Medical mystery revealed | Wim Hof | TEDxBreda

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thank you okay okay this is what they saw first time in the scientific history after 250 years of data acknowledging scientifically they so for the first time that a man human the human physiology now is capable of influencing deeply into the autonomic nervous system that related to the immune system means that we are going to look completely different to to word disease and to word pain and yes I am I I did it I teacher doctor sir nowadays and therapists and awake with her professors and I only have a technical school I learned to pain but I believed I believed we can do more than we think we can and now yes we got these breakthroughs and yes I believe now it's time to change our psychology in the third year of the university books in a in the USA all the universities they've included a chapter calling The Iceman that's about me but the meanwhile they explained a comparative study as you saw these young people just trained in four days time to be able to influence deeply into the autonomic nervous system and bacteria injected therefore had no chance within a quarter of our compared to thousands of subjects before who had no significant influence into the process of this bacteria on the immune system they became sick uncontrolled shivering headaches and it was not nice to be there three to six hours sick in the bed because you couldn't do anything into your system to block the reaction of this bacteria on your immune system and now these persons I trained in four days in four days they were very capable to injure say the cold to -27 on top of a big mountain in shorts dancing the Harlem shake all of them when we went down the slopes it was on the Czech Polish border we walked up and it was - then when we began after one 1/2 hour we came to the rich which is the border at the center then these Czech soldiers came these military people and they looked like ninjas completely covered because it was minus 17 they came over the ridge and then they saw a group of persons in shorts coming up couldn't understand but we made nice selfies and we went on to the top and yes at the top it was minus 27 and we danced the Harlem shake together and yes then I knew I was convinced hey these guys they are back and have tapped into their deeper potential the way nature meant it to be in every person but they did it and awakened it in four days of time and four days later they were in the hospital oh yes they were injected and they had hundred-percent score everybody had a control over the immune system in the deepest levels not recognized by science up till then to be possibly influenced and they did it all and so I did it also with 26 people ranging to 65 years from 22 years having all kinds of diseases like chrome Romo MS cancer asthma coronary disease bypasses and all that doing 65 65 years old and going to 6,000 meters in 3 days in 3 days and all the physiologist and experts they told us it's not possible to do that we don't want to link our name with your expedition the people are going to die the humanely fishes are physiologically this is not possible to be done and yes maybe they are right we didn't do it in three days we did it in two days I don't hear these experts anymore they thought it to be that way we got these old ways of thinking patterns and they are laying it up on us upon our children you cannot do this you cannot do you got to do this you got to do this industries who gay a lot of money because and I don't want to be political but this is the old way of thinking and the food industry and the medicine industry they are really not here to feed us or to heal us they are here to make money that's the old way of thinking possibly originated from being insecure having a you know fear and I have to take care of my thing this narrow wing consciousness and I think right now and has been proven that we are able to tap in to the endocrine systems the immune systems deeply up till the autonomic nervous system level and it's in the books everywhere in the world now and so maybe still has to come here you know substantially in the in the books here in the Netherlands but USA already is doing this and soon we have a new studies with a Harvard it's all in there and it shows that we are actually a very capable of preventing from disease very capable of influencing in into our energy management on cell level very capable to get in our DNA very capable thus to intervene and direct our happiness strength and health we all got the tools now and we have shown this with thousands of results this time we will change the psychology to become happy strong and healthy it's like love what do you want for your kid do you want it to be healthy strong and healthy strong and and a lot of energy powerful you know I think so I think that's love and now chemically it has been shown that we are able to intervene into the endocrine systems the hormones as it were if you want to be happy and you translate it into chemistry you see oxytocin melatonin and serotonin the material trip to mind all those hormones when you see power energy you see adrenaline norepinephrine and cortisol and all that and we have shown in the hospital lying in bed doing certain kind of breathing exercises and using the mind the mind later still have nine minutes I see okay lying Abed and producing more adrenaline controlled stress amo than somebody looking into in Abbas and Abbas you know well deep down like 500 meters something like that and having fear and needing to jump making a big bunker jump they compared the blood result and they saw these people lying in bed without a trigger without a truck coming to work them with hundred