Body Language Analyst REACTS to Amber Heard TESTIMONY! Did Johnny Depp Hit Her? Shocking PERJURY!

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my back has turned to him and i feel this boot he holds up this bottle to me um and you know i'm i'm saying did you drink this whole thing what's going on everyone welcome to the behavioral arts and this video is a few days later than it should be and there's a really good reason for that as i explained on my community page i've had a really busy week i was on a lecture tour where i got to speak at some amazing events about behavior analysis and body language and i wanted to watch amber heard's entire testimony before i got the scenes that i thought were important and the most telling and i did that and i've caught some amazing stuff that i think you guys are really gonna enjoy so let's start right now my father um broke horses and did construction had um he painted houses um and uh hunted and fished but that was for fun i i would help them i was more of a a crash test dummy you know when you train a horse you that it's a wild animal it doesn't necessarily like to be ridden i was the son he never had so it was my job to you know stay on all right now as you guys know i love to start by establishing a baseline because lie detection really really depends on how far we deviate from our baseline and there are certain things that hold more or less weight depending on how often we do them now you might be thinking to yourself why do we need to establish a baseline we already did one with our deposition six years ago but for me the more recent the baseline and more situational the baseline the better it is first thing this is happening a lot and i haven't seen this in her before when she speaks very often at the end of her sentences or like mid-sentence she'll stop and she'll do this thing where her lips are compressed and raised and it often comes with that that inwards breath or the sort of like a nod as she looks around and it's happening quite a lot now this tight raised lips thing which we call a mouth shrug typically happens for one of two reasons and the interesting thing is in her case i think it's actually both it goes back and forth the first reason is the best way to describe it is it's the physical way of saying i don't know what else to tell you so notice how sometimes you're talking and you might say something like this and usually the shoulders go up and you look at them like sorry i don't know what else to tell you so it's when we're at a loss of words so i do believe that there are certain cases where she wants to say more she wants to sell more of this story but she's like i don't know what else to add here i don't know what else to say the second reason this happens is shared grief or seeking pity which is more or less the same thing think about any event where a bunch of people are feeling pity and sharing grief like a funeral for example you might walk in and you might see someone you know and they might look at you and go like this and there's a little bit of that you know it's hard to express in words how i feel but the reason that happens is the following when we're sad when we're actually grieving our chin tenses up and it's really hard to smile when there's tension here it looks weird look like it's really really hard to do so in that setting when you're grieving when you're sad and you see someone and you want to extend a polite smile it's really hard to actually smile so the best we come up with most of the time is this it's an acknowledgement and isn't this sad so in the case of amber i think she's doing this as a mechanism to seek pity to like be like i'm grieving share this grief with me speaking of seeking pity listen to the language that she's using when she describes her childhood in that one sentence where she talks about you know the things she used to do with her father first she says i was a crash test dummy when she talks about riding horses then she says i was the son he never had these are pity seeking sentences and i believe she's beginning this mechanism of seeking pity from the jury this is something that i think has served her well throughout her life to get sympathy from people and i think she's throwing these lines in there to begin the sympathy seeking process besides that we're seeing a relatively calm person not too many signs of stress here it's just someone telling her life story and we haven't gotten to the emotional part yet but it's nice to know that this is her baseline there are certain things that you do in the job to be professional like when you have to do that sort of scene and you don't like you don't use your tongue if you can't if you can avoid it did he use his tongue yes okay that right there was for me the first big red flag in her testimony now i don't talk about this very often but i spent years as a therapist specializing in people who are trying to get over loss or really bad breakups and as such i worked with a lot of people who were in abusive relationships in an overwhelming majority of cases when that person spoke about how they first met or any physicality between them and their eventual abuser you would normally see expressions that are consistent with disgust so even thinking back to when they were physically together you would see these cringes you would see the nose crinkling it's not a pleasant memory for them it's very unlikely that she would reminisce on their first kiss which is what she's doing in this scene and him putting his tongue in her mouth and get all giddy and smiley and almost like she's feeling those butterflies again now i'm not saying it's impossible but i am saying it's highly improbable as you guys know i rarely speak in absolutes because there are exceptions to every rule and one of the first