Will Killing The Emperor Save Humanity? | Warhammer 40K Lore

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by the time of the 42nd Millennium most of humanity has come to worshiping the god Emperor the carrion Lord who sits upon the Golden Throne and watches over mankind funneling his enormous psychic might into not just holding back the forces of chaos but also keeping the astronomicon lit which guides the billions of Starships Around the Milky Way although he looks like an ancient Corpse The Emperor is technically still alive his physical body barely clinging onto existence while his spiritual body has grown stronger in the warp each and every day I know it's kind of self-explanatory with a name like the god Emperor but most of humanity does believe he has ascended to godhood but what if he hadn't at least not yet anyways what if all the crazy things we know about him all of his ridiculous Powers what if that was just a fraction of what he was truly capable of and what if the only way for him to reach his full potential was for someone to murder the master of mankind this or at least a variation of it is one of the oldest conspiracy theories hotly debated with in the Warhammer Community however in the newly released novel The Lion Son of the forest somebody is planning to do just that this book is ridiculous and is absolutely chock full of new and interesting lore and this particular plotline I feel like it's going to get overshadowed and for good reason Lionel Johnson returning to the setting is kind of a big deal so before I make a video explaining the Lion's return and what that ultimately means I want to make one focused on this particular plot line because I found it ridiculously interesting and it raises a whole bunch of crazy questions but before we get into all that a quick shout out to this video's sponsor and then we're going to dive head first into the Grim dark today's video is brought to you by ever Legion a brand new awesome RPG on mobile that I've been playing for about a month now and I'm super hooked every Legion is a 3D collector Idol RPG with super 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primarily focus on the man himself Lionel Johnson but there was a much greater Revelation to me reading this book that I desperately want to talk about as the main antagonist of the story turns out to be far less chaotic and insane than we as the audience are initially led to believe and when you take a step back to think about what he's actually trying to do it kind of sort of makes a lot of sense now needless to say there are going to be spoilers throughout this video so just know that going in okay so during in the course of the book The Lion is attempting to redeem the Fallen who if you don't know are the half of the Dark Angels Legion that was suspected of turning traitor and whom the modern Dark Angels have been hunting down for the last ten thousand years the lion feels like he had failed the Imperium his father his brothers and he didn't want to also fail his sons the last time he was awake caliban was crumbling all around him and then he suddenly woke up in a strange Forest ten thousand years later as an old man he learns about the tragic predicament of the Fallen from the Fallen member Dark Angel zabriel who was in The Destroyer Squad during the 31st Millennium he's been on the run from the modern Dark Angels since he was spat out of the war 400 years ago he tells a lion that not all of the Fallen see eye to eye they're all Unique Individuals with different perspectives on what the best way to move forward is some have taken to living as pirates in order to survive others have gone off grid and live as Hermits some still fight for the Imperium and in the defense of humanity they just do it from the Shadows never staying in one place for too long in order to not draw two much attention to themselves and on the other end of the spectrum some have gone full-blown chaos whether or not this was done out of necessity in order to survive or maybe they thought Luther actually had some pretty good ideas after all some of those more chaotic members of the Fallen may have ended up like the sorcerer sarafax the leader of a chaos warband known as the Ten Thousand eyes that features heavily throughout the novel they were the ones that burned the world of camerath shortly after the Great Rift opened this was a world that had not been heavily defended and only had a small Detachment of blood angels left to guard it the ten thousand eyes had come to bring death to this world flooding it with mutants and heretical cultists the blood angels here were overwhelmed and the ten thousand eyes set up a base of operations in their Fortress they would then take to experimenting on the surviving blood angels in something they referred to as the blood rage project we're not really given any deeper insights into this during the book so I'm assuming this is a seed for a future storyline throughout the entirety of the story The Ten Thousand eyes are depicted as your typical chaos warband a lot of scheming backstabbing over-the-top bloody gory rituals and basically a whole bunch of rampant unchecked blasphemy occurring on just about every page it's something that we've seen in the novels time and time again a chaos warband that no one has ever heard of that exists just to be an antagonist for the story's Heroes to fight against Nuance being reserved for chaos Legions that are already firmly established within the lore by all accounts these are just another group of angry chaos Space Marines that want to see the Galaxy burn this isn't helped by sarahfax their leader having an appearance described as wearing a suit of black armor covered in Eldritch runes that hurt the eyes to look