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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign hey guys welcome back okay well here we are this is the place I was telling you about in uh last weekend's episode this is the one with the big 3 000 foot uh hike up this real narrow Canyon in this wash it's gonna be a pretty cool episode today I've been looking forward to finally documenting this one um this is my third attempt the first two didn't go very well um we had rain overcast high winds it was crazy and uh this is going to require some drone work to be able to truly appreciate this location so right up over here there's a canyon off to my left that's where I'm headed right now it's probably right up around this hill here um what we've got here is a zinc mine and from what I've read in the reports it has two shafts let's hope that those shafts are incline shafts and in a decent shape and it also has one horizontal haulage at it but it sounds like it doesn't go in very far oh we'll just have to see when we get there let's hope that they're not gated I don't think that they're going to be because of how remote and how difficult this mine is to get to um so yeah yeah this is going to be a fun one it's gonna but it's gonna take me a little bit of time to hike this Canyon and then when we get up there there's a whole bunch of equipment laying around outside the mine they were doing some kind of processing or crushing of the zinc ore at right outside of the mine before taking it down this this Canyon probably using mules they would have to there's no road to this mine so I'm hoping I can find one of them uh meal paths you know that'll take me up there that'll kind of kind of help with the hike okay I'm gonna get up here to the location we'll park old Bob get the Drone up in the air and I'll show you this Canyon I'm gonna be hiking up into today all right let's get after it [Music] [Music] all right [Music] okay guys all geared up I got everything I think I'm gonna need for this adventure check out my Ensemble yes backpack helmet two drones one two three four five six cameras and in a very adventurous heart yeah this one's gonna be this one's gonna be a lot of fun there is some really cool banding in all of this these rocks around here I can't wait to get up higher to see what's running through all of this Dolomite Limestone if it's Galena or what it is it's really interesting looking we're going to have to get a close-up view of that okay well let's get into this squirrely little canyon now there's another mine in the mouth of this Canyon I saw it on my maps and it looks like we have it right up here now this may be something that uh we'll explore on the way back out or if it's something I can get into I'll I'll put on another episode maybe a short or something like that we'll just have to see all right well we got our first dried up waterfall and now I got to figure out how to get up and over this obstacle hmm that's the thing about these these washes you run into these dried up waterfalls pretty cool looking through here though that's for sure all right let's see how we're gonna do this problem is I got all this stuff on on me so if I do come down I'm coming down harder than you would if you didn't weren't wearing a backpack and all that good stuff that's how I almost broke my arm once I did something as a matter of fact just like what I'm about to do right now and the weight of my pack came down on my right arm almost I felt it Flex it was right there I almost broke it all right there we go not too bad all right okay next obstacle we got rail there's rail in the wash came down from somewhere yeah okay looks like that used to be a portal right there doesn't go anywhere though probably all been filled filled in with a all the gravels okay let me show you here foreign that's what I just climbed up right there okay turning around wow look at this cool look at this cool box canyon here yeah you don't want to be in here during a flash flood nope well I hope we don't get button hooked by a really big dried up waterfall oh no wouldn't you know it that's what I was worried about look at this well obviously we're not the first ones here somebody left their rope in place right there wow I knew I was gonna have a challenge today but now I gotta stand here and figure out how to get past this next dried up waterfall where if I want to trust their old rope I don't at least it's been anchored from the top hmm all right guys I'll be back [Music] all right guys back at Old Bob here yep reevaluating the situation oh I can't believe this this mine is just turning out to be well a difficult one first I couldn't get up here because of the weather and now we're getting button hooked by dried up waterfalls see that's why this one's never been documented because it's so hard to get to so after I shut the camera off up there I looked the whole situation over it's about an 18 to 20 foot of Cent um it's got that old rope hanging there that was put in place who knows how long uh yeah it's been just sitting out in the elements so you don't want to trust that rope especially if you're carrying and you know all this extra gear and extra weight to get halfway up and then and there you go now you're down with an injury and the entire winter exploring season is uh done just like that um the other thing I have to to take into consideration is if I did somehow navigate that obstacle I still gotta hike another 2500 feet or more up that is there any more dried up waterfalls I still have to explore the mine and I have to hike all the way back down to get to that obstacle by the time I do all that my physical condition is going to be absolutely wiped out my legs are going to be rubber neuropathy through this through the roof and uh it's not going to be good I don't want to have to navigate that obstacle later in the day especially with all this equipment so I jumped back into my maps and um maybe just maybe I'm gonna we're gonna we're gonna drive down there right now there's another draw to the east maybe I could go order that draw then hike over land up and over the top of this big tall