Will Smith VS Tupac: Jada's True Feelings REVEALED! Body Language Analyst Reacts.

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I mean he was the fresh prince I was like okay he's cool you know but I was like not not not the guy for me what's going on everyone welcome to the behavior lights my name is Spidey and I use my degree in sociology and psychology my certifications in criminal interrogation and Body Language analysis and over 10 years experience as an award-winning Mentalist to teach people behavioral analysis and practical psychology on stages and television shows all over the world this week we are continuing our journey analyzing Jada pinket Smith on her book tour promoting her new book worthy and last week we did a video where we looked at some of the interviews that she did but there's another interview that a lot of you requested with good reason and it's the interview she did on the podcast Diary of a CEO one of the reasons I think a lot of you requested that specific interview is because the host Stephen is really good at what he does we talk on the channel a lot about great interview technique and he applies pretty much everything we ever talked about there's no judgment to him it also helps that he knows his subject matter really well like he read her book before he interviewed her so he had specific questions about things that he felt or knew were important to her so it's a terrific interview and we're getting a lot of deep questions and a lot of really interesting stuff with the body language the facial expressions and the word choice one of the main themes of that interview which we'll be talking about a lot in this analysis is her relationship with Tupac versus the relationship with Will Smith and the way she talks about each of them and the differences that we see so we're going to Dive Right In and we're going to start with her talking about when she first at Tupac Let's go he's holding Court he's holding Court he's a like he's a charismatic from day one and he turns and we our eyes just meet and so he comes over and he's like hey I'm Tupac and I'm like Tupac the name from the gate was just like never heard a name like that before that was such a powerful different name and I was like it's not a lot of people that have that kind of like Charisma and courage to just walk up on me on just like I'm Tupac I'm you know what I mean all right so we're getting a lot of stuff in this segment where she's talking about the first time she met Tupac let's start with the smile there are numerous moments in this retelling where we see what we call a duchan smile the duen smile is named after the researcher who discovered the muscles in the face that are activated when we actually smile a real genuine Smile as opposed to a polite smile his name was Gom Zen and he found that in a real smile it's not just the lips that are smiling it's a lot more on the face for example the cheeks the cheeks rise as well when we're really smiling we could feel it in the cheeks in fact and that causes the corners of the mouth to rise up as well we also see it in the eyes a real smile has a squinting and often we see what we call crows feet on the side little lines on the side of the eyes now in Jada's case first of all she's pretty far from the camera second with the possibility of cosmetic procedures that are very common in Hollywood uh and makeup it would be hard to see crow's feet sometimes but we definitely see the eyes squinting while she's smiling we're seeing the cheeks rise we even see what I call Bubble cheeks we see the cheeks here puff up a little bit and we're seeing a great big smile remember that smile remember the way this smile looks as she says he was charismatic from day one we see her hand come up like this and we see an eye block so she closed her eyes she goes he was charismatic from day one so hands up and eyes closed these two gestures together is something that I'm very familiar with because of my particular background as a performer as a mentalist and even before that as a magician because this combination the hand coming up to the top part of the head so around the forehead around the head something like this with the eyes closed is very common with astonishment or amazement when something blows our mind especially when we just stop talking we're like oh my God like there's a pause or something like that it's very consistent with that kind of just being amazed and her words do slow down as she does it she goes he was like he was charismatic from day one she's searching for those words she's literally mind blown I've actually always loved the term mind blown it's a word we hear a lot in Magic mentalism and I like it a lot because there's actually some truth to that when we are amazed to that extent our brain is on overdrive it's trying trying to figure out what to do how to react how to explain what we're witnessing so it slows down and these are all signs of that the reason we see ey blocking in moments of astonishment is because the research shows that when we close our eyes and hold it there it's because we're trying to keep thoughts in or keep thoughts out in fact this is so innate to human beings that we even see this behavior in children who were born blind which is really valuable because they don't really have a reason to close their eyes it's just innate we do it when we're trying to hold on to a thought and trying to Focus so we have a moment of astonishment here of Amazement as she recalls first meeting him in fact I want you to notice that her hand doesn't just come up to her head in that moment it's up here a lot she's gesturing or illustrating a lot with her hands as she talks about this she's coming to life and illustrators are something that we use to accentuate what we're saying but when we're really passionate about something those illustrators come alive so again make note of that then when she talks about his name Tupac the name and we see something