things we learn in behavior analysis is to consider all options so why is she doing this why is she smiling this way well i believe that it's because amber heard is on the stand to tell a story and the way we tell stories is as the narrative progresses our emotions change she is telling the story from the perspective of amber heard back then who didn't know what was about to happen she's at the beginning of her story all right now we're gonna jump into where the abuse actually starts and some really interesting signs that we're seeing both verbally and non-verbally but before we do do me a favor hit that subscribe button turn those notifications on for more behavior analysis you know in these kind of arguments nothing i do is working i've walking out of the room is me leaving him walking away from me you know hey where are you going i'm talking to you that it it went from that to um pulling me in by by my arm still shouting at the about the accusations um i don't know if you heard it but that right there is one of the biggest red flags for me in this entire testimony she does something here that she's going to do one more time later this is huge so listen literally to what she's saying she's trying to describe this scenario that happens a lot where she tries to leave him she tries to walk away from but listen to the words i think she subconsciously slips up and lets us know what actually happens because she says i'm walking out of the room leaving him walking away from me yelling hey where are you going walking out of the room is me leaving him walking away from me you know hey where are you going i'm talking to you that doesn't make sense if she's trying to get away from him leaving him i think what she's trying to say is he's running after me but she slips up and says walking away from me i think for a moment her mind just freezes and she tells us the reality which is he was the one walking away from her when we're being deceptive what we call the cognitive load is overworked basically what your brain has to do is a lot because to tell the truth it's very simple you remember the truth you tell the truth but to lie first you have to think of every other lie you told and to try to see if what you're about to say is consistent with all that then you have to think of the way you're going to present the lie then you actually have to present the lie then you have to look around the room to see if your lie is being accepted so your brain goes in hyperdrive and every now and then we slip things out without wanting to and immediately after she says this completely nonsensical phrase leaving him walking away from me saying hey where are you going doesn't make any sense she freezes up and we see something called speech disfluency and verbal leaks basically it's a the because what's happening is i think her brain is literally slowing down then we see a gesture that she does more than once she says pulling me in and she does a pulling action why is she the one pulling usually when we tell a story especially one that we're reliving we step into our own role so if i were to tell you he grabbed my arm i wouldn't say he grabbed my arm i would say he grabbed my arm or i felt this on my arm imagine if i tell you i was walking down the street and all of a sudden this car came at me i wouldn't say i'm walking down the street and all of a sudden this car came at me it doesn't make sense it's what i'm experiencing so why does her gesture say pulling me in now there's a difference if we're saying what this person did than what i did so we see for example johnny depp at some point say she threw a bottle and it went by my head it's like here's what she did then here's what happened but in this case they were both involved in that scenario she also says this later when she talks about being pulled by the hair i remember he in my apartment in orange it would he would grab me by the hair or he'd grab me by the arm face pull me into him she doesn't say he pulled me by the hair she goes pull me by the hair why is she taking the role of the aggressor with her gestures that's really weird i got out some of the food i was gonna put together for dinner and went upstairs um i don't know if i came back down in my nightgown at that point or if that was shortly after but the next thing i remember is um coming downstairs and um looking for him all right so this is her lead in to the night in australia which is something they've both talked about a lot and there's if you compare their two stories it's two entirely different things and this is her even before she gets to it and she's sort of leading up to it thinking about how she's gonna present this and we are seeing a massive cluster of deception now clusters of deception are the ways we know when someone's likely being deceptive we see behaviors that indicate deception all happening at the same time that deviate from their baseline so remember none of these behaviors mean anything alone so if i say something you go oh i do that all the time and when i'm not lying it doesn't matter because if it's just that one thing it doesn't mean anything you have to see them together and second it has to deviate from your baseline if you do it all the time then it's part of your baseline so we know her baseline we know what she looks like when she's telling a truthful story and all these things deviate from that so first we see a lip lick she licks her lips and this is something that we do because when we're stressed our mouth dries up and this is a way to correct that it's also a grooming gesture when we bring moisture to the lips it makes us more presentable and therefore more believable then we see the most researched indication of deception as she touches her face particularly around the nose this is not only nose touching it's