Every Adeptus Mechanicus Forge World EXPLAINED. | Warhammer 40K Lore

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I'll admit to a little bit of personal bias here but I believe that the adeptus mechanicus is one of the craziest and most interesting factions ever created for a piece of fictional media they're this Perfect Blend of techn mysticism and cult-like adherence to tradition with even a little bit of tasteful body horror thrown in to keep things interesting however despite what a lot of people think the Disciples of the machine God are not this monolithic industry full of binary chanting drones that all act and think exactly alike far from it all of the different Forge worlds which make up all of the mechanicus as subactions are each radically different from each other some even have some pretty out there their beliefs that skirt the line between what is and what isn't considered Tech heresy in this video we're going to dive into each of the major Forge worlds including their combat tactics dogmatic beliefs and what makes each and every one of them unique we're going to talk about a group of tech priests whose Forge World is built around a captured star and by harnessing its unlimited energy they're able to create some absolutely insane weapons and armor a Forge World who's famous for its production of plasma Weaponry but Infamous for the sheer brutality their armies unleash against the enemies of the omnissiah and we're going to talk about my personal favorite Forge World one that views the fundamental Creed of the machine Cults faith that says that alien technology is an Abomination as more of a guideline than a hardset rule and because of this they're viewed as Heretics by a lot of their allies we're going to be talking about all that in a whole lot more as there's a lot to cover in this video but before we dive head first into the Grim dark I want to tell you all about the sponsor of this video into the am if you've been watching my channel for a while then you know I'm a huge fan of into the am and that's because I'm something of a connoisseur when it comes to dope 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Templars to see some pretty distinct differences even though they're all technically loyalist Space Marines the adeptus mechanicus is no different and traditionally speaking if we're going to talk in game terms each of their subactions come in the form of completely different worlds Forge worlds to be specific a planet that has become completely dominated by industry that toils away endlessly to turn out the massive quantities of weapons War gear and ammunition utilized by all of the military forces within the Imperium of man each of the forge worlds are separated by thousands of light years and many of them are Beyond ancient tracing their lineage more than 20,000 years back to the time of the Dark Age of Technology no matter what each of the forge worlds choose to specialize in no matter what the differences are in the dogmatic Creeds they choose to follow in adherence to the machine cult and no matter how they go about bringing death to the enemies of the omnis each and every one of the trillions of members of the adeptus mechanicus and all of the worlds under their control can trace their lineage back to the red planet the original Forge World so we'll kick off this deep dive of mechanicus subfacet Mars the red planet of Mars is famous for a lot of things but most importantly it is the birthplace of the cult mechanicus and is seen second to only holy Tera in terms of influence and power within the Imperium it was the Treaty of Mars created by the emperor that officially created the alliance between the two planets and nowadays the twin heads of the Imperial Aquilla have come to represent the twin world's combined effort to rebuild the Galaxy spanning human Empire that was lost during the age of strife Mars enjoy special prominence amongst the adeptus mechanicus as the birthplace of their order it is the original Forge World the template which all others will be compared against such as its prominence that for the last 10,000 years All Tech priests throughout the Imperium have been collectively referred to as the priesthood of Mars regardless of their Forge World of origin the red planet enjoys an Empire onto itself with more subservient industrialized worlds and forg moons than any of its peers in fact all of the other Forge worlds owe fty to Mars hence why you see at least a small amount of red in the uniforms and Robes of the tech priest of every other Forge World the fabricator general of Mars its de facto ruler is vested with divine right over all other others thus he and the planet itself are said to speak with the authority of the machine God although all of the forge worlds adhere to the dictate of the cult of the machine God due to the Stellar distances between each of these worlds and the disconnected feudalistic nature of the Imperium one Forge world's concept of adhering to its edicts may look radically different to the faithful interpretation of another It's Not Unusual to see agents of Mars spread throughout the Galaxy ensuring that Mars is always aware of the going on within the other organizations within the Imperium the red planet is revered as a font of all technical knowledge the birthplace of the mechanicus and the most holy of Worlds and because of this billions of pilgrims within the cult will Journey to the red planet each and every year with such a rich pedigree behind them it's no wonder that many