mountain and then drop down onto the mine that's another thing that I can do the only problem with that is is with this where the sun is right now the rattlesnakes are all going to be sitting on the sunny side of the hill and that is right where I'm going to be hiking and this is the time of the year where they're still coming out and sunning themselves uh during the day they have not quite denned up yet so if I go over land that's uh something to take into consideration you know they're out there they're they're hiding behind the rocks and whatnot so okay I'm gonna drive down here go east and we're going to get a better look at this other Canyon maybe that's another route that we can take to get to this mine all right here we are this is the next Canyon over right here and uh as I got out and I looked at it it's just too Steep and too rugged uh to hike that go over land it's also too late in the day there's not enough time to get to the mine explore it and get back before dark gotta remember the sun goes down a lot earlier this time of the year that's what happens when you get stuck in sand there you go Bob four-wheel drive there we go so what's the plan well the map is showing that at the head of this Big Canyon here there's uh prospects but it is showing some added symbols there's no names it's a note it's a no named Prospect but maybe the road gets close enough to it to where uh we can get to it and at least uh Salvage this day yeah I'm gonna have to come up with a plan B for this mine either come back up here with the hammer drill and put in uh a fresh anchor a a better rope something like that to get to that mine but I'm not going to do it in the condition that it's in so okay here we go let's uh go all the way up to the head of this Canyon here and see if we can get to these prospects [Music] foreign [Music] guys we're in luck we've got mines yes we do and it was real nice to be able to climb up this wash with old Bob yeah that was kind of convenient I like that so I'm gonna get up here and park and uh uh get the other drone out and fly around just a little bit and get a better look at these uh from an aerial view okay all right I'll be right back [Music] [Laughter] thank you [Music] thank you foreign okay there we go looks like we're going to be able to get in at least three or four of them around here the one with the largest waste rock pile is right over there this one I'm going to put in the number two slot the one that has the ore Chute and then after that we'll work our way higher up on the hill to take a closer look at what looks like a giant open stop yeah that drone I tell you it sure does uh take some awesome video the camera on that thing is just absolutely superb thanks again you guys for all of you who have put donations into the tip jar to help out with that permit that purchase as well as all of you here recently over the last couple of weeks that have put money into the tip jar to help me out with fuel expenses I really appreciate it okay let's go right up the hill over here we'll start off with that one the one with the really big waste rock pile all right everybody let's explore these old mines so we're going to start with this one in the bottom it's right next to the road here let me show you probably doesn't go in very far but since I'm standing right here let's poke up in here and uh see if it does indeed go any further I'm just getting some spider webs out of my way here all right here we go let's see what we have up in here spider webs big one big one yeah that's like really Indiana Jones in here okay oh we got a critter I can smell it well that's fresh what what kind of Critter do we have up in here in the world all right hold on guys there may be something up in here that I don't want to poke my nose into first of all let's look at the scat on the ground that's bigger than coyote for sure and it's fresh too wow let me show you right there yeah all right I'm going to leave my walking stick here we don't need that in the mine I'm going to maintain that forward light boy that that's that's a fresh pot stinks that smells like uh uh dog poo yeah I'm uh going real slow here we don't need any surprises we got over here anything hiding up that way anything let's look nope nothing nothing there okay turn it around oh boy I think I'm still smelling it from behind us I don't know we're gonna just uh tread cautiously here oh boy there's another big pot wait no wait is it what is that yep another one huh look at that it's old all right foreign let's look at this boy that doesn't look like mountain lion boy it's just getting smellier and smellier now hey I'm traveling real slow here keeps getting worse and worse am I going to get in come right into a den boy oh boy it's stinking there's another oh we got another one there whoa whoa holy cow what is this now I smell dead now I smell dead and rot all right let's poke over here real quick let's see what's oh God oh that's enough to gag a maggot stinks what is stinking so bad you see here see any skeletons or anything like that up here boy is there something stinking oh okay coming from up here oh yeah oh yeah it sure is it just keeps getting worse and worse oh we got a yeah we got something dead up here something really stinking boy this is just bad bad situation we got fresh scat all over the floor we got a rotting carcass which is what's drawing in the uh what's drawn in the animals yeah they're coming in here interesting thing is is that from this point you can't see the portal so if you're an animal coming in here it's pitch black I think I see our carcass down there what the hell is that boy this is just weird what the hell is this it's definitely part of the animal all right oh it's a tortoise yep and there's our dead animal right there okay let me show you here 's our did desert tortoise right there okay still keeping my eye on things I can just about barely tolerate the stink but here it is we found it let me show you what it is it looks like a goat no well no that's a that's a mule deer that's a young mule deer is what we have right here it's let me look one more thing here yeah okay so we know