Wind Waker is a game that warms my soul

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[Music] good it's doing the thing are you live hello just gonna make sure it's safe you two could be [ __ ] with me jaw it says the thing hello oh my god there's people hi uh i don't know why sienna is the thumbnail but i'll worry about that later hey everybody uh i'm back streaming on youtube i know i went away for a while to do stuff on twitch um so we're just gonna i'm just gonna play games that's it i'm just gonna play games that i love and uh i started with wind waker the gamecube version i do like the the one for the switch or no wii u uh but there's just something magical about this one that i adore so we're gonna do this one uh yeah and uh let's for the second tradition that i did with the one in uh twitch we're gonna go with my uh hey no man my man it's time for my man let's do this it's the only problem i forgot you have to we you would let you skip this one uh but yeah that's fine we'll just do it on this [Music] please stop drinking i'm sorry coffee bean i can't help it i have to consume [Music] i did get rest thank you for asking um i know a lot of people asked about that uh while i was doing uh drawing still and all that but yeah i've been good vacation definitely helped a lot i'm just glad to be here with all you do this thing have i played mr dungeon i have not but that's okay i think it's not a series i really got into um i figured i was gonna do a narration for this thing but i really just want to play this more than like try to improvise comedy everything like that so you get you'll get true just chill gamer me playing a video game so that should be fun uh yeah oh yeah he does look terrifying in this they uh they definitely made him look like a traditional demon from like old paintings and let me know if i'm like too quiet or anything i've still i had everything set up for like twitch eq but i don't know how it sounds on youtube [Music] could i do something okay i can do that it anything that involves cronk is uh i'm ready to go down with let's do it we're gonna get more santa i draw sienna all the time i mean like in terms of a video uh i could try youtube doesn't really like it when i do like videos that are not tumblr but uh yeah also hi eris nice to see you that you're awake have fun modding [Music] this should be fun play the wind of wakers [Music] i just realized i could turn myself down [Music] i have been it's funny because you know i'm in voiceovers and stuff like that i'm extremely sensitive to light and sound so like this was getting loud on me i'm doing great thank you for asking not just because of you classes oh god then you don't have time to mod you have to learn things go and learn harris what are you doing [Music] uh no not the the gamecube version you can't switch it uh yeah the wii u one you can jump at this is like the old school this is like the one that i played when i was like a 13 year old child with a gamecube so uh yeah not likely but that's okay i think i had better time controlling wind waker on gamecube than i did uh wii u because i was trying to play that thing on a gamepad and this big hey [Music] you can show space hi dreamer nice to see you you can go ahead and show that i don't know why that blocked it out of dreamer oh it's because it has [ __ ] yeah i love gamecube gamecube was probably like that on top of like maybe the not the knit 3ds the 2ds i love the 2ds because the 3d only gave me a headache the 3ds and the gamecube have probably been my two favorite consoles yeah because i was trying to i wanted to do link between worlds for the stream today uh but setting that up is a [ __ ] in half so i was like i i have gamecube emulator i have i own a copy of this game i own two i think uh so it's fair it's fair game uh but yeah so here we are thank you boy all right are we ready for the adventures of my boy big brother wake up my man you have to save the world oh yeah we this is what's beautiful about this game because it's so stylized and everything wind waker has not aged like a day it's so pretty i love everything about this game i need to be here mommy it's my favorite spot to gaze out in the sun so this is the this is the problem i had last time i was doing like you know reading and this i was reading the lines but i wasn't actually paying attention to what i was supposed to be doing um that was like what was my downfall with that modded version of ocarina time uh so now i'm just let the game roll just retain information i love his expressions like oh it's my birthday oh [ __ ] it's kind of funny just like thinking about like link got his gifts that were like borrowed like you borrowed the telescope you borrowed the tunic it's like i just want i just want an actual gift give me an actual gift i don't want to hang me down oh yeah and see if i can still do this uh i want to backflip off this wee nice [Music] flawless execution stream dad what uh wait what it says i'm still going here i don't know what's going on i have no idea what's happening i wonder [Music] there we go okay that was bizarre i'm using restream right now because it seems a little bit more secure so i wonder if re stream [ __ ] up uh oh yeah it's not nose kid ignoring you grandma grandma give me the youtube glitched okay all right goody goody guys all right grandma give me my shield i love i want the shield give it to me hello hi grandma you're not giving me the shield are you oh that's right close i've been i've been waiting for you my man oh i love that there's voice acting kind of he's adorable time certainly flies here take this really warm outfit while we're on the island that seems smart thank you i love his god the expressions are adorable in this game this was the day boys were finally considered to be men yes just wear tunic what is it with these games and like saying no you're 10 okay you're a man now uh go do taxes save the world catch pokemon i don't [ __ ] know hey banjo kid i always appreciate your thanks for the donation thanks it's cute because i always expect it to every time i post a sienna doodle i'm like he's gonna say it he's gonna say it he's gonna say it i'm gonna invite the whole town over our whole town of six people oh and the soap i love the soup the soup oh god i wish it was kind of like a the super milk from majora's mask where like it did give like infinite magic but you know considering that majora's mask straw back is you can only use it for the three days that would be an abusive thing to abuse hey that's yes that's the baby on screen that's janet it was funny when i started up the game she was swinging to the opening music perfectly hey come here no i need my twenty dollars come here no come here you like twenty dollars oh that's right i think this like teaches you how to sneak yes i'm a sneaky boy now i got you you're mine we will cook pig tonight [Music] all right go go go go go go yo [Music] i see you hey no it's okay it's okay it's okay it's not okay i got you i got you you're mine i love the thing oh they pig to the step they make little oinking noises as you ride oh my god why is this game precious oh my god all right so pick number three where you at my man i don't have time for oh yes whatever i've got time for you nice head you did it good job blake i'm proud of you come inside my house to learn things i'm good thanks all right uh third piggy is over there i think so pretty sure i could just get like five dollars right now i forgot there's free kit oh my god i completely forgot there's free camera i'm so used to playing majora's mask oh god okay we're good we did it we did it did the thing moving on yes yes yes where is that third piglet you're not a pig [ __ ] he's not a pig there's still oh yeah there's basement money oh you're right oh you're right i want the basement oh no i'm not going to try to speedrun this game no no i am not going to try to experiment with that [ __ ] i am not skilled enough for that i play games like the precious little vanilla child that i am uh there we go oh he's right there all right you hang tight i'll be back for you i want my basement basement money basement money is that it ah there might be another basement anyway sneak up on the pigs sneak up on the pig sneak up on the pig and i got you [ __ ] no no no no piggy sneak up on the pig sneak up on the pigs sneak up on the pig [ __ ] he's getting away gotcha [Music] yay you come with me oh get away from me stop most go go away go away go away go away how did you get over here you're over by my house god he's a god is angry chicken pigs just a thing now wow oh that's right i forgot if you attack the pigs too much they actually run at you especially the big guy hang on hang on we're almost there it's okay it's okay bro did it all right madam my twenty dollars please why did you find these pigs and bring them to spill it on me oh thank you thank you so much the thing about getting pigs for a while bro here's who we want 20 bucks hell yeah [Music] and here's our gratitude for bringing his new family oh that's right she gives me money every time i throw a pig [Music] sweet yeah sixty dollars now i am the richest man on the island bow down to me all right uh there's other basement things i think uh let's check the basements hello okay uh let's just continue i'm not gonna try to get used to that director wait keep going secret oh is it underneath the house is it underneath my house or is it the old lady's house or another old lady the big lady just big lady god there's no nice one there's no nice terms for her secret tunnel okay try my house first crouch grandma's basement is secret to everybody oh [Music] my god this is new for me i just assumed we were talking about something else oh my god oh my god [Music] yo hell yeah oh my god i'm rich sweet i had no idea that was a thing played this game since i was 13 and that's a thing you could just do that's awesome okay where's mr bridle man mr beetle man i would like to buy everything in your store please [Music] it's like link have you seen my savings oh that was a savings what's the savings it's a savings account why was in your basement hello and i love beetle oh god i love this i love this pair like i need to buy that first yes thank you hooray i did it thank you you're the greatest thank you oh that's right he has a membership card cool uh don't buy one of those i want to find some secrets you're 41 i'm 30. thank you bye bye thanks for playing okay all right before we go get the telescope let's go play around with seagull i like the seagulls in this game all right uh yay [Music] i'm here seagull i am birdman now i will am unstoppable [ __ ] miss that five dollars whatever don't even care i just want to see what's around this island go higher go my friend fly oh that's right it's like reverse controls oh you can't go any higher than that oh man i stayed this altitude oh maybe i can get that i want that i want day i want that bird bird bird bird bird bird yes good job bird okay we can redeem ourselves get that five dollars come on bird okay the screw's saving the world we're a bird now he's like oh [ __ ] that's an awesome bird come on come on come on come on go on come on am i stuck no no no no oh god oh god it's so close no no no this is embarrassing this is embarrassing you get get get get the five dollars get the five dollars get the four dollars yay i didn't let's go talk to my sister okay nothing's wrong with this scenario i'm fully capable of seeing her i just love it like they gave the bird the sword like bird save the world hello i scared your friends away oh she went to goodbye that's adorable like nice little polish five more dollars no no no [Music] yes got it okay i think i think that's everything i think that's everything i can get as a bird uh can i get break into this lady's house as a bird can i break into this lady's house as a bird i'm in the house now the house is mine welcome to house bird okay fine i guess i can't i think we're done i think that's it if you confuse the birdie bird all right okay uh somebody said i could sneak into the grass guys house um i think who mentioned that i could sneak under the grass the grass pattern guy's house yep please do it get away from me don't touch me don't you even look at me i am the savior of the world and you will not look at me gotta jump from his roof on the hill okay okay [Music] let's do it [Music] i'm gonna give it a shot that was right so usually i just run straight through all the quests i've never actually liked [Music] oh i'm gonna sneak into your house and steal all your [ __ ] was that all there was we said it was there was that this only just [ __ ] only a dollar only a dollar was it oh man oh even like looks down like this point like oh okay fine uh unless this is not the right house oh wait no i can't reach that so if you're thinking maybe i can get into that lady's house if i jump off that thing onto that roof uh that's okay all right moving on quest time get the telescope get the telescope it's a lovely morning on outside island you're a horrible seagull god that'd be a great mod hello sister hello hey