Will The Dead Primarchs Return? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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over the last half a decade we've begun to see each one of the primarks begin to return to the Warhammer 40K setting this is a massive deal as they are arguably the most important characters in the story next to the god Emperor himself at first this started off relatively slow we got another Primark every one to two years but with engron and Lionel Johnson releasing within a four-month window it seems like Games Workshop is ready to exponentially increase this process we know that a lot of these primarks are just missing in action and we've only gotten small tidbits about what they've been up to so Games Workshop can realistically just bring them back at any moment but what about the primarks that we know for sure are dead is it possible we could see them return as well is death really the end for a being such as a Primark well today we're gonna get to the bottom of that in a whole lot more but first a quick shout out to this video's sponsor then we're going to dive head first into the Grim dark if you're anything like me then you spend all day working in front of a computer screen just to come home and game in front of another one now don't get me wrong I I love that setup I wouldn't change it for anything but there's one small problem with it and that's blue light you're getting exposed to it constantly from all of the different screens in your life and that blue light is the common culprit behind eye strain itchy eyes headaches and especially in my own personal experience difficulty falling asleep I've been fighting a constant battle against insomnia for the last two decades and no matter what I tried nothing seemed to help thankfully everything turned around when GMG performance sent me a pair of their blue light blocking glasses they made a world of difference and I haven't slept better in years but more importantly they allowed me to keep my late night gaming habits and that's because they act as a shield against Blue Light helping to reduce eye strain improve concentration encourage the reflexes in our eyes maintain the quality of our vision over the long term and most importantly allow you to actually get a full night's sleep and better quality sleep I actually have two separate pairs of these I'm wearing the optimizer model right now because I think it's a little bit more stylish but the oranos model here as well also looks pretty cool it really just comes down to personal taste so if you want to give your eyes a break maintain your vision over the long term and get a better night's sleep then for the next 48 hours GMG performance is offering a massive 40 discount on all of their amazing glasses that's almost half off and like I said the deal is only going to last for 48 hours so click on the link in the description of this video and get yourself a pair before it's over okay back to the grimdark out of the 20 primarks that the emperor created five of them are confirmed to be dead amongst the deceased we have Ferris Madness who was decapitated by fulgrim at the drop site Massacre sanguinius who was murdered by Horus at the siege of Terror War Master Horus himself who was killed by the emperor Conrad kurs who allowed himself to be assassinated in order to make a point and alfarius who was killed by rogeldorn the death of each one of these primarks is well documented and we know that they're not just missing in action they are definitely dead but is death really the end for a being such as a Primark and if not is it possible for these deceased Legends to return to the setting if so how could this possibly happen well there are a lot of different methods that already exist within universe that we're going to be examining today but the most obvious and well-documented method of bringing them back would be that of cloning cloning the primarks is not a wild new idea it's happened multiple times in the past and most prominently with the character Fabius bile as far back as the Horus heresy he had been experimenting with making clones of every single one of them there's a great horse heresy short story called imperfect wherein the entirety of the story is centered around fulgrim and Ferris Manus playing a game of regicide together and having a rigorous debate on what loyalty really means and where their allegiances would fall if the people they put their faith in turned out to be tyrants at first we as the audience believe this to be a prequel to the events on istfan where fulgrim killed Ferris but as the story goes on and fulgrim seemingly keeps trying to get his brother to switch sides cracks begin to appear at the end of the story fullgram ends up killing his brother and then the scene pans out to reveal in the surrounding room dozens of corpses of Ferris what's really going on here is that fulgrim had Fabius bile create multiple clones of his deceased brother as he feels an enormous amount of guilt over murdering him and he needed to talk to him there was still a lot left unsaid between the two it's definitely a grim dark Tale But what happens in the brief epilogue we get is is much more important as we see Fabius descend into his laboratory wherein he has 20 big incubation tanks containing fledgling infants of every single