10,000 CALORIE CHALLENGE (easy!)

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hey guys so today's the night before the ten thousand calorie challenge I am doing the ten thousand collide challenge because I recently hit 100,000 subscribers which thank you guys everyone who has subscribed so yeah me and my sister are at Walmart right now we're in the Walmart parking lot and I've you guys can see but I was originally going to do the ten thousand calorie challenge with her but she's on my diet right now so she's not gonna do it which is fine I'll just like do about myself so yeah we're at the we're at Walmart so I can pick out because I have a list of my phone I've been creating a list of food that I am craving so that I won't forget anything and so we're gonna pick up a whole bunch of stuff right now and then tomorrow I'll get like some like fast food type stuff but I also want to have a lot of snacks that I can snack on throughout the day so that I can I can snack on them throughout the day there I said it I think I'm gonna film a little bit of the grocery shopping not a whole bunch but I'll show like some stuff that I get and I want to show everything because I want some stuff to be like kind of a surprise so anyways I will just see you in the grocery store and then I think I'm gonna wake up super early tomorrow super early tomorrow so I can like eat all day so we've got to get going cuz it's late yeah I need to go to sleep [Music] [Laughter] what are the cheese danishes so really good I'd like these don't look anything but these look really good right I think so I've seen better danishes uh-oh we found the real Honeybuns oh you have to get the you have to get those like we have to like the other ones I think you knew visible there's also I'm thinking there's also kinds of gas stations gas station Queen [Music] my god yeah that I get back I do like for real amazing Saturday June 16 so I have two servings of the cream cheese danish half of the cinnamon rural or the honey bun from 7-eleven i have two tablespoons of chocolate peanut butter frosting and two chocolate chip cookies so as you can see it comes to a thousand calories altogether just for this stuff so yeah I'm excited to start eating I'm gonna start with the cream cheese danish [Music] so good like everything I wanted to be more some soft your [Music] so I didn't warm up Danish but I warmed up the honey buns so I'm gonna try this warmed up oh my gosh that is so good [Music] I'm gonna herd the cookies and I'm going to dip them in the frosty oh my gosh and I warmed up the cookies too and I said that [Music] that's 1,000 calories that felt like nothing okay so since I'm still not full at all obviously that was like nothing and I'm going to have a peanut butter ho-ho so having one of those brings my totals to 1130 one calorie all right well we go join a ghost the next thing I'm gonna try is this butter cake so I'm actually gonna have to measure it out to see okay so I have a 114 grams which is half the package okay so with half the butter cake that brings me to 1616 calories for the day [Music] that's legitimately so soft [Music] okay so I 1209 and I am 1600 calories down so I'm gonna go to sleep and when I wake up I'm gonna have something for breakfast but I will just see you guys then good morning guys it is currently 6:30 to still June 16 I feel fine now after eating the food but last night weirdly when I woke I woke up at like 3 a.m. and I felt like super sick I don't think it was food-related because I've eaten like way more than that in my videos and it's like never been a problem so I don't know what it is I feel like kind of weak now like you know your body just feels kind of weak but like last night like my stomach is hurting bad I was like super pale so yeah I don't know what the heck it was but I'm going to try like my appetites not like as much theirs I would think it would be when I wake up at 6:00 in the morning to Judy I'm super hungry so we'll see how this goes I just wanted to tell you guys because if I tap out like super early I will do it again like I will do within the ten thousand calorie Tom's again and complete it no but I don't have to tell you guys in case it made me like if I feel sick again and like I can't keep eating but yeah I feel pretty fine now so I'm still gonna have breakfast and like go about my day like normal but so I'm gonna tell you guys in case I do have to talk about early um oh yeah anyways so that was a lot of rambling but for breakfast I'm going to be having bagels with eggs and cheese like basically like a breakfast bagel cuz I've been craving them so bad so I'm gonna make them right now all obviously show you guys like everything I put in it so you know the calories so yeah [Music] so it really is when I was cooking that three Angus wasn't enough for like the bagels I hope so and I stopped extra cheese too so I'm just going to add two more egg so that means I'm gonna have five eggs total also going to add more mayo to my bagels so that means I have 32 grams photo [Music] so it's still Saturday June 16 it is 7:00 a.m. and I'm gonna start eating I'm so excited [Music] [Music] and I'll put the macros on the screen for this or I'll put the calories but I have five eggs you guys want to make it but I have five eggs two bagels I use the France kind I have about two and a half tablespoons of mayo I cooked it in a tablespoon and a half of butter and I have to certain two servings of cheese [Music] so that was one down one to go and I'll show you guys the