with your spirit baptized in your name today lord we give you praise and glory for all things we ask you tonight lord just fill this house with your presence oh lord as we lift our hearts and hands to praise you and declare the name of jesus we pray god that your spirit would be in this place tonight that you would have your way o lord thank you for the body of christ thank you for a place to come and to proclaim your name lord thankful for your presence that we feel when we are gathered together we give you glory and praise for all things for you are a great and almighty god hallelujah everybody said in jesus name amen let's worship with our worship team right now god bless [Music] god who spoke worlds into being god god who speaks life and to me again [Applause] i'm [Music] the very same god who said that captive god screams breaks chains off today [Applause] yes [Music] every day [Music] every day is yes [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] uh my me uh myself [Music] [Music] hallelujah it strong is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh oh thank you jesus hallelujah lord you are worthy we bless the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah lord you are worthy hallelujah [Music] we give you glory and praise hallelujah [Applause] [Music] oh thank you lord how can you believe the lord is worthy of our praise [Music] amen thankful for a number of people that received the holy ghost this morning and some that were baptized we had a lady that was here uh this morning that is the number one actress in india in what they call bollywood and they said now just think of like elizabeth taylor of india well i'm old enough to know who elizabeth taylor is or was i can't remember where we are with that but um i wasn't sure how much of that was true but i looked it all up on wikipedia and it was true but she received the holy ghost she is [Applause] she is in the senate in india she was hindu and she was telling me her testimony she was in a jet ski accident in thailand didn't have on a life jacket and was drowning going down and a ray of light came down the water and she said she was going down she looked and saw jesus face to face and he said i'm your savior and then she said i can't explain it but i got lifted up out of the water no one around and she said i didn't just get up to where my head was above water it was like my waist was where the water was and it was like i was being held up and and he saved my life and that's when she began to give her heart to the lord isn't that amazing she got baptized today in the ocean in jesus name i tell you god is doing something with this church i said i believe god can use you to be a great witness in india we we've got in our church the lady that's the grand chess master of iran god is using this church to reach key people around the world amen this is our season ladies and gentlemen i said this is our season this is the time when the church should shine like never before we have a lot to be thankful for thank you for your prayers for my brother-in-law who we told you this morning was cutting tree uh branches off an oak tree in my parent chart and uh the limb jackknifed back and had a chainsaw and on a ladder and fell and uh could have been um very serious but he was able to escape without any serious injuries however he did break his wrist but uh we do thank you for your prayers he was in the emergency room last night but he's going to recover he is home and we thank you for your prayers for brother john johnson also uh giuliani ramus let's pray that god would touch this individual that was in a traffic accident also for the family of shirley williams this is rachel gibson's aunt shirley passed away let's pray for that family also for carol sias let's continue to pray for carol says ken syaz who's uh dixai is his brother and has lived in tennessee now for many many years got coveted and is still in the hospital on a ventilator we have got to pray for ken sides you may have seen some pictures of him in the 50 anniversary that we did last week ken syaz and his brother dick were a big part of several building programs as carpenters a wonderful man let's pray for ken messiah that god would heal him and take him off that ventilator and breathe upon him the breath of life in the name of jesus let's pray for um uh sister debbie that god would touch her also for the brian family that god would uh meet a special need in their life how many of you have unspoken requests just signify with an upraised hand let's go before the lord right now lord in the name of jesus christ god we believe you're the great healer we thank you lord that you're at work in this earth you're not far off out of reach or out of touch but you're as close as the very mention of your name we call upon the name of jesus and we ask you lord that you would heal to the uttermost god i pray o lord that you would touch kin science breathe upon him right now lord the breath of life has your people gather together join their voices and their faith together to declare your power and your glory i pray god that you would breathe upon him right now in that hospital room and let this moment be mark god that his breath returns to him and that he would not have to have any assistance and breathe the lord i pray that you would heal his body i pray for carol siaz oh lord touch her in the name of jesus christ and heal her lord i pray for giuliani ramus that you would do a work right now in that family touch right now in the name of jesus heal o lord from this accident for shirley williams family lord i pray that you would give them peace and comfort in the name of jesus i pray for demi lord that you would touch her and heal her in the name of jesus and the bride family lord i pray that you would do a special work in their life lord every unspoken request god i i know lord that you can do all things hallelujah you are a great and almighty god and we believe in you lord and we just rejoice in advance god because we know that we your word says that if we would ask in your name it shall be done so lord we believe god that we have asked that you will hear our cry and do the work we thank you lord for every victory we thank you for every miracle we thank you lord for the great work that you're doing lord and revealing yourself to men and women all over this world let the name of jesus be glorified in all the earth i pray god that you would be glorified through the healing lord of your people we give you all the praise and all the glory in the name of jesus christ oh yes let's sing it together [Music] oh that's it lift your voice lift your voice toward heaven i exalt you hallelujah jesus while we exalt you lord [Music] [Music] i exhausted [Music] i [Music] lord we've come to this house to exalt you and to lift up the name of jesus to praise you and to glorify you lord for you are