one of the primarks some more malformed than others but this is the very beginning of his experiments later on we would get the novel Talon of Horus which takes place thousands of years later and in it we learned that fabius's cloning has taken another leap forward as he ends up making a clone of War Master Horus the resurrected War Master comes face to face with Abaddon and the infant black Legion and attempts to kill them Abaddon and his followers managed to triumph over Horus the despoiler proclaiming in the end that this wasn't his father now it's possible that Horus allowed this to happen we're not really sure but for all intents and purposes the Clone was a mirror copy of the deceased Primark perfect in every way but it was missing something a certain Essence now normally when Space Marines encounter a Primark they basically have to exhort an enormous amount of mental energy to keep from immediately dropping to their knees and bowing before their Gene sire I'm over exaggerating a bit but they are designed at the genetic level to be subservient to them this didn't happen here in this encounter the members of this group felt nothing of the sort so more time would pass and Fabius bile would end up getting his own Trilogy and in it he ends up making a perfect clone of fulcrum when the new Primark is finally revealed to the corrupted Emperor's Children they are all completely blown away by what they're seeing and demonstrate what was lacking with the Horus clone dropping to their knees and fully pledging loyalty to him spoilers for the book but Fabius ends up trading the perfect clone to trazen because he sees what kind of damage could occur if the fractured Emperor's Children were to be reunited once again so even though this clone is currently locked up in one of trousen's Tesseract vaults and probably will never see the light of day again let's talk about what made it special this alone had the thing that the Horus clone was lacking now as it developed it started to regain all of the original fulgrim's memories and skills but how did this occur if it was simply a clone a clone doesn't have the memories of the individual that they're cloned from well the common belief is that it wasn't just a clone of the physical body but a clone of the Primark Soul as well this is however entering into theoretical territory as it's not specifically stated that that's what occurred in the book but the theory does make a lot of sense as the primarks are said to be a mixture of the physical and immaterial they are created from the warp thus their souls would have all of their memories this Theory makes sense on paper until you remember that the original old demonic steak man fulgrim is very much still alive and active within the eye of Terror and definitely in possession of his own soul unless you buy into the theory that fulgrim didn't actually banish the demon who had possessed him at isvan and his soul is still trapped in that one painting but we're going to table that for now in order to stay focused I can understand why somebody would say this doesn't make sense how can two bodies share share the same Soul at the same time well I'm super happy you asked that question my friend because recently we've gotten a little bit more insight into that with El faris's Primark novel in this novel we learn a lot about the lord of the 20th Legion first and foremost he was the first Primark to be discovered by the emperor and his existence was Kept Secret he lived within the Imperial Palace learning from the emperor and malcador and wasn't revealed until the time was right additionally the entire time he's developing he feels this calling to another entity somewhere out in the Galaxy like there's something pulling at his soul now this would be revealed to us later in the book that it was his twin brother omegon but here's the thing the emperor never created omegon he made 20 primarks not 21 when they finally meet back up with each other we learn that omegon's Origins Trace back to the scattering the time when chaos scooped up all of the infant primarks and Scattered them across the Galaxy well elfarious pod was in the warp his soul and body were split into two separate entities one being that of alfarious and the other being Omega on they are not twins they are not Brothers they are literally the same person and the same soul split in half this is why when alfarious was killed by robaldorn omegon immediately knew what had happened I bring this up to show that there is a precedent for a single soul to be split across multiple entities so that very well may have been what occurred with the clone of fulgrim and why he wasn't just a physical copy of the Primark but a spiritual one as well so through cloning a deceased Primark can definitely be brought back to life we could even see something like a corrupted Primark being reborn complete with an uncorrupted copy of their soul but what if we take cloning off the table how would we then bring back a deceased Primark there's a common misconception about what happens when an individual dies in The Warhammer Universe although it's true that they lose their anchor to the physical universe and thus are cut off from it not All Souls are immediately devoured by demons this is especially true with particularly powerful Souls of individuals with exceptional