brother grandma make that outfit for you it looks stupid you should wear blue clothes a much better color on your character design and everything with your healthiers and your sideburns and all that close your eyes hold out your hands for a second i'm totally not gonna just let you borrow this thing it is weird that all the gifts are just being borrowed it's like you take off the uniform when it's not your birthday anymore you give me back the telescope when you're done with it happy birthday you're chad and your man now [Music] swell do you like it i love it it's great totally does not become camera takes over its job when i'm done with it yeah it's just it's just a theory that made the red looks weird doesn't he oh man this guy look up look up this guy what oh bigger bird all right brady thanks for stopping by oh is that right i kept thinking lake was like 10. [Music] it's true i mean like telescopes are a cool thing but it's just like oh you get a camera later on in the game that does the same job the telescope does and you can take pictures oh that sounds like oh she's dead but she lived i just realized those were painted those are painted on oh that's adorable i love the trees like that that's cute i love it all right uh i guess i gotta go be a hero so uh bye let's go i gotta go get a sword now oh is that not zelda yes it's tetra definitely not zelda mr link are you wearing the thing known as pants these are tight sir and i don't appreciate your candor unless i see you goodbye i love this guy what is the matter my man you have an urgent look about you somebody die [ __ ] that brings the island down to like five people oh god yes sir this was like the coolest tutorial sequence for legend of zelda i love it very good your first lesson shall be the horizontal slice all right just face me and press speed bam [Music] okay nice next is the vertical slice all right very good bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam next is the thrust this is the one i always kind of like messed up on all right [Music] yup that's serious the problem is i kept holding forward so the game doesn't recognize that i'm still going forward wait i messed up uh hold brief spin attack that's right yes bam bam yeah all right good now finally the jump attack oh yeah nice a fine display and you have to sense a certain angle yeah there's danger you should just give me the sword it's like you're like 12 i guess now not 10 12 you're responsible with the sword all right you have fun with that don't stab anybody all right cool blaze infused be strong my man [Music] all right before i do easter egg weee oh wait wait wait wait wait wait i guess i was supposed to do it the first time if you go in this house before you do that it's like you run into a break-in the brother upstairs yells whatever it's fine it's fine i got a sword now hey i saw it it's pretty neat i love it it's like my best friend shank this kid with it gotcha i got you you did now i can finally get rid of this kid i'm gonna cut that burger off you get that booger off your face just stop there's a disease and you are the crown zero okay yes it is the descendant of my man all right just like the chat's just like stab everybody just do it all right coffee bean grass guys got 20 in a hole inside his house oh okay i'm gonna go get 20 bucks i think that was the thing coffee bean was trying to tell me all right here we go all right let's find this hole where's your hole sir oh actually i see i'm getting that home yep think like yes yes 20 is mine i've stolen from everybody except the nice pot lady she can keep her pot she's very nice all right i got disjointed okay cool got it okay let's go i feel like this stream somebody's gonna like as soon as the stream's done people are gonna find the most out of context thing i'd say and put him in a video and if you do that you have my blessing it's gonna be funny because i just remember i just said where's your horse [Music] all right okay let's go yeah i love this okay one thing i want to point out great polish right here so uh okay on the slope link actually bends his legs instead of just like so like they actually like took into account slopes and everything on his structure so like that's that's just cool i like that it's not there's very many few games forget to do that uh i gotta change the camera a little bit okay here we go we now it's nice and serene beautiful i did give the lady pigs that's why i have like 179 dollars on top of like getting the basement money i completely didn't realize existed all right [ __ ] these flowers three dollars it's worth cutting them doing a service all right let's go oh no the first puzzle made it get it okay i'm curious can you no oh i know what i could probably do when i get the leaf i think i can come back and do that all right so let's go oh it's a spooky's she's alive because she didn't hit the ground i'm surprised you didn't snap her neck though from like the shock wave of being stuck in a branch but yeah i sneak into this tree hole get another twenty dollars that's right and now i'm maxed out all right this is good i'm rich oh first fight okay oh you don't have a thing that lets me parry you that's fine nice [Music] gotcha [ __ ] i love it you love to see it i am embarrassed though i took damage from that because i was like oh he'll probably let me parry and then he didn't yep right perfect okay uh the buck happens actually kind of scary sorry i was just reading it's maybe you want me to sing all right i'll do this joe swanson when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie like some more when the goblins fall from the sky and holy [ __ ] they're gonna die [Music] that's focus okay got it i did it i won all right [Music] i was with that get up yeah i know it's stupid i don't like it i want to be blue that's right the giant bird came in [Music] summit is that bird driving on top of a mountain why a jerk that wasn't nice of it you think you'd say something more sassy than like as a pirate like driving me from a tree [ __ ] that guy it's a [ __ ] what about this boy don't worry about him come on thank you mater could have been blue if you glitch oh [Music] nice troops rather brother no no errol don't there's a puzzle there you gotta like jump and [ __ ] i don't know if you know how to do that with your tiny legs harold no hell don't do it no arrow you fool don't do it arrow oh gosh [ __ ] snatch brother this is like it looks like the dumbest thing you can do [Music] i saved your sister's dead she's done she's done [Music] rings what i got a little bi expression from this game i understand what you're asking for pirates know alright yeah what about it i'm a bard so whatever [ __ ] you you're a headache like your sister haven't been kidnapped and all does this really have anything to do with us um it has everything to do with [Music] you listen to birdman probably got an edgy voice the way his voice is like hands across so let's give this a shot shall we please all i mean to say is that if you big bad pirates hadn't come to this quiet little island that poor girl wouldn't have been snatched away by that bird he said that's what i mean by that just be quiet for a moment and i'll tell you now as my work entails delivering letters i spend much of my time traveling amongst many different islands and as a result i hear many things can you hear the yeah okay so we get it basically yeah bird doesn't know which one zelda so bert's just like i'll just capture them all it's like gan's like all right cool i don't really care i mean the dungeon's big enough i guess see you later correct me if i'm wrong i believe is my i can't keep forgetting i named my man mommy this is true yay hey mr chair well he's very tall look good looking listen i think the rito in this game are quite beautiful that's all i'm going to say [Music] i don't need you to tell me that okay listen if you're gonna come with this go get a shield be smart about this game don't be like certain other gamers that uh try to forget to get a shield or don't play with the shield go get a shield you understand the words i'm saying link go get a shirt uh gamecube i think i actually wrote it as text just so like people ask like what is this game it's like uh wind waker all right let's go okay she'll grandma's upset probably because i don't know if she witnessed that where's your oh god she ran out of pot [Music] tragic so i think okay that was something i know people talked about that dorito are descendant of zora but i believe also a different type of zora i guess because it's very evident the games have told us there's like different factions of zora and it's like very clear because breath of the wild has like multiple forms or like you have the stingrays or the shark zora the regular zora so like i feel like the retail were one that was just like we can't be on land like being water too much water so uh we're gonna become bird people instead don't ask questions this is what you're looking for oh king dee dee dee i already did the pig thing take it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i guess it's true hell really has been kidnapped kind of monster would take a sweet young child a monster obviously one that doesn't [ __ ] know any better god okay so dragon star yes that does seem kind of ass backwards but think about it this way it's salt water and i believe uh in the dark timeline all the zora are river based which is uh fresh water so think about it that way think about those or being like oh god everything see now [ __ ] that i'm gonna become a bird all right so anyway uh just to verify with kdd i did the pig thing so they they don't worry about it because i'm gonna get the chunky pig don't worry look look they're piggies yep all the piggies they did it this lady is still smiling and she witnessed my sister get kidnapped she's right there stop smiling tragic shit's happening get it together all right we have the shield anyway [Music] okay let's go uh you uh that's a decryptive [ __ ] it's my grandma's shield how dare you are you ready yeah cutscene uh whatever yeah of course i i would rather play these games with friends but majority of my friends are asleep right now so it's just me today yes lauren there's actually three timelines and uh ocarina of time is actually the convergence so how the timeline works as far as i remember is there's the adult timeline where wind waker takes place it's basically the hyrule that exists after adult link gets sent back as a kid so he like [ __ ] vanished he's gone uh there's the kid timeline where it's that it's that link again and that like takes place after majora's mask and everything which also has twilight princess i believe and then a third timeline don't worry fluffy thought of that just exists and it's true if link dies in ocarina of time and that's actually where all the old legend zelda games take place like linked to the past zelda one and two link between worlds that's that timeline which is where also the river-based zora exists so they uh yeah damn yeah oh i love the pirate music [Music] yeah i know that was like my favorite part they bait like super kids said it they sealed ganon away and then zelda sent lake home because it's like oh well gannon will never possibly get out and then he gets out and here we are welcome to wind waker my man listen uh no rock that's incorrect uh that's not they're not part of the failed timeline i can assure you that majora's mask is the kids timeline the one that link gets sent back to after he beat ganondorf and goes looking for navi and then twilight princess takes after majora's mask because there's actually clues that the majora the majora uh mask is actually made by the twilight were the interlopers so that was the kid timeline not the failed one the failed one is like linked to the past link between world zelda one and two uh triforce heroes basically anything that's like the 2d top down games uh i love this guy stop stop this is miss tetra's cabin [Music] you just stop you can't go in it's multiverse theory crow what's up nico you want me to swing on some stuff i can do that for you this is the part where i suck which game could you get let you kill again with a fishing rod that is twilight princess makes that fight so much easier yeah majora's mask is just that links death and it becomes hero shade and that's the other clue that's majora's mask because the shield he's wearing is uh the mirror shield it's just worn out and the armor is the armor that the uh the [ __ ] the [ __ ] st the skeleton people were wearing majora's mask it's similar to that armor [Music] anyway we gotta jump on some platforms now god he's look at how skilled he is my god being a pirate must be awesome yeah so the reason and also that's that's the other thing the reason why he became a skeleton man is because he's a hylian and he went into lost woods and the problem with lost woods if any highland goes in the lost woods and they get lost they get cursed and becomes dolphos so yeah link [ __ ] died he was done anyway annie but i have a lot of things i like to talk about legend of zelda you guys want to