Windows 11 & Meta Quest 3 | Huson DIY | Control Your PC with the Meta Quest 3 (Part 4)

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hi there welcome to you DIY in this video we're looking at the meta Quest 3 and connecting it to a PC okay so the previous video we did which I'll linked up here uh we connected the quest 3 headset into a Microsoft teams meeting using Microsoft me mesh and immersive spaces in teams um so if you're interested in that jump over to that video this video is more taking out a little bit further and connecting the headset and to control the PC so this isn't connecting bya a wire this is connecting wirelessly uh to control remotely a PC a Windows PC so you can use this to connect into any laptop or any desktop machine uh so what we'll do is I'll step through the things that you need to do this and then kind of demo what it looks like and the things you can do to kind of expand the experience as well uh so first of all we'll jump across to the PC uh onto my laptop just to show you the software you need running on the PC initially okay so we're on the desktop currently here on my laptop so I've got a Hawaii mbook uh laptop nothing special um it's not a gaming PC anything like that it's just a standard kind of laptop that I use dayto day uh so on the desktop view now um I've Got The Meta Quest website here loaded that I wanted to show uh so this is on the meta website directly it's how to use your computer in VR in The Meta Horizon workroom specifically this kind of gets you going so you can use the Horizon work rooms um application on the quest 3 or the Quest 2 um and there is a Beta app on there which I will show on the demo on the headset as well um but it's the same process for both and so you can see there's a couple of links one for Mac OS and one for Windows I've got Windows machine so we'll do windows so simply click on the download button or the but or the link to it and it will download the application um it's a simple XA I've downloaded it a couple of times as you can see just wanted to show the download process but simply install that and you'll have um The Meta Quest remote desktop application on your machine so it opens up simply as a window like that you can see currently I've got no headset there available to connect to and but you can do all the connectivity from the headset itself once you're up and running uh in here some simple settings nothing much whatsoever about starting the quest remote desktop application on Startup of your PC which this does and skipping confirmation when connecting to headset which I do so you don't have to confirm each time you want to connect it kind of speeds up the process um so that's everything on there ready to go really nothing more you need to do um so what we'll do we'll jump over to the headset kind of show you what to do on the headset and how it works currently I've got a single screen on the laptop no monitors connected nothing at all and we'll see how that looks and I will add in monitors or maybe not monitors but some extra screens to show you how that looks okay so I've got the headset on I'm recording from the headset 2 just to show the full process and kind of show what's going on on the desk so currently got color pass through on on the headset which hopefully looks good on video you kind of see where the lighting it kind of makes things a little bit blurry on that light there uh I'm recording here as you can see here you got me on the headset um so we're on I've got the laptop here which is not connected to anything whatsoever um it's just literally battery powered at the moment uh you can hopefully just about see the meta Quest room desk uh remote desktop app running there um I'm in color pass through so you can see exactly what's going on um and within within uh on the on the meta Quest 3 I'm going to go into app Library and you got the Horizon work rooms beta um so you'll see as well you got the remote display beta beta beta uh but we'll use the Horizon work rooms first of all cuz that is what the one that obviously it says on the website so I'm going to jump into that now so currently it gets rid of color pass through but we can turn that on soon back on soon don't worry about that so we'll just let things load up which won't take at all okay so I'm now in my virtual work work room so you can see I've got my office in front of me here so I've kind of got things set up already okay so I'm in in here I was on the different screen there I was in the office view um but if I go into down here I've got the computer view let me do it on um um I'm using um my hand tracking for this so I've got the computer view here when you're on the same network as your um machine it will auto find your laptop so you can see on here I've got the computer which says uh Houston's laptop you can see that it's still looking for computer so it will do that automatically if I go into the setup guide it will just tell you to download the remote desktop application and that's all you need to do when you're on the same uh Wi-Fi network it will find the computer if you've got the remote desktop application running on there which I have uh which is brilliant so you can see I'm going to what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on the Houston laptop and I'm going to connect into that there this takes a few seconds just to to kind of kick in and you'll see I've got the single screen of my laptop bang in front of me there you can see hopefully uh I've got the if I can find my mouse which is there you can see that I've got the remote desktop uh application running and you can see the quest 3 headset connected there um so I've currently got a single screen cuz I've literally got a single screen running it is based on physical screens connected is this so you can see I've got the two side ones because I've previously connected two different monitors before so if I try and connect one [Music] side nothing will happen it will look for a monitor connected but there