6.0 Power Stroke won't Start after $7500 in Repairs

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we've got a broken six liter Power Stroke apparently he had a bunch of work done to it at another shop it was running fine now it cranks but it will not start that's all I know we'll see how it goes I'm pretty Rusty on these six O's I I haven't seen one for a long time most of them in our area were made into razor blades a long time ago and this one probably should have been one of them but yeah I'm not here to be the vehicle viability police my uh my job is to get it running so that's what we're going to do the starlings have taken over my backhoe they are not happy that I'm out here I think it's an o5 F-350 it's had a plow on it looks pretty stocked under the hood so we got an add-on coolant filter here and The Bully Dog air filter box with the phone cord holding the lid on it's probably still better than the factory air filter setup it's a terrible design if you've ever changed one you know what I mean but I think all the pieces are here I think it still even has a an EGR cooler which is unusual yeah it's got the chubby rubber 35s this is a Lariat leather seats but it was a pretty sharp truck when it was new unfortunately the years have not been kind to it she's got stage four body rot maybe frame rot and the box is just completely gone all the cross members are rotted out there's a hole in the wheel well looks like the diff cover is Rusted through it's leaking somebody put a new caliper on it yeah the exhaust is hitting the bottom of the box looks like the muffler is gone so they got a straight pipe on it typical stuff and if you look all the way at the front there there's a big puddle appears to be leaking engine oil I'm pretty sure that the oil pan is rusted out if I remember right you cannot change the oil pan on this truck without pulling the engine out looks like a tuner of course yeah no ding ding ding ding ding so let's just crank it we'll see if the attack moves at all it does so that means that the cam sensor or crank sensor or whatever these have is probably working I guess let's just uh start going through it [Applause] I don't know how anybody lives without a forklift this thing is so handy welder lathe forklift could not live without him anyway based on the giant puddle of oil that was under it I guess you better start by checking the oil these engines use oil pressure to fire the injectors and they will not run without oil seen a few towed in for that over the years it looks like we're still in the the safe Zone it's not just these trucks I had a Jeep like a little Renegade or something one of those little disposable Jeeps towed in few weeks ago and you know crank no start I thought for sure it had a broken timing chain sound like it had no compression turns out it was just out of oil and it uses oil pressure to change the valve timing some way and if it doesn't have enough oil it doesn't build any compression we think we've got crank signal we've got oil I guess we better find out if we have fuel okay the easiest way to check for fuel is just to pull the cap off the fuel filter switch the key on and see if it comes running out foreign that's not it got a couple of codes this first one I believe is an EGR code I don't know if it still has an EGR valve or not if it does it's probably all coked up but this po611 fuel injection control module performance that's not good so we could have a ficum problem I'm going to pull up some data we'll see see if I can figure out what's going on I'm going to crank it we're going to watch the ICP pressure the injection control pressure [Laughter] that's not good yeah it barely moved 15 psi that's not going to do it we should have like a thousand PSI ICP pressure while cranking so I'm going to unplug the ICP sensor we'll see if it'll go to a default value yeah it went to zero let's see if it'll start [Applause] negative okay so we have no injection pressure not entirely sure what to make of that ficum code I guess we won't worry too much about that right now it's got good voltage there let's see if I can figure out why it has no pressure sketch Time Imagine we're looking inside the six liter Power Stroke engine this is a huey system hydraulic electronic unit injection pretty sure this is caterpillar's brainchild don't ask me why they ever thought this was a good idea but this is how it works there's a high pressure oil pump at the back of the engine it's kind of down in the valley it's actually gear driven off of a gear on the back of the crankshaft that pump pressurizes engine oil to a high pressure like between a thousand and two thousand PSI and it pipes that engine oil up through what's called a standpipe to an oil Rail and there's one of these on each head and it's actually bolted to the head under the valve cover and then the injectors actually are bolted through the oil rail and the oil rail delivers the high pressure oil to the injectors to mechanically open them and then you know they're electronically controlled by the computer there's an IPR valve here and an ICP sensor here they're both kind of plugged into this oil system the IPR valve is your regulator so it uses the reading from the pressure sensor the ICP sensor to open and close basically a valve and regulate the pressure inside the oil rail so if we don't have pressure here at the ICP sensor there's basically only three possibilities we have a bad high pressure oil pump we have a bad IPR valve you know a pressure regulator or we have a leak somewhere in this system there's a lot of places it can leak there's O-rings here at the injectors there's O-rings at the STC pipe there's O-rings in the IPR valve you can have leaks here in this fitting I believe it's called an STC fitting lots of things can go wrong I had a chat with the customer apparently this thing's had more work done than Joan Rivers you know typical six liter Power Stroke stuff less than a year ago it had head studs head gaskets injectors I think a turbo I mean they took the cab off they did the works and surely they had the oil manifolds off when they did that so I would assume that it has new O-rings but you never know anyway I don't think we're gonna look for a leak just yet I've actually got an IPR valve that I hoarded off of an engine I scrapped the problem is there's no way to test these and you can test the coil but you can't test the actual mechanical regulator part so the best thing to do is just to swap it out with a known good which is kind of lame but there just there really isn't a better way they do make dummy plugs you take the IPR out and you put in a dummy plug and it blocks off these ports and it's supposed to send the system to full pressure but it's the same amount of work so by the time you do that you might as well just swap out the IPR anyway if he's had a bunch of work done recently there's a chance that some debris or something got knocked loose inside the oil rail or the standpipe or whatever and it blew out the screen on the IPR valve and gunked it up I've had