Wim Hof: How To Use Cold Showers To Take Control Of Your Mind And Body

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are able to shoot people to the moon but we are not able to regulate our own mood we have not been learned or schooled in our schools rocket science yes history mathematics but to be happy we don't know we don't know today we are poor we are poor within ourselves because we don't know the core values of our life itself [Music] there we are yes it's on okay memo is on with Chatterjee yeah right up right on well look welcome to the podcast thank you thank you for having me man hey notice all and just to give everyone a bit of background uh we were meant to have started this chat 45 minutes ago and there's been a lot of back and forth we were on different online uh platforms so we got the first thing wrong but you seem totally relaxed is that right oh yeah yeah I'm relaxed fully and I'm very clear in my in the purpose uh why I am here uh with you in the podcast in life in science and in in and taking away the anxiety and confusion within the the human uh human population the humanity and like every day every day we should wake up to being a missionary yeah because it is so beautiful to be on this planet and anything that holds us back feeling us you know in in 80 percent of our power or something something strange within that makes us unable to really create that we should uh like the question David asprey asked me when what is Enlightenment and please put it in one sentence I never asked this question put it in one sentence I said okay here it comes in one sentence just be happy strong and healthy the rest is [ __ ] so let's get the [ __ ] out everybody be happy strong and healthy because we got it evidence-based through science that we are capable of so much more than up till now it's been a reigned by the Paradigm of the old the old is God the new is to come here we are hey that is a very powerful way to start this podcast and then look this is what I love about you and your approach there's such an energy there's such passion um and again just to give perspective to people you know we we're so late for this call we jumped on and within 10 seconds you're singing you're you're you're just happy you're joyful and my stress levels went right down I thought hey you know what it's not the end of the world right nothing's happened we're just a bit late just the beginning it's just the beginning and and you have a real a real passion for sort of simplifying this stuff for all of us and I want to tell you I have been in the same room as you before you won't know this because you know you were on stage and I was in the audience but in 2017 I was at the summit event Series in LA and you were in the auditorium and you know I looked at my time so I thought I'm definitely going to see Wim off you know I'd read all about you I tried some of your techniques and I was sitting there with about 300 people and I remember clearly at the start you said within half an hour or something like that within half an hour all of you are going to be holding your breath three minutes and I thought what everyone in this room and even me because I I've always had difficulty at that point I'd had difficulty holding my breaths I thought okay let's see and 25 minutes later along with the whole group I held my breath not only did I hold it for three minutes it felt fairly effortless and I thought this is incredible so then how can you how can you be so sure when you go to a another city you go all around the world talking spreading the love spreading your knowledge how can you be so sure that everyone in the audience is going to be able to hold their breath for three minutes uh we just make them we just make them and share the power of the Mind together with the life force which is called the breath with the breath we have shown recently in a brain scan to be able to willfully activate the neural activity not 16 or 17 but 100. 100 through specific breathing exercises we have been in the old Paradigm which is actually a narrowed Consciousness a narrowed neurological Network within us and it it enables us to have partially control over our uh own brain and that's the thing we don't own our own brain our own deceit of the mind we don't own it we are not born that way not told that way not schooled that way but I know we have we are able to Captivate to learn to control hundred percent of our own potential and that is only logical we are not born with a piece of meat called the brain to be 84 without our control within our head that is not evolution evolution is that what you are is what you need and then as being young to become adult not only physically but spiritually we grow into hundred percent usage of our unlimited power of our mind and through their life force thus in this exercise we did there within 25 minutes bringing for a show the people over two minutes to three minutes without air in the lungs is showing that we are able consciously to be in control over the biochemistry in the blood in the Neurology of ours and opening up past conditioning of the narrowed mindedness the narrow uh down Consciousness which is neurology to go past and to have a tremendous tranquil feeling sensation while holding a very St in a very stressful situation of having no air in the lungs for three minutes what is happening we are just entering with that on the threshold of the power of the mind and the mind do not confuse the mind with Just Thoughts it is a complete different dimension where we are able to get into and learn to control to be conscious and enter consciously thus into Paradise this is the in the if we talk about yoga or the Bible or the Quran they all talk about the paradise well the paradise and in the bhagavad-gita they call it they talk about it the Nirvana and the Bible they call it the Garden of Eden the paradise and it's all there man there is no fears nothing there and the Muhammad is they call and when you wake up after you have left no while you are alive you are able to enter with this powerful tool of us our mind through the heart which understands more than words the the greatness the fullness of who we are and what we are and we are now at a time of change you see the governments you see the uh disease and they are not able to control because Mother Nature is knocking at our door our divine mother is knocking at our Heaven's Door wake up guys wake up to your true potential cause you are beautiful oh and until it's not showing completely been uh taken on in the world I keep on showing through signs and so I am doing right now that with top researchers in the world on the DNA and show that we have the absolute influence neurologically at will to enter into our own ancestral encrypted code of the DNA our genetical past to Enlighten our past right here in the moment here and now that is our purpose that's why we talk to each other but before people begin to understand what is the soul all about to be fully expressed to be in the paradise already fully there being able to uh to uh uh how do you say share to feel uh the the presence