Wim Hof | Cambridge Union

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you all for coming it's so lovely to see so many of you here especially with exams starting um so it's my pleasure to introduce Wim Hof today um when half also known as the iceman has come to push the boundaries of human resilience his unique method has been developed over the years of personal experience the Wim Hof method which combines specialized breathing techniques cold exposure and resilience mindset through this he has completed some superhuman Fates climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and just shorts um running a full marathon in the desert without drinking any water and withstanding extreme cold exposure the mental and physical limits here has pushed with this method have piqued interest in the scientific community and hopefully ongoing studies will reveal more about the benefits of the Wim Hulk method so it's an absolute joy and I'm personally very excited to welcome him off to the union so when you started exploring cold exposure at a very young age and can you share your personal Journey from where it all began and the experiences that led you to developing the Wim Hof method um there is about I was 12. 12 years guys hey guys 12 years and don't mess with the 12 year old you know don't underestimate it 12 year old because I was talking to my friends also 12 year you know that age are you think of girls that is I'm not going to talk about sex but 12 years so 12 years I'm talking to my friends that I say they think War pollution disease depression toxic Darkness uh is all normal and I think it is sick I'm going to do something about it what I do not do hey close door yes good so I can hear myself but no no no no it was not you it was the door okay look the Sixth Sense is already working six and seven cents eight cents you ever heard about the eighth cents and the seventh and The Sixth Sense yes sex sounds maybe also but six cents seven cents eight cents and they thought in science neuroscience and psychiatric science they thought of that cannot be controlled willfully by humans and I just showed how but that's for later I was 12 years old and there yeah I think it is sick that the world still thinks and gets away with the mindset that is able to accept an order where we as parents are not able to guarantee happiness strength and health to our children like hundred percent while we have all the tools and the mechanisms inside the systems the physiology to control our happiness the endocrine system the health the immune system and their strength their energy systems in the cell we I showed it all I'm a drop out of school guys but I got my belief and it started when I was 12. and there I said to myself and I said to the guys I don't know how to make this change this cruelty War disease depression Darkness etc etc all that they think it is normal I think just that it is sick I'm gonna do something about it and how and what I don't know and then the philosophy came look at and the bear too [Music] thank you cheers guys [Applause] by the way I'm the Iceman so it's 0.0 it's also a little bit fresh it's not really icy cold but it's fresh zero points now another thing is four years ago I stopped the alcohol but just before that I was in Poland and there was a I did questions and answers and the guy was asking me when but you are drinking a beer and that intoxicates and uh why do you do this he said I'm not a Puritan I'm not a Puritan and by the way I call it yellow water until I take I got my control hey breathe [ __ ] that's cool there he is ah I told him and he kept on with this intoxication and that it is morally yeah what do you why do you do this I got my control and you know what I'm gonna show it to you half hour later in a half hour I'm gonna stand like this barefoot outside in the snow for three hours he said wow yeah are you going to do it yes but first you need to get me a beer yellow water he did that little hypocrite but uh no it's it's you know I'm a little bit free with my words and things but it was the 12 year old and he took on the journey imagine a 12 year old tries to find out how to change the world how to stop cruelty pollution abuse depression disease all that that is of course uh stupid and ridiculous isn't it power of the spirit is amazing and that door is also amazing keep some banging you know banging that's another thing so when I was 17 I already had red psychology uh Hinduism into Buddhism esoteric disciplines I did a lot I walk my talk I get 26 World Records outside because that's my nature I challenged my body and my mind outside the nature where people say this is impossible this is yeah deadly the irresponsible and all and I still do it because I follow my feeling and my feeling is saying there is more than meets the eye there is more than what I can think I can feel it I followed that when I was 17 I walked in a Sunday morning outside in the park and uh I just felt this gut like attraction to go into the icy water with the very thin layer of eyes and water I looked around there was nobody around Sunday morning everybody sleeping I was pondering my mind and there I followed my feeling and I stripped myself off clothes and I slipped into the water before I knew I was playing with the ice and I did not feel that concept that it is icy cold and this is dangerous no it was just being the being that and that brought a connection deeply within unconditionally that this is it what I was looking for without words so I took that and the whole day from there was I had a rush that's why I say nowadays get high on your own Supply you don't need to be here I loved it oh by the way they said times that I drink beer I smoked I did it all but I did it also who had 26 World Records so I did it all man all what was forbidden by God and the church and this and that I did it not perverted by the way I think your life is just beautiful in all its ways and we have organs everywhere in our pants outside of our pants and I use them all but that's beside you I got six children love