that's very common for Jada we talked a lot about this in last week's video where Jada emphasizes a lot with her eyebrows and her eyes in fact as you listen to her talk she did in last week's interview that we looked at she's doing it in this interview it's very common that as her voice goes up to emphasize something so do her eyebrows and her eyes open up so this is very often synced and she emphasized this way and she wouldn't be the only one using the eyebrows to emphasize points is very common and the research shows that when we're giving someone directions we often raise the eyebrows when the important part of the instruction is about to come up if we pay attention to what she's saying the words we hear say that it's not a lot of people who have that kind of Charisma or courage so let's look at what that is not a lot of people so he's unique there's something about him that's unique and the thing that's unique about him is the Charisma and the courage so her memory of meeting him and being impressed by him isn't about what he's done who he knows it's who he is it's the aura he gives off it's this courage he has to come talk to this Charisma that he gives off and this is something that she hasn't commonly experienced before we definitely had this beautiful closeness that was really intimate but never physically intimate lot of emotional intimacy a lot of um intellectual intimacy um he could speak he would speak for the community and then at points of his career he would speak from that that really intimate place of woundedness Dear Mama yeah you know that so many of us related to nobody was speaking to us in that way that could that could go from Ambitions of a rider to shed so many tears to a solders Story come on now as she shifts from talking about first meeting him and that excitement that she felt she's talking about his work and what his work meant to her and we're seeing it being communicated significantly differently first of all the tone is lower she's talking more calmly and the illustrators are much much smaller she's barely moving there's a couple of hand gestures there but we don't have these big grandiose gestures anymore of excitement and astonishment at some point we even have an inward words turtling Gest what we call turtling when she talks about how intimate his words could be we see our hands come inwards like this towards her chest and we see the neck and the shoulders close in like this so turtling is something that we do when we're feeling vulnerable or defensive we close in it's called turtling because you know when a turtle wants to defend itself it just Retreats into his shell so we do the same as well we protect our vital organs so in that moment as she talks about his work there's a vulnerability but it also contrasts nicely with a lot of head tilting as she's talking about him and head tilting is something that we do when we're comfortable now I have to give a caveat with this because I don't want it to be misinterpreted I'm not saying that head tilting only means Comfort it can mean a lot of other things some people when they're skeptical they head tilt some people when they're sympathizing they head tilt but we don't head tilt when we're uncomfortable when we're stressed in stressful situations we almost never see head tilting because it's very vulnerable it exposes a part of the neck so in the same way that we close up to defend ourselves when we're turtling because we're very aware of how sensitive this area of the body is when we're comfortable when we're connecting with someone we often see this kind of headt in fact in Jada's case at the Oscars we saw her while she was listening to Chris Rock's set with the head tilt she was listening and when that joke hit the one that you know the joke we saw her go from head tilt to straightening up like this so we've seen a moment where she shifted from you know genuinely feeling comfortable to feeling defensive and we saw her in that exact moment straighten that head out so it's quite consistent for that headtilt is comfortable when she talks about his work she's using words like nobody spoke to us that way he spoke to the community she's listing the songs that spoke to her and ending it with a come on she's very familiar with his work and the meaning of his work and it spoke to her so not just in her gestures but also in her words we're getting a lot of Clues that this went beyond a friendship or an acquaintance or whatever you want to call it and she was a fan of his work and she had respect for his work respect put a pin in that the other interesting thing about the way she talks about Tupac is she puts a lot of importance on this intellectual and emotional closeness that they had and the interesting thing about that is that nobody can deny that right if her story was how they were always together or that there was a physical relationship anybody who was around at the time can deny that and go no I was around that that's not true I didn't happen but when you say that we understood each other in ways that nobody else can and we had a really strong emotional connection nobody can really verify or deny that in any way by the way that doesn't in any way indicate for a fact whether what she's saying is truthful or deceptive at all all I'm saying is the relationship that they have seems to be one that only she can convey only she can talk about and she's using that throughout the interview to plug the book and say you can learn more about this in the book okay so now we've looked at some footage of her talking about Tupac and there's much more in the full interview I'll leave a link in the description you guys can go check it out but now we're going to move on and listen to her talk about Will and see what's different what's the same and what does it mean what could it suggest but before we do do me a huge favor hit that subscribe button turn those notifications on for more behavioral analysis and practical psychology