also mouth blocking because her hand covers her mouth so face touching and mouth blocking are both signs that contribute to our cluster again means nothing alone you're talking to someone they scratch their face it's meaningless but within a cluster very very important then we see a lip compression which again is consistent with withheld opinion something we didn't want to say or something we don't want to say we also see a ton of eye flutters just a whole bunch now this kind of is part of her baseline there are patches where she does this a lot but here it's crazy she just keeps doing these eye flutters that eye flutters is something that we do when we're having a hard time processing information finally we see a giant slow blink her eyes close stay close for a second before they open and this is something we do when we don't want to face something when we don't want to look at something and it often happens with deception so all these things happening in quick succession like that something is really stressing her about what she's saying or what she's about to say he would make these comments about you know whoring myself out but do so in the context of me acting you know and he would talk about other actresses who do my role we are seeing something there that is going to hold a lot of weight later when she gets into the story of the alleged abuse let me start off by saying that i believe what she just said there has some truth to it because as you can see she's not getting all worked up and trying to contort her face she's speaking with a rather slow cadence and also we've seen enough to know that johnny depp especially when he's been drinking has the capacity to kind of say some crazy things we've seen it in texts we've seen a bit of that sort of jealousy look at the way she says hold myself out so she goes you know she pauses and we see that bit of like disgust like she's hesitating to say this pause then she says it really fast as her tone dips then she goes butt and and now she comes back up to move away from that statement this cadence is very common in people who retell a story of abuse and don't want to relive it because they've made big steps to get past it to move past it so often when they come to that moment you're gonna see they go slow down hesitate you might see a little bit of disgust as they're trying to go to this unpleasant place that they move past and you'll see them blurted out almost mutter it and then come back up as they move away from it so it's really interesting that she does that here because at some point we stop seeing this kind of cadence and that's really really telling now i wouldn't want you guys to take what i just said as me protecting or making excuses for amber or me attacking johnny the truth of the matter is and i think a lot of people miss this i'm not doing either of those things i often get comments not just in this case but in a lot of my videos of people saying this person's obviously lying that person is truthful i could tell this person is full of it and i don't think most people get that that's not how analysis works if you're polarized or overly emotional and you're using nothing but your intuition that's not analysis in fact a lot of research has shown that when we have formed an opinion and we use emotions and intuition we are much much worse at detecting deception than we think we are so in behavior analysis we're taught you always have to be objective and you always have to give the benefit of the doubt with each sentence if you form an opinion and go in with that opinion the analysis is completely worthless so i'm not interested in comments like obviously this and totally that totally obviously doesn't exist in my world we look for things that indicate probability and that's all that this is i'm not taking sides i'm just pointing out behaviors you would think you would have a response but i as a woman had never been hit like that and he slaps me one more time hard i wish so much he had said he was joking because it didn't hurt didn't physically hurt me i was just sitting there on this on on this carpet looking at the dirty carpet wondering how i wound up on this carpet and why i was never why i never noticed that the carpet was so filthy before and i just didn't know what else to do i didn't know what to say i didn't know how to react as a woman i had never been hit like that that's a strange thing for her to say as a woman what does this mean one of two things either she's saying that as as a girl as when she was younger she was slapped that hard but i think it's more likely she's throwing that in there again to gain sympathy as a woman like to remind them that keep in mind that in this relationship i'm the woman another thing here is a really great point by my friend emily d baker who brought this up during a live stream and i asked her for permission to talk about it emily is an incredible lawyer with an incredible youtube channel all about law she covers a lot of legal cases she used to be a district attorney definitely knows what she's talking about and she understands behavior really well and she said that in all the cases of abuse she's ever dealt with usually the cadence doesn't slow down and become more clear when the victim talks about abuse it's kind of muttered and sort of said a little bit softer just to get past it because they don't want to revisit it and i kind of alluded to that when i said that you know amber earlier talking about something else kind of did that sort of like muttered something that he said that was verbally abusive but it's such a great point emily pointed out where when she's talking about all these traumatic things she slows down and really emphasizes it and although it's not impossible it's very rare to see that then she says it didn't