Wim Hof on Mastering Your Breath, Body, and Mind with Lewis Howes

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welcome everyone back to the school of greatness podcast got a very special guest the legendary wim HOF the ice men house thank you thank you for being here you just put me through an incredible experience where I almost fainted and passed out a number of times but also felt completely free and in the zone throughout the entire time as well and feel like a I just came back from a week-long experience throwing a big event in Columbus Ohio and it was a lot of energy a lot of people came in from all over the world a lot of production behind the scenes and last night and this morning I felt very groggy and now I feel like cleansed fresh clean like energized I feel like I didn't have that so almost and podcast exactly the proof is in the pudding exactly you showed it you can show the techniques to you know by the podcast or to everybody yeah but we are going to explain and going into the depth right now it was amazing and before you go into it I'm curious to know you know I first heard about you about two years ago I believe it was there was a thing online called the ice bucket challenge I remember hearing about this yes yes the ALS ice bucket challenge yeah and a friend of mine named Aubrey Marcus he's the CEO of a company called on it and these good friends with Joe Rogan who I know you've been on his podcast he mentioned he was like there's this guy in somewhere in like the Netherlands or Amsterdam who's like consider under the water and ice bucket for old you know an hour or something two hours yeah two hours and it he goes so I'm gonna try to like figure out his techniques so I could do this ice bucket challenge and not feel cold and that's when I first heard about you and then I did a workout with Laird Hamilton about a year ago yeah for an hour and all we did was breathing this for an hour remember feeling man I gotta meet this guy this wim HOF guy and figure out how to learn this and how to share with my audience so first off how did you get into all this before we get into the science behind it and what you've actually done you've broken 27 World Records exact take six four very soon 27 very soon choice I aim for 30 30 okay nice number what's the what's the name a few of the world records so people know what they are like swimming under the ice on a in Finland Lapland beyond the Polar Circle in in wintertime and then breath-hold you go 50 60 70 80 meters once did hundred and 13 millimeters just breath-hold in shorts or run a marathon beyond the Polar Circle in shorts that's without training yes sir - 20-30 minutes 20 shorts yes five hour run yes and or climbing Kilimanjaro Mount Everest in shorts just sure and that's it that's the chalice average up till the Death Zone and they say your acid I could have done probably a lot more over there but I'm crazy I'm crazy but I'm not a fool how high is this hell I always listened it it's like 23,000 feet so you climb 23,000 feet yeah and shorts yes and actually no problem because he had to go at clamat eyes you had to go 10 times doing normal right yeah North Col up and down up and down up enough so became yeah it's just the product ation the adaptation and it's all about adaptation so I did without training marathons in the Beyonder Polar Circle as well is in the desert yeah because into both occasions it is temperature impact on the body and knowing how to deal with that hanging by one finger at one 1/2 kilometer in the winter time I mean in freezing temperatures and you lose always this control and within the hands because the blood retrieves and and just by one finger one half kilometer or up the air and yeah what else running standing in the ice for 2 hours barefoot running on on frozen surfaces and yeah you know all the many challenge and all these challenges in two hours sitting in ice do you feel cold or is it actually no you know if you're called as bi you translated into force and slurring how to deal from a force awakened within with the impact of the force on your body so I learned how to do that so and then you don't feel the force anymore you neutralize the force okay so and you know scientists get they saw this and they they saw actually a person doing impossible feat physiologically measured by scientific investigations research etc tells us we are a matter what he is doing is it's not possible so let's test him and I was tested in a physiological lab department somewhere in the university names and in the Netherlands I live in Amsterdam it was somewhere else in the Netherlands and they hooked me up with wires everywhere and took my blood while I was standing eighty minutes in ice one arrest eight zero yes hates zero minutes eighty one hour 20 minutes just going all the way up to the neck er yes up till the neck and they had my blood being drawn and they saw that the blood which later was exposed to a bacteria had zero reaction so no 'man immunological reaction on the bacteria and that means that's that's not possible normally well because the immune system creates this reactions which in a human creates fever headaches uncontrolled shivering all over and all that and this guy it's immune cells it doesn't it doesn't react hmm so that's a direct relationship with the immune system which could not be influenced and now show that it can be influenced so they saw that they saw also that B while I was in there my cool body temperature remained 37 degrees or throughout they saw also and that's very remarkable being motionless in front of the tank without being inside no trigger just standing taking blood being analyzed that blood because I knew I gotta go in so I programmed my body up till cell level apparently because there was 300 percent more metabolic activity hmm and that was in the blood without moving it's like you are running and it's only because your mind says I gotta go in there it programs the cell cell activity which you need to perform well that's the mind so and that here could be not only good for supporters who are into winning they learn to program this cell to create more cell activity yeah at will and that's very important that they know that and that they just focused instead of being I gotta do this yeah the power center and about my mortgage and my car and my wife and my a man and then at this all know just be there and show that you are the master within every cell of yours which then is able to create a lot more energy and with this breathing which you just did that combination makes it makes us the alchemists of our own body so I found that out but first I had to do all these 26 records and coming into picture and in the media and television and all and then science came in and now it has been proven that we as the first group in the world that the scientific history that the autonomic nervous system can be influenced deeply everybody can do this hmm everyone and you've had a lot of people go through workshops with who you where you've taken them in the water you've taken him up mountains who last January I had a man 76 years old no prior mountaineering experience and he climbs Kilimanjaro six kilometers in 44 hours Wow no problem 77 76 years old now 77 far it was just one month before having its following a birthday and he is really our it transforms a person curse it break it's like a rabbit one day before it dies it's still on it's still able to flee fight even mm-hmm you know all these primordial realities which is the five F's food freeze flight yeah no not go to go but then it's very a rabbit is able to do that a rabbit is a mammal but we are mammals