hear one stupid theory i have that's probably maybe correct but also dumb just let me know i'll talk about it while i'm swinging on this thing but let me know if you want to hear first yep okay good good good okay so here is the theory gearheat my boy the very very attractive evil sword man and [ __ ] up okay um so it's very evident that there's two different uh worlds hyrule no rule low rules always existed so my belief is that geary is actually the laruelian master sword here's why so all the lululemon counterparts are basically uh negative versions of their um [ __ ] negative versions of whoever their hyrule counterpart is um doesn't mean that they're opposites it just means it's a negative version of that personality so like ravio was like not uh not courageous by any means but he was very savvy and knew how to like get out of situations by not doing a damn thing i'm [ __ ] up on this um and like hilda was like still a princess and still very royal but she was very manipulative instead of wise this brings ghirahim into question gerheim is a living sword like uh he was um and has like a polar opposite personality to feed like instead of like uh you know being like calculative or conniving she he was like very just very devoted still he was like still a devoted servant but for all the wrong reasons so my belief is that demise actually discovered low rule took the literally master sword and actually brought low rule to disarray and that's how they lost their triforce because they were all losing one of their tools already so that is my belief and that's why you have to go back to mobile and fix it because they were out of triforce for a very long time oh [ __ ] yeah i did it okay and yes yuga is liberal ganon he is still he wants to rule the world but for different means that gannon did gannon wanted power yuga wanted to just make the world his own vision gannon just wanted to [ __ ] destroy it uh so yeah that is my belief that uh he is the laruelian master sword with also the upside down triforce and everything and that's also why he's a more bizarre design when demines use them it looks like the master sword but it's twisted uh so yeah that is that's what i thought that's why i'm thinking yeah okay so tim that's the thing because phi and girohim are more like uh just sentient souls of whatever the sword is technically they don't have a gender they're just like whatever they identify themselves as so gerheim believes he's just like a dude and so did phi believes that they're a lady and that's just they don't they don't have a gender specifically it's just like uh yeah anyway we did the thing got the spoils back i forgot that was how you're supposed to get it yeah i know coffee bean i know about that one you know about the soup oh she actually said come on help me come here anyway exactly gareth's gender is just style uh well okay so this was the thing demise is not low rule hilda then demise is ganondorf my belief is he actually found a way to get into low rule because there definitely does seem to be dimensional things he can do so he got to a liberal to get his weapon and that basically gave him a counterpart to destroy goddess hylia because it's like i have this weapon that a different version of me made and that can kill you oh that would be awesome yeah if anybody wants to download the vod when it's done and do a compilation by all means go for it hi ashley alright so i might take small breaks in between uh probably after we're doing this i'll take a small breather you all can relax talk to each other i agree coffee if i could choose my gender i would want to be fabulous being a guy is stupid i just want to be pretty going anywhere near the island oh doing the cool cross arms thing like low rule highlight oh that's that's true that could also be a possibility um probably not this stream god if i could like do the entire thing in one stream that'd be incredible it's probably gonna be a few yes you can correct everybody ready yeah are we all ready to sacrifice this kid to get endorphed with what joe why i love the faces just yeet bye [Music] this game was so lighthearted it's like the polar apps that are twilight princess in every way [Music] excellent accuracy i don't have my sword though [ __ ] bellamy oh okay so bellum and natalis are just different entities they're not gannon i mean they could be there's some similarities but they're not ganon because at that point ganon is still officially sealed away uh because the events of spirit tracks and phantom hourglass don't take that long after uh wind waker i think like uh phantom hourglass is like a year after wind waker and severe tracks is like 100. um so probably not enough for like gannon to wake up and be like i gotta call [ __ ] again um the only villain that exists before ganondorf is uh vaddy that he was a different entity uh which was cool i liked vadi um so like that was like part of the timeline is uh minish cap and i think it was just mitch cat minish actually was set before ocarina of time in terms of like uh the history of hyrule so that's pretty neat though i don't know why they set it up like that it they the two games had nothing to do with each other there was like no connection the phantom hourglass oh that would make sense about darklings see from no dark link is just all of link's negativity uh pulled out of him and become its own entity um i've seen people talk about that one don't i have to get kidnapped like the first time in order to figure out where i'm going oh wait maybe i can just dodge completely okay i'm just a harmless little barrel nobody can hurt me [Music] hello and drop down can't see me i'm just a barrel i'm just a harmless little barrel does every link have a darker version theoretically yes the more negativity a link has though the more likely they're gonna get a shadow link um move i'm on the move let's go doing it doing it can't see me can't see me yep open door i made it i'm [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there's bats oh god barrel oh crap i can't hide in this one god damn it oh no oh no oh god no no no don't you dare touch me oh barrel i'm legend of zelda barrel of time i'm a barrel full of monkeys you can't see me you can't even touch me i feel you're like ah look at that face oh god it's a face even a mother would throw back that's um breath of the wild lincoln's elder love him i think there's a great dynamic i love them so much go go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh [ __ ] i forgot about that part oh god i'm okay did i do it i don't know if i did it no oh [ __ ] i went the wrong way didn't i oh god i went the wrong way oh dear god you can't touch me cool i didn't even need this i'm already maxed out with money okay uh i suppose it's always confusing okay i just get on higher ground your adrenal idea where i'm going i can get up there how do i get up there there's a wit that's why i do need to get kidnapped okay i gotta eat yeah okay there's like a map that basically tells you okay you gotta get caught cause you gotta get to the second floor hello how do you do fine citizen [Music] i don't want to know that i don't really want to replace lake's model with that now you're gonna say it okay so uh you can get up there on the top i want to break free did i get put in the wrong no no oh wait can you grab this no how do i tetra can you be sweetheart he'll be out here [Music] uh throw the butt throw the pot right right yes i see it i'm dumb i'm a dumb let's get the [ __ ] out of here that was dumb okay so yeah out of 5 000 later all right so we're on the second floor now which is cool i love it love to see it i got a map i kind of know where i'm going now that's great all right second floor all right so i'm here and i need to get through the biggie box which means i probably need to grab that thing that would have sucked if i missed okay yes waterless aunt i saw you the fifth time i didn't want to respond to it because it's stupid i want to know that i don't want to know that you can replace sands in this it's a dumb idea i don't like it god undertale ruins many things i love that game but god it ruined so many things i don't want to hear any advice i know what i'm doing okay i'm gonna just take this my god you guys the power of thick stick lives off come here come here buddy [Music] oh [ __ ] i dropped my stick come here all right it's one spotlight down hey i enjoy painting all right they did it light core i see all right all right i'm gonna hold onto this stick for as long as i can i got the power this is like the thickest stick my god stick where you going with all that god damn that's not even possible these proportions are completely inaccurate you should be ashamed of yourself for morphing this kind of stick okay uh we gotta get to that one i think right right yeah okay oh i can't bring the stick with me uh sure go ahead oh sorry uh gemma yes you can i'm fine with that which link has the best voice uh it's a tie between wind waker length and uh breath of the wild i mean there's something like very nostalgic about n64 link uh especially his adult voice but i think breath of the wild link is very pleasant and just like wind waker link is just so fun he's just like having a good time no matter what okay let's take out spotlight number down i'm on the wrong side of the spot oh [ __ ] it's over here yeah [ __ ] it up oh that i think i can just climb up there i think uh let's go what you want listen up my man there's a monster i know i saw it i know you're trying to be helpful you probably can't see it from here but all right use my shield to deflect the monsters blow oh yeah i forgot i could do that because i think one of these spotlights they don't have a pot of sticks for me to use and i think it's this one um yeah it's gonna just stay up on youtube so like you can watch at any time i'm like trying to like not overflow my videos with just like my tumblr stuff hey bloody you wanna give me that stick you wanna give me that stick you wanna give me that stick you important your stick is mine i have it what you gonna do little [ __ ] baby yeah bad bad boy problem bad boy goblin very bad man prime minister of india right all right and then i'm a troll goodbye um okay so can i do that one no it's just like a way down but not a way up oh sad oh god if i dropped in the hot spot i would have cried all right you know what i know i'm on i'm on uh you are getting put in timeout bad neubon okay so am i in the right spot yes i am okay uh jump jump thank god there's a big hitbox on this big guy on this [Music] what you got aha i got it my man in order to reach the top of the tower where your sister's being held you have to find the room right below the tower that's the tower begins in the room you got it yeah yeah sure do sure do i didn't take out all the spotlights oh [ __ ] i took out the wrong ones well that's gonna be a problem i wonder if i can get to it well luckily i have a telescope see here let's map out our situation here so i got that one got that one how did i miss that one oh yeah that was the one i couldn't climb up is that how i was supposed to do it weird um yeah i know i got it i got it okay well i'm gonna need a handy-dandy barrel [Music] just make our way over yes yes i did uh skyrim oh god have you thought about my load order oh god okay so i need this to hide can you see me i'm just a barrel aha homicide okay hey that pearl's smooth pretty sure i saw that barrel move oh god i don't like the fat i should have timed this better oh god oh god don't go away i'm just a barrel i'm just a barrel making barrel noises just a barrel i'm just a barrel i just bare don't you dare grunt hit me i don't even want to take a swing and trying to pronounce your name because it's just it's just runes this is runes it looks like luigi or i could be wrong uh i'm doing good dragon story thank you for asking i'm just a barrel i'm just a sweet precious barrel all right drop okay and then i think you get up against the wall and yeah you can do a little shimmy i love how serious about this like i'm shimmying so many animations on this kid oh god i forgot about you oh [ __ ] wait i don't have a hoy pair i could have used one this oh dip oh dipstick oh dipstick oh god if i had a white bear i could just bribe one of the seagulls to knock that guy away i'm not gonna have enough time oh [ __ ] all right okay let's get our bearings together here okay i can push that block down i can give myself shortcuts that's good all right at least i don't have to get caught i can just make shortcuts okay i gotta stop doing that grab is this they scrape okay and i think if climb up this i completely forgot i why did i waste my white bear why did i do this to myself why am i so bad for you games okay yeah okay i [ __ ] up yeah you can go here yep right there i'll get to you ah i already took a swing at trying to pronounce your name i'm not going to do it twice oh let's see it it's the other way no it's not wait just a gosh diddly dang second is that where i'm supposed to go i can't even climb up that i know i wish there's like breath of wild mechanics like dude