Will It Snow Cone? Taste Test

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👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/im_okay_too 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2017 🗫︎ replies
- Today we ask the age-old question, - Will is snow cone? - Let's talk about that. (groovy theme music) Good mythical season finale. - Woooh, that's right mythical beasts, this is the last episode of season 11. Thank you for sharing this with us, let's celebrate for a second, making it through another great season of Good Mythical Morning together. Thank you for making us a part of your daily routine. Don't worry, we will be back in August. - Yes, and in the meantime, you don't have to leave the internet, there's lots to enjoy over on our other channel, This Is Mythical, that will just keep you satiated, satiated and satisfied all summer long. But let's get on with the task at hand. What better way to end another season than with a will it, and what better thing to see if it will than one of summer's most loved treats. It's time for, - [Together] Will It Snow Cone? - First up we have ET phone cone. This is a chocolate and peanut butter Reese's Pieces cone. - Oh, it's a cone, it's still a cone. - It's a snow cone, because that is his obsession. You know that's how ET got lured into the house. He's all the time eating the Reese's Pieces. - Well not anymore, he's dead. The ice is actually chocolate milk, frozen chocolate milk, that hasn't been done before. - And then we have peanut butter syrup on one side, and chocolate syrup on the other side, and then a topping of Reese's Pieces on top. - Now I'm gonna get into this thing man, - Dink it. - Let's just eat it. Get a little peanut butter and a little chocolate at the same time, make sure you're getting it right. - It's very cold, 'cause it's a snow cone. - It's very cold. - I'm not great at eating frozen things, 'cause my teeth are sensitive, but let me tell you the taste is out of sight, out of this world, kind of like, - ET. - An alien. That shaved chocolate milk is a genius move. - The frozen chocolate milk, I mean, can we, is it possible to patent that? Can you patent frozen chocolate milk? - Just did it. - 'Cause we need to do that. I mean that alone. And then you throw in the chocolate and the peanut butter syrup. - I like going to this side and getting a little peanuty, go on this side and getting a lot of chocolate. - If ET had this thing in his hand, and his life depended on it. - He never would have left. - No, I'd take it from him. - You'd assault ET for a snow cone? - He's extraterrestrial, I believe that his life is less valuable than human life, just by default. - That's not true. - If I gotta choose between me and an alien, I'm choosing me every time, especially if he's got a snow cone that I want to eat. - All we have to choose is will it snow cone? Yes. - Yes. This one is a shout out to the homeland Link, North Cakalaki! This is the barbe-cone. We have got shaved pork, frozen pork is the cone, is the ice. - So it's not ice, it is just the meat shaved. - They mixed pork into ice, so it's kind of a watery pork that was then made into the ice. And then on one side, we have a slaw sauce, and we've got a barbecue sauce on the other side. And then we've got the piece de resistance, we got a baked bean garnish up on top of that thing. - Yeah, and as far as the pulled pork, I mean I'm used to putting a snow cone in my mouth and letting it melt, and just tasting it. But when this melts, - Gonna turn into barbecue. - It's gonna turn into barbecue, which maybe that's a good thing. - I'm a snow cone purist, so I'm not gonna be using the spoon, I'm gonna be going in with mouth first, I wanna honor the snow cone gods. So let's dink it. - In sharp contrast to who, me? I just wanted to make sure I got everything in one bite for this one, 'cause I don't think I'm gonna get a second bite. - Opening my mouth wide enough. - And sink it. Tastes like barbecue in winter. - Yeah, like, somebody's stash got frozen. Old Mother Cupboard, - Old Mother Cupboard died. May she rest in peace. - Old Mother Cupboard, her heat went out, she froze to death, and she had barbecue waiting for the grandkids, and then you go in there, and you like see a frozen old lady. - He's like, man, that makes me hungry. - She's grasping it and you just start eating it right from her hand. - She's grasping it. - Just don't get any of the human flesh, and you'll be alright. - You know what, I mean, - That was a little more morbid than it should have