Getting Started in Windows 11

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windows 11 is due to be released on october 5th so in this video we're going to take an in-depth look at some of the new features and changes to the interface now one of the most obvious things that you'll notice is that the start button and pinned applications have been moved to the center of the taskbar down below but for those of you who may not like that change just know that that can be set back to the left as it was in 10 in all other previous versions if we right click on the taskbar we have taskbar settings clicking there we can scroll down to this window where we have taskbar behaviors and then at the top we have taskbar alignment and then we can choose left and you'll notice that our start button and pinned applications are now to the left but for this video i'm going to go ahead and leave these to the default of the center and close out of our settings the next obvious change as far as the interface is concerned is the appearance the theme that we have here is pretty bright and vivid now this can also be changed from several different other themes if we right click on the desktop and then choose personalize down at the bottom clicking we open up a window here where we can see several other options to choose from and we'll go ahead and step through these really quickly just so you can have an idea of what these others will look like this last one i believe is my favorite i like the darker colors but for this tutorial we're going to go ahead and keep it with the default setting and let's close out of our settings menu and actually before we move on to the next topic if i come back to our personalized settings just know that you can create your own custom theme by coming to themes down below we'll click once to open that up and then we can see use custom theme here and also be aware that we can choose from tons of different themes on the microsoft store so if we click on browse themes that will open up the store which has been redesigned and we'll take a look at that near the end of the video and once this loads we can see that there's a huge variety of different themes that you can choose from most of these are for free so you can just download whichever one catches your eye and experiment with these and now let's move on to take a look at the new start menu so clicking once here we can see that this is pretty different than what was in windows 10 at the top we have a search field we don't have to click in there to type if i wanted to search for an application i can just then begin typing and we open up a search window to see our results there if we were to click in the search field here then this is going to change to a search window and we'll take a look at that in a second we then have our pinned applications these are the ones that are going to show up by default but of course we can always remove and add our own applications to this window here so simply coming to an application and right clicking we can unpin from the start run as an administrator open that file location and pin to taskbar now what we see in this contextual menu is going to change a little bit depending on what we select but the most important thing to know is that you can adjust this as you'd like to have the applications that you choose to have here now when you have a lot of applications pinned you can use these buttons here to scroll down and see the ones below at the bottom we have recommended apps then we have our user if i click once on this then i can change the account settings lock or sign out we then have our power button in the bottom right hand corner to sleep shut down or restart and of course we can access all of our apps by clicking on the all apps button here and just scroll down to find the app that we are looking for we could also click on the letter to bring up this view here where we can immediately jump to a particular letter if we know that of course if we're looking for a particular application by name and if we'd like to pin an application from this menu to the first screen then we would just right click and pin to start so now when i click on the bat button let's scroll down to the bottom and we can see that tunnel there has been added to our start menu here if you'd like to pin an application to the taskbar then this is going to be accomplished the same as in windows 10 so we could simply right click and choose to pin to the taskbar here or if we have an application running so this is my screen capture software i could right click on this and pin to taskbar here as well now we also have a couple of different ways that we can customize the start menu by using the settings application so up at the top right corner of our start menu if i click on that we open up our settings and by default we're gonna see system settings but if we click on this button up above we can choose personalization and then scroll down and we can see we have start here i'll click once and then we can see the different settings that we can adjust for the start menu show recently added apps we can turn that off or on if we'd like most used apps recently open apps and start etc now let's move on to take a look at the default taskbar buttons that you're going to see once you upgrade or install windows 11 so next to our start button we have a search button and we can just click here to open up the search window or press the windows plus s key to open that up and our cursor will be immediately in the search field so we can then look for an application or document or folder by default this is going to be set to search all of our pc and web but we can choose to search strictly by app documents or the web we also have more here we have top apps and recent apps as well as quick searches so if i were to go ahead and perform a search here then we can see the best match is an application we can also search the web we have folders and documents photos and videos and if you'll notice to the right here we have a few options for what to do with that application we can open it run as administrator open that file location and a few other items here like pinning to the start taskbar or uninstalling next to the search we have a task view now when i hover over this we can see that if you have set up multiple desktops then you can choose between them i have not but we can easily set up a new desktop by clicking on the plus button here and this is going to