just climb what's wrong why are you not just climbing oh right that door forgot that door was there i'm dumb guys guys there was a door there do you remember you know that door that i looked at and then walked away from oh god i'm taking away [Music] your stick is mine i want it it's mine oh [ __ ] bad bad all right is that all the spotlights let's just check here i see mr birdman he's doing good all right that's all spotlights wicked all righty we are outtie [Music] sweet nailed it okay now i think i can just get up there oh that was close [Music] i can just climb up there now don't have to go through the pick cards anymore [Music] splint gator and climb and go up the thing i am in a world that's dead god i wish there was like a stick mod that you can just do your sword just gets replaced with stick because obviously the sticks don't break in this because damn they thick hello milo how is australia how are you doing all right cool we did it we are the winner so sadly yeah well say is an elf not a robot anymore because i don't know how to write robot characters so if she was still a robot yeah probably but that is not important oh god doom oh [ __ ] he's got a knife i got my sword back hooray [ __ ] you you don't have your sword in fact i'm a steal it's mine now big knife [ __ ] you great camera angle uh can you say link's voice lines this game probably i cannot sound that young man look at this thing i want this imagine all the food i could cut up with this cut this cake cut that cake cut your cake all right i don't need this anymore all right cutscene i think we did it i think that was the tutorial for second fortress creature uh [Music] yes that seems safe hello what's up [ __ ] [Music] i see you don't have a hammer to fight me so i must now steal you bye [Music] there we go and this is your little sighting of gannon who's just his house is half a ship for some reason hey what's up it's like weird playing this now like on a like not an older tv so you actually can see all of gannon's model so it's like you know right away it's like oh yeah that is ganondorf well right then good to know he's just dead and that's the end of the game ah boat i love boat he was so fun to play for scott falco because i basically gave him like the serious voice i would use for uh for [ __ ] king of red lions but just in a goofier tone so you guys will get to hear the serious version though pull yourself together my man am i dead i think i'm dead well have you come to your senses yet surprise i'm a boat you are surprisingly dogwood did i start you i suppose that is only natural as wide as the world is i'm the only boat to bond with you can speak the words of man [ __ ] flexing right here i'm the king of red lions do not fear i'm not your enemy although i am kind of menacing looking my man i've been watching you since you went to the forsaken fortress rescue sister you [ __ ] up on that spotlight part but the rest of the part was pretty cool i understand how your desire to protect your sister would give you the courage to fiercely stand up for anything but such a bold attempt was foolhardy like seriously where's your hammer you suck god [ __ ] i shouldn't just let the bird eat you his name is garner dwarf surprise adoption surprise you're adopted you're my son now cool flame effects god i love this ganon is he should have had more talking cutscenes he was like had such a cool air about him towards the end still was to save your sister from him yeah you do anything to save her yay i see in that case i still guide you as we go forward i mean probably the extent of my knowledge that i can do oh somebody wanted me to give him an unfitting voice okay so for the next few sentences uh it'll be the most unfitting voice i can give king of red lines the key to defeating gadden is locked away the great tower that you could wield only after much toil and hardship do you understand in that case we depart to the great sea ah but i'm getting ahead of myself i don't have a sail i'm stupid i'm [ __ ] up this is actually a bit embarrassing for me to admit but although i have indeed a boat that possessed the power of speech oh sorry something's stuck in my throat i possess no stamp a vote with no sale can sell no seats says you will get you a motor all right run dude laugh in the game ganon has a laugh in this game oh he does i forgot how it goes though i remember he laughs but i completely forget what it is it's the most fitting voice on earth what do you mean i mean too strong i guess i should just do that with the boat he's like if i decide to read a cutscene he just interchanges between the the serious voice and that voice like he just gets something stuck in his throat all right we're full island we made it i love this one [Music] yay i don't see you he's so sad i don't want to talk to him i don't need that kind of negativity in my life i just got out of therapy i don't need it all right so i got to find a cell phone i think the vendor dude has it right i got like 200 bucks too so i can just like get it just get it what's up dude you got a sailcloth for me come here sorry is a strange one that for me [Music] uh sure nice i'm so glad i had eighty dollars i've saved my life from this as well traditional daily is the finest sale in the world until the wii u version where i make a better one for some reason so go [ __ ] yourself what's up mario okay uh some side stuff that i could do here because i think one is getting like the pictobox and one is i think the start the joy pending quest you're not the joy penalty you're cool character though but you're not who i'm looking for breath of wild theory pat if so what is it okay okay all right let me pause for a second so i can talk about this because i need to take a breather from the game anyway breath of the wild two theory this is what i'm thinking okay you ready for this you ready for this [ __ ] it's [ __ ] twilight princess mixed with breath of the wild wanna know why them [ __ ] runes those are the same rooms from the twilight realm it's the same colors i'm thinking i'm thinking because all the all the timelines converged so it's if we are to believe that the breath of the wild actually does converge all the stories back into one because if we actually make hyrule warriors cannon where all the world's actually conjoined into one you're [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] it's it's it's got twilight princess influence on it so the twilight have actually contained ganon in theory or in fact the twilight don't have midna ruling them anymore so they're like hell yeah let's take over again and [ __ ] some [ __ ] up that's my theory i'm thinking we're gonna get some involvement with the twilight realm again which would be awesome because that was the best thing about twilight princess um anyway moving on joy pendant mess is so creepy remember this cute face i know but i want it i why like her design this marie's school of joy i don't think i've ever seen your face around here before you people what can i do for you on this fine day we need to talk uh have a rather joyous problem yes the four lads i have to catch them a boy named i'm gonna talk some sense into him for me please man for me yes ma'am all right let's go catch some kids we're gonna go catch some children we're gonna make them go back to school all right so what's up you're probably ivan i assume stop circling yeah yo bro you got a problem with those kill bees now do you i'm telling you some annoying hair gonna teach you again is it [ __ ] we're like nine we don't need to go to school anymore we're [ __ ] better than her forget all that we'll kill the bees look at look at my you see jimmy right there you see jimmy don't let those fool you he's already killed three men what do you say boy you want challengers yeah i'll [ __ ] stab you i don't care okay you feel bad the rules are simple we're gonna hide somewhere if you find us we're gonna run you gotta try and catch as easy as that bud we'll hide the doors or nothing we won't leave this island we [ __ ] why would i expect you to leave the island there's nowhere to [ __ ] go catch all four of us we lose you guys go [Music] they run stupidly all right let's go get him i know there's one in a tree go get that one hey hi it's your [ __ ] oh you look so busy i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't realize you had important girl things going on i'm sorry that's not a treat probably that tree oh god i gotta deal with saddle man no don't look at me don't look at me don't even stop it i don't care no get away from me yes you're you're rude because you turn into a world old rich man i hate you you don't have good character arc you suck [Music] oh god all right i gotta run into this tree gotta be good there we go keep [ __ ] down here ivan ivan don't you dare [ __ ] run away from the yard come over there don't you hide behind your dad your dad can't [ __ ] save you not even god can save you from me live hey hi ben i got you you suck [Music] all right where's your friend hello this is not your friend i'm about to commit murder sweet i made ten dollars from doing that that's pretty neat all right uh should we spoil now let me figure it out i think i remember there's one behind the grave i think where uh elton john mixed with elvis presley just vibing what's up [ __ ] oh [ __ ] jimmy i shouldn't [ __ ] with jimmy he's killed two guys [Music] oh that's i never realized that's what he said blah blah blah jimmy you're cute for a man who's murdered people jamie jamie jamie jamie jimmy jimmy jeremy is it because i killed you a lot in oblivion is that why you're not paying attention to me anymore you [ __ ] do you not like me anymore jimmy jb germain i'm not gonna kill you this time i swear you got me good job thank you jimmy all right [Music] um child number three can't you see i'm busy being edgy jimmy wants her no jimmy can't have revenge what's up hey buddy where you going with all that uh telescope helps [Music] um isn't there a kid by my boat i don't want to talk to you i don't want to even talk to you suck mario what are you doing go save princess [Music] ah see the child by my boat quote did you see your child no okay uh oh maybe the bomb shot [Music] you just let him hide forever and they just starve to death like i found you you won't be causing harm to anyone ever again [Music] number three you look more like jimmy neutron like a knockoff jimmy i'm i am a timmy [ __ ] i can't even timmy neuron boy wonder i got no you suck it's like try tibia nor timmy electron that was the thing i was trying to come up with i'm silly electron boy smart guy okay so one more one more [Laughter] hey jimmy did you get a brain blast today i didn't i'm not that smart unlike you jimmy ah jimmy jimmy i wish i was as smart as you were why couldn't i be as smart as you oh jimmy jimmy why am i a terrible character jimmy jeremy please help me my life is a treachery and whoa i don't have enough llamas that love me jimmy god i'm moving my mind okay child number four where the [ __ ] are you at you said you want to leave the island i think you left the island because you're a [ __ ] um i think he's like tucked away somewhere uh not this trick oh it's probably down here are you are you yep [ __ ] have you seen your son that's not you i think i think the fourth child is actually like hiding in bushes but i don't remember which bushes i don't remember you try to roll into a tree i did that one that was uh that was jimmy [Music] are they is one of them a girl but you said boys unless like you know it's a tomboy character i don't know yes it will you can watch it after oh jimmy jimmy what are you doing murdering people again jimmy you know people die when they're killed jimmy jimmy why wait [Music] nope no i i did behind the bomb shop too that was timmy i got ivan uh uh [ __ ] about the grave yeah i did that one yeah they're gone uh [ __ ] uh i already got jimmy it's uh it's the blue hair to get one uh melvin melvin melvin where are you you stupid [ __ ] i got three dollars melvin where are you hiding why do you hate me melvin it's because i named you melvin protect the clock tower [Music] yes code reader will be uploaded after i'm done you can watch it anytime that's the plan that's the plan as planned [Music] [Music] well if i can't get up there how the hell that kid get up there melvin melvin did you drown did you try hiding in the water again melvin melvin you know you can't breathe underwater you silly [ __ ] wait wait i'm thinking my brain melvin [Music] melvin you get back here you want homework you need to do melvin melvin melvin actually kind of sounds like amy when she does her dorky voice got you you're awesome thanks melvin i got him yeah i can't believe you found all four of us and you caught us all too trillion out of defeat looks like we lost the touch killer beast i guess we're disbanded prepare to all jump into the ocean go all our separate ways start a band check this what'd i get yay i forgot about those it's a favorite possession all right oh one more thing me and you apologize to miss marie for us i ain't counting on you bud just [ __ ] apologize yourself all right i did it miss marie are you proud of me i do for you i did it you did didn't you yes good money oh cool 50 bucks that was worth it all right oh one more thing don't tell anybody dude cool can i can we talk about the joy pendant thing [Music] oh i have to show it to her i think uh z what do you think about this oh i can't do it yet well damn it i feel like a fool i feel like the biggest of diggers is right now i'm gonna go get my picture box and cry wait what hey oh i completely forgot this was the thing oh we stupid we're the killer bees we ain't no teacher specs yeah but teach loves jewelry and junk more than anything else in this world what she's into this day what you call joy pendants don't ever talk again to me just go to your corner hey now you think about it oh yeah that's right okay all right collect joy pendants uh just let me get that one to her and then we can start the 20 that we need which is technically 21 because you have to [ __ ] give her one in the first place it's very deceiving what's up hey ladies can i offer you this joy pen in these trying times oh joy pendant tell the truth i love jewelry above all else why so i don't like the fact that you're so close to me right now could you please scoot up a bit i don't appreciate you being this close to me i'm like 12. this is very uncomfortable like about 20 of them cool all right so now i gotta go get 20 more and they said one was hiding in a tree uh i should have paid attention to which tree it was i can't it's either the town squares tree or the bomb shop tree point b there's two trees technically there's three but don't look at that tree in my in my substituted reality there's two [ __ ] there's four trees oh [ __ ] i guess i have no choice but hit every tree in town until one [ __ ] pops out although the kid said he was just in this tree no get away from me get away get away i hate you you suck you're literally the worst thing it was this tree yes got it all right cool then i just need to get 19 more from the coblins but huzzah yo boy it looks like you found yourself a joy pen and nice work actually gotta admit we hid that thing open that tree we thought you might find it what's that it's gonna be mrs murray's birthday soon they could have given her a present so she couldn't do we finally got your hands on that thing but we can't be going around giving presents to people no way that just couldn't fit the killer style come on buddy can't you give it to teach for us i already gave her i did the thing get the [ __ ] out of here kids [Music] uh i miss it so samuel asks why is pmc more on the corn on the floor in the corner i am not on the floor i am where i should be on some glorious thoughts okay so pick the box before i leave i gotta get that oh i'm gonna pick two blocks can i buy a pod god this game is perfect for people with adhd it's like wait did i get a bottle yet is there a bo can i buy a bottle from you sir hello sir yeah yeah oh jelly chew jelly juice yes i know it heals people oh you don't sell in people idols that's mine i dropped that okay peto box patrick focus get the pictobox you don't need to do anything else just get the picture vase probably money that i don't need it's empty god damn it pictobox just get it i love this character's design look at him oh no you would have i would have to say i've never seen your first before halfway oh drinking beguiling i know you're just a small child but i found one who can but i found one can really trust strangers where is that you come from youngster i'm sorry but the years have made me worry once long ago i rented a room out to a traveler for a single night next to all my picture boxes stolen tom yum wow good dude so unprepared with cruelty dude i just met you you don't have to give me this whole sad life story i know you're basically telling me where i'm supposed to go to get the pizza box but guy okay fine mean spirited little man i'm trying to read it okay uh oh wow just disappeared people are chatting so fast jesus uh that animation corner looks like sean is happily bottling over dead seymour i mean it could also be that it could be two things i could be enjoying some glorious eye pillows and also be dead you don't know me and that's one for the highlight book right there okay so prison where the [ __ ] is the prison i completely forgot where the jail is in this town where is the jail where sir where do you keep your jailed people i think i know where it is actually [Music] i think i might know i could be wrong [Music] that's right cool i was right i was right oh god i forgot it was you oh i see the same really close the same greenhouse about the look of you i'd say you might have to be a um what the [ __ ] did you just call me [Music] i prefer fabulous man thank you very much don't worry tingle knows without telling him sir tingle's my name i've been looking for you and your kind for i too long to be one of the fairy folk and yet i was mistaken for some kind of troublemaker and put into this dreadful sort of place how disrespectful please mr farry rescue poor tingo from this place and take him to where you and your kind living splendor uh you wanna open a door free that you can't open yeah i could do that do it a jail break get the [ __ ] out you're free yeah hooray thank you oh so very much here's the tingles hardwell gift of thanks the thing you can't use on an emulator because you're stupid oh i love he does the pose with you i just realized this like items pointless when you're playing it like an emulator oh enjoy at least the pictobox is here now no matter how far we travel from this dinghy cell our souls appears one splendid tingle is going to go get ready to join the realm of the fierys so you must wait here okay sir ah i was forgetting something important oh mr fowler you want to come to my island don't you i am 12 and you are clearly 40. get the [ __ ] away from me i got singles chart that's great you know what super kid i'm not proud of myself he is a murderer look at those eyes he's killed once and he won't hesitate to do it again if you ever need help with charts don't forget it okay i got it what the [ __ ] does that guy do okay anyway pick whole bot five dollars [ __ ] the picture box i want that five dollars yay didn't even need it that's the profit my attention span it's a thing i don't even need and i steal it anyway moosu that's terrible and now we're going to take it out of context tingle's gonna fill you with tingle [Music] i believe this way [Music] that's why you can't use the camera on this [ __ ] this way go this way [Music] wait no that's danger that is danger okay go this way [Music] right and [ __ ] huzzah i did it how many crimes you have on your record now pm vandalism trespassing assisted tape of failing anything else i'm missing yes tax evasion sweet i just keep taking money i don't need guys i'm too rich i'm too rich okay [Music] oh wait now i can get thrown out that's right i could just go to one of the rats wait yeah okay turn around i'mma back into it back me into that trap right god i love that it's just like so comical like oh that look into your eye so you found yourself a sail have you why did you fall from above me we're not done yet we're not done you understand all that yes but i'm not done here i have [ __ ] to do i'm drowning let me go uh because your wallet can only hold two hundred dollars it's funny and twilight princess i think the original one actually put the money back but like in the new one because uh you get the magic armor they just don't let you put it back they just think no he needs it but um i need to hold it okay i got the picture box back which means i can show it to that man and then he'll be like oh i like you now for some reason probably because it's my pictobox probably put two and two together hey were you looking for this why so i say you seem to be in possession of a very fine picture box there yeah it's yours i i got it back for you [Music] oh thank you he's gonna let me look around i'm gonna go look at some pictures oh those are some fine pictures right there he took a lot of pretty photos are those some finely snapped photos you must admit it i'm quite good i have an instagram account you know uh xxx fondle my grundle69 i made it when i was 12. i'm sorry [Music] it's weird he just like admitted like i like to sneak up behind people and take photos of them sir that's called voyeurism fetish and i do not appreci all right uh wait didn't he say i think he has a side quest for me before i go flash you've captured arch wait what you've captured wait what's that announce [Music] oh maybe if he goes back down the stairs because i'm pretty sure you can do one more side question which is just take pictures of people in town you see young sir i've been studying pictoback since i was a lad my lifelong dream of creating a box of incredible it's long-lasting engineering fruition young sir i hesitate to ask but you could pretty chance become my research assistant sure [Music] my heart leaps at your enthusiasm but i must fail you the path to an assistant must follow it's not a simple one i demand that whoever takes on the role of my system be an individual who could take whatever whatever command i may issue and promptly complete without hesitation it'll be quite a challenge i assure you are you sure you still want to do this yes or share my love of pictographs what are your names sir my man who's it very well done i shall show these three commands to you on the dawn of the day you must complete all tap three tasks you shall be my number one assistant now then for my first command a love letter do you know what it is youngster it's a collection of words of love long unspoken and put in written form in this town there is one who despite constant rejection never learns the cold lessons of unrequited passion continues to write letters of doomed love i am certainly the object of the sadly one-sided affection is quite the quandary over the matter i am the mind that i must have words of unwanted suitor however i must have physical evidence and thus your first task is to snap a pictograph of the individual in fact the act of sending the unwanted letters sounds easy does it not rightly so if you hope to me my assistant must perform the sacrifice i know he's talking about it's mario yeah i take a picture of mario sending a letter to peach once again getting turned down because peach is a strong independent woman who does not need no man all right uh we just gotta wait for him like walk down i think and we just snap a little photo of him doing the thing okay mario mario harriet oh god we're going to be here for a while mario run faster i don't have time for this [ __ ] god mario you're so slow [Music] mario you're [ __ ] you're the one man you run and you jump and you go whoa and you [ __ ] you got tiny little legs look at them legs what are you doing see this is what i mean the pictograph is just the telescope but now you can take photos with it it's great love it you'll love to see it mario mario speed the [ __ ] up man oh god you are such a [ __ ] you know i'm gonna take a photo of you luigi what are you just going faster than you he's got a little hop in his step [ __ ] mario it's your head in the game you're you're blowing it get off your knees you're blowing the game now get the [ __ ] away from me you're such an [ __ ] i don't like you stop god what a [ __ ] okay i stand right here i think i can get the photo just got away from mario so how's it going you guys enjoy uh spying on people as much as i do it's fun right it's great [ __ ] there's a luigi in the chat luigi listen i can't explain uh that was the that was the john leguizamo version of you no mustache see all right there mario mario go go go go go go mario all right mark mark mario do the wahoo do the wahoo do it do it i gotta get the right angle the right shot okay and shazam yes i got it well done mario did you just take a picture of me no pretty sure that little boy took a picture of me now he'll know my unrequited love of bowser i mean peach not bowser my love is forbidden all right open the door all right okay what's up whoa somewhere in this chat i did the thing oh that's right i gotta show you the photo okay juice now this is a finely schnapped photograph indeed who now they say love is blind but what could be thinking mailing those letters i should not ridicule him though for he reminds me of myself back in the innocence of my youth memories of bittersweet seven days come rushing back to me i am also mario could you not tell i was the nintendo the super nintendo mario that's the mario 64. he's not that great okay next task very well next is my second command you must search for this town's most timid and cowardly resident i intend to flog his spirit so he lends him some backbone this individual flinches and jumps even at the slightest surprises i need you to capture the incident of jesus he can complete this task young sir i could try the [ __ ] man who wants me to scare a person to take a picture of him christ uh where is this man children do you know you know tim oh wait i