Street Food From Other Countries Taste Test ft. Jackson Wang

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As a long time K-Pop fan and an even longer GMM fan, this was a very welcome surprise!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 65 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HarlequinCow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Have to be honest, at first didn't think this was going to be a great episode, they weird waybhe was looking at them as each one talked. But this turned out to be a great episode. He was very charming and seemed to have pretty good chemistry with the guys.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TREDrunkn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Kalyn hugs were very cute. She looked so nervous.

ETA: Spelling corrected, thanks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/prismabird πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have no clue who the guest is but he seemed to be vibing pretty good with the guys and it was a good episode overall.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/weschester πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Today's GMMore was that wrong one from the other day.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnZ_AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's almost mind bending to see Jackson Wang of all people on GMM, that's two universes colliding for me!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KarmaRockets πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had no idea who the guy was but I’m now a fan. He’s very personable and charming.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/daaaayyyy_dranker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

this almost feels like kpop fanfiction lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/colizard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not familiar with the guest but I thought he was charming and it was a really funny episode. I love when they have guests who speak a different language with one of the crew members and RL are left guessing what they’re saying.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lazybloom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today, we're expanding our street food knowledge. - Let's talk about that. (gentle music) - Good Mythical Summer. - And please welcome singer, rapper, dancer, fashion designer, record label founder, international superstar, and all around lovable goofball, Jackson Wang. - Yes. (crew cheering) - Hey, this is Jackson Wang. - What do you not do, man? - No, I'm not really good at it, I'm not, it's just like a- - Come on. - Come on. - Well, how good are you at trying to get people to try new foods? - I might have a dream, I want to be the co-host of this show. - Oh, okay all right. So this is your audition. - Oh, cool okay, again. - You gotta replace him, right? - Good Mythical Morning. - I love it. So whoever loses this game, Jackson is gonna replace. - Yes. - So now the stakes have gone a lot further up. - Wow. - Because we're gonna be tasting food from your childhood growing up in China. We have to guess if it's truly from there or somewhere else. - Yes. - You ready? - I'm ready. - You hungry? - Yes. - I'm hungry. - It's time for, Trying New Street Foods But Can We Guess Where They're From? And can Jackson Wang help us or will he scoff and call us bums? - All right, in each round we'll be served a dish and then Rhett and I are gonna have to guess, like I said, if it's a street food that Jackson grew up loving in China, by guessing Chinese, or not these. - That's a good one, that's a good one. - Okay so Jackson- - Thank you. - Your job is to convince us that their dishes when you enjoyed it as a kid in China, even if it's from somewhere else, okay. - Where did your jacket go? - No, I just took it off 'cause I felt like too. I want to be like t-shirt. - Okay. - T-shirt boys. - All right. - I mean, you wanna hang it up? You want to I mean- - It's cool. - Like if it's all right, I'll put it over my shoulder. - Yeah, yeah. - Just kind of just like, yeah, just like. - Oh yeah. Look at that. (crew laughing) - Well, that's nice. - All right, if we get the majority correct. We're actually working together, and we did that so there's no way that Jackson could replace one of us. - Smart. - But if we get the majority correct, then we get to perform a flip with Jackson because we know that you're amazing at flips. - A little