give you a completely different setup for your uh desktop or a second one that you can have set up for maybe if you want to do multimedia work on that desktop and your other one office production so if i choose desktop 2 you may not notice a change here but this is a different desktop so if i were to right click and let's personalize and choose a different background image so i will select this one here so now when i hover on the task view button we can see that desktop too with the new desktop wallpaper that i chose we can come back to the original desktop by clicking there so anytime that you like to set up multiple desktops then you can do that pretty easily to get rid of it just hover and click on the x and we're back to our original now by clicking on the task view we're going to see any open applications at this time i only have my screen capture software open if i were to open up an explorer and come back to that task view we can see the explorer there now we can also use our touch screen so if we use three fingers to push up then we can view that task view three fingers again to pull down and then we come back to our original original desktop and next we have a widgets panel so by clicking here we can access that we can also use the windows key plus w to show or hide that and here we have a variety of different widgets that we can take a look at we can add our own or remove these so anything that we don't want to see we can click on the ellipsis button here more options we can choose medium large customize that widget or remove these can also be rearranged by clicking on the header that cursor changes to a hand so then we can drag and arrange these any way that we'd like moving on in the taskbar we then have a chat or chat and video conferencing with microsoft teams so by clicking on this we can easily access our contacts and begin chatting or video chatting with any contacts that we have set up i don't currently have this set up at the moment so we're just getting a basic getting started screen we then have our file explorer window and we can click that to open up the explorer or we can use the shortcut the windows key plus e to open up explorer windows and we'll come back to this in a moment to take a more in-depth look at some of the changes that have been made there now of course any of these applications that we'd like to remove we have the option to do so by right clicking on the taskbar coming to the bar settings and then we can see at the very top here we have search the task view widgets and chat which we've just taken a look at so these are going to be all on by default but i can just simply click on the sliders and you can notice that these are being removed from the taskbar there so you do have some flexibility in what you'd like to see you're not forced to have those there if you don't want to now over in the right we have our corner icons and the time and date so some of the applications that we may have open like in my screen capture software we can see that that's open there if i right click on that we have different settings so this is familiar to windows 10 one change that we do have in 11 is that if we were to click on the wi-fi or the network volume control or battery then we open up a quick settings panel and we can also access this panel by using the windows key and a so show and hide that with those shortcut keys now with this quick settings panel we can do things like turn on and off our bluetooth with just one click also our wi-fi if we click on this arrow here then we can see settings for our wi-fi and choose a different router for our location airplane mode uh battery saver focus assist now the focus assist is going to determine what notifications you're seeing so by default you're going to receive notifications for applications alarms etc by default but if we click once on this then we're only going to receive notifications for priority applications if we click again then we're only going to hear or see notifications for alarms clicking once again then we are going to be or receive notifications for everything we then have accessibility by clicking on this we can activate our magnifier color filters narrator etc let's click to come back we have our screen brightness control volume control and then we also have this pencil button so we can edit our settings here so if we prefer not to see the accessibility we can click once there done and then that's been removed we can come to add and then bring that back if i come back to add again then we can continue to add any other settings or features that we'd like as well now finally we have the gear icon which is going to take us to our settings application now in windows 10 when we click on the time and date then we would be able to adjust the time time zone etc within a window a pop-up window but now when we click on the time and date we have our notifications we can clear all there and we have a fly out for our calendar but if we'd like to adjust our time and date then we can right click here and then adjust the date and time and then also adjust our notification settings so coming to adjust date and time we're taken to the settings menu menu where we can make familiar adjustments there right clicking notification settings and we've already covered this a bit here so we can turn the notifications on and off here and then with the focus assistant which we saw in the quick settings panel choosing off will receive all notifications and priority only these are the settings that we've already talked about so let's close this out and now let's move on to take a look at some of the changes to the explorer so i've got a folder here that i created for the tutorial i'll just double click to open up our explorer window and if you notice that we have rounded edges here so all of our applications are going to have these rounded corners and starting from the very top left corner we have a new button so when we click on that we can create a new folder we can also use ctrl shift and n for shortcut keys to create a new folder if i click on that then we can see we have a recycle or delete button here of course we could use the key on our keyboard but just notice that we have these quick action buttons so whenever we select a file or folder so if i select this photo then we can see we have cut copy paste we can rename share and delete which of these buttons is going to change slightly depending on what you have selected so if i