FAST FOOD CHEAT DAY | Donuts, Pizza, Ice Cream, Cookies & MORE

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what's going on guys and welcome to the video and happy cheat day I stopped in the title we are going to be doing a very fun cheat day but I'm really excited for this video for a number of reasons one of course it's a cheat day and two I am celebrating today because if you're watching this on September 8th Saturday September 8th then my program that I designed with Jeff the glute focused woman's specialization program is finally live and it is live today it'll be the first link in the description box everything for a glute focused like really structured program definitely check it out it's full body but lower body focus I'm really excited to announce that it is finally live as a result we are celebrating with a cheat day and I thought I'd do something a little bit different a lot of fast food chains and I've never really enjoyed a lot of like their cult classics or their favorites from the menu so I thought that I would do that today I thought I would try a lot of new different things I think I might discover and find some new favorites this morning I did do a physique update as I always do so you can see what I'm looking like so this is what my current physique is and I weighed in at 119 point 8 pounds which is pretty standard for my weight right now that's kind of where I've been maintaining and as always I'm going to be doing this cheat day as I always do cheat days I'm not going to overly stuff myself this is just for pure enjoyment so as you guys know that's how I kind of do my cheat days it's not about how much I eat it's about enjoying the day so I'm excited to get into this so let's get started the first place I will be going to is [Music] hi I'm gonna have the tape hi um can i order eight good all right you guys I have a lot of stuff going on here this is probably going to be one of the messiest chi days in this car but let's get started today is September the 4th is 1007 in the morning and it did take me a little bit of time to get all this food and I kind of woke up a little bit later than I normally do on a cheat day but doesn't mean I was any less excited I had to actually go to to Tim Hortons to get to one that wasn't like super crazy busy Canadians love their tins I'm gonna start out with of course a doughnut I have to get my fix in I got lots of stuff as you guys saw not just doughnuts because they have their fall stuff out I needed to try a couple of their fall things that are limited in addition there's a few of my favorites are in here also a few that I've never tried before I've actually never tried a sour cream glaze I always see sour cream doughnuts I don't think I've ever tried one they had this strawberry cake doughnut can we just take a look at this thing this is gonna be first and this is gonna be crazy messy it is full of whipped cream and it looks like there's like strawberry jam in it I've never seen this out of Tim's before so that was new this pleasant surprise cheers to this cheat day oh my goodness it's basically a strawberry filled donut with tons of whipped cream oh this thing's loaded with whipped cream oh my goodness a lot that I was going to try to film in the Tim's because I have absolutely no shame and I really care people see me filming myself but I didn't think the audio would be very good cuz it was kind of loud in there some I like the acoustics of a car this was a pleasant surprise not their best doughnut though but still pretty good so next to all the Canadians Brown this is the Canadian maple doughnut it's filled what they think cream I've had this before on an on sheet day because I do a doughnut son not a cheese days as well most of my audience is American so we'll be going to more American chains after this one but they don't have like a Dunkin Donuts or anything here so this is this is the best I got but it's definitely is definitely good um yeah I think this is Boston cream that's on the inside and the top is like a maple glazed maple I see what's super good that's definitely something that we don't have at Joe's Dunkin Donuts have a maple ice something that Tim's is missing no they don't have a strawberry frosted donut that is a big no-no [Music] mmm so aside from the donuts I've got a bunch of pastries I'm not gonna finish all the donut because I do want to try like mostly everything and like I said today is not really about the volume of food that I eat I basically just want to show you a bunch of different things that I enjoy and try a bunch of different stuff because that's what I personally like to watch I'm gonna take a few bites of everything and so I could try it all super messy oh my goodness the raspberry filled but it's a powdered man they really powdered this and this is gonna be all over my face but Yolo [Music] mm-hmm this one is nice and