know i know i know i know i know i know i know i know i know i know i know [Music] in the coffee shop oh wait a second coffee shop you're cute give me coffee give me the coffee lady i will not hesitate give me the coffee dude i broke the party midair okay so i gotta like okay i know what to do eat get it bam what a sizzler okay gotta gotta get i hope that counts i don't know if he was supposed to be in the lineup shot by a guy a picture okay uh sir does this count do you like this one juice yes oh no this is a finally shot photo of a man in fear what'd you do throw a pot at him [ __ ] it's awesome all right very good we'll probably take this picture after he's the most efficient use it use it most efficiently don't ask what i do with the photos anyway you wanna move on your final task final command open your heart and mind to listen to what i say somewhere in this town is a couple a man and a woman whose hearts are secretly filled with thoughts of the other oh this one okay i got it i know what to do so two people that it's the guy who walks around town that's john leguizamo luigi and the lady in yellow you gotta like wait for the like lock eyes [ __ ] you mario where's your brother how far away is he oh that's right every time you leave a house and go back it restarts the walk cycle for everybody so this guy's like all the way back in the beginning of where he starts i just i just he just got away for him up here you can't see me perfect right there i don't know if that'll count through the trees in the way [Music] just stand right here [Music] nope [ __ ] right here that's a good shot that's a good shot right there so where's your where's your boyfriend where's your offering where's your get the [ __ ] away from me [Music] where is your boyfriend where is he oh god if that means mario's right there oh my christ in heaven you're so far away oh my god why why do you hate me [Music] so maybe stand right here yeah there we go [Music] what the [ __ ] was that kid doing did you see that power slide that kid just pulled off there anybody see that [Music] jesus these kids are [ __ ] haunted okay [Music] where's your boyfriend he's your boyfriend dad lady lady you see me looks angry like where is my [ __ ] boyfriend he said he was gonna be here and he never he did a complete 180 on me [Music] perfect i did it [Music] i got to shot please tell me that counts yes oh finally stopped good job probably take this photograph is either going to take them and like use them like i took these photos that's for you i shall call you my assistant and to reward you further i offer you this yay i got a joy pendant great for my work i'm ready to win okay so i know if i get a bottle and get the glowing fairy the light bug in [ __ ] uh forest i can get a colored pictograph box and then i can start making figurines and then they'll be awesome and then i'll be the best all right am i officially done with the windfall and [ __ ] for now i think uh let me think of my brain got the sale got the camera uh i think that was it i think i'm done let's get the [ __ ] out of here i wish i could just buy a bottle at this village but apparently wait no i'm not done coffee bean what do you know oh is it that do i have to do mini games participate in auctions i can't can i do that while this guy it has to be night time for me to do the auctions and there's no there's no night sucker yet gotta get a rainbow fairy yeah that's right i gotta get that um coffee bean what do you know [Music] what do you know sploosh kaboom you're right let's do sploosh kaboom let's do it uh i've tried zelda randomizer on my own but i've it's it's bananas hey welcome it's 100 rupees it's 10 rupees i don't know why i said you want to play yes okay then uh um welcome to the fleet i am the great admiral ottowski look sharp for year for vrc sole proprietors of this island admired alert all hands on deck so no shows okay i get it what i love this god this guy's adorable uh you plan them yes i do i wanted to play that with friends because i actually found uh a majora's mask mod that gives it like uh 3ds textures but on the n64 so it's quite [ __ ] pretty to look at all right let's blow up some squids is that clear yeah sir i got 20 cannonballs got one nice [Music] nice [Music] splash where is it oh [ __ ] it was right there oh oh oh god damn it [Music] yes i don't suppose they put them in the same spots did they [Music] [Music] mad at this because it's randomizer it's just random where the squids are placed you're gonna hear sploosh for a while [Music] i won't have enough [Music] i'ma get the 30 rupees after i'm done it's doing so good the first time and i got cocky huh yes i did it excellent for saylor your deeds have successfully protected zp is fair island we are so very proud the children of the island would like to thank you sailor that is [ __ ] adorable yes only took three tries is probably four i wasn't keeping track it was four wait a second that's a new record so you get this too i got my money back oh nice hey treasure chest cool i want that 30 thank you it's mine now it's called a return on investment sweet wait you can win two pieces of heart in that oh god you better not be lying to me is it if i break my record is that how i get it but i'll do it again yeah should shoot the squids got it okay well let's give it a shot then [Music] oh [Music] oh god see how to help me what do i do why wife help me why [ __ ] [ __ ] you she's not talking goddammit it's probably the best [Music] she started talking it'd be a psychological problem with me uh [Music] [Music] every time they're right next to each other okay i gotta take that into account [ __ ] oh of all the things to infuriate me in wind waker it's the cannonball game i just want to [Music] [Music] splish [Music] i hate everything [Music] [Music] good start good start good start [Music] splash i'm gonna [ __ ] scream [Music] oh my god [Music] i don't [ __ ] care i don't [ __ ] care i didn't have enough shots oh my god it's just have so much hate in my heart right now i just want to block some squids [Music] okay splash [Music] look they made an h for holy [ __ ] i hate this oh my god i swear to god if this does not give me another piece of heart i'm gonna scream [Music] okay [Music] deep breaths okay that's good okay where's number two hanging out with you please [Music] oh oh you're gonna do me like that oh yeah i see how it is okay all right all right take chat's advice go ahead and diagonals splash oh you've got to be [ __ ] me you i wasn't even paying attention to which ones blew up that was on me but that does this the diagonal thing does seem to be helping okay [Music] that did not work oh god do not even have enough okay [Music] okay oh my god oh my god oh my god why is that not training i would have had it last time if i [ __ ] paid attention to which squids blew up god i'm stupid please please please [Music] oh my god how many times i played this splash [Music] splish [Music] it's fine it's fine i should have thought about that only so many patterns you could do boom [Music] [Music] splash all right i'm done it's not worth it it's not worth it anymore forget this [Music] no thank you you took a lot of my money i'm out of here getting away i gotta leave the table it's not worth it it's not worth doing it twice oh i'm gonna go i'm just gonna go people want me to do more guide i hate this okay fine i'll go until i run out of money whatever that's the only way it's the only way i'll stop myself oh god just fine okay hey let's go let's go okay [Music] that's so divided yes thank you chad for telling me to do it one more time oh it's beautiful oh thank you sweet babies oh my god that was beautiful one more time and we got it oh it's over the nightmare so i who told me who [ __ ] told me it was gonna be another heart piece i cannot believe you i okay let's break down here i spent 140 dollars for this game to get another treasure chest and not and that's a heart piece it might lead to a heart that's true but he's not heartbeats right now is it [Music] oh that was like the music that i thought it was gonna be the [ __ ] heart okay i got most of my money back so that's good that's great i love it look at my charts here i got two charts [Music] okay [Music] [Music] that's great murdered him twice and i got twenty dollars for it i just uh i just uh yeah it's great i'm just [ __ ] a static right now i've probably spent an hour on this stupid game [Music] oh my god okay get all my money back now 191 it's fine i'll get on the boat all right let's cruise we're cruising for a bruising and set sail yay where is it where's that glowing there it is chloe's i want the glowies i don't have the grappling hook yet i'm dumb i feel like such a child sometimes just like gloves i forgot i don't have the thing that lets me get the gloves that's fine i don't care let's go through the barrel got a dollar got another dollar [Music] and another one i got nice my money back this is fun friends i don't need i'm not don't don't make me do it again i don't ever want to play that game i know there's another version on the private island but i'm not doing it i'm not doing it just yet i don't have that kind of time i don't have that kind of patience i'm just gonna go hang out with the bird people nice all right we're on the horizon it's our destination mom [Music] best music in game without question [Music] [Music] ask the people of the burrito tribe we're inhabiting this island about how to see the drain wait let me give you a stick this is the wind wick hell if it's like i start wind wacker i started my tires [Music] first conduct in three four times do not touch the control stick [Applause] okay [Applause] [Music] i see that callback squishmal that was me you're not supposed to be here so i'm not supposed to be here whatever just take the sticking echo off very nice i did it i said mom man that was not bad for your first time using the wind waker i mean i've never seen anybody else use it so uh take that at baseball also conducting sixth fourth time yay i got the legendary it's a cool little noodle stick [Music] let's go learn our first song before we don't do anything else i want to learn how to control the wind there it is excuse me specific directions [Music] oh ashley if you do that i'm gladly retweeted until the end of time they wanted to draw me as like in siena zelda i'm absolutely down with that yay i alert winds wagram i have the power of wind at my side that's a mighty nice braille the [ __ ] are you the name's zephos i'm the god of wings so you're the new wind waker are you don't mind my fart bubble great great great for a beginner you've got a nice wind sense about you i like you that tune you just picked up well it gives you control of the direction the wind blows you're practically a god now how do you like it is it powerful do you enjoy it sends me to say that my brother cyclos is miffed about his monument here being broken now he spends his time creating cyclones to torment people with it's kind of an [ __ ] like that so if you encounter as i clone the sea chastise my brother for me will you and that is my request for you here's a nice man all right king d dude thanks for stopping by yep uh if you get a pair you can break the bombs on the wall and get a bunch of money well i already have 200 rupees so i'm gonna hold off on that uh but i appreciate over two and eight oh god that was a cool power slide nice nice job man [Music] um [Music] throw it [Music] really can you only use the shield when your sword is drawn out oh yeah interesting n64 you could just do that oh you i can't make fun of it it's understandable oh i see the thing to talk about okay [Music] uh i got a troll blonde [Music] [Music] oh what are the words you're gonna say arnold what are these words you say that will cause me to fight you [Music] [ __ ] [Laughter] god that was dumb that was so stupid what the [ __ ] it's like instant karma oh god i had to do that shimmy thing all over again yeah coffee bean i know but i already have 200 so why waste the 50 rupees if i'm already maxed out that's just oh god that's just a bad time [Music] all right show me the shams show me on my way downtown [Music] okay so let's be smart this time and drop it instead of throwing it like a doofus okay beautiful i can get in now hey it's quill what's up buddy my man my man please see you're okay i must say you've traveled far for one with no wings and your sister or she yeah dead is that so well don't worry too much i'm sure she'll hang in there you know death is just the beginning after all my mirror chieftain pretty cool guy he's got like a nose and uh that's about it all right oh now you're just showing off he's just showing up at this point [ __ ] well [Music] let's go meet chieftain it's like exactly magic well that's the nicest compliment i've ever heard about my voice even when i'm angry oh man he does have a nose oh my man are you thrilled told me all about you a troubling tale indeed i insisted you please stop staring at my nose i know you're looking at it i know your chat's looking at it right now because you pointed it out