them all my oldest is 40 my youngest is five still thinking about another one but okay that's I'm drifting away so it was 17 I started to feeling this feeling this Rush all day long the other day I went back to see if this feeling was still there going into the icy water and it was and that is 46 years ago since then I'm doing it like every day it's just part of my life and it made me not sick well everybody was saying hey this is a this man this is going into ice he wanna when nobody was doing that [ __ ] nobody was doing this these these things like a little bit of yoga and you know whatever is that nobody was into it nobody was into vegetarianism I was I wanted to see what was outside of the box of where we were put in to that paradigm and I followed my feeling and I felt so good they can tell me I'm a donkey or stupid and this and that doing what I'm doing that I'm strange you know but if I feel so damn good I just believe it and feel it and follow it make me quite a stranger and feeling alone but I had my faith because I remembered always the 12 year old saying I don't know how to do it I just do it not thinking about it doing it and that's exactly what the cold water opens up in US in the deep brain where there is the doing past our comfort is real power and it took me 25 years of practicing on my own very secluded away from everybody till I found a person who was into the newspaper they made it an article of people doing um professions outside in winter time and then uh they came to me and then they saw me doing every day going into the icy water and putting two legs here there so so flexible and completely contrary of what people thought that called is doing or inflicting upon a person and uh and then television came and then Discovery Channel and National Geographic and blah blah the whole thing but 25 years since that 17 year Discovery when I was 17 years I did it on my own very secluded because I was a outcast kind of being alone but I felt too good strong never sick never sick so all that preceded that moment where television came in then National geographicam Discovery Channel and they if you think I'm crazy television is crazy began to challenge me and I could do it all yeah I I could do it until a moment wherein I uh I thought to him you can come up with some crazy other stunt like going in a Tanga uh up Mount Everest uh backwards on my hands handstand you know I had done it all I had swamp big distances under the eyes I had run a full marathon without drinking in the Nami desert hanging by one finger in midwinter when the dexterity of the hands a loosening grip I did it up there in the air between two hot air balloons crazy stuff running marathons yes and staying in the ice for two hours and every time they invited me I would break the world record with one minute I could do it here like for one hour more but who is stupid I get to I get invited anywhere in the world to break the world record again then New York Paris here in London and uh yeah Shanghai in Beijing everywhere in the world it was my free ticket out I had no money but in this way I was being treated by like a VIP I'm I'm maybe crazy but I'm not an idiot guys I fought myself on Mount Everest in the death zone in my shorts and that was three months later when I had run a half marathon Barefoot Beyond a Polish Circle in mid-January and they even self-inflicted caused self-inflicted called injury I'm I'm sorry but you know you just pushed me and I'm gone you know it's great it's great I'll come back after this yes the thing is there was a professor after I self-inflicted cold injury I had and they said this uh four foot that was dead like if you get into the uh below zero degrees on your skin for say a half hour three quarters of hour you can cause a rapperable cell damage yes die and then you get me closes it dies because it's not alive the cells are killed yes and then it takes three to four months to become necrosis like that tissue and then they have to cut it away is what the professor said loud and clear you see this is a self-inflicted and here's the irreparable you can't turn this back anymore in this Dead come back he gave me a box full of medicines and Band-Aids and all he gave that to me and I was there in the night [ __ ] of a fully band ate it because something happened here that was real after 18 kilometers beyond the Polish circle with deep freezing temperatures and me running around first time kilometers was like I was joking and this and that but I said well hey I can't feel my feet anymore what is this I kept on going 18 kilometers say man where's my food yeah but I I fulfilled a half marathon but self-inflicted cold injury was there and the professor said irreparable and he gave me that box and then that night he began to walk through the room at one o'clock and uh because I already had set out to go climb Mount Everest in my shorts I had already risen like 250 000 pounds or Euros around the same a little bit more yeah but there was a whole lot of money for me that's how data but now it's less there you are with that dilemma all the sponsors are already gave in and there I am with my irreparable damage being being told by a professor an authority in cold physiology and how that all happens with the skin dermatologist at herb and all that with the whole box and then at that moment I got this Epiphany like I call it always ping you think of something and the solution comes if you only dare to go out into the unknown don't be afraid of the unknown guys because there are answers who pertain to your spirit to your soul not in straight lines even if you are in front of exams by the way if you do exams I'll get back to the cold injury Etc and or to the death zone where I was you know on the Mount Everest with still my food and blah blah but if you do exams guys do this breathing because a month ago I did a neuroscientific comparative study with hundred students with the University of Rotterdam Erasmus and Penn State University America cooperation and they do it with the blinking of I which is involuntarily