filled [Music] mm-hmm so messy so I had to get old school vanilla dipped with some sprinkles [Music] if you've never had ten words before they're not anything like Krispy Kreme and they're very much so like dunking like the fluffiness and like how the dough is made so good though something that kind of helps to cut the sweetness when you're having a lot of donuts is some black coffee so I got some black Andy's coffee and water water Sookie after this Jeff and I are going to go to the gym going to do a glute workout from a program it doesn't get a nest pumped from all the carbs all right next up gonna do this sour cream glaze which I'm pretty sure is just a cake doughnut the sour cream let's do something to it not like a regular cake John it's like really really like soft and moist I don't like that word but it's very fitting for this okay I see you toons last is there honey dip doughnut is just a fried doughnut glaze mm-hmm really fault see how soft it is [Music] it's one left with cuz I want to try everything want to cut some of the sweetness with some of the savory stuff that I got from McDonald's I have I love McDonald's breakfast but there's a lot of things that I've never tried before the one being I've never had the McGriddle before I am going to for the first time having the griddle see what all the hype is about so we got going on here smells like a pancake sausage egg and cheese looks pretty good hope it doesn't disappoint that's actually so good [Music] YUM the sweet and savory that is such a good combo oh my goodness I love that mm-hmm I don't know how they got the syrup to stay in like the pancake some sort of sorcery but it's delicious Wow my god nailed this one that's super good I might finish that but I want to take a bite of their breakfast hmm also the hash brown Donald's makes delicious pasta [Music] delicious now their breakfast burrito looks like a standard taco that's actually really good mm-hmm it's actually seasoned really nicely there's like some peppers and there's cheese and egg in there like that mm-hmm [Music] there's also sausage nice that's delicious mock up I'm gonna save this and just so you know 10:24 and I'm still going I'm feeling like a four out of ten full so let's get it also have all of these these little blueberry Timbits I had to get a couple I know they're nothing special but they're seasonal for the summertime and they're so good I get these all the time on my nan Chi days because they're delicious mmm okay they're so good tastes like blueberry cake delicious amazingness I know they're delicious seasonal item was this I think it's an apple tart for the Fall so I wanted to give this a try take a couple of bites of this [Music] hmm I taste like a baby apple pie that's delicious and be a little bit better if it was like pasta and toaster I've been a little bit hot but good job Tim mmm oh my goodness making such a mess so the other seasonal items the caramel Danish nice and flaky probably also a lot better hot mm-hmm definitely needs more filling Sofia to the main feeling about super flaky like for soft that's what's okay for me if you guys have seen my 10k challenge then you know that carrot cake has a very special place in my heart and they have a carrot cake muffin at Tim's that's filled with icing so this actually is filled which is like a cupcake almost I'm gonna see if I can uh big bite this thing and see if I can get to the filling it was gonna be interesting what it looks like Cheers mmm YUM he's just like carrot cake mmm super good kind of wanted some of this icing I dip it in there about half of that that's really good I was really craving just like a regular chocolate chip cookie it's all covered in flakes from that stupid day fish nothing special but I want to see if Tim's makes it good what I've never had one from Tim's before nice and soft I like it I think I'm gonna go back to some other savory stuff I got Target the hashbrowns back on the McGriddle we're gonna try it like that take this off put on a hash brown gluttony at its finest we are gonna give this a go okay mmm definitely give that a try that's delicious mm-hmm I think I was the best thing I've eaten today that was so good just to put the icing on the cake for this clip I did bring one thing from home with me I've just really been craving it Reese's but the white kind we don't have it so I just have one I really like white chocolate I know white chocolate isn't everybody's favorite but I love it it's a beautiful thing I think that is going to be it for the moment everything was absolutely delicious I think my favorite thing was in the griddle that was like really really good I'm so happy that I tried that there's definitely good reason that that is a cult classic so everything else was good doughnuts never do me wrong so yes I'll see you [Music] how'd it go how did it go are you equal yeah did you get anything