Pushing Into Unexplored Areas Of A Large Abandoned Mine Complex - Part 1

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the mine that we're heading to today should be just right up here on the left so we'll get in there and see how things look we just came out of that section where that large Stope chamber is left a glow stick there to find our way back the chamber extends over to my left and actually all through here back over there pretty big drop got a junction right here Jeremy [Applause] standing there yeah it looks like I don't know if I you guys been back that one or I don't remember I don't either two Swiss cheese yeah looks like a skip right there drift heading back that way lots of bits and pieces of stuff down here you see the carbide there's a drill bit on the right this sto not only goes down there but Jeremy observed earlier runs up quite a way too got some good graffiti along here remains of a dynamite box good colors in here it's like some Galina [Music] there not sure about the meaning those numbers looks like H operation C Lopez a there an car there push it up and that's pretty cool see if we can maybe get it back on the track good luck so awkward that frame's pretty heavy yeah it is so this was this an or shoot here or or pass I mean somebody must have dumped it down they were pass that's too bad oh yeah cuz here's the the the underground card no J another view of that or car Jeremy in the background for some scale that's a good or car it's got all the wheels even which you know how rare that is oh even wow even fairly greased up then the drift keeps running straight 1930 it's a good one miners plant Tic Tac toil more mining there graffiti and messy drifts carrying on yeah this is a little drop that is some large vent pipe right there pinches out right there yall missed that this is where we came from last time you Dro down this yep all right so those guys dropped down this one last time let's see 57 that's 5 something 57 as well I believe more 57 and looks like featureless drift for while so I'll turn the camera off and pick up farther down we're at the end of that long straight stretch and something kind of cool here you can see there's an or car buried beneath this failed Orit here see that that's just the edge of it that's pretty cool This Way Forward is completely blocked so there's a side drift we going try we just came from that direction is out that way but not anymore since it's caved and head down the side drift with all this miniti here not sure with the 1851 as a reference to mine is not that old it's old but not that old so maybe that was the the year that particular of mine was born or something okay so up here is one of the ways we went down okay um we're going to check this level to CU we just can't quite remember if we need to go down to one more or if we need to find it on this level that connection we're looking for gotcha my monkey pipe what's that my monkey pipe gotcha my monkey down yeah I can see you doing that and it drops down away and there's a chamber over there like Austin said we're just figuring out the best way down we've been backtracking from that direction I've shown you guys this before but something I missed on the way in just pointed out to me is you can see this little ledge here where a candle was see the suit Left Behind from it and then I'm assuming that's melted wax but I'm not sure where that would have dripped down from but that spot there is definitely for a candle all right we're back at that pipe and we're repelling down this section using Jeremy as a meat anchor so once gr is down the bottom get on the Rope myself and head on down there and pick up somewhere down there with you guys we just worked our way down from there and the top of a pretty large chamber drops off down that way probably at least 100 ft from what I can see it down there and extends up to and around through there there's hole right there with dynamite in it and then I don't slip and stumble so I turn around chamber also extends over in that direction now as you can tell that's where we're dropping down it's going to be a bit of slipping and sliding so I'll put the camera away and I'm going to pick up somewhere way down there with you guys but this gives you an idea of what we're traveling down that's fastic we just dropped down from way up there you can see a glow stick we left there so we know where to go to get out that's the bottom of that side of the big chamber we're on drift level now runs in that direction and in this direction and we've opted to go this way first so oh wow look at that look at that mold on that looks almost like a plastic sheating more stopes there it's a havene motor oil can and like I said we're we're headed in this direction few people have been down this far but not many and like I said our goal today is to get into an area no explorers have been into oh look at that Goblin on the left there that's way over my head that's pretty high well constructed Goblin okay got a junction here heads off that way see the compressed Airline they went o up and over to bypass this Junction and we're off this way old bowl there for something of a shovel you can tell just from the number of artifacts down here that not a lot of people get down here nice straight stretch here is out 1935 another Junction here of course runs off that direction and in that direction we're sticking on this one though for now like I said the unexplored stuff is the main Target today and if by chance it doesn't work out then I'll spend more time filling in the blanks on the stuff I'm walking past now but huh you look how saying main target doesn't work out I'll get some of this other stuff in the way out [Music] there's another Junction up there I'll pick up over there have shooting back there you see some the Myers graffiti a little bit of a vein right there and we're continuing that direction Joe is here [Music] there's 42 and twisting our way through here there's 50 all this out stuff Tacoma Washington in 1920 that's pretty cool um anyway as I was saying all of this out graffiti is reference to a shaft that is not accessible anymore there's a lot of graffiti in here okay let's see here some big carbide barrels another one of those bypasses for the compressed Airline and then we're headed down this way there's a sto chamber up here and probably an orass still making our way along here and something really cool here is you can actually see the prints from the mules that were here see there's a distinctive print right there if