An ultimate barn Find..... it could be a 1928 Ford roadster

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okay we good are you going can you stop starting oh okay hey guys today we're at this abandoned yard we've been uh buying some machinery and cleaning up some stuff for this lady very nice lady and uh we having a peak of the shed over here and there's an old car in here we uh asked her about it and she's like yeah go for it so we helped her do some stuff and we thought it's pretty cool you don't really find this kind of stuff all the time it's in a shed over here come on guys let's go take a look let's go check it out it's pretty cool he's gotta be getting tired by now or you're getting tired look at him isn't he cute he peed on me hey put it on me yeah oh so nasty okay all right it's like uh a lot of trees a lot of crap to get in here though whoa a brand new chainsaw yeah that's mine all right we will go back here it's not in this one it's in this one it's in the jungle come up here we were peeking through here you can see there was the cameraman's tripping oh cameraman's dying all right i don't know if you can see up in here there's a some sort of old car we don't really know what we got you'd be really curious to see what kind of shape it is in i don't hear let me pull this piece of wood off there right in the precious shed i know right she doesn't get mad at me so yeah that's what we got we uh don't really know much about it yet so we're maybe gonna pull it out we're gonna see what we have we got a lot of junk here we gotta move there's i don't know what this is some sort of motor of some description and we got a tree and yeah it's a jungle in here so we're gonna rip this open and we'll take a look see what it looks like see what we got all right let's drop some trees [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's get this car out what opposed with it oh you're sexy man posed okay i don't really want to see your [Applause] section all right so we got the engine gone tree's gone oh it looks a little different now eh we've got uh all the trees out of here and stuff let's rip this plywood off and see what it really looks like yeah this piece just sit here put your back into it i think they built this car into the shed i mean this board i don't know how they got it over that don't hurt yourself why don't you just open it like a normal person i'm trying oh cup that's it i believe it yep let's just go home whoa easy there you have to like fix that when you're done you think so oh yeah okay that's off there you wanna hold that that sounds safe yeah that board is built into it it is i don't know they must have built that car they put the shed there and built the car around it yeah cause check this out this this 2x4 is under the foundation i think this car has been here for like 30 years or better huh that is pretty cool that is actually awesome all right let's take a look and see it's really what we got here do the tires have air in them oh i think that's probably safe to say no oh that one's got a hole yeah and you can see the whole ad obvious tires wow that switch ahead oh oh let's see what we got well how's it looking well oh this is awesome not sure what what it is exactly it's a four board i mean the little symbol here yeah i have no idea if you guys know what this car is please comment underneath because uh yeah this is before my time way before my time that's a gas cap i'm assuming that's the gas cap i mean the red cap's there so can't beat it still got gas in it oh probably i think we get it going probably raccoon you know what that's actually got paint down up here oh man it's actually got black paint on there yeah that's pretty good though you see black i guess oh that isn't quite the cap if it is a gas cap oh you get high on that it's probably moonshine probably jeez all right let's see what we got oh that's pretty cool there's a stick in it you're showing the dash and stuff here maybe these guys know what what you're looking at 67 000 yeah no 6700 700 i think that is yeah wow things like brand new if that's actually real that's probably miles though yeah well that's pretty cool what do you think we should rip it out i think those old-timers had a lot harder butts than me holy man yeah i see some hemorrhoids coming on i'm thinking maybe that's uh needed some replacement where do you think pull her out and see what we got i think we should pull it out and take a look well is there an axle to go around yeah there's a hunk of metal there let's see if it holds when we pull on it i might just rip the back wheels off yeah use the straps that is sure neat the way that that wheel goes around the bumper right yeah that is something man i don't know what year that would be is that's cool another very strong looking bumper though what's that it's not really the strongest looking bumper yeah i don't think you'd want to tell heinz out the jack on that one just kidding heinz that ain't happening put your back into it use your knees put my wife into it i'm going to pay for that one later all right all right let's get this out of here [Music] gonna make sure it's the park brake's not on i have the doors style oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh shoot they literally built this shed i mean maybe not with the arm we could that's all cool that's just weird too all right now this is pretty cool yeah man it's awesome we're cruising we're cruising we're doing like yeah 20. is this pedometer that's pretty cool so we actually hit the shed right here is why we stopped they broke this 2x4 they literally did build this shed over top of this car because we're gonna hide the wheels came out of the mud i don't know oh look at that you can just this is pretty yeah that's a pretty strong that one yeah let's see a little uh if you backed up really slow maybe i could push it over i don't know that one but first case scenario i don't want to cut it out but all right notch it i'm not playing around with it yeah oh your clutch kind of seats too yeah the back wheels are the starter buttons still smart the back wheels aren't turning no no did you just get it out of here that's fur or something and that's probably neutral that would be oh yeah oh it's working now you had it in here no maybe all right that will work if you lift that up yeah um are you actually steering it or you're just having fun in there well it does actually steer doesn't it a little bit hopefully the wheels turn [Applause] this is like halfway up here i think we've got to cut that board out and you're you're