Top Windows 11 new features | The best Windows 11 Tips and Tricks for 2021

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i'll be showing 11 new features in the just released windows 11. new features updates and a host of improvements and in the immortal words of nigel tucknell from spinal tap these go to 11. so let's get started the first new feature and one that it's probably talked about the most so far with windows 11 is the centered set of apps and start button so if i click on the start button here i have a newly redesigned start menu lots of great stuff here it's been simplified less busy than windows 10 and i've got apps that are pinned here and i can go to all apps and this is kind of like the big list in the previous start menu that you've probably seen i've also got recommended right here there's a set of things that i've been working on that have been recommended that i can pin so i can right click here and pin this to my start and do the other types of things i could pin it to the taskbar or go to settings so it's kind of been cleaned up i personally like it quite a bit i felt the old start button had a little bit too much going on the other thing is that the shutdown and restart right here is right there so sleep shut down and restart and your profile you click here and you can change things about your account settings you can lock you can sign out now for people who don't like change and there's plenty of people like that in the world you can move all of the start button and apps back to the left so if you right click here and go to taskbar settings you can easily go here to taskbar behaviors scroll down and choose this here and then say left it swaps over to the left and you can also go back to the center if you want and i'm going to be going through more of the settings they're really nice updates for settings a little bit later on in this video things like automatically hiding the taskbar are still there and the little uh peak desktop this little button here if you click it that's back so a lot of the taskbar settings are still there and i'll come back and go deeper into settings later the second new feature is one of my favorites and it's how windows snapping and alignment have been much improved so for any window i can now go to the upper right and just hover right here and you're gonna have a bunch of new options so let's say i want to have a set where i've got one bigger one in the middle and two left they're a little smaller i'll click on this one and now i've got the blog here in the middle i'll click here to get one of my left windows with onenote and maybe i'll click here to get my right window with outlook so really easy to get a cool window alignment i'll hover again and i have more options maybe instead i want to do something like this i'll click here there's my outlook and then i'll have my onenote there and i'll have my edge browser here so a lot of options to explore with snapping your windows the third new feature is related to that snapping of windows and it is snap groups and this is a new concept in windows 11. so let's say that i've minimized all my windows right here and i want to bring them back in a way so i don't have to go and reset everything if i hover over any of those windows that were open so i had outlook and onenote and edge open so i'm going to go here and hover over onenote so i see the onenote here but then there's also this is called a snap group and see how it has onenote outlook and edge together so if i click here all three of those windows in their exact same placement come up so to show that again this time i'll go hover over outlook and you can see that snap group is always there so i'll click that everything comes back the fourth new feature is a drastically redone and improved settings in windows 11. so i'm going to open up the start menu with control escape little shortcut and we will type settings and here's the new settings app i'll click here what you see is a beautiful redone settings fluent ui improved icons and improved layout across the board so right here is system and this is the one that has all your information display sound notification storage etc i'm going to show a couple of my favorite areas have been redone one of them is accessibility so click on accessibility here now the layout has been much improved you can see vision hearing interaction so things like windows speech and dictation mouse mouser down here some of the hearing and then vision so it's a much nicer layout so if i drill into one of these you're going to see these are some of the ways that i can change text size there's a little breadcrumb up here so it's really easy to go back to where you were things like updating your mouse pointer all of that accessibility info has been redone and grouped in a way that i feel is much more easy to explore another big area for improvement is personalization so if you go into here lots of ways to improve your themes your background colors so i right now have the default theme but if i'm going to switch to a different theme i can just click this and i can get this really quickly so i'll go here everything is quickly updated i can minimize this here's my new background you can see everything is dark now there's some beautiful themes in here to explore and it's super easy just click one of them to get updates so i'll go back to the default like i showed earlier all the taskbar updates are here things about lock screen and other theme info if you want to drill in and do custom themes i can go here and this lets you get more details so i've got my themes here i can go to the store and get some other themes and actually i'm going to show how to get a cool theme from the store right now so let's click browse themes there are a bunch of nice and free themes right