Tech Priests of Mars suffer no affront to the forge world's Majesty no suggestion that its Creations are not the greatest attainable even its Legions of skari which are considered tools by the tech priest are inducted into some of the Lesser Mysteries of the cult mechanicus for if Mars is the Most Blessed of Forge worlds then so too must be their tools there is no question that Mars is the most important Planet when it comes to the entirety of the cult of the machine God but the next Forge r that we're going to talk about has access to some technology that Mars can only dream of in a lot of different types of Science Fiction there's a construct known as a Dyson Sphere and if you've never heard of it it's a hypothetical Mega structure that is large enough to surround an entire star thus capturing its ludicrous amounts of energy our own Sun for example being estimated at giving off the power of a trillion nuclear bombs per second having that much energy at your disposal is practically Unthinkable it makes the entire combined energy output of our modern world look practically Neolithic in comparison all that being said uh this is exactly what Lucius is also known as the hollow Forge it is a Forge World Dyson sphere a completely Hollow artificial Planet built around a captured star side note the adeptus mechanicus often gets falsely seen as just a bunch of tech Shaman that don't really know what they're doing but constructs like Lucius remind us of how ridiculously intelligent and capable they truly are the star burning inside of Lucius provides the Forge World with a nearly Limitless supply of energy for their manufacturing needs Lucius pattern weapons and War engines having garnered a reputation for excellence across the Imperium the Masterwork weapons in wargear created in their forges contain the proprietary alloy lucum an alloy that is only capable of being forged with the concentrated power of a captured star this solar blessed ore is viewed as Holy by the tech priest of Lucius and thus to be clad in armor of its make is to walk into battle as a holy Warrior of the machine God blessed by the will of the omnissiah to bring death to his enemies from radium carbines to void ship weaponry and heavy armor battle tanks the the stamp of Lucius is a guarantee of quality worksmanship and efficiency as if their Stellar reputation wasn't enough Forge Lucius is also host to the god Machines of legio astorum Titan Legion the only Titan Legion that has the ability to teleport directly into battle they're also unique in having survived against a splinter of high Fleet Leviathan through attrition the unique nature of fighting on a planetary surface devoid of strategic resources meant that through the use of machine ctors and the legio cybernetica way wave after wave of the invasion Fleet could be defeated while giving up very little biomass in return as such the high fleet was forced to cannibalize itself until it was eventually defeated the weapons and War gear that Lucius is capable of producing is absolutely astonishing and does make them considerably powerful however the next Forge World that we're going to talk about doesn't derive their strength from Simply Having access to better equipment than everyone else their Warriors draw strength from seemingly Limitless experience as the forge world has been engulfed in Neverending War for thousands of years Forge World agripinaa once toiled endlessly to supply The Fortress world of kadia with the material and Munitions they needed to fight back against the forces of chaos they became their main supplier due to their location in close proximity to the eye of Terror now even before kadia fell agripino was under constant attack by looters and Raiders looking to steal its secrets and they found themselves in a state of seemingly endless conflict now with their closest Ally Cadia destroyed direct attacks on the Forge World itself have increased tfold more than any other Forge World agripinaa has existed in a state of constant battle thus having been tempered by the fires of War they stand as an immovable Bastion of the omnis will their troops are utterly Fearless even when faced with horrific close assaults and overwhelming odds maintaining a near constant cast iron composure in the face of their enemy agripinaa was always seen as a jewel too tempting to be ignored by the foul forces of chaos as such the Forge World was frequently embattled by warp Smiths obliterator Cults and other worshippers of the dark mechanicum even lome enemies such as the traiter Titan Legions would end up attacking agripina all of which would end up being repelled because this Forge World in particular has had to endure so many attacks and so much destruction at the hands of Mankind's most hated enemies their Warriors will often times cast aside even s logic in order to vent their hatred of the foe utilizing a hodgepodge of tactics learned from their allies and enemies alike now since the destruction of kadia and the opening of The Great Rift the stoic Defenders of agripina have refined their protocols their Tech priests have cogitated on complex strategies of counter Siege Warfare employing tactics that would seem Reckless to those from different Forge worlds they will often employ many forward battle elements at once to strike together and overwhelm the enemy decimating the Invader so thoroughly that if the survivors do manage to break through their primary defenses they will be met by the forge world's Legions of stationary gun lines wherein the survivors