great and greatly to be praised hallelujah aren't you thankful for the presence of god amen god bless you you may be seated amen right now we turn your attention to the video screens as you're preparing your offering we have some announcements and then we'll wait upon you for our sunday night tithe and offering god bless you in jesus [Applause] better together life groups are back so be sure to join us this wednesday at 7 pm for prayer and the sanctuary followed by numerous life groups bishop myers will continue to teach his class in the sanctuary but we will also offer classes on prayer discovering your purpose personal evangelism recovering from losses personal growth as well as our next step membership class there is something for everyone so be sure to join us this midweek this friday we invite all boost students to join us for a game night at 7 pm this is open to students ages 12 to 18 years old and will be held in the cafe there will be food games and fun so come out and join us this friday evening this saturday afternoon we invite all widowed ladies to join us for a great time of food and fellowship at our daughters of naomi ministry we'll be meeting at 1pm at the home of sister billy bily we are less than two months away from winds conference 2021 coming up on october 20th through the 23rd here at east wind and we are excited about what god is going to do through the great lineup of speakers and musicians that are coming to help make this conference life changing reservations for seating has opened for all six wins conference services so be sure to reserve the seats you want today at www.winsconference.com just five dollars a seat now it is time to worship through giving and we have a number of ways that you can give today you can give digitally at give.eastwind.church or you can use the app called tively or you can give by texting 321-339-1333 or you can use the traditional offering baskets in just a few moments everybody said praise the lord as you're preparing your offering let me mention a couple of things to you about wins conference i mentioned it this morning but maybe some of you were not here but this year our registration was a little bit different because last year we just opened it up people could go on and reserve as many seats as they wanted and we had some problems with that because the seats were free and you could reserve 100 seats and only bring three people and so that was a little bit difficult logistically so advanced seating this year brother tyler was able to create a program where you could actually every seat of course with these new seats are numbered and you could actually go online for five dollars of service you could reserve the specific spot that you wanted and so i think we've had 1500 seats that were bought in advance um over six services not all in one service we wouldn't have anywhere to put them but over the different services and so those were bought in advance and and that was so that we could control those numbers that people would not just block endless numbers of them however that's going to run through september and then starting october 1st it's just open registration so if it doesn't matter to you where you're sitting you just want to be here be a part of that make sure you register starting october 1st that's without charge you don't have to worry about the cost of reserve seating but the reserve advance seating does run through the end of september also the second thing i want to mention is that we have started doing a program uh that we are calling the wind and the word and uh the last two weeks we release these each wednesday usually it's wednesday morning and uh we've interviewed joel erschen last week we interviewed david elms it's released on the church website youtube channel facebook all of that but also um there is a something that we're going to be doing each week as we lead up to wins and we're interviewing different speakers this year we're uh this week we're going to be interviewing josh carson new pastors in indianapolis will be our friday night speaker we'll be interviewing him on tuesday that'll be released on wednesday and the next week as well and so if you get a chance to tune in to that there are about 20 30 minutes and uh we're just asking people a little bit about what they're feeling spiritually as we uh are going through this uh this season of uh of uh covid with this delta variant what they're feeling spiritually and then it ties into the wins conference ladies and gentlemen i hope you're praying and fasting because this is going to be an incredible spiritual experience as we get ready for this wins conference we already are feeling a lot of momentum people are coming from all over the country it's going to be a tremendous time and god has been blessing this church to be a platform for such a time as this oh hallelujah aren't you glad to be a part of the church of the living god amen so glad that you are let's buy our heads and pray lord we're thankful to be in your house tonight thankful for the opportunity to worship you with our giving we pray you would take it multiply it for the purpose intended in jesus name everybody said amen god bless you as you give [Music] behold jehovah seating on the throne [Music] is holy is the lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] holiness has a name and it's jesus [Music] victory [Music] and it's jesus [Music] [Applause] hey is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is my head [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they take away so please [Music] [Music] is hey you walk foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are my treasurer one more time jesus [Music] there is only one [Music] forgive me jesus [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh thank you lord amen give me jesus the one who broke these chains [Music] my uh my children especially my daughter always makes fun of me because i always sing the wrong words to songs and i realized as we were just singing that song even though i have the words up there looking at me i still was singing the wrong words so i must be incorrigible but i'm thankful for that song and anthony tremble tom tremble's son that wrote the beginning of it james wilson finished it up and published it made it famous it's kind of become an apostolic anthem for the millennials and generation x but i tell you we are so thankful brother uh anthony trimble whose birthday was i believe saturday or friday [Music] passed away you know a few weeks ago cancer and he was a tremendous worship leader and songwriter and we're going to be doing a a special memorial for him at part of our wins conference and i i believe with all of my heart that this generation as a revelation about the value of worship and i'm so thankful there's something about whenever you get a revelation of worship and you just decide you're