LIVE: Windows 11 Walkthrough with Microsoft Dev Davepl

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are we ready i think we're ready ready hey i'm dave welcome to my shop i'm dave plummer a retired operating systems engineer going back to the ms dawson windows 95 days and this morning i'm coming to you live from a rainy saturday or sunday morning actually uh in dave's garage here to bring you a casual walkthrough of what's new in windows 11. i received a lot of requests and suggestions from folks to do a walkthrough way back when the first windows 11 builds leaked onto the internet and a lot of people around youtube did just that but it was clear that what they were seeing was a very rough early preview that didn't stop them from picking it apart however which somehow just didn't seem fair but now that it's much closer to fully baked though i think it's complete enough that we can take a tour of the new landscape and see what there is to see at that point i considered doing a fully scripted episode and who knows maybe i still will do that to coincide with the official release but for now i thought a live stream would be the best way to go about it because i thought it would be just the kind of thing where i could everything good all right so that i could uh poke around the thing i take a little exploratory journey and you can come along for the ride all i've got to do is narrate what i see as i go and the thing pretty much writes itself so like a piano teacher who stays one chapter ahead of her students that's what we'll be doing from what i've seen so far windows 11 is a major upgrade and at the same time it isn't that is to say a lot has changed but it has changed in a manner consistent with the direction that they set out within windows 10. to me windows 11 is less a major overhaul and more windows 10 plus plus and guess what taken literally windows 10 plus plus would be windows 11 anyway but my point is that they didn't change directions it's not like when they veered off into the weeds with windows 8 and then right of the ship with 10 or put another way it absolutely doesn't have the feel of a vista for example now the cynic might say oh they rounded off some corners and added a blue skin but i think it goes a lot deeper than that more than anything as i said it's really more windows 10 than ever the edges where you'd fall off windows tanner into some xp era dialog boxes or fewer and less jarring but there are still some there the settings ui is much more complete and all new features seem to be expressed in a way that's consistent with that ui as well you know what they say about opinions and mine are probably even worse because i worked in this area and on an earlier version of this actual product so i'm a little self-righteous about it so on the one hand i love most of what they've done here but at the same time the fact that you can't drag things out from the start menu or even from the search results that come up within it simply blows my mind i do it all the time on mac os and not because i read it in a book of obscure ui gestures but because i intuitively tried it once after searching and it worked so now i expect it to work everywhere plus drag-and-drop isn't that hard to do all right it's a little hard to do but it's still worthwhile well here's another potentially contentious viewpoint that i might as well share requiring tpm for windows 10. it's not part of some evil conspiracy just to sell hardware it's a good idea that comes with a few costs the cost of course is that you need a new enough cpu and motherboard to support tpm which stands for trusted platform module i think it's easiest to explain it as a little digital vault that can be trusted to act as a chain of trust going all the way up to the roots but even when you're not online i ordered the tpm module for my old asus z97 board with an i-4770k only to find out that the cpu is now too old for some reason at least according to that upgrade advisor that microsoft released and then pulled back so i understand the frustration but here's the thing at least as far as i can tell the only way that microsoft can make machines truly secure is to be secure from the bios booth on forward that means they never run unsigned code or drivers that's just my interpretation of things but here's how it could work and i've got a guy here who knows how it actually does work helping me out so this is going to be a little embarrassing because my speculation came before he turned up but the motherboard support logic could check to verify that the bios is signed checking with the tpm to be certain if so it would hand control off to the uefi bios which in turn is set to load only a secure operating system whose boot files are also signed and verified the operating system loads and it in turn only loads applications and device drivers that have been signed digitally by a trusted vendor that trust can be verified either locally via the tpm or once steer online via the internet i assume the tpm supports some kind of permanent revocation mechanism so that it can be updated once connected online but i'm not actually sure about that part the problem comes about when only some systems or setups are secure boot if it becomes optional then how do you know if the system was booted securely unless you went into the bios to confirm it yourself there's no such thing as a consumer's unsigned iphone for example but if some are and some aren't trustworthy you've got to have some mechanism to verify which is which a jailbroken iphone can run untrusted software but it can't pretend to be trustworthy at least not in a cryptographically verifiable way so here's my idea i'd like to hear your thoughts about it in the comments i figure it's either genius or unworkable but i'm not sure which so i filed my 99 provisional patent on it anyway it goes something like this when the tpm is used by the uefi bios to start to the signed version of windows the root of trust goes all the way back to the tpm's sealed secrets those represent the blessings of verisign or intel or whoever the root of trust ultimately goes back to i propose that right on the login screen just show me a qr code that i can validate with my phone i point my smartphone camera at the symbol on screen and boom instant and authoritative confirmation of the state of trust on the machine a system that was not booted with the chain of trust intact would not be able to generate that qr code period the text in system info is easy to spoof once hacked if that's what you're relying on but a qr code with a payload that includes a time stamp signed with the root of trust going back to the tpm and beyond simply can't be forged this solution would allow some machines to be tpm equipped and some to be legacy and then if you or your company had a policy of only signing into secure systems you simply wouldn't use a system that couldn't present a verifiable qr code on the login screen that you could check with your phone well in the immortal words of 8 ball deluxe it's time to stop talking and start chalking which means it's time to start clicking on things and seeing what happens along the way i've got with me my uh great old moderator glenn and i've also got chris here who's another microsoft veteran of 10 or 15 years