will be eviscerated by a thunderous onslaught of disciplined volley fire because of a steady stream of refugees that constantly are seeking shelter behind the well fortified walls of agripina heavy losses sustained in the planet's defense can be replenished with a continued supply of raw Organics fit for augmentation agripina opens its Gates to any willing and able to serve the omnissiah if agripina is characterized by their ability to set aside sacred Dogma in order to ensure Victory then the next Forge World we're going to talk about is basically their exact opposite even more so than other members of The Cult mechanicus the forces of graa are said to be ruthlessly logical and will coldly pursue their goals no matter the cost and resources or lives they believe that their Victory is an irrefutable certainty subject only to the wisdom of the machine God those that serve this Forge World have been hardwired into a state of pure logic so strong is the bull workk of their reason that the strange and esoteric weapons in attacks utilized by their enemies break against their indomitable rationality like the tides against a cliff to be a defender of graa is to abandon individuality and your own selfish Pursuits it is to give yourself over entirely to a core of logic in this sense it is said that her troops follow orders from their commanding Tech priests at an instinctual and almost automatic level this may play a role in the reason why gr's Defenders are said to be so indomitable and stubborn the forces of their forges have shown themselves to possess a discipline of almost inhuman fearlessness their stubbornness being on such a level that it's been able to Shield them from the attention of enemy psychers now such determination is seen as a double-edged sword by their allies now on one hand their single-minded refusal to yield no matter the odds has led to many grueling victories that were thought to be impossible well on the other hand their dogmatic adherence to never surrendering ground has also led to many losses that could have been prevented or at the very least mitigated if they employed a more flexible battle style From gr's perspective however losses such as these are to be analyzed and processed so that future battles will play out within the results of their holy cogitators Forge World graa and the gr Crown which share its name are not the same thing but they're so vital to each other that it's hard to imagine one without the other the GR Crown is a man-made ring of space stations that orbit graa as similar to what Mars has however the grand Crown is said to have been constructed to be geometrically perfect it perhaps that's part of the secret to the technology which makes it far more than a shipyard and planetary defense system the command structure of the forge is always performing citation of the highest priority to weigh any newly discovered world's resources against the risk to the crown if it's deemed a necessary risk the gray and Crown will translate through the warp and swiftly extract a planet's valuable resources before returning to graa before such a risky Journey gets underway the Forge World below will stalk the Crown's fabrication temples full of ammunition and make sure that the holding decks are stocked with volunteers moving a structure so monumentally large to the warp is Rife with risk and on multiple occasions it has attracted undesired attention from both warp beasts and necrons battles have been waged across its vast and symmetrical tunnels in order to prevent the crown from falling into hostile hands but when the crown returns to graa it is bearing a world's worth of valuable resources when it comes to the cult of the adeptus mechanicus there are certain fundamental pillars that are not to be questioned one of their major beliefs is that the machine God granted His blessings only to humanity and any machine made by an alien is by definition an Abomination however a major portion of the tech priest on the next Forge World we're going to talk about don't exactly agree with this lost to the vast data St stacks and cogitators of Forge World stigi 8 a moon orbiting a shadowy gas giant is perhaps the most secretive and some would dare say most shameful of all of the branches of the machine cult during the horse heresy the Forge World of stigi 8 was almost completely wiped out by the forces of the warmaster in their Darkest Hour however their salvation would come from the most unlikely of sources in intervention by one of the imperium's oldest enemies the eldari why the Eldar chose to Aid this world still remains a mystery though most likely the reason their wraith Titans were deployed was to deny the warm such a powerful Center of industry in a strategic location near the eye of Terror if any records exist from this time they have all been buried away now it is said that even the fabricator general of stigi 8 doesn't know the full truth of the alari intervention however this pivotal event would fundamentally change the trajectory of the Forge World and gave rise to a cult of radicals obsessed with zenos technology known as the zener ites now the Martian priesthood would likely frown into inquiries on such a heretical cult but despite the accusations of heresy by their peers the xenites are all too happy to lurk underground quietly digging into all of the zenos tech that they can get their mechadendrite on everything from the gravitic tech of the TOA to the shadow fields of the Dark Eldar the technology that gets them the most excited