here in the store the store app has been redone as well so i'll scroll down and find one color explosion that looks fun i'll click here and let's install okay now it's done i'm just going to close this and if you go back into the themes area you'll see the color explosion so i just click here now and it's installed a beautiful color theme so i've got my color explosion things are dark around the bottom so a lot of different options for themes that you can go and explore also if you want to choose individual things like color sounds cursors or background you can drill in right here to do that that's a quick tour of settings there's a ton more to check out in here but hopefully that gives you a sense of how it's laid out and all the types of updates that have happened the fifth new feature is multiple desktops and some improvements in windows 11. multiple desktops came out in windows 10 and there's some updates in windows 11 that makes it a little bit easier to use so this is the idea where if i hover here i get desktops and i can have a work desktop a personal desktop a gaming desktop and that can have different apps that you have open and are using it's kind of like a virtual space so in this case i've got desktop one i'll create a new desktop click here and for this desktop i can right click and i can rename it i can move left or right and choose a background so let's choose a background for desktop number two and i'll go up here and choose the little sun with the water for my background now when i go down and click you're going to see desktop 1 and then desktop 2. desktop 2 is empty in terms of things that i've opened so maybe on desktop 2 i've got my edge browser and maybe i have things like excel booted over here and whatever else i'd be working on on this desktop i can also name these things so i'm going to hover and that comes up and we'll right click and i'll choose rename and i'll type work and maybe this one here is personal so right click rename personal and i can shift these so maybe i right click on this and i say move to the right and it shifts the spot and the order and i can have multiple desktops and i just hover on one hover on the other so my work one i've got my web browser up when i've got excel on my personal one maybe i have onenote open and i've got camtasia because we're recording so this lets me be efficient in swapping between these different desktops the sixth new feature is widgets and some big improvements so right here on this taskbar is the widgets menu let's click that this opens up a little panel i've got nice helpful widgets just at a glance info so things like weather there's stocks you can customize this sports your calendar and then news gets all pulled in there's a lot of options also just to search and i can add widgets so if i click here lots of different widgets you can add to do tips traffic entertainment etc and so you can also personalize things i can personalize my interest so it's just a nice way if i don't want to go browsing over the web to look at stuff i can have a nice little customize widgets page right here and there's also a scroll bar so you can scroll down quite a way to see even more information that will automatically be popped up the seventh new feature is keyboard shortcuts and there are some cool ones in windows 11 a lot of shortcut fans out there the first one is for the widgets menu do windows key plus w and that'll open that widgets menu right up the next one's my personal favorite windows key plus a opens up the redesign little quick settings menu windows key plus n opens up the new notification center you can see the calendar but there's also notifications right here you can access focus assist i've got a notification here and i can clear out those notifications as well back to the windows snapping behavior and the improvements there if i do windows key plus z it'll pop up the little snap options right in the upper right i like this one a lot i've been using it quite a bit since windows 11 came out the last new shortcut i'll talk about is windows key plus c what that does is it automatically launches the new teams that is built right into windows 11. and with that we're going to move on to feature number eight which is the new teams built into windows 11. so i used windows key plus c to launch it and right here this is a version of teams that is built for consumers and it's great for chatting with friends with family it's kind of like the next generation skype is how you might think about it so i'll click get started right here this launches the new teams dialog for the first time and i'm going to use my consumer account which is my hotmail account i could choose to use a different account but in this case we'll just choose this so the first time you run it you put in your name you put in your info you can sync your on skype contacts so you can find all the other people that first time so if you're using skype for a while this is really easy and i'll choose let's go so here is teams it's very similar to the corporate version of teams or the school version of teams but it's a little bit more scaled down it's really focused on chat as well as video but you can see here the interface is fairly similar i can go and look at my activity that will show up here you can chat with people so i can chat with my contacts i can form groups and there's also a calendar so if you're familiar with teams this calendar will look similar and i can go and obviously do meetings so i can meet now and i'll start meeting this is just like the version that you have in teams or work or teams for school turn on my camera hey there hit background filters maybe i want to blur my background like this and then join i can get a meeting link i can share it in outlook calendar google calendar or just share