won't be a monitor monitor connected cuz I've got nothing pluged in on the laptop so that's that okay so now we're back to that single screen view my my laptop view which is great um so you can see the computer there in front of me I've got some settings in there which is screen brightness and computer audio and and also connect automatically so you can do this automatically uh when you put the headset on it'll connect when you're in the application to your lap toop of everything's up and running which is great nice and simple though not much to change or do in there really um so we've got the computer which is there as you can see home which is some other things you can do with work rooms but we're concentrating on that PC connectivity at the moment so if I go into settings you see my avti looking at myself uh you go into desk and this is what you can see with the desk I previously had set up um which you can do at any point you can reset the desk do whatever you want so I will reset this desk so you can see now I'm in color pass through you can see my laptop see the camera and what it's asking me to do is Define the desk surface so it's asking for the surface you've got in front of you to just Define it to show where you are where you sat so then it can do color pass through onto the desk and obviously just determine if you've got any uh any keyboards to track as well so I'm going to take my um controller I'm going to hover over the corner of my desk press the back button and then simply oops I'll do that again simply drag so I'll go to about there so that's the desk area there in front of me so now it's asking me to set the desk height so I'm going to take the controller I'm going to pop it onto the desk with it Point touching and I'm going to press the back button and that will confirm the desk height reset that and try that again take it there press the back button and then we'll confirm so I'll confirm that and that's done so um that is the desk height set um and the the view of the desk obviously at the right height and the kind of right size that I've got in front so you see the other option in here in the desk settings is a trapped keyboard This is looking for a predefined list of keyboards that have been um enabled within the work rooms application so if we go to new keyboard board you can see different brands in there now I don't have one of those keyboards if I go to Logitech for example you can see there's four different types now these four different types have been there for a long time I don't believe I've added to that recently um so I won't be using any of them but I'll just show you Dell Logitech sorry I've shown you that Microsoft and Apple so it's t there are multiple different options in there which are quite common keyboards uh I won't be doing that cuz I'm going to use the pass through on the desk to actually see my physic keyboard and now the color pass through is much better so we go back another one and then cancel that and you can see I'm back to that home screen now okay so the last thing from a settings perspective is customize office so if I click on the customize office you can see you can choose different views within the um with within your environment So currently I've got the lobby dark setting on but I'll just flip through those went to Lakes cabin see I'm set a nice uh cabin a wood Lodge cabin or something there with a nice nice setting uh we've got a Lobby bright which is just a very bright environment which is quite strong on the eyes actually uh Lobby dark I do use that one cuz it's is it's a bit nicer on the eyes it's not as uh strenuous uh but you can have pass through on so you can want a full pass through and you've literally got full pass through so I've got my laptop there I've got the screen in front of me um which is a little bit confusing cuz I've got another screen here on another on another PC uh but that is color pass through but I will drop back to the lobby dark and that's kind of for the customize now you can see I've got this uh rectangle section here it's got just color pass through on the desk so I can see my keyboard that's not key that's a mouse see my mouse and see a keyboard there and I can fully use the keyboard not a problem whatsoever as long as it's well lit um but yeah you could have other things here you can have your phone so you can look at your phone for notifications um you could have um a cup of coffee for example so you could have a drink in there so I've got my cup there easily have a drink there um so yeah really good good to easy and easy to do so literally a button on the desk here so if I press it and turn it off desk pass through is gone now but again do that and I'm not sure if there's a way of making that desk pass through area bigger uh obviously you can have full pass through um so then you've got full pass through in the whole room which Grays out the desk pass through option there anyway um so yeah full pass through are the different office customizations with the desk pass through enabled the the other thing you've got which I don't actually use I've tried it but I don't really see uh I need for it myself is desk whiteboard so you can use this um to draw basically on your desk so I do this and I can use controller like so and you can draw on the desk with it um so yeah that's an option op there to use but I haven't used it and don't really use it but really easy to turn on and calibrate um so yeah let me turn that back off that back on and there we go so we're kind of now ready to use the the laptop that's connected I've got my mouse connected to the laptop so I can use a full screen in front of me to do anything on there now so I've got Edge I jump over to Edge I can go into a YouTube video for example so we go into any old YouTube video so we're going to someone else's meta Crest 3 review for example let's be realistic the best thing about the quest 3 and that's working absolutely fine um you get audio obvious coming through the the headset as well um