Abandoned John Deere R - First Start in Decades

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so here we are up in Northern Utah this is a John Deere model r that has been sitting out in this field for who knows how long and we came out here a couple of years ago okay we're going to see if this R is froze up or not we've just removed the uh nope nope not froze and now we ended up just buying this um sitting next to this 8:30 I bought this 830 and then my dad bought this R and so we're out here today and we're going to see if we can get it started um it's a good old tractor it's not beat up at all we don't know when the last time it ran was probably based off of the equipment around here I think this stuff has been here for probably 12 to 15 years without moving what we're going to do is we're going to try to start it we're not going to mess around with the uh trying to get the pony motor running right now we are just going to use my tractor over here and a flat belt and connect the two belt pulleys and try to turn over that belt pulley right there and uh get it started that way so it'll be a good fun day if we can get this thing to start who knows still a few things that we need to do but all in all this tractor is in really straight condition I don't think there's any you know the fenders aren't the fenders aren't beat up on either side and uh let's see the gear shifter is working I let's see if this throttle yeah that throttle even moves it's very stiff but yeah this will be good just took off this uh air breather just because we figured that there would be wasp nests down in there and sure enough so we'll get all that cleaned out as best we can so that then it's has clean air to breathe okay so now we're bleeding this R now I've got that means the first filter is full now after this now this filter is full now it should go over into this and fill this filter up and then it should start coming out of that top yeah it'll come out there so we'll just give it a minute well it will probably take a little more than a minute um so we as you can see we drained about full 5 gallons of diesel out of this out of this tractor so we're hoping that the fuel that's there we're not going to yeah we're just going to try to start it on this old fuel um I don't know how much is left in the tank we can go check but anyway oh there it is all oh wow hey there we go W that didn't take long so now at this point I'll take this out and get fuel running out of that well there's there it is it's coming out okay primed now I think I'm going to get your tractor will move this yeah move this running gear go and see if we can turn this over yeah we can so there's like a big uh pulley off of a crawler tractor drag that out of the way we'll have to kind of clean that stuff back up but now we have a good straight shot to the belt pulley on this R and my dad said he cleaned out oh yeah you can see down there to the oil now so that's clean now okay we're all hooked up we've got the throttle loosened up on this one compression releas is all my dad's got to worry about he's going to we're going to turn it over with no compression until we've got oil pressure then once we've got oil pressure he'll going let it run for a while yeah let the compression I'm going to let it go for quite a while yeah and then apply throttle and see if it'll start yeah we'll see if it starts I'll set up my camera we'll see what happens n oh man look at that look at that so we've got about 20 lbs of oil pressure I think it's I think so oh yeah look at that okay so here it is we got it running I'm going to shut my tractor down this out okay now my tractor's off set that fuel off it is so loud there's no muffler on that with that straight pipe that is loud my it smokes a lot but it hasn't run for who knows I'm I'm guessing at least 20 years 15 to 20 years it's got to be cleaning up to shut it down yeah shut it down still steady 20 [Laughter] psi Wow that's scary but it worked [Laughter] so got to get we got to bring a air compressor and our uh generator pump up the tires pump up all the tires see if they hold any air and then buy a clutch pad by a clutch pad and then see if you can uh move it frontwards or backwards isn't um this isn't the John Deere oil pressure gauge so I don't know how many pounds but I'll bet 20 is would be it held steady it held steady and I think that that's high I think that would be high on the John Deere cug 20 PBS H well I don't know how much fuel's in that tank oh yeah that's also fuel that's 15 years old too 20 30 years old I have no clue it's been here a long time well that's pretty good it runs
Channel: jonelsonster
Views: 350,612
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Id: -eFUnWuzk1Y
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Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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