you keep looking oh here's even better one you see the the mule prints and the guys were back there they found a mule shoe as well so I mean there's no question they're having mules pull loads through here how cool is that we've been coming from that direction and like it's getting fairly interesting again so least messy so turn the camera back on and see Ms an orot right there there's a better look at that or shoot and Stope above like Stope above all through here lots of stuff to trip over pretty good gobbing right here oh yeah pretty heavily stoped you see some compressed Airlines up there rail tossed up there cool that lot to check out here I know I'm going to trip over some of this I'm going to get through this and I'll pick up some somewhere over there all right crawled under that my buddy's backpack there see the stopes continue through here carbide here more Stope running down through there cool carbide can right there remains of old shovel and more stoping through here got a junction here it's pretty cool and another Junction with an or car always cool or car with a wooden barrel next to it even better yeah it's actually really cool got some old drill bits inside look like somebody shirt more stopes through there we got drift running this way little Back Field drift filled in [Applause] stoping more stoping and more stoping all right let's go check that other side [Applause] this is extremely photogenic little pocket right here on my right that's where we just were over there recognize this BM here and more stopes going this way yeah I remember trying to huge vent pipe there's this one piece of dynamite box that for some reason is like dry and in perfect shape I'm surprised everything else here is wet and rotted that's weird but it has a date on it that's cool August 24th 1940 something oh that's cool so where is this run to uh I don't think it went anywhere exactly but I think it's goes in there a little bit okay and then what about the stooping like to our right um we chased that stuff down didn't go anywhere know like if you go down you can work your way down and there's another level down there but and like it like just drifted off following this stuff okay and there's the wind that you saw in there yeah and we went to the bottom of that was it plugged or it just ended I like went down and then there was like a sump level below at the bottom of it gotcha yeah that's a big Ro that's why abandoned mines are dangerous cuz the floors just give way unexpectedly they to do that to me that's happened to me a couple times too smen kissing yeah last time I well that goes we you get roped up and drop that actually even the four you think is that's that kind of thing will wake you up I'll see what oh yeah for sure yeah let's drop that you want go for yeah sure we were just looking down there and pass a drift here on the way in so we're going to go examine that hopefully I don't trip and fall over all this stuff but it goes so we need to go as well all right not falling my face which is good huh somebody's been here okay I think that's a dead end see where this goes first look like 1938 that's pretty cool little damp section here you can really see that clearly that's interesting and drift just keeps going yank the rails for a section here probably because they were straight straet reils are pretty useful yeah I pick the rail up again I don't know what this is did we look at so just right down there action it like kind of drops down did we look at that at all or I don't remember it looks like another thing where it like drops you get over it and then it drops again that's a cool bottle what's this way is this just end uh a collapse that way okay there's a collapse back there if you didn't hear that this looks more interesting this is pretty impressive actually right here that goes way up there way way up there all right [Applause] definitely drier here than it was in that other section some kind of classifier to my right nice little Arch here orass looks like an orass I don't know I don't think I've done it it doesn't look like anything's been Disturbed on that side yeah okay see looks like there's a WHEB right at the top of that yeah M well if you want to take a look really quick I it's up to you since we was all right Jeremy of course is descend on this one see what's over there got the meat anchor system running again and that's a look where it's going fig than it might look you'll see when he's down there what I'm talking about sideways position [Music] sounds like you found it looks wet down there that looks like a g here's a look at Jeremy down there got stuff going off in three different directions apparently I'm assuming the one that goes that way ties in over there we'll find off find out shortly yeah he's off so Jeremy ran that out and it's a stopy little sub levels nothing really worth going down there for we just looked down there um while they're getting packed up and such I figured I might as well go beyond this bottle see what's back here I'm going to trip over that so I'm going to pick up over there all right just climbed through all that mess there fortunately cleaner well looking cleaner at least for this little section in front of me another sto right here just runs up to there lot of undercut stuff here I mean that's that's the kind of thing we're walking on and that see how undercut that is basically walking on an eggshell of back filled dirt so not ideal scraps of metal here more stooping running down all through here and and just more stupid they took a lot of material out of this mine didn't they you see the remains of an Oro right there it's probably probably made some crude funnel for the Oro out of that metal [Applause] there have some cribbing right there battered old bucket and let's see look probably more stoping on my right this is probably all stuff that fell down from up there might be a little sub level up there colorful in here huh okay looks like this is the end of the line yeah that's it I am not getting past that
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 19,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pushing Into The Unexplored Areas Of A Large Abandoned Mine Complex - Part 1, Abandoned Mine, Mine Exploring, Mine Exploration, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Underground Mining, Mines of the West, TVR, Stope, Adit, Winze, Silver Mining, Unexplored, Abandoned, UrbEx
Id: 17rbGE3wUkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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