Wicked Cheat Day #34 with Special Guests

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[Music] [Music] what's up guys welcome to the video so we are starting off another wicked cheat day here in Sarasota Florida and we just went to 5-hour Donuts to get some amazing delicious donuts that I'm very excited to eat right now so let's just get right to it the time is currently 822 a.m. and let's go so we are starting off with the legendary Cronin now you guys know exactly how I feel about this doughnut so here we go [Music] it's so crazy like even like the flavored ones like I've had like maple bacon cronuts I've had like Oreo or ICI filled cronuts and yeah those are good but the simplicity of this it just makes it so amazing you know the combination of a croissant doughnut along with this Madagascar vanilla glaze on top has just phenomenal [Music] so last week Miami was fun and all but I definitely missed the Corona [Music] that sweetness that was just money mm-hmm all right my friends so next let's go with this Samoa doughnut now I've never had this Samoa from five all and this thing is pretty massive and in this doughnut we have the chocolate bottom with caramel toasted coconut and caramel mousse look at this thing and of course the Samoa cookie on top I didn't even know how to bite this thing so yeah let's uh let's uh figure I don't know wow that is just tasty that chocolate ring on the bottom just gives it like because it's on the bottom it's like instant chocolate flavor to the doughnut along with the caramel and the coconut Wow just wow [Music] ready for this bite this one's gonna be money [Music] yeah that's my first time trying the Samoa from 500 and it is damn tasty I think it's definitely by far the messiest doing it too just because of the chocolate ring on the bottom you know yeah but well worth the mess okay so this next doughnut is called the pie hole and this thing is so damn amazing so it has an apple pie filling I think this is like a cream cheese frosting and then it has apple pie Oreos like this thing is a straight 10 out of 10 I have not tried it on the channel yet but I did try it at 500 a few weeks ago and Wow so here we go [Music] and straight up tastes like apple pie that is just pure amazing it's so hard to take photos because I don't like to wait I'm so impatient well not that I'm impatient but when I have the donuts in front of me I don't want to like sit there and take photos that I just want to eat them this flavor is just unreal [Music] damn that was good hmm Wow and this next donut we have the Cookie Monster now I showed you guys the Cookie Monster from last week's cheat day down in Miami it was a totally different animal told totally different style so this one has like the magic blue frosting I like to call it on top because it is just so damn good oreo cookie dough bites and then this is actually cookie butter on top you guys have never had cookie butter then whoo you gotta try it so here we go and I just really enjoy like frosting like cake frosting or like this is like buttercream frosting I believe or I don't know just like frosting like cake frosting it's just so damn good hmm yeah so today I did only get five donuts from five-o normally I'll get six but since these donuts are so massive they do keep me full for a very long time so we're eating these donuts it's 834 right now so typically when I ate six it keeps me full all the way to like like 1:30 so I'm gonna eat slightly less so I'm gonna eat five and so that way I can eat much sooner rather than waiting for the food to digest and waiting to get hungry again [Music] [Music] - thumbs up for now mmm - thumbs up for all of known so far I have never had a bad donut from five Oh Dan this next donut is massive alright guys so last and final donut we have the French toast crunch cinnamon ice French Toast Crunch cereal cream cheese frosting maple syrup and bananas we'll get all that goodness alright so let's take a team big bites out of this baby here we go Wow that combination with the banana the cream cheese frosting that maple syrup and the crunch from the cereal on top of a donut come on come on that's crazy [Music] look at the detail wow this one was great mmm last and final bite of all these amazing donuts from five-o here in Sarasota Florida she has all you guys out there [Applause] hmm all right my friends so 841 a.m. and that is the start of this cheat day you know I always like to start with it Donuts just because it's my absolute favorite thing to eat on these cheat days and I really think just by scaling back a little bit just even by one donut is gonna probably switch up my day a little bit because I'm not gonna be so full for so long because these donuts are heavy they're anywhere from like 6 to like 800 calories depending what's on them you know like just the yeasted doughnut itself weighs twice the amount of like a dunkin donut and like a basic dunkin strawberry frosted it's like 290 calories that thing is like this big and then the 500 doughnuts are like this big so they weigh twice as much without like the added topping so pretty wild but sorry for the ramp so yeah that is the start and now