of it all we will show the people how to battle disease much better than science has stated up till now how to learn to regulate our mood much better than the Psychiatry knows and I've already shown this scientifically with groups of people and so let's make it baby steps before we enter into the full potential of ours yeah I mean thank you William for that um one thing that I really like about your approach is I've heard you say that you're not special and why I why I really think this is important people listening to this people watching this may go hey man you're different you know you have been up to at the top of Kilimanjaro in your shorts uh you have been in a nice bath for you know however many hours um you know you're in the Guinness Book of Records right what you do has no relevance to me and and what I think is powerful about your approach is you say hey look you can all do this I'm not special what the tools that you're using are available to every single human being I wonder if you could explain that for people yes so for example depression is on the rise depression is on the rise and our new generations young people what is this this is absolutely lack of purpose purpose is life life has purpose it's the the full vibrancy of life that's the purpose as it is it goes past words it is there it's pure it's beautiful it's there it's the soul full bloom no people get depressed so we are able to shoot people to the moon but we are not able to regulate our own mood we are I have not been learned or schooled in our schools rocket sounds yes history and Mathematics but to be happy we don't know we don't know today we are poor we are poor within ourselves because we don't know the core values of our life itself and now we come and we are doing the studies right now on depression bipolar and we are showing that we found the keys the key is to go with the inner the brain consciously to go consciously inside of the brain and to regulate what is out of order to get into the emotion everybody wants to feel happy only nobody knows how to do it get a hold over your own hormonal system the endocrine system we have shown this very strongly not little bit of significant change in a scientific comparative study no big big I know it I know it so for the guys for the people listening uh depression your mood learn to regulate your feeling is that possible yes it has come natural knowledge through science showing irrefutably the evidence that we are able to willfully control our own mood that is number one so that one is there guys just look it up we got all the films we got the data we got analysis we got the Publications so it's there it's for you to take up you want to be happy happy Pappy take them on take them off it's there hey man yeah body time body time let's celebrate the moment of Enlightenment that the burden of life and uh feeling miserable and bad feelings and all that moods change changes and all is the past Paradigm part part of the past Paradigm this is a new time of Enlightenment where you are able to Enlighten your own burden your own happiness in the biochemistry in your neurology it has been shown that is number one number two inflammation cause and effect of disease is inflammation infection inflammation it's all caused by uh inflammation inflammatory markers and we have shown people being injected after a couple of days and this was after 16 000 people taking the same experimental model with an injection of a E coli bacteria becoming sick for three to six hours now suddenly I trained a group of people within a couple of days they took the injection and after 16 000 people who became sick suddenly 12 people exposed in the into the same experimental model were able to nullify the reaction caused by the E coli bacteria on the immune system they did not became sick and then they found out that these guys drew blood samples so there is no speculation about it had a control over the autonomic nervous system over the immune system far more than was stated in size and I'm trying to tell that true science and through Publications in the best of papers in the world and try to get it to the people and I think these podcasts like we do right now is the way to get there to the people to the listeners disease and mood feeling happy it's your choice but you've taken a group who've had this injection but I think a few years ago I read about when you did it for the first time I think from recollection you were injected with lipopolysaccharide or LPS which is this this endotoxin and I know as a doctor they've you know I've seen the studies I've seen the trials if somebody gets injected with that they typically will go into septic shock they'll drop their blood pressure they'll become very unwell but you manage to not get sick by controlling your immune system so I'd love to hear about that because you weren't jetted with it what happened did you feel something did you feel yourself starting to get sick did you breathe in preparation of that or once you've felt it were you able to then control that I'd love to I'd love to understand that but it's so interesting to me that you had this endotoxin in your vein but you didn't get sick yes exactly so when the professor is injected me he said oh but it takes an hour before it's really working I said no it is being injected now now I'm going to start I'm just going to try I do my best that's what I said I was for a show determined to succeed in my attempt to show that the immune system the innate immune system and these specific immune system both can be activated at will influenced at will so the innate immune system for example get it down and these specific immune system get it on so specific Solutions at the core at the start of things happen so what I did I started my breathing exercises when he injected me I began to start you see how simple it is determined my mind was not out there my mind was in the breath in the biochemistry neurology influences the biochemistry that is that's a it's logic so I was into the breathing and then when normally the police second right had to have its influence you know where like uh uncontrolled shivering headaches uh fever uh all over Agony back aches muscle aches uh things uh either vomiting uh all that can happen uh for sure that it happens a lot uh nothing happened nothing they came to me they said yeah it's now at its peak I said but before they told me I asked them when is it going to happen and then he said and yeah actually just now at its peak they say I I do not really feel something so so basically let's say a week before you were practicing your own breathing techniques at home right was this just like you being in the hospital and you're just practicing as per usual yes you're getting a chance but you didn't feel anything you you could you could be in your own bedroom doing the same thing right so there there I go and say everybody is able to do this and yes directly afterwards they said because they saw such a low side you can release the cytokine storm was less than a breeze I felt good I felt and I at a certain moment I let the