Will & Jaden Smith on The Graham Norton Show (24th May 2013) - Original Upload

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Oh goodness stupid yeah quite the couch that's not a movie do you know each other gonna come to show business way yes we just met today yeah and we've been at once a few months over go from Philly both for Philly yeah in the house yeah and we work together when we were I was 20 years ago in six degrees of separation yeah so are you down there punch punch up a couple of things that you go so I don't know whether out jokes Jaden or will but think what can I say everything in yes yes Janet Jaden is very mature be careful Jaden have you seen the hangover films yes okay they said my name in hangover 2 I was in the movie theater like yes it was like the big boy was lost and they were like we're looking for a boy is lost in that crowd a kid ah yes I told him to say that have you seen any Heather Graham's other films I think I've seen the yeah we'll draw a veil there the other thing is rather you're one of our favorite guests you're such a cool guy you're lovely but things have changed now are you an Oscar nominee to you because you know the success has been phenomenal for you and I read something about that you google yourself to keep yourself humble you know I'm gonna stop doing that is something you guys did really well because people sort of often ask you know like houses it's hard to stay ground in this business and I always find that to be such an odd question because to me it's the most humbling business yeah yes I mean it's a business based on rejection and the easiest form of it is just going on the internet but don't say you're cute and stuff I dunno I like the bad boys we got some big-ass ears I read something I should get an ear transplant because my ears are too big you have never strolled down two comments I never Google myself my friend said googling yourself is like cutting yourself should be a lesson to you never do because to humble yourself you just need to the red carpet with your father so mean to that boy stain doesn't think so be cute this one that just mean that's just me trying to counter to Google's no I really you know I'm just so proud of them and I just want him to feel the affection you know I know you were like but when to an age where you start to embrace that your parents don't on you I know the drawn-out you know when I was a teenager I uh uh but now a lot I can't I lap it up I love it so JD just take just one just take one cuz you've been fighting me the whole press story take one I just wanna make money what I wanna kiss you tonight tonight we are throwing we've got three a mate really three serious good folks talk about and what's great is they're all so different later on we go to be talking up behind the candelabra the Liberace story Michael Douglas we're going to be talking about part three of the highest-grossing most successful comedy franchise ever hangover three let's start with the Smith family sci-fi adventure I like how you said that so what do people need to know about it what do you tell us what I tell you well you know it the the movie is really you know the epic sci-fi action adventure with all this I said that yeah I know it around but it has only that stuff but really what's great is at the center of it it's a father and son story you know it's a father and son struggling for survival so it's to be able to get that level of drama and acting at the center of a you know a popcorn movie is is fun and real it's a tough relationship between the two of you yes yes that will you've been kind of training Jamie to be a movie star didn't you teach him a special movie star run well it's not it's not a special like what happens is only movie stars run like eight moves what now you know you know I'm talking about like if you there's a certain way your body has to look when when when you run you know so I was I had them train with a sprinter because that's the most yeah athletic looking run cuz if you know you know in life that guy's not a movie star does not improve her have you had this training Bradley I haven't but I've learned the hard way yeah TV show where I was like running chasing this guy and I saw it I realize I run like this silver linings playbook it's only different job and I learned it before I think my knees get any bar you feel so good there's some harsh judges on the couch I'm gonna see Jade and do some running now this is this is you meeting your really we didn't we didn't get the thing about they land on earth oh they know so you had a movie takes place okay listen thousand years in the future and Earth has been abandoned by human beings basically we got evicted you know because of the the way we've treated the planet so they have no human beings been on earth it's the most inhospitable place in the universe for human beings you like that yeah that's scary yeah you came up 95 percent I did like five percent you did you did like four and a half five how did you calibrate that you know we just really was like Jaden what do you think of this and he was like yeah this is Jaden it's you facing