being anything that would Aid in maintaining the secrecy of their work even though this cult only makes up a small portion of the sum total of tech priests that operate stigi 8 even many of its more Orthodox Tech priests have a talent for obfuscation often making use of shrouding technology and secretive binic subcodes when their armies march to war they conceal their movements behind massive stealth screen projectors and use a system of apparatuses designed to play Haywire with enemy aspects equipment this has led the Forge World to having a mysterious reputation within the other forges of the adeptus mechanicus in recent times these xenites have found a new obsession in Noli often referred to to as its more common name Blackstone the same material that the Blackstone fortresses and the cadan pylons were made of now through their research they have found that the material can be used as a conduit for warp energies or if negatively charged become anathema to it the xenites believe that nolyth is a material that was first employed by the Galaxy spanning Empire of the necrons and to their continuing frustration as more and more necrons begin to wake up it becomes harder and harder for them to retrieve samples for further study the stealthy and Secret tactics of stigi 8 may work for them but the next Forge World we're going to talk about prefers to deal with their enemies through unrelenting brutality the Forge World of risa's past and present are linked primarily with plasma and destruction Risa is the renowned birthplace of many of the plasma based Weaponry that the mechanicum and Imperium use to this very day when the forces of Risa march to war they do so utilizing Advanced Technologies that are lost to many of the other Forge worlds her Tech priests do not hesitate to unleash every single Arcane device and esoteric Relic at their disposal upon their enemies viewing the want and obliteration of their foes as nothing less than profoundly spiritual their forces are noted for utilizing some incredibly aggressive combat doctrines and zealous training protocols which would explain not only their martial prowess of their troops but their apparent eagerness to shed blood their Fury being likened to Holy fervor most peculiar of all is the fact that Risa is one of the few Forge worlds that actively encourages Innovation most of their top Tech priests commonly utilize their own experimental weapons and use the battlefield to test their effects although admittedly most of their more bizarre Creations are kept tight under lock and key although Risa is a Forge World with a rich techno Heritage most of their history sadly lies in Ruins you see at the height of rise's power during the Great Crusade it was said to be second only to Mars in terms of Technology manufacturing ability and strength of arm arms because they were so powerful and hoarded a considerable amount of technological Secrets based around plasma technology there was a considerable amount of tension between them and the red planet even though they were allies this uneasiness between the forge worlds LED Risa to strengthening their defenses and preparing for inevitable conflict such a conflict would in fact come to fruition but from the dark mechanicum that rebelled during the Horus heresy leading to a war in which Risa ended up coming out Victorious but four fths of the planet's infrastructure was destroyed a grievous wound that they were never able to fully recover from in more modern times Risa found herself in the direct path of not one but two orc WS Each of which brought enough Orcs to overrun entire Imperial systems of which several were consumed as the W converged on Risa but the forge did not succumb even as the endless tides of green skin Invaders smashed through the orbital defenses and made Planet fall rise of remain defiant now many of the world's Tech priests saw this as an opportunity unlikely to come again in many lifetimes a feedback of battle data could be retrieved with near instant results designs that had originally been thought to be too unstable or too unwieldy to be tested properly had the front lines brought to them and with the loss of countless Irreplaceable artifacts hanging in the balance as well as hundreds already smashed apart by The uncaring Horde the fabricator General granted permission to deploy any means of Defense in in order to stay the advance of the Orcs with this edict in place data from defeat could be seen as just as valuable as data due to Victory it truly is a testament to The Defenders of Risa mechanicum and Imperial that the forge maintains its commitment to other War zones as well as the defense of the Forge World itself now it's true that all of the forge worlds are technically ruled over by Mars and they all have to pay fty to the red planet however there are some like the next one we're going to talk about that would much prefer to cast off off the shackles of Martian influence located deep within the Ultima segmentum Forge World Metallica Through endless toil sees to it that the war machines of the segmentum continue to Smite the foes of the omn aiah and the Imperium of man in their quest for ideal mechanical Purity all Native biological life has been stripped from the planet as mechanical industry slowly consumed all of the Forge World coding its Rock and soil and adamantine Iron and steel it became a world of endless industry a world whose skies were choked by mile thick clouds of smog and pollutant where vast interconnected clusters of Ford shrines and