it's autonomous so when you they do task performance and then it comes I don't know I didn't even know them but it's a it's in a a well-used experimental model and and then he he sent me the result when I did the breathing with these people so a part did not do the breathing control grouped you know the group that get [ __ ] up the ones who do with the little and the ones who do it big time and then you see the graphics that the ones who do it big time they have no stress and thus they are cognitive ability goes way up so if you are into exams and I got the proof it's already there not yet published but I tell you there you better believe me come on or you like your stress by the way I last time I was at the in the Khan film festival they make a Hollywood film about my life imagine hey I know it's happening but the thing is after the dinner which I by the way did not like you know it's human I I had these people outside in front in Khan and these little tables outside people francese and I said let's do an exercise 11 of them or 10 or 11. and they said you gotta go and then stand with a Lex erect go down you go down go down go down go down and then when you feel this stress bless the stress move your ass imagine that with all these people they are sitting it was nice you know you think what a crazy guy yeah so but then who is crazy this professor and Authority telling me that I had self-inflicted cold injury causing a death tissue to come in three to four months and had to use all the medicines a big box like this man I never used it I just brought it back to the pharmacy and I started with that ping that moment of epiphany hey I'm gonna instead of keeping it dry as the professor said the rheumatologist Professor I'm gonna put full grease cow bomb over it I'm gonna heal myself took me a month guys to heal it to heal it Beyond being irreparable and whatever the professor said it was gone and I care I began self-healing yeah it's good do you have to take off your shoes we have to see it I just joking man wait a minute yes three months later I was in the Death Zone on Mount Everest in my shorts because I had no clue money for clothes but imagine what you encounter when you yeah when you are there and you do something that has never been done I've been doing that so many times that I found to trust that there is more than meets the eye and as long as there is disease and cruelty and Wars we have to explore what is outside our control because we have none or mediocre control inside so I was there on the uh in the death zone looking around there was the top look is the table of the world or the roof of the world and you can see it all but I feel that my inner workings of the veins the the the the vascular system in in the food is not working well and when you go into the extremes then there is much less oxygen in the air and your feet need oxygen uptake insight and they close and they open but my feet were still from the inside not flexible enough now they are back on but back then not and once again I am crazy about life and my wife but not an idiot all the world was watching me doing the whole world of alpinism say ah Eternal Fame is gonna hit you when you get to the top in your shorts and amazing I said [ __ ] it I go down that's it not going to lose my foot because of some abstract Fame thing Hollywood now I know they make a film as a Hollywood film from Hollywood I'm gonna make it Hollywood because I use the film to show that we as humans are able to do the so-called impossible The Impossible the autonomous nervous system was considered to be impossibly to access voluntarily into that doesn't make sense even of a Dutch man a little bit Dutchy English sometimes but it doesn't matter the you get my drift the autonomous nervous system was considered to be a impenetrable you could not go with your willful control into the autonomous nervous system neither into the innate immune system inflammation inflammation is the cause and effect of any disease and now in 2014 that little Seeker their 12 year old that spirit had found a way what was considered to be impossible that faith he pertained to he kept on going because he felt so good with it he felt connection inside I'm so sorry no honestly that Faith had grown past existence Paradigm where we are all caught up in and therefore we still have cancer out immune diseases depression Darkness Wars and we apparently cannot do anything about it I healed so many people drop out I'm not a doctor I'm not a professor I'm better yeah I'm confident I learned that by climbing without gear I read The Rock if you see my feel my subconscious I see the rock which in a half hour is going to fall my subconscious knows they make those calculations past time and space learned that [ __ ] all day outside no fear little beer yellow water standing for three hours like a rock outside barefoot in the snow so many challenges and now we are showing that naturally we can beat disease and recently I showed once again in brain scans that I'm able to activate what they thought of impossible inside the brain the autonomous functioning of the brain autonomous means outside of our will now it's inside our world this is what they say in science scientifically published oh they say now we have the compelling evidence listen well now we have the compelling evidence of the key components of the autonomous processes in the brain related to mood regulation that's emotion guys an emotion is the expression of our soul and if we are abled to rectify to take away the darkness the depression the bad mood and get confidence and trust and get empathy going strong then we are able to pass it on to our children and we have those keys now found because of that 12 year old care that held his Spirit cool strong innocent all along here I am together we are sharing questions and answers will come and I just run off the way and I'm so sorry again but this is the way I am you get what you see but there is more than meets the eye okay let that be an answer now thank you I think we're all quite mesmerized