this link with an email i'll just close this here i am in teams meetings all these options up here very similar to what you've seen in the normal teams meeting and i'll just leave here so that's a quick tour of the teams that is built right into windows and expect updates and improvements to come here in the future the last thing i'll show with teams in windows 11 is the compressed mode so teams is running in the background here and if i click it it's a lot like skype so i have my contacts here and i could go click here and start a chat with ari or a call or video call we'll close it and i have my chats my contacts i could do chat or meet right here so this is just a little quick view the ninth new feature are improvements to the quick settings menu so in the lower right right here these little icons and all these little features are called quick settings and you can see that these are now actually grouped together so i click here and it opens up a redesigned menu and i mentioned this briefly when i showed the shortcut which is windows key a so things like wi-fi and network if i click here this has been redesigned i can go back this way to turn wi-fi on or off bluetooth your vpn accessibility is linked right here which is really powerful so if i click here i can have some of my accessibility settings right there so magnifier color filters a bunch of options so we've added that because accessibility is really critical for an inclusive experience airplane mode on or off and then i can also do things like volume and power and you can see that the charging is right there now i could edit here so i can add and remove some of these things i can add things by like battery saver maybe keyboard layout i like to add battery saver directly into my quick settings so i'll choose add that and then i'm done now you can see battery saver is right there so this is customizable if you want to go deeper right into the settings from here i click the gear and that takes me back into the settings menu the 10th new feature is focus assist updates and improvements focus assist is a feature that removes distractions and you can control notifications and who can disturb you or not a quick way to get to focus assist is do windows key plus n so opening up your notifications and then go to focus assist settings this takes you into the settings menu if you want to get to focus assist through settings you can search for it directly here so if i type focus assist it also pulls it up right there now there are some improvements to the layout and some of the options that you have so right now focus assist if you turn it off you're going to get all the notifications that you ever dreamed of you can also do things like priority and you can customize the priority list so if i click here i can customize exactly who can disturb me and when so showing incoming calls or reminders or you can add specific contacts and people so when i have priority list only those people can get through or i can add or subtract apps that can get through maybe i don't want to get disturbed by any type of app i can remove all these or i could add those so go back to focus assist here you can also set to hide all notifications except for alarms another nice option is showing a summary of what i missed so maybe i go into focus assist mode and i'm heads down on something three hours later when i turn focus assist off i want to see what was happening who was trying to get a hold of me or what apps were trying to ping me some other improvements are to the rules that you can have so a lot of different options around hey only during these times turn it on or off or if i'm duplicating my display maybe i'm playing a game and i want priority only so lots of different options on how you can tune focus assist to match your needs the 11th new feature is updates and improvements to windows dictation which is built in dictation works anywhere in windows so anything that can accept a field of text even something simple like notepad here but it works in word or powerpoint or the web anywhere that you can type with the keyboard all you need to do is do windows key plus h now the dictation dialog is open click the button again to turn it off and i can also have commands now things like delete that or bold that we even have auto punctuation so i'll click got it and this dialog is new i can move this anywhere i want i can click the settings right here and there are some new options so i can say auto punctuation so now dictation is smart and knows exactly how and when i'm speaking also i can do voice typing launcher right here i can access voice typing in a text box so anywhere i want dictation is also supported in multiple languages let's see how auto punctuation works we'll close this and let's click the microphone again now i am typing with my voice dictation adds a period automatically how are you doing it even adds a question mark if you found this video useful give it a like now if you want to keep up with all the latest quick tip videos that i'll keep releasing subscribe to my channel and then just ring the bell so you get notified for all the new videos that post
Channel: Mike Tholfsen
Views: 20,172
Rating: 4.8989897 out of 5
Keywords: windows 11 new features, windows 11, new features in windows 11, windows 11 changes, windows 11 features, windows 11 first look, windows 11 hidden features, windows 11 review, windows 11 settings, windows 11 start menu, windows 11 teams, windows 11 teams app, windows 11 teams chat, windows 11 teams integration, windows 11 tips, windows 11 tips and tricks, windows 11 tricks, windows 11 tricks and tips, best windows 11 features, new windows 11 features, mike tholfsen
Id: Y8rmHjY_-1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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