hurt physically and we're seeing a lot of this over dramatization that a lot of people have caught we're also seeing this sadness in her mouth start now which is gonna come up a lot during this testimony and a lot of people have said it looks fake but a lot of people don't realize why it looks fake and i'm gonna tell you why the reason it looks fake is because as an actress she knows that when we're sad we frown in other words the corners of the mouth go downwards but she doesn't understand why we frown so she is activating the muscles of her mouth to move downwards and she's talking like this and she's doing a lot of this this kind of thing as she talks it starts now and gets a lot worse later that's not the reason we frown when we're sad when we're sad the muscles of the face relax and as a result the cheeks droop downwards and when we open our mouth and we do open our mouth to breathe because we're feeling stressed as a result because the cheeks are drooping and the mouth opens the corners of the mouth subtly go downward it's not the muscles of the mouth it's the muscles of the face that are causing the corners of the mouth to go down when we try to do it with the muscles of our mouth it looks exaggerated and out of place finally at the end she's giving a lot of detail about this dirty carpet and she's saying it didn't hurt physically but i was on the floor looking at how dirty this carpet was well there's a bit of a contrast there if you're slapped hard enough to end up on the floor it's probably going to hurt physically and now she's giving all this detail about this carpet and typically we say truth tellers tell liars sell and one of the ways they sell is to give you incredible amounts of detail about things that don't directly involve the act or the event they're talking about so they feel that by telling you how dirty the carpet was a part of your mind goes oh well she must be honest about this whole thing because she's giving us all these details about the carpet so this must have happened please keep in mind it's very difficult for me to say what i just said and some of the things that i'm about to say as someone who said is heartbroken by stories of abuse someone who's dealt with victims of abuse it's very difficult to point out inconsistencies and clusters of deception because remember despite what i'm seeing despite the signs that i'm seeing despite the feeling that we're all getting that there's a lot of inauthenticity to this ultimately it's possible that there could be truth to this and i don't want to be the person who doesn't take abuse seriously so again i'm not attacking this i'm not defending this i'm simply saying here are the elements that for me don't add up my dog stepped on a bee we went to the bet and went on with our you know vacation we actually went to another location after that and then eventually went home and went about our okay something really interesting happened there with johnny and his attorney ben chu so she said her dog stepped on a bee and we see you know ben chu just sitting there totally relaxed and then he realizes something we see immediately curiosity as the eyebrows go down now eyebrows going down it can be consistent with anger but usually that's clenched jaw eyes open that's not what that was that was curiosity something hit him he then smiles and with excitement turns and leans to johnny depp says something johnny depp also smiles and as ben backs up we see a thumbs up something about this story what she just said maybe about the dog in the bee or maybe just a little bit before that there's an inconsistency that he's happy about because then he sits back and his hand comes up like this to block his mouth like i have something to say here but i can't say it i have a feeling something's going to come up around that subject during the cross-examination that's going to contradict something else i don't know what it is maybe some of you are a little bit more familiar with the whole story the whole narrative you can tell us what that is but something hit him that he's excited about and i slowly get up and move to the front of the plane and he starts throwing things at me ice cubes utensils and i pull my gaze away from him i walk away from him my back is turned to him and i feel this boot in my back just kicked me in the back i fell to the floor i caught myself on the floor and i just remember feeling so embarrassed i felt so embarrassed that he could kick me to the ground in front of people she says that he was throwing things at her forks you know ice cubes and she turned away and then she says that she felt a boot on her back that he kicked her now i did therapy for years and i've heard stories from people who are in abusive situations and one of the most common things when they get snuck up on or hit from the back is an ambiguous description of what hit them because when you're in that panic you're turning away especially because he's throwing things and you feel something hit you your immediate assumption would be that he just threw something it's very unlikely that you would know in that moment that the thing that hit you on the back is specifically a boot this kind of detail is usually consistent with someone who's trying to sell a narrative because that's an outside perspective he hit me with a boot if i was looking at it i would see a boot the second thing that stands out to me is what she says she was thinking about when she hit the floor so according to her she was kicked in the back by a boot enough to knock her down to the floor of the plane when something like that happens we have no conscious say over it our subconscious mind takes over and we go into survival mode freeze fight or flight the only priority in our brain when we're under that much attack physically is to survive