and you've touched on a lot of what I was already going to ask you anyway and I do want uh a chance to make this interactive before we open up the floor to audience so I was wondering if you could walk us all through a breathing exercise first oh yes try yes okay if being anytime anytime you something stressful will come into your life in a day during the day last year I had the BBC series 12 episodes and there was only one week to do it we were a whole month but stupid covert Corona came in and I messed up the whole schedule and then only one week was uh over to do 12 episodes there and that's a lot of stress because 200 people were focused on me doing the uh being the Santa the Iceman freeze the fear and I had to guide the people to get through their traumas and to the deepest blockages and fears and all with 13 huge cameras upon me and then you have to perform as if nothing you know very intimate so there I breathe like a [ __ ] every morning and it went to stupendo stupendous yes as to Pandora stupendous they're all good as stupendium is there also a sort of a Latin name and uh scientific world thing yes let's do this breathing don't forget Abba when you have stress the Blessed distress move your eyes no do this breathing this showed in 2014 guys to get into the autonomous nervous system do you want to go into the autonomous nervous system now okay cook we all got to go 100 seconds after exhalation we repent from breathing don't breathe anymore it's the biggest stressor is not breathing it's like dieting but you don't die only the half data [Music] be focused move with your mind [Music] let the breath speak [Music] goes deep deeper than your thoughts are able grasp that's where we go do you have a belly you have a chest it's all connected to the lung muscles so use your belly use your chest there they go let your mind follow your breath there they go back [Music] [Applause] [Music] Let It Go All In there let's go post conditioned mind and body move it [Music] on it Let It Go LLY very good morning this is what we did in 2013. I chose the scientific medical world that bacteria and virus can be surprised just by using the life [Music] for going past our condition to fight and body stress [Music] your joke life is a joke I am here [Music] pull in there [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] just be [Music] bringing down carbon dioxide there's acidity in the blood we brought it very much down the breathing trigger is not there everybody is very alkaline it's been shown in science [Music] there is no Agony I'm not breathing I have no air in my long sense it's not happening who are the Alchemists who are the Alchemy by which the body becomes alkaline and suddenly now with your mind you are able to go even to the level of the genetics [Music] therefore the purpose to release activated anxious traumatic spirits inside our genetical codes hereditary past our ancestors our being here faced and fear because we had no control yet now it is here and still one minute twenty still most of you are without breathing and more [Music] already proved my point geology [Music] more than meets the eye hold it squeeze it to your head that is cerebral's final fluid going into the deep brain [Music] give it opioids cannabinoids [Music] that [Music] easy easy duck we do another round we go for two minutes 15. another round to a two minutes 45 three minutes then I'll stop because then most of you are dead I saw things happening in my oldest participant is 101 year old he loves it he told his sister 99 years it's all real and so simple it's like you look for your kid all the where is it where oh [ __ ] there he is not in my pocket but real is real it's 2014 we changed signs fundamentally by doing this how simple and take the damn cold shower every day keeps the doctor away even the doctor is doing it yeah cardiovascular related diseases killer number one in our society you don't hear of it but how to tackle it naturally cold shower does it very soon here in Britain four and a half million people now go into natural bodies of water during the winter you know what happens they do not become sick no more why because their adrenal axis resets their body and the immune system which is composed by 1600 types of cells are very alert so bacteria and virus are not able to get in because their nature is innately primordially devoted they feel bloody great okay don't miss breathing [Applause] thank you thank you so much yeah I I think honestly um I know the audience there are a lot of people in here and I know everyone's going to be Keen to ask questions so I'm going to open it up to if anybody in the audience has any questions please raise your hand um go round that is one hand hey oh two three okay do you want to yes well first of all it's amazing to meet you when you've been a big inspiration for me five years of cold showers now um haven't got sick maybe one time a little bit I paid him five hundred dollars to uh not pounds so you didn't see it you know yeah that's stupid so my question for you is um a couple years ago I posted a video on YouTube explaining why people should have cold showers and it blew up and as well mostly it was kind of a positive reception but I also received what I would describe as like an onslaught of hate from people saying that they like oh you can't take my warm showers away from me and like I'll do what I want and it feels nice so I'm wondering what would you say to those people who struggle to um take the first step in delaying gratification and suffering in the short term for long term better all right tell them that I love the heat I hate the cold but the therapeutical power of the cold is just too amazing not to take on so if you don't take it on it's okay because this is not a religion this is not a Dogma this is a catma not a Dogma you know you know make fun out of it is simply turn back to the facts to the reality in our society hundreds and millions of people in the west they suffer from low quality of life because their blood flow inside is being pushed by a heart which