a we got a mammalian physiology but we got our mind - yeah and we actually disturb a lot of our physiology throughout life because of uncontrolled stress now I brought this man back into learning to control his stress hormone and we have shown him back in the university people lying about controlled stress hormone producing more adrenaline lying in bed being high like you were right now more than somebody in fear going into its first bunker jump hmm you see what I mean yeah that's control over the hormonal system that actually distress is also able to block and to intervene with our physiological processes in the depth of our body and we have no control now we can retain regain control over the deepest not only of these physiology but also the brain right how often you practice this breathing strategy I mean there's lots of different strategies you have but how often you practice the one we just did with me I like to do with actually at this time this way not not too much not much but I week once a month whenever I feel ok years and years I saw all the lights and electricity and images and all that I can retrieve at any time right now I do a lot conscious breathing was that conscious breathing is during the day of course now I know it's learning to control the alkalinity the pH level within the body it's good for that and if you really have nasty matters issues in the tissues then you are able to like depression anxiety then you are able to tap in and you know that this one works right and it works we we are doing neurological brain research very soon and it's because they see this works if someone's feeling overwhelmed and stressed on a day-to-day basis and they can never feel to get rid of the stress they try to meditate they try to get massages they try to do all these other things but they don't try to breathe what's something they could do if they have a minute throughout the day a minute a minute or two you know four minutes four minutes okay four minutes I got a great exercise there overwhelm they're stressed or freaked out where later I'm gonna do this with you okay four minutes perfect AB do should I say it right now or we do it and then we talk about it we could do that but it's not so difficult okay I talk about what I just make you do really like so you know you're not relaxed because you're foolish stress mm-hmm but anyway I say just loosen up the body a little stand just mind your buddy for now just four minutes so shut up there just be and feel who you are you a guy you feel your feet on the ground your arms and that's it and now breathe in and let go should we stand up in there as a standing or is it say all right shall we do this let's stand up right here and keep the mics on yeah oh okay you do that work and you should be able to do push-ups okay cool we can do it too yeah we can make it work okay okay what we do right now is do make a physiological reset of the nervous system and to see a shape of the body is becoming better and it is no effort all right it feels like hey I can go on what's happening that's chemistry okay going into there and trying to serve better body and learning how to control stress a moan so if we are too stressed we got to go to the mechanism who is producing the stress and we have no control with this one you reset the stress hormone mechanism play the brain Stan okay within four minutes okay and after which you feel good because the connection is there and I'm not saying feeling is understanding mm-hmm okay there you go so standing that's ours gonna test it as well yeah yo yo did you might need to open the door and have space out there for you serve you in caffeine unless you can are you able to do push-ups over there I'll make it work okay we'll move the camera I'll make it work now you should be able to do yeah I'll be good to do that yeah I'll be fine you don't need to stand here for the camera okay time I wrote she's got it yep is it on okay I say now breathe it go breathe - honey it got a main together just go with the flow no minding just go you feel what you feel it's your breathing we are all sanitizing the body right now it's getting into all the cells not only the carbon dioxide is going down oxygen is getting in body becomes alkaline what do you need to perform you need alkalinity because of the Oxana jasion alkalinity comes in that's what you need for to perform now because you are so stressed you are not connected to the brain stem in the brain stamina is the directory of the hormonal system we will consciously go into a physiological state of not having oxygen because we're gonna do push-ups after exhalation that turns on the brainstem and resets whatever is causing distress the hormonal system the stress hormone adrenaline epinephrine cortisol and it is controlled it resets it okay yeah and you get a good figure out of it right you got already good figure okay no minding about that go on 50 14 let it go go into 30 get your mind on you know what the mind is able to do just get your mind off into the cell I do my best the best will come about and so no competition is just going into the death of the body and the brain 11 dead right take him in come on Louis and how lewis howes that's the way yeah it's fun - five four three two one here comes the last one pulling it let it go stop push-ups just go looking good no Aaron locks mind is resetting the old motor system is resetting there is no doubt amazing good good and relax this is the way to get into the depth of the brain the directory of stress hormone and all cells Wow Yemen it's the adrenal axis completely under control form in it how much did it take what know where the total with the breathing oh less than four minutes so anybody can do this gets a good figure resets the nervous system there were good push ups by the way yeah all the weight just yeah yeah I saw her I have a I broke my wrist playing football so I have to do one on the fist but wow yeah I did 35 and I can usually maybe do like oh no 20 you know without having to take a break and Wow yeah amazing it's good you know hey you we talked about stress uncontrolled stress for people who are living in stress had for them this is excellent because yeah it trains the body and it trains the brain to become consciously under your at will under your control because if you're if you're stressed out and you do this for four minutes I mean like I've got a sweat I've released any tension you can't think about anything else that's it it's a focus on yeah beating your record or trying to do as many as you can yes and yeah I wanted to see why you'd be stressed afterwards or at least you would be able to release a lot you test it out you will probably meet you know many people who were stressed and you know famous or strand a lot of responsibility pressure and all - creating a and just do the four minutes yeah you see the miracle of life and thing in front of you so you're breathing for four minutes or you breathe for three and a half and then you go yeah it's like two minutes to me or two and a half minutes okay cool and then you do that crazy yeah two minutes of breathing and then going push-ups and you got a nice figure out of it there you go and you stress hormone is directly under your control that's the way nature meant it to be by the way but we a lien a tit from nature so we don't know and then it runs into loops and we don't know how to break through just one breakthrough amazing how many can you do I don't know okay you never get stressed you don't have to do it I I do a lot when I what I want I regularily I do 50 but I did 180 is amazing and what we are able capable of doing is amazing