going to worship god no matter what god will honor you and bless you all the days of your life and then it's good practice for heaven because it looks like folks that are in heaven are worshiping the lord when we read about it in revelation so you might as well get ready second samuel 16 20. hopefully tonight i can just teach that's my goal but i usually end up preaching but i'm going to try hard to just teach it's hard to not get excited about the word of god word of god is powerful and quick amen that means it brings life [Music] the word quick in the old english means life the bible talks about the quick and the dead one year years ago when i was involved in being an official of bible quizzing at nationals they always assigned me to write fun questions at nationals so we wrote a lot of fun questions like what verse in the book of acts talks about a soviet union weather report russian mighty wind stuff like that but the one they always remind me of is the one i wrote about what two pedestrians are mentioned in the bible the quick and the dead [Music] i can see i have a much older generation here all right i'll just stick with young people [Music] quick and the dead two types of pedestrians in the bible okay second samuel chapter 16 and verse 20. you got it sister biff second samuel chapter 16 and verse 20. then said absalom to hitherfell give counsel among you what we shall do verse 21 and hit the fell said unto absalom go in unto thy father's concubines which he hath left to keep the house and all israel shall hear that thou art abhorred of thy father [Music] rather than fight his son david son rose up against him stole the hearts of the people and rather than have a big battle in jerusalem and avoiding a bloodbath david just abdicated the throne and left but when he did he left 10 concubines to run the house and of course absalom and his men all came into and took over the the palace hifel was a counselor to david and now had switched to being a counselor for absalom thinking that absalom would be the next king he wanted to stay in good graces with the new king so he he switched over what a terrible thing for people to only be loyal to their own personal interests [Music] that was a hitherfail and hitherfail tells absalom go in unto thy father's concubines which he hath left to keep the house and all israel shall hear that thou art abhorred of thy father this was his advice then shall the hands of all that are with thee be strong so they spread absalom a tent upon the top of the house not only this they're going to make it all visible so they spread absalom a tent upon the top of the house and absalom went in unto his father's concubines in the sight of all israel this is how crazy it gets when you remove the man of god brother and sister holton i want to say how thankful that i am that you all have moved back here we love you guys so much if you don't know brother and sister holton they are a retired pastor from indiana they were with us and then they moved over to the left coast of florida but they are now back in their right mind [Music] so glad you are here love you guys but when you remove the man of god you remove the church out of this world chaos breaks out and the counsel of a hippophil now this is the verse i've never seen this and this is where i want to pull my subject matter from tonight and the council of a hitherfell which he counseled in those days was as if a man had inquired at the oracle of god he didn't hear from god but it was like he did so was all the counsel of a hitherfail both with david and with absalom it was almost as if he heard from god my subject tonight is simply blind spots blind spots would you bow your heads and pray lord we're thankful to be in your house thankful for your anointing thankful for your spirit thankful for your people what a great god you are lord what a privilege it is to worship you declare your glory and your greatness thank you for your word that instructs us and guides us through the fog that's called life and it gives us lord clear waters to sail in clear skies to fly in it illuminates our path that directs our step what a great god thank you for your word now allow it to penetrate our heart and spirit and change us lord in the name of jesus christ everybody said amen you may be seated thank you for standing from the the very beginning of israel's desire to have a king there was trouble there there was trouble in kings not following godly council perhaps they felt like they were above that and samuel had been the prophet and he was a godly man but he was the victim of a people that wanted to be like everybody else be careful about wanting to be like everybody else and israel wanted to be like everybody else but israel was not supposed to be like everybody else they were a chosen generation a royal priesthood we're not supposed to be like everybody else we're a called out people but they wanted a king and they tried to persuade israel that you know kings are going to take your sons and go into battle and it's going to be taxation and all that goes with having a having a king and yet they wanted a king still it wasn't the plan of god god wanted there to be a spiritual leader which he had through samuel and prophets but god allowed them to have what they wanted many times the lord will do that it does not mean that it's god's will it means that it's your will and he allows you to have what you desire knowing what will go with it but because of his love he allows us to have what we think we deserve so saul was picked saul was picked as the first king and first and second samuel tells this incredible story of of saul and david and solomon and then rehoboam and jeroboam and when the wheels really started to fall off but it started with king saul and when saul was picked he appeared to be a humble man when he was chosen he the bible said was was hidden amongst the stuff like when they were having their coronation ceremony he was like where's saul we're doing this for him he's he's hidden somewhere and they had to go and find him and bring him out and it appeared that that he was a humble but early on you begin to see the cracks in his character there were blind spots he was an insecure leader and what appeared to be humility at the beginning it became clear later on it was actually insecurity be careful about what appears to be humility someone said one time and i i guess there's some thought to this i'm not sure how to dissect all of this i'm not a psychologist maybe my mom can work on this it'll be her homework between now and wednesday and um there's some thought and there's this statement that's made that that that people that that just say you know i would worship but i'm shy they say that that is actually pride with lipstick on now i'm not sure how all that works i i have heard i remember hearing barack obama say when he was running for