Industrial centers were separated only by Landscapes of Industrial Waste it is only through their Relentless Devotion to optimization over everything else that the planet is able to maintain its ludicrous production capacity the forges of Metallica are devoted to meeting their production quotas for industry itself is proof of their worship to the machine God the sound of their devotion is heard with every crack of arcing welders and every Hammer blow of sharpened metal it is said that every weapon produced upon the planet Echoes the prayers of the Faithful Servants of the omnissiah with each round deployed upon the enemy it's true that every Forge World owes allegiance to Holy Mars and thus incorporates some amount of red into their clothing however Metallica's colors are mostly Pure White which represents the purity of the machine with only the slightest amounts of red in respect to Mars Metallica stands proudly on its own and their pre Ood has long resisted the attempts of the Martians to impose remote rule this Independence has not led to warm relations and maintaining such independence only grows harder as the battlefronts grow broader and more numerous each and every one of the forge worlds have their own speciality when it comes to what weapons War gear or machines they're capable of producing Risa is all about plasma well agripina was all about Munitions they may make different things but they're all kind of in the same ballpark however the next Forge World we're going to talk about special izes in something particularly strange weapons in War gear designed to kill demons even though it was once a moon of holy Mars damos no longer rests within the orbit of the red planet instead malcador the sigillite right hand of the emperor had it moved during the Horus heresy through mystical and Powerful Technologies unknown to anyone in the 42nd Millennium back then damos was already a thriving Forge World in its own right and as such would be perfectly suited to provide weapons and armor to the secr of Knight project nowadays the moon functions as a Forge World entirely dedicated to the production of weapons and War gear for the grey Knights and orbits the moon of Titan the adopted home world of the aforementioned chapter of Space Marines not only is this Forge fully capable of producing all standard issue of stardy War gear available to every other chapter but additionally all of the specialist demon hunting gear specific to the grey Knights designed to give them the edge against warp based enemies all of the weapons in War gear they produce being blessed by the will of the omnissiah and inscribed with a bevy of warding runes designed to stay the corrupting influence of chaos to say that both the Forge World of damos and the grey Knights chapter are both ludicrously secretive is a massive understatement they don't even share their secrets with each other even though their Destinies are so tightly intertwined for example transactions between the two forces are handled by specially constructed ctors capable of only minimal functionality which oversee the transference of material between the Forge World and Titan these unfortunate constructs are mind wiped and their circuitry is blanked after the completion of each transaction thus it is ensured that the adeptus mechanicus remains unaware of the secrets of the gray Knights but more importantly to the mechanicus the gray Knights are unaware of their secrets or how their Technologies are created the secrets contained within the small Moon's forges are said to be under Constant Guard by several macr clads of skari Warriors each having received triple blessings from the omnis mesiah to ascertain their purity as well as a compliment of three KN households at all times despite the secretive and seemingly untrustworthy nature of the alliance between the grey Knights and damos they both frequently will answer the call for Aid in the other factions times of need whenever a Forge World discovers a new STC or piece of lost archotech they're expected to share those secrets with Mars however sometimes like with the Forge World we're about to talk about they're located incredibly far away from the red planet and choose to keep some of those secrets for themselves and this is something that the mother planet is not a fan of because of its location Far Away From the Cradle of humanity out in the furthest reaches of the Eastern Fringe Triplex fall is seen as something of an isolationist Forge World it's been able to maintain a higher than standard level of autonomy and doesn't suffer as much direct oversight from Mars they're known to be incredibly secretive and due to their exploratory efforts have uncovered many lost human worlds including several Imperial night worlds they've been able to uncover a bevy of Secrets stc's and lost Tech much of which is said to predate even the Dark Age of technology and much to the annoyance of Mars most of these secrets they keep for themselves and not to be outdone in recent times Mars has sent many of its Legions to accompany the isolationist Forge world's exploratory efforts so they can't fet away all of their good technology for themselves although Triplex fall would never admit it this slight to their independence has actually worked out quite well for them well-being situated on The Fringe offers Rich rewards it's also fraught with the dangers of the wild if it hadn't been for the Martian Legions that were sent to oversee their exploratory fleets the fleet and perhaps even the Forge World itself