been. - And the slaw sauce is pretty nice man, it all really works well together. - There's nothing gross about it at all. Who would've thought? - Not me. - I'm gonna eat all my barbecue cold from now on. - Old Mother Cupboard, rest in peace. - [Rhett] Will it snow cone? - Yes. - Yes. - And here we have the sushi cone. The sushi snow cone, now I've seen people eat sushi in like a hand roll. - Yeah, but usually not frozen, though. - Which we've got the seaweed here, what ya call that, nori? - Nori. - Now inside, what we've done is we've taken tuna rolls, frozen, and then scraped up man. - They just scarped, man. Why'd you have to scrape 'em? - You scraped the sushi, good gosh. And then over the top, we've got, I wanted to call that edamame sauce, I don't eat any of this stuff, that's why I don't know what it's called. - I can describe it, it's wasabi sauce on one side. - Wasabi sauce on one side. - It's a wasabi syrup, so we basically syrupized all these different things, and then there's just soy sauce - Soy sauce on the other side. - Soy syrup on the other side. - But what, what, what person, - That's all the pieces of the roll. Oh come on, man. - It's cold, too. I mean sushi comes kind of, - Room temp. - Room temp. I don't like this part, so I'm, I'll eat some sushi, but I won't eat the green stuff around it. - The green stuff. Alright, here we go. - Dink it. That edamame sauce, that wasabi, wee! - Weirdly it kind of just tastes like a very cold sushi roll. Makes you wanna vomit? - A lot of that wasabi in my mouth. - It clears you out, I mean, - My sinuses or my, my GI? - Both. I don't know, I mean, it's so much like sushi that, - The sushi side is not, it's not that bad, I can go in for more if I don't get too much of the wasabi. - The wasabi is strong, I feel like it's, this is not going well for you. Things are not going well for you over there. - I gag at first, and then I'm like, I think I could like it. - That's what it's gonna be like to take you to a sushi restaurant, I gag at first. - But then I like it. - But don't be alarmed, I'm gonna enjoy this. The reason I'm gonna say, I'm not sure that it does sushi, or it does sushi, but I don't know if if snow cones is because I think it's exactly what a sushi roll is, but a sushi roll is just better on its own. And I think we made a snow cone and a sushi roll worse by combining them in this way. - Yeah, and that soy side is so salty. - The soy side is salty. - Sushi cones. - [Rhett] Will it snow cone? No. - No. - Okay, we are putting the shaved in shaved ice, Link. This is the shaved shaved ice, meaning that we, it's just ice, but we have then put shaving cream syrup down the middle, and aftershave on each side, that's the blue is aftershave. Now this is all nontoxic stuff, you can enjoy it. But to top this off, - I can really smell it, man. First of all, smell it. - Unh, it's refreshing. - It's like whew. It almost puts the wasabi to shame nasally. - Now we have some hair, you have hair that comes from your person. - I have hair of the Link. - And I have hair of the Rhett, and we're just gonna garnish this with a little bit. - I took some of this off the top of my head earlier. It's kind of oily, cause it's got my oils on it. - Specifically my oils. Well speaking of my oils, - That looks gross man. - I've got my, oh, I did that with one hand, you can do that. - With Rhett's - Rhett's beard oil. - Beard oil. - Also, not made for human consumption, but also all natural, so it's not gonna hurt you, you just wanna, - Oh just yours. - Just garnish it. - Okay. - Couple of drops on there. - Oooh gosh, man. I stopped going to barbershops 'cause they smelled so strong. I never once thought, boy, I'd like to lick this place. - You stopped going to barbershops because they smelled strong? - It's like, give me a headache. That and it's kind of creepy. Gosh, you put a lot of hair on there, too. - Yeah, I wanna know what it's like man, I wanna experience this. - It looks like you got dead daddy long legs up there, but it's just your hair. - Let's do it. Oh! - Oooooh! - Oh god. Let's just gargle with it. I can't do it - I got it, I got, - It's the, oh go-- When you start spitting it out - It's worse. I'm glad mine's down here now. - The aftertaste once you start spitting it out. - I think what he's trying to say is, it's pretty good. It's like surprisingly refreshing. Once you pop, you just can't stop. - Oh, it hurts my teeth. Will it snow cone? - No. - No. - And now straight out of our nightmares, it's the blood cone. Okay, so this is frozen