content and for regular viewers want to encourage the channel I will leave a link in the description where you can learn more about memberships and how you can join oh and I should also mention this as well this Saturday night I will be hosting a live stream right here on the Channel with my friend Rob from Law And Lumber who a lot of you know from the channel he's a lawyer he's a legal analyst and he's been looking at the take care of Maya trial which is this huge trial involving John's Hopkins children's hospital and he's asked me to come in and look at some of the testimony so we're doing a combined live stream it'll be on both channels I'm not exactly sure what time it'll be at but keep an eye on either his channel L Lumber or mine and we're going live on Saturday so I hope to see you guys there it's going to be a lot of fun come hang out it's going to be awesome I think a Will Smith I think charismatic he's good-looking guy yeah you didn't seem to think that we no not at first yeah what did you think at first I mean he was the fresh prince I was like okay he's cool you know but I was like not not not the guy for me he didn't seem deep and I talk about this in the book yeah don't judge a book by its cover that that's that's what Will Smith told taught me it was like not to judge a book by his cover and I learned that you know years later when we had an opportunity to have you know we had a mutual friend and so we were able to share some time at Jerry's Deli one of the things that you described seeing in him was someone who quite was quite adamant in taking over the world yeah he so ambitious you know and in such a beautiful way he had Big Dreams Big Dreams and um and he was so joyful he was really joyful but grounded and he's really intelligent so he's what you call you know he could go from the hood to the White House and everywhere in between right and I always find people like that fascinating okay so quite the difference there when she's talking about meeting will and we're going to talk about how it's not necessarily the worst thing in the world but let's talk about what these differences are first so first of all there's a micro expression of contempt right in the beginning when she's talking about first meeting him and he ask you know what did you think she goes I was like okay he's cool right after okay it's very very fast and very small but she flashes contempt on on the left side of her face so I'll play the clip for you a couple of times after we talk about what we're looking for because it's really fast like it's almost like you feel it but it's so hard to pause it on that moment so contempt is one of the universal facial expressions in other words it's one of the Expressions that anywhere in the world Studies have shown that people recognize it as meaning the same thing regardless of culture regardless of upbringing these emotions are Universal to humans and contempt is one of them and it's the only asymmetric one it's the only one that we see on one side of the face and it's usually characterized by a scrunching or a tension on one side of the mouth so it could be like this or like this and we often see it some with like this kind of side eye kind of thing but it's the mouth that is universal now I do want to make something very clear I'm not saying that contempt is the only asymmetric thing that can happen on one's face a lot of things can be asymmetric sometimes we smile with a half smile sometimes we we're curious and there's asymmetry on the face I'm saying that of the universal emotions the rest happen on both sides Joy anger it's all symmetric so I'll play the clip for you a few times right now really quick it's happening right after okay so I was like okay boom contempt he's cool right there we're seeing a quick flash on her left side of just this even the way I did it now was an exaggeration check it out I mean he was the fresh prince I was like okay he's cool I mean he was the Fresh Prince I was like okay he's cool I mean he was the fresh prince I was like okay he's cool so we're getting contempt or that she's just unimpressed by him the first time she met I even think we need the facial expression cuz she's just flat out saying it um also notice the illustrators aren't there that excitement isn't there about when she first met him whether it's about that first meeting or even later when they connected you know at that over a meal that excitement isn't there that amazement isn't there she's not searching for her words now is this necessarily a terrible thing which means means she's way more excited about Tupac than Will Smith not necessarily there is definitely a vast difference in excitement but there are a few things that can explain that for one thing her memories of Tupac are from her youth this is someone who was in her life for a short period of time and she's remembering her 20s fondly when I practice therapy I would hear a lot of people tell stories of current partners and then stories from their youth and it wasn't uncommon for them to reminisce on their youth with a lot of excitement and when you're talking about a partner that you built a life with you raised children with you paid taxes with you know it's fine it's it's fine for it to sometimes be not as exciting another reason is she's told the story of how she met will a lot in fact later in this video I'm going to give you evidence that she almost has a practice script of their story and she tells it the same way with the same words so we'll look at that later but that does play into this because I'm sure she's talked about how she knew Tupac but for a very long time you know being with will it's a story she's had to tell again and again and again and when we tell stories again and again and again we tend to get a little desensitized towards them so is it possible that she is and always has been more impressed more amazed by Tupac more excited it's possible but I don't want to rule out all the other