for me what's what's next on the menu alright guys so a little bit of time has gone by and I went for a walk and I just chilled for a little bit it is 1247 and before Jeff and I go to the gym I am going to have some cereals love me some cereal but we're gonna do something fun we are going to be comparing some of what I would say some of my favorite types of cereal I've never had them all at the same time I've always just gotten one here and there and I just like them but I kind of want to see which one's my favorite I think I'd have to try them as like back-to-back to really know so I've got my bowl what I'm gonna do is I am going to pour a little bit in each Bowl and I'm gonna try them back-to-back they're kind of all like in the same vein of cinnamony cereals yes so Golden Grahams delicious and this I am actually not sure if this is in the States please let me know down below in the comment section if this is in the States I have never heard of it this is one of Jeff's favorite cereal and I've had it and it is delicious it's so good french toast crunch and they look like little pieces of toast I know we have a cereal that's like toast something but they're like blueberry and Apple so this is like a cinnamon version super good so first was the musical serial the golden grams cashew milk bring you in a little closer so this is the golden grip mm-hmm I love cereal that's pretty good all right this is gonna be a big contender cinnamon toast crunch it's a little different actually I have loved Golden Grahams button cinnamon toast crunch is way better this is just my personal opinion people will get pretty salty about pinions of cereal so this is my personal opinion but cinnamon toast crunch now we are going to do the French toast crunch can never even remember the name of it as you can see they look like little pieces of toast I feel like this kind of tastes like Captain Crunch it's actually not cinnamony at all tastes like maple syrup I'm gonna try the Captain Crunch after but I feel like it's really similar last but not least oh gee Captain Crunch mmm that's so good hey little boy this is so hard mmm Wow all right this is hard I might say Cinnamon Toast Crunch winds cement rose crunch then Captain Crunch for sure if not tied and then I think it's the French toast crunch mmm hmm hmm I'm sorry Golden Grahams but came in last they're still really good I don't know I love cereal it's gonna finish these off and then I'm gonna go train Captain Crunch almost she's buttery it's really hard to like put my finger on what it tastes like but it's super good and last but not least I don't know if I mentioned before but with all of my meals I am going to take one symbiont GI it is a probiotic and I digestive enzyme all-in-one I'm gonna take one of these with every meal for my first meal I took it off camera and I forgot to tell you guys but yeah so that was just a little snack to hold me over while we go train and then after we train we are going to get something else's yummy and delicious [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys had an amazing workout man it is so nice working out with lots of carbs I had lots of energy it was good good pump so you guys know it is 228 still September 4th and we are on our way to our next destination and just so you guys know I didn't like change the day or whatever because changing clothes are really iffy on cheat days I'm going to switch into this shirt you'll see it when I get it on it's really cute Burger King here we go another cult favorite I've never had a whopper we're gonna learn today get some whoppers okay we're gonna do a whopper with onion rings and a strawberry milkshake please and can I also have the fiery chicken fries BBQ and that's it there's always something that catches my eye on the menu drive to Times Jeff oh by the way this necklace case you're wondering says cheat day on it Jeff step mom got it for me and I love it so had to wear it of course on my cheat day number one yes it's get expansive I was funny weren't you telling me that joke that Demetri Martin said just yesterday where you were like why would I ever keep the diner's is Mitch Hedberg I went to go get a doughnut milady asked me if I wanted to receive her my doughnuts like when am I ever gonna have to prove that I had bought a doughnut I'm gonna put it in a file I'm deep I bought fixed on itself here courier happens to rely on I'm gonna cut the part so that people see like that I did actually change I'm not a dope shirt I'm gonna put on my IG story you're not following me on instagram you get all the sneak peeks of all the all the food on my cheat days so definitely follow me on Instagram that's it we are going to eat after like 15 minutes of trying to get an Instagram post first on deck my melted milkshake it's still be good YUM that's delicious oh my goodness YUM it tastes like a strawberry yoohoo