and he'll be taking the questions that come in from glenn and then let me know what to do and what to click on once i run out of things to try so before we get crazy the one thing i've got to do is dismiss this box here and i'm now using obs so i'm not a live streamer i don't do a lot of this but what i've set up here is the ability for me to switch so that and as needed we can check the control room here's the reverse view with me waving there you go dog bed the whole deal so the first thing you're naturally going to want to do is check out the new start menu and it's a little weird because now it's in the center this probably makes sense for a couple reasons probably the first of which being a touch so if you're on a tablet or something but i've always thought that the start menu had the bonus if i don't even look i can just shoot my mouse down bottom left and i know it's down bottom left so it's right there and that's where the start menu should be so if you want that setup just right click on it or right click on the taskbar taskbar settings go to taskbar behaviors center and change that to left close it and there we have sort of a conventional least location for the start menu i'm going to put it back in the center though to keep this windows 11e plus i found i actually don't mind it as much as i thought i would so the difference between search there you have two buttons now you have start and you have search and they're very similar the difference is as soon as you start typing into run you get the search so it's really search is what you would get in the old start menu once you've started typing something and searching so if i look for a file like uh rar key dot raw or something that's not going to be an obviously easily indexed document see if we can find this there we go so it found my registration registration key for winrar the problem is i can't drag it out i can run it and double click it i probably shouldn't have done that publicly and see what's on here now with my home address and everything else but so back into search here if i right click on search i wonder how i get to the options for that well let's do a search type indexing options i want to know how to change these are you using windows 11 as a daily driver i am not i'm running this in a vm although it is never crashed on me it's never given me a problem yet there's a few rough edges in the security center when i click on the link to things i get a you want to install an app from the app store so if we hit that i'll point that out but that's the only bug i've really run into so it's pretty stable and it's i don't know it's pretty close to being ready so we'll talk about whether i'm going to upgrade right away later on but it's a compelling choice so here's one thing indexing options and i'm sure in windows 10 this was all just old ui but they've yeah it's old ui so this is one of the cases where you're getting punted off and if i'm going to do advanced options all this stuff i'm not going to play with any of that so that is an example of where you fall out of dark mode and you're back into the i'm going to call it xp or win2k almost for the lack of a better term there's not a great deal of it but they are there so as an example if i go to networking this used to be all sort of a 50 50 hit and miss they've got a lot better now so i've got all my stats here's my 10gb confirmation things you used to have to go to the device page for now there probably still are cases so if i go back i'll just show you all my networking information so that you can hack me as i live stream change adapter options here we go and here i am dropped out into a non-dark mode old format ui but i had to go pretty deep i had to get down into network adapter options which i'm sure we do all the time but moms and pops and folks don't generally do it all that often so we have a bunch of questions all right we have a that's an interesting security question how compromised is windows 11 since the microsoft uh 72 terabyte source code leak back in 2017 um well one can argue you get all the benefits of open source i guess i was gonna say how compromised is linux right that's the thing if now everybody can see it they will find extra holes but all the security researchers out there that get paid and rewarded for finding stuff like that are going to be that much easier you have that much easier access to it yeah how much memory and disc is it eating right now how much memory and disc well let's first find out if task manager has a dark mode how do you get the task manager because look right click there's nothing task manager yeah i could but i'm wondering how you actually get there i can also press ctrl shift escape because i know that'll work because that's in when logo not in the shell but i want to find it here we go task manager so if you right click on the start button you get it oh my eyes it's burning my eyes with its beauty but no so let's see where we're at now this is the threadripper with 32 cores we're using two percent of the cpu doing nothing i think i gave it 16 gigabytes and it has 40 of that in use let's go to the performance page here here's all my cores 64 virtual processors it's a virtual machine 143 000 handles that's a lot of handles using six gigs of memory just sitting here which is actually kind of impressive but how much of this imagine that may be cash yeah so yeah it's unfortunate i have not uh been able to update dark mode for this yet i'm not sure what it is i mean there is a lot of custom painting in task manager but even when i talked to them when i was doing that uh you know can i get the source code to do it in the in the speech um i was surprised that they kind of intimated that stuff about how i had written downs mentor made it more complicated to make a dark mode because yes so now i must return but somebody actually asked that they said hey you should return back to microsoft and you can fix them and thick stark book you know what no joke if it was not for covet i would probably consider going back to do pinball and tasmania if you know if they took me back i'd go back half time two jobs i'm sorry um somebody asked they were wondering if you could share your thoughts on the more bureaucratic side of windows 11 the hard limits on upgrades and the pulling of the compatibility checker for two months and so on yeah anything to do with bureaucracy at microsoft remember i've been gone 20 years so i have no idea what they're thinking i barely know anybody who's thinking the thoughts that they're thinking over there so in terms of why microsoft did stuff why they haven't fixed your favorite bug why they haven't had your favorite feature any kinds of why issues your guess is going to be as good as mine so i can give you probably better insight on the technical side since i worked on this stuff but i didn't work in the bureaucracy back then so i can't really shed much insight on that stuff indeed back to my roster let's see the one i always like playing with is colors and personalization the one thing i do find odd about this and this was true of windows 10 too is that you can't pick totally custom colors so let's say i wanted color to match my outfit or something uh you can't they give you a set of colors and that's all you get and it's