so let's talk about something that i studied in my degree in social psychology which is maslow's hierarchy of needs this is a pyramid that represents every human need and we all have this in common and at the base we have the most basic things that we all look for and you can't move up the pyramid unless those bottom things are taken care of so if we look all the way at the bottom we have physical needs things like oxygen and food and shelter as soon as those physiological needs are met in other words the bare necessity we need to be alive we move on to safety so the thing we think about most is ways to assure our safety and security this is pretty low in the pyramid and very basic it's a high priority then on top of that we have social needs love and belonging and on top of that we have esteem so listen to what she's saying here she's been violently knocked down to the ground and what she's thinking about is how embarrassed she is how embarrassing it is that he would do that in front of other people that relates to her esteem and her sense of belonging social belonging but this is physiologically something we do not think about if our safety and security is threatened it's pretty much impossible anybody who's ever been in a situation where they felt violently attacked or that their safety was attacked will tell you that reputation self-esteem was not something they thought about in that moment maybe later they felt embarrassed it's also possible that if it was a smaller altercation like somebody yelling at them in public they might be thinking about that but in a moment where you are physically fearing for your safety you are not thinking about things like reputation mental condition all right it doesn't it's still here say your honor so that's one of the moments that the entire internet is talking about and there's so many theories out there and one of the most popular ones is that she snorted cocaine i'm gonna say this i don't think amber heard is the most intelligent person in the world but i also don't think she's literally the dumbest human being alive she knows there are countless cameras on her there's security guards there's an entire jury watching her she has demonstrated numerous times that she's trying to appear a certain way she's vocally against cocaine so it is literally the stupidest thing she could have possibly done to put cocaine into a kleenex and take this opportunity where she knows a lot of people are looking at her to snort that look i've studied behavior and body language analysis my entire adult life but none of what i studied can explain to me what just happened i i honestly think it's just the weirdest and most unfortunate sort of thing that she did without really thinking about it and it just looks really really bad and at some point i'm in his face and he had he i don't know if he had let go of my neck or loosen my grip but i remember slapping him across the face okay i have nothing to tell you about that clip right now but i just want you to make a mental note of that the fact that she said she was being held down and then she slapped him across the face there was no ambiguity there she said she slapped him across the face just put a bookmark on that because this relates highly to something she says later and it's going to be really important i am in a like a struggle with him where i'm holding his shirt lapel and he kind of just flings me for lack of a better way to describe it throws me across the room i land on the a games table it's like a ping pong table and i don't know if i was holding on to him or if he pursued me separate but he gets on top of me on the games table and is just whacking me in the face like repetitive and he holds up this bottle to me um and you know i'm i'm saying did you drink this whole thing there are two things here that can't be ignored first of all the first part of that story makes absolutely no sense she says that he flung her or threw her across the room and she landed on top and with her hand she gestures like this she landed on top of a ping-pong table so it's not that he threw her a foot or two but he flung her across a room with enough height for her to land on a ping-pong table on top of that she says and i don't know if it's because i held on to him but he landed on top of me so she's alleging that there's a possibility that not only did he throw her but he throw it with such strength that she held on to him and they both went flying high enough to land on top of a ping-pong table i'm sorry like i'm so sorry but this narrative just does not make sense you know he pushed me i fell onto a table i hit the side of a table maybe but to throw an adult across the room to land on top of a table it doesn't make sense then at the end we get a really big red flag and another shift in perspective which she's done once before and it's not a good look she goes he holds up this bottle he holds up this bottle and then she says and i'm saying did you drink this whole thing and she's gesturing like she's the one holding the bottle he holds up this bottle to me and you know i'm i'm saying did you drink this whole thing so i think that this is a really bad subconscious slip she's in this mess she's trying to sell this narrative i often talk about cognitive load so her brain is really trying to keep up with all the gymnastics it has to do to sell this story and in that moment i think she says you know he's holding this bottle because that's what would contribute to the narrative but then she slips up for a moment and the truth comes out that indicates that she's the one holding the bottle saying did you drink this whole thing i pick it up and i slam it down on the ground right in between us there's a tile floor a white tile floor and i smashed the bottle on the floor uh i i honestly