so you can do a multitude of things in here including joining Microsoft teams meeting from the actual desktop as well which is great um so that's everything there customization wise on a single monitor so I've got my laptop connected single monitor what we're going to do now we're going to try and connect it up to some to some different monitors so we can rather than having the single screen in front of us we can get the two additional screens at either side as well and really really multitask in a virtual environment okay so before we go and connect uh into multiple laptops just wanted to first show you uh the beta application the over beta application on the on the quest headset I believe it came pre-installed I don't remember actually installing it uh so we're still in the in the Horizon work rooms application here what I'm going to do is I'm going to um quit out of this app so quick so about to full color pass through as you can see there um so I'm going to go here it's called remote display it's within my app Library um it's called remote display um and I'm going to just simply click on that so this is using the exact same desktop software that's on there it's the uh remote desktop application there's nothing extra running um I did install the uh this on another computer this one here this is the PC I've got written here that was connected to that one that's what that is this is my laptop Houston laptop so if I click on this and connect exactly the same way I would with the Horizon work rooms this should connect and it'll give me a single screen view of my laptop you can see my laptop's over there and this is the screen the view of it here so if I use my Mouse um I can then navigate around there so this is more of a quick single screen view directly from the menu um into basically showing you um your a remote view of your of your laptop um it's not that kind of enclosed VR environment that immersive environment it's just a single view into into your PC um I'm not sure where what the what the plan is from me meta here whether they're going to push out the remote display further or expanding it or get rid of work rooms I'm I'm not sure but this is an alternative use of it it's kind of you can still multitask being in the here so if I go into my library into what um I can jump between that and then WhatsApp quite easily so it seems more I don't know more of a lightweight streamline version of of the remote desktop capability built on the actual headset but it's really easy to use and you can kind of because you've got the color pure I could pop that over there I could be doing something else and be jumping back over to my laptop screen real easily um so it's a bit more flexible um it just doesn't give you that full immersive view that you get from Horizon work rooms it also doesn't allow you which I've I've realized through experimentation to view multiple screens at the same time so this will allow you to switch between multiple screens uh multiple monitors you've got con connected but it won't allow you to view them at the same time it just keeps this single window open so it's got its pros and its cons so I just want to show that really quickly before we jump into connecting multiple um pretend monitors to that machine so what we'll do is I will do do that now and we'll connect in the uh USB dongles I've got to create these uh false monitors right the plan now is to connect the laptop which is down here on the desk um into well not into some monitors but you could simply connect it into a monitor and it would give you the two different screens so your laptop screen and the a virtual view of your monitor you've got connected now if you don't have a monitor or you're on the go and you wouldn't have a monitor with you anyway what you can get are these HTMI monitor um extension dubies so basically what it's doing it's it's tricking your laptop or your PC or Mac I don't know if it works on Mac actually so I'll resin that for now but you pull this into your laptop I directly into it into a HDMI port or via a dongle which is what I've got here so I've actually got two of these HDMI um HDMI devices so these trick your computer into thinking that there's a 4k monitor connected so simply with these I can add an additional two uh virtual screens onto my laptop making my laptop think that are two devices two monitors connected um so what I'll do is I'll just uh plug these in to the laptop which I'll show via color pass through and then we'll see the two extra monitors appear on the quest 3 headset um links to these the the ones I got for for these will be in the description they just run on Amazon I think they were about £15 for two I think the came as a two pack but I will link to them really simple to use I've never seen them before until until I was reading about how to how to basically output from a laptop um and ways different ways of doing it to create another virtual desktop um so yeah these are great and they've worked every time for me no problem and it does allow you to get the 4K uh resolution as well which gives you a better view in VR okay so we're in color pass through we've just shown the um that remote display uh application now we're going to go to the laptop and connect things in so this is the beauty of color pass through I can still be doing things I don't know if you can see perfectly from the from this recording but you can see in the low light it does struggle a little bit um it's a little bit grainy more grainy in low light you kind of see if I look over there um but it's still a really good experience I can see what I'm doing I can check my phone I could get a drink of coffee drink of water for example over here uh not a problem at all there so let's get these I've simply got a couple of USB dongles um so I've got this one um which is a Kingston one uh which I'm going to plug into my laptop so luckily I've got a couple of USBC ports on this laptop so I've got that one and I've got this other one so I've got the dongle HDMI