it's really good oh-ho that is super good holy crap oh my god totally underestimated Burger King right I'm surprised 100k walker time as you saw i spontaneously got their fiery chicken fries because it looks really good on the menu oh you know what they totally mess up what a strong young reason I thought that's why I was like oh yeah four-eyes - I thought you asked for onion ring oh boy get on Yelp all caps oh my goodness is this bigger than moly crap look at this thing it looks massive bigger than yeah yeah I'm gonna compare it to the Big Mac which I don't know if that's a good comparison because they're totally different burgers but smells good looks good oh I can attest smell yeah all right guys another cult favorite see if it lives up to the hype mm-hmm no you see all the layers pretty good big thick because it has tomatoes lettuce onions it has like a bunch of veggies in it mm-hmm but the patty itself is not that big no true I actually like the Big Mac more it is tastes like a regular burger to me but it's so pretty good once you get into like the thick of it all the flavors kind of mesh together and it's better they give me a salad in this thing because like it's like the five tomatoes in it okay it would have been so much better and they get a huge kick off for not giving the onion rings hey hey look what I found hmm Herschel I'm hearing it new you should go back to them and be like what is this oh dang it I would have rated the Big Mac like an eight out of ten now I'm just like a 7/10 that's the sense except they're still pretty good yeah it's good I'm actually gonna pause there because I want to try a bunch of other stuff we have lots of more food to eat I'm actually excited to try the chicken finally they're supposed to be spicy fiery I got the fiery grind I got barbecue okay so two seconds here Oh yep you good you guys didn't tell me fiery chicken fries review - standard chicken stick oh look there's a little thing for the sauce what make an a-plus for packaging now crispy expecting like a crunch move how soggy yeah do you think it's cuz we waited a while or they had a little kick to them so I like that I tried that this awesome okay dude I mean yeah they're mad but I like the flavor like the spicy flavor yeah maybe it's just this Burger King they didn't make them crispy yeah they're not crispy at all I would not buy them as soft and a little bit soggy mm-hmm like that's not like breaded crispy breaded for difference in spice tolerance I don't find them a place they have a little tiny kick oh you guys on the time so I took all those intros 3:09 oh good I might have some fries with that probably soft like there okay the chicken fries but not know I was I thought they were gonna be and these are not so I was fine my onion ring craving I'm gonna drink some of that milk shake that thing is money that milkshake that's like even melted it's like it like a nine it's a solid nine hundred it's so good I know the Burger King in the states have like cereal flavored milk shakes and I would have gotten one of those if they had them but they have different ones in the canada they had like Smarties which is like a Canadian candy so I wanted to review stuff that you guys can get in the States and I know that they have a strawberry milkshake and it is yummy this thing probably has like thousand calories in it how fast can I drink I'm okay you little brain freeze I'm not done yet because as you saw I didn't finish everything because I want to try some more stuff we're off to the next fast food destination [Music] so the only talk about that they have in Kelowna is actually in the food court of the mall so I got good okay so I got a few of the crowd favorites from Taco Bell things that I've never tried before I think all I've ever had from chaco Bell is like a hard and a soft taco been a while a crunch that supreme ticket Crunchwrap supreme I got a chicken soft taco and then I got a Doritos Locos Tacos these are actually not real tacos right didn't we learn that no apparently soft shell tacos are not real you know that's optional talking our tacos and there's no such thing oh you're right you're right those American ibises they can get because at the Dorito pretty much yeah yeah human definitely taste the Dorito [Music] out of ten I felt like a solid seven it's respectable respectful now this is the Big Kahuna this better be good that's pretty big tall veggies so far I know I tasted a lot of nacho cheese so they have it they're liquid nacho cheese oh really oh yeah that's better than the Doritos Locos oh yeah maybe it's because it's tricking I like the spicy chicken better it's good I kind of want to give that on a try what do you think it's a little tube ready for me like there's a little too much bread yeah it's not much meat in there at all I know they gave me another salad not outstanding it would be better if they had more