kilometers no danger whatsoever completely controlled completely still to be able to tap into the deepest part of our brain the brain stem the reptilian brain to react here a reactionary brain which reacts it doesn't think it reacts and we are able to tap in bomb so coming influencing into the brain stem as deep as that one producing adrenaline control bomb is a control is a medicine we don't need all these medicines we have our own and then injected with this bacteria in 50 minutes all hundred percent school everybody had to control and then the immune systems the immune systems it was not possibly a pass able to intervene in the workings of the immune systems in the physiology of it and nowadays so it is it is last year when it was published I felt I'm going to get the Nobel Prize or something why because the first time scientifically shown that the autonomic nervous system in relationship to the immune system can be deeply influenced it's going to change our vision to would disease and everybody who does it doesn't want no disease we want to be healthy and and strong and have control over our mood no depression be happy be nice here right now and it came out on television in the best of medical magazines like nature and panache came out and then yes the Sun Festival the man with the beard who appeared with her dress was more important I thought what world is this what are we fighting for the way I mindset at these guys to go to Poland with me and train in the cult in just a couple of days I told him yet listen guys you know about mindset no NLP note is no believing it just one thing we are going to win the greatest war ever that wall which caused so much misery so much pain so much hopelessness the war of the bacteria the virus and back soon and they wear on they understood they felt it is time we are possible possibly dare to be able to change and they change psychologically and yes and for days they were not only dancing the Harlem shake on top of it and they drank like you know Temple is in the night but during the day and we had a lot of music and all that so it's not about being Puritan all the time there's a big vast space and but for freedom you know for you free choice we are not going to be like a dogmatic er unto it these guys yes in four days of time they were very able to change the history of science by doing it by believing it changing the psychology to believe standing here you have a Ice Cube right now maybe yes or no doesn't matter I got a tank over here I'm at the University I need to go in there people are our drawing blood from my veins to test it later on a laboratory setting and yes they they do it and just standing there I need to go in the tank for 80 minutes ice cubes up till here they melt and they are refilled this is the way it is going to be so I just say to myself I'm going to be over there okay I'm ready then they took the blood and they sent it to for analysis to a laboratory setting and they saw in the blood cells without moving that the thought signal was responsible for producing 300 percent more metabolic activity in the cell just a thought what is your belief do you believe that you were able to intervene within your psychology to become happy strong and healthy and just four days it took me to bring on these 18 people to this point where they were very able to tap in with their mind into their body and resist a bacteria not only alter the pain -27 they did not feel the pain therefore they had a immense connection with this internal natural power within and it made them happy strong and we danced a Harlem shake up there so even in the extremes we are able to go up to those extremes and deal with it neutralized the power of the impact and we are able to minute-and-a-half we are able to go to the moon and make these iPhones which have now 50 years almost 50 years after the Apollo 13 went to the moon and one step for a man and a huge step for human mankind etc and the fruits of our mind went down and we got iPhones who have more intelligence than the whole project of NASA with the Apollo 13 together it's all in a little iPhone the technology is beautiful actually we don't need so much technology anymore but it's time that we not only develop beautiful technology amazing technology but become this time happy strong and healthy and we got the data to prove that it is possible for every person in this world very accessible just in a couple of days if I had a little bit more time I would do an exercise with you guys it would be a sound of your physical and psychic ability we have to go back to the inner nature the way nature has meant it to be we a li innate it therefrom and now we got to go back that means going back to love strength health and happiness that's my story and we keep on proving this scientifically on to the all over the world I just got back from Hollywood 4605 but like the rocket you know new rocket this time exploding to expanded consciousness yeah that's a go we don't need to go to Mars we live on the most beautiful place of all the universe called the earth and in the Bible that it has a we are made by the appearance of God and any scripture tells compassion and love that's the message they've only fight this time we are going to showed scientifically that we are able to make happen our own happiness strength and health for our children and for the earth thank you
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 697,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Netherlands, Health, Achievement, Body, Heart health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivation, Science, Self-help
Id: zE9FfvPyPZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2015
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