president i can't remember what it was in relation with but i remember him saying something about a pig wearing lipstick and it's like those things should not go together but i think i understand what the metaphor is i think it's basically that it's pride kind of dressed up to be something much more acceptable oh i'm just shy no you're not shy you're just full of pride you want to say bless the lord oh my soul like everybody else oh it's just not me i'm just i'd rather not know but you'll get in the ball game and act like an absolute idiot [Laughter] you were designed to worship something and it becomes clear although it appeared that he was playing the humble role early on that actually he was very insecure and this insecurity that king saul had it caused him to make bad decisions decisions that were that were based in fear rather than faith and moral certainty everybody has blind spots ladies and gentlemen it can be pride it can be fear it can be lust there's there's all kinds of blindfolds you know what i'm talking about when i say blind spots you know when you go to change lanes and you got that side mirror and you look in your side mirror you look in your rear view mirror you've got all these mirrors you can look in but even with all of those mirrors there's blind spots there's a certain place like where a car and another lane can be that's hidden and you you look in your mirror and you can't see me look in the rearview mirror you can't see me you glance to your left and you're traveling you know 70 80 miles an hour down interstate 95 and you have to change lanes and there's those blind spots that can hurt you because there's is an obstacle there's another vehicle over there but you can't see it it was in your blind spot and there's a danger with blind spots now i'm thankful they've they've made cars now you may be familiar with it your car may have it where now there's little lights that flash that say hey you got somebody in your blind spot so now not only do you have to look in your mirror you got to also make sure there's no lights flashing this is why it's so important for you to have spiritual godly counsel in your life because though you have to make the decision whether or not you're going to heed the council the council is like those lights that are flashing that are saying hey you can't see it but there's a danger over here it's in your blind spot and it can be a lot of different things your blind spot can be a relationship you may be friends with somebody and you think man this is a nice person this is a great person but you need a pastor that can tell you that guy is a problem now i'm not i'm not gonna name names but there there is a family in our church that uh they have children trying to stay real general so you don't figure out who it is and these children will sometimes date others and when these others come to town they always schedule an appointment for me to meet this other person that's interested in their children did i stay broad enough or did i give away too much and i commend them for that because most people their kids day they don't care blah blah they don't come to see the pastor and i'm not looking for more work but by the time it gets to me strong horses pumped full of steroids cannot pull these two people apart not that you want to pull them apart but you want to at least be able to counsel say what are you doing what your plans where are you going to do that you got to stay at the beginning of that you you can't wait until well you know he seems to be like a nice person you seem to go you don't know nothing about them they met on the internet [Laughter] now let me just say something about long-distance relationships long-distance relationships give you a false sense of knowing a person you do not know them because you've been on the phone with them you got to be around them you got to see them in situations you got to see how they react when they lose that monopoly my wife would have seen that she probably wouldn't have married me you can have thank you you can have you can have blind spots this is why god gives you a pastor this is why god gives you spiritual counsel to say you know what i i just see some danger there you just need to be careful you need to go slow when you tell two people that are already thinking that they're in love with each other which you know as well as i do they're just involved in the euphoric you know atmosphere of the emotional aspect of of meeting somebody new and so forth that you know you're just kind of raptured up in all of that and you can't think clearly that's why you got to have godly you've got to decide ahead of time you know what it doesn't matter if i'm head over heels crazy about something i don't even know why i'm just talking about dating because this is advice for all of life but it seems to find its way with dating a lot of times but you you have to make up in your mind ahead of time not wait till you're in the middle of it you got to make up your mind ahead of time there's certain people i'm not going to run with i'm not going to go to certain parties at work i'm not going to put myself in certain environments you got to make up your mind ahead of time because if you wait till you're in the middle of a relationship you can't think clearly then it appears that everything's okay and so it becomes a blind spot it can be a relationship um it can be a certain uh weakness in our nature and let me tell you something i don't care if you've had the holy ghost for 75 years you still have blind spots i have blind spots bishop has blind spots you know why we have blind spots because we're human beings we are wearing flesh and when you wear flesh you have got blind spots that's why everybody needs a pastor i need a pastor you need a pastor we all need spiritual leaders because it's a covering and let me tell you what you don't need you don't need somebody on the internet being your pastor that you don't know nothing about we have during this covet season um which has lasted much longer than we thought it was a lot of people started watching stuff uh online i can point to at least three families in this church that have lost out with god because they started following people on the internet that they have no idea who they are the bible says to know them that labor among you just because somebody can give a speech i hit the fell could give an incredible speech it was as if he had heard from god but ladies and gentlemen he wasn't hearing from god he was just a smart cookie he he was a strategist there are people that can get online and say all kinds of things and you sit there because you haven't been to church in 12 months you sit there gullible blind spot why do you think the pastor's up here preaching we all need to come together we need to come to you pastor must want us all to die in the middle of covet he wants us all to come