breathing go and a little bit came to me a little bit but uh but I did not do I had one I had done I had shown what breathing techniques are able to do together with your determination your your being here in the now here and now you have neurology when I say you you I don't know if you have two children yes or no I don't have two children yeah yes so uh if I say I if I would say your children are in danger you know for real so then you would be full of epinephrine adrenaline and run like an animal to to watch where are they where are they and find out and all that barely in control now that is what happened at that moment the epinephrine got so high it went higher in the blood and they compared it to another study wherein people jumped for the first time into a uh bungee's jump they took the blood of those people and the level of adrenaline within the people lying there on the bed was higher than the people going for the first time into a bungee jump you see yeah that is what we do with these breathing techniques we enter consciously into the depth of our brain the brain stand into the brain stem and thus the adrenal axis is being activated it resets the body and then suddenly the immune system is much more alert and it is able to handle back cell and virus and and and bacteria in any kind because that's the nature of ours only we alienate it from our own brain we they say we have 60 percent control within our own brain it's like you have a house and only 16 of your own house are able to be accessed by you the rest is of the government or by the people in power I don't know who but it is 100 my friend my friend rangan it is 100 100 and that means we are able to tap into our emotional uh areas of the brain into our uh opioids into our cannabinoids uh endorphine serotonins adrenal axis anything that is within our brain is ours to be commanded by by us and I think Nature has it built in a happy person doesn't make war a happy person is not into thieving or taking what is a happy person is like radiating positive energy all the time and he is happy and that's where he wants to stay only we did not know how to get there and now we found these ways and in brain scans showing that we are able to tap into those areas of the brain the autonomous processes of the brain we this is the way they published it we found compelling evidence of the key components of the autonomous processes in the brain related to mood regulation so we found the keys to into those areas which were not controllable at work now they are we found them and now we are able to regulate our moon mood and that is emotion and that emotion is who we are what we are and the source and their power of of uh sanity is happiness happiness all the time that's irradiance that is flow that is uninhibited flow that is not narrow to Consciousness a a narrowed perception narrowed neurology it's full bloom neurology we are born to be holy beings not half beings holy beings that means 100 neurology same Insanity full flow going within our beautiful mind our Command that's that's that's what it is and I'm just giving evidence through science you can look it up holy the old paradigm is about yeah [ __ ] happens Wars yeah that is human-like uh abuse yeah uh uh humans you know uh insensitivity exploiting the world sodomizing the planet polluting the planet it's all there we don't know we don't know it doesn't make sense and this time we are to bring sense to the people that they are in control over their own happiness which is the hormonal system their own health which is their immune system and their own uh Power strength energy which are the metabolic processes in in the cell and we are able to control all the three of them that's the message and what I what I really love about breath work per se is it's free but it's not something that people have to spend a lot of money on it's something that the richest in society and the poorest in society have access to and I think that's really really exciting now remember if we go to some specifics there seems to be two broad arms to your method breathing and cold and I wonder if we can start with cold I this morning because I was interviewing you today I thought hey if I'm not going to have a cold shower today on the day that I'm interviewing when when am I going to do it right and you mentioned my kids before actually beforehand when I told them today I was interviewing you my son was like Daddy are you actually Instinct the Iceman today I said yeah I am darling I am and he was really excited did you know he's in the Guinness Book of Records you see the new generation I see a lot of the new generation already knowing me and they love it they love it they need direction so yeah about the cold and what I always say a cold shower a day keeps the doctor away now I know where you were in there for 45 minutes [Laughter] oh what's going to happen but it's cold right so people so like I think there's gonna be people listening to this who have heard about uh the amazing things you've done they'll be interested and I want to make sure we make it super practical so they think after this actually you know what I could do something so if we talk about the cold right you are a big fan of cold immersion and you always recommend certainly I've read an early copy of your book which is really really good it's really interesting and you say that everyone would benefit from taking a cold shower every day why is the cold so powerful the cold without a doubt very directly very effectively very strongly is able to tackle our the biggest health problem in the world which is the cardiovascular related diseases and we have a a a uh this the organ which is called our skin and we never expose it to natural elements and it is built to be able to still to be uh to be stimulated Electro receptors thermal receptors they are all in the surface of our skin that directly goes when we take a cold shower like an electrical jolt through our spine to our uh the deepest part of our brain the brain stem it's being alive oh yeah the shocking experience that you are surviving that is a great way to not only give a job to say an electoral shock to your brain for people who are into depression this is great you just take the cold shower and you depression is going to be depressed so that that is one the other thing is and we got all of us we have 100 000 kilometers like is 70 000 miles of vascular little channels the capillaries arteries and veins 100 more like hundred thousand kilometers that is a lot that's like two and a half times the world is in each and every one of us they contain millions of little muscles and they help the blood flow going through but not if it is in a condition after we have lived been living with clothes all the time which is a de-stimulative behavior and which makes the muscle tone go low and who has got to compensate for that that is our heart our heart is pumping more than it should it's pumping more because it tries to get the blood flow full of oxygen the nutrients and the vitamins to the cells and it is not able to do that you weaken yourself because