select a folder then not all of these are going to be active here we then have sort for the contents of our folder we can sort by name date modified type and more these are all familiar from windows 10 ascending descending group by so these are all pretty similar to windows 10 we then have view so we can view large extra large large change the size of our icons a list view we can choose details tiles content compact view is going to by default these are going to be spaced out a little bit so this is going to help you if you're using a touch screen to make selections but if we'd like a more compact view then we can select that there we then have show at the bottom and some features here which a lot of you may want to access such as turning on your file name extensions so we can see this rich text format document.rtf that's showing the file extension so if i click here then we can see that that goes away so just know that you can quickly access that setting by coming to the show at the bottom turning on the file name extensions also if you have hidden files then you can show or hide those by clicking here our item check boxes we can turn those off if we like so when i click to select or hover we don't have those check boxes if you're not familiar with that feature then let's go ahead and turn that on so now when i have that turned on we can see we have the check box so if you'd like to select multiple files to cut or copy that's what this feature is for now finally at the top we have this ellipsis button where we can undo pin to quick access so if we'd like to add this example folder to our quick access area then i can come here and pin to quick access and we now have that there if i right click here then we can unpin it and what else do we have here we've got select all select none invert we can view the properties and options this is going to take us to our folder options which is familiar from windows 10 so just know that you can access these settings from there we can then move back and forward and moving up to our desktop back we come back to our tutorial folder this is our file path of course these are all the same as windows 10 we've got our search field and our quick access area we have this pc we can of course expand this out and we have network at the very bottom we can choose between a list view or thumbnails and when we choose the thumbnails it's going to create a large view so i want to go back to the medium we could do that in the view menu now let's take a look at snap layouts and this is going to allow you to layout several different applications that you have open in various ways so i'll hold the windows key and e to open up another explorer let's open up the start menu and i'm going to also open up a browser here so now when i hover on the restore button or if we were to come to one of the explorer windows and hover on the maximize button you see we have this pop-up window where we can choose a snap group so let's choose this one here and whatever we highlight is going to place the window in that area so our explorer window is going to be placed in the center and now we're able to choose where we want to place these other applications that are open so here is the web browser if i click there that's now to the left the other explorer window is now going to be placed to the right and of course we can choose one of these other options here so if i hover on the maximize then i can place this one here let's put the browser there and choose that and my screen capture software and if i hold windows and d to show the desktop just notice that if i hover on the explorer here then i can choose to open up that one by itself or i can choose our snap group and open that up and let's go ahead and close out some of these windows here now we've seen the settings app which has been redesigned throughout this video several times and i i think it's really nice what they've done with this things were a little bit disjointed in windows 10. so we can access the settings app by using the start menu and we see we have settings here also we could right click on the start button and then we have settings down at the bottom so we can then access our settings by default this is going to be on system but if we come up to the very top and click on this button here we can choose whatever area we'd like to focus on so if we'd like to take it look at our bluetooth settings and devices we can select there and then now if we scroll down we can make adjustments to our cameras mouse if i click here you can see is a really nice clean cleanly laid out menus i think we can then move back by clicking there using the back arrow to come back let's choose another area apps so we can view our installed apps by coming here by clicking on the right over to the right we can uninstall some of these are going to have different options based on what you are selecting advanced options move uninstall so overall i think windows or microsoft did a nice job on redesigning the settings menu and making it a lot more clean and fluid now the final thing that we'll take a look at is the windows store which has been redesigned we can access that by clicking on the start menu and then up at the very top we have the store there so let's click once and open that up and we're taken to a home screen here at the very top we have a search field where we can search for different apps games movies and over to the left we can also choose to show different apps or below that we have gaming and below that we have movies and tv at the very bottom we have library we where we can view some of the installed applications that we have and then we have a help button so now windows 11 is going to be including a feature where we can install android applications that release the release of that feature has been delayed by a few months so there's not a set date for that but just know that in the future we will be able to install android applications and run them within windows 11. okay so that's been a look at windows 11. i'll be following this up with more detailed tutorials on the various features and changes that have been made so if you're interested in learning more just know that those will be on the way so thanks for watching and i will see you in the next tutorial
Channel: Quanta
Views: 16,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wJash3Yq74U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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