don't remember if i um threw anything in his direction i don't think i did um i just remember him having me by the nightgown i remember him flailing me throwing me around i'm flailing um here we see a cluster of deception first of all we see a face touch and a mouth block there's actually something called the pinocchio effect look it up it's hilarious some people when they're being deceptive the heat around their nose increases there's a lot of theories as to why this happens but we're not a thousand percent sure why i think the most likely reason is when we're stressed we need more oxygen so you know the blood going through the nose helps us breathe more effectively and better anyways whatever the reason this causes an itching sensation and some people when they lie scratch their nose so she's doing that there she doesn't do it a whole lot throughout this entire testimony and one of the times she did do it it was within a cluster also it's not just a no scratch it's also a mouth block then we see a perception qualifier she says honestly it's not something she says very often she has said things like that before but honestly sincerely you know words like that are called perception qualifiers because they're meant to just kind of convince people like quickly like no no i'm being honest again alone meaningless but within a cluster it's important then we have the single-sided shrug this is really important we see one of her shoulders her left go up alone when we actually don't know something and we're missing information both our shoulders tend to go up and they come down rather quickly so when we're lacking knowledge both shoulders go up but when we're lacking confidence in what we're saying like we know it's not the full story one shoulder tends to go up so that's really significant furthermore a lot of people in my comments noticed this so congrats great catch she's gesturing no as she's saying these things now gesturing no isn't always a bad thing if you're saying something negative like um i can't believe it or there's no way that would happen no is obviously okay also some people emphasize with no gestures say something like it was incredible but this is more like this one big gesture can this be disbelief like she can't believe she did this it can but since it's in this cluster it also can contribute to deception then we see lip biting she bites the inner lip and we see the whole mouth go like this anything where we limit the movement of our lips you know so biting compression is withheld opinion there's something that we don't want to say or we're trying not to say and finally we get a lot of details about unimportant things like i threw the bottle on the ground and it was tile it was white tile so specifics are important if the specifics are about the event that's fine but if it's about something completely irrelevant it's a mechanism that we use to gain trust like we're saying like listen i'm giving you all the facts here the tile was white and it was a tile floor so i'm being honest here especially because she talks about those details and then says i can't remember if i threw something at him so let me get this straight you remember throwing a bottle on the floor you remember that it was white tiles on the floor but you don't remember if you threw a bottle at him now remember i always say this in my videos people who are being deceptive and people who are being honest but think that people may not believe them have very similar body language and non-verbal signs so it's very hard to distinguish between the two so at the very least she really really wants to be believed and he's throwing these bottles one after the other and i can feel glass breaking behind me i remember feeling um one of them go by my head really fast i mean a veloci a real velocity so that to me is really interesting because not only in his testimony but also in his deposition johnny depp described that incident almost in that exact same way like he said she threw a bottle it went right by his head he did that gesture and she just did it here as well now she's seen his deposition she saw him on the stand a couple of days ago and i've said this before her cadence which is slow with this hesitation and these pauses which isn't very normal for her is a very johnny depp way to speak so i think that it's very likely that she saw him on the stand and there are certain mannerisms and certain ways of speaking that she adopted because she sees how credible he is and she's trying to simulate that credibility i'm look i'm looking at it in his eyes and i don't see him anymore i don't see him anymore it wasn't him it was black i've never been so scared of my life it was but it was black i couldn't see him there are people who naturally have an increased ability to empathetically connect with people and we call them empaths it's not a magical mystical voodoo thing is just the parts of some people's brains that regulates human to human connection is a little bit more developed and there are a lot of you who follow this channel and when i did the breakdown of johnny depp's testimony i said that i have a feeling that the empaths were going to connect with a certain part because it felt deeply emotional i will bet that those same empaths in this scene didn't feel a thing so it's weird right because we see her face doing some stuff and she's talking fast and her tone is up here but there's a few things that are inconsistent with what you would expect to see if someone was having this kind of a fit first and foremost her breathing we actually hear her taking deep breaths between her sentences when we're stressed or we have high anxiety and we're panicking we don't take deep breaths we take very short and fast breaths so it sound more like more like this and we're not getting