needs to pump too hot to heart you know h-a-r-d not h-e no e a r t yeah too hard and that creates cortisol and court is all long term inside the body because the endothelium endothelium is the millions of little muscles in the 125 000 kilometers blood vessels in our body that is capillaries arteries and veins they are not activated because we love the heat so much the the warm and and the coziness and our clothes Etc hey have sex when you have clothes on it's not possible fight flight food sex [ __ ] FFF and freeze these are primordial powers we know it when we make the love and all that I don't say fog and say but make the love but love your life love the power of your blood vessel have a heart for your heart that heart needs to pump so much that it creates cortisol a heart which is pumping more than a chute is a signal to the sick as e c k signal instead of s-i-g to their liver to there is danger when the heart pumps too fast faster than what it actually should then it's a signal to deliver and then it activates a cortisol and long-term cortisol activates the sympathetic nervous system which is action action action action action action that's what we suffer in our society a lot and high blood pressure comes there from which is the cause of so many diseases um and that that makes also the the Action Motors of the body constantly on well sometimes it needs to get off so you get into the parasympathetic motors which is the Regeneration Rehabilitation the repair and healing we don't know how to do that anymore that's what go to doctors and blah blah and the whole thing the whole dependency well we because we don't have control over that autonomous over that level of the autonomous nervous system that is action and peace action and rest like any other mammal outside they don't go to hospitals and doctors and all they Resort inside become tranquil and then the parasympathetic nervous system takes over which is the healing and now we found according to Professor music Wim Huff has found The Secret of placebo it's no longer it's just a suggestive power of healing like the doctor saying to you I gave you a pill it's a sugar pill but you heal anyway you said something emotion I do that consciously I showed that thing yes I have a heart for your heart by taking a cold shower and that's what I would say to these people but he goes you have a deep and great hate or discomfortable discomfort kind of a concept of what is the call to the body they don't know that it actually is able to activate the healing properties within to bring down to activate the endothelium the millions of little muscles inside around the vascular system 125 000 kilometers long millions of little muscles and when they work through the cold shower then the heart rate suddenly goes down that is to have a heart for your heart because all these little muscles help with the blood flow and that that gets them a lot better transported to all cells in the body and thus you get more energy so cold shower makes your heart rate go down 10 15 20 beats a minute 24 hours a day imagine the stress it's gone it's natural we are being in our nature where there is no stress this is I trained big fighters in the world and they say if I do this breathing and there's a I never felt so peaceful before a match because they have control in natural connection with their parasympathetic sympathetic nervous system which is the depth of ours which we lost in too much comfort too much extension tools too much industrialization things that make us [Music] weakening it's weakening and it sneaked in and we forgot about it and we don't know how to address it takes a 12 year old faith that something is wrong you remember the Emperor who has no clothes he thinks he's got amazing clothes and tailor-made and all and there's a little girl of five years or something let's not go into pedophilia no but the story you know the fairy tale [ __ ] that man he crazy Fox everywhere in the world with their sex and their perverted culture you have no control over the mind we are here to be divine to pass on the law to our children happiness strength and health and guarantee and stop War a happy man doesn't go to war is not into possession yes by Nature's Grace powerful strong self-sufficient and we forgot it sneaked in we don't know where's the keys now we have the compelling evidence of the key components of the autonomous processes in the brain related to mood regulation emotion the ex pure expression of your soul that one is now known that one is known but the establishment is still into the Paradigm hey we can make money out of people of what should the most valuable thing is actually for free and that is our help but we got a healthy industry Upon Our sickness and the in a dependency because we are helpless let me tell you a 12 year old is very able to solve it all if it only holds on to its faith naturally it's time to wake up time to wake up to a Divinity that goes past religious shapes of any kind and bring back the love guaranteed by signs backed up that health happiness and strength are the real values to be transmitted and they should teach it in primary schools not only history mathematics and language and how to fit into a society and system no to be happy strong healthy when you get the sack later on you're still happy strong healthy so [ __ ] you too you know who gives a [ __ ] away gone is the depression now we found sorry yes okay now we found six weeks ago it wasn't Sydney I call it chitney now good chitney why I I was there with a good friend of mine as a professor neurosurgeon top the world a lot of Professor rates everywhere he looked me in the eye he said whim I'm a professor in many universities I get honorary Professor rates that laureates and this and that he is a Pioneer in neuroscience and neurosurgery on children in the deepest in the brain scan in the brain stem and so he dares what others he is not a coward he's still that human he's not just I'm a surgeon I'm a professor [Music] [ __ ] a little bit here and make money boring no he's pioneering he is