inside of that one [Music] oh no I'm still mildly hungry so I bought pop-tarts I think I'm gonna go get some right now and then have a pop-tart so yeah okay so I just put in all the stuff on my fitness pal and I'm gonna go through it just so you guys can see so you can see I have the bagels the Mayo the butter the eggs the cheese and it comes out to one thousand three hundred and sixty calories so for the day I priority put out my screen but I'm at two thousand nine hundred and seventy six which is insane because I'm like still hungry so I'm going to I got these vanilla milkshake pop hurts which I've never tried and my friend told me to put them in the freezer so these are frozen and if I don't like them frozen I'm just gonna have the regular time but I feel like that sounds really good so I'm gonna trim frozen and then I'm gonna try some of this Oreo Big Crunch bar which I've never had so I'm just gonna see how much I kind of both and then I'll just log it after I'm done eating so yeah mm-hmm that's a really good frozen so that's frozen the insides kind of chewy so that's what it looks like and then it looks like there's some type of cookie stuff in the middle that's a really good [Music] [Music] absolutely let's see five pieces of 230 calories so right now I'm at you can see I put in the top chart in the Oreo crunch bar and I'm still hungry but I don't want to keep trying this stuff because I want to be able to try everything I thought and so I want to try something different so I'm gonna go see what I have and I'll be back okay so I'm gonna try these sour watermelon let's see the serving size is 11 pieces the little 11 out on this plate on the plate I also want to try this Reese's bar alright so then I have four blocks of the Reese's stuff so let's see mm-hmm those are really good they're like a shower but not too sour [Music] so now time to try the races but he's just like normal races but like in a really good way okay so I just log the stuff I just added so you can see I have the sour patch and the recess bar and I feel fine like I don't feel hungry but I don't feel full but I think I'm just gonna chill there because it is only 7 a.m. and I'm almost halfway through so yeah I think I'm just gonna chill there let my food that digest and then I'm gonna go run let go for a run because my goal is to just stay as active as possible because I've seen people trying to do this and then they don't stay active and I'm like you're not gonna be hunger if you're sitting on your couch all day you know so I'm gonna like clean up what the food I just go for a run and then when I come back I'll have some more food ok so it is still Saturday June 16 and it is 19 I am about to go for a run right now but before I go I wanted to try some more stuff cuz I'm still hungry so I'm gonna have one of these um there's a little W peanut butter crunch and I'm also gonna have half of this Snickers all nuts and caramel which I've never had either of this stuff before so then altogether that's gonna be 400 calories see cuz I think I'm only gonna have half of this right now um just because I'm about to go for on I don't feel like super sugared out so yeah I'm gonna pop of that and then one of these so it's gonna bring me to four thousand two hundred eighty nine calories so a lot of this stuff is fun I'm gonna each day's gonna be sweet because sweets is my favorite so it's definitely a lot thicker then an almost Snickers but in a good way and now I'm going to have the ammeter punch mark hmm I like don't like that what I do not so weird cuz it's like absolutely good crunch to it but it doesn't taste like what I thought it would by the way I decided to have both just now so let me change that in here he's a lot we've got a Nutter Butter bar yeah he's like a Nutter Butter basically but I'd like matter butters better it's pretty good but I thought I might there damn it I've tried today but I just think when it comes something else because like I don't want to go too hard but I'm also like still hungry so I think I'm gonna go grab something else really fast that's like what I've done this entire video was like to say that I'm really gonna eat something and then go eat more so I'm gonna go grab something else I don't know what yeah but I'll be back ok so I decided that I wanted to try these raspberries crumb cakes they look like this on outside um and I logged it in one of them's 200 calories so I added that on there so now I'm at 4834 so let's see how they taste it looks super good what that is so good well those rocks trips really freakin good that's like pride my favorite thing and I've had so far so yeah I'm gonna stop for a sec but if you have not hotties go get them because they're freaking amazing anyways I'm about to go for a run right now so I will just you guys the next time I eat something okay guys so I just got back from my run and I'm kind of craving something a little bit more savory so what I'm gonna do is have some I've never had these kind of cheez-its before they are B pork cheese Italian and then I'm going to dip them in cream cheese and I'm also going to if you watch my um candy taste test of my mom I really liked the strawberry Charleston chew so I got the chocolate kind and I also got the original so I'm gonna try to chunk the chocolate kind now and I put this it just try frozen and so I've actually had this in the freezer so when I had it in the video I didn't have it frozen but I'm gonna try it frozen right now so I'm just gonna measure out one serving so 26 