bit. Yeah, I do a little like tricking. - It's wild. - Is it? - But yeah, I'm ready to do one with you. - A cartwheel? - Eh. - No? - Let's just see what happens, man. (nervous laughing) Kalyn, why don't you bring in the first dish? - All right. - And be sure to tell Jackson what a big fan you are. - No. - Oh what? - Don't lie to me right now. - That's crazy, that must have been someone else. - Come on now. - Oh my. - Well let's have a conversation. - Oh, oh. (crew laughing) - Thank you. - [Kalyn] Oh. - Should we open this? - You don't know what that just did for her, man. - Yeah, I think she- - That was a big moment. - I don't think she wanted to acknowledge this. - Do you know what this is? - This looks like a candy coated strawberry. And that is a freaking huge strawberry. - You call that bingtang hulu. - Bingtang hulu. - Bingtang hulu. - Yes, bingtang hulu. You have that sugar syrup. - From your childhood? - Yes, from my childhood. - So your job is to convince us of that. - That it's a Chinese food. - Even if it's not so. - Honestly, I don't know. - You're doing a good job. - Honestly, I have no idea. - Are you a good liar? - My mom told me that it's Chinese food, so I believed it, right. So, and- - This is tricky. - It's like candy apple - This next level mind tricks right here. - Oh, wow it's totally like a candy apple. - What did you call it? - Bingtang hulu. - Bingtang hulu. - Oh my God. - Hold on, did you get your brain? - Dude, - What do you think? - It could not have come closer to stabbing the back of my throat. - How the heck did that happen? Why did you push so hard? - Dude, I don't know, I almost died just then. - No, you're not supposed to, you're supposed to eat it gently. - Well, thanks for telling me now. - As if you're like having a kiss. - You're not supposed to stab. I don't understand how like. - No, no, no, no, no, no. - It went into the back of my throat. - But why? I don't understand. You're trying to push it into your mouth? I don't get it. - No I was biting it? - You didn't even finish this one. - I'm showing what I did, I'm reenacting it. I bit the end of it like this and when I chomped down on it, the stick went up into my brain. - Imagine you're having a kiss, like a kiss, Right, yeah. - [Rhett] That true. (crew laughing) What part of this- - Oh, you can eat it like that too. - What part of his wife's body is that? - This is actually my shower wall where I practice kissing. - It's really good. - Right? - This is so much better than a candy apple Jackson. - So Link we gotta work together on this. I'm still kind of shaken up. - The additional detail that Jackson threw in there about, "my mom told me, "you know, that I enjoyed this as a kid." To me that lends credence to it. - Yeah, I think this is Chinese. - I agree. - All right, so we're saying Chinese. - Chinese. - You just had bingtang hulu, it's Chinese. - Okay, all right. Okay great. - Yes. - Wait, did I just give it, it's too easy? Is it too easy. - No, no, you're just, I mean, you just told us the truth and I- - Until I see you lie, I don't know. - Yeah right, I didn't sense any falsehood in you at all. - The next one I'll try to do something with it. - Okay, well we're gonna find out. Kayla, now come on in. There's no reason to be nervous just because you're a massive fan. - Listen, allegedly. - Just admit to it. - Allegedly, okay. - You're a fan. You speak Chinese, speak some Chinese. - Oh, you speak Chinese? - Show off a little bit. - Yeah, yeah just a little, I mean. (speaking Chinese) - Oh my God. (speaking Chinese) - It's happening again. (speaking Chinese) - Okay, Kayla. - Okay. - All right Kayla, we gotta do our jobs here. - Later. - Okay later. Oh, that was a line she memorized? - Wow, no, no I think she- - No, she speaks Chinese. - She speaks all kinds of stuff. - She speaks all types of stuff. - Yeah, yeah, yeah She full of surprises. - We don't you. - You're wearing the jacket now? - It's yeah, I'm loving it. Oh my, we've got some sort of egg. - This is called cha ye dan. It's called like tea egg. - Is it from a chicken? - Of course. (crew laughing) - I mean, it doesn't look like a chicken egg. - No, it's like the color. - But if a chicken egg comes out like that, you gotta take that chicken to a chicken doctor. - It's like food coloring. - Oh, it's added. - Yeah, it's added on. - Okay. - Yeah, smell it, it's like real good. - Yeah, it smells like a egg. - It's fragrant. - Is it? So it's tea? It's teadified? - It's like boiled eggs and then you