he's gone for it and he pulled it and he says to me when I be a professor everywhere in the world or many universities but you know more you look me in there saying that what is that that's the 12 years old faith coming to the surface coming to the boundaries of what we conceptually think and believe is only possible not more where's the true investigative spirit it's not in a university it's in the universality it's in a child's innocence it's in you that innocence is there that is able to go past fear hippocampus so let's go back into Neuroscience brain scans you know you have to have a cortical awareness cortical is your will is able to say control 16 of your brain voluntarily and we are not able to go into the so-called autonomous brain and the subconsciousness it's kind of abstract isn't it we don't know what that is subconsciousness in your dreams this and that and what do you tell your children how to realize your dreams and tell them fairy tales no I want to really bring it so he feels he's going to be rising up to the stars and back and he becomes strong that child that innocent and stays innocent so what did I do I showed that the cortico functioning of the brain 16 outside there is a subcortical higher functioning of the brain of abstract parcels like empathy empathy trust confidence creativity fantasy purpose painkilly Pinky it's another one guys the painkillers the painkiller industry the side effects hundreds and thousands of people die the pharmaceutical Industries just pays them off with a couple of billion and it's a license to Kill it's like James Bond but then big nothing night I call it James Kant but yeah that's another thing the thing is it is time we bring happiness strength and hell to our families yes and it's here so what did I showed I I take a brain scan and I show to be the same as the Baseline of nine and a half other brain scans done fully investigated and the graphics all the and they compare it and then then that moment I go into the unknown I go into the 12th year again into that Spirit see I think it is sick the world and it needs to change I don't know how I'm just gonna do it so that Spirit was there and it just started to do what you guys were doing here no you know together this breathing for one and a half minutes but a half hour long and then I was deciding I want to make a change not thinking about it yeah just connecting neuro signaling my deep brain and it was not like that was not that was easy I went into the brain scan half hour later and I showed a brain functioning they had never ever seen before now they are going to do a big study because I was activating more than robustly like 60 70 80 percent more of the brain voluntarily the autonomous brain completely activated so when darkness happens guys Darkness fear spare death death emotional despair agony divorces child sick this stuff we have no control to go to the bottom of that darkness and lift it up and lifted up but now it is there the autonomous processes in the brain related to mood regulation those key components I hand it over to you it takes a moment of awareness to make it work what would be your choice think about that it's there it's human it's not I'm not special life is special I think it is special and I feel become special because amazing eh depression goodbye [Music] yeah Darkness yeah here is the control of the nervous system which is light electricity neuro signaling neurotransmitters we got it all I'm a drop out I'm an authority in neuroscience no I'm a Daddy a child that had is believed and sticked to it and now I'm talking here quite amazing huh so what are my challenges the new ones I did so many already is to show that we can beat this is easy this easy you know have a laugh while doing it change your life a little to get to the bottom of yourself not only that one the real button spiritual because you are a spirit a soul without that Soul you stink and one day we all do a minute it's time to live up to that soul and realize it completely so we can pass on that confidence deep confidence to our children wouldn't that be a nice way to investigate and do research you guys University and all great maybe good families come in powerful I give a signal to you come up man prove me wrong because I know I'm right a 12-year old is right the innocence is a right within you and it is time that that innocence becomes really strong everywhere in the world so we can have happy lives a great future a paradise right I want to set you one of your hardest challenges yet I want to be able to get through a couple more questions do you think do you think okay do you think for the next few questions you can give really short answers so we get through as many people as many years I want to get through as many people as possible because I feel like yes I will be short and quick yes hi hello you have like set a lot of World Records you've done a lot of incredible things in the world of physical achievement there are some people that are more genetically gifted than others that we could train the same way and that one person will attain a greater level than others consider yourself in your own Feats very genetically gifted or do you think that anybody with enough practice could get to your level too yes so in 2013 actually in the end of 2012 in December I went with a group of people who never done what I had done I told her professors and doctors hey man we can control the autonomous nervous system and the immune system to a much deeper level than ever before has been shown give me a group okay they gave me a group how much time do you need to do you think you need to make these people to get a little bit close to your results you have shown in the blood when they gave you this bacteria injected because you overcame that and sixteen thousand people didn't yes and then I said Ma they said one year one and a half year and then I said bye I got two hands 10 days it became four days I went with these guys to Poland into the mountains I trained them for four days and we took a lot of yellow water because