at and are constantly shimmering and shifting into different arrangements or the fact that his face is permanently half on fire unless he gets pissed and then it's a full-on Ghost Rider situation one of his Grand accomplishments was the creation of the austella and a set of blood chains that was strong enough to bind a Primark the former being a Giant floating disc made of bones that floats around in orbit above the planet of sable that the 10th eyes have taken over and the latter of which being unbreakable chains made from the distilled iron that the chaos Lord has sucked out of the blood of every living person on this planet skipping over a whole bunch of stuff here but eventually the lion comes to this world under the pretense that even though his son is clearly a monster he intends to meet with him and offer him and the Fallen that follow him the same offer he has given to all the rest if they swear that they are loyal to the Imperium and follow him in defense of humanity then they can be forgiven sarahfax has no interest in Redemption and instead is luring the lion into a trap the lion and his Fallen companions who he refers to as the Risen end up assaulting the governor's Palace where sarahfax is located seraphax leads him on a Grand Chase throughout the palace but eventually he falls into his trap getting captured and bound within his chains it is here that sarahfax reveals his plans to his Gene sire and based on everything else we've been told about him in the ten thousand eyes throughout the book his plan is not what we're expecting you see despite all of the horrible things that the sorcerer has done all of the Blasphemous rituals the packs with dark Gods all of the hateful followers that he has gathered to his side sarahfax's ultimate goal is to set the emperor free so he can finally destroy chaos and in order to do that he will have to Journey To The Golden Throne and kill the master of mankind for context the scene we're about to talk about in the book sees Lionel Johnson bound before sarahfax by his blood chains and his ritual has just begun you have been gone for so long sarahfax says shaking his head the Galaxy is Riven the Imperial Michelle there is no hope for anything other than abaddon's endless Wars the frame of humanity will sputter out and die and the Stars will be reclaimed by the sort of xenos bastards we should have eradicated ten thousand years ago I can do nothing to stop this you can do nothing to stop this Primark though you are only one being exists who can the emperor the lion stares at him mistrust and hatred warring with hope he still lives the emperor still lives you know this serafex's smile is like lightning there and gone again almost before it is seen the warp tells me many things and some are not to be trusted but yes Father the emperor still clings to existence on The Golden Throne were that not the case there would be such a disturbance in the immaterium that the bluntest of humans would feel it even on this side of the Great Rift no he survives and I will be sending you to see him the lion blinks in shock has he misjudged the situation somehow is Fairfax truly as forsaken as he seems or is he merely delusional yet his words do feel like disconnected rantings one of the imperium's many mistakes was in imprisoning the master of mankind on The Golden Throne the emperor must be allowed to die death is only the beginning for one such as him only then can he Ascend fully into the warp as the true God he is once there no longer enfeebled by the anchor of his broken mortal body he will destroy the rudest powers and the Wailing deities of the xenos races and oversee Humanity's Second Great Crusade I hoped Abaddon would kill the emperor but I do not believe that even the gods themselves know what he is up to regardless he has not yet taken Terror because he wishes to batter down its Gates I on the other hand intend to walk through them unchallenged it is fascinating how the soul and body intertwine yet they can be separated the sufficiently powerful Soul bound with the correct processes can become a fearsome weapon a tame demon of a sort the soul of a Primark is one of the mightiest spirits to roam our galaxy so just imagine what I could do with that and my command I will have to leave some behind though enough to fool everyone but not enough to stop me from exercising my control over your mortal shell after all who stands a chance of gaining an audience with the emperor himself other than one of his long-lost sons I had hoped that a mighty general or a chapter Master would suffice put a Primark even the custodian God would hesitate to stop you the lion is trying to fight serifax's sorcery but he barely knows what he is fighting or how to do so it feels as though someone is trying to pull his skeleton out through his skin and all he can do is concentrate as hard as he can on remaining whole and himself why resist is this what you want your life to be meaningless protection of meaningless worlds where the darkness closes in I am damned already but I am giving you the chance to do one final great deed rather than slaying a single foe or even an entire species of them you will be killing the very thing that keeps Humanity Shackled and downtrodden okay there's a lot to take in here so let's break it all down sarahfax's intentions are to separate Lionel Johnson's soul from his body he would then go on to possess the primark's physical form in order to get close enough to the emperor in order to kill him thus setting his soul free to ascend to even greater levels of power within the warp where he would ultimately save Humanity by destroying chaos likewise the lion Soul being separated from his body would then also grow more spiritually powerful but it would