it's time to go for a walk you guys know the drill after every meal I like to walk for at least 30 to 60 minutes get some digestion going get the body moving burn a few extra calories and yeah I will check back in with you guys very shortly [Music] okay my friends 9:46 a.m. and we just walked for an hour and it's not too bad it's definitely still hot but as it's getting closer to winter the weather is actually getting a lot better here rather than up north in Boston where it's just getting colder and colder you know here it's just getting a little bit better you know it's not super super hot so I can actually like skate during the day and stuff but I did get some extra donuts for a very special girl that you guys are going to see very shortly so let's head home and say hello want a doughnut [Music] how you been I missed you then good cheese say cheese say doughnuts doughnuts you driving them you're gonna drive for me won't you want to turn it on dad turn the key twist it ready one two three whoa whoa sit back all right we get some moving to do you help me move we're gonna move some auntie Missy's friends furniture you big and strong you just have little arms all right all right well we got to do hi guys I am soaked dripping sweat I had to change my shirt cuz I knew I was gonna get a little dirty but I don't think I was gonna be this soaked so it is 11:20 a.m. we get a change just look at this thing I wonder if I can wring it help but yeah give it out to dry off I'm gonna put on my other shirt and then we're gonna head out and get some pizza because last cheat day I didn't get pizza and that's something I really want so change up head out and let's get some pizza all right guys next stop is Napoli okay guys so meet our act that will be and this place inside was pretty cool like I've been here once before but I got the pizza to go and I actually ate it in the car on the ride home because I didn't want to wait I check out the inside it's really cooling yet pretty cool and then they do have like a little upstairs seated area where you can kind of look out the window and see like the outside so super super cool then check out this menu really cool how they have like Heian like this little cutting board thing so they have pretty good size menu here salads sides empty pots those all kinds of dishes on here pizza and of course I got to go with the margarita because that's just what I'm craving that's what I want so that's what we are going to get [Music] okay my friends so me pizza is here and it looks super super amazing the time is 12 p.m. on the dock so look at this goodness [Music] now I remember why I didn't wait till I got home to you this is amazing the dough is cooked just like the basil of super fresh sauce is amazing the cheese is amazing all together great combination [Music] just look at this labor [Music] say last night I was watching magic Mikey's video of his pizza challenge and I was like man I just really want some pizza so shout out to magic Mikey for crushing that he was like at six pounds there's something final piece and this is like the perfect amount of pizza yeah like like to have decent sized meals on these cheat days but not something that's so massive to where it keeps me full for so long you know that's why I cut back on the donuts today you know I just have five instead of six and just by taking out that one donut like it really made me able to eat like much sooner you know like I wouldn't have gotten hungry talk about 1:30 so this way I'm able to enjoy more food having larger meals and just waiting longer you know so I think that was a good move on my end [Music] [Music] very guys amazing meal here at Napoli and I definitely think that Pizza tasted better in here in the restaurant rather than driving home on the road and trying to film trying to like eat pizza and drive at the same time so much safer to eat my meal here in the restaurant rather than Pizza and driving but yeah great stuff here [Music] who's that Emma is she a princess yeah is she the prettiest princess yeah you know you are too huh yes right again don't hold onto the camera though because I'm gonna do you one more time Hey look it who's that and again and again okay guys so 1:16 p.m. and we just uploaded a new video so it is a full day of eating along with training so I take you guys through a full lower body training session with a voiceover and I speak about how I am just adding some changes and modifications to my diet so I've added some actually just go check out the video I've added in some like vegetables and like some cooked foods but still following like a plant-based vegan diet during the week you know no meat no dairy no grains but on these cheat days you know I just enjoy myself eat whatever I want but yes once what you guys know that video is up I'm gonna hang with Emma for a bit right yeah so I'm gonna hang with Emma for a bit and I will check back with you guys for some more food shortly alright so quite some time has gone by and I just went to leave to get my next meal it is 3:45 p.m. and I do have a package that did come today so this takács is from Cleveland brownie company so I'm pretty