explanations that could explain this shift namely the fact that once again familiarity does breed contempt so when you've been famili with someone for so long it's kind of normal to tell the story in a little bit more monotonous tone and the fact that this is a story she's told again and again and again and would be a little more desensitized to it there was something that she said that really caught my attention she said don't judge a book by its cover that's what Will Smith taught me and it's always so fascinating to me when I see people who are with celebrities on interviews and they use the person's full name it's not natural it's not habit for to call him Will Smith it's will it's been will for decades but she says Will Smith and this to me is a testament to how aware Jada is that she's on these interviews and that these interviews are to promote because that's a great sound bite that's you could just take that sound bite right out and use it to advertise this interview so in this case she's not talking about Will Smith her husband she's talking about Will Smith the figure right that's why she's using the full name it's Will Smith he taught me this then she lists a bunch of genuine and personal complim woman so this looks like there's some thought behind it you know he had ambition he had dreams he was joyful but grounded that's a really great and I feel that that applies to Will Smith you know like when he was younger that he had a lot of Joy but he was still grounded in his mission his ambition uh he was intelligent and she describing these things again we don't have those illustrators it's not grandiose it's not big it's not she's not Amazed by this but she's listing a bunch of things that she admires about him and then at the end at the end she says that he had the capacity to go anywhere from the the hood to the White House and now we see a smile that's looking a lot more like a duen smile than some of the other ones we saw up until this point in this segment talking about Will Smith this illustrator comes up again so we're seeing this real big spike of Joy when it comes to this capacity to go from the hood to the White House and I really feel like that excitement regarding that doesn't play well to her critics because one of the things that she gets criticized for a lot is that her marriage to will was transactional that he can bring her places that she's trying to get to and she herself came from Humble means so what she's describing there is literally what she wanted to do is leave those humble means and go from the hood to the White House so it's not a bad thing to admire that in someone to admire their capacity to adapt to an environment to be able to blend in to any social environment it's a great thing to admire in your partner is just given the specific criticism that she gets it's just an odd look that that's where she came to life in talking about his capacity to go from here to here it's just a little coincidental for me but in terms of behavior none of that really bothers for me if I was her spouse if I was Will Smith the part that I think behaviorally would irritate me more than that other stuff is right in the beginning when Stephen says you know I think you know Will Smith I think of Will Smith I think of a charismatic good-look guy and she barely acknowledges that it's a quick yeah it isn't a strong agreement and then the moment he shifts it to say well you didn't seem to think that when you first met him she jumps on that and elaborates on that so the lack of excitement is is one thing but her knowing that she just talked about her first encounter with Tupac and she knows how excited she got she's aware of how she comes off on camera I think it would have been nice to just give a little bit of value to that Charisma to that good-looking you know of course he is he's very charismatic and of course he's good-look but yeah you're right at first I didn't see that because I saw this this this just give him a little bit of that same buildup that you gave to your first meeting with Tupac because in that comparison it does feel like will loses out even if you're being genuine about that first encounter after all that's the truth right I wouldn't expect her to lie she met him she wasn't immediately taken by him it took some time so that's the truth that's not the part I find undermining it's just starting it off immediately by not barely acknowledging the positive and then going straight to the negative I feel like given this interview and what we've been talking about a little bit more positive in the beginning would have been nice not the end of the world just would have been nice I heard will was trying to hit you up at this this point in your life yeah he hit me up he had just Sheree had just sent him divorce papers and um he decides to call me and of course me not knowing anything about marriage thinking that marriage you know break up of a marriage is like breaking up with a boyfriend he's like you know um where are you and I'm like I'm in Baltimore you know renovating my house and he's like are you seeing anybody and I'm like no he's like good you seeing me now and I was like what once again again that kind of bold you know approach I was just like oh clutch my pearls a little bit so he was like you know C me when you get back to LA so when I got back to LA I called him and we went out on our first date there's a really cool moment there behaviorally that a lot of things happen at the same time and I may not be able to tell you exactly what it means or what she's thinking but I could definitely tell you what it suggests what type of thing so it's right after she says that she thought thought that at the time breakup of a marriage is like breaking up with a boyfriend and immediately after boyfriend we see a slow blink so she slowly blinks as her head kicks back then when she opens her eyes we see her eyes going upwards like this almost in like a slow eye roll as she takes