just do it Wow incredible incredible why did you get into this and how did you get into this type of research and just testing for yourself in the first place you know every person has got his own his own search to do and I did my search I felt there is more I don't know what there's more but that creates a drive even though you do not know it creates a drive to get to know you become a so soul search and and then you come and stumble upon things many I visited many religions traditions cultures etc traded languages of disciplines esoteric disciplines yes philosophies etc oh but they never were really capable of making that connection which originated from that drive I there is more I don't know what it is and when there is more until I met the cold water the cold water made me is merciless but righteous it brings you direct in contact with a deeper part of your own physiology and the way nature meant it to be and then I knew from the inside this is it I don't know why but this is it it feels feeling good is being connected so the other day I came back and I felt to say from there I began to do it all winter long I mean winters he is no winter to me to me is freezing temperatures you know frozen waters making an OLE bang-bang-bang and getting in and it's sort of mystical and there I learned that if you breathe deeper in the water you are able to do so much more you know the impact of the water of the which is called its power its pores and you learn to breathe and then you learn that by deeper breathing you to learn to tune you're able suddenly to stay in the water force so much more only 25 of these breaths but you you were doing right now I was doing in the water and then I could stay for five six seven minutes under the ice your breathing under in the water and in the water yeah yes it's a deep breaths in the water you know oxygen you need for combustion combust energy so you'll learn to breathe deeper and then the body's chemistry is becoming stronger mm-hmm alkali and then it adapts to the situation really not only in the court altering the heat also Mount Everest also in any stressful situation so if we breathe that way like we just did or like what I did on the couch we should be able to feel fine in the extreme heat or extreme cold or extreme stressful situations yes it's all stress yeah and if we just regulate the chemistry inside then it's able to adapt to the impact and impact can be caused by yes heat but also by grief or somebody has a gun on your head mm-hmm that's stress absolutely yeah and a war mm-hmm sexual abuse I mean the sexual abuse and any stress is really relates itself to chemistry relate itself to force are we able to counteract on that yes we have a power to adapt to this situation and we can do that consciously and how just do this because it has been shown that it works now you wanted to get into the deepest best podcast ever mm-hmm that's what I want too so Prince get to the bottom of things okay and get into a new inside let's do it how I don't know but we adapt now mm-hmm and you have done the breathing yes up till now and now I want to demystify say the limits of the brain of the perception and how it's all here so I want to feel it mm-hmm I want to see it yeah and I mean to this brain research and I want to alter to show that it affects expanding consciousness expanding consciousness is associated the and connecting tubes within the brain becoming more changing your perception what is consciousness is perception but if you learn more your perception becomes wider that's expanding consciousness it relates into the brain that the neurology is connecting more but if you are sick or to stressful or to condition then it's not able to connect more thus you don't feel spirituality you know yeah it becomes dull because it begins to be a loop yeah how many times do you need to see from a loop enough to become dull you know it's logic sense so we have this capacity to get into the brain and to to connect consciously the oldest channels the neurology ganglia cells and or whatever they called but they connect and that spirituality and that spirituality should be D abstracted and become a way of life for everybody accessible we are going to show this so I'm here once again to spread my mission but also to learn of you hmm because I is your insides though as well right now right here your way of thinking and being your whatever you I'm I'm sharing but you are sharing too right so and we share this with everybody and very soon we will show that spirituality is a D abstract it needs a great feeling of love of channeling inside and it's growing nothing will become ever dull anymore hmm is that possible laddus challenge yes all times and we are into that I'm talking to professor Lieberman about it and he understands because he saw what I was doing and he he is doing himself and first we are going to tackle some of the biggest problems in the in the u.s. they say mental problems which is PTSD fair xiety trauma depression are we able to tackle that yes sir we are going into the brain and it's what we do right now I already feel right now mmm that I've learned of this situation here and talking to you straight because we're just investigators of the life it's the soul mmm we talk from the heart we are defenseless therein and that's because we did it all already we showed this macho thing and we get out of the way we want soon we will be not here anymore we want to find out everything there is and let it be the way nature mentor to me and this is why I'm here right arm I love it when I loved a lot what was the first test that you did how old were you when you first were like let me get exposed to water or to or to cold or to the breathing yeah it was in 2007 I was in New York doing a world record in the in front of the Rubin Museum of Art in Ryan I mean when was the first time in your life you started practicing all practicing 17 years old 17 yeah 17 and I found out you know already from 12 years old I was on through psychology Hinduism Buddhism and all that yes yeah that's something deep it's inside and it doesn't know what it is but it wants to know what it is so you dive into you you grave and you dig in and all kinds of traditions cultures and disciplines I did before and when I was 17 I got into this cold thing and then I will search it you know well if you have been looking and all kinds of things already you become a you know somebody who's searching for something researcher a researcher actually of the life but that you still didn't fight it but when you fight it you know what it that it is there so I found out there there that was back so from there on I built up I challenged my body more and more more more MORE and further I was very secluded because everybody told I was crazy and I'm still I still AM but that's about a lot but that was more accepted yes yes more accepted yes you could say that you have said but you need crazy people you need pioneers you need people who go beyond at all what we think because now we found out as the first group in the scientific history to be able to influence into the autonomic nervous system the immune system the endocrine system take possibly away depression fear trauma because those are the real terrorists did you grow up living in fear or trauma from anything I think so I think I never was satisfied with what was going on in the world and how that's a traumatic birth I'm relating to and I talk with my mother about it yet also a question about who's the most influential person in your life who was that that was my mother really why late because haha my mother's always are the most influential