that happen to me before so I think that's our next move is we'll pull the IPR valve out and have a look and swap it out and see what happens it's kind of a pain the IPR valve is actually kind of on the bottom of the turbo clear at the back of the engine you can get it but it's a project [Applause] how do you know it was a filter wow I'm impressed okay of course got these silicone plugs I think they're made for Powder Coating like if you don't want powder coating inside of a hole or something they work great for [Applause] plugging things as long as you don't knock them out [Applause] we still can't even really see it okay I think we can see it just barely there's the connector it looks pretty good this Gizmo here is the ficum the fuel injection control module see those zip ties those are holding the connectors on the bottom it's a common problem on these trucks the little tabs and the connectors break off and they won't stay connected I've seen them with cardboard or carpet wedged underneath of the connectors between the thick them and the the valve cover anyway the uh the IPR valve is can you see it that's it right there just peeking out underneath that Turbo so in order to get that out we have to use a special socket this one's I think made by Lyle there's a lot of companies that make a copy of this now you pretty much have to have this socket to do the job even with the socket it's not much fun not much fun at all [Applause] pretty good guess huh so we got a tear in the screen there you can buy the screen and replace it but that's not going to solve the problem the problem is whatever piece of junk toward the screen went inside the regulator and it's jamming things up at least that's my guess so I'm going to put in my possibly known good IPR and we'll see if we can get this thing to run I think we're ready should run with the mass airflow sensor unplugged yes I think it will won't be happy about it but okay it's not unusual for him not to start right away after you open the high pressure oil system and get air in there and it has to bleed out can take a lot of cranking I took the little screen off but you can't see what's jamming it up the problem with these oil control solenoids is that they basically can't flush themselves out if you know anything about Hydraulics these work off of pilot pressure which means that they have to have pressure in order to open and they can't build pressure unless they can fully close so you have this circular dependency where it needs to close in order to build pressure and it needs pressure in order to open and flush itself out so that it can close so once they get jammed up there's really not much you can do see it all the time with vbt solenoids you know variable valve timing solenoids the good thing there is they're working at a lot lower pressure you know this thing is a thousand two thousand PSI doesn't take a very big chunk to blow a big hole in your screen at that kind of a pressure boy it is not good under here that rear cab Mount is shot got a piece of wood holding the Box up I mean I think they had the cab off to do the head gaskets I don't know why they wouldn't have put new cab mounts on it The Rocker and the cab corner is completely gone same thing on the other side same thing on the front man that trailing arm bracket does not look good but the big problem is the oil pan so it's just rusted out I've never done a six liter I'm not sure I think you might be able to do it without taking the engine out you take the engine mounts loose and pick the engine up as high as you can I don't want to do it it's gonna have to take it somewhere else I've got a video about doing an oil pan on a six seven Cummins that's not a fun job either the good thing is these trucks have a really heavy c-channel frame I don't think I've ever seen one of these frames broken one thing you have to watch at least in our area you guys are going to believe this but this coil spring bracket can actually break off the frame so I think O3 was the first year for coil springs and they ride really nice well compared to the leaf springs but the bracket is riveted to the frame I think it's got six rivets and you get rust between the bracket and the frame and then when steel rusts it expands and you get rust jacking and it'll actually pop the heads off the rivets or tear the bracket or whatever and the whole thing will come come off the frame I've seen it happen before where the steering box bolts up is another kind of common problem area especially if they've had a plow on them the man says fix it so that's what we're gonna do got a brand new IPR valve here straight from the Ford steelership yes they are expensive no I would not recommend an aftermarket part or any aftermarket electronic part for one of these engines they just they have enough problems with the OEM Parts you don't want to make it worse okay we are done I'm going to let it run for a while anytime you have that high pressure oil system open you're going to get air in inside and you need to let them bleed out I'll run it for 20 minutes or half an hour before I give it back to the customer otherwise you have long cranks like this come on [Applause] there you go tow it in drive it out can't complain about that that's it if you got the right tools and you can work through enough suppressed trauma it's not too hard to fix a six liter I'll be kind of curious to see what happens with these engines over the next few years personally I think at least in this area once the trucks there in finally rot away it's probably going to be the end of the line for those engines there's just no reason to keep them going you know nobody's doing six liter swaps at least they're not swapping them in plenty of guys are swapping them out it doesn't make any sense when you can buy a 7-3 power stroke or a five nine Cummins that's super reliable it has a huge aftermarket you can make as much power as you want I suspect these engines will just slowly fade away and it'll get harder and harder to find parts and harder to find curmudgeons like me that remember how to work on them it's already pretty much happened with the 6-4 Power Stroke you know those things had so many problems and I couldn't even tell you the last time I saw one that was actually running they just they're gone I guess it's a circle of life thanks for watching the rust just sucks I really feel bad for this guy this is an 01 Dodge Dakota he had the thing completely repainted new cab corners all new interior I mean it looks like a million bucks but apparently they never looked at the frame because it is completely gone so this little curly thing right here that's the end of the actual Steel this is all rust if you hit that with a sledgehammer there'd just be a giant hole all the way through there's already a hole right there it's like that on both sides it's too bad I think it's headed for the crusher
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 568,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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