Will We Die Shoeing A Horse?

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I'm watching them discuss the episode maybe not being entertaining on More right now, and I gotta say, this was probably my favourite episode in a while. Like, Link noping out halfway through the episode had me rolling, him mouthing to Stevie was hilarious, and seeing Rhett genuinely struggle with the horse while worrying for the horse was great.

And the horse dude's deadpan reactions to the boys was just cheff's kiss.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 203 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/snowtol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I initially thought they were going to die from horse-related injuries online, but I quickly realized the horse doesn't need to do anything because squatting will take them both out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 99 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Felzlek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The guys seem upset...do you think they feel like failures?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 93 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/its_karyll_herself πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a well behaved horse.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 74 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnZ_AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I actually love how weird this episode became, almost like a vlog with the way it was edited. Maybe because for years now GMM has been a very controlled environment where the guys are always pretty much in their element, it was fun to see them thrown off and making eye contact with the camera like it's an inside joke with Mythical Beasts how this was obviously going nothing like they expected, and they were both stressed out about it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KarmaRockets πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

"I'm trying to be friends with this end of the horse first"

Weird stuff Link says volume #432932

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Frappo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Quality episode. Brought back memories of taking horse riding lessons in fifth grade. Butch was very gracious and patient. He knew how to pick things back up when Rhett was struggling. I learned a lot from this episode; I had no idea about how horseshoe nails bend sideways, and I had no idea about all the techniques for lifting a horse’s foot up! Also, Rhett’s tall people problems were very relatable. This episode really held my attention; the steps of the process were demonstrated very nicely, and I can tell the crew put a lot of effort into making sure R&L had an adequate workspace.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly this was close enough of my absolute favourite stuff!

When Link and Rhett went out there into the real world and visiting people doing their jobs!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Frappo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I dislike how there seems to be an impossibility for people to be critical with R/L on this sub. I like the show and the guys, but I disliked this episode, it was slow, awkward, and frankly boring. I admire their attempt and Rhett sticking it out, but it was honestly way out of the way from their normal humor and tambor. The fact that some people on here are calling it their favorite episode.... I guess to each their own...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/llammalrdsofsci πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 14 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today, we attempt to put a horseshoe on a real horse. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good mythical summer. - We are moments away from bringing a real life horse into this studio. - A real life horse? - A real life horse, and a real live horse. - Yeah. - Because today we have the gift of learning some horse husbandry from an actual professional. - Well, speaking of gift, you know, they say you should never look a gift horse in the mouth. - That's right, Link. Well, with the help of a farrier, which you'll figure out what that is in a second, we're gonna see if we can learn the skill of horse shoeing live. Did I say it was with a real life horse? - Yeah. - 'Cause it is. - With a dead horse, that would be weird. - Yeah. - And you know what they say about horses. You can lead 'em to water, but you can't make 'em drink. - Are you gonna speak in horse sayings for the rest of the day? - Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold your horses. Don't put the cart