put it in the hot water and then with some soy sauce and tea. - And you're making all that up, you're lying to me right now. - No. My mom told me that. - Okay, you keep, he's blaming his mom. - Maybe a specific memory as a kid that you associate with this, like oh yeah? - Do I just bite it? - Don't do what you did with the bingtang. - Don't stab yourself. - None of this. - Like just eat it like how you would eat a egg. - Yeah. - And then. - It's like a boiled egg with a little bit of, - [Rhett] Yeah. - Little bit of a tea flavor. - Thank you, oh wow. I mean, you don't have to do that. - This is a full service episode. - You got some something. - I think he's trying to suck up to you after lying to your face. - You think he's lying about it? - [Link] He doesn't know what this is. - No, if you say I'm lying, then I'll say my mom was lying. - I'm not afraid to say your mom's a liar. - Mom, you're lying, mom. - Your mom's a liar. - Okay, I mean, first of all, it's very good. I mean- - He had a lot of details- - Taste like a slightly salty boiled egg. - You like it? - Why is it cold? - Oh. It's supposed to be hot. - He's expecting it to be hot. - Oh my God. - I'm just trying to return the favor. (crew laughing) - So I think this is- - You didn't even have anything on there. I mean, I'm just being polite. - I think, because he said, "Why is it cold?" It's supposed to be hot. He's either a master deceiver or he is telling the truth. - They also call it like the dinosaur egg, you know, because of the pattern here. - Oh, wow. - See that's good detail. - You totally just made that up. - He's lying. - My mom, not me. - His mom's lying. - Are you sure dude? - I think so. I think he's lying. - All right. - I'm gonna say, Not these. - Not these. Are we right? - You just had Chinese food. - Again. See, he's being sincere. - Okay. - He could be a horrible liar, we haven't experienced it. Yeah, but I mean, okay, so we should trust you from here on out. - My mom, trust my mom. - He's always deflecting. - Kalyn still not, it's not clear if she's a super fan or not but I'm pretty sure she is, is back with another dish. - And you know what? - Has the jacket on. - I actually forgot, there's a very important legal document that we forgot to get your signature on. Do you mind signing? For our lawyers of course. - A very important legal document that says "Important document." - Yes, yes. We just need your signature on there and make sure to make it out to Kalyn. K-A - Okay. - [Kalyn L-Y-N. - [Rhett] Make this legal document out to Kalyn. - Yeah, we have a lawyer. - You know how they work. - But don't write her name over the legal documents part 'cause I think she's gonna probably cut that off. - [Kalyn] K-A-L-Y-N. Yeah, that's great. We have a lawyer the same name, it's really rare, but. - Kalyn - It just happens. - Kalyn I think we're gonna have to update the, every round. She's getting what she wants, another hug. All right. - You're not getting paid for this episode you realize. You're getting all payment you deserve. - You have yet to lie to us. - Oh, it smells good. - This is fish balls. - Fish balls. - Fish balls. Those are big. - You know what, you never see a fish with balls it's because they cut 'em off and put 'em in this lettuce. - No, what balls are you talking about? - Testes. - Testicles. - Oh, no, no, no, not that balls. - Oh. - It's fish meatballs. - Oh. - Yeah like- - Balls that's made out of fish meat. - I know about these 'cause I've had 'em in soups and whatnot. Just eat it with my mouth. - Yeah. Put this on top. - On top. - Oh, you gotta get the little, a little- - Put it like a little scallion. - [Jackson] You probably want to tear like a piece of this to eat it like a combo. - Oh really? And they call it the triple X in the- - Triple X? - Like triple three, like triple three, like one, two, three. - This is good. I don't mean to offend you 'cause I know you're lying to us, this is not from your childhood in China. - It is definitely, my mom confirmed. - You know, your mom really should be here because you keep throwing her under the bus. - I mean, as a kid, you know, you just eat whatever your parents give you, right. - Fish ball, sure mom. - That's a good fish ball. - Man it's so good. Do you dip it at anything? - You do it with the combo. - The triple X. - Triple, yeah. (hissing) - Okay, what was that? - That was just a little. - Triple X is a movie. - I'm experimenting with some things because you're a lot cooler than he is. And I don't