meat in there this is a salad with white bread this is just plain old chicken softshell taco standard sloppy taco this one isn't as much of a salad I think everything is a solid 7 mm nothing Lumia wedding wasn't dessert too so these are the oh geez your fault tastes like cinnamon toast crunch McDonald's apple pie loomio a lifetime mm-hmm so let's see this can live up to that it's really warm feels promising I think that's the best thing here yeah yeah that's actually really good not as good as in McDonald's Paco every with us I'm gonna go back to I'm like mom on protein I should I'm gonna finish off some of these talker [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what are we gonna do to make up for this [Music] honey baby back in the car cuz it was probably really loud in the food court we were gonna eat some of these goodies my food court but there's a little bit loud so I wanted you to be able to hear me in all of its glory so I'm gonna show you the time a little bit time has gone by Cinzia is I guess the Canadian version of Cinnabon so they look just like Cinnabon is for 20 Marines in bonds ok so I just got a mini because I just want to try it I've already had a lot of food as you guys saw looks delicious I could feel it's warm it's just like Cinnabon [Music] that's so good hmm there's definitely a reason that these things are like a thousand calories like the regular sized ones this is just a mini like I said mmm hard to eat I feel like you're supposed to eat it with your hands wrong school cheat day right now [Music] dang that's so good I kind of do wanna have a little try that believe she hot that was the quick oh crap I think everything is delicious apparently it does taste like Cinnabon I've had so much cinnamon stuff today a bunch of cinnamon stuff for a tennis ball time it's basic season we also got some chocolate truffles so I'm gonna give Jeff Pierce you got one cashew cluster this is Jeff this one is milk chocolate with coconut was it hard hmm that's delicious did you try this one it's seriously mmm that was good too I like I like that one better though you get more of the chocolate yeah I'm a fan of coconut I think they're soft in the inside oh really no the other thing better what's bigger than them just medium I mean got a red velvet one no this thing mmm whoa you have to try this one Wow oh my goodness tiny babe I'm a fan of white chocolate you know it's probably pretty good it looks like a prairie roche hmm I don't know what amaretto tastes like has a distinct flavor it's kind of orange red velvet one was the best two thumbs up as my mom would say yeah number one it's like only five minutes later but eight minutes later 4:28 feel pretty satisfied so I'm gonna stop here and then I have some big plans for tonight so we will see what I get then [Music] uh-huh hi can I place an order for delivery please it's currently 7 22 at night earlier I went out for a walk and I walked by a Starbucks I wanted to try a couple things from Starbucks something that is not like high-calorie or anything like that but I've always just been curious about are these egg white bites when I'm traveling and stuff it's hard to find protein at the airport and I wanted to see if these were good probably better if they were still hot but I'm just gonna give a little review and see if they're any good feels weird it's like smushy all right let's see they taste pretty good but the texture is so bizarre it's like the texture of cheese I don't know if there's cheese in it I don't like that they're kind of weird that's my review and that is weird the other thing that I got from there just to switch it up but I got another cookie I got their ginger molasses cookie see this is any good feels pretty soft [Music] I like that that's good it's chewy and it's very spice it tastes like a gingerbread cookie not sure if they have this all year round but it's so good so now we wait for the rest of the food impatiently so while I wait for the rest of the food I am gonna nibble on some strawberries I didn't want to eat these off-camera because I wanted you guys to know what I was eating I was in the mood for something refreshing and good I like to have fruit on my cheat days just a little update googoo clusters from the US that walnut look was UK yeah chocolate-covered peanuts and then I would imagine there's like marshmallow caramel thing mm-hmm he's amateur this is apparently made out of Nashville Tennessee mmm caramel nougat and nuts and chocolate it's just like a Snickers god finish it throw away the wrapper you gotta get a ziplock all right I'm gonna try this the walnut whip what wow it's like a specialty chocolate it's weird oh whoa I was not expecting that so Marco I was pretty good too oh well chocolates good try one more thing this is I knows in the US and I've heard good things about this so this one I know there's a bunch of different