really because they they give you the tit they are they are there yeah and they care for you and even do days sometimes do not know they still care hmm without words here unconditional they are there what was the biggest lesson she taught you just to to be very and she always said hey don't be don't act crazy you were crazy enough already you're not following her advice really well I do I think right now she's she she passed away but she is very proud of what I do because I believe and she was a very Christian person very believing very religious and even do she didn't not know everything she was very religious very devote and I think I got this devotion that's going disciplined into a discipline anyhow with anything was there ever a time in your life where you lost belief in yourself whoa that many times I've encountered almost you know death and then I'm losing it how do you come back from that tougher experience yes yes how do you retrain your your body in your mind is believe in the next record the next adventure yeah actually very quick an example for example is the first time I had to do a racket with the Guinness World Records swimming under the eyes save 50 meters one hole here one hold air one meter of ice and then breath hold freezing waters beyond the Polar Circle situation and then the day before I had to do the actual record and went in I had no goggles on I lost a way because I lost a sight a got frozen the cornea the retina and I lost it I did hundred and thirteen meters you couldn't find a hole and I couldn't find it all my gosh I almost no I in the end I fainted it but I did not feel any agony and I felt actually quite peaceful after minutes and minutes are under the eye swimming you exhaust your body and I got is this narrowed vision boom just seeing that that's physiological Wow and then I went down swimming it was all okay was like I was swimming into the death unconsciousness and then somebody grabbed me a diver and he brought me back to the 50-meter Oh which are you kept going past the hole yeah yeah yeah completely off and they it was the rehearsal so the diver was are not underneath the ice he was still up there but hey I was or four minutes too much too long then they took me under the ice wow that's a moment so how did you come back from the how do you train your mind to believe in yourself again at that moment I actually had 100 I overcame the the fear of death and died there was no agony that's strange and that's past my perception of what I thought it was death you know hey and there is nobody wants to die is there maybe it's much more beautiful out there huh we're in the afterlife and now we got a live eye are not afraid to die I'm afraid not to live you know quotes and things but based on experience and so I really defied death and a fearful death over there not defying like I did it know what happened and I learned from it to take away my fear for death so and then the other day I only had to do fifty meters which was simplification couple butterfly kicks and you're there huh that's it came out happy yeah yeah number one I like it wreck it do you face fear now when you go into some extreme challenge or in any part of your life good question any part of their life because it's all about the life and actually no am i I'm a man on a mission no fears oh no no no not afraid of anything no kids no your life maybe my kid sometimes you know they are very aggressive yeah no no no no as a we are very living in a very good harmony very effective we get they all work with me no fear no I'm a man on a mission I want to take away fear you know irrational fears traumatic fears fears created because you do not handle mental issues nice grief emotion PTSD trauma depression those things we are going to tackle and somebody's got to do this and I should have no fear to accomplish that mmm you know a man on a mission should not think am in fear you should go and accomplish his mission yeah and be focused so there I am I feel feel like everybody because it's natural to mm-hm you feel fear failures or you said no no I fear I feel you fear like everybody but it doesn't hold you back from moving for absolutely not come on man it's a much too important if you got a child and your child is on the road and there is a car coming you're nothing for you you just go for your child and you're not thinking that's feeling I see it is time to prove that we all are able to become happy strong and healthy all of us so how do we start to overcome our fears by learning that we are able to control in the brain the directory of the brain that is the primitive brain the brain stem and that makes you able subconsciously to act or in any situation which is could come because subconsciously we feel we are not able to confront ourselves in any situation we got this fear it creates fear and that's logical now if you are able to learn to control any situation the way nature meant it to be and that is to have control over the primitive part of the brain then this field is subsiding and fears always there and say don't go if this is a an abbess don't go over there it will show right and if you respect that I will do here a one hand stand on abbis its border and but and not go over it you learn to control it sure why do you think it fears that one of the biggest things that holds us back in our lives from achieving our dreams and achieving the life we want why is it the thing we don't teach in school how to overcome but we teach everything else exactly exactly what we learn about you know geography mathematics and and language had all these say history and all these things but actually we should bring in today the subjects happiness strength and health that's why I created the school greatness oh because I didn't learn Russian school because I was yeah I was one of the worst students in my class look like Superman a man thanks yeah Hollywood is very near this is the reason why I started the podcast because there are so many things that I still want to learn I want to I want to journey myself to discover how to be my best self I think you're doing a good job thank you I can feel it thank you but I wish we were to learn these things in school I was there to taught us breathing meditation yes I overcome anxiety okay let's simplify back right now we are in the universitary in books full chapter on the immune system and then endocrine system you guys are yeah what is happiness that's hormones we do not know how to control our mood all all the time sometimes we are depressed or this or that to overstressed or this or whatever we have never learned in school how to control how to intervene in that what creates our mood and some related hormones so are we able to tap in deeper than ever thought before into the hormonal system which is the originator of our mood yes we are we have shown that endocrine systems in the university books it's already they're back based on dates blood results and and thousands of them so it's there what is strength strength is a adrenaline cortisol this is the way nature mentor to be in dangerous situations you need you strength for effectivity of the body the nervous system etc so have we a ability to tap into this hormonal system in the depth to create more adrenaline anytime we want and to create a control overall control in order for stress not to become stress yes we have we have shown this as I told you more allowing embed creating or producing more adrenaline than a person standing before its first body jump in fear hmm so that that says mood and that is power or strength and then you got a health are we able to tap into all the layers of the immune