Windows 11 - What You NEED To Know! TPM, Features and What's NOT So Great.

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it took me some time to make a video about windows 11 because i wanted to run it for some time to see if problems creep up with some apps or not now i've used it for a couple of weeks for my everyday work i even edited some videos with it and i recorded some videos with it so far it's very stable there are no major issues and i have to say for a preview from windows insider that's quite amazing the upgrade itself was pretty much painless apart from the tpm issue but more on that later good news all apps work as they did before everything just looks a bit fancier i don't have a mac but it does look similar to what i've seen on a mac but at the same time it's also not dramatically different to windows 10 so i'd say if mac and windows had a kit that's probably how it would look like but is it just about the looks so some say it's a glorified theme pack with aesthetic updates like rounded edges icons or fancy icons and animations is that it for the new version or is there more let's find out [Music] let's start from the beginning the upgrade process so i used one of my older desktops with the seventh generation i7 cpu that i bought about four years ago i ran the requirement checker called why not win 11 and it came back with two issues number one my cpu is not currently listed as compatible that's strange given that it's not that old but it doesn't seem to be a showstopper but then it tells me that a tpm which is short for trusted platform module is missing and is marked in red there's no upgrade without that after doing some research i realized that this is the most common issue when it comes to upgrading to windows 11. another common problem is secure boot in my case it was fine but what's the big deal about these requirements that windows 11 has anyway so honestly i kind of felt bad that my devices are not good enough for windows 11 so does that mean i can't install it so i'm new it expert i've never come across this before so i did some research and it turns out that both components so both tpm and secure boot increase your system security so it sounds like a good thing it's something that i would expect my device to have though if it's just four years old so what are these things anyhow a tpm is a tiny system component that stores encrypted data so think of it like a wall that keeps important information safe from malware or from a hacker for example biometrics like fingerprints or facial recognition data to sign in with windows hello windows 11 requires tpm 2.0 which only devices from the last five to maybe seven years are going to have but even if you have it it may be disabled like it was in my case and then you end up getting that red mark that your device is not good enough but it's just disabled so don't worry you can enable it yourself if you have it you'll just need to access your bios settings and look for security settings on intel systems it's usually called ptt or ftpm and amd devices now make sure to enable these this way you can pass the tpm check the other thing is secure boot so this has been around for a long time it's very likely that your pc has it too but it may also be disabled so you can think of the secure boot as a security guard and make sure that your computer only starts an operating system that's digitally signed and trusted this prevents things like malware sneaking in microsoft states that systems having tpm and secure booth enabled reduces malware by 60 on tested devices so more security is generally a good thing but it means that older computers and even some of the newer ones are not going to be able to upgrade unless microsoft changes the requirements which wouldn't be that uncommon and it's already happened in the past as well okay so with the system requirements out of the way the actual upgrade was easy it took about an hour and it was painless like some of those windows 10 fall updates that we had before you don't have to reinstall any apps everything is there just it looks a bit different so your desktop will look different that's the first thing you're going to notice the taskbar is centered which takes some getting used to but with a right click you can open the taskbar settings and in taskbar behaviors you can move it back to the left again one thing i think will make a lot of people unhappy is the never combined feature that's gone with never combine you could keep the windows of an app ungrouped in the taskbar now since this feature is gone they're going to be treated like a single item until you hover over it other than that the windows have a fresh and modern look with rounded edges the start menu is cleaned up there aren't any more of those live tiles which i appreciate a new action center was implemented with a modern look you can get to it by clicking on this combine button for internet volume settings and battery down here or by using the new shortcut windows a here you get a lot of central controls like monitor brightness and volume the settings area also got a major overhaul this is actually one of my favorites because navigation in settings is much easier than in windows 10 where you always had to go back and forth you can see all connected devices up here adding a new device is also super simple with network and internet you can get a breakdown of your data usage by app and that's pretty neat with personalization you can select a theme or change the background and colors now something i like is the possibility to add shortcuts to the start button so right now when i click on start i see a lot of empty real estate between my profile picture and the power button this is where we can add shortcuts scroll down to start and then select folders then turn on what you use often i'll select downloads and pictures and now when you click on start you'll see these icons and you can jump straight there windows 11 has also optimized touch experience that makes it much easier to use on tablets and convertibles tablet mode is gone but it got smart so when you detach the keyboard it automatically adjusts touch targets are bigger now for example the taskbar spaces the icons out in the file explorer you automatically get more space between rows it makes it much easier to select the right one you get a customizable on-screen keyboard similar to the ios keyboard you can move around and it's also swipeable so let's see i want to open word just swipe over the letters and here it is when you swipe in from the left edge you get widgets you can also click the button in the taskbar or use the shortcut windows w widgets are great to get a quick overview on the weather news or your to-do which is a widget that you can also add this for me is super convenient you can also use gestures like fingers swiping down brings you to the desktop and three fingers swiping left or right goes to the last used app i work a lot on my surface so this definitely is an improvement for me another improvement is clipboard history it got an upgrade as well i used to shortcut windows v all the time but the one issue i had was that if