strong Wills there is a chaos sorcerer within Lionel Johnson's new novel son of the forest that makes specific mention of how the soul of a Primark is one of the most powerful entities that has ever been documented within the warp this actually plays pretty prominently into his plots and schemes so I won't spoil it here but if you are interested I did cover this in a different video so I'll throw the link for that down in the description but is that where the souls of all of the primarks currently are are they just floating around in the warp somewhere not necessarily for one we know that horse's Soul was completely obliterated in his battle against the emperor so as far as we know he's gone gone but what about the rest of them well in the novel black Legion we're shown something pretty strange aboard the vengeful Spirit the late horus's Flagship Now helmed by Abaddon the de spoiler there were these weird psychic Crystal gross that pop up all over the interior of the ship each one bearing the appearance of an individual that lost their life within its walls this was the setting for the final battle between Horus and the emperor where first and sanguineous were both killed because of this members of the black Legion that roamed the ship frequently come into contact with a crystalline copy of the great Angel but never Horus each one of these statues appears at random never in the same place twice in good old Grim dark fashion the text seems to imply that sanguineous soul is trapped within the ship if this is the case then we have actual documentation of a Primark Soul having a physical location and with some war base Shenanigans it may be possible to resurrect them or reattach the soul to a clone I should also briefly mention that some people claim that this isn't actually sanguineous as Soul at all it's more of a warp echo of a particularly traumatic event the text itself is admittedly rather vague so the debate continues to rage on but to me if this was true I believe we would also be seeing crystalline statues of Horus as well but if a Primark Soul isn't trapped in some kind of crystalline structure or completely obliterated can it be pulled out of the warp and resurrected we did see giliman get resurrected but he was in stasis and hadn't technically died yet it's not quite the same thing as literally bringing someone back to life however although we haven't seen a Primark resurrected in such a manner we do have direct evidence that Resurrection is indeed possible in this universe as Erebus resurrected the blind prophet Cyrene valention also known as The Blessed lady he did this in order to manipulate Argo tall a marine of the word bearers who had a deep connection with her when she comes back she is definitely scarred mentally physically emotionally and spiritually after the time she spent as a soul within the warp but she comes back to life with no strings attached and by the end of the book we learned that the resurrection actually made her into one of the perpetuals but to me the biggest takeaway is that this chaos ritual was done by one of the most evil sobs that has ever existed in this franchise and for all intents and purposes she wasn't corrupted she hadn't become a pawn of chaos could such a dark ritual be used to to resurrect one of the primarks I believe it's definitely possible but unlikely that that's the way Games Workshop will decide to go with it bringing back a dead Primark would be kind of a big deal and a simple oh well they got resurrected would feel not so great but what if there is no Resurrection what if there is no clone what if the soul is intact and continues to exist in the warp could a Primark return to the setting as a powerful Spirit Well for that we can turn to the Legion of the Damned although we don't really know what exactly they are many Warhammer fans believe that they are the eventual spirits of slain loyal Marines their souls once again given Purpose By The God Emperor and serve essentially as his Demons of order many Warhammer fans also believe that the Legion of the Damned is currently being led by a giant headless astarties who may or may not be Ferris Manis this Theory comes from the fact that in master of mankind the emperor briefly summons his lost son and the spirits of those that were killed at the drop site Massacre to fight off against the in his demonic forces and if you were just reading the excerpt with no context it would 100 sound like he summoned the Legion of the Damned a jet black armor wreathed in flame Spectra Warriors it's all there and don't get me wrong I absolutely love this idea I love that the Legion of the Damned are a bunch of vengeful wraiths led by the first Primark to be killed during the Horus heresy but unfortunately it seems to be just fan speculation and trust me I've spent the last four days frantically searching all over the Internet trying to find literally anything else that connects Ferris Madness with the Legion of the Damned and it just doesn't exist but if Games Workshop does decide to bring back a dead Primark specifically Ferris Manis him leading the Legion of the Damned would be a amazing way to do that like this entire video we've been talking about bringing a Primark back as in literally resurrecting them but having them come back as a vengeful spirit is kind of amazing and