system yes we have shown that that may enable people 12 people from the scratch just in a couple of days to enter into the immune layers of the specific immune system and which means that is the deepest that is the t-cells the beater and what do you need to prevent from a bacteria to come in to have a direct contact with the T cells B cells the specific immune system before they thought it is not possible to tap into that it takes five to seven days you know like a flu mmm then suddenly it's over why because the specific immune system is triggered and it takes five to seven days but now in a quarter of our that should be a subject in any classroom to take on in the journey of life for every kid right so the hormonal system and the immune system which is related to moot power and health those should be subjects back do you ever get sick doing all this ice cold therapy stuff sometimes I get you know when I get a lot of responsibilities like bringing people like this 76 year old man up Kilimanjaro and not having no casualties and thanks then you take on a lot of psychic stress the energy yeah and it takes about a day that I feel when I when I'm home when mission is completed it takes a day and I got enough and then do some breathing and it's over like for for like a cold or like the flu or something yeah yeah sort of flu it's like just simply exhausted yeah yeah yeah but you never really get sick no no because you're always fine-tuning yourself and yeah I take it on I do what what i program my body to mazing what would you say for someone who has got a nasty cold or a flu that you know usually takes a week or two to kind of like it to get over how could they test do this breathing you think so huh yeah every single day that's what is shown in a comparative study because they create with a bacteria injecting flu like a severe flu-like symptoms and now within a quarter of hour it's all suppressed really yes amazing only for that they are already bang amazing what's the there's a quote you're probably you probably know it [Music] masterda breathe master your breathing and you have the strength of ten tigers or ten Lions have you ever heard this quote and we're like learn to master your breath and you have the power or the strength of ten tigers yes else you learn to I mean that's a different story to we're planning to do to some friends who are Messiah and they walk with lions they are able to go into the Lions dens and territory and the lines actually are afraid of them really how so twenty lines little kid twelve years Masai cubs and they go boom bang bang bang why because they go pass their fear they have control they tune they adapt and the breath they is easy it's not fast because of the anxiety you're not scared because when they are a bigger when you become scared and they know then a lion can smell you then you are in the line of the food pyramid you you're weak you should be gotten out of the of their life yes sir if you're in the woods survival of the fittest so if you're in the woods with a wolf or a bear or whatever someone's coming to attack you or how should you respond with the breath at ease like going into a stressful situation like you can measure it with ice water when I bring people live in one afternoon something like that no experience in the ice water ice water is like a knife if you have no experience yeah more even because the body is conditioned and it blocks well the force comes in and it needs to be counted and it's blocking from the inside and it's not able to get there then you feel the cold even like a knife but in one afternoon I bring them over there and I chest still just breathe and stay with the breath let the body do what it is able to do do not block just go with the breathing your mind is done in the breathing it's not blocking well with this conditioning of yours their conditioning is is the second nature is an attitude but it's also chemistry and it's it's fine if your work in a city but not in extreme situations then you need to full flow you need to learn to let go and at the moment when the Bears are coming to you then then you gotta go with the flow actually the bear if you are totally relaxed you won't do anything really yes have you ever experienced any type of wildlife attack no my stressful situation extreme all the Bears I don't know no polar bears no they just swim away from long Uman bears no I trained there you know big fighters too and the things they all become very at ease hmm I always tell that man I don't know how good you are I don't care how good you I'm going to make it better hmm so listen and together we get that do you do you when you get into ice-cold you prepare a certain amount of breathing before you go in and then it's during or is it just when you get in how do you like get your mind right if you're a beginner obviously you have you know you are a beginner then even just a cold shower you just like I'm like all choking before you get in cuz you know it's gonna cold why should someone prepare for that exactly yeah I got to know two things if [Music] if I go before I do a record our example measured then without moving I've already programmed myself I'm going to go into that ice and I need to perform and the body knows and it has been shown without moving blood been analysed three other percentage of the cell that is combustion that's Anna G and just because I watch tomorrow so if you begin to think oh it's gotta be go it's gonna what is Ruby what's your body a really cool what's your mind process like walk me through the minds their mind ten minutes before what are you thinking before you jump in yeah relax yeah you're you're about to go in I know now just breathing sometimes the East retention so she did when I approached I already got there you're fully relaxed I'm fully relaxed you know where I learned this I learned it by climbing without ropes without gear on ice or just on rock no on rock well rock and learn to just to read to rock I can do this and that means I'm in the mathematic so much that's a solution no that's the difficulty of the rock that's the texture this is the weather this is the pressure I feel it's all there automatically and I feel it old intuition intuition instinct and it makes a great measurement oh and then I see I read it and then there's no problem I go climb no minding just freely and I do it and that that it's there where I learned that we are able to program the body even in extreme conditions especially in extreme condition yeah it should be impeccable you should be able to to trust it completely so I learned to trust it and that and then the body is able to do so much more than we think we are full of fear and society because of what we have created we have created the world which is controlled but when we get out of there controlled world then suddenly it all becomes dangerous but it is not is this our nature is quite able to adapt to so much more and we have lost this and I I brought this now back and made it sort of beneficial by studies that we are able to tackle disease far more better and depression far more better than we ever thought before and those need to be the subjects in the in school absolutely what's your what's your morning routine look like breathing is always there you know conscious breathing right now I'm a man on a mission and I'm in every day I think about what do I got to do with the upcoming research and the research being done up till now is going to be published new studies on pain inflammation on the brain brain stem all these things are happening right now so I'm taking care of that it within myself minding done conscious breathing