you're kind of first challenge in that not in that in that particular circumstance it would have been okay if he was like that's pretty scary you know we could've got away it was early although he jumps yeah now you worked at the book pursuit of happiness yes now this is make sure that look at that oh how depressing is that when I'm like seventeen I'll be like yeah I've been acting for a decade since then since then of course Crotty kid big hits your own movie big picture that's nuts to come hey hey man come on and you were there movie show you can't do that anymore no but if you gave me like a month I could yeah she was a train so hard for that absolutely yeah that was most difficult thing will probably ever do this we always says yeah are you so flexible I'm not what cuz Heather you've had proper balance training haven't you yeah I've seen hangover one yeah we did the poll but I I said she's incredible at that took a class never made that much of the movie Jeff with the stills but when we shot the stills and then a hangover one it was like insane cuz our exams didn't you get to a level yeah well I had a friend who taught s factor classes which are kind of like okay we're learning how to pole dance but we're not strippers we're like female empowerment people you don't even and so I learned some moves and when we did the photo shoot I got to do the moves and I was it was fun yeah thank you guys aren't dressed yes Oh dancing is when you dance with the Penguins or you dancing yoga is your thing Yoga is my thing and afraid because I know that on shows you often show yoga do you ever yoga move you the bust out first picture you have a few yeah what's the most impressive for you but I might want someone to spot me yes put my arm like that ok wait maybe a little bit right this is pretty exciting yes baby and then just I'm gonna hit your arm for once I'm ready to catch you or done is just me from going over that weight and then I can balance ok oh this is fantastic this is Wow yeah the good news is you are back and you weren't in hangover 2 but you're back in hangover 3 which opens tonight tonight and I've seen it and if people enjoyed one and two they're gonna love this oh yes it's quite likely kept it going yeah really nice the other great thing is that you are all back cuz normally by this point in a franchise you always got to do this so did you I was a bit of you not even close no I was almost like the first guy to jump back in yes no I mean I we hit all hit the jackpot in so many ways I mean these and and Ed Helms and Zach and Heather and everybody we have melissa mccarthy's in this one she's so good at she has that scene so manly in this one right it's like break through a brick wall with like a hammer that's like breaking really impressive you look like you've been practicing no but actually in silver linings you do up Jedi brake Awards do you Chopin that's my thing you in a plastic bag I seem to remember you wearing a plastic bag actually before I hit some guide the tailgating you can confuse it your dream but if you haven't been reunited as characters you also you're back in Vegas yeah we got like the biggest like are you like the Pope in the Vatican when you go to Vegas now you know you think that they would have changed but Las Vegas is completely indifferent to anything other than what it's doing I mean we like in the first one we were in the elevators that have the tiger scratches no one even bats an eyelash and the same thing now it was no problem at all outside of the fact that there are Allen impersonators on the strip and baby bjorn t-shirts I had no problem nothing but I won't give anything away but there's an amazing set piece yeah we've got you exactly Palace and that there's one chopper helicopter kind of pulls away like is did that really happen or is that was with ornate helicopter pull of what you mean did we rappel down the side of some stuff with a sign I don't want to get anyone yeah but here's what they did they took the biggest sound stage of Warner Brothers which has like a 10-story drop in this in the ground and then we built like a 60-foot face of Caesar's Palace so we did have to repair it was a lot of fun and Zach god bless him who's scared of heights had a hard time I mean but it was great I mean if you love that stuff I it was amazing that seems like a lot of we should build that in our house good window into their world hey we're gonna see Hannah Graham a beautiful woman that the big surprise about you is you're single and also listening to you and interviews things you've been on more than your fair share of just hideous dates I mean you have everyone been on some bad dates right these are really bad okay well I was telling you got my first date this guy came to pick me up and he's wearing a half shirt weird a guy picks you up not a style for me either it's not kind of freaked out and then we he had his buy a can I had to walk beside it while he was on his bike and then we went to Taco Bell yesterday knows when I was in high school or no I would be maybe middle schooler right it wasn't a happy was the 3/4 yeah not Jaden Jaden I again