before the horse. - Your jokes have gone the way of the horse and buggy. It's time for putting new shoes on this here horsie. It can't be any harder than mom and dad's divorcie. Welcome to the horse play zone. - And this is the live horse. - Oh yes, it is. - Look at how live he is, how horsey he is. Man. - Okay, so with this, we got-- - Is this a mistake? - We've got Mac, the horse. We've got Butch the farrier, and then we've got Guin, horse handler extraordinaire. - Yes. - And owner of the company. What's your situation here? What is this? What's your company? - The company's called Good Dog Animals, and we provide animals for film and TV. - So Mac is a professional television and film actor? - Very much so. - Well, Rhett wore his boots for you today. - I did, Butch, I thought I would dress the part. - Yeah. - And so I don't think Link did. - I'm going to the beach after this. We've been watching horse-Tok. I just get mesmerized by these TikToks of people like scraping the horse, like-- - Right. - Like giving horseshoe makeovers, like giving, fixing their feet. - You spend a lot of time on TikTok? - Every day. (crew laughs) - Okay, pretty much if you're not messing with a horse, you're messing with TikTok. - [Butch] That's it. - Did you know that that was a thing though? Where it's just like? - Yeah, I've seen those videos where they have like a big spade that's extremely sharp and they just push down. - Yes. - So by the end of today, the two of us are gonna know how to shoe a horse. So if like the apocalypse comes and we're no longer using cars, everybody's got a horse, they'll just be coming to Rhett and Link's Horseshoeing. - Exactly. Exactly, yeah. - Does he like what I'm doing right now? I'm just like stroking his neck. - Sure. - I'm trying to be friends with this end of the horse first. - If you whispered it in his ear, he'd like it a lot more. - Hey buddy, I'm gonna give you a new shoe. - Oh, he turned his, he turned his ear toward him. Did you see that? - [Guin] Oh, he's listening. - [Link] Let's start looking at the foot. - [Butch] The first thing you're gonna do, we're gonna ask him for his foot. So you just don't grab his foot. You gotta let him know you're coming, so you run your hand down his leg. - Oh, I see that there's a shoe there already. - He is shod. - [Link] All right. So you gotta remove that. - Right. - And then clean all that stuff out, which that's exciting for me. - Oh, this is one of the best parts of the TikToks. - Oh. - So what we're gonna do, what you're gonna do, is we're gonna clean all that debris out. - I know you're not gonna do anything that's gonna hurt the horse at all. I just want, we just wanna go ahead and you know, we may die in the process, but Mac is not gonna be the least uncomfortable, okay. - He'll be just fine, just fine. - [Butch] So the next thing we do is we're gonna remove this shoe. I'm gonna take this, this is a clench cutter, and I'm gonna knock. - Oh. - And then take your pullers, take the shoe off. And when you push it down, when you pull it down, always pull to the inside. Otherwise you'll chip his foot out. - Oh, we don't want to do that. - So when you rack, you go down, go to the inside. - [Rhett] Just go to the inside. - Looks like you're applying a lot of force, but he's totally cool with this. How often does this happen? - Between four and eight weeks. Typically it's every six weeks, 45 days. - Okay. Whoa, no. What are you doing now? You're clipping the, you're clipping his nails. - [Butch] We're clipping his toenail. - Yes, I, what? Look at that. It looks like plastic. - You're gonna, we're gonna let Link do this? All right, we just turned the AC on it to cool it down. - Next thing we are gonna do is gonna be the scariest part for you guys. We're gonna use these nails. - Oh my gosh. - To nail the shoe on. - Is that a copper nail? - It's copper coated. - So that is a sharp, that's a sharp nail, which is gonna make it easy for us to jam this into the horse's nail, which he can't feel. I'm telling myself. - However, you can make a mistake by. - By what? - You notice there's two sides on the head. One has a logo and one is plain. - [Link] Yeah. - You have to put the logo to the inside of the foot, because as you notice, see how that end's beveled? - [Link] It angles a little bit. - So that's what guarantees you that it will go out. - I thought it was part of the shoe contract. The logo's gotta go inside. - If you turn it the other way, it'll go into his foot. - Ooh. - So this is very important. - And he'll kick. Will he kick you at that point? - I don't know. I'm sure we're gonna find out. - So logo to the inside. - You sure you're gonna find out what? - Logo to the inside. - [Link] What do you mean you're