much of that second i've talked about this before but her mouth we see this downwards gesture with her mouth but that's only because she knows what sadness is supposed to look like but doesn't know why and most importantly and this has really really been bugging me for the last week we've seen her deposition from 2016 where she spoke about a lot of these events and we never saw this we saw anger we started getting worked up but we never saw this kind of you know forced sadness and this high pitch and this panic and this drama we didn't see that how is it possible that six years ago which is a lot closer to these events she was talking about these things with a pretty much straight face and a little bit of anger and a little bit of spite but nothing close to this usually as time goes by we get less emotional about events not more emotional and certainly not to this degree this is text messages from mr depp to you do you recall these yes i do and and are these the text messages yes that's what he was sending me while i was taking care of his daughter now we're seeing actual tangible evidence of text that johnny sent her and if you look at this it's pretty crazy at first it's extremely incoherent just like this crazy babble then it becomes quite condescending and i would consider some of this verbally abusive even the way she's not responding and he just keeps spamming her and saying demeaning things and you know throughout this video i've really been on amber's case so let's balance things out a little bit i've said this before i don't think by any means that either one of them is a saint i don't think either one of them can wash their hands of this and absolve themselves of guilt entirely also we see a lot of evidence here submitted where you know he wrote on the mirrors and on the walls and he broke things and we've we've heard this and we've seen evidence of this we see that things can get crazy and he can get pretty crazy when he's triggered not just here but also there's some apology texts which i'm going to put up on the screen right now and if you guys want to pause to read them because they're really long you can go ahead and do that and in his apology text we see that he recognizes that there's a monster in him and that he did some things that were really inappropriate and that he's apologizing for a lot now in fairness i do want to point out that nowhere in those texts does he ever acknowledge getting physical and if he did get physical i feel like he would have mentioned it because he's really making amends and really like cleansing his soul and pouring his heart out to her and apologizing and saying things are going to change and nowhere in there does he say i shouldn't have touched you and nowhere in her responses does she say johnny that's unacceptable you hit me there's no no one is alluding to physical violence his history denotes with his ex-wives that it's not something he does and i must admit that the way she speaks these exaggerations the inconsistencies of her story doesn't to me indicate that his abuse goes beyond verbal but it does look like they get each other going and things build up and it's just a toxic relationship and this is such great evidence of that you can see my little sister with her back on face her back to the staircase and johnny swings at her and i don't even wait and i swung at him and all of my time all my time being in that relationship to that point hadn't even landed one on johnny sure i tried to fight back threw my arms flailed my arms hit whenever i i could to try to block blows myself but never landed anything i think you all know where i'm going with this and it's bad she says very clearly and takes her time with it that she never landed anything you know that she protected herself and in defending herself she may have inadvertently hit him and all these things but she says i never this was the first time she landed something we literally heard her say earlier in her testimony that she slapped him across the face in a different altercation it's there i showed it to you guys earlier i told you to remember it i remember slapping him across the face this directly contradicts that she's saying this is the first time she landed anything and in that other you know story there was no ambiguity there it wasn't like i mistakenly slapped him and i slapped him across the face so that is a direct contradiction that's a lie those two things cannot coexist so yeah it's not it's not a great look there's a lot of exaggeration there's a lot of feigned emotion there's clusters of deception there's things that don't add up again is it possible that some of this is true yes it is in fact i don't think anything is ever white in black so i think that there are bits of truth to this but i think it's being contorted so much that it's literally impossible to know where if any truth lies but anyways the trial is on break for a week and then uh it's going to be cross-examination i bet there's going to be more of this and then cross-examination by the way if you're interested in following this live i'm constantly on a channel called legal bytes in and out i'll leave a link in the description they cover the case in real time and you have some of the best lawyers in the world commenting on it and i pop in every now and then to give my perspective so you guys could follow that and you can catch me there until then let me know what you thought in the comments i hope you enjoyed this video i'm sorry if it seemed very opinionated it's not i'm just showing the behavior but there is a lot going on so i hope that was okay and i'll see you on the next one thanks for watching
Channel: The Behavioral Arts
Views: 1,649,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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