crackers worth of the cheese's so you can see I have 30 grams of cheeses in there and then I'm actually just gonna keep the cream cheese on the scale and then just like dip in and then see how much at the end like how many grams I ate just cuz I'm not good at measuring like how much I want to eat with that so and then I'm just going to have this I'm so good this is here like it's not like white cheddar a little bit like the white cheddar ones but they're like dusted with cheese [Music] so I ended up eating 36 grams worth of the cream cheese I'll have to see how much that isn't actually log it in but next I'm gonna try the Charleston shoot not so we're frozen like Crocs mm-hmm [Music] [Music] okay so I just logged in the calories for that but I think I'm gonna have another serving of the cheese's so I just logged into servants of the cheese's so with the actors are ugly and I'm about to have I am at five thousand four hundred and forty nine calories for the day and it is still Saturday June sixteenth and it is eleven thirty eight so I'm just gonna have 30 grams okay so you can see I have thirty grams of cheese that's in there so I'm just gonna eat these really fast and then chill for a little bit and then go to the gym and then off with the gym I can't decide whether I'm gonna have Taco Bell Cinnabon or pizza or maybe the mix of all of it depends on how I feel so I'm just going to chill for a bit and then head to the gym and then go eat tomorrow [Music] cuz I'm all done with the crackers so I'll see you guys next time I mean okay so I was just sitting here minding my own business and Sara is like she's like making you know you should try one of those hostess cake singing so I'm gonna try one of them right now just this chic and tough about it good let's see what's that and three cakes there's 210 so no longer go fast so it looks like they are cream filled on the inside and so I'm only having one of them so let's see that's just gonna put me up up to five thousand five hundred and eighteen I'm gonna do the clean on the inside that's really good it is like a frosted Twinkie hello bring me something okay so actually five thousand five hundred eighty seven so yeah now I'm actually gonna go to the gym in a second and then eat later [Music] [Music] okay so it's still Saturday June 16 at 136 and I just made myself an ice cream type Sunday so I have two servings of Breyers gelato three Oreos three of the Pepperidge Farm cookies and then some whipped cream on top so that is eight hundred and twenty calories so that puts me at six thousand four hundred and seven for the day so I'm just gonna eat this and then probably hang out for a little bit after and see how I feel I know I said I was gonna go to talk about next I was like craving ice cream crunches like so good they're like they're like white you know why that cookies I'm climbing ice cream so bad I think I think I dreamed it to be it's like so soft looks like gelato [Music] okay so I just finished that bull ice cream it is 142 so it's one pretty too so I have 10 hours left to get 3600 calories so I'll see you guys next time that I eat something hey guys so I just left the gym it is so I took a nap because I got kind of like tired from all the food so it's currently 624 um it's still the 16th of June so I am at like I'm gonna have this Stark's Butterfinger and this bundle keyway I bought these I brought these to the gym because I knew that I was gonna first of all be hungry after the gym I'm like kinda hundred right now I'm stuck in a mall I knew that I needed to get some calories in so I'm gonna eat these really fast and now I'm going to talk about after that so I'm gonna get some stuff there but I loved both of those into my phone and it comes out too you can see on the screen seven thousand two hundred and eighty-seven calories so yeah I'm excited to try them I'm part animal equally like I'm definitely blocking an entrance so I'm gonna try to eat these fast so this is a fudge Milky Way I mean see the button inside mm-hmm trying candy is probably my favorite thing to do I thought this man was coming to tell me that I was in any type of business so next time try the dark Butterfinger I'm the fudge milky way's new and if you haven't tried it and you like milky way go get it because it's super good [Music] so what was that again 7280 seven so so yeah I'm a little bit under 3/4 of the way through which isn't bad because it's only 6:30 I have like five and a half hours I'm gonna get Taco Bell I think I'm gonna go get Cinnabon so I might get pizza I know there's like so much stuff that I still want to eat like I have so much ice cream at home that I want to get but I don't know if I'm the real to eat all of it because I don't know if I'm gonna have enough calories left so yeah we shall see um right now I'm still in the mood for sweets like I'm not sugared out I just want more sweet so definitely Cinnabon but I still also love to talk about so I'm gonna go get some stuff from there right now so yeah I'll see you guys when I'm there so some KFC at the same time which is weird well they don't hear me [Music] can I get it cheesy bean and rice burrito and then can I also get just a cheese quesadilla a cheese quesadilla please no it's okay and then could I also get a cheesy potato burrito but just with um no me yes please thank you and then can I also just get one is there a way to just get one biscuit like from yeah all right okay and then that's it give me one second I was yelling out the window because you could not hear