you are in stress and that stress that creates oxidative stress uh through a continuous presence of cortisol and that is when the heart rate goes up that is normally done when there is danger to pump the glucose through the body and the adrenaline that is foreign because we have a weak condition within our vascular system maybe not when you are young still but when you are 30 35 40 it begins really to wear out a cold shower stimulates all the vascular muscle tone and thus the blood flow will go better to the cells heart rate goes down with 20 to 30 beats a minute 24 hours a day and the energy is being fat the energy processes the metabolic uh mitochondrial processes are being fed with all the oxygen nutrients vitamins all what is needed you get plenty of energy so when you take a cold shower a day it does not only keep the doctor away as a saying also the doctor is doing it and it because it is great it's like a back vaccination and natural vaccination where you make your body the way nature meant it to be with the great blood flow which doesn't know inhibition fears blockages sclerosis or anything thing like that because it's flowing there is no cortisol no oxidative stress going on this is the way nature meant it to be everybody in the world should take the damn beautiful cold shower a day it is not difficult and the investment is by far the outcome you get so much more energy and so much more peace because distress will go out of your body we can think of muscles right everyone understands muscles and they know if you go to the gym and work your muscles they will grow stronger so as you were describing that about cold showers I'm thinking we live these comfortable lives we have temperature controlled houses if we go out we don't want to feel hot we don't want to feel cold we put on our jackets and our fleeces so our blood vessels are never in some way you could say I've never been exposed to those sort of extremes where our body then responds and adapts and I guess having that cold shower is an intentional way of providing I guess like a helpful dose of stress to the to the vascular system which will cause it to to grow back stronger is that is that a fair analogy absolutely absolutely the blood flow is going to be better the muscle tone is going to be better the heart rate goes absolutely down uh absence of cortisol presence thus oxidative stress and uh yeah sleep is better anything is better the hormonal system is be at the endocrine system is being fat a lot better it's all about the blood flow the blood flow is everywhere in our body only we cover up our bodies and thus actually we suffocate our body we it's breeding the the body needs to breathe and the cold shower does it it compensates for our covering up the rest of the day and we get great amounts of energy back if someone's listening to this and thinking okay when I see what you're saying I I can't take it I I you know I get cold a lot you know I I it's too cold for me what would you say to that person for the people who have a a low energy because when it's cold they feel sensitive it's because the maintenance of their body is at work at that moment and it takes all the energy at that moment to maintain a normal uh uh uh core body temperature and for the rest they feel like shivering because there's no energy left take the cold shower I know this for thousands of people with problems with the cold having low energy levels and uh being sick lot of times because of the lowering energy it's a it's a low alertness of the immune system after taking the cold showers suddenly they burst with a lot more uh energy they don't become sick anymore and it's all logical because that muscle tone is back and with that the oxidative stress goes out you get more energy so you will never feel cold anymore taking the taking the cold shower is a hermetic stress exercise yeah a horatic stress which actually is positive stress exercise which neurologically at will makes you able to control your body whenever you get stress address out in any shape could be emotional stress mental stress physical bacterial viral it does not matter now at will because you are the one who goes consciously into the cold shower you learn to change your neurology your power of will against any stressor the cold is only a mirror the cold is a way to enter into the stress mechanisms inside of the brain I know you want it uh only we have this Paradigm in our society that uh and that is from the prehistorics when it was cold outside that was the enemy and it's still built in this this Primal aversion aversive uh feeling of hey cold out there no we have to win out there no the cold can be a positive stressor to like a vaccination it's like a vaccination and it feels very much as though with that intentional dose of stress each morning or each evening you start to build up that immune system resilience that vascular resilience that stress resilience which is going to help you for the other 23 and a half hours of the day and and that it feels like exactly exciting practice that we can do but then you just mentioned a phrase and it's as I was um I was reading your book this morning and you said there's a phrase in it that you just mentioned which is the cold is a mirror and I stopped I put my drink down and I read it again it was one of those phrases that makes me stop and just think and I think wow that is so profound because I was then thinking ah so if you're someone who doesn't like the cold that's teaching you something about what else you don't like in life it's teaching you about your resistance to certain things I I don't know I mean I wonder if you could expand all that because I think that's a really interesting perspective the cold is a mirror oh yes the cold is a mirror it shows you how you physiologically not only also mentally spiritually or uh in in a lockdown when you go into the cold showers suddenly it locks down you you are paralyzed and it could be very much that it has got to do with a traumatic experience in the past that it has psychosomatically has set in and you think it is the cold I don't like the cold no you gotta solve something because that all trauma is coming to the surface when you take a cold trigger which takes away your normal conditioning you have to learn to let go and that learning to let go at that moment is so beautiful because very soon after you go into the culture suddenly you feel oh I can do this I can even say I can make a dance and wow and I feel so great yes that is the nature of trauma blockages it fears our uh our uh concept of of what uh uh what the call is it is a great way to get into the depth of who you are and what you are if you learn about the cold and you see you can learn to let go therein then suddenly you will see that you are ready for any stressor like you look in the mirror in the morning do I look right yes maybe this air a little bit this way and nice ah good yeah I'm ready so if you take the cold shower you are going to be ready for any kind of stress in the world and that could be soliciting for a job or get a big deal or a marriage or you want