we did the signs and the doctors were there to uh to to make notes and all and to every morning at eight o'clock they were there and they started to do the breathing then we went into the cold practice and at day four we went up to Mountain and then we were so self-confident man and the heat was on and the music was on we had four days of great parties going on but every time we had to be there we trained hard in day four we went to the mountain and it was -10 outside and inside we had to open up the heat to 30 degrees and more and we were confident that was the temperature shock at that moment when the door opened because we had to go up the whole Mountain for hours in our shorts and we started at a temperature of -10 let me tell you 25 minutes later on the mountain we were like sweating it's all documented so it's all filmed so the proof is there not the pudding it was snow so we went up and there you have the rich that's all right yeah [Music] you have the rich between chakia and Poland and their candies military people dressed up like ninjas because it was so [ __ ] cold here with their rifles and all and they came over the ridge from the Czech border over and they pull it and they see a group coming in their shorts you're never going to win that war man that was us we made selfies to fight and but nice went up to the top minus 27. we did the Harlem Shake but then I guys guys are ready to take on the endotoxin E coli bacteria inject it and we will show the world and medical science that we are able to tap into the autonomic nervous system and the innate immune system like a joke and they'd all did and this was after sixteen thousand hundred and thirty four people who could not do that suddenly 12 people 100 score there we changed signs there we showed simply that everybody is able what I'm able to do only I dared to do it and then I share it cool uh yeah yeah sure I mean you know oh yeah yeah yeah I I I I I I I try to be sure but the only short is this one okay um if we can go to have a mic over the side of the room okay now and I'll go really short yeah oh um I was wondering what's the hardest or main most painful thing you've done have you ever thought why the hell am I doing this living with my woman [Music] I love my woman very much and my children too family life is the Cornerstone of the universe tell you and if you're able to bring that this is the most hardest the disbelief I've been suffering so much while believing that happiness strength and health is actually natural naturally there it's inborn only we don't live it it's not there it's not realized and then in 2013 we showed the world in scientific trials published in the best papers of the world magazines at that the autonomic nerve system and DNA immune system are able to get into deeply much more than ever before was thought possible and then did it change did it change did the discovery was on the front page or something no no no no no [Music] OK years and years and years and years and yes so I'm always suffering from bloody ignorance but I keep on because I believe in the good like Anna Frank despite everything I believe in the goodness of people you know how she ended up and you know how Jesus ended up and so many good people ended up I'm going to change the world before I die and give people the ability to choose you want to be happy strong and healthy because I love you that's what I do and I have no fear therefore [Applause] yes [Music] yes the Beatles man All You Need Is Love yeah have you got time for a couple more questions so if we can go I'm sorry for yelling but I like it anyway um that one there and then we'll go on the Green yes I win hey do you perceive yourself to be the founder of your practice or it's messenger was it there before or have you discovered it got you uh no it was my mother I'm one of the twins identical but my brother is not able to do what I do but I am able to do that so it's trainable you need another exogenous trigger to make your phenotype go in in a way that you change of your identical brother twin brother but they never knew at the time of birth that that there was a twin there was one baby delivered my mother was being shoved away back to the recovery room and that was it but there was still one end and it was me [Music] I wasn't aware of that at that moment but finally because my mother began to yell this is really stand oh you had some children already you must know this is the contractions after the delivery and all postnatal this and that and blah blah no she yelled out and finally they found out there was another one yeah I'm the placenta by the way no that's a stupid joke [Music] they pushed my mother to the operation room and she was going to have her cesarean cutting for her that was cutting in those times with you know Cesario what is that it's like say condolences when somebody is dying what the [ __ ] is a condolences I want love I want care I want to be able to process the real emotions I want to understand my mother was naive she did not smoke drink but she believed she had a Pious belief in God and whatever that was for her it was there and there just before entering into the operation room those rubber things she prayed oh God let this child live I will make him a missionary [Music] but back then it was the cold of the whole almost suffocated little nothing that came out of there with that invocation That's The Power of a mother and that belief stuck into me and made that awakened in the 12 year old that is the way I got to my path and my brother didn't do it and I did it he's now doing it and he's healing a lot of people and anybody who takes on this will be able to get a solved a lot of Despair and unnecessary suffering around you because we are born to be holy and I bless my mother is that an answer okay I think we've got time for just one more question so if we go to the to go in front of the screen thanks it's so interesting um can I ask so when you take novices um and take them to do these incredible feeds like did you take a group of Kilimanjaro in a CR you