of course and what I need to do push-ups or stand on one hand or go into a cold water I think a January I got a new sort of goal I want to do Kilimanjaro six kilometers on barefoot and in 24 hours well let's go you know you said it and then once again I'm programming my body to from there forth yes it's conditioning by itself mm-hmm how important is setting a vision for yourself or for anyone how important is it to see the vision to see the goal well far in advance so you can prepare for it as opposed to just hoping it happens yes know that the power of the mind is so can be so strong I flirted now that whatever I think will become reality and my mission is not materialistic gained so much yeah of course I need to take care of my family mm-hmm and that's all done but how much can do you do you need money in materialistic things it's only up till a degree that it satisfies and that it makes you happy and then from there it's just green money grieving Momo Momo Momo Momo a fine not with me I like happiness strength and health so I got my mission and anything I'm thinking therein is is becoming reality so and sometimes I test it because I'm dealing with people I deal with a scientific establishment with the existent establishment of how to make money and industry and and all that and so I have to interact and learn how to reach my goals therein it's not only me it's receiving sanding and receiving sanding until I reach the gold what is my goal my goal is to this school of greatness hmm life is great man and that it is and now we have to bring the fundaments into our schooling system because we love our kids absolutely caring and sharing begins over there yeah it's not only about this the society and I think you know Baltimore I saw I just saw a documentary on Baltimore and they said it's a shame of America was something here all these the back here street they have no money no possibilities this and a day baquette into this loop and now they have begun to meditate on the school day with the kids and it has broken through this depressive state of being and I think that's great that's only meditation already is stop go and go within the limbic system yeah and take away the anxiety and live there because you know what happens if you if you don't do that the dominant neocortex brain our thinking brain is able to extract 25% more blood flow all the time so it's taken it from somewhere else that our it is the limbic system and the brainstem and thus the chemistry inside that brain is changing and logically if the chemistry changes no accessibility no be not being able to control o - and not feeling peaceful and the depth anymore it's all logic so a meditation is able we're possibly to break through Darwin and children are still very open to it and they recognize their the nature of our Maya and what should ask a question at the moment so have one ready but I'm writing a book about masculinity it's called the mask of masculinity well the things that hold men back from their true greatness and I'm curious to get your opinion and your idea about what masculinity means to you you're someone that people look up to as this you know adventurer this cot this guy who pushes the limits this you know they might have different thoughts about you because you do these extreme things for yourself they have a beautiful question so what do you think masculinity is I mean the macho thing you know I did it all I swam under the ice climbers you're unmerited without training hang by one finger and at many other things I have exhausted my muchness so but I'm still Dara I still want to a I want to be sane I want to be strong healthy and happy okay at my will so January I'm gonna do this stupid feet like a barefoot going up right Kilimanjaro but they're real the real value is and now the mature thing the masculinity is in achieving happiness for your children care caring and sharing as much as for I think you the masculinity is is being tested by how much love you are able to spread because if you do so you are the protector and that makes you a real man the protector of emotion of softness and being able to be for everybody Wow and how we do it you do it like this Louis house how like this the school of greatness how to bring the school of greatness now we are coming together here we are able to you know to bind these minds and bring it as a message as something new and it's happening happy and that is my idea of masculinity how much love are you able to protect for you for your loved war that's powerful do you feel like you still do you feel like you need to prove anything to yourself or to others by doing these feats or do you feel like it's more to show people what's possible yes I say I mean the strong edges are gone of that but would you say that was you in the past yes you didn't wanted to prove oh yeah yeah yeah I lost my wife for 95 mmm she suicided I stayed alone with four kids then you you just brokenhearted and society goes on like with the speed of over train and if you don't catch on you lose it you know uh but the kids made me like survive be strong every day present and nature cured me because going into nature and into the emotion so yeah I forgot the question so do you feel like you've you're you're not doing it to prove your your madness anymore you're doing a tube show people as possible yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right now yes and you know inspire by by showing it scientifically that everybody is able to do that it's taken away ignorance big time I think the the big devil is an ignorant and if we take it away than the love appears you know then there is no yeah you are able to program yourself you DNA yes we proved it you are able to control strength happiness and and health yes we we did it and now we are going to demystify what is expanding consciousness which is actually the natural state of our mind that's why we are born to feel the sense in depth of spirituality because it's love mmm your question more for the practical side of things or the breathing sometimes speaking for myself personally when you're already kind of at the peak of anxiety or anxious or stressed out it's hard to then say oh just relax and breathe because you're just so amped up already so what are some things that you can recognize either as you're kind of getting anxious or overwhelmed that stopped you to breathe or how yes you know uncontrolled stress hormone people have to notice uncontrolled stress hormone will culminate in anxiety out of control - if you do this breathing in the morning then all the day you're like alkaline hmm anxiety is because the acidity in the tissue is becoming too high and when a chemistry is wrong it gets out of your control the brain alters chemistry but it's not able to deal with it anymore with the amount of acid acidity in the tissue now if you do this breathing and we have shown this just in a completed study that people a people's pH level bag up 20 minutes sweetie I she's saying you're unable tennis fast yeah so you're unable to be stressed when your your levels that high is what you're saying yes yeah it's more resistant to stress stress it's almost eliminated from your body essentially it's the natural state of ours to be able to control stress but this one got out of line chemistry is wrong and we do not know how to take away that this wrong chemistry which is acidic in their tissue now if you do this in the morning you not only make it more alkaline and Dee and suddenly your stress hormone mechanism is within your control you can take a lot more and then what's they say I feel a lot better how because you changed at will