ultimately be bound by seraphax who would in turn use it to fight against chaos sarahvax's Grand plans are not allowed to come to pass as the Fallen come to the rescue of the lion and with their assistance he is able to break free from the foul sorcerer's grasp this scene raises a lot of interesting questions if the ritual had been allowed to be completed would sarahfax's plans actually have worked with the killing of The Emperor's body allow his Spirit to fully Ascend to godhood or was the sorcerer just a delusional madman and what have Lionel Johnson's Soul being set free within the warp Fairfax mentioned that a Primark Soul was one of the most powerful warp entities ever documented and not in a speculative manner either it was as if he had Direct insight into this with the exception of Horus whose Soul was shattered by the emperor what implications does this have in reference to the primarks that we know for sure are dead like Ferris Manus sanguinius and Conrad could their souls still be out there in the warp waging Eternal War there's not a lot of information here to go on and ultimately this passage ends up creating way more questions than answers let's focus on the bit about the Emperor as it's the major takeaway from this interaction everything we know about the emperor in the 42nd Millennium points to him having become an incredibly powerful presence within the warp potentially even having become a God but if his physical body still lives then he is without a doubt still Shackled to the physical universe and sarahfax believes that because of this he has not been able to reach his potential what he's saying makes a lot of sense except for one big problem you see we as the audience also know that the emperor is a Perpetual an individual that will reincarnate upon their death this is something that very few people in the 42nd millennium are aware of and personally I don't think sarahfax is one of them nothing is impossible though his plan may have worked but due to the Big E's nature as a Perpetual it's also just as likely that his death would cause him to subsequently reincarnate back into the material realm if that were to happen this newly reborn Emperor would unquestionably be magnitude stronger than the one we know from the days of the great Crusade but despite his ridiculous power level would this theoretical resurrected Emperor be barred from reaching his full potential as a pure warp entity and the other big thing to remember about the perpetuals is that they don't all reincarnate in quite the same way and despite the common belief that they can never die we've also witnessed this to not be entirely true either on multiple occasions nalkador the sigilite potentially being the most famous of which after he gave his life during the Horus heresy to sit upon the Golden Throne in the emperor's place when he went to challenge Horus on his Flagship so ultimately we don't know what would happen if the emperor's physical body was to be killed maybe he would pop back up again some 30 minutes later looking absolutely jacked and literally radiating psychic might or maybe it would take him some time maybe a month a year a century maybe he wouldn't be reborn for another 10 000 years or maybe he could control his resurrections and stay in the warp until his battle with chaos had concluded this is all just theoretical and speculation so we really don't know the answer here but an interesting side note to this is that it's long been rumored that the falling character Cipher desperately wants to meet with the emperor for an unknown reason the community has been theorizing for several years now that his ultimate goal is to kill the emperor in order to set him free there's no current confirmation on this but it's interesting to see that another member of the Fallen had a very similar idea and at the very least we can now officially confirm that in warhammer's lore a plot to kill the emperor in order to see him Ascend to godhood is without a question Canon whether or not we fully understand the details on whether or not it would even work is besides the point but what are your thoughts do you think his plan would have been successful do you think the killing of the god Emperor would see him Ascend to a power level completely incomprehensible to us Mortals or do you think this was just the ramblings of a madman what about that line about a Primark Soul being one of the most powerful warp entities ever documented do you think chaos has seen sanguineous Soul flying around in the warp do you think it has something to do with corvus who is rumored to be a giant Crow demon now or is it simply a reference to the chaos primarks who were never killed yet still ascended to demonhood there are so many interesting unanswered questions here and I really hope these Concepts get more fleshed out in the very near future that's all I had to say on this topic this was just a really interesting line in the book that I wanted to talk about I'll have a video that focuses on the Lion's role in this novel up in a couple of days so until then I'll catch y'all on the next one
Channel: WesHammer
Views: 235,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, 40k, 40k lore, warhammer lore, 40k emperor, god emperor, master of mankind, 40k emperor lore, emperor of mankind lore, imperium, imperium lore, 40k story, chaos, chaos space marines, csm lore, chaos space marines lore, The Lion, Lion el johnson, lion el'jonson, lion el'jonson lore, the lion's return, dark angels, dark angels lore, the fallen, 40k fallen, 40k fallen lore, horus heresy, primarchs, primarchs lore, space marines lore, astartes
Id: AOfEkd50eu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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