a deep breath and backs up in her chair a little bit more like that take a look boyfriend he's like you know so the first thing we're seeing is postural Retreat so putting distance between us and whatever it is the topic the conversation the person when we back up from something typically it suggests some sort of negative experience then we have the eye blocking so once again remember eye blocking either trying to keep something out or keep something in could be either one so let's kind of put that on the side and see which way this seems to be going to see where that ey block might be coming from then we have this upwards slow kind of iroll looking thing and we've talked a lot about this gesture with Jada in fact in last week's analysis I showed you that she herself talked about that ey roll and described it exactly in the same words that I used a year ago so it's quite reliable with her that when she's irritated when something's irritating her something familiar is irritating her we get this upwards eye thing and she did it at the Oscars and she's doing it now and a deep breath in the chest usually is associated with stress as well when we're relaxed usually we breathe into the belly and it's usually pretty silent but when we're stressed that breath usually comes a little bit higher up so if we look at all this we have this chest breathing we have this iral of irritation we have this postural Retreat that eye block is probably a negative experience as well because again it happened at the Oscars just before that eye roll very very similar so something familiar is irritating her here which is very strange because what she just said is that at the time she thought that breaking up a marriage is like breaking up with a boyfriend which is a lot of specificity of like what she thought of marriage back then so there's something going on Beyond her telling us what she was thinking back then there are really two possibilities the way I see it as to why we're seeing this cluster in that moment the first is that she's saying with her body language what the hell did I know back then like boy was I wrong so like you know she's kind of eye rolling at herself and kind of I've learned a lot since then that is not the case so there's a big possibility that that's what it is this first Theory kind of lines up with everything she's doing now with the book or everything she's been saying in these interviews in that Willer had their hardships and there were times where breaking up would have been easier or more comfortable but they toughed it out so maybe going through that she's she's kind of thinking back to how she thought you know you could just walk away from a marriage before but that's not the case the second possibility is that this is a conversation or an argument that her and will will have had numerous times the idea that breaking off a marriage is not the same as breaking off from a boyfriend and what's interesting is her choice of words because she's using the word boyfriend but that doesn't apply to will cuz she's talking about Will's breakup here Will's divorce so it would stand a reason that she would say and I thought you know him getting this divorce was like him breaking up with a girlfriend that would be about him it's not she's saying boyfriend she's talking about herself so it's possible that they've disagreed or argued a lot on whether breaking up a marriage is like breaking up from a boyfriend or girlfriend there's been some disagreements there I don't know who was on what side but in the way that this is coming up to where it's irritating her it's very familiar this topic is sensitive and it's familiar it could also be a mix of the two it could be she's come a long way since then and and now she argues about this and has a lot of heated conversations about it and it's just a sensitive topic for her and that's what she's just throwing it in there and we're seeing this moment moment of annoyance with that topic let me know in the comments what you think one two a combination or is it something else is it something else that's familiar and irritating to her let me know in the comments earlier I told you that I would prove that she tells her stories of how her and will met the same way a lot so here she said how you know he said are you seeing anyone you're seeing me now and then she was she was really impressed by that clutched you know clutching my pearls um I want you to look at her telling that story with an interview last week with People magazine take a look and he says are you seeing anybody now and I'm like no he's like good you seeing me I was like oh had to clutch my pearls I was like you know that kind of assertiveness can be a little sexy you know it's the same the energy is different she's a lot more animated with People magazine that just could be the setting the circumstance the way she's feeling that day but the words are the same it's pretty much the exact same words down to clutching the pearls so this is a script she has and that's not uncommon by the way we often tell stories of how we met our significant other with a certain script a certain way of telling it and she has that so that just plays into what I was saying earlier to how it's very possible that she just has a script for the way she tells her story and after telling it and telling it and telling it she's a little more desensitized to it although seemed quite animated on People magazine for this next clip I'm going to give you just a little bit of context before we look at it because it was hard to edit out with the context she's talking about Tupac when he went to Rikers uh Rikers being a big jail in New York in the Bronx when I went to go see him in Rikers and Rikers is actually that's a really danam Mo might be where they put terrorists Rikers is like I remember going going to see him there and um he was in such bad shape you know and um I Rikers I like yeah Rikers was bad it feels it feels like the emotion