what was drawing them in that's getting really really really musty in here you can tell my laser is on I will just have to put up with it all right we've got cave crickets jumping around on the floor right there okay I can hear a jet it's flying over outside and that's it as far as it goes all right turning around here and that's when I see the mountain lion that that wouldn't be a good uh position to be in have the mountain lion between you and the portal uh all right laser come on call it a day oh we let's get past this rotting nasty animal makes you wonder how that thing got drugged all the way up in here but that is definitely what was drawn in the critters oh look at this hold on guys let me spin around here real quick look at that spider right there where'd he go there he is let me turn the lights down just a little bit there he is right there I got the laser on him come on now move move there he is look at how big that guy he's about probably about uh diameter of a half dollar yeah that big guy as I was saying so that's why we've got scat in here stink was drawn in the Predators that's fresh too let's get out of this stinky mine all right I'm headed back to the portal now I'm gonna hike up the hill to the one with the big waste drop pile see you up there okay here we are standing uh on top of the waste rock pile Looking Back Down The Wash where we came from that big hill over there I know it doesn't look very large on camera but uh that's the one that I could have potentially climbed up and over to get to the other mine but you can see um yeah I don't think so that's too much work okay as I turn around here we'll work our way into this next one let's see what this one's all about I'm glad you guys are coming along with me today on these fun and this fun exploration yeah okay what what do we got here a welcome sign and somebody's glove it's a rattlesnake snake where are you gonna be today um let's get some light on the situation here oh no don't that no we don't want the party light there we go that's better and make sure I got this one on yep all right we're good to go down up in here a bit of rail sticking out there that's a good sign some old venting then pipe and let's look up in there and glowing eyes nope nothing's stinking that's good foreign I thought I saw another one of them big spiders no I'll tell you what I'm Gonna Keep I don't usually keep that forward light on like that when I'm because it's disorientating for you guys to see no matter how hard I try to keep the camera still the light moves left to right up see but knowing we've got Critters I want to see a little ways up in front of me okay here we go now I can stand up that's always nice okay let's look off this direction little thing going that way but stops and now it's starting to smell like that guano it's getting worse worse and worse phew and the mind goes off that direction now okay so here we can see what they were going after there's the fault and the ore body and vein right there yep that's why they got to this point and they veered off to the left so we'll come back and explore that one in a minute uh wouldn't surprise me this is another zinc mine that seems to be what's been going on in this in this area all right around the bend we got one nope I thought we had one going that direction that's not the case now you see this here let me put the camera down for a second you guys can see this yeah I think the 360 will catch it see how they followed this right here right up into this plane right through here yeah but they weren't finding very good values so they stopped all right continuing on now you notice that gray is running all the way through here so that's definitely not what they were mining with their mining is right here yeah look look right there they were attempting to go up and stop that see the vein right there but they didn't so they continued on this direction foreign oh they got to a fault here they sampled the fault Zone weren't finding anything lots of footprints on the ground yeah that's what you get when the mines are pretty close to the road and you can drive to them foreign I was telling you about I just heard one yeah that's it's the craziest thing it really does sound like there's somebody behind you all right what do we have here a little bit of uh ground fall we got some gobbing yeah they stacked up all that rock oh wow look at these big other than these big chunkers falling down through this section here and then they stacked it right there oh yikes that one's ready to go okay what's up here nothing nothing all right turn it around now you can see all them hangers look at that if you had to it'd be a nightmare to scale this but they were trying instead of hauling it out of the mine they just stacked it all up right here hmm okay all right unless uh something uh fun pops up or jumps at me I'll meet you guys back outside and we'll head over to the next one okay I hiked over to this other one with the uh or shoot over here you can see the waste rock pile off there on the hill that's the one we just got done doing old Bob's down in the bottom right there the horseshoot is right over here let's get a quick look at that right there okay and the portal is right over here what will we find in this one that's my walking stick with the tennis ball I've told you guys what I use the tennis ball for all right looking for snakes looking for snakes uh we need some uh light here there we go well I guess for your new you new subscribers the tennis ball is sold at uh see if there was a big snake right there I could put that tennis ball between me and him and uh it's better for him to strike that than to strike me and if he does strike it he won't be injured okay Let's see we got up in here hmm oh wait this one's a crumbly one yeah that's interesting kind of a yellowish look to it almost like a potpourri material hmm I'm not smelling any sulfur and a lot of time to get into those poultry deposits they stink like rotten eggs I'm not getting that here no smells matter of fact so um let me know what your best guess is why did that mule deer I'm pretty sure it was a mule deer could