moving into the shed slowly just cut it yeah like that it's gonna be hard to cut in there yeah can the force be with you [Music] ah hopefully it's pretty rotten the whole roof did sink when you did it yeah i want to see this one here might have to go up that one there might have to be notch all right let's give her a yankee again yeah let's see if uh wonderful seat let's see that's pretty bad and that's better than the seat yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so our plan is to pull the car come over there and pull it away from the shed because it's gonna hit the shed right there that's our plan [Music] [Music] awesome so wow [Applause] so [Applause] all right here it is now that is awesome wow well that is pretty cool that is so cool a couple wheel nuts are missing i think it's missing more than that here hannah you should take a look at the inside here these guys can see what it really looks like so this is her this is the beast high class seat cushion yeah yeah looks like this is the old emergency brake looks to me like that's wood i don't think that's original to me around the pedals yeah i'm gonna say that's probably an add-on that they've like the rust or something oh really oh well that's pretty cool i love the starter button that's pretty cool there's the motor that's pretty neat that's a small motor look at the manifold on this thing that's just weird eh yeah huh and that's the coil no yeah that's the i think that's the coil i don't want to go from blood to plug yeah that's cool yeah that's pretty cool so i don't know oh cool nice lots of leaves and crap in it but all around that's a pretty neat looking car actually got good looking oil heck that looks better than my daily drivers will oh wow that's that puppy yeah probably i'm assuming what this rad it is but we've got the hand crank for it do you have it that would be awesome that'd be pretty cool yeah oh yeah i'll be rocking it in here yeah oh yeah hot rod red do some flames down the side ooh that clutch pedal doesn't go down this baby's sweet yes if you guys have any ideas on there on what i should do with this as far as i don't like that motor i don't know if she's seized or not i know i was kind of googling it and they were saying that you could switch out like a four or nine inch or something and i have no idea so if you guys have any ideas for me you could comment underneath that'd be great i'm assuming this is probably it oh cool i think it'll start got a crank yeah i'm not that good at the hole does it turn certain the way it goes is oh it's not seized come look at this come on here this puppy still turns over wow i know no way starter whoa that's kind of hurting that's kind of oh that's stiff it still turns though yeah she's got compression she's she not sees that is impressive that's pretty cool i highly doubt she'll run this actually has a starter on it that isn't it yeah it's not that old oh okay yeah that's that's to start right there yeah hey goodness because that would take forever trying to start it like that yeah there is yeah there's a starter on this one yeah because there's a button on the inside it works exactly what does this do that would have been for the button on the inside this thing it's like that old there's like a button in here looks like it's missing a lot of parts no coilers and then i guess this is that seat probably this flips up a rumble feet rumble why they call it a rumble seat i always thought it's called the granny suit you want to put your grandma back here honestly i don't know how am i oh now you bend it oops oh yeah okay but that definitely flips up is there a latch or does it just pull up i'm gonna assume with the way that that's the whole is probably uh no i think i might have to work with that one yeah i have to work at that one she's a little stuck so she's got some bumps here and a little hole and then uh the rest of the body is not actually that bad a little cracking on the hood here it's quite the spoke wheels it's gone yeah at least this has the metal wheels it's kind of neat i mean quite a fine yeah it's pretty cool hey all right and as an eli's first ride all right yep this is gonna be the new family van what do you think buddy this is pretty cool huh when you get a little bigger you're gonna sit back here and then you can be like all right all right go for a ride you like that don't you yeah that's nice oh there's whoa you're rocking it little man he's like what a piece of junk someday when you're like 50 it'll be like half fixed up yeah that's funny that's funny um pretty oh there is this is our first official ride in our new car it's pretty sweet it's a little bumpy i think so most the wheels are flat but thank goodness doing it like a quarter of a mile from where the car was because i don't know if there'd be much of a car left before we get there this is a tiny little car though holy man i've never seen a cab so small hold on and here she comes got her out hannah driving her new ride woohoo it's pretty sweet if i can catch up here now that is a sweet looking car it'll be fun to do something with that one i can't see that dude oh it's just blue it's an action shot it was a 90 year old air in that tube that just blew that is a really tough tube i don't know if these ones are all coming out yeah well there's one on the back there we might have to change it because it's blue man i know it popped it popped right on camera here might be able to find an old buggy we could steal a tire off of maybe yeah we put the spare one on there but we only got it is that when i actually got it oh so we're still good we got one i'm thinking yeah on the other side oh nice flat this one's in good shape still very hot you know it doesn't have a ton fly but you know what we're not racking the rims that i can see those are precious rims that i highly doubt we'll ever use but oh that's still in there hey two and two that's not bad so what do you think of your car it's very nice very nice very cool what's your plans for it um hopefully to restore it yeah yep there's a mouse nest in the radiator that's gross okay you well hear my baby talking in here he's been a very important part of the car getting here he's been supervising hi buddy how's it going you having fun yeah hi all right
Channel: Muddy Rascals
Views: 908,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barn find, Classic car, Ford roadster, Model A, Roadster, Awesome cars, Classic Car Rescue
Id: 5aFFT1lCxlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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