is still right on the surface with you when you think back to these these moments in your life so this is the point in the interview where there was a shift for me where in terms of behavior in terms of her mannerisms we're no longer seeing those big grandiose gestures where she's playing to the camera and you know get the book this and read the book that and there was a shift and we're going to continue to see a few more things along these lines but in this moment as she's talking about Rikers we see a few things first before she even brings up the subject or gets into it we see that ey block again and in this case it seems quite obvious that it's to keep something out not to hold on to something we also see the hand come up and do what we call neck guarding so she her hand is up in this area quite a bit so again when we're feeling vulnerable or defensive we protect vital parts of the body the neck being one of them so in the same way that we might Turtle we also might clasp or defend or protect the neck you'll also notice that there's all these pauses and her voice drops and she's mumbling and she's not articulate and she kind of to herself and again as an actress as an Entertainer uh as as someone who's really done the Hollywood thing she knows this isn't good this this isn't a good look that kind of just long pauses and this muttering the other thing that really caught my attention about this moment is that Stephen the interviewer notices this as well so we have an excellent interviewer here I mean just the the way this guy connects with his guest is incredible and you can often tell about a person by the way the interviewer talks to them a really great example that comes to mind is back when Savannah Guthrie interviewed Amber herd after the trial and it was obvious in the way that they were talking in in the mood in the way that they were connecting that they weren't the best of friends they weren't that close I'm not saying she was unprofessional or rude about it but there wasn't a real empathetic connection between the two now stevenh seems like a legit dude I don't really see him being fake about anything or trying to manufacture things that don't exist and he comments here that he says he feels that she's still affected by these emotions and he's affected by the emotions so at the very least there's cuz we're not there we're not in the room we don't know what's going on when those cameras stop when she walks in we don't know but at the very least there's something there that he's feeling deserves a second let's keep going because we're going to see a little bit more of this let's look at that before I talk about what all this behaviorally meant to me now you do you know why this is relevant I do Maxine and and Tupac are both in that picture same picture do you have a tissue thanks thank you so I have historically been critical of Jada my regular viewers know that there have been some things that she's done that I wasn't a mega fan of I very much disliked a lot of what was happening at the red table talk between her and will um and you know a lot of viewers or a lot of commenters not just on this channel talk about a lot of things she does that are self-serving the word narcissist gets thrown around a lot and I won't use it as a diagnosis but you know as a personality I think it's fair to say she's done quite a few things that were narcissistic but I'm very passionate about staying objective and not polarized that's a huge part of what I do I don't like witch hunts and I don't like to look at things from only one angle I know that there are a lot of people who are going to look at content on certain individuals Jada being one of them and only look for the bad because they have these lens on that say Jay is a massive narcissist and everything she does aligns with that I think that's the opposite of analysis I think behavioral analysis is about looking at people who tend to be fake and looking for those real moments and looking at people who tend to be real and looking for those fake moments when we don't do that it's called arguing from a conclusion I can prove to you right now how much arguing from a conclusion blinds us so check it out this will only take a couple of seconds I'm going to give you 5 Seconds to scan the room you're in whatever room you're in just scan the room look from one side to the other 5 seconds and count the number of red things that you see it could be a big red couch or it could be a small red memory card whatever it is just scan the room you have 5 Seconds start now 5 4 3 2 1 now there's obviously no right answer cuz you're each in a different room but you should all have a number now whether it's two or five or 10 or eight whatever it is a bunch of red things so let me ask you this question question how many green things did you count probably none right now you're looking around you're like oh where's the green stuff that's not the point the point is if we're only looking for red we're only going to find red and if we're only looking for bad we're only going to see bad so that was a pretty long rant to Simply say we should look at each piece of information separately and not only look for supporting Arguments for what we've already decided because that's not analysis at all that's huge bias and it shows for me a lack of critical thinking so in the scene we just looked at I've seen a lot of people break down into tears I've seen a lot of actors and actresses break down into tears and there are certain things about this moment that would suggest that this is a real moment of sadness let's look at what those are first her initial reflex when the emotion hits is for a hand to come up and try to block it then after that point we see two things with the lips where there's this scrunching to the side it happens to the left then it happens to the right and this is something we see very when someone is about to get emotional but they're trying to hold it back the H