the way that Games Workshop traditionally tells its stories and has them evolve over time is by seating these little throwaway lines or tiny examples throughout their books that years later they can come back to and expand on even if this wasn't intentional when Master mankind was written this exists as a perfect seed to not only bring back a vengeful Ferris Madness but also expand on the Legion of the Damned in a very interesting way it's a really cool Theory and I kind of secretly hope that Games Workshop does decide to do do something with this but as of right now there's just not a lot linking Ferris Madness to the Legion of the Damned with the emperor summoned against drachnian was just a one-off thing but he did technically bring a Primark back it was just temporary now that 10 000 years have passed since the horse heresy and he's been growing stronger in the warp each and every day there's no reason to believe that he couldn't do it again and this time he may be able to make it permanent but again that's just me speculating so take it with a grain of salt so in conclusion can the Dead primarks come back to the setting yes they absolutely can far crazier things have happened in Warhammer 40K and as we discussed in this video there are a lot of avenues open to GW in order to bring them back but the most important question is will they come back nobody can see the future but as somebody who has been a fan of this franchise for two decades and has read over a hundred of the novels and more codexes and campaign books than I care to count I firmly believe that yes they absolutely will but to elaborate on why we need to take a step out out of the lore and look at Warhammer first and foremost as a franchise I don't think it should come as any surprise that the confirmed living primarks are returning to the setting right now and that's because the wildly popular Horus heresy series is about to officially end as far as we know there is only a single book left to release sometime later this year and after that it's over and although it'll be great for fans to get some closure and a proper ending it's not great for Games Workshop I don't think I can stress to you just how huge the Horus heresy is for them did you know that multiple Warhammer books have broken the barrier and gone semi mainstream landing on the New York Times bestseller list did you also know that literally every single one of them was a Horus heresy book don't get me wrong I'm sure the franchise is going to continue in some form or another whether that take the form of a short run sequel that covers up to the scouring or we get some prequel books in the form of a great Crusade series but the horse heresy by far black library's most popular series is coming to an end so what will Games Workshop do well consider considering that the primarks are the soul of the series it makes complete sense from a marketing perspective to import them into 40K to continue their story whether you like the implication or not 40K is primed to turn into horse heresy 2.0 after all of the primarks inevitably return to the setting and I would be willing to put money down that once all of the confirmed still alive primarks are back they're going to turn to the dead ones is this a good thing for Warhammer 40K will their return completely overshadow all of the other amazing characters in this setting will it make Warhammer 40K less special and just another Horus heresy or will they actually be able to pull it off and will it make 40K better than it's been in years I know personally I have mixed emotions on this as seeing sanguineous come back would be a truly epic amazing moment that I would definitely Fanboy over but if I'm being realistic a few years down the line after that initial excitement I'd worn off it would probably end up cheapening the setting this is supposed to be the Grim dark future and knowing that any prominent character can just be resurrected at any point seriously lessens the stakes but I want to hear what you think so let me know all of your thoughts about this down in the comment section below the major takeaway is if there's money to be made on the table by bringing the dead primarks Back Games Workshop will absolutely do it whether it be through cloning some form of dark ritual or their souls reincarnating into a completely new spiritual entity there's a million different ways they could go about this anyways that's all I had for you on this topic I haven't done one of these spitballing me kind of thinking out loud videos in a while so I figured it would be a nice change of pace big thanks to everyone who supports the work that I do and I will catch you all in the next one
Channel: WesHammer
Views: 212,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer lore, 40k lore, warhammer 40000, primarchs, primarchs lore, sanguinius, konrad curze, alpharius, rogal dorn, warmaster horus, horus heresy, alpha legion, blood angels, night lords, ferrus manus, iron hands, space marines, space marines lore, lore, astartes, imperium lore, imperium of mankind, god emperor, emperor 40k, primarchs 40k, dark angels, chaos space marines, weshammer, games workshop, chaos gods, khorne, nurgle, horus lupercal
Id: 0rtQPajJmzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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