sure you were gonna find out if he's gonna kick us? - [Butch] I don't know. - Don't do it wrong. - [Butch] If you do it wrong, it possibly could happen. Now-- - [Rhett] I'm beginning to question if this was a good idea. - We're gonna put the shoe on, that shoe fits. - If the shoe fits. - Nail it. (hammer tapping) - Whoa! That was quick. And then you, what did you, what are you doing? It came through the top of the shoe, of the-- - [Butch] I'm gonna twist it off. - [Rhett] Oh, so you, oh, you break it. - [Link] You twist it off. - [Butch] See? - Oh my gosh. How did you, so you just twisted off the end of the nail. - So it goes through, comes out the top, and gets twisted off. - [Butch] Right. See? - And see, that's why you're wearing those things. You just went right into 'em. - [Butch] Right. - You said you call that a shap? - [Butch] Chaps. - I thought it was a chap. - [Butch] That's what happens to your lips in the wind. So now we've got. - [Link] You waiting for him to crap? - We've got the shoe on. So we're gonna put his foot up on this stand. - [Both] Ooh. - This is like trick time. - This is like something elephant would do at the circus before that wasn't cool anymore. (file grinding) - [Butch] So. - Does he know that you're teaching a lesson right now? Like, is he like, yeah, okay. This is gonna take longer than normal 'cause there's a couple of nitwits here. - He has no clue what's happening. - He has no clue? Sorry, I stepped on your boot. - You want me to step on your shoe? - No, don't. - So you wanna pick, you wanna do a back foot is what you're saying? - Yeah, we would like each to do one foot. - Let's go. For a back foot, slightly different position to hold his foot. - Okay. - So you start up here, tell him you're coming, come all the way down and he'll raise his foot up. He'll lift it up even. - [Link] Look at that. - [Rhett] Look at him. - [Butch] Right? - He's smarter than me. - Yeah. - [Butch] It's not his first rodeo. And you're gonna take this foot and you're gonna step under it and put it over your hip right here. - Oh, so squat basically. - And you've gotta bend your knees so you can work on it. - All right, Rhett, get in there. What does he, does he have some chaps? - Yeah, I have some right there. - Put some chaps on, Rhett. - Oh man, so I didn't know I was gonna be doing the air chair, Butch. Okay. - You've been chapped. Now stroke his leg and let him know you're coming. - Hey, I'm not listening to you. You don't, you don't instruct me. - I was listening. - No, Butch instructs me. You watch. - Well, where am I gonna stand so if that, if that foot comes up is not gonna kick me in the face. - Okay. - [Both] So run your hand down his leg. - You know what? When you were doing it, I thought it was, everything was be cool. But now that I'm doing it-- - [Butch] The thing about this is don't be apprehensive. - [Rhett] I'm, I'm cool. - He can feel that. - Don't be tentative. - Yeah, I'm not tentative. - Just make your moves and then he likes it better. - Yeah, yeah. Hey buddy, I'm not being tentative. - If you, if you're acting scared of him. - I'm not scared of you. - He's going, "why is this guy scared? Maybe I should be scared." - Can he smell fear? - Yes. - Just like a bee. - It comes right out of your arm, through your fingertips, into him. - Okay, here we go. All right, buddy, this time it's gonna, it's gonna, yeah, you can bring it up. - [Link] You didn't, you didn't, there you go. - [Rhett] Bring it up, yeah, there you go. So now you come over here. - [Butch] Now step under him. - Let me get this across here. - [Link] Bring it around, get the Butch stance. - Don't get in so far. Come out farther. You've gotta have, come to me farther. Go around. - I'm six foot seven. - [Link] You look comfortable. - [Butch] Go back farther. - Which way? - Come this way more. There you go. Now you gotta put your knees together. Turn your toes in. - Do one of these, Rhett. - Yeah, that's what you gotta do. - And then put your-- - But you don't get a stool. - Get your butt up higher. - Okay, hold on. We gotta take a break. I'm coming back up, coming back up, coming back up. - And you only gotta these 10 of these today. - Oh God. - So you're already tired? - Do you know how tall I am? My legs are like so long. I don't, I have no way. - You're I think you're squatting too much. Butch, is he squatting too much? - No. - He was like, he was like this. He needs to be like this. - No. - You wanna go first? - [Butch] The lower you are the better off you are, because I wanna see his foot like right here. - Okay. - Okay. - Okay, coming back in, buddy. Coming back. - It's time. It's time to get your cowboy on. - [Rhett] Okay. Let's. - [Butch] No, there you go. - [Link] Run your hand all the way down the back. - [Butch] Run it down. He'll pick it up. There you go. - [Rhett] Okay. Here, come on, let's do it. - [Butch] Now step under him. This part has to be touching here. That has to be touching there. There you go. Now, if you turn your knees in, that's what you got. 