to ask you did your future wife would you please marry with all your Brilliance of being all that you got within the control because you learn to tap into the the the the fullness of your blood flow the fullness of being by going into the cold shower you break the conditioning and you step out into the fullness of your whole being and then suddenly the flow is there and that becomes one with who you are what you are in your Consciousness because in the end the Consciousness is that what they say still 16 we showed hundred percent hundred it's it's like like a little baby in your hands there's nothing wrong with the baby the fear the legs there's nothing wrong with the baby it's beautiful baby but it is still not able to walk it takes a little time to neurologically set it takes a little time to neurologically set the access and linking up into all the parts of our brain but that's the way nature meant us to be to learn to walk spiritually strong being brilliant and full bloom realized the soul as it is the purpose of our life that's a cold shower yeah that's a mirror I mean you might be able to see uh just behind me there in the war yeah they're already intrigued me I did Intrigue you yes so for people watching on YouTube uh there's I I talk to my kids a lot about this stuff and we do a bit of breathing together and I talk to him about my favorite Victor Frankl quotes and my daughter has summarized her there between stimulus and response is a space and in that space it's Choice that's her summary of what daddy's been teaching her wow and I thought about that in the context of the cold shower you're saying and I know breathing would come into this as well but these regular daily practices help you know help grow that space between stressor and response you make that space bigger right so you can actually start to choose the way you respond to the world rather than the world kind of you know making you almost a slave to it so you're just responding and reacting to everyone around you you start to be in control of your life exactly just over a year ago uh I have mentioned this on the podcast before I I went and did something called a swim run event where you uh you know you're in a wetsuit and and your trainers and you run in your wetsuit then you jump in the ocean you swim and then you get out and you run and then you swim I went and signed up for an event even though I'd never ever been in the ocean before to swim and you know maybe a hundred meters in I freaked out I was scared I had a panic attack it was cold it was you know it was in it was in the UK early on in the season so the ocean was still very cold I had never done it before and in that moment I you know I was scared now I did manage to overcome it and then complete the whole race which I was very very proud of um but that was cold exposure that was fear of never having been in the ocean before and I suspect now talking to you that had I let's say for two months prior to that taken a cold shower every day and done your breathing practice every day of course I'll never know but I suspect that maybe I wouldn't have reacted them that way maybe I would have been used to the cold maybe I would have had a tool to control my breath in that moment I mean what do you think yes I get people within two days even they they are 80 years of age and never have been in an ice bath and even with their heart problems like cardiac bypasses and uh yes and they tell me and uh to learn to have them at ease with feeling uh go into the ice bath breathe as I've taught him it's not difficult and they are able to stay within two days or even win in one day to stay like for two minutes in freezing ice water yeah and be completely in control and this is only showing the people of any age are actually innate Lee capacitated to meet their stressor and they it's built in only we are so conditioned and so conditioned in our mindset that we panic when we do not have our control anymore while our control should be over much more inside but we never got into that it's like the house only 16 of the house you think is yours no it's all the house there is much more to meet and the cold shows you could stay there in the water you completed it but it was at the cost of a sort of a panic moment and uh feeling uh painful uh maybe at that moment but you got through you got at that moment through your own conditioning that what otherwise you would not have survived but your conditioning got passed and then you let go and you could do it that's what you saw and so it is we have a limited con power through our conditioned brain and then uh we are in fear with that what possibly is able to happen in our lives like stresses of any kind emotional mental uh uh bacterial any kind of stressor because we are too much learned and schooled that we are not able to take on those stresses and I tell now the people the cold has shown me and the cold has shown me how to control these stress mechanisms inside my brain which makes me able to deal about with any kind of stress and in the end it is to get on my path to the realization of my soul and the purpose is to get through any kind of stressor coming to you in peace through observation contemplation toward the realization of my goal and that sounds far-fetched but here it is that is going to be the new paradigm where everybody is able to take on any stress and that's what we have to teach the people uh it is there guys we we found ways very accessible very effective and scientifically endorsed that enables you to take on uh the stress in your life much better because you will learn to have the control over the stress mechanisms inside of you and this was not before but now it's here when someone's underneath the cold water right first of all how cold does it need to be does it need to be cold enough to give them a shock is the first question then the second question just to be super practical you can have cold water over your head and you can tense up and last 10 or 15 seconds if you have to but that's going to be very different than if you have the cold water and you lean into it and you relax and you breathe so for people who feel inspired to go okay all right when I'm going to try and have a cold shower what is the minimum amount of time they need what is the temperature they need it to be and is there a difference with their tensed or whether they're relaxed and slow breathing exactly so first of all know that everybody is capacitated by nature by Birthright to go into this stressful uh natural environment called the cold so a cold shower is called a cold shower you are able to take on any any day that that's first one to know now if you're if you are in a vascular condition which has been alienated from going into the cold stress ever then of course you have to take it step by step but it goes very fast you begin with a a hot shower and then you get into the last 30 seconds of cold turn it to cold and then your uh your vascular system is very well able to in this case passively because you got into the heat of the hot shower then Pat it works like a sauna and then I