you already have a lot of items in your history you'll have to scroll all the way down to get to your print items in windows 11 you can now clear the history right here with this button clear all and only your pinned items remain now check this out there are other tabs we got emojis gifs camogies symbols we get it all you can also get to this view with windows period so this shortcut works in windows 10 already but now you get a wider selection next convenient feature are snap groups when you hover over the maximize button you get multi-window snap presets the shortcut windows z does the same thing this way you can arrange your windows as you like it's going to remember the setup even when you unplug your laptop from the external monitor when you undock it the windows will be minimized to fit them on the smaller screen but when you dock the laptop again it's going to restore the snap group that you previously had there another handy feature is the improved dictation that now comes with autopunctuation so you don't have to dictate your punctuation to turn it on use the shortcut windows h click on settings and enable auto punctuation then just click on the microphone and start dictating if you don't see the microphone use windows h to bring it up hello i'm testing auto punctuation yay it's really working click on the microphone when you're done or just pause for a bit and it will stop or just say stop dictation this works great now i said the same thing in windows 10 and this is what i got hello i'm testing auto punctuation yay it's really working so this seems to work well in 13 different languages already the other new thing that microsoft introduced is the built-in chat option from microsoft teams this means that the default chat app in windows 11 is not skype but a consumer version in teams you'll see the new chat icon on the taskbar when you open it for the first time you need to first sign in with your microsoft account if you use skype or outlook you're going to get the option to sync your contacts after you set up if you want to get in touch with someone you just have to click the chat icon in the taskbar or use the shortcut windows c you'll see your most recent conversations and you can respond or start a new chat or call when someone contacts you you're going to receive a notification and you can respond directly in line to text chats this way you're going to be able to connect with your friends and family you have one-on-one chats group chats audio or video calls and when this is completely rolled out you'll even be able to do screen sharing just like with the team's business app this makes it easier for me to help my dad with his excel problems so clearly microsoft wants this to be the central communication tool for everyone now most of us use teams at work on your school anyhow already so this makes it easy for us to use it in our personal life too now what do you think can you see yourself switching to teams for your personal communication so instead of using whatsapp or signal let me know below file explorer got a major overhaul too the huge ribbon is gone it's replaced with a clean toolbar the right-click context menus are also changed the most common tasks are shown as icons up here it's all streamlined and modern if you don't want the extra spacing between the items you can easily fix that in the layout and view options up here select compact view and it's going to look like it did in windows 10. the one thing that annoys me a lot is that there are still no tabs so you still have to open multiple windows for tabbed browsing i really hope that would finally be included so i don't have to use extra items for that i tested the current item that i use on windows 10. there is already a better version for windows 11 and it works fine if you're interested about this add-in i have a separate video on it now another disappointment for me was virtual desktops if you're multitasking working on different things it makes sense to have different desktops right it's really easy to set them up in the taskbar with task view you can create a new desktop for example let's say you want to have a dedicated gaming desktop just click on the plus then change the name to whatever you want now you have a separate environment what's nice is that you can have a different background for different virtual desktops something that's not possible to do in windows 10 but unfortunately that's where the customization ends the pinned items on the taskbar are the same the desktop icons are the same now it would be nice if you could have all your gaming links in one desktop and all your professional programs and apps on another desktop so this in my view would make virtual desktops really useful now let's go back to gaming so something that's not available in the preview yet is the xbox tech that should come to windows 11. so like auto hdr which will make your games look a lot more vibrant and direct storage which makes sure that your games load faster from your graphics card another thing that's currently missing in the preview are android apps but when microsoft releases windows 11 officially you're going to be able to install android apps now that's a big plus because so far you'd have to use the your phone app which basically just requires a samsung mobile if you want to get your apps to work that will change with windows 11. but where are you gonna go to install your android apps you will go to the newly designed microsoft store you can install any android app as long as they're available in the amazon app store this is where they're actually going to be coming from so this bridging is a little bit strange for me so i wonder how the performance of the apps will be now what if you don't want to use the amazon bridge to get to your apps well windows 11 may support side loading of android apps this way you're not going to be dependent on your apps being available on the amazon store so let's see how things turn out so let's summarize i found the official windows 11 microsoft presentation quite dramatic and i thought dramatic presentation dramatic change don't get me wrong the design improvement and especially the new features that they implemented for touch screens are great but i just expected a bit more on the feature side now if the auto hdr and direct storage for gaming happens as announced and the bridging for the android apps performs well too it's definitely more than just a glorified theme pack and i consider it well worth the upgrade what do you think will you upgrade to windows 11 once it's officially released let me know in the comments below so i hope you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you did do subscribe if you haven't already done so thank you for watching and i'll catch you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 179,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, windows, windows 10 upgrade, windows 11, updates in windows 11, microsoft, changes in windows11, secure boot, tpm, can't install windows 11, enable tpm
Id: ClYn9i-XueE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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