Will it Run after 12 Years? Dad's Dozer | Flood Damaged John Deere 450B

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foreign children they're like walking biological weapons anyway I was talking to my dad recently and he told me that he wanted to buy a bulldozer which is a totally normal thing to say except that he already owns a bulldozer it's had it for a long time I think maybe 12 or 13 years and he's never really done anything with it apparently he must have realized that because about a week later he called me and told me he was trying to get it running so it's a 1970s John Deere 450b it's got a four-cylinder John Deere diesel engine six-way blade it's a cute little machine it's got a real nice undercarriage but it's been in a flood and the engine and all the gearboxes were filled with water he had it running after he brought it home but the steering clutches were frozen and you never got around to fixing that and it's just been sitting in the barn ever since he's got a new battery new battery cables the engine turns over but there's no fuel at the injection pump it also will not run on ether so that's kind of where the where the story picks up I'm going to warn you guys it was crazy windy the audio is not the greatest I did what I could but it's a little choppy foreign that's irrelevant I really loosened them because sometimes they don't want to do it but oh I got a light somewhere sucks trying to get those things lined or tightened sealed back up yeah well fine I'll just worry about that one and now I'll never hurt the battery and then if we need more we'll turn it up and I'll start this thing here nope fire it up all right we got fresh battery battery charger and we're going to jump it off before so I'm gonna eat through it right away we've got nothing to lose here except the building [Music] thank you I don't see any fuel hear that Dipper nothing well that's the word I had yesterday it's not pumping anything though foreign rotary injection pump pretty sure it's a jdb model just like the one on that Clark forklift might even be the same engine anyway there's multiple things in here that can cause fuel not to be delivered out to the injectors so fuel comes in here and it goes into a transfer pump which is a vein style pump at the back of the injection pump and it boosts it up to I don't know like 70 PSI let's say five bars and there's a pressure regulator here that it goes through and if that pressure regulator is stuck I believe that would cause no fuel to get to the injectors the pressurized fuel it pushes these plungers out against a cam ring and then when the plungers turn and contact the cam ring and get squished together that creates your high pressure you know your thousand PSI or whatever that goes out to the injectors if you don't have that 70 PSI you won't push the plungers out against the cam and it never makes the high pressure so that's a second problem there's a metering valve up here in the top that's basically your throttle that controls how much fuel comes into the injection pump and then how much fuel goes out to the injectors there's also a delivery valve here if either of those things are stuck it could cause the fuel basically not to flow I believe that the 70 PSI pressure is also used down here for the timing Advance it pushes that plunger don't know if that could cause the thing not to start but it doesn't help us because I think it advances the timing or or something to make starting easier also I'm pretty sure these pumps are designed so that the fuel should go through them and out to the injectors when they're not running it's like a priming mode and it's not doing that either so our plan is to take compressed air and hook it up here where the fuel normally comes in and I'm just going to blast it with air at maybe 70 or 80 psi and if some of this stuff is is seized up maybe we can pop it loose I'm gonna put some of this carpeter in this hose I got it let's fill it up and then we'll blast air on top of it um ready [Applause] foreign I don't think it's coming out the lines you can hear the engine changing RPM while it's cranking so first it gets real slow which is ether lock so basically The Ether washes down the cylinder walls and takes away all the lubrication and it makes the Pistons basically stick to the to the cylinders then it kind of comes back to normal then it starts to go a little bit faster and that I believe has got to be because fuel is coming out of the out of the injection pump it's possible it's just the ether making it spin over like that but I think we're getting a little bit of fuel foreign [Applause] [Music] okay yes foreign [Applause] foreign evaporated out here is the Jeremy Renner situation whatever we're going to do we're going to stay away from the tracks foreign foreign foreign foreign somewhat accomplished it's a winner it's a little less of a boat anchor they always work really good I think this thing shows more oil for it must have all leaked out see that that's I think that's no oil you can't really see that when it's full let's take a look foreign must be out because the hydraulic should be no reason that wouldn't work yeah it's got a screen in there no I'll have to play with that I think it's probably out of oil it's been sitting so long it's something if you look there's been leaking so it's probably over the 12 years dripped out all the oil may not have been full to start but cool okay I'm happy 12 years it's been sitting here that's more or less I was thinking when we when you parked it there that tree was about as tall as you not even that tall yeah that tree went in there that tree went in there 93 so it probably was a stall isn't it so in the 12 years it's moved exactly if you kind of rotate it it'd be exactly where it was when I unload they moved back and now it's moved forward yes and meanwhile it's been over there and all the farthest ever well it's been in front of the top one so okay I'm happy I'm happy that's amazing clutches are of course not working but I got something to start with now I need to I might try to start again when I get a turn so I can try the other gears but I can't do that right here so what was the story this machine was on a golf course that flooded yes is that right yeah and as near as I can tell the water must have been about oh it's in here because the engine was cleared to the top of the dipstick with water and that's that level is right here so yeah I would say up to the bottom of the motor was it had water when I drained I can't remember gallons of water out of something surely that engine wouldn't have five gallons of water in it yeah it might have it was a lot because I drained and drained and drained and I never thought I was going to get any oil the oil was up on top of course actually I think it was almost all water because the water it pushed the oil out somewhere like the dipstick or somewhere but anyway that 12 years ago I put rislone and I changed the oil and put rislone in like two quarts of it and I think it only holds like six and supposedly according to Tony Bridge Loan only works if you get it really hot and I never did that but I figured it couldn't hurt so I put it in there just to break free at the Rings the security loosened up yeah so now when I get it where I want it I'll change the oil again I still got to do the transmission is I drained off at least two or three gallons of water out of that and it's as is I never put any more oil in it so I can assume that's not very good but I'll drain that and change it now so I've got enough to start with you at least I can take it to a sale now and say it runs there you go and I wouldn't be live so great great I'm happy thanks for helping that's it he's going to pull the roll cage stick it in the shop and start tearing it down it's a major job to replace the steering clutches you guys might have seen the series I did about the Oliver OC 46 replacing those steering clutches you pretty much got to take the whole machine apart so yeah I'll give you an update when he gets it done shouldn't take more than about 12 years thanks for watching
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 261,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yX_21W16N-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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