have a cold dip it's passive because you got a lot of heat and so you are able to lose a lot of heat passively through taking on the cold shower that 30 seconds to begin with is activating igniting the memory cells or within you the genome expressions in the cell to adapt to the situation that's why the way the DNA works so in 30 seconds it's able to be activated to give this spark of neural activity that uh that initiates a different neural activity that directly influences into the vascular system the vascular system and the neurology are tied together and they know how to act and in the 30 seconds to begin with anybody can do that and from 30 seconds the other day you do 40 seconds 50 seconds up to two minutes in 10 days everybody is able to take for two minutes a cold shower two three minutes and at that point you are back at your natural condition of your vascular system is when you are able to get into say natural bodies of water like in the UK in winter time and and we are in the end mammals guys and it's great to feel the mammal inside because it's very powerful you know that mammals are very powerful in weather they sleep outside in rain and the cold and this and that see how far we got away from that yeah so once a day getting into a cold shower everybody is able to do and with that uh it's the outcome is tremendous is many books can be written just on the outcome of what a cold shower is doing physically mentally astrally spiritually uh uh emotionally it's all different bodies at work because it all relates to a great blood flow the transportation of ours the vascular system is being uptoned through the cold shower so so in the winter in the Netherlands if you were to go into a lake right a cold natural lake you're going to go with no wetsuits is that right oh yeah absolutely yeah wetsuits no and okay so I have no money for wetsuit so uh okay so look let's say then it's July now in the UK as we have this conversation right if I have a cold shower from now every day until winter yes right do you think I can in November or December whether here or whether I fly out to see you do you think I can also swim in a lake that's just super cold without a wetsuit yes always take it easy remember the breathing the breathing we haven't been talking about the breathing yet we're coming to that we'll get to that for sure yes so uh I say you think it's you think it's possible yes absolutely I train people within two days to do in incredible stuff and it's amazing because it's only two days what is that what is happening when people suddenly double their push-ups without breathing when they are suddenly able to do endurance feeds and they they thought of they could not do even the half of it and then within two days it doubles what is that and then going into the cold like freezing ice water how to do that and going yes within 25 minutes up to three minutes without air in the lungs yeah that is tapping into a greater potential within yourself and that is only the start that's only the beginning yeah so I want to get to the breath but just to finish off on the cold then if you don't mind um when they're in the cold shower do they then need to do anything with their breath or you know is is there something people should be trying to do or they just need to tolerate the code for as long as they can well yeah don't cramp up follow the breath don't cramp up don't cut or no contraction of your muscles you get what do you do is when you really feel cold and uh it's not cold right now guys the cold shower is good it's thermogenesis you are exercising the vascular system when you take a cold shower now that is great but in Winter you're gonna meet your true self within the elements of nature and that is a great experience and that for that we condition our vascular system and it always goes through long out breaths foreign this is the way you go into the cold shower and then the body is able not to get into Panic not into paranoia no it's able to adapt the thermogenesis is able to do what the body is able to do if you do this then the body is not able to do what the body is able to do and then can you build up from this into let's say if you have a bath in your house you can run a bath with cold water and then you can take a cold bath as well is that is that is that like a progression along the sort of oh yes oh yes yes absolutely and listen if you if you don't make it just take on one of my uh we have a free app you know we've built a app yeah that app is for free so it has all what you need yeah what's it called uh I don't know what's called but it's the Wim Hof method yeah.com and there is an app I never I used to add once I know together with my son and I have to say it works and I I took it on I was listening to myself I did the breathing and to get a a with my voice together with my son and we had a great time but yeah man I don't know how I got there it was my son who uh activated the app on the phone so I don't know exactly but it is for free in every month we make sure we we I don't know we pay about 10 000 Euros a month to am better the app and it's all for free so we want everybody to know this that health is that your choice that the breathing the cold exercises endorsed by signs are fully air fully exposed so there is no confusion about it it's very clear very effective very accessible and very powerful it really is so that's about the cold and the breathing yeah that's against the breathing yes let's go to breathing I mean before we do could we just say the code if all you do right is take a cold shower each day and you do nothing with your breath right even that I'm guessing will have some benefit but the benefit is magnified if you also do the breathing is that right absolutely absolutely here comes in the power of the Mind because once you learn to control your breath going into the cold shower you enter into changing a a a getting a hold on the stress upon the body through holding your breath to stay on with the breath and with that you only it's the beginning of getting into the stress mechanisms inside the brain wow and then the unlocking of the potential to neurologically control the stress mechanisms of your brain is beginning and it can go very fast can go very fast that you learn to control what you could not control in the past which then created fear instead of confidence now you will learn to have confidence because your brain now is able to be entered into these stress mechanisms to activate it whenever you need it it's like instead of uh being helpless suddenly you have a gun in your hand you are powerful you are powerful against the stressor coming in I'm I I'm not into war guys and uh I'm not a cowboy and I'm into peace and bringing peace is bringing a true confidence that you are able to uh uh to uh confront yourself with any kind of stressor is that is the way you bring peace to yourself because you are not on the watch out hey is it going to come oh oh oh my work over this all that all that you learn to pacify within to observe that's what the cult does and and the breathing together exponentially is a