not like you know they don't want you picking a weird color like bright pink they're okay with that so that is strange now this won't change without my desktop much but what else can you take it with there was a transparency setting now i can't get transparency to work maybe you know the answer to this um it could be because i'm over rdp i've got everything enabled that i can enable everywhere you have dx acceleration enabled it should yeah not in the bio not in the registry i didn't hack the register or anything but i turned on every check box in the client yeah usually that's the thing that makes transparency not work right it's really not remoting the dx stuff one thing i'm gonna have a problem and probably not provide as much value here as i'd like is i'm not a windows 10 expert necessarily so it's not like i know what is in windows 10 so if i go wow this is all brand new it's so fancy look at this it could be all windows 10 too but i haven't played with it since xp so open your phone i gotta work with my iphone i have my notes so people are curious about the format tool has it changed the format tool let's go format something or let's propose to format something oh there goes the nas format no not even dark format it is the exact same dialogue has been for forever transparency okay so we won't get transparency unfortunately so yeah it looks like it's all the same here unsurprising but yes unchanged there's a custom color button custom color where so custom colors below the color boxes and where color personalization yeah that's crazy this is why we're doing a live stream so people that know these things can tell me that personalization colors custom colors view colors oh wow look at that that's new for windows 11 or i didn't find it in 10 either let's see if i can pick something really horrible yeah what's actually my shirt matches the desktop already so let's do it kind of a really hideous there you go yeah i guess it does it lets you pick any horrible color you want somebody was asking about privacy settings privacy settings so let's take a look device privacy account privacy we'll probably go account privacy account info access let's apps access your account info well why would i want that oh i guess for these two value ways yeah microsoft content we'll leave that off because i don't even know what that means it's probably msn home page email and accounts well i guess i could turn that on let's turn that on because i have been getting some weird funkadelic errors that i thought were just bugs but maybe not so what if i want to turn off i have to keep it on because i'm in the insider preview but what are the metrics what do they call it i thought that would be under privacy but diagnostics there we go let's see what they want me to send you're sending the required diagnostic data and that's probably like call stacks and stuff that's not pictures from your folder they're not saying anything nefarious i assume uh improved inking and typing i don't care no taylor experience no no no no see everything defaults off here except the basic telemetry for crashes it looks like yeah so yeah it doesn't look like they're being really aggressive here i mean i imagine that if you turn on the right checkbox linux sends call stacks somewhere too so then you probably just may not be as comfortable with it somebody was asking can they can you actually um put the tasks taskbar start menu on top of the desktop without it we won't be able to upgrade dozens of pcs due to users that have an eye condition called oh i used to know what that is um i think it's no i'm not going to guess um on top of the desktop what does that mean not sure what that means either we'll go through the settings here i know i can auto hide it taskbar behaviors so i can automatically hide the taskbar and then it'll pop up when i go down hopefully that's close to what you were hoping for because it gives you no taskbar and some taskbar it looks a lot prettier with the transparency effect actually but uh unfortunately that's not working for me here but don't need the pan i'm gonna turn on the touch keyboard see what that looks like no swipe text one other thing i found interesting when i was poking around here was data usage so be good if you repeat questions good point yes i thought i had been but i will be more careful to repeat the question before just answering it so i guess if you were on a limited or throttled internet setup um this would give you a way to not overrun your limits and by the way the monitor that i'm working on is right below the camera so it looks like i'm looking down and ignoring the camera kind of why my other option was to work on my main monitor but that's way over here so i've got all the stream health and stuff going on over here and everything looks good but i'm paying attention over here instead can you look at your diagnostic information oh can you see what it's sending yeah uh i don't know there might be a tool for that but i've never seen a way that it's exposed in the ui i can go back and look we'll go look [Applause] diagnostic and feedback settings view your diagnostic data bless you turn on the diagnostic data viewer uses a gigabyte open the diagnostic data viewer well this is pretty fancy thank you stranger i don't think i want to show these people all my super diagnostic data but because it's probably got something private and personal in there so you get to see exactly what it's sending yeah unfortunately because i don't know what's in that payload i don't really want to expand it but it looks like you can get access and see exactly what they're sending so from my from my vantage point microsoft doesn't send very much stuff that could be really that personally identifiable yeah i think their intentions are actually really good the problem is i would feel better about it if they weren't doing upsells in the start menu and running ads and stuff stuff like that then i would you know i trust apple further because i don't tend to monetize things further can you set windows terminal is the default terminal for uh windows 11 yes yes you can so what we want to develop can i set the so if you look at terminal and if i did it now you'll see that i've already got oh let me first turn my test bar back on before i get too far to whack here so the question is if i bring up a terminal you'll notice i get the fancy new terminal and it's the tabbed interface where i can run multiple ones i can mix and match put the command prompt in here how do you like my bright green vt220 or this is my vt-100 i love that it is called the glass tty vt220 if you search on the internet for glass tty vt220 you will find this font and if it's a shareware font send the dude some cash because i don't remember this is a font i bought or one that was free but i tend to buy the fonts that i really really like because it's kind of a rare skill anyway how do we set this as by default because normally you'll just get the regular command prompt and that is in developer settings the search is working really well on the settings ui managed to find everything i've been looking for so developer mode on device portal and i think that's for phones oh wait braden's multi-dom sticks over land i don't want that make your device visible don't care a bunch