to church no it's a flashing light it's a blind spot you can't be saved not going to church i don't know how else to say it other than to say i love you and i want you to go to heaven and i'm thankful for the internet but you gotta go to church [Applause] and god loves us enough that he gives people to help us with blind spots this is what he did with saul he gave saul samuel to help him with those blind spots but it was obvious that saul wasn't heeding the warning lights and samuel gave him a lot of warning lights that little mirror was flashing constantly but he didn't have any regard for the advice of samuel he actually he didn't have a place for samuel in his inner circle in first samuel 13 he waited king saul we're talking about he waited for samuel for seven days because the prophet was to offer sacrifice before battle and samuel was late so saul took matters into his own hands and as soon as he finished samuel showed up isn't that how it works [Laughter] as soon as you take the car to the mechanic it'll just purr like a kitty cat everything's great the mechanic said we can't find anything wrong with you get in your car and you drive home it's just i don't know it's just life i guess as soon as you think that you have pulled one over on your parents they walk in the door your sins will find you out saul reveals his blind spot here he blames samuel for being late and then he blames the people by saying they were scattered he was afraid they were going to drift off you know we waited and you weren't here and so i had to do this and that and the people and you were late and when samuel leaves saul then numbers the people now that gesture right there makes it clear that he is going to trust in strength rather than how to kill a bullock he then puts the people on a fast at the conclusion of the battle he's trying now to be his own spiritual advisor blind spot i don't need a church i don't need a pastor i got a bible i got a computer i got a bible program with a cross reference in it blind spot trying to be his own spiritual advisor trying to be his own pastor the next time that saul takes matters into his own hands and saul confronts and samuel confronts him on it saul blames the people again and then he makes the statement that reveals his blind spot he says he did not obey because he feared the people now he is showing you what's directing his decision-making process he makes more excuses but they're based in fear samuel as his spiritual leader calls it what it is he calls it rebellion and stubbornness now let me just stop and say this again because i want you to understand why we're working through this story you need someone in your life that will call it what it is i said you need somebody in your life who will call it what it is this is why it's so important to have a godly spouse because a godly spouse will tell you you need to pray you got a bad attitude thank god for that you don't want people that just pat you on the back while you run yourself down to the path to hell oh you're doing awesome you're doing awesome they're just clearing the path for you and you're just running running running right over the cliff that's what people think they want nowadays nowadays in these mega churches they just want somebody up there who's been working out and wearing a muscle shirt to stand up there and and and be their preacher with tattoos all over their body and they gonna stand up there and do all of these little fancy speeches don't even know who you are they got 15 000 people in the church and guess what i've been to those churches you know what happens [Applause] the kids are in church they're just babysitting the adults while the kids are in sunday school well you all got quiet there let me i may have to explain that one it's like they're just going to a performance there's no spiritual covering they don't want to say anything offensive so everything becomes a norman vincent peale speech you know the guy that wrote the power of positive thinking it becomes like uh one of these uh joel osteen things i'm not supposed to be naming other people's names you may want to shut the video off this is in-house [Laughter] you're such a good boy you said you know you need somebody that'll say no you are messing up you need some help you need to get to the altar i wouldn't give you two cents for a pastor that won't tell you what thus saith the lord there's a lot of people where it appears that they heard from god but it's not from god if it's not biblical principle [Applause] you've got to have somebody that'll say no that's not right that's sid you need to repent you need to get on your face you need to call out to god why because above all else we must be saved [Applause] first samuel just littered with all these mistakes that saul makes but it's because he does not realize or acknowledge his weaknesses the lord says just you know enough is enough he tells sammy go and join a new king he just even god reaches a point where he's just like i'm done and and he did this now watch this this is an important little point to know he does this while saul is still king just because saul is still in the position doesn't mean that he's in the favor of god samuel chapter 15 ends with the lord repenting that he made saul king he literally repents that he picks all god repents that he picks saul oh my friend everybody needs spiritual covering and when you don't have spiritual covering you're exposed and you may think that you're okay because the hand of god has not been removed you may still look the part you may still go through the motions but when your protection is removed you're exposed before long saul starts to lose his mind he's paranoid he's bipolar he's eaten up with anger and jealousy he's consumed with chasing david he turns on his own son chapter 18 says that saul is afraid of david because he knows that the lord is with him david was just walking with god david was trying to serve the king david's over there trying to play a harp oh now here's another message there was an evil spirit that would come upon saul you know why because he was exposed he had rejected samuel as his spiritual leader he had taken everything on himself and so now he's got an evil spirit that comes upon him and they bring david there's something about people that have a walk with god other people can tell would you come and sing would you come and be around and they wanted david to come into the kingdom and to play his harp and while he's playing his heart there's some things you can't make them go away with good music you you can't put a band-aid on cancer you can't just play sweet songs and think that it's somehow going to heal the pain and the misery of living a life of rebellion and so literally saul gets more angry as he's sitting there with his javelin in his hand and this boy's playing a harp and it's supposed to be music to