you're a [ __ ] aren't you don't mind my weird miscolored black beard in white hair it's a weird combo i know but i'm a bird whatever [ __ ] you the raging dragon inside the mountain yeah he did sure did this guy's point was blue blotted blood and blah blah blah blah blah [Music] oh god he does have red eyebrows the [ __ ] is going on with his character he looks like a randomized character and it's like yeah that's our chief he's our chief now i mean wingless oh that's right that's why it's a problem if blue doesn't do the ceremony the [ __ ] young burritos can't become all birds i guess i'll help talk to my son my son hates me so i need you to talk to him friends come on will open his heart to speak freely but fears and worries that baby all right let me be direct my son kamali is of the age to earn his wings okay and he's weak in some ways and in light of the current situation you may just give up on ever getting him he'll just be a kid who lives in my [ __ ] house forever please save me from that trouble you meet with my son yay thank you do our best to solve our problems as quickly as possible that we may better help you with ours please he's already thinking about joining joining them somehow just [ __ ] help him he's dwelling in my basement please help him i may take this with you knows it might come in handy i got a delivery big question mark all right cool you should find that medley all right let's get up there so for those who don't know are now going to be introduced to the best character in the game and that's no contest behold medley wow you really do have green clothes and green shaped hat you're my man aren't you i'm attending to the great star spirit william my name's medley i'm also a bird tell the truth i'm not quite the attendant yet i kind of [ __ ] up in my job what am i thinking here this is from the chieftain not me he wants to give this directly to prince kamali why didn't he just give it himself [Music] is that a duck woman i mean yeah whatever she's also got ears too she's a [ __ ] elf duck woman there's no better character design than that look at her look at her gaze upon the rito and all their perfections please come to the entrance dragon roosevelt i'll explain everything then you got it i'ma deliver this letter that apparently the chief's dad just can't give to his son don't understand that okay hold up [ __ ] you [ __ ] sam what did you say to me did you just say my car's better [Music] how [ __ ] dare you how dare you you come into my house drink my wine sleep with my wife and you tell me that my car is better how dare you kid take the slim a letter from my dad why did he just give it to me oh sure telling me to be brave he's easy enough for him but it's not like he's the one who went through that horrible experience like he still has to get a scale for blue gear in this letter too you know he wrote it that fast jesus poking your nose to the people's business you're dozy aren't you sorry but i don't feel like going to see blue right now i mean how am i supposed to get scaled for when you're so sad well you're trying to say that you could call blue down she's just a big fat lie he's easy to say you can do anything right doesn't cost a dig i'll tell you what you can find yourself when you get past all the obstacles and dragon which you get the flu yeah let's see yeah for y'all i was just gonna caress the pearl that you need you like when i crashed this bird at you well [ __ ] you too all right let's go meet medley and just chuck her in the next week i believe it's this way i believe we gotta go this way that's so great so sema's all right with people drinking his stuff and sleeping with his wife but when the best child at stake all hell breaks loose you have no idea sir do you require assistance hey you actually came i mean you said you told me to come here sorry to bring this to such a dangerous place i would have asked if i need to help jasper you see this place there used to be a spring here surrounded by a beautiful pond it was peaceful and lovely but then the great balloon became so angry and it was right he shook the mountain and this boulder crashed down plugging into the spring you can see the results oh but where's my mind telling me how is prince come on a [ __ ] i sound right not at all i may be partially to blame for the bad turn the principal molly's taking i also called him a [ __ ] and he didn't like that see first of all his grandfather's mother was a grateful loose former attendant she's an amazing woman i was honored to have her as my teacher she's kind of brave and unsurpassed and jeans the great flu not yet worthy of being mentioned in the same breath sir only if i possess some of her strength i'm sure prince come only would have felt more secure oh man i'm sorry to ask you this but i need your help i will gladly help you however i can your precious beat what do you want me to do if i can get some wind under my wings i'm sure to get up there so will you help me yay thank you okay pick me up hold on i gotta make sure the wind doesn't [ __ ] with us all right be ready don't hold back now throw me as hard as you can you just wait i have to make sure the wind is on our side [Music] all right go north [Music] perfect okay and chuck them in the next week oh [ __ ] i [ __ ] up i broke her little face i think i have to be i gotta be up here that's right i gotta be a beard next week nice thank you thank you now i'll be able to climb the dragon roost to me with the great value don't worry i'll be fine you suck you're just an apprentice attendant but i can understand some of the great blues language i'm not exactly bursting with confidence but look if anything happens to me please look after prince kamali this is all i have to give you i know it's not much but please take it easy bottle here's a bottle great i did oh please don't tell anyone that i'm climbing dragon roost it'll be our secret okay well good luck to both of us okay cool all right get that and what if i did ashley what if i didn't throw a bird child what if she said i was supposed to do it what are you gonna do fight me please don't fight me i know i threw her face first on the wall i didn't mean to do that it was a mistake look we all make mistakes okay [Music] we're all human we don't need to cancel patrick over this talking to the next one [ __ ] [ __ ] and chuck it in the next week i love the particle effects in this game let's do it my chat i think is going insane just as much as that [ __ ] nice that's one [ __ ] oh well i [ __ ] that one up ah here you go i'm all the way over damn here besides this game what's your favorite zelda game uh i have decided i think link between worlds and breath of the wild have become my two favorite games of all time although wind waker does hold a very special place in my heart shut up my time is just right i'm a smartie boy i have a smarty boy i'm a dummy boy what if i already have enough jumping distance to get to the thing all right yeah i did it i am a genius all right dragon roost [Music] are you ready to die if i die in the first dungeon you can have my soul well that's not a good start all right i also just realized this uh the fight music for this game is actually really clever it's the opening music to link to the past where like you're making your way to the castle for the first time they're like dude [ __ ] it's very spooky in here i have to lie to this flame i think i think [ __ ] yep where is the sick flame for me to set on fire [ __ ] and whoa nice you can't link between worlds i love link between worlds like i just said that's probably my favorite top down zelda it's so pretty it's so fluid there's not a single goddamn thing wrong with that game it's genius all around okay damn oh look at this beautiful cavern and i adore ravio as a character he's he's just there's so much personality about him and also the twist the twist was nice i think i already actually talked about it because i was talking about the little master sword theory on the pirate ship but those who don't know maybe they want to keep a mystery lava i love at this level oh god i wish the lava took me there you just climbed the thing link thank you okay [ __ ] goddammit i'm surprised falling in lava is only quarter of a heart this is pretty funny okay jump jump i just realized there is if you listen carefully there is actually some of the sounds from uh zelda 64 in this the cavern atmosphere and everything i don't know if it'll roll back around it's there anyway moving on i have no time for you babe oh but apparently you have all the time the world for me okay he's like i just wanted to be your friend and also murder you bro [Music] yeah the water temple in ocarina of time is so easy timothy was uh timothy was talking about it saying i just recently completed the ocarina of time water temple and it was pretty straightforward yeah it's it's probably of the adult temples it's probably the easiest one to figure out like uh [ __ ] the forest temple is complicated fire temple's a nightmare um shadow temple i think gets unnerving because there's like all the spooky [ __ ] happening um but yeah water temple is [ __ ] easy like the only thing that's hard about it is shadow link but if you just cheese it with the megaton hammer there's no problems you can just go and spirit temple's a [ __ ] [Music] green areas that you visit flashing areas [Music] i bet i can get it from here but i don't want insta karma give me your group i got a scoop it's mine the group is mine forever all right moving in let's go whoa sir i'ma need to stick your knife away from you you're having too much fun with it it's mine now does anyone want to [ __ ] on this that's right this is my sword now bam [ __ ] i dropped it i got a key give me back my sword it's mine now i love this i feel like this is where they picked the idea of like link taking the weapons in front of the wall genius design oh let me take it with me man i'm saved i am the saddest boy in the world now whatever will i do i think i have to take this part [Music] there we go one of your skulls have a heart in it please i know you hold brain but i need your old heart for a second [Music] i forgot you could parry the choo choose i should just parry the choo choose where's the stick aha stick your stick is my joy pendant your joy pendant is mine but also your stick your stick and your droid pendant are mine [Music] push button beautiful what's your opinion i am stoked for the new hyrule warriors the fact that it's a prequel the fact that it's canon the fact that it's gonna let us play as the champions i love everything about it i need more of it in my life i'm so glad it was like a day one pre-order for me i will geek out on that without question oh there's a lot of goop there's a gratuitous amount of goop right there oh god in fact if you don't know i actually wrote a piano piece that's on my channel right now uh called uh the fall of a champion and it's based on agent calamity go check it out you could even rip it and use it for music purposes i don't give a [ __ ] do what you want what is happening that was new oh god it's the goop blink blink watch out for the goop man it's gonna get you look at those happy little hands [Music] all right that was not what i was supposed to do oh [Music] sir did you get intelligence apparently not god bird shut up don't let the group touch you uh what's your opinion of the first time rules with lincoln i love it i wish it was actually canon it should be it would explain everything that happens like why breath of the wild has everybody every race included in it um i'm sure they'll probably reconsider it now because it does actually make sense like hybrid warriors would be like the thing that helps bring all the timelines into one which is why breath of the wild has all the things incorporated into it like breath of wild's excuse is like well it's so far ahead that everything is probably whatever is true or legend we just we don't know i feel like you would know if bird people existed or not um but yeah i'm hoping that they decide oh yeah it's actually counted to the story guys if you're gonna make age of calamity be cannon but the original hyrule warrior is not that's just silly it's just sillies like okay i gotta climb okay we're here what you want hey hey my man have you seen those filthy thieving rats around [Music] chad's being nice heiress a little chaotic but that's to be expected when there's like a little under 700 people watching [Music] no you can't have my money it's my money oh i see oh i see i get it i get it i gotta be like this [Music] next week i gotta chuck it in the next week [ __ ] rats a dollar [Music] hello king of phoebus it's nice to see you no don't grab climb link my boy my small innocent child boy link link click link link oh god sometimes they gave two controllers or finicky [Music] i got comp ass it's when you're when you don't have an ass you get donated one it's a comp ass i'll be here all week mr bird man hello look at you stupid face [Music] and you're [ __ ] okay moving all right oh god it's dark in here oh god i'ma need a stick i regret getting the