to mouth as well same thing often when someone's giving a eulogy or a sad speech when that emotion hits you might see them do this or this or even turn away because our reflex is to hide sadness this is again very deeply innate when sadness happen sadness of vulnerability and historically it wasn't in our advantage to show vulnerability so when sadness hits we tend to hide it it's an instant reflex we've talked a lot about how when Amber herd was on the St stand during her trial she displayed sadness in fact my commentary on that portion of the trial was featured in news shows and articles all over the world because a lot of people said like once they saw that it was so obvious that she was extending her sadness to show the jury but this feels off that's not the way we typically deal with sadness we don't want to show it we also have if we look at her chin we have that OSS in the chin we have that tension in the chin which often happens with grief when we're feeling grief towards a situation or missing someone in that sense that happens something that isn't happening is the eyebrows of sadness typically when we're sad the inner corners of the eyebrows come together and up like this but because there's a possibility of cosmetic surgery here I wouldn't always expect to see everything we're supposed to see with the eyebrows or simply it's not a huge display of sadness and I know I know that there are certain counterarguments that some commenters might want to present like for example saying that she's an actress right so she's just channeling the sadness she has the capacity to do that but this is what I do I've analyzed actors and actresses pretty much my entire career I've trained actors and actresses to be able to connect with certain emotions and you'd be surprised it's not that easy to just suddenly boom Beast had all of a sudden you know when they're on set the other actors the direction the atmosphere the mood it really contributes sitting in a podcast room like this talking to someone it's not necessarily that easy to just boom Channel sadness you might also say something like yeah well she seems to be really you know holding on to this sadness as opposed to just like brushing it away and continuing she seems to be holding on to it for the cameras I wouldn't disagree I'm not saying that she's not aware that this sadness is playing to her favor it's very possible that she is but the way she descended there tried to hide it the stuff you know that she's doing with the mouth trying to hold it back and again the way the interviewer who seems to be a very empathetic guy felt that to me suggests that there's a real moment of sadness that we're seeing here in regards to the loss of her two friends was that the last time you spoke to him that was the last time I spoke to him that was the last time I spoke to him and so that's the test I always have I'm like okay you're in this beef with somebody will this beef matter on your deathbed I bet you when you're on your deathbed you're not going to think about whatever it is you're trying to accomplish and Achieve what do you think you going to think about most when you're on your deathbed how you were loved and how you loved no 100% okay and even as I said it I thought about Tupac and how you never know how long you've got left with someone I don't know first and foremost those two clips were from two different parts of the interview but because the message was so similar I just mushed them together to talk about it and I think it's such a great way to end the video because it really relates to what I was saying earlier and to add to that we don't have to love someone or even like someone to find Value in something that they might say and I think that what was said right there was very valuable and I agree look I'm a Behavioral Analyst I understand sometimes it sounds like what I'm doing is picking on people I don't hate Jada I don't care enough about her to invest hate into her it takes a lot of effort to hate someone do I think that she's been unfair towards Will in their relationship from what I've seen yes do I think that will should think a lot about the future of their relationship and seek help and talk to some loved ones again from what I've seen I don't know the details behind closed doors but from what I've seen yes but at the end of the day when I see moments like this it reminds me that we all have a past and sometimes that past is broken and difficult and it has effects and it damages people and we're all just trying our best by the way if you dislike or you can't stand her or you think she's this huge narcissist that's fine I respect that you're entitled to your opinion there could be things about her that remind you of negative experiences from your own life I just wanted to be clear that when I'm analyzing her behaviors and I'm saying oh there might be something deceptive here or she's changing her story there's something a little manipulative there that's just me doing what I do I'm pointing out behaviors that raise a red flag in my head or make me ask more questions that's it I'm not taking a side and as a Behavioral Analyst it really shouldn't be any other way I shouldn't be coming at this from One Polarized opinion because if I did the videos might as well be titled reasons I hate J and that's really not what I want to make this Channel about there are plenty of other YouTube channels where you could find that kind of thing but for me I'll always try to stay objective and I just wanted to make that clear but anyways there was quite a lot of behaviors a lot of contrasting and comparing her two stories about Tupac about will some emotional moments there a couple of rants from me let me know in the comments what you thought and I will see you on Saturday and then on the next video next week
Channel: The Behavioral Arts
Views: 305,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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