make the evil spirits go away but it don't work that way the only thing that makes that go away is to fall on your knees and repent and take ownership of your sin that's the only thing that'll make you you can't listen to enough gospel music to somehow cause you to move into an atmosphere of having that presence of god around you and god doesn't work like that the lord comes where there is a place that is prepared for him and when you look at how the place was prepared for the lord's presence to come it was always with a sacrifice we want the blessing of god without the sacrifice the sacrifice is repentance the sacrifice is submission the sacrifice is obedience this is what samuel was trying to tell saul but saul wouldn't listen and so while david's playing the harp trying to create a a spiritual atmosphere he's he's trying to nail him to the wall with a javelin because it reminds him of where he used to be and when you look at the life of saul and you see where in the world did he get so far off track this is where it all goes back to it all goes back to who in his life is he listening to ladies and gentlemen that's what it all goes back to first samuel 20 24 so david hid himself in the field and when the new moon was come the king sat him down to eat meat they had these different harvests these different feast times and so king saul sits down in verse 25 describes who's at his table and the king sat upon his seat as at other times even upon the seat by the wall they're talking now about the placement of the people around him as he see this is his inner circle and jonathan arose that's his son and abner he was the captain of his guard sat by paul's side and david's place was empty because david was fearful for his life so he's hiding in the field this is this is who saul had around his table do you notice who there was not a seat prepared for samuel there was no place for samuel in saul's life that's why saul got so far off track near the end of his life saul is going to witches trying to dredge up the dead spirit of samuel while samuel is alive he doesn't value his counsel after he dies he decides he should have listened so he literally goes to a witch and indoor and tries to dredge up the dead spirit of samuel what about when he was alive saul god gave you a covering to help you with your blind spots i thank the lord for bishop myers and i'm thank the lord for dr myers and we did the right thing honoring them last week because they've been a spiritual covering for 50 years there ought to be a place for a bishop in your life there ought to be a place for a pastor in your life there ought to be a place at your table for spiritual leadership because they help us with the blind spots now david becomes king and he has a close relationship with god but he's human so he has blind spots joab his general has blind spots though he's a tremendous warrior uh he he had an anger issue and he was not submitted to david it may be because he knew the skeletons in david's closet so he couldn't respect him i'm not sure but here's what i do know from the word he mistook david's compassion as weakness and literally took it upon himself to rebuke david as king when he wept over abner and absalom david wept over both of those men and both of those men died at the hands of joab and david because of the heart that he had he wept over him and joab rebuked him when he wept over absalom joab had blind spots but he wasn't submitted to david so he never was able to get help with that and eventually he he dies at the hands of solomon david has his own blind spots and david falls into sin while he's bored at home with his men on the battlefield and he sends joab a message to to send bathsheba's husband the ladies had an affair with to the front line so that he will die in battle and that's what happens david is is a person who has blind spots but he has a relationship with god but even then he's dealing with flesh and he's exposed because he has his own issues joab has his issues joab is not submitted and david makes a terrible mistake and then compounds it with another mistake to cover his first mistake and that's how sin works it's kind of a runaway train but the difference with david and saul and joab and even his sons the difference with david is that david listens when he's confronted by the prophet nathan and nathan comes in and says to david thou art the man you are the one and we we read this this morning in the message psalms 51 david takes ownership of it he doesn't blame the people he doesn't blame joab he doesn't blame blame his court he doesn't blame his men he doesn't blame any heats the king he's used to being catered to but he takes ownership of it he prays this amazing prayer in psalms 51 and the lord forgives him and restores him though david's sin is not without consequence his family has multiple issues after this sin always has consequences even though god may forgive you sin still has consequences and but the difference is that david is able to find his way back into the heart of god because he falls on his face and he says i have sinned against thee the only o god oh eastwood can i preach to you my heart tonight i pray that if when you are revealed that there are blind spots in all of our lives that you would react to it in such a way that you say i take ownership of it i want to be saved i want my family to be saved whatever it takes i am willing to do it david finds his way back into the heart of god because he listens he heeds those flashing lights in his side mirror telling him about a blind spot you say how could that be a blind spot david you had an affair with somebody wasn't your wife and then you killed her husband how is that a blind spot it would surprise you the way that people can justify their actions it would blow your mind that people can do terrible things and spiritualize it absalom uh david's son he kills his half-brother amnon the reason he killed amna is because amnon raped his sister tamar absalom goes into exile when he comes back gets his dad to forgive him who's david king david he starts to work to steal the hearts of the people works for 40 years doing it he eventually makes a run for the throne as we mentioned in the text david leaves so they don't have this big bloodbath when he leaves one of david's top advisor hitherfell decides to stay and advise absent he figures he's going to be on the winning side but here's what's interesting about the way this scenario starts to play out another of david's advisers that is loyal to david decides to stay and to try to frustrate the council of a hitherfail so he's literally loyal to david but he stays to advise absalom and his men as a spy to frustrate the purpose of a hippophil that brings us to the text this little verse that david and absalom had regarded the council to hit the phil as one who had heard from god because he was he was