stick [Music] that was terrifying coffee bean listen i know you're trying to be helpful and i appreciate it but slow down on the dialogue okay where the [ __ ] is the stick all right open is that everything there's a torch here [Music] i have done it i am genius i am not genius i like that he's like watching the pillar like whoa dash it's cool it's like still a 10 year old at heart like oh man that's dope i'd like it oh this is the boss room it's just the room where a lot of these bits are hiding okay uh pick it up where are your brothers bring me your brothers uh seymour can you do your best skeletor voice or papyrus yeah i suppose i could try i am the hero of winds afro [ __ ] [Applause] it was indeed everybody i have done it i earned a joy pendant for that how many do i have so far i have six very good i full am almost i'm quite content with the situation right now oh all right uh oh god no i hate that thing i'm always hey i hate that thing i want it out of my life i don't think oh where are you going [Music] oh you [ __ ] all right i just have to ignore it okay i apparently cannot just ignore it okay so how do i god damn it please let that count no it did not count oh god damn it even link is done with my [ __ ] right now [Music] okay jump okay oh that would have sucked if i died right there all right hold on to this all right rise nice thank you okay good it's the only zone i don't like that much skeletons contain a heart please what are we looking at like oh boston hyde hyke smokey and there's another little [ __ ] centerpiece over there [ __ ] baby good time isn't for me uh it's like midnight as soon as i'm done with this dungeon i'm going to bed like yes i know it's very fascinating i see it i know you want me to look at it but i have time to look at it right now [Music] all right let's roll baby it's baller he's very upset to see me i understand oh no the child has been kidnapped you will all die all right bring on the mamblins [Music] what's up i remember you from forsaken fortress you sucked at it i'm gonna [ __ ] you up now gotcha oh i got a monster skull necklace thing yay i'm so happy we're at the gym go yeah i want that yeah joy pendant yeah baby yay you came to rescue me i thank you thanks dad i'll tell you where to find out some creatures doing awful things are great values tail oh [ __ ] great blue's tail hangs down in the room right below here gotta gotta do something now before it's too late i'll go and tell everyone what's happening here my man use this to get out of here that's what i used to get this far this device we used before we evolved wings favorite item i love it you can stack items from a distance it's great it's fantastic haul things out the sea floor [Music] awesome oh i want to keep the spear medley can i take the spear instead grab this branch with the crap i can swing it over you got it my man yes i do love everything about this it's not entirely safe but i'll take it wrap around oh my god it's such a great thing to like okay here's how you use the grappling hook it's like so perfect it's such a good level design to like help you figure out like oh i can figure out like my distance and trajectory and what it allows me to do it's just it's good it's so good and then you can stop and realize you're not gonna make that arc you can turn around and you give yourself momentum oh it's just guys it's so [ __ ] good i love everything about this game favorite iteration of the grappling hook have they done any other versions of the grappling hook i'm trying to actually remember [Music] bye yes thank you baby does the claw shot count i guess that does count um it's just a hook shot though with more advantages that was dumb oh i see what i gotta do i see what i have to do see get advice for me hey why are you just wandering around a chest appeared beneath the suspension bridge did you not see it let's find a way to get to the floor below without pledging to the lava yeah thanks thank you for being a smart ass i meant to do that open the chest nice love it oh you love to see it uh when is the next stream good question i don't know probably sometime soon i sort of stream as i feel like it i don't know oh goodness whatever am i supposed to do here does you want me to spin oh it sure did oh called flawless games let's call a little something called good game design it gives you small little clues of what you're supposed to do and also die in lava that's great oh okay can you beat me bad that was my own fault okay excuse me mr spinney attack thing could you kindly come back up [Music] this is where i gotta like be mindful just myself accordingly jump because i'm not like speed running this i have to like just go at a nice easy pace beautiful day you go up the ladder and you go through the door big spooky door that i can't open for some reason what i miss why did i miss why can't i open this door uh seriously did i miss something uh i feel like i'm missing something here oh what's link looking at aha [Music] he's killed perfect nice three loops down and then the door opens all right stop turn ourselves around get a little up on i still love to take some of the rope with him guys this game has so much polish i love it you intend to play breath of the wild on your chin oh yeah absolutely uh probably not master mode though masterboard and i have terrible history it was like the i did all the dlc in master mode first because i was doing a run on it anyway and the final battle with the monk is the worst thing ever it's so terrifying i don't ever want to do because that was like my first time fighting him too bring herself down a little bit there we go um but i will gladly go back and play breath of the wild uh i gotta like set it up again i had a switch capture card i don't know if it still works you want squish the br the champions dlc has been out for two years [Music] that's on you [Music] you get a year you get here after two years that's enough for like spoilers to be like oh yeah [ __ ] final battle that's how it goes that's right this thing okay [Music] yes she's it [Music] all right so i'm going to save myself some time here and uh save for perfect all right nope so a safe warp you can bail it'll bring you back to the dungeon and i believe the barrel is open so i can just [ __ ] save warp to the boston sweet probably want to fight these guys again yep okay what's up [Music] [Music] apparently i'll have the time to play the [ __ ] cannonball game for like an hour but i don't have time to farm drive handles and then tada save time [Music] uh i don't know if they're critical or not fight all of them oh it's a night oh yeah i do need that i need that for the spin attack upgrade i need anova question mark and i didn't need that though wait hold up will you do a video about brian david gilbert please okay i'm gonna sound old right now who is brian david gilbert anyway boss time let's [ __ ] go i love this boss fight so much like doing this as a 13 year old was kind of like [ __ ] marvelous it's just such a cool fight like look at this look at this dude he's so threatening for like a first boss okay i'm ready now i am not ready [Music] got it let's go huh is that my ass nice only the best research polygon of all time oh well i don't watch polygon stuff so i don't know anything about that i'm sorry to disappoint i honestly don't watch that much internet content i just do work no can't touch me [Music] jump [Music] and get smashed [Music] look honestly like i'm surprised chad's disappointed me i don't i don't know many internet people i don't just like the voice actors that i talk to and like that's the extent that is the extent of my internet knowledge of people and maybe like game grumps and a couple other people that i used to watch but that's about it so like i'm sorry when i say like i don't [ __ ] know bryan david like packing caught me some slack man just enjoy the boss fight look at him now he's mad he's like oh god my shell and now he's terrifying he went from like cool intimidation to [ __ ] disaster yes victory is mine [Music] yay [Music] i love that look at this happy little victory dance like like gregor like just does like the cool draw sort of way young link's like [ __ ] yeah ah beautiful fantastic if you listen closely you can actually hear the glowing effect from majora's mask they did a good job of like reusing sound for like not like creepy things anymore but for like perfect ambiance things it's so it's so good there's very few games that i honestly give perfect scores to and i think wind waker deserves that it's like sure it's probably like one of the easiest zeldas in it but if there's something about it like even most people who don't play zelda have probably played this and that's it's just because it's so pretty to look at it's so fun oh yeah i would absolutely and he's happy i think i think that's a happy dragon [Music] noise my man wow principal have something to say yeah you're pretty cool i guess um i heard everything from medley my man thank you so much i'm sorry i just trusted you i hope i could be like you someday a little bit god [ __ ] bird people are precious so that here i want you to take this giving you the thing of value most will give me the courage i need to stand up to bad things yeah i got a pearl [Music] wasn't that song the one from the 12 hour yes it was that was the the ambiance music that they used for the final 12 hours from majora's mask it's very recognizing use the wind god's wind that's what he said but i don't understand i wonder what it means oh the thing i already got because i jumped ahead because i'm i've been patient like that i almost forgot the great balloon also named you my man a true hero i agree with him as far as working sir my man you really are hero oh thanks guys well i'm gonna go and visit baloo i'll come and see you sometime with the best pair of wigs ever peace out [ __ ] thanks so much my man see you again someday ah it's such a great first dungeon i love it well that was fantastic all right uh beetle my dude i need to buy some [ __ ] from you i have two pairs now do you want to buy two yes wait what the [ __ ] of the day oh i hit the buttons too fast all right i'll buy a pair three points saved up i'll buy another [Music] when he's available you can dig out some treasure [Music] all right i'll go make my money back for i am about to do the thing people requested me to do uh as soon as i stepped into dragon roost island but i didn't have a pair to use so behold the bird is under my control and we are going to attack a bomb whoopsies did i do that and look there's a treasure chest i did it because i as i've said probably at least seven times in the stream genius silver oh god damn it i thought it was just 50 bucks well now i feel like i'm no longer a genius whatever i got it okay go ahead on the boat save it and then i think we're going to call it a night hey you killed that seagull [ __ ] man you're [ __ ] cruel i mean it would seem again and sent those monsters this place but that would mean there's no time to lose we must depart it once for the place where the next pearl sleeps we sail to the south okay that's for next time though uh vote why can't i get on the boat why can't i get on the boat i hate all the but oh god oh god oh god i'll collect my thoughts why the [ __ ] can i not get on the boat uh guys i'm genuinely concerned why can't i get on my boat i'm hitting the bow button maybe i do have to do the wind first [Music] okay can i get in the boat now good thing yep okay chat was right do the thing first all right so we're gonna set off our sail adventure and say a good box well guys this has been awesome i will gladly continue doing this this was a lot of fun um i really hope oh cutscene okay i guess i can't suggest yet [ __ ] goddamn it okay i don't know where you got your mitts on that sweetheart you out there but it looks like to me it's pretty much got nothing but seas drawn on its it's pathetic in fact it's almost an insult to call that thing a sea chart if you ask me what's the matter small fry i'm just trying to be nice here i'm telling you that you got a problem and you do don't give me that stupefied look just looks like you taught me that okay listen just [ __ ] do my chart thing lit oh he painted in dragon roots for me that was very nice thank you all right killer cave i'm throwback said okay yeah i got it cool thanks thanks think thank you there oh you're there you king the red lion guy if you pay my dad i'm done you take care of the rest okay back for our goodbyes okay this has been a lot of fun i love this game i love everything about it uh i will gladly continue it for the streams and it will all be on youtube uh so yeah it'll be a nice fun chill thing to do in the future so thank you all for watching and i will see you all in the next stream later
Channel: P.M. Seymour
Views: 34,448
Rating: 4.9059615 out of 5
Keywords: legend of zelda, wind waker, chill playthrough
Id: 3P_KCDAuj6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 34sec (12514 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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