flavors this one is people s caramel oh I wasn't expecting that they're in the box like this this is kind of interesting it's like puffed rice in the center it's for them I like it how do you give you a review so quickly I feel like I need so much time in a mature it's not easy I know it when I like it immediately I got a no right now men good pretty good amazing that's my scale you undersold this what's good that's super good I give it a pretty good no that's you that's a super that's amazing oh yeah that's amazing you got here Wow to be [ __ ] so for dinner I got me some pizza I got half a Hawaiian and I got half a barbecue chicken pizza looks delicious but I haven't had pizza at a long time in general we'll see if that's all I get eating on camera is so difficult I'm trying to find things to prop things up on I'm gonna have to do I got Hawaiian pizza and yes pineapple does go on pizza for all them haters out there don't know why that is such a thing on the internet the Internet is a very strange place and it's stuffed crust so I'm very excited give this a shot [Music] I love pizza so much pizza so good oh my god [Music] B no friggin [Music] some crops are so good I got to show you the time 8:13 and night still September 4th so of course I'm not gonna eat this whole pizza but don't worry none of the food that I haven't finished is going to waste jeff has been nibbling at a lot of it and don't worry I'm not gonna let it go to race hello Hawaiian was really good but now I'm gonna try the barbecue chicken this pizza that was one slice is one two nine ten eleven slices he's really cut weird so cuz like this is like a really small piece I'll have to figure out a way to track that this is a barbecue chicken those are my two favorite flavors of pizza so I just got my favorites [Music] so on the scale that I created pizza's amazing [Music] I'm gonna go for another Hawaiian so this is I don't know if I said this already this is a large-size pizza I've got a medium feelin pretty hungry I posted this on my Instagram stories a lot of you guys asked me how often I do cheat days cuz you guys know you don't always film them and I do a cheat day almost every week I'd say like three a month it's just not easy to do it too often when I'm trying to get like photos and things like that pretty frequently that are like in gym where so I don't do them as often as I'd like to do but three times a month and I decide on doing them just like when I feel like it when I feel like I just want one so there's nothing that really dictates when I have one it's just kind of what I want one that's kind of how I answer that question [Music] I'm gonna have one warm barbecue chicken again these slices were cut really funny this is how much of the pizza I mean [Music] that's it I cut myself up right there two thumbs up Oh gonna have some dessert okay so I don't think I have ever had Ben and Jerry's ice cream one of the flavors was recommended by Jeff and then the other flavor was actually picked by you guys on Instagram so hopefully I made good choices if I had a million flavors so this must be pretty loaded collision of chocolate and vanilla ice cream with fudge covered toffee white chocolate chunks peanut butter cups and fudge covered almonds that sounds delicious and then the tonight dough everyone on instagram recommended this one so this is the one that I got a little time update its 8:36 at night we've still got some ice cream to eat now you guys know I like me some ice cream but that was a lot of cheese from the pizza a lot of dairy and even more dairy so I'm going to take another digestive enzyme right now okay so now that looks intense and it's night dough oh I wasn't expecting this one to be chocolate oh no what I was expecting it's hard to tell what any of it is but [Music] that's good I eat a lot of halo top so when I eat real ice cream there's a big difference so I'm gonna have some of each whoa they put like whole candy bars in there it's like a Dairy Queen blizzard you see that can we just appreciate Oh win the bowl okay once good two scoops I'm gonna try to each individually first so I can give him like a good feel for what they actually taste like or else they'll just like all blend together okay it's just like chocolate ice cream just gotta buy your chocolate ice cream all right we need something in it this has some peanut butter cups in it so okay that's pretty good mmm sounds like a whole Reese's oh my goodness does intense look this is a whole piece of candy like that's crazy and the Wonder Ben & Jerry's is so calorically dense oh my goodness me and chocolate bar there's pretty good but for some reason it's not really Wow me it's for them I'm just gonna finish off though it's almost like there's so many flavors going on that I don't really know what I'm eating tastes like a bunch of candy mm-hmm the Mexicans don't disappoint though I