your chemistry into the rival their natural one so five hours later they took the blood and they so high a pH level within 20 minutes and then five hours later they took it again they say it still saw it so this is a very effective way to prevent atrovent hmm and if they really got an attack of something psychosis or this or that or whatever just do the 4-minute exercise because it resets the nervous system nervous system is related to the directory of the hormonal system by brain stem and we do it because we exhaust at that moment at will the brain stems parameter for oxygen and at shooting bang adrenaline and a dream a bang reset the body to its most of effectivity the cold we use the qolt to see if you are able to remain calm that means unless internal yes that means that the eternal processes are within your control hmm so the cold is your mirror you gotta love it it's it's not [ __ ] freezing cold no it's a mirror and it shows you you are in your natural state and there you can handle anything other stress so it's a practice practice in the cold if you're fine there you should be able to be fine in the world yes interesting yeah I like it and just to repeat the question Sara was asking so that everyone can hear it was asking how do you understand when you're dealing with a lot of stress how to be aware of it and when was replying by preventing it by practicing it in the morning and your pH levels should be higher to be able to withstand the stress any person can show it by himself with a pH paper mmm what'd he do like that or what do you do was pee on it yes saliva or P has to be alive or P before after before they go the only other questions it's good right okay I want to ask this question you've done so many incredible things you've done so many things broken records you know every scientist wants to research you you know all these different things what's the thing that you've done either that we know of or we don't know of that you're the most proud of that's interesting you know every time you do something like that you go into it 100% so the intensity of the experience every time is big and then to make a difference I mean imagine six kilometers are high like a 20,000 feet and just in short or Mount Everest and suddenly there is no guide nobody and you're standing there there is a whiteout in a blizzard and you don't know the way you can't see the way it's just everything is white and then at that moment I just confronted myself you know you mind by it's all happening and you might your mind can do thousand shapes but I felt such a deep confidence such a deep peace overcoming me it's like wait when a person has got a baby you know the mother is get the baby okay that's mom but I experience because they've got five kids and every time when I had a baby then some at a certain moment engulfs a a sudden feeling of I want to protect that baby and it's taken over and there was a very deep moment and that's the way nature dealt with us to have the man take care because it's such a good feeling so he always wants to go and take and a thing like that happened as well there on Mount Everest and I got many situations but that's one and the intensity of when a feeling or overcomes you is bigger than your ego that your attitude that yeah that's really impressive hmm and then it took me three hours to just go follow my gut and sense and then I came at sector six hours of four hundred meters or you know higher up and I was received by Tivat ins in the tent and they did not look even up man in shorts in a blizzard coming out of it coming in they thought I was a sort of a pilgrim or so yeah God's gracious yeah cuz they're all bundled up in here yeah insurance yeah that must have been a funny sight yeah and you're just walking around like hey guys hey I actually felt good I overcame myself Wow impressive life is impressive what is um something you want to make sure you do accomplish before your last day to live fully all the days before that's the open word but I want to prove and get it into the schools that greatness is actually the natural state of our mind every day and as long as this wonder of life is not experienced as such we have to go and cool the people and bring it to science that's cool too people bring it to bring it to science and show that spirituality actually is the normal very sane state of the mind way nature matter to me yeah so I will keep on try to make sure at least to take away fear anxiety depression but a whole lot of diseases and then show that the course is actually within us and that we need to change a little bit the consciousness and that it is there I'm just advocating happiness strength in health and for that I say it's there yeah absolutely do you think we can reverse disease through breathing and mindset yes yes I do think and I want to show this and I'm already showing this mmm well we got a big community of people and we see wonders every day like people with aroma to eat arthritis sorry they don't need pills and really all people with depression after 10 years they said within a couple of weeks they don't need pills anymore and they control themselves or Crohn's disease or even cancer but I its those are cases this is yet not scientific proven yeah or proven yes so but I'm into the studies now yes and they are doing this people universities do I supervise but they already do independent amazing of me study sure in all this amazing because they see it works but they have to know how it works and translate it into the reduction is there a way science is amazing numbers Vegas Blanc results I believe a lot I mean you know I've been taught mind over matter my whole life from the religion that I grew up in although I'm no longer practicing it per se but it was a lot of you know matter is not real it's all an idea everything is an idea and we give it meaning we give it feeling the matter yeah yeah I was always trained that mentally quite develop done that I was how did you a paries did it my father yeah I was raised in this religion Christian Science and it was always told me liked it could never be any accident any physical harm you're an idea you're a perfect idea and there could never be a harm to an idea so I was just trained mentally that I can never be physically harmed over and over and over again are you saying the same as I do actually that we are able to program the cell to do about a lot more than we think hmm so he did it this way but by your belief yes hey we are analyzing it and saying hey there's a we are an idea we are actually not physical matter but we attract matter yes by our idea and so if your idea hi enough and you follow it consequently her matter will not be able to get in and cluster and costing your coalition's good dad yeah yeah yeah some good stuff yeah yeah I want to ask a few final questions this has been fascinating so I appreciate your time here yeah I love it yeah I'd love to have you come back on sometime I love you I love you I love your spirit I appreciate it thanks yeah I know your energy I felt it it's good I appreciate it appreciate it this is a question I call I ask everyone at the end called the three truths okay so it's your last day many many years from now here on this earth and you get to write down three final truths three things you know to be true about all the experiences you've had that you would pass on these three lessons to your friends family in the world and this is all they could have to remember you by these three truths what would you say you would share and right there don't cry over me live the life be happy ever after simple active it is simple and I think it's effective