of settings like turn on extensions remote desktop options terminal now here's where to see which terminal you get and i normally you get the windows console host i believe but i've set mine to windows terminal preview preview meeting beta i believe in this case and that gives me the fancier terminal what else do i have in here azure cloud shell windows powershell the one thing that i've been unable to get working unfortunately is wsl g i really want to play with that and i installed uh everything i thought i needed but if i run xi's can't open display maybe some genius out there will know what i need to set is there a display or a terminal variable or something that i need to get this working because as far as i know i had everything i did the wsl-update or upgrade whichever it is and it did an upgrade on current but it doesn't work so i'm not sure what to do there so somebody was asking how does changing the default browser work now well let's try and change the default browser do i have chrome installed switch to the browser i recommend about so it's like the word chrome and it tells you to switch to the browser recommended by microsoft download now which is now effectively like chrome anyway yeah although i did recently have a site that worked only in chrome and not in edge when they're the same rendering engine i thought so they are the same rendering engine that's weird i know i was trying to uh what do you call it when you multiply click on a website to vote it up oh you know well i know spam clicks yeah something like that for one of my kids football games to get their quarterback collected well if they don't even check the cookie it's not my fault you're almost obligated at that point on your marks okay i i have to do this but while it's going away i'm going to see if i can change default browser what if i just type the default browser i'm going to guess it's not that simple oh default apps actually it is that simple what kind of app do i want okay chrome's here wow lots of default apps let's see [Applause] oh no they wouldn't do that would they what well if i type in edge i can see that it's got the file extension set for about 20 types http https html it wouldn't make me change them oh there's a default processor it's got to be but if i type html here are file associations that's not going to be be like the uh set defaults for apps file search for browser yeah let's try that browser well i'm saying that i'm making it easy default apps for links fire types other types now i get an ad for edge every time i try and switch one so what i really have to do this for every type i just can't believe they'd make me do that that seems horrible i may have to plead ignorance here i don't want to say that they're forcing you to change it for every extension type so maybe somebody who knows better can answer in the comments how do you change it like all at once all my browser stuff from edge to chrome let me know any answers please people are upset about the change you've got to check all the types you do huh i bet you when you're running chrome chrome actually gives you the a one-click option after you install it if not i'd like to talk to you about my newest app web choice 3000 for only 1995 all you have to do is click one button and for the pro turbo 3d version all right let's see if i can go to my big nas here's where you'll find that they've changed the folder icons and they no longer show you previews of contents so it used to be that you could see what was actually in a folder before you went there now you get a one pixel line there it's white to tell you that there is stuff in there not sure why it's not opening for me see that looks like a bug because i have a default menu of nothing so this is this is one of those uh doesn't quite work yet moments but i can go there manually with the path if i grab a see a big ass file it's a big s file doesn't that remind you like when 95 oh the look because it's not pretty it's it's like 95.98 almost so what am i getting 400 megabytes a second so that's pretty good in a vm because it's going through multiple layers it's right into virtual disks it's doing all kinds of nonsense um it's still managing pretty good throughput slowly getting faster too so somebody says chart disabling the hyper-v enhanced session it gives you a better rendering effect hyper-v enhanced session wow if i would have to restart the session i don't want to do that now so i don't think it's a checkbox i can change on the fly probably yeah so everyone's saying that you do have to click all the switches so yeah so bad news looks like you have according to popular consensus it sounds like you have to click all of those and that would really blow so i'm gonna let's do it in chrome actually let's let's just let chrome see if we can do it i wasn't actually gonna switch but oh no i just punched you to this ui oh no well i'm not happy about that yep let's see i'm not going to force you to watch me do this but that's what you would have to do and there's about 10. so is wsl the volunteer baked into windows 11. uh yes i believe ubuntu is well the actual distribution that comes down from the store but wsl is fully baked in so what i did was see i have to get a command prompt [Applause] hmm i think that would give me a list does not seem to obviously this g doesn't but i bet list does so yeah i just have the one and it's uh subsystem version two that's important and i think that's all i've got right now on this machine so yeah i just went to the store and installed ubuntu and it was actually pretty trivial somebody says dave you should be smiling you look like a doom and gloom day [Laughter] i love clicking on stuff hey why do i get this wicked green did i do that oh no it's probably okay so here's security there was others yeah so i'm wondering if i messed it up but there was some security stuff that didn't work for me security and maintenance maybe oh we're back to that of this i'm surprised i didn't make this compatible with the dark mode you know i'm of the opinion just hire more interns and make the interns fix all your ui teach them how to do ui let them all tear at it but that is not the prevailing attitude so default apps offline maps apps maps optional features let's see what we get for optional features ah the cherokee supplemental fonts i was not aware that cherokee had written language but apparently they do chinese i was not aware that the chinese had a written language no i'm sure they did for much longer than most people let's see well now this looks terribly interesting i'm sure it's important can you add a favorite bar to your task bar like you could before pinning was a thing i know you can pin apps like pin to start but i don't see any way to add a favorites bar nope i don't see so if i type in favorites what do i get that's just gonna be web favorites so yeah i don't see a way to do that so you would have to just pin apps i believe is your option there to do favorites can you open the control panel yeah let's try that control panel [Applause] so very much what you would expect from before one thing i did find interesting i like that my tv is in here and stuff that's always kind of interesting i don't know what you would possibly do with that but looking for a printer do we see