'Cause your knee has to be underneath that foot. Your knee has to be underneath that foot. There, there's your position right there. - There you go, Rhett. - Hold that for an hour. Clean his foot out. - (grunts) Okay. Yeah, hold it, get, do a tornado drill position. Okay. Oh, there you go, that's good. - Just, just sit on my knee. - Oh, oh. Okay. - Try it one more time. - Go again. And you're not running down the back of the leg. - Yeah, let him know you're coming and he'll lift it up for you. - [Rhett] He's like this again. - [Link] He doesn't wanna lift for you. - [Butch] Yeah, he'll do it. - [Rhett] Come on, come on, buddy. - [Butch] See where your left knee is supposed to, or your left knee is supposed to be? Now come out to me a little more, because that foot has to be out from between your legs so you can work on it. It's sucked up into you too much. That's, that's better. Here. Clean his foot. - Okay. Thank you, Link. - Is this helping you? - [Rhett] Oh, very much so. - [Butch] Down, go down, the other direction. Hold it, hold it like a microphone. - [Rhett] Oh oh oh oh oh oh. - [Butch] There you go. - [Link] Oh, this is too much for me. What, what? - [Rhett] It's burning again. - What's burning? Just put your weight on my, put your weight on me, man. - Oh, well you know what? I think we're gonna have to tag team each foot. - And you, you didn't even clean all his foot out. - Now you, you, you. (groans) - What? I don't even have chaps. - [Rhett] Okay. - Is there another pair of chaps? - Okay, since you've gone through all this, you're gonna get to cheat. - Look at that. - Now this is even harder because you've gotta ask him to put his foot on this stand. And sometimes he doesn't want to do it. - [Rhett] Mac, think about what just happened. - [Butch] So this is more dangerous because you've got his foot on a stand, but you've gotta have this leg in front of his fetlock so he doesn't do that. - Got it, got it, got it. Okay. I can do this. - All right. - Okay, Mac, it's gonna be a little bit different this time, buddy. I'm still not scared. My quads are a little bit burned. There we go. - [Link] Come on, Rhett. - Still me. (joint popping) - Oh, what was that pop? - That was my shoulder. - Okay. Okay. - [Butch] Now when you do this, you've gotta get his foot in front of that enough so feel where the nails are with your finger. - So they're there, so yeah, they're clear. - Feel where those nails are? Okay, so this goes at the nail. - To kind of loosen that nail. - You're gonna knock. You're gonna knock it loose. See how I just did that? So you gotta find those and knock 'em loose. - I'm just making sure I'm in there. You're actually basically chipping into it up under it. - [Butch] Exactly. Did you feel how it got some purchase that time? - [Rhett] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'd like to purchase somebody who could actually do this. - Don't give up, be positive. The horse can sense that. - Okay, there's another way to do it, I'll show you. (Rhett groans) - [Link] You're doing, he's not, he's not. - Oh, my legs are just gone, man. - [Butch] And you haven't even pulled the shoe off yet. - I haven't done anything. - You put your foot on this one and you take that red-handled rasp. See that red handle? - [Rhett] Yeah. - Grab it for me, one of you guys. - Oh God, I can barely walk, Butch. - Is that why cowboys walk weird? - Okay. This is the other way you can. This is the other way you can do this, is you can rasp off the edges like this. See that? You can rasp them off. See, they're off. - Why are you playing these mind games, man? - 'Cause I wanted, I wanted you to do it correctly. - Yeah, you don't want me to start the easy way now that I appreciate what is actually required. - Now you're gonna put his foot back up on that stand. - Okay. - All right. - Okay. - We're making progress, I think. - Okay, there we go. You trust me now? - Yeah, bring that knee under there. - Now you're going to get, put one foot on the front, Otherwise he's gonna pull that stand over. Now you're gonna put those pullers. - Pull towards the inside. - [Butch] Start at the back, pull toward the inside. But now you have to make sure this toe is in the middle or else you're gonna bend his foot, and you, yeah, see what I'm saying? - Kind of kinda secure it. And he can take that pressure with my other hand? Do I grab the whole thing like that and pull inside? - [Butch] You're