because I've been thinking about this you know what should you get a give if you love your children you don't want to give very grief you give them while they live the right tools to become happy strong and healthy hmm that's love so under ass if I partner and I did my job man let me leave me alone it's okay I have my rest I think the afterlife is even better hmm we just need to worry while this life is going on that we live to the utmost though that we are it's a different time different the measure yes and you know these people take us kind things and all there is and people who almost death experiences so angels the tunnel of the light and this and that and they ever come back they are transformed they became softer like there is more and with that more he said they love it more they accept everything more and then when that death comes they have no fear they we know there is more mm-hmm that's cool I wanna acknowledge you for a moment women for your incredible spirit and your energy your passion for life I don't think I've met another man like you who is so well something who's so driven to coming from it yeah who's so full of life full of energy who constantly pushes the human boundaries of what's possible both physically and mentally and emotionally and who's in full service your body and your mind to teach others doesn't matter what happens you're in fully address your full service to the world yes to heal the world yes you too yes you recognize it yeah that's the masculinity all about again bringing love into this room we protect our akin so you protect and that's what it is caring and sharing right and let's have a big family exactly won't acknowledge you for the incredible gifts you are it's pretty amazing oh great it's amazing yes um one final question yes before asking or Tecmo occurs okay well before I ask I like target of a voice the final question or the final couple I want to make sure everyone gets signs up for your programs wim HOF method correct we're gonna have a special code here that I'm going to share with people in a moment and I'll tell them where to go to get it but make sure everyone listening and watching you go get this right now if you want to have any access to this power that women have and this understanding and awareness in these tools that he's developed go get it ASAP again I'll have the link ready for you guys it's worth Wow it's a hundred percent worth while there's also some free videos that people can go sign up for so I'll have all that linked up where they can go get it I would do it differ there you go feeling as understanding if you feel good now you take on the other way there you go so I'll link you guys up there'll be some type of discount for you guys and do whatever it takes to get it or right now I'm telling you to be amazing so any final question for you before ask mine that feeling that you felt like that euphoria that that is not what you're necessarily searching for in the moment after breathing it's just the after-effects of hey while you do it do you have a nice time yeah yeah so the aporia is nice is because the body is cleaning up at feels good it's cleansing you got a dirty room as it run you're looking at it for days Sally you begin to clean up and it feels good yeah oh absolutely not no no no no you get absolute results once again where you can use a pH paper to test and you can test it by yourself yes and you know what you got nowadays maybe apps on the computer to do brain wave mm-hmm and then you get the theater Delta Gamma we already a show that we get into these states that means not only that we get more control over our brainwaves and the depth of the brain we know now then that it is related with the right chemistry people that were freaking nature yeah say why did it take so long for science to kind of catch up and to see that why was Galileo banned from the church when he said that the Sun is in the middle of the universe our universe and not the earth because it is the power establishment and if I say found out that a natural method that the people actually if they get into the schools and everything are able to access into their physiology far deeper than ever thought before damn man you take away industries a lot of power right you know it doesn't stop me i I just say hey there is because we showed it I think there is we are we are getting there it's time now that's why things like this happened he understands me I understand him we understand actually the same and we are looking beyond the existent way of thinking we are explorers of course there is more and there is also a bottom in it but we haven't reached the bottom because we can reach the bottom for us and we go and go deeper in our physiology and the way we think but now how about those who have fear and and are not happy and they don't know they how about you know the killer in the u.s. number one it's not depression it's a it's arteriosclerosis sclerosis is a chemistry it's cow a calcium you know getting into the veins just a practical thing it's killer number one I don't know how many it's number one at a serial killer that's a terrorist so now we found out we're together with some doctors that were what we do with this breathing brings down the calcification in the veins in the arteries that's tackling serial killer number one of America are they doing something with it how much is the cost of a person who is and cancer cancers 200,000 euros or two hundred thousand dollars a year a person I don't want to take that away I mean that those are different realities I believe in whatever benefits human mankind is legal to go for without fear but the reality is still there and we have to go to the bottom to make to make it accessible for everybody every mother every yeah every person yeah final question for you yes what's your definition of greatness life this this is my definition of greatness life and get get to the Explorer without fear then and then we all become Indiana Joneses mm-hmm there you go I would say a cult Lewis huh a host and wim HOF but go Annie Annie can do it yeah life is an adventure and let's explore that's opening up the mind for more the legend wow thanks right on appreciate you yeah beautiful appreciate it thanks thanks hey guys thanks so much for watching this video I really appreciate it and if you enjoyed this video then make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel you can do that by clicking right here to subscribe because each week we come out with awesome epic and inspiring interviews and messages and videos just for you so click Subscribe right here to get notified of new videos every week also if you enjoyed this specific interview we've got a lot of great interviews like this that are uplifting and inspiring so click right here to watch the previous interviews because the people I've had on are pretty cool and epic as well so click here to watch previous interviews click here to subscribe I love you guys and I'll see you very soon
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 992,509
Rating: 4.9170947 out of 5
Keywords: lewis howes, wim hof, the school of greatness, AUDIO PODCAST, 397, breathing techniques, entrepreneurs, success, summit, interview, method, breathing, vice, cold shower, iceman, everest, science, pushups, world record, documentary, film, independent, exclusive, mind, body, health, fitness, train your body, stress, reliever, swimming, arctic, cold, weather, wild man
Id: c7MseR-eDkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 39sec (5019 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2016
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