a printer anywhere here there's a fax no i don't see my printer let's see if i got a printer see if there's a printer's ui printers and scanners oh one second i need to log into my laptop all right yes we go problem solved now we can add this printer this is the printer just on the network it's just plugged in and joined to the wi-fi and it's founded already which is kind of nice see if we can actually set it up and use it it may not be turned on no it has to be turned on but it's probably sleeping hopefully it will wake up so that's very mac ask because normally that requires something called bonjour which is md and ass which windows typically doesn't play well i with get too carried away until it actually does something because it's only connecting at this point but ooh installing look at that drivers everything that was pretty fancy not just as it's ready how do i get to it go back to printers [Music] so that's handy i can't get there i didn't have to do anything i haven't been punting the old ui printer properties yeah i get the well you can't really do this is the problem this is what microsoft faces for 20 something years everybody that's written printer property pages to add functionality to a printer like how much ink is in your toner cartridge that's all done using property pages and so when they switch to this new uh the dark mode ui as you're seeing here the new control panel none of this old code works and there's no easy way to port it so they just basically fall back and the other option would be to say kind of the mac approach which would be oh you want your printer to work on the new version you get to write all new software and you get to buy all new stuff but windows is a much more compatible story and as a result you sometimes fall back into this ancient looking stuff all right what's next if you right click on taskbar do you get a toolbar menu right click on taskbar gives you taskbar settings somebody's asking if you get a toolbar menu if you go down here notification settings is another option here we go maybe this is what you're looking for so this allows you to customize what goes on down by your clock notifications and so on and here's privacy and security which i was having some issues with take a look in here see i get this i get a look for an app in the microsoft store whenever i try to open a windows defender link defend it doesn't come default i don't know get chiller in the line exactly windows defender with advanced firewall security blah blah windows security app ah but it doesn't run maybe that's the problem that's kind of cute right click on an app and pick app settings and you get settings related to it it doesn't really look directly related to it but did you try getting defender oh from the story i mean yeah well let's go to the store seems like i wanted that weird [Applause] yeah okay so if i go to the store and i say open app it tells me to go to the store and look for an app there's got to be something and okay is not an option yeah there's no x there's no ok button and well at least i can get out of there that's a little rough so that's what they call a bug they will probably fix all right i've got cpu-z running here and as you can see i did a quick little benchmark if i run the benchmark this machine normally runs around 20 21 000 bare metal and in the hyper-v session windows 10 it's running or what is 11 i should say it's running 18.2 which is typical for what you would see in a vm i believe and single thread is running 410 versus a regular 510 so that's almost what 20 whack it's a big chunk off the top it seems like but somebody points out they're running a preview that seems less buggy is it because you're running in a vm um it could be you could also be running a newer channel somebody's also saying that they have seen fewer of these bugs in their version of the insider preview and i'm running there's different channels you can run in the insider preview you know raw daily builds um weekly builds betas that kind of thing so it really depends which versions you've got and which channel you're in that's like winver see what i've got 22 454. i don't know that seems pretty current but i don't think the windows defender things will be related to the vm the transparency missing i can see that but i don't think the defender stuff would be it could be that i upgraded a windows 10 install this is not a fresh install it's an upgrade of a windows 10 install so it's possible i had a bug of some kind that got brought along for backwards compatibility people were asking about i figured write a pinball on it then i was like hey that's an ancient app and it seems to work so that's probably really loud oh my goodness who wrote that uh some handsome dude uh now i don't even remember his name david stafford i think but then i ported it so how's file explorer performance how is file explorer what's his performance like well let's take a look and let's see search quick access what would that do oh it searches things in my quick access i bet which i have my nas in there that would be interesting why do that how long's it like to find it no items okay what if i say this pc working on it two three four five thinking seven twelve fourteen eight yeah that's too slow now maybe because rar is not an index file type but disappointing i would hope that it would find or not find much faster than that so someone pointed out um you are not uh you're on the set nickel second build which is an early version of the first one there's another update for next year not the version to be released next month ah so i'm running an older version indeed then right a new one oh a newer because it's rough yes so you're past the release version and now they're messing with it so you are probably going to find bugs okay so what they're just telling me is that i am running a newer than release version so they've already gone past the lockdown where they stop adding things and just fix stuff and then they've reopened it for check-ins which probably allows things to break again and this won't be ready until the next beta of something so so it's a little too fresh are they still doing our builds wow i don't know if they're doing arm builds yeah they're doing our buildings because they have the surface duo and things right oh yeah so he points out the surface duo was arm-based so they're definitely still maintaining that they have not they're necessarily continuing the arm duo but i mean the core duo but yeah i think that they there's no stuff that it's likely we are not authoritative but it seems likely they would be maintaining our yeah all the work that we did to support alpha power pc mips which was a fair substantive you know it was like a year's worth of work or six months worth of work anyway that all turned out to be at first we thought kind of lost work because we went back constructed back to just intel but now with arm everything that we did for those risk chips applies to the arm builds of today so well that and the titanium builds and all sorts of things too right so do they still support titanium no they did okay a long time we had to pour massive amounts of code in titanium yeah both of the users were truly thrilled um i've been busted so i released my pinball video and then i accidentally