Stairway to the mind and that's what we have shown it's it's quite Mystic it was all very esoteric before and now it's gone and become very accessible and effective for people let me tell last little thing people who are doing mindfulness for years four hours a day cannot get as deep as we do when we get into this breathing technique inside of our brain so people doing four hours of mindfulness for years have been compared inside brain scans to the brain scans being uh taken people doing these breathing exercises these breathing exercises they bring you right into the depth of the mind and that is only the logic because breathing is the life force and you are able to stop it to manipulate it to slow it to accelerate and but thus you change the biochemistry not only all to the neural activity you are able to control and to enter into the deepest of yourself because you are the light you are neurology you are the nervous system it's all there and it's very simple within seven minutes we go deeper than somebody who is doing four hours of mindfulness for years so follow the breath the breath is amazing this is the way to enter into the brain to activate 100 of the neural activity and to change for the good the pH levels in the blood which is going into the brain so the biochemistry of the brain you are able to alter and then you are able consciously to enter into any part of your brain because your the neural activity needs the right biochemistry and we then the will is able to enter into any part of the brain and that is only logical and this is the new paradigm this is what we want to show to the people hey man you are the owner of your brain and the owner of your own emotions so be responsible be a happy person jolly good who is a jolly good fellow he is Angelica yeah Jolly every day and so yeah that's my answer no I love it so the breathing technique that I have done of yours in that Auditorium but also I did I did a couple of rounds this morning was that sort of 30 or 40 uh you know breaths in let out the breath and then hold that's a specific type of technique right where you are blowing off uh carbon dioxide which is the driver for us to breathe and so you know we're able to hold our breath that's quite stimulating right so I I've I did it this morning before breakfast um actually I I actually was drinking my coffee and actually reading your book and you were talking about it I thought I should actually do this I've not done it for a little while so I went into the garden actually uh because I thought you know it was a nice morning here in the UK the birds are singing I thought let me do it here and I did two rounds and I felt really energized afterwards it's almost like having a caffeinated drink or or a cold shower is this the kind of thing that you would recommend people do in the daytime in the morning but not before bed because it sort of gets you amped up or can this be used before bed as well oh yes oh yes that can be done yes because it uh resets the endocrine system right so and what do you want uh when the endocrine system is there you want to get rid of the cortisol of the existing cortisol uh remnants of it in the bloodstream which is impeding the melatonin to set in so uh what you do at that moment is uh Spike the adrenal axis this is what we do with this breathing exercise and then everything gets in order everything is a reset because what happens when you are in a dangerous situation you you need to be at full functionality that is nature so what nature does through these breathing exercises bring you to full functionality and your body knows it needs sleep and it uh and and then the Melatonin is able to uninhibit it uh do its work and you go to sleep or you take even a cold shower it's also to spike to his Spike the adrenal axis a moment and goes very fast down and with that the cortisol goes down it resets it all so uh the the recommendation is uh for the best is to do it on empty stomach in the morning but I if you are really stressed out in the evening because of this and that take the cold shower or do the breathing because it will pacify your hormonal system absolutely and I just just so we don't mislead anybody um these breathing these hyperventilation breathing certainly should not be done before going in the pool or or the sea no not not just on a sofa or in bed yeah if you want to learn to hold your breath and go under the water do free diving yeah free diving courses apnea courses and all that this is a strong medicine we are talking a strong medicine yeah and we are learning how to uh deal with the biochemistry through certain kinds of breathing exercises and don't mess with it under the water because then you get a different component to it and you are yet not in control of the breathing exercises what they do within the body so uh don't do them in a swimming pool or outside first get to know what this is all about on a sofa or in bed yeah and when you get good at this are we saying that you well it's not about getting good right it's about the practice it's about seeing where that leads you but once you start a regular practice of exposing yourself to cold every day of doing some of this breath work every day do you find that away from that let's say you were swimming that afternoon right you're hours away from the breath holds that you did in the morning that's those techniques are building up your resilience so you're better able to face the cult absolutely or is it that you you want to get to the stage where let's say you want to be in an ice bath for 10 minutes is the goal at some point in company to do it just before you get in or is that am I it's not about it's about are these separate things or can they become together well when I say with people who are into Endurance Sports and or uh fighting matches or anything that is stressful and where they have to be at full functionality I say breathe before do the breathing because it brings your pH level to the right uh to the right level uh uh 7.4 say and which is uh the residue the chemical biochemical residue which we normally have will up play itself uh when you exert your body and or you might uh and it will come from the lymphatic system which was considered to be a closed system we cannot enter because of the lymphatic knots and now we are able through these breathing techniques to cleanse the storage of a slightly acidic presence within us course by could be oxidative stress inflammation whatever it is the wrong biochemistry which you do not need at the moment when you are in to performing into performance so for those people who are going into performance or even just being alive and cleansed they I say do the breeding because then you enter into the lymphatic system past the lymphatic knots and this has been showing to get into the lymphatic system and cleanse whatever is acidic bring it to the right pH level which then when the performance is on it shows itself to be uh there is no resistance there is no soreness there's no acidity hey I can keep on going how come yeah that's what we do we cleanse the body before we go into performance