excited to try these brownie who says Nick thank you so much for supporting Cleveland brownie company it truly means the world to us we love your YouTube channel keep killing team big bites Tigers in your post and help us spread the word about Cleveland's greatest concoctions alright well don't look at these things these things are crazy these brownies are straight oh my god this thing is so heavy this thing is heavy yo that's crazy well then I need to share this with the ground right now hold on so what it looks like is we have an Oriole one so there's Oreo in there there's two layers this one looks like a Reese's so there's a Reese's in the middle all kinds of stuff and this I think this one right here is called the kitchen sink so it's got a little bit of everything which I want to try right now and then this one is looks like there's like a maybe like a vanilla or you inside of that I don't know but I'm excited right now this thing is so massive alright so we are live on the tube as well as Instagram so here we go we're going to try this baby out Wow well it's seriously so damn tasty it almost has like it almost has like the raw cookie dough consistency in the middle so it's like super soft but like it just has that like flavor where it's like a cookie but brownie well I don't even know what to call this thing but it is seriously so amazing this thing is straight mind-blowing Wow I first want to do this whole one its massive though [Music] see the bottom layer there's almost like oh like a cookie dough consistency this thing is absolutely amazing [Music] oh wow Wow Cleveland Brown eco coming through [Music] [Applause] and so I just want to give a huge thank you to Cleveland Brown & Co for sending me out these amazing brownies and I just looked at the Instagram by the way that brownie that I did have was called the kitchen sink so it has potato chips pretzels brown sugar cinnamon toaster pastries and candid chocolate pieces then it says with a blondie base and a cookie dough top layer you can't beat it yeah seriously that thing was absolutely amazing so I will put all of Cleveland Brown eCos information in the description box below and again a big thank you to Cleveland Brown eco I really appreciate it and now it is time to go get our next meal it is 4:00 p.m. and so yeah let's go get some more food [Music] and the next location is Tijuana flats never been here before so let's give it a try okay guys so 447 p.m. and so we did go with three tacos now we have a crispy fish which is here with a soft tortilla then we have a chicken and a steak so I'm not sure which is which is actually the steak one and then we have some chips on each side now I've never been to Tijuana flats before so pretty excited to try it out let's go ahead and start with the chicken taco hmm actually I didn't make a mistake I got a bean taco which is this one right here a steak and a crispy fish super good great I'm good thanks a lot I did get the habanero hot sauce [Music] hi next we're gonna go with this crispy fish taco so we do have lettuce tomatoes jalapenos I didn't get any cheese or sour cream I figured I had enough cheese from the pizza earlier gonna add a little bit of hot sauce alright next we have a steak taco again we got onions tomatoes jalapenos lettuce beans and steak [Music] all right tacos down now we just have these nachos if you finish up well chips [Music] [Music] okay my friends so we are gonna go head into the mall right now getting some more activity it's pretty damn hot out I don't want to go walk outside and just get super sweaty and wet so if we go in the mall get in a little bit of activity front we walk for maybe an hour and then get in the daily tray and then we will be back with food shortly alright guys so I drove all the way up to Brandon to meet up with my homie Chris Baraka sup guys so where we going right now the name of this restaurant is called Petra it's a Middle Eastern spot perhaps that we love the food I don't know if you guys are familiar with Middle Eastern cuisine but you're about to see I definitely want you to try the chicken shawarma sandwiches absolutely me I've tried whatever you want me to drive alright let's do it yeah let's go Chad bro alright guys so we are at Petra and they have a pretty massive menu here so last shoot day I did get a falafel sandwich and a gyro or gyro which you guys were correcting me on it but I think I'm gonna let Chris choose for me so you uh you you're calling the shots tonight you're like I said chicken shawarma has to go down all right so good all right so what do we got here Chris so this is the homeless appetizer such ground chickpeas for the most part with obviously olive oil I believe that purple spice is called some math it actually is one of the strongest antioxidants in the world this guy this guy's a scientist by the way that salad is called so coulis so it's mainly parsley obviously tomato there's like a lemon dressing with some olive oil there's also a grain in there but I forget exactly I think you're gonna love it yeah I'm down let's do this yeah also we got Pete on the side so let's eat okay so it is 9:18 and it's time to me [Music] so