deleted it and had to re-release it if you've noticed that it came up twice i don't even know what happened to it to be honest maybe youtube took it down for all i know i just noticed my video was gone and people started asking me hey what happened to the pinball video i was trying to share it and it's gone so it's like i don't know so i re-uploaded it can't explain that but people have taken me to task with the fact that when i said there's no 64-bit version released uh people found that there were in fact builds of 64-bit pinball done by microsoft but the point is they never got them all to work you can't release well we'll just release the ones that work he said we've got an alpha it works maps no and so on so forth so the fact that they all didn't work i think the the bug that raymond ran into was i believe actually on the alpha so it totally depended on which cpu site you were working on so it could be a compiler issue or who knows what but whatever the ultimate cause you can't release it on arm only and not intel or vice versa that kind of thing so they gotta all work before you can say it works on 64-bit someone's yeah we're using six gigs of ram just sitting here but i mean i've had stuff loaded and um and i'm one of those people that says you know use it all because i've got it just be prepared to give it back when i need it for something else i've always wondered what the compressed memory is like somewhere you'll see in here 19 megabytes of compressed memory it's like really saving me a lot i don't know what's compressed hardware reserved one megabyte good to know all right so our next thing i'm going to right click on the start button and show you this fancy menu that comes up which is pretty much everything you want to know and use on your pc itself so if you want task manager that's the easiest way to get it right now right click on the start button dash manager boom there you go what else comes up here we've got apps and features which is basically your settings ui power options again these are probably going to dump you into the settings ui but at a specific point best performance seems to be the default which is good event viewer there's no way this is going to be updated yeah i didn't think so device manager similarly will be a classic ui i believe oh i saw some weird painting there fancy network we looked over briefly what counts one drive manager i'm all logged in look at this young man here with chubbier cheeks and a lot more hair the photo's like 15 years old man let's see signing options sign in with a physical security key that is the way to do it disk management similarly i'm going to guess is unupdated unupdated that's not a word but does control shift escape still bring up task manager and i'm going to wait here it does yes i'm not sure is that which one did i get oh i will get the one i want if i got the host of the vm but i'll get the vm yeah it works yeah does nothing use hardware acceleration for what just says uh for video cards does windows 11 use yes it does use uh hardware acceleration all the desktop drawing and all that that's done with hardware acceleration every kind of bit blitz and the create dib section that's all going to use the uh if nothing else memory on the graphics card and drawing rectangles of graphics is not really highly intensive but anytime you're compositing layers together that's done through the graphics card as well if i had transparency going that would all be done on the graphics card if i look at it now i bet i won't see any use of my gpu much at all but in fact i don't even have a gpu entry in here so that's a little gpu because i'm on an rdp session so so right now i am not hardware accelerated i'm guessing because only my client is someone has do you still have a special microsoft account yeah i still have a special microsoft dave pl underscore ms at hotmail or msn or any of those properties um and i just checked it and somebody said you still use this account because i showed it in a video by mistake the other day and so i started getting some emails there and it also has still dial-up and for msn so i can get my modem up and i can call into msn i have like lifetime msn i'm not sure what i would ever do with that but terminal task manager settings file explorer so file explorer the big regression to me has is this lack of preview because if you look at the folder on one drive like let's say i say view online here it's going to be a horrible horrible experience but we'll load it up here so you can see you get sort of previews of everything that's in all your folders and that's on onedrive online but here nothing so you get to know if there's a file in there or not no previews i can see that it makes things a little less messy perhaps but even if you got a mouse over that would maybe be better i'm not sure what to totally suggest there but mind you i've been annoyed at the way that the thumbnails got created on the folders because sometimes it'll be like from like a really like if you have a photo trove it can be photos you don't want it could be for those you wish weren't part of that we're being displayed for everybody [Music] last see the search bugs me i don't want an online link hardware keyboard settings check out the new ip setting on the setting menu show tech suggestions when typing on the physical keyboard we'll try that autocorrect sure sure advanced keyboard settings different input method for each window use the desktop language here's something i find a little odd if i say translate it actually has a cool thing [Applause] but the default is afrikaans or how you pronounce that and so they just do it alphabetically they know my locale it's set in the registry so why they don't just go what's your current locale i know that's probably politically incorrect to somehow assume but if you're using the actual user set locale it's not like you're assuming queen's english so not sure why they don't do that marhawa i don't know well what else we got a couple things uh setting on the setting menu like network settings so let's see here's ethernet well so they've actually updated this ui a fair bit because i'm not getting forced out i can set my dns so i can do most things here in the ui which is actually nice because it used to point you out really early i can't get to my firewall settings because of this i love that it has okay disabled no clothes i just that blows my away control f4 how do you close the window man well we'll just close the parents there we go i did want to write a dialogue like that so in ms-dos i worked on smart drive and when the system delay writes buffers it has to be able to write them to your disk and when it can't write to your disk you get the ms-dos like the guru meditation the full screen air and it comes up and says you know could not flush cache to disk press r to retry and that's your only option if you want to reboot it or unplug the machine that's up to you but i'll just keep retrying [Applause] and [Applause] well let's see what it claims to remove internet downloaded programs temporary internet files directx shader cache delivery optimization files i'm not even sure what that is it says those are used to download updates from microsoft say this should be a resizable dialogue in the year 2021. we didn't