dongle plugged in there HDMI dongle plugged in there and I can just before I do anything use my laptop to come out of here and there we go so so let if I jump into uh settings and I'll show you in fact well I won't show you won't let me jump in back into work rooms so going to Horizon work rooms I'm back into my opposite environment again with the with the settings I chose last time with the password on the desk I've go to computer and it's connected automatically and now it's given the three screens as you can see there so he would have got now got if I'm using my using my mouse which is connected to my laptop uh which I can see cuz I've got the pass through if I go into display you can see the three monitors so I've got my my original screen of my laptop and I've got two and then three which are the dongles I've got pluged into the into there let me just get rid of so if I scroll down here you can see hopefully uh um display resolution of three is that and of two is that so what I'm going to do I'm going to knock this resolution up to 4K which is 3840 by 2160 okay so you see it crashed I didn't like that so I'm not sure because I've got the two monitors the two separate monitors connected I didn't like that um so it's gone to 1 1920 by 1200 I'm going to knock it up a little bit see if we can get anything out so we got 2560 by 1440 see if it allow us to do that it's not liking that I don't think either it is oh no no so it's dropping back to more more of an HD rather than 4K um this could be I'm not sure cuz I've got the two two connected so it can't output to two 4K monitors perhaps um while it thinks what 2K monitors but you you can see here anywhere uh with both of them number three being on 1920 by 1200 which is above HD actually cuz it should be 1080 um and then that one there so got two and three here so let me just get this out of the way so you can see here I can look around see 360 View and I can see the two uh the sorry the three monitors so the single um laptop monitor in the middle and then the uh number two and number three either side if I want to I can use my mouse and I can move things between the windows as I would be able to do on my actual machine um I got my edge browser here which again I can move there it kind of gives you an indication of of the text and the font and how readable and how usable it is I found on the quest two when trying this out I would use it for say half an hour and my eyes would hurt cuz kind of the the font would be terrible the text would be terrible to read but this you can really you can see the clar even on the slightly lower resolution than I wanted to be it's still on the 1920x 1200 but you can see how usable that is there that is um it's quite impressive actually so if I just jump between different pages on here you see it in terms of the refresh rate working on there which is shouldn't be a problem so we'll scroll down this page see if we can find the video don't have any cop can I copyright see a video there refresh rate is absolutely fine obviously that's probably just a gift that's just playing over and over um see there some of the accessories available for the Met Quest 3 from meta so there there you go so you got the three the three different monitors there uh showing fine so just the last thing I wanted to show you just on this view if I take my um my controller you see if I hover over this this screen or hover over this screen with my controller pointer I can move that one to the center which should swap um which should kind of move things around so it doesn't swap the monitors round it kind of just shifts the whole circle round so again if I go there and click on move to center it shifts that round on the round to the center it would be good if you could kind of maybe press and hold and move it around uh but yeah if you want to quickly move to Center you can do it's pretty quick so you can just fck it right that like that but in terms of this view it's not too difficult just to Twist and look and use obviously use those different monitors kind of a massive scale so if it was to say from a from a like a human eye perspective looking at them I would say if I was sat in a room this monitor size would probably be around maybe like a 65 in screen it looks like um so three 65 screen uh 65 in screens in front of me is kind of what it looks like possibly even bigger to be honest with you in terms of the perspective you get from actually being sign in front of it okay just last thing to show just before before we do it's supped just a really quick demo just to kind of demonstrate what what the possibility is with this um but the three screens there looking great obviously with Edge on this screen middle screen there and settings on there so I just want to show you just in terms of latency and T and actually using it realistically using the screens like this uh I've just opened solit in casual games here so if I go into solit um not that I play soliter but I just kind of the first thing for the menus I found um oh I've played it before so let's play that and go next next let's in fact let's close that um so this just gives you an idea of being able to actually use um use it um so I just flick on here you can hopeful hopefully see the kind of refresh rate working absolutely fine there um so I go with an A on there uh just to really quickly show you so the kind of movement from my mouse to actually it working in real life is actually really good it's quite impressive um latency wise obviously depending on your network and if it's load St going on your network it may slow down of things on Wi-Fi because everything's connected via Wi-Fi um but yeah it's really usable then I can flick easily just go over here and flip between my tabs on here uh open a new tab you got a Microsoft start page there um so as you can see things load absolutely fine just like they would on your PC um I can flick back to solitire carry carry on my gameer Sol okay all done there on the headset now um connected up