cook that is essentially fried wheat but on the inside there's grout my own pine nuts onions spices yeah but yeah it's one of my favorites for sure [Music] how much sounds like a pickle the taste to it this is many ways when I yeah don't get me wrong I feel full yeah it's like a clean performance yeah first bite into a doughnut so we should have like the outside fried coating has like that firstly the same inside [Music] Oh guys so these sandwiches are here what does the Colleen chicken you want to watch oh what a night for women sure you got a 6 out of another job damn that smells amazing thing so I would I would [Music] that garlic sauce smells so good I know imma get your first bite yeah I'm excited to get next first light bad message you so much flavor in there singing some stains there's so much food on your face [Music] so inside you have chicken has a good Dalek sauce as well as pickles so that combination of acknowledged along with like the saltiness from elliptical it's just money [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah that chicken miss you wanna buy it [Music] Edna Edna yeah give me a couple chickens redness you know the shmatte mark my book Macky money yo I was watching your story earlier oh no your audio the audio test okay and we were telling me about yeah one of them from Denmark right yeah I was car of my girl she was like what'd he say can you like say you didn't translate that for me I'd have no idea I know I get on my youtube-channel all the time of people like where you come here the accident born and raised well New Bedford [Music] the site finds the letter with the man mmm yeah sort of got here they said it was a fresh mint lemonade yeah but it you can tell like you could taste the Leafs yeah it's amazing yeah it looks hella weird but yeah there's literally like crushed mint and nearly freshly as fire that's how we detox to liver got it they know eras re yeah they seen when the channels out sure so yeah this is Jonathan Irizarry shirt he was the big dude with me in Vegas that was cruising around for the cheat day him and his girlfriend Anne oh yeah that's a shirt then he's a fire yeah and good call on Petra that place was amazing man that all the food was super tasty really good and right now it is late 10:40 way later then yeah and yeah so I got a still drive back to Sarasota but I yeah damn this place was super amazing that's it for the homie Bearcat appreciate and meeting up getting through the food that we're definitely you have to share we'll crush them training or even food soon get home safe Chris alright brother later man all right guys now we got a cruise back to Sarasota from Brandon which is like 50 minutes so right now it is 11:03 p.m. so it is getting a little late but I'm fully energized I have tons of calories in my body I'm chillin I'm good and by the way this mint lemonade was amazing as well as everything else from Petra but all right we got some driving to do see you at home okay my friends so 11:55 p.m. and yeah so we drove home pretty fast because we only have five minutes left of this cheat day so I mean that's all we got so I gotta hurry up and open it so I can I'm just kidding it doesn't matter if it goes to midnight but I just wanted to show you guys the time and we do have a package from I believe it's from Norway so we're gonna open it up see what's inside and again it was super fun hanging out with my homie Chris Barakat it's been a while since we kicked it what we did kick it on Saturday night of the compete and Conor McGregor fight as well as that Camaro is over stuff but you know both those guys have busy work schedules just like I do I got my stuff going on down here they got their stuff going on down there so whenever we get the hang it's definitely a pleasure but this package is insane [Applause] this is insane dude look at this these things are huge yo this is why alright let's let's be displayed hey Nick I hope you can enjoy some of these Norwegian sweets if not unsubscribe unfollow get out you're such an inspiration thank you again and again for motivating me and so many others how kind polite and happy you are makes this channel even better keep doing you and the warm thanks from my boss who really appreciates your videos keeping me up at night lots of love from Anakin thank you so much I really really appreciate it Anakin and wow this is a truly amazing and again a big thank you to all of you guys that watch my videos that like that comment and dislike I appreciate each and every one of you guys so look at all of this stuff here alright so we get some more names that I'm gonna try to read off and really butcher because I know you guys like to hear me try to pronounce different words so that's a okay whatever this one is but let's I don't even know how to stop stroke a lot of therapy strong that's bad I'm sorry I'll end it there all right so we have some cookies we have tons of chocolate bars that are like pretty massive I don't even know if these are called burclover burclover and then Melissa kool-aid we have a crisp Oh some more miniscule a juice gonna let you stir it you got some Destiny's a peanut M&Ms I'm just