and then your performance will be always better so if I was to run a marathon you would recommend how many rounds before you go and do that event uh you know how many four four rounds four ounce five rounds and then remember when you run always breathe more than you feel you need because through our conditioning we have a more or less shallow breathing shallow conditions breathing patterns and that is okay when we live normal Our Lives covered up destimulative Behavior it's all all right but when you exert your body then suddenly you have more oxygen flow from the depth needed so into the lymphatic into the mitochondria into the cells into the deep tissue you want to bring more oxygen so what I say to the people who are doing Endurance Sports and haven't got that condition I say hey breathe more than you feel you need must be more conscious about that breathing then you will see after 30 kilometers where normally there is a breakdown it's going down because the deep tissue is becoming very acidic and the biochemistry cannot be influenced anymore sorry you feel much lighter and you are able to keep on going why because during your uh uh exercise during the exertion you were bringing in more oxygen yet than you feel you need it pasture conditioning and that's what you need I want to be respectful of your time time then um there's you know I'd love to keep chatting but I don't know how long you've got for people who are listening I wonder if you have time to take me through around that I'll keep reading uh and see just so people can see it and they can feel it and then you know download your app get your book and actually learn how to do it okay and everybody seated being there listening all right relax a relaxed body is able to store up oxygen when you're tensed you're not so make sure you are relaxed okay here we are we have a belly we have a chest and they all connected to the lungs that's why I want to move you your belly when you inhale and then your chest fully and then you let go so full yet letting go fully letting go fully letting go be with your mind just with the breath fully letting go through here letting go fully and take him on Julia Let It Go you're holding back let's go fully Letting Go fully you become light-headed looming the body all alright tingling all is okay fully and letting go fully Let It Go keep on going fool here don't mind just go Julia Letting Go Hopefully letting go fully letting go Delight Forest coming in toxicizing all cells into death pause the lymphatic knots we are going in fully in Let It Go fully go ten more letting go Let It Go airport Let It Go ES Let It Go intensify anything that is different intensify let go of plastic conditioning fully air Let It Go three more letting go Let It Go [Music] here comes the last one Julia and Let It Go and stop after there exhalation relax Witness be oh be just be we have blown off the carbon dioxide we have changed the biochemistry within the blood there is nothing going on for the wrong the biochemistry is very pH High very alkaline and the body is able to do what the body is able to do you are The Alchemist you have changed the biochemistry to the top what now what happens is that the saturation of oxygen is going down while you are still alkaline this triggers the brainstem well being sort of high you feel high yet your body is in deep deep stress right now and thus the brain stem is at work the fight-or-flight fully in yeah okay take them fully in it'll hold and squeeze it to your hut is bringing this cerebrospinal fluid to the brainstorm three two one and Let It Go and you can let it go around God good this is to show the people everybody how to become The Alchemist how to get into the fight and flight mechanisms distress mechanisms we have been in deep stress you were longer than a minute without air in the lungs while you've been a quiet sort of high so you didn't experience stress yet your stress mechanisms were really activated and thus because you are doing this consciously you activate a neurological Pathways to distress mechanisms in the brain and whenever you need it out there when stress is coming to you your car you are like observing like you did right now in your breath and this is the mirror like the cold is the mirror take him on guys because you will be ready to take on any stressor in the world coming to you future is yours your happiness strength and health that is who you are happy lives thank you for taking me through this and what was yeah I didn't know that was over a minute um but then when I took that in-breath afterwards and held it really felt like I was accessing a different state of a sort of calm and that was not that was very different when I when I when I held on the inhale afterwards that felt incredible it really did amazing life is amazing let's take part of the amazingness of life every day yeah and then I've got to say this on the surface sounds like oh this is breath work or this is cold exposure but actually the more I hear you speak the more I read your book The more it's it sort of comes over me that this is not it's not really about breath work or it's not really about cold exposure it's about exactly finding yourself it's about really trying to dissolve the ego and actually figuring out who you are so I think it is incredibly spiritual at its core wow that is a great resume thank you very much and it's a great message everybody has so much more coming that is the future Paradigm let's Embrace happiness strength and health all of us because it is so bloody interesting to to enter in the full potential of your own mind and the beauty of the Soul it's awaiting yeah well then thank you so much for all the work you do I I very much hope that I can attend one of your courses one day I'll definitely come out very soon once we're allowed to travel again and and sort of have the freedom of movements um I I'm also interested that you seem to take people every September to to go kill them on gyro it's like how are you taking these people to do that without any training it's it's really incredible so maybe one day I'll join you on one of those Adventures um but good luck with everything have a fantastic summer and uh thank you very much for your time today you too around again all the love and understanding thank you press subscribe to get more inspiration and ideas on how to feel better so you can get more out of life and if you have a moment why not check out this conversation that I've picked out as a perfect follower
Channel: Dr Rangan Chatterjee
Views: 397,351
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Keywords: #feelbetterlivemore #drchatterjee #drchatterjee #feelbetterin5, feelbetterlivemore, drchatterje, feelbetterin5, wimhof, wimhofmethod, breathing, breath, coldshower, iceman, theiceman, mood, disease, human potential, performance, energy, breath hold, over breathing, cold water immersion, inflammation, stress
Id: MYp5NmlEpIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 52sec (4792 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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