going too far forward. - [Rhett] Too far forward? - Yeah, stay in the back until you get those nails popped loose. Now go on the other side and do the same thing. - [Rhett] Okay. - [Link] You're having some luck. - [Rhett] Okay. - Same thing, but go down, go down and inside. There you go. - [Rhett] Yeah! - You did it. - Okay. Can I let him down now? - Yeah. - Okay, buddy. - You did it, Rhett. You took his shoe off. - Do you uh, you want the oxygen tank? - Oh God. I need something, Butch. - Okay. - I need something. - You need to take a breather, man. - I need a water break. - So let's instead of trimming that foot, which I don't know. You want to attempt that or you, or do you want just? - Does he need a trim? - He could use a small one. - He could use a small trim. - Yeah. I'll trim him. (crew laughs) Who do you think I am, Butch? Have you been paying attention this whole time? - Yeah, I have. Let's push him around a little. Okay. This is the part that if I were you I'd be real scared of, 'cause you can't, there's no room for error. All right? So I'm gonna, I'll get you started. - What he just said did not make me feel good about what you're about to do. - I'm gonna start it. When you trim a horse's foot, you see where this jaw edge is? So when I make my next, my next pass, I don't want to go a full one, I just wanna go half and match the one, the previous one I just did. So that's what you wanna do all the way around to about there. - I'll tell you right now. I ain't doing that part, man. I got a, I got a toe clipping phobia and I am not doing that. - I need to, I need to redeem myself. - You still good? - We're still good. - Are you? Think about it now. - We're still good. Yeah, we're still, we're good. We're good, we're good, we're good. See, he trusts me now. He's like, "Yeah, this is old hat." Okay. - And you hold him flat. - [Rhett] You looking good right there? - [Butch] Yeah. - [Rhett] And we just kind of. - [Butch] Squeeze it like you mean it. - Oh, look at the sweat just running off your brow, man. Whoop. - Is that? - Well, typically, typically you would go down to here, and I never really. - He's, he's good with it. - [Butch] I'll just finish this one part for you. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes you're like, man, what can we do on this show? I bet you this would be the most fun we've ever had. And look, you were like literally, you look like you've been in a sauna. Like sweat is dripping off of you. I mean, you've gotten some stuff done though. - [Rhett] Yeah. I've gotten so much done. - You're making progress. Don't be discouraged. - Hand me one of those shoes that say number two on. - Basically, if you know anything about shoeing a horse, don't be critical of Butch, 'cause he's gonna undo and redo everything that we're doing today afterwards, right Butch? - No, I'm gonna charge him for shoeing this horse and you guys are doing the work. - So now you're sizing the shoe? - I'm shaping it. - Shaping the shoe. - I'm gonna let Butch do that part. I mean, I think I've proven that if I, if I wanted to, I could shape the shoe, but. - Oh, I forgot about that, here. Here's another one. - Now he gonna make, since you were talking smack. - See the difference? - [Rhett] You want this one to look like that. - [Butch] Yeah. - Now he's gonna make you do it. - I should have been watching. - Hit it right here. - You look like a genuine blacksmith. (hammer tapping) I am exhausted. - I feel good about that, Butch. - So now you're gonna do this. Now I'm just begging you please, when you put the nail in, make sure it's pointed in the right direction. So the nail doesn't go into his foot. Needs to be a little rounded on the outside. - Mac, you're being very patient. I'm very proud of you. You're an excellent being. (hammer tapping) (file scraping) Making some final touches for Rhett to shoe a horse. - [Butch] I'm gonna get you started here. Okay, you're gonna put, put those toenails in. - Okay. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not nervous. - So get two of 'em out of the box first. Where are you gonna hold them? - Put it in your mouth, that's what, that's the way he did it. - Walk him out a little. So you put the tip in the top outside corner. Angle it up the wall. - Oh yeah. He's doing it. - [Butch] Now feel with your finger. See if it's coming out. - [Rhett] Yep, it is. - [Butch] Okay now. - [Link] Nice, Rhett. - Pull it down first before you try to stick it in between. See, that's how you get cut and get hurt. - Are we still good? - We're still good. Can't you tell? - What you're gonna do is this, look. Don't try to do this right now. - [Rhett] Oh, you're gonna just bring it down. - [Butch] You're gonna go like that and