normally hang out with people that are cool and so I'm just- - At least you're admitting that- - I'm adding something- - You're trying hard. - I can't even do it. It was just my brain wasn't even working, it was just like a spur of the moment thing. We'll have to watch it back. - Jackson, tell us some more lies about how this is from your childhood. - No, no, not lies. Honestly, my mom it's like she- - Gave it to you. - Told me about this combo. Like how the grandparents- - She called it the triple X? - Yes, she said that her mom told her, like the grandparents, it's like a- - So this is generational. - Since like the Song Dynasty, like back in like ancient times, this is how everybody ate. - Triple X, you mis-stepped with that one. You should have stuck with your mom. - But sometimes you put it like on a stick and you eat it. - And then you stab yourself in the roof of the mouth. - Okay. - And then you do this. - All right, he's saying put it on a stick. Jackson, I'm not changing my answer. - I don't believe him. Not these. - Not these. Where are these from really? - You just had Chinese food. - No what? - Okay, it's not the dynasty or whatever, it's just fish balls. - Okay. - It's fish balls. - Okay, all right. - We keep thinking that you're gonna lie to us and you're just telling us the truth this whole time. - I'd really love to see you lie one day. - I mean, what's the point of this game? (crew laughing) - All right Kalyn, let's see our next street food item. And of course, do you have anything else you wanna get signed, autographed, whatever word you want to use? - No, I'm just here to drop off the food and go. But actually, while I'm here. (speaking Chinese) - Talking about you being tall. - The set was amazing. - Okay. (speaking Chinese) - Me? No, not us. - She just pointed at me and I said something. (speaking Chinese) - Talking about your thing you're known for. - My signature moves. - Oh. - All right, and of course. Okay Kalyn. I hope you're happy. - I'm happy. - I'm confused. Oh, look at these. These are like little tacos. - [Rhett] Is that a taco with some. - [Jackson] No, it's not. - Why don't you explain it? - You want me to? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Instead of us just keep saying things. - Remember this from your childhood? - [Jackson] It's called the blanket. - The blanket? (foreign language), it's called (foreign language). - [Link] It looks like a blanket. Is it supposed to be folded like a taco? - Yeah, no you eat it like rolling it up. You have to roll it. - Oh you roll it. - Yeah, yeah. You have to roll it. - You roll it up like a little- - [Rhett] And what is that inside? - In every city and every province it's different. - Oh, that's like marshmallow fluff. - Yeah, you're supposed to eat it like in one bite. - Oh, sweet. - Like this. - This is good. Oh, just get in there. - This one my mom didn't tell me. Okay. My dad. (laughing) - Oh, okay. - What did your dad say? - My dad said eat this, oh, it's very good for men. - Oh. Very good for men. Oh you got a little. They really got a thing going. (hissing) (laughing) Two of them. - We touch, this is a. - I'm a little jealous. - It's like ET, I mean hey. - It's cool. - You got it, you know what I saying? - Dad said it was good for men. - That's what I was thinking as I was eating it. - You're a man. - This is good for me. I'm a man. - It's good for the hormone. - The testosterone? - Muscle and like immune system too and everything. - But are you picking up on any lying here? - Okay, here's what I'll say. We've sucked this, he's been great. We've sucked, we were wrong two outta three times. However, he changed his strategy, suddenly he's bringing his dad into it. - Right. - It feels like maybe he's just lying now. - See you, sometimes you just think too much, man. (crew laughing) - Maybe he's incapable of lying. Cause he hasn't lied in previous rounds, right? - He hasn't. - But a second ago when I went and then we touched fingers, something felt a little off. (crew laughing) Yeah, see if you can feel it. Hold on, he gave you the opportunity. - I don't feel like I can get in on it. - Yeah, that's good. - It's really your thing. - Yeah it's our thing. You're right, you're right, you're right. - Let's make our thing. - Elbows, all right. (laughing) - All right he's lying. - He's lying. - This is not these. - Not these. - You just had not these. - Okay. - We got it right. - And you lied. - [Mindy] This is a Thai street food. - Bringing your dad into it that's when you- - [Mindy] Called khanom bueang or Thai crepes. And it's a rice flour pancakes, and meringue and candied egg yolk. - I'm sorry. - Good for men. - I'm sorry that I lied about the hormones, and the man, and my dad. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And that was very elaborate. Okay, so we finally got another one right. - Okay it all comes down to this round for the flip. - Yeah, this is a heavy dish so I needed a little extra help from- - There we go. - A very special person named Mindy. - Hi. - Hi. - Hi. Yeah, I know, I know. Oh my God. - Yeah. They're not fans at all. - This was not approved guys. Mindy shows up helping. - Thank you. - Thank you, thank you. - Not protocol. - I'm sorry what just happened? - I don't know about what just happened. - They're not fans at all. - Oh before, let me introduce this is- - Okay. - A dinner dish. - Not street food. - Not street food, yeah. - [Link] Okay, we've got some sort of a soup. - Yes. - Which explains this. - He's dangerous, even with spoons. - Oh this is called, okay maybe take a sip first. - Oh we got a spoon for. - Drink it like this. - Oh you drink it like that? I can do that. Oh, okay. - So nice. - So nice. - Childhood, it tastes like childhood. So this soup is called the fish head soup. - Oh, is that what I was tasting? - Yes. - But the fish heads are like filtered out 'cause I don't see any in there. - Did that come out of a fish heads? - Yes. Yes. Oh no, this is tofu. - Okay, good. - Where's the fish head? - Oh. So this is all the- - That's everything that was in there. - That's fish heads. - Yes. - That's not unappetizing in any way, it's actually- - It's pretty good. - Very inviting. - It's just kind of like a broth almost just like a sea food broth. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, you get the broth. You want some of that? - Very nice. Yeah. - Okay. So you seem to really be enjoying this, you're tapping into your childhood. He hasn't mentioned his dad. - Yeah, who told you about this? - I told myself. - You wanna bring your dad into this? - I told myself. - You told yourself about it. - Yes. - You found this one. - 'Cause back as growing up, going to school, you know, we always go across this restaurant, we always pass by. - Okay. - And they're famous for making like fish heads soup and I would always, you know, grab one. - What do they do with the rest of the fish? - That's their business, you know, I'm just buying, I'm just ordering the food, I don't know what they do in the kitchen. - Good answer. - Right. (hissing) - He got me there. That's their business. - I'm torn on this one, man. I'm right down the middle with believing him and thinking he might be lying. I lost some trust there in the last round when he started talking about his dad. - Okay, I'll be serious this time. This is really good for men. (laughing) No, no I swear. - He says but this time- - I swear. - He's bringing out this good for men again? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That was definitely a lie last time. - I swear. - He didn't bring his dad into it but he did bring men into it. - School life, that restaurant that is not my business. - Yep, I remember that, that was a good story. I think this is real. - It's real. - This is Chinese. - Chinese. - Gave out too much information. You just had Chinese food. - Yes. - Hey, we got it. That's three outta five. - We have won the majority. That means that we won the flip. - Yes. - You ready? - And let's do it together. - Let's do it together. - All right okay. Okay yep. - One, two, three. - It was a hair flip. - Ah hair flip. - Thanks again to Jackson Wang for joining us and be sure to follow him on Instagram and subscribe to his YouTube channel for music videos, live performances, teaser trailers, and a whole lot more. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - Oh. (hissing) - Now you say, you know what time it is. - You know what time it is. - You scared? - They don't normally eat humans. - Click the top link to watch us discover the weirdest street names in the world in "Good Mythical Morning". - And to find out where the mythicality is going. You need mythical merch in a hurry? Well go to for grooming, logo wear, and now tech accessories with prime shipping.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,630,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: 3JHoGH_f3Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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