lose a war why can't we resize our dialogues thumbnails let's see cleanup system files that give me more choices nope just a different option that's all the information it gave me in terms of what it cleans up unfortunately so i got in touch with the guy who wrote htop this is the version of task manager for linux basically and uh i don't know what i would talk about for a long time but i thought it might be an interesting interview to have you know me from task manager him from htop because i don't really know a great deal about the linux low-level system uh metric stuff and how you get those kind of stats but i'm sure you pipe a device through a awk filter or something it's calculating how much can i clean up 31 megabytes 46 megabytes yeah not big savings i don't know if i could take some of these gigabyte ones yeah don't need that that's not fun or interesting well what else we got any other good questions burning in let's see how long are we going to keep doing this until i run out of good questions so i need better questions no it's kidding but yeah i do need a good question oh my goodness oh text text-to-speech i don't know what kind of audio i got going on right now but voice typing turned out to have voice into text with microsoft's online speech technology select the mic button to start using it oh this seems scary let me turn the volume down a little bit here windows h well that's using my microphone i thought this was text-to-speech or is it input voice text or maybe it is oh he wants input okay well that's easy enough oh but i'm obviously using my microphone for other purposes right now so it is otherwise gainfully employed so no i cannot test my microphone we could try the way to end my live stream test your camera what happens if you right click on disable in the device manager is notepad improved well it'd be hard to improve on notepad let's see if they did anything i'm going to wager no [Applause] so here's the thing about notepad it could have a dark mode that would be nice but what notepad actually is is it's an edit control and a menu and a frame window and then there's very minimal code actually added on top so if you look at this thing bring up spy xx look at it that kind of kind of way it's a really rudimentary app so what you're basically seeing is whatever functionality is in the edit control for example this is all pretty much standard edit control behavior and unless they rev edit control you're not going to see much changes in notepad plus you really can't change notepad much because i'm sure there are a million apps out there that make assumptions about how notepad works and what order the menus are in and they drive it with macros and do all kinds of horrible things that are going to break immediately as soon as microsoft makes any changes to anything that fundamental but someone wants to hear the voice in the text of the speech text to speech you have selected microsoft david desktop english united states as the computer's default voice that's really scary it's almost like hell yeah exactly [Applause] all right well where'd it go i hit enter what did i do i definitely think i'm losing my mind dude i can feel it i'm sorry dave i can't do that not quite what other voices do we get here zero you have selected microsoft zero desktop english united states as the computer's default voice still has that you have selected microsoft zero desktop english yeah the gaps between words are kind of weird they're not rolling one phone into the next or something they're way better what if i crank the speed up english you know i did so when you said there's no way event viewer would be updated why did you say that um it just sounds like it's a component that is something that once they wrote it and got it working it was locked in time for the ages and they won't make any investments in it because it's good enough and does what it wants to do and nobody's clamoring for an upgrade that my goodness they finally upgraded event viewer unless they put a stake in the ground that said they're gonna like finally update all the ui to match and be consistent i don't see it happening so you don't know me [Laughter] you're not the boss of me okay that's enough fun with text-to-speech all right what's next what's the oldest dialogue do you think that's still present in the wooden stand oh i bet we could probably find an old icon somewhere but yeah i'm trying to think it's gonna be like an event recorder or something like that [Applause] no that's voice recorder that's too new um yeah i don't know i'd have to really think around because it's gonna be buried pretty deep obviously it's not gonna be surfaced on the ui right in your face but i did see something that had is it reg at it no this looks newer is it it was actually an nt ui that i saw because like regedit 32 or something oh i wonder it's probably old certificate ui is dialer.exe still included oh dialer might be a good one to look at i was thinking this quota might be pretty when you've done that someone wants to see there you go dialer for the win thank you that's the icon type i was looking for oh my goodness so yeah i think you still got those around holy mackerel wow that's pretty awesome i wrote an app like this in the 80s hyper diamond it looked like this let's see so in terms of arranging now this is not a super wide monitor that i'm using it's i don't even know if it's 4k it's but it's uh if i do winky z or z oh i gotta have a window up this fooled me for a while so i bring up notepad now i want to put it somewhere i do win key zed and i can pick where do i want it to wind up and here's the set of zones that i can use so if i want to split my windows into three i could say put it there or here and so on or if i want the quarter setups excuse me similarly now when i alt tab it will show me the layout as i go which is kind of nice so let's see if i did another app here [Applause] so this kind of thing now if you get in the widest monitors um they give you all six this actually is probably all six am i getting all six yeah so if you have a narrower monitor you only get four options here but with a wide enough monitor you get six options the only disappointing thing to me is that you can't customize this but i don't really have a layout that i personally need more than these these are probably the fundamental ones that you need but if you wanted some custom layout um i don't think there's a way to customize these at all yeah there's no menu here or anything so but it works pretty well it's i believe fancy zones from the power toys and it got integrated into windows somebody points out uh you should look at odbc it's probably odbc data sources did you know that it's a programming interface that enables applications to access data and database management system that uses structured query language wow yeah see this is something i would have a hard time you know paying a lot of money to have people update so i could see making this dark mode at least that's maybe the lowest hanging fruit so that everything looks visually consistent in terms of colors and then if you can't quite get to updating this to new ui because this is as big as the control panel basically it's the original control panel in terms of the amount of ui because each one of