know and didn't without all of their climatization and everything and all of these other Feats with cold and um length of time what makes the biggest difference what you do with those novices before the feat in training or what you do differently actually during those those Feats gotcha yes I do it every time but just come in and say [ __ ] you gonna bring the love man here I am no inhibition power that's who we are amen the science is done I showed the immune system can be controlled much deeper the endocrine system much deeper the physiology of lymphatic hair traumatized tourist capacity and how to release it hey man I'm a drop out of school I'm a real scientific Authority have a little faith within yourself and break open because I'm showing this everywhere I come every time again into the unknown whatever is bothering you you have the ability to overcome that and then we go into practice last summer I had this woman she had a cancer a tumor as big as a big avocado not a little avocado you know you got little avocados and big avocados this was a big human but she wants to come to my retreat it was kind of a dream or something yeah so she came she came and uh day one 10 minutes into the ice water day two 15 minutes she never had gone into icy water so shockingly she was she opened up within herself without being really aware just hey it is possible you can do this and it actually feels powerful and then she after this five days five days it worked she went back and her tumor was ten times smaller and I think hey wow and I see so many miraculous healings when people only tapped in through their faith in a Deeper Self wherein we have the innate capacity given by God or the Divinity of Mother Nature to heal yourself isn't that logical that we are born and made after millions of years to be able to tackle what is not good for us to make it undone isn't that the logic or is the logic we need to all this [ __ ] going on in the world and we don't know how to do whatever what the [ __ ] there we are so anybody who comes is it 19 years old is it by the way I got these two children five and seven years and they both have brain tumors and the mother she came to me and she said the doctors they cannot take them into chemo because their immune system is too low it will kill them I said I heard it and five and seven years that's innocence man can we not take care of our children no more that that rage came up and like controlled you say I'll be there until they are completely healed I go 100 percent and she failed for the first time that there was a human with hope she could feel it she broke into tears and they said cry it's good but now we go to work playfully two kids five and seven get somebody on the phone here now they are dead no no that was a stupid joke the thing yes no what the [ __ ] guys oncology ecology we have shown that within a week playfully going into the cold children with cancer who could not be treated huh and all the doctors did not know what to do with these children within one week they were measured with the in the oncology and the values of the immune cells the white cells the white cell count is an indication of the strength of the immune system and it multiplied just by going into the cold Mother Nature into breathing Mother Nature it multiplied ten times then they saw that these children could take on double dosage of chemo the child the five-year-old who was able five years old is able to go one and a half minute in icy water she's helping me now with other mothers and fathers who have children with cancer by showing herself a little sweet little she is healed no after one year it's over and the other one they're seven years old there's another little story with this guy who could only see five percent in the eye because the pressure of the tumor on the visual cortex was so that he was blind here and here five percent he had uh glasses like a telescope but he felt that we were there and he wanted to become suddenly feeling so confident the warm the care of a father of a person of a human he wanted to become Superman you want I have this rock in the backyard three meter forty down and at two March last year when the water is still freezing [ __ ] cold the child wanted to go up took off his glasses found his way together with his mother up the rocks and was standing there and there was this little guy there standing anyway [Music] you went down and he drowned no yes he went home and five hours later I got a telephone call oh where are the glasses you forgot his glasses he had so much inner power you could see he could he could feel he was there he's going so good now just two cases so many more the thing is the blasphemy is oncology the the doctors there they say this is we have never ever seen this before within one week tent multiplied ten times the white cells the indication of the immune system this could compare it with the chemo Easy by which they are the only two children showing to be children powerful energetic they don't feel the chemo why not take it on then for our children where is the Innocence where's where we take care of our children who's going to wake up to that what has happened to us let's wake up to the ability the innate capacity to be happy strong and healthy that's love yes yes [Applause] thanks guys and pass it on it's there and it's only a matter of time because we are going to win remember yourself your 12 year old your spirit your innocence that will win the world it's going to be a great future well when it's been so lovely having you and I think we can all agree this has been an incredible event so if we could all join together and give another round of applause [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: Cambridge Union
Views: 65,464
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Keywords: video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
Id: yT6H53zWm0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 1sec (4981 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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