have been a young I don't think it was a sheep uh anyways how do you think it got up into that mine like it did I doubt if it walked up in there on its own it was probably drug up in there by an animal anyways uh drop down in the comment section let me know your theories okay what's up there oh it just keep on going here don't we I got a tin can on the floor nothing too exciting cross ties scattered about after they pulled up the rail listening for noises the kind of noises that sound like I want to eat you all right nothing okay what's this small collapse something coming down from above I know first let's look at the floor yeah there's a bucket came down or what were they doing here ah this looks like an ore pass so if we did hike higher up on the hill we'd probably be looking down into this hole remember there was that big one we saw it on the Drone all right let's keep going Limestone Limestone however they are following the vein right here and point it out to you there's your foot wall this is the vein that's the or org that you're following okay yeah I'm gonna say zinc sure looks like it to me there's a flag from uh the geologists or the old mine owners see if it has a date on it no and most of the time they don't all right what do we have up here just old rotten Timbers keeps going though and I can stand in this one foreign anything no no we're just on a stroll right now I'm seeing a lot of uh sparkly calcite oh here's an area they started scoping look at this yeah all right oh yeah they were working it hard through here sure were okay well continuing on so when it comes to Critters some of you have asked what have I found over the years I've come in contact with uh um one rattlesnake but that was before I started my channel skunks um raccoons minecats lots of pack rats that's about it musty getting really musty up in here that's because we're coming to the face yeah when you start to feel a change like that you know that you're there all right let's look at what they were chipping away at here I think somebody lost I think somebody lost their butt on this mine yeah unless of course well let me think about this for a second so this was acting as a haulage at it and they were probably intending on putting in more raises which would eventually turn into ore passes and or shoots and uh seems to me like the only one that they were able to get into place was the one I showed you earlier going up so why don't I get my butt out of this mine hike up the hill we'll take a closer look at that big stop okay but if something uh chews on me along the way I'll be sure to show it to you yeah that was uh that was a wise choice not to hike over land to that mine earlier as I look out across that direction and see all those Ledges that I would have had to have climb over I'd have never got out of there before nightfall no it was a good wise decision just this little Hill is making me winded part of the job right all right little ways to go all right guys let's explore this old mine we're gonna have up here now this is where most of the work is probably would have been done yep see that you know they're going into that vein look at that that's what I suspected here's where the work is all being done and then up here somewhere is where they're going to be passing it down if we can get there hmm I got something going off that way look over here first this thing just twists and bends all over okay nothing that way how about over here I feel air looking off to my right that goes back to the portal to my left I'm getting air in my face up here yep uh kind of twist around that way hmm I have over here kind of bends down and around does it go around the corner let's find out indeed it does and here is our how much you want to bet maybe not maybe not throw a rock down there maybe we can hear it hit that bucket [Applause] yeah um I need a bigger Rock let's see if we can hear it hit the bucket here we go do you hear it dink dink dink I hit the bucket and about that time you hear some guy go ow anything up there sorry so that's our or pass anything up there exploratory goes up there and stops okay let's go back this direction and we'll look up this other way nice swiss cheese in here it goes all over the place okay that goes back to the portal this is where I came from down around the corner here we go and oh I see what we did all right turn it around so I went in that one and came out that one so this thing in the middle here is acting like a giant that right there is that like a big pillar and I did a Ring Around the Rosie all right let's look over here real quick before we get out of here I think we looked up in here didn't we yeah we did already all right guys that's it that's what they did Stokes with a big overpass down to the main hall of yet so now what well I guess it's time to work my way back down to Old Bob and uh we'll wrap this one up and he's all the way down in the bottom that's okay I'm just gonna go I'm gonna slalom this screed pile right here all right guys I'll see you in the bottom okay guys well that was a lot of fun it didn't uh quite turn out how I expected it would today but uh we got to see some neat stuff nevertheless um I'll see what I can do about getting back into that that other mine uh like I was saying earlier if I have to come back with my hammer drill and put in some anchors and rope or whatever it's going to take to get past that obstacle I'll do it but I still have a whole bunch more mines I want to take a look at this winter so I don't know when I'll get back to it because this one is um let me think now oh it's roughly 200 miles round trip uh from here to base camp so it may be a while before I take another stab at it so guys with that I'm going to get on out of here again thank you so much for coming along with me on another fun Bluebird day adventure and I'll see you again next weekend all right take care everybody bye bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 100,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: iinIS5ke7rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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