such a great strategist but it wasn't from god ladies and gentlemen not everything that appears to be from god is from god in fact a lot of times it's not you would be surprised how many times we hear people say you know i just was praying about this and i just felt like the lord instructed me to do this and that and i'm like no i don't say it out loud maybe i should i need to start doing it i'm tired of the devil stealing people their lives ending up a wreck but in my heart i say that wasn't god that was you you really want to do that and and maybe it'll turn out okay but there's a strong possibility it won't so just be patient sometimes time can reveal all things when you're such in a hurry that you cannot heed spiritual counsel that ought to be a warning light that you are out of the will of god and so hitherfail advised the advice as frustrated by david's spy and god gets involved in this and he causes absalom and his men to follow the counsel of the man that's loyal to david rather than a hitherfail and hitherfail advises absalom and his men you need to go and chase them down right now while they're at the fjord before they go over the jordan river they're wounded they're hurt they're disoriented attack now take 12 000 men go and take your elite and and take them over and don't kill any of the other men just go directly for david once you kill david this thing will be over you'll be the king it'll be done with that's what a hitherfail says then they bring in the other guy and they say what do you think and they said no right now they're like a mother bear who's been robbed of their cubs and their fierce warriors and everybody knows it wait until you can gather all the people together and then go and then attack them once you've organized everybody and and they've had a chance to settle down and they're in the wilderness and then you'll be the king and so the lord the bible says even got involved and causing absalom and his men to listen to this other council the bible says that there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death i fear for people that have got in a season of distrust i know that we live in a very strange time we don't know who to believe we don't know whether to believe fouchy we don't know whether to believe john hopkins university mayo clinic wear a mask don't wear a mask get vaccinated don't get vaccinated covet delta variant do this do that don't do this do this do there's so many different things people don't know what the world to do we don't know who to trust and if we're not careful it'll bleed over into not sure if we should trust the word of god not sure if we should trust the man of god oh my friend god has never failed us one time i've come to tell you you can trust god you can trust that book he's not going to lead you astray it is forever settled in heaven for 2 000 years it's been guiding humanity don't let the distrust of this season bleed over and don't let smooth talk and charismatic personalities pull you out of your church and you don't think you need church anymore because you got your own minister online you don't know who those people are and if you're not careful you'll start to think something is from god and it's not from god and i could give you more detail about this but i'm trying not to offend this is me trying not to offend believe it or not you remember me telling you about amnon david's son who committed this horrific crime against his half-sister there's a little verse that tells you what led to this horrific crime it's in second samuel chapter 13 and verse 2 and it says an amnin was so vexed that he fell sick for his sister tamar he was so lustful he wanted his half-sister tamar tamar was very beautiful he wanted her so bad that he got sick what a loser for she was a virgin and amnon thought it hard for him to do anything to her and then verse three these famous five words but amnon had a friend whose name was john adab the son of shamaya david's brother a cousin and john adab was a very subtle man john a dab gives him a plan ladies and gentlemen you've got to be careful who your friends are who is sitting at your table who are you talking with when your guard is down who are you letting speak into your life in the 58 years that i have been on this planet and i have watched people come in and out of church all my life being a preacher's kid being on staff and now being senior pastor for 23 years i can tell you that the number one blind spot is friends the wrong friends if you've got the wrong voices in your life this is why you got to be so careful who you hang with especially as a young person when we're so influenced by our friends everybody's influenced by their friends but at that age you're really influenced by your friends and if you've got the wrong voices in your life you will have a collision that's why you got to stay close to god that's why you got to stay under the covering of spiritual leadership you got to realize that everybody has got a blind spot but god has given you a pastor god has given you a bishop god has given you warning lights that's trouble he's trouble she's trouble you got to heed the warning because above all else we must be saved would you stand to your feet now i'm not sure how i'm going to do this but we have a baby dedication and i said lord blind spots baby dedication and the lord just let me know nobody has more blind spots than a baby how many things do we have to protect them from don't touch this don't grab that don't crawl over there this can hurt you that can hurt you when we dedicate a baby which we're getting ready to dedicate little jaden alexander john and katie want to come up with him he's only two weeks old [Music] it's his very first church service don and bev y'all can come up too if you want to bring lexi with you i was talking with john and katie before service and i was just thinking about these verses and we were talking about how that all of us as parents [Music] that we have a responsibility to raise our children in the fear of god to protect them from all the blind spots [Music] i know eventually people make their own decisions but for a number of years god expects us to be on the wall protecting our homes oh my friend don't let a bunch of garbage come in through entertainment into your home you say oh it's a disney movie but there's a philosophy behind it they want to steal the minds of our young people and we were we were talking before service and i said you know and i know you guys already know this but i just think it bears repeating you have to be intentional about raising your children [Music] on the principles of god's word you can't expect for them to just get it by osmosis you have to be intentional about it this is the verses that came to my mind when we were talking because this is what the lord told the the children of israel i'm reading from deuteronomy 6 he