could have been overwhelmed by repeated demonic incursions since the occurrence of the cetric maledictum placed the Forge World on the edge of the Great Rift even though Mars is seen as the original template that all of the forge worlds are based off of most of them like to carve out their own identity however that couldn't be further from the truth with the next Forge World we're going to talk about the Forge World known as Voss Prime is located within the segmentum solar and due to its close proximity to our own star system it was reunited with the red planet even before the beginning of the great Crusade more so than any other Forge World Voss Prime is unquestionably loyal to Mars in its priesthood and has even gone as far as modeling itself after the red planet their production rate of Weaponry is absolutely ridiculous and it is said that their output is second only to Mars itself this is due to the fact that the forge exists right next to a massive asteroid belt known as the morian belt these asteroids provide the forge with two primary advantages first they're absolutely chalk full of raw resources for them to utilize and second whenever they completely Hollow one of them out and drain it of all of its resources they turn around and make it into a floating weapon station now after having done this for thousands of years the forge has has become ludicrously well defended that being said as the eons have passed by the richest ore has been stripped clean with these facts in mind the fabricator general of Voss Prime is eager to lend support to gillan's indominous crusade in order to secure new fertile resources for their ever hungry forges although the nature of just how important each of the forge worlds are to the Imperium generally means that they're incredibly well defended this doesn't mean that they're immune to suffering great tragedy and the next Forge World that we're going to talk about stands as a great example of just how dangerous and unforgiving the galaxy of the Grim dark future truly is the priesthood of Griffon 4 is a cult without a Forge World and their tragic downfall stands as a cautionary tale against the dangers of arrogance and prideful last stands a warning that in the Grim darkness of the far future all too often goes unheeded Griffon 4 was a Forge World of renown with a record of implacable Marshall Conquest including bearing the horrors of the age of Strife alone with the god engines of legio graphicus as their allies the forge world ruled over an entire system of eight planets using their domain to draw in resources and continue the production of the mightiest of war machines it was believed that Griffon 4 was impregnable sadly no one could have predicted the devastation that would be wrought by the seeking tendrils of high Fleet Leviathan it was believed that the high fleet's Advance could be slowed through exterminatus so it was ordered that Griffon 4 would be evacuated the thought of abandoning their secred forges and destroying their worlds from orbit just to clear a path the star of the high fleet was deemed untenable as such the fabricator General and the tech Priests of this world Shore up their defenses and with their Titanic allies defiantly stood in the path of the approaching High Fleet so sure were they in their victory that it was only at the last moments as the Titans were overrun by the Swarm and the temple guns were silenced that any of the tech priesthood attempted to escape the death of their worlds much was lost but with many data slates of precious secrets from a forgotten age in hand the survivors of the Lost Forge seek a new world but what do you think of all this which one of these is your favorite Forge World and why I know for me personally I've always said that stigi 8 is my favorite I've got a soft spot for the xenos tech loving Heretics I I just can't help myself but in doing research for this video I got to be honest agripina is definitely creeping up the list for me I know if there was one thing that I would change about the adeptus mechanicus is lore would be that each one of them had a slightly more unique color scheme because when I was trying to find artwork for this video my God it's a lot of Mars it's just 9,000 pictures of Tech priest from Mars 10 billion different slight variations of red what are some other topics about Warhammer 40K that you'd love to hear me cover we just got done with spooky season and I put out a couple of spooky videos and I've got a couple of more planned but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things with more generalized lore videos so let me know all of your suggestions for video topics that you'd love to hear me cover down in the comment section below anyways that's all I had to say about Forge World big thanks to everyone who supports the work that I do and I will catch you all on the next one
Channel: WesHammer
Views: 233,284
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Keywords: weshammer, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, warhammer lore, warhammer 40k lore, 40k lore, adeptus, mechanicus, adeptus mechanicus, mechanicum, mechanicus lore, adeptus mechanicus lore, ad mech, ad mech 40k, ad mech lore, emperor of mankind, god emperor, primarch, astartes, space marines, space marine 2, sspace marine story, space marine lore, dark tide lore, games workshop, imperium of man, imperium lore, warhammer explained
Id: 625J00dtTT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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