gonna call them that because P naught P naught for diddy you have original non stop which i think these are like the regular chocolate M&Ms another chocolate bar strat o's we have cookies and SMIL this one is rock rock crack annual rock on or is it crop on or sometimes you gotta get back up call don't like make it sound right whisp wiz ball go Lakers fans mums bombs bombs Imams bomb demons [Applause] we got some some smash well this thing is heavy we got new Gotti yo is this is this a Nutella if it is dude this thing is heavy does this weigh 500 grams just things over a pound this is why we have some ring bug some job some milk and then some new energy Wow so again a big thank you to Anakin this is insane it's amazing so yeah I don't even know where to start or what to try I think we're gonna try out this one I don't know what it is I don't know how to pronounce it but let's give it a try so it's got a little oh so I think it has like one flakes in it yes you can't see well yeah you have like a little plum quick chat mmm good old chocolate dessert pretty good we're gonna take that little stack okay next let's try let's actually try some these foot I don't know how to pronounce them but per cookie I think it's a hundred and twenty calories again nothing that matters but I know you guys like to see oh look at that so it has a chocolate layer on the bottom chocolate ring Wow they almost taste like the crunchy chips ahoy cookies but better and this chocolate why not we're imaginary I was curious to eat these with no I don't know is it me or is it Norwegian words are very hard to pronounce I can't even like I can't do it wow these cookies are amazing I did eat four of them ate one of the roads I don't want to eat all of them get full and you know I always try as much of this as I can enjoy it only to save these for another time okay [Applause] fruit fruit during over bring it better bring bring brings it back up bring them back up I think this is like fruit filled chocolate smells like raspberries let's see what's inside mmm half so it has like raspberries in the chocolate so it's almost like a raisinet part with raspberries that's amazing so you can't just like I can't just eat one well what are you gonna do is take a handful mmm with the full flavor [Applause] now am I really lucky cool good honey guys the fruits man the fruits pay the majority of that lets pay off these right here it will strawberry on so don't get those creeps in whoo they smell just like those getting what those candies a call it's like sour straws or something and these tastes just like those sour straws but a little bit better because they have like this white filling which it's like almost like a creamy coconut oily strawberry taste [Applause] this is fruit filled fructose licorice now I just get a spoon just stop eating this Nutella I don't be pretty crazy if I did that [Applause] what to do these candy bars right here crazy it's so heavy yeah so this is almost a pound right here crazy I don't know if this prize is going up all right so I think we will buy this baby over here I don't know what it is I can't read it I don't even know it's inside but all I know is it says new energy so let's find out what's in it well we're fun really good there on the sides like this top layer of chocolate is almost like a crunch bar and then the bottom is like new go Wow new energy coming through I think I'm pretty good [Applause] dipped in soon a good amount of stuff I'm gonna save those wrappers so that way I can tally up all the calories for you guys I know you guys like to see the calorie number and again I don't shoot for a calorie goal I just eat what I want to eat I don't stress it and yeah I just tally up the calories for you guys so that is going to wrap up another video a huge thank you to Anakin for sending me this stuff all the way from Norway as well as a lovely letter I really appreciate it and I appreciate all of you guys for watching the videos like truly it's super awesome you know like be able to do what I do reach a lot of people and just have fun with it you know like I really like to enjoy myself so that's what I do once per week I'll eat whatever I want so be sure to check out the video that I did upload today which I mean if you're watching this video this comes out on Wednesday but the video I just released on Saturday so that is a full day of plant-based eating that's what I've been doing outside of the cheat days and I really like it I dig it so I just want to say thank you guys for watching like always please like comment share and subscribe and I will see you guys in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nick Dompierre
Views: 551,082
Rating: 4.9199138 out of 5
Keywords: nick, dompierre, fitness, skateboarding, pro athlete, day in the life, cheat meal, food challenge, cheat day, #nickdompierre, #teambigbites, sarasota, florida, tampa, east coast, donuts, pizza, #wickedcheatdays, five o donuts, napule, christopher barakat
Id: HiIr6XKZtg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 40sec (3100 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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