I've heard that will your dad he's told you that now is not the time to be dating is that true has he put it for voting you holy fourteen reporter he didn't sing he said hey I'm just gonna give you a word of advice is buddy to another buddy you don't want a girlfriend right now you have a big movie coming out is really gonna complicate your life a lot and I don't but the girls still complicate my life which I know if I had a girlfriend I would just be like balled up in a corner somewhere right now what I'm gonna say good I think we got away with it everybody how do you go on dates and stuff um I hang out with girls I don't really go on dates okay it's like I'll say hey I'll talk to a girl like hey let's hang out I'll go buy her a penny board and we'll go skate and then she'll go I'll take her home and I'll go home and watch listen I'm telling how's that here's what the women's long love half shirts and Taco Bell amazing what's relationship did the two of you you all friends you get on you like working together yeah but another passion you share that was music news and you haven't have you collaborated to music together no no no we've never done that before yeah you know it's like is you know he we have a studio then he works in here you know he's a very good rapper and thank you I appreciate you know but not yet maybe maybe one day we'll we'll do something I don't want to force you and you don't help me to go away but I've got some like mics if you could to keep it mellow I like to make friends transits in the school young releases girls use your changes to be trying to eat you know but it's the wrong shot because I'm okay last time I was here I did my fresh prints round yeah yeah last time I was here I did my Fresh Prince rap 8 million YouTube hits was on that I can see your face you like what has he left well this time I brought my DJ Jazzy Jeff oh here we go here we go you like that hey hold up grandma man for me you can finish your jump I don't think that's better already okay thank you so much Wow a little treat for you yeah a little treat for you yeah the thing is here's the problem with a showing and you gotta think how can they follow that well for accuracy we can follow it love it because it is time to be my final guest tonight from the streets of San Francisco vile walls due to the Vegas strip playing the barrace it is the double Oscar winning screen legend that is mr. Michael David who set the lineup on this show how about having the out decocker out here first you flying in from can do you all know each okay do you all know each other cuz you're all from Holley men well this is my birthday brother birthday you got the same birthday not only that but I made his career he made his first movie which I produced a survivor enjoyed in America which was so bad she and Brad I've had the pleasure of getting to know a little bit you know and I got another movie coming out later this year which is it's the movies called Last Vegas and if you when you see hangover in nineteen before we talk anymore I just have to gush a bit a blonde candelabra the Liberace movie you don't need you are so good in it you know the reviews are come out and it's amazing but it's like we've seen you being very very good you've won Oscars we know you're good we've seen you do extreme emotion but this is a transformation thing like I'd know what did you know you could do this no that's a great part you know I was very fortunate and really fortunate because I was looking for something I had cancer for a couple of years and this project first came to me Steve Soderbergh our director we did a picture called traffic which was series here in 2000 and when we're shooting that I was really scared was that movie I played like I you know drug czar and all that and one day Stephens looking at me and he goes if it thought about Liberace too much and so I said no I hadn't you know but I made a joke in anyway years later he found this book behind the candelabra and developed into a screenplay and then God bless and they they they waited for me and Matt Damon's my co-star I mean what a cost them to have him behind histogram it's a crush anybody told you you look a little bit like Matt Damon on the phone now that's very kind of you we talk anymore about the movie I think people should see you in action because it is just it's I love the film everybody know the good thing is everyone stopping the film yeah this is a scene with you your boyfriend Matt Damon and Rob Lowe's playing our plastic surgeon Wow have you seen Rob Lowe unrecognizable would you please thank Buckman's our guests tonight Selena Gomez Oh I'm Jennifer Lopez off eBay
Channel: JackH2013
Views: 3,625,494
Rating: 4.8802972 out of 5
Keywords: Will Smith (Musical Artist), Jaden Smith (TV Actor), interview, bradley, cooper, heather, graham, alfonso, ribero, fresh, prince, of, bel-air, michael, douglas, yt:stetch=16:9, Willow Smith (Musical Artist), jazzy, jeff, DJ, actor, apache, jump, on, it, sugarhill, gang, switch, rap
Id: o0hXy8qWa4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2013
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