pork blood, it was boiled for safety, and then it was frozen, and then it was shaven, and that's pretty much it. It's a delil-cacy. It's a delicacy is what I mean. - No it's not, it's not a delicacy anywhere. Nobody except like a warrior trying to prove something just drinks blood straight from an animal. - And the way that it's even shaven makes it look like some sort of shaven meat. It looks like an actual organ has just been ground up, and formed into a cone. - If they serve snow cones in hell, this is what they look like. You know, oh you wanna cool off? - Here you go. - Here you go. - Let's smell it. - Oooooh no! It's like that old catfish bait, that old blood stink bait that you go out and get the catfish. You know the nasty stuff they got on the bottom shelf at Wal-Mart in the fish section. - So that the toddlers can reach it. - Stink bait, hey, pick it up boy. - Let the toddlers get it, you don't even have to walk, - Go to aisle 17 Junior. - Crawl up to it. - Come back with that stink bait. - Now listen, this is the season finale, Rhett. - Uh, don't get that close to me. - You know what this mean? I got down the shaving cream, you didn't. But I need to you do this for us. - This is my nemesis, man, you know organs and bloods is not my thing. - It's coursing through our veins, and this pig gave it up, so we could make a snow cone. - You can talk to me like that once I got it in my mouth. - But I'm just saying, I'm not gonna, so you gonna-- - Oh come on, no, you've been on a streak lately, man. - You're gonna have to. - You've been really good at the last rounds of these things, man. Don't let the streak die. - You know what happens on a streak? Sometimes something gets snagged. I don't wanna hit a snag, so I'm out. - Gotta keep your knees up. - High knees. - Okay here we go, let's not delay this anymore. - How are you gonna, are you gonna bite? - I don't know what I'm gonna do. But I'm gonna dink it first. - I just got a cramp in my neck, I can't go forward. - You got your own hairs. - Yeah, I'm still getting hairs. - Dink the pork blood snow cone. - Okay, here we go. (both guys retch) This is the first time I've wanted to cry. I think I'm gonna cry. - The shaving cream came up. - Oh, it's so bad! It's so awful. Oh, it's so horrible - It's bad guys. I know you were, you really wanted to know. So we had to find out for you. That didn't last long. - But it took a couple of seconds to settle in. - Oh my god, yeah, it had to, it had to, it had to melt. Once it melted, it was like so irony. - Whew, I'm sorry I let you down. - The irony. - But you did such a good job with it. Will it snow cone? - No! - No. - But you know what, now you know. And you don't have to snow cone a pig blood just to find out, the question has been answered. - Thanks for being with use this season and thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. (cello plays theme song) - I'm Maddie Talley, a mythical beast from Hanover, New Hampshire, and it's time to spin The Wheel of Mythicality. - We will be back in August, in the meantime enjoy all kids of content over at This Is Mythical. We've got crew videos, food videos, Mike and Alex, Ear Biscuits, and behind the scenes videos for Buddy System season two. - Subscribe and enjoy This Is Mythical. And click through to Good Mythical More, where we're gonna bring out all the crew, we're gonna have a celebration of the end of the season. - Alright, Gifticality! - And eat some snow cones. - We're donating $1,000 to The Trevor Project to aid in their mission to provide crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ young people, and please join us in giving over at thetrevorproject.org. - Thank you for being your mythical best. - [Rhett] Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Link] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Rhett] And make sure to check out our new channel, This Is Mythical, by clicking the video at the bottom. - [Link] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 7,111,251
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett link gmm, gem rhett link, rhett link good mythical morning, rhett, link, rhett link, gmm, mythical morning, mythical, rhett link funny, rhett link comedy, funny gmm, season 11, will it snowcone, will it snow cone, snocone, snow cone, sno cone, will it?, will it, snowcones, shaved ice, snow cones, gross snowcone, snowcone taste test, snowcone recipe, snow
Id: dVwByx4qOfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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