to those three virtual monitors obviously one being physical two tricking the laptop into thinking there is two more monitors connected um overall really impressed with that I have tried to use this on the meta Quest 2 previously and I'll be honest that as the resolution on the screen on the actual headset aren as good isn't as good um the the kind of text and the imagery on the on the remote desktop connection wasn't great on the Quest 2 the Step Up on the quest 3 makes it experience tons better miles better even with the reduced resolution on those screens which you saw um which I didn't think would happen cuz I'm pretty sure I've got the 4K working previously but perhaps maybe on only one monitor so I might have to test that again uh in the future uh but yeah three monitors working absolutely fine multitasking between the different monitors you can then go into color pass through if you wanted to so if you're sat in an environment where you want color pass through uh you could be sat anywhere really with the three screens in front of you um and you can see the desk pass through as well showing The View on your desk of where your laptop sorry where your laptop is yeah keyboard mouse drink phone anything there and because of that color pass through now on the quest 3 and Al obviously it's available on the quest Pro uh but on the quest 3 it makes the experience much much easier you can use your keyboard you can see your mouse you can use your Mouse um you can obviously get grab a drink if you need to just makes things tons easier miles easy so this is only intended to be really a quick demo just to show you the capability obviously I've only really scratch the scratch the surface really of what's capable probably um in terms of being able to be immersed in a PC environment um with know wires totally W Totally Wireless as well so you could have this running on um a desktop PC or a laptop in one room of your house um as long as your mouse and keyboard are connected via Bluetooth you could be sting another room using it um so i' I've used that previously I've been had my laptop connected uh downstairs on a dining table and been a to sit there with a simply with a keyboard and mouse with three virtual screens in front of you working on your laptop um so I can definitely see um some great possibilities with this um if you know if you don't have the money for uh monitors or don't have the space for monitors or you're in environment with with no monitors um you can use those adapters with a dongle or directly into your PC to tricky PC into thinking you've got monitors connected which is really cool again I'll link in the description to to where I got mine from so yeah really cool really easy to do all free in terms of the uh meta Quest remote desk application on your PC um and if you only do have one monitor or one single screen in your laptop it kind of gives you that immersive view within the work rooms application on the on the quest um kind of into a different uh quiet environment quickly before we finish I just wanted to point out I am aware of other applications that are out there uh for the mquest 3 so you've got the vspatial application uh and you've got the immersed application I have tried both of those um and I find them as they've got more feature they're more feature Rich in terms of what you can do within the applications and the settings and tweaking things uh but from a Simplicity perspective setting things up and getting going me the work rooms application in my opinion is much better um it's cleaner it's simpler to do it's less to get wrong um and it just seems to be more stabled as well um it just you've got that that that fixed environment so you've only got the three you got three screens you can't move them around you can't switch what you're doing with them but if you're only wanting quite a simplistic setup the work rooms application in my opinion is actually better than the vspatial and immersed ones if you are looking for further settings to tweak um connecting to multiple devices at one time you will probably need the vspatial application I would say the vspatial one is better than immersed um in terms of what you can do with it immersed is a little simpler to set up than the vspatial um so they've all got the pros and cons are kind of what your needs are for uh for that virtual immersed environment you want but for me personally and for what I need it for just getting going getting three or one two or three virtual screens in front of you the work rooms application is the one to go with so if you're using um any of those applications I mentioned um the work rooms application the immersed application or vspatial application let me know in the comments section uh how you've been getting along with it which one's your favorite have you tried them all are there others I'm not aware of they are the only three I think that I'm really aware of and obviously you've got that new one that's within the uh within the quest 3 that's a beta as well uh so let me know in the comment section any any tips you've got from your experiences as well um so everyone can obviously learn from each other and I can learn from other people um so hopefully you've liked this video it's been informative been useful if so give it a thumbs up give it a like if not for any reason give it a thumbs down give it a dislike let me know in the comments section why any questions about what I've been through any further information or anything I didn't cover ask any questions I'll answer any questions or comments in the comment section um if you want to follow the Houston DIY Journey along for more videos on the quest 3 some baking cooking home DIY projects tons of stuff going on on the channel hit that subscribe button and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Huson DIY
Views: 12,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aSoxXhS1rWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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