these things is probably going to have weird properties or i shouldn't just be clicking on cancelling them why doesn't my machine work right anymore hey look we're over a thousand concurrent viewers that's actually kind of cool got a thousand people watching me play with odbc drivers i fooled you all it's like the ultimate rick rule so when you hit alt tab you can create a new desktop yes a new desktop so i go new desktop here and i don't know how to do this i even worked on desktops because of task manager but if i go to desktop two and i run an app here now i go to desktop one i don't have the app here let's put calc on this desktop so i got calc here and i got a terminal on the other one so i don't know how to get there with the mouse or with the keyboard i should say but with the mouse you just click on the desktop you want you can also go to the app in question oh but why can't i get the calc okay i'll tab only cycles through the apps on the current desktop there's probably a keyboard shortcut that i don't know to get you to but uh you can cycle through them on the current desktop only and then you have to click to the other desktop to get to those and one thing i should mention that if you're watching along and you actually find this kind of stuff interesting that the scripted episodes are also a little more dense for content and uh if you want them please uh subscribe to the channel who's phoning me eric i'm getting a call i can't take it right now let's decline that call so subscribe subscribe and like like and subscribe do it all word make sure it works hey here's the things i want to look through let's see taskbar search calls personalization view the printer for the network we did data usage yes hardware and connection properties when the security we saw was broken developer settings we played with that h-top right-click i cannot do iperf because i don't have the machine running right now to test against but we did a big file copy from the nas and it worked very well oh widgets that's what i was going to miss winky zed we did wslg backwards compatible pinball i did already install the apps but it didn't work because can't open the display cpu z we looked at translate ignores the locale what i upgrade yeah i'm going to upgrade as soon as if it's you know these rough edges are fixed of course which i assume they are in the release build because i'm using a monkey with later build um yeah i like the look of it and i like everything they've done and it seems really really stable i've never had any kind of instability with it at all so especially if they have finally added amd virtualization or sub-virtualization if it's in this build then i must have it because i have all these fairly powerful machines but i've got no way to install uh like proxmox and stuff like that because i can't re-virtualize a virtual machine because i run amd you can do it on intel they've had it in the insider previews but i don't want to run beta builds on any machine so i still don't have it here's widgets last thing i think we're going to look at for today unless there's some cool questions that come in oh look at this dude that's a great icon so my concern with this and it looks cool is i don't know how much customization you get because otherwise this looks to me just like msn i mean elizabeth hurley she's on every one of my homepages i don't know why probably because i'm like a 54 year old male but charlie sheen seahawks i mean this is just my msn content that i ignore whenever i like being the national enquirer on your desk it kinda is yeah it's like the inquirer or more like people magazine maybe something like that it's all clickbait i mean fans go wild after seeing leanne rhymes stunning tiny crop top and shorts breaking news you want me to click on it but i'm not going to get that stuff off i don't know i look at how to customize this and i never really figured out how to do that settings add widgets all right now we're getting somewhere well to do that would be handy outlook calendar i don't actually use the other calendar but and we'll say traffic why not i think entertainment was the one we could probably get rid of oh yeah that's better move remove yeah this is just their default content then i guess that you get no matter what but so that would be handy if i could see my to-do list and my calendar those kind of things on a sidebar like that which i'm sure you can probably do on the mac too and that's probably one of these things that make people say hey it's just like the mac same with uh as you mentioned before the dock is very mac like now and even call it a dock it's no longer the tree so it's an interesting one pick the quad desktop layout and stretch a corner do the others adjust so if we launch this and do something wants to know if we do the quad desktop layout you know it's such a corner here yep i can't stretch now so i'm guessing no could not stretch it until yeah so it maxes it effectively before yeah the answer no it just maximizes it sort of into that screen real estate who's the guy with you the guy with me uh well we got two guys we got remotely we got glenn from high school glenn is a buddy of mine who's doing the moderation and he's going through all the questions and then pushing the good ones off to chris who's here on site and chris is also a buddy from those days although we didn't go to high school together um and he worked at microsoft for 10 or 15 years we kind of overlapped he came in my last couple of years and i left so he kind of tag-teamed and i got out he came in and overlapped by a couple years there so he's the security dude certificates and things like that well i think this is probably a good point to wrap it up get my 15 minutes of advance uh fast forwarding into the nfl game so i can skip some ads and uh go and watch that so thanks very much for joining me out here today in the shop i appreciate you coming by please make sure you are subscribed to the channel and give this a like if you did enjoy it at all um leave me a comment with anything that's really burning that i didn't cover because i'm going to go through the comments and then look to see if there's enough content to put together a uh more concise episode out of this somehow and maybe edit this down or script something out so in the meantime in between time i'll see you next time right here in dave's garage now watch carefully as i fumble around for four to five minutes trying to find the end stream button oh no there it is nope can't get there from here see this is what i'm talking about there we go
Channel: Dave's Garage
Views: 117,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dave plummer microsoft, walkthrough, microsoft windows 11, windows 11 download, windows 11 update, windows 11, windows 11 features, demo, features, windows 11 beta, new features, windows 11 news, windows 11 official trailer, windows 10 update, windows 11 release date, what's new, New, windows 10, first look, windows 10 tips and tricks, microsoft windows, install windows 11, how to install windows 11, upgrade to windows 11, download windows 11
Id: go1Iffj3asM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 15sec (4335 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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