said now these are the commandments the statutes and the judgments which the lord your god commanded to teach you that you might do them in the land whether you go to possess it that thou mightest fear the lord thy god to keep all his statutes and his commandments which i command thee thou and thy son and thy son's son multiple generations all the days of thy life and that thy days may be prolonged hear therefore o israel and observed to do it that it may be well with thee and that ye may increase mightily as the lord god of thy fathers hath promised thee in the land that floweth with milk and honey hear o israel the lord our god is one lord and thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thine heart and with all thy soul and here we go and thou shalt teach them diligently diligently over and over and over i was watching um i was watching the other day an interview that john wolfram you remember john wolf from the the navy seal guy that was a part of the he was the first swimmer you know in the water that rescued the apollo 11 mission neil armstrong and buzz aldrin and all them guys and it was him and the other three frogmen and they were all doing an interview together they're all still alive and they were doing an interview with them because they were just celebrating 50 years of that of that uh that mission and um and those guys started talking about their training and they said they were asking them questions like you know were you afraid did you think about this the sharks and they said this was the nasa way we trained over and over and over we trained three times a day and at night four times a day every day over and over and over and they said the reason that we did that and the reason that nasa had us trained that way is because when we got in the water under the pressure everything else was blocked out because we had done it so many times it was automatic for us you know when the lord tells them here to do it diligently we ought to let our children know so often what the bible says that it blocks out all the other voices it's our default position it's who we are we are the children of god hear o israel the lord our god is one lord he said teach them diligently unto thy children and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risest up and thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand and it shall be as frontlets between thine eyes and thou shalt write them upon the post of thy house and on thy gates he's saying be diligently put it everywhere they walk teach them let them know hear o israel the lord our god is one lord ladies and gentlemen you can't teach your child enough about the bible you say oh well we want to have balance in our life no balance is a blind spot that's a key that's a little euphemism word that's used to minimize the importance of the word of god in their life we don't need balance we need saturation [Music] bishop we're going to pray for this little jaden what a beautiful gift from god he is [Music] and we're asking lord that you would keep your hand upon him you know when we dedicate a baby to the lord we're not saying this is salvation they ultimately make their decision whether or not to give their heart to god but what we're saying is that this baby is a gift from god and we're giving this baby back to god and when we do we dedicate and we ask the lord to protect him all the days of his life but when we do we pray for the parents and we admonish the parents to raise him in the fear of god just like we're doing with little lexi over there [Music] and we're asking god keep your hand upon him but give these parents wisdom give them courage because sometimes as a parent you got to stand against the tide of popular culture and you got to say god didn't call me to be your friend he called me to be your parent jesus name so we're going to pray right now and i wonder would you just stretch your hand out right now would you pray right now would you help bishop and i as we pray for little jaden lord i pray for this little child right now in the name of jesus i pray the anointing of the holy ghost upon him we recognize that every life is a gift from god i thank you for trusting john and katie with this beautiful gift from heaven a miracle a life god that only you can give only you're the one that can give this gift no man can deny the miracle of life that oh god we pray right now lord that you would keep him all the days of his life let him grow up to be a mighty man of god let him be a man of valor and strength don't let any weapon formed against him prosper i pray that you would cover him let your angels encamp around about him oh keep him o lord in the name of jesus and lord i pray right now for these parents i pray for john and katie right now in the name of jesus oh lord i pray that you would keep them o lord give them courage give them patience give them wisdom o lord to raise this boy in the fear of god [Music] to be that light that would flash to be that warning that voice that would say oh no we're going to church oh god we put you first above everything else lord i pray that he would be saved oh god i pray that you would give them lord that wisdom that guidance that determination to say lord i will raise him in the fear of god be with them o lord and keep them according to your word in the name of jesus we dedicate this child unto you lord we dedicate jaden unto you in the name of jesus and as a church we commit oh lord to help these parents to raise this child in the fear of god to be taught in sunday school to be taught biblical principles and i pray oh god that you would cover them in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in the name of jesus i wonder right now would you lift your hands all over this building would you lift your voices right now would you say lord i submit myself god to you and your word i pray god that as a church body you would lead us and guide us o lord let us all be as children lord let us all acknowledge our dependence upon you we're not smart enough we're not strong enough we're not wise enough we need you o god we need you cover this body o lord with your spirit be with us oh god we need you to help us and guide us and we will praise you all the days of our life and acknowledge our utter dependence upon you in the name of jesus christ everybody said amen amen god bless you you're dismissed in jesus name [Music] you
Channel: Eastwind Pentecostal Church of Palm Bay, Florida
Views: 471
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: first, pentecostal, apostolic, sermon, pastor, david, myers, palm bay, melbourne, brevard, county, florida, upci, upc, bishop, j., e., jackson, ellis, Eastwind, Eastwind church
Id: t4OIGk7uojY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 36sec (5676 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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