bring it down, and then you can put that on in there. - Hey, Stevie. I'm not gonna do this. (crew laughs) - [Butch] Now think about it, that nail's sticking out. - I'm not, I'm not gonna do it. - Rhett, hold him by his fetlock, there you go. And wring it fast. Now wring it. Gotta twist it. No, twist it. - I'm doing it with my off-hand here. - We're doing great, Rhett. We're doing great. - We're still good. Okay, I might wanna leave that to you, Butch. - Look, now that you've got it in that position, you put it on here and you gotta twist it, twist it off. - I think now that he's getting a little bit impatient, I might call it. I might say I got one in, I got one in there. - He needs four more though. - Rhett, hey Rhett. Let's regroup. - What? What are you gonna, what are you gonna do? - Nothing. - Oh, come on, man. - I don't, I've just, I think you've done a great job. I don't even, I mean, do you wanna keep nailing the hooves? - No! I got one in and one nail a day keeps the doctor away. - Hey, we're not still good. - I'm still, we're still good because Butch is here. See, he's already doing the rest of the nails. I didn't even have to ask him. - I'm still good. - Be honest. - Look at that shoe. I did a little bit of that, Mac. - Let's put his head around this way. Okay, now you're gonna do this. - Yeah he is. - You're gonna get this stand. - Know what, does anybody need any like almonds or anything? - So you nip off the edge as close as you can to the foot. Take your rasp, get all the debris out from underneath the nails. And then you're gonna take these and crimp 'em over. - All right, Rhett. Finish what you started, son. - Okay. - [Link] If you need anything, I'm right here just providing worthless quips. - And make sure you have your other foot on that stand. What's the first thing you're gonna do? - [Rhett] I'm going to-- - [Butch] Get the nippers and crimp them. - [Rhett] Which is this right here. - [Butch] Right. - [Link] Get the nippers. - [Butch] And go as close as you can to the hoof wall. Turn the jaws other direction. - [Rhett] What do you mean, this way? - [Butch] There you go. - You nipped it. Then you want this? - [Butch] Now put that back and take your rasp and get the debris underneath the nail. Get that going, that rhythm going, there you go, but don't rasp it off too much. Look at that foot now. That's not too bad. - [Rhett] See, that's not too bad. - [Butch] It's a good extension and contraction. - [Link] Oh yeah, look at him. He's modeling that thing. - That's pretty good. - The shoe fits, Mac! (Link applauding) Yeah, clap! (crew applauds) Please clap. - [Butch] Now pick your tools up. - You did all right, man. You did all right. Yeah, I'm gonna help shut this down. Butch, thank you so much for coming out. You've been great. Mac, I want to thank you for being so patient. You did an amazing job. Rhett, you did an amazing job. You know what? - Here you go. - This is, this is, this is everything that, this is everything we thought it would be. And I just wanna remind you if you want the nautical summer collection. - Oh come on! - I've been wearing it this whole time and yeah, there's a bucket hat. And it's just, it's, it's, you know, if you wanna try your hand at shoeing a horse, I'd recommend wearing this. And Rhett, I'm proud of you. - Did you know the whole time that you were just gonna back out and not do it? - It dawned on me pretty early in your process that I was not gonna do this. Just coming to a conclusion of this episode, we just wanna give a very special thank you to Good Dog Animals, thank you guys. - Thank you. - For coming out here and doing this. You provide animals for ants. (crew laughs) Is that what it says? Is that what it is? You provide ants and elephants for TV? - From ants to elephants. - But not for ants. Okay. - And ants, or elephants. - They provide animals, ants, elephants, everything in between for film and TV, including horses. - Truly, thank you. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - [Link] Now you say, "You know what time it is." - You know what time it is. - My name's Catherine. - I'm Ellie. We're on holiday in Cornwall and we've just found a miniature horse. - And it's time to spin. - The Wheel of Mythicality. - Maybe we should have started with a miniature horse. - Yep, should have. We should have shoed miniature horses. - Click the top link to watch us rank the hottest cartoon horses in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. Summer style, but make it mythical. The nautical summer collection is available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 724,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: 7Rs-IELazOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.