just make it straight out of the plane this is the tonight dope so many of you guys recommended this on Instagram so better live up to the hype I know this is not really fast food but this is really hyped up food so I thought it fit mm-hmm okay that was nice Oreo YUM that's good actually life is better right off the bat and I has like these big cookie dough chunks can't really see I like cookie dough hmm yeah this one's better to me try it up okay I'm gonna put these away because I have one more thing that I really want to try chocolate chip sandwich cookies this I'm super excited for I'm about to eat the chips away this is delicious oh my god I got an amazing from me this is surprisingly better than Ben and Jerry's ice cream I actually like this good know what I'm eating like a cookie an ice cream and it's good that's pretty good see that's it I'm feeling pretty full oh my god well as always I do follow ups the next tomorrow and the day after but I'm gonna weigh myself real quick so honey baby whoa okay so as you guys saw I'm a hundred and thirty pounds that's a lot of food okay that's the highest I think I've ever gone up on sheet day that's like ten pounds I usually pop about seven pounds so we'll see what happens we'll see what happens yeah it's also a bit later than I normally eat too so I'm probably gonna be up pretty high tomorrow but I'm not worried about it or anything like that so stay tuned if you are interested in seeing how tomorrow goes and then how long it takes me to get back to my normal weight so I will see you tomorrow probably looking like a crazy and like I'm hungover so but today with fun as always what's going on guys so today is a day after my cheat day today is Wednesday September 5th and I am about five pounds above my starting weight which is completely normal I've done enough cheat days to know kind of like how much I'm gonna be up the next day it all depends on how much I ate the night before like the last meal of the cheat day it kind of just depends on like if I ate really heavy at the end of the day or if I ate really heavy at the beginning of the day like how much I'm gonna be up the next day I was up a lot more than normal because I had like a big meal before bed and I also ate a lot later than I normally do on a cheat day so as you guys know I don't always fill my cheat days so I have like a rough idea of how my body and my physique is gonna look and my weight and all that stuff but I'm not worried about it I just wanted to do a quick check in about five pounds up you'll see what I look like right now just like the normal a little bit watery a little bit bloated but no big deal and I will do another update when everything is back to normal so you will see how long it takes me to go back to my starting weight so I'll see you soon good good morning guys it is two days after my cheat day September 6 and today is going to be the final check-in because my weight is pretty much back to where it was it's not like exactly it's like a half a pound up I'm not really too worried about it it's just going to like level out and this is kind of like the like half a pound to a pound is usually like normal variance between weight feeling pretty good feel pretty normal a lot less watery today as you can see my my physique is looking more like the day where I did the cheat day so yeah that's going through the final check-in I hope that you find these check-ins informative I hope you enjoy seeing like the follow up of a cheat day and my last video I asked you guys if you guys like when I do these follow ups and it was like unanimously like everybody likes them so I'm glad to incorporate them at the end of the video and again I'm gonna plug my program one more time if you guys are interested in checking out my women's specialization program again it'll be the first link in the description box below really excited about the launch I hope that you guys enjoy it I know you guys are going to love it right here is going to be another video that I think that you're really gonna like and right here is going to be a button to subscribe if you haven't subscribed already and I'm going to see you in a video very soon bye
Channel: Stephanie Buttermore
Views: 4,233,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fitness, physique, physique update, stephanie buttermore, glutes, makeup, 10k challenge, 10k calorie challenge, 10000 calorie challenge, cheat meal, cheat day, epic cheat day, girl vs food, donuts, candy, chocolate, junk food, food, fitgirl, mukbang, calorie challenge, donuts challenge, food challenge, ice cream, cheatday, mcdonalds, jeff nippard, pizza, doughnuts, asmr, epic cheat day donuts, burger king, pizza hut, cookies, taste test, ben and jerry's, fast food, tim hortons, taco bell
Id: bQHH1ctpav4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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