me for thank you so much okay so I just got my stuff from Taco Bell and KFC so I got their cheesy potato burrito but I added here I can just show you guys on the MyFitnessPal but I just added beans instead of because I guess there's some sort of meat in it so that came out too with the beans instead of the meat it's only for ten calories so I just corrected it on there to be 408 and then I got one cheese quesadilla and then I also got a biscuit I also got a cheesy bean in rice burrito which I might eat depending on how I feel but I don't know if I'm gonna like have enough room and I also want to get Cinnabon so we'll see but that brings me to eight thousand three hundred thirty one calorie I think it's once the cheesy potato hmm I can definitely taste the nacho cheese in there that's what the quesadilla looks like I like the key should be a lot better than the cheesy potato burrito the cheesy potato Bruno is good but it's not cheesy enough [Music] so cheesy Kennedy is done I don't think they gave me anything good it's still good by itself but I wish I'd like butter with it or something I got biscuits all done and I don't know if I want to finish like a cheesy potato I feel like I might trying to achieve a bean in rice so I've ate like pretty much half of the cheesy potato but it's not my favorite I might finish it but I also want to only food that I really am like super enjoying so I'm gonna taste the cheesy bean and rice and see if I like it and if I want to eat it that's so much better I like this one a lot better than that cheese potato so yeah I think I'm just gonna finish this one only log half of the cheesy potato and log the cheesy bean rice [Music] not only was not that hard okay so after logging the only half the cheesy potato burrito and the full cheesy bean in rice Bruno I am at eight thousand five hundred fifty seven so so I'm gonna go get Cinnabon because I really want Cinnabon and then I'm gonna go home and have some ice cream like I'm so upset because maybe I only have like half my Cinnabon because I really want to try a lot of ice cream too and I'm like almost a 10k so yeah I will see you guys at Cinnabon okay so it is still Saturday June 16th and it is 816 and I just got Cinnabon look at that that looks so freaking good I can't believe this thing actually have to log it I'm pretty sure it's like 900 calories let me check real fast yeah it's 880 calories so let's see that puts me at nine thousand four hundred and thirty seven for the day which is insane so I'm on Hostin and I'm so excited for this I've never had it like I said so I'm just going to it's gonna be super messy cuz I don't have anything else to eat with besides my hands oh my god my mouth is watering that's like literally everything I've ever wanted and more like just look at that look at how gorgeous that is is that focusing just so beautiful I can't believe it's 880 calories like [Music] okay this is the last fight I feel obligated singing all the frosting because probably good portion of the calories I don't know how people get sick off these like I've seen videos or people eat one of them and they feel sick like I could I honestly want to go back for another but I have so much stuff left at home that I want to try okay I can't so I'll do you like I sent him on mukbang Monday um but yeah I'm just gonna go home take a shower and finish eating all the stuff that I bought there's gonna be like a whole bunch leftover but don't worry cuz it's not gonna go to waste like I have so many friends and my dad and my grandparents I'm gonna give it to like all the leftovers so I'm not almost gonna go to waste it's just like I'm not gonna eat it which is upsetting but yeah it's not gonna go to waste so anyways I will see you guys I only have like 500 calories left so yeah I'll just see you guys block the Sun I'll just see you guys when I get home [Music] hey guys so it is still Saturday June 16 it is 10:44 p.m. and you just saw me laying out all the stuff that I'm eating so I had a whole bunch of stuff that I wanted to try so I'm just having a little bit of everything so that you can fit into the 10,000 calories so with everything the log that I just had right there on the screen we are at 9700 88 and then I still have 4 pints of ice cream that I want to try so that's why these are such small portions usually I would have but a lot more but yeah I think I want to do more like cheat days like this because it was so fun to all this stuff so if you guys like seeing this kind of thing where I just kind of like spend all day eating stuff then let me know cuz like I would love to do more videos like this but yeah anyways I'm just gonna finish the 10k challenge right now I guess I have an hour and 15 minutes to do it so first is the so first is the snickerdoodle cream cheese bar from Walmart looks so good that's amazing so add some comment on my Instagram recently and asked me to write things that I eat so that one a great a 9 I really read anything else throughout the video but my cats like causing chaos I would write that 109 so then the next one is a turtle brownie also for a moment that's pretty good it's gonna dry which is not horrible but I think you've like a seven so the next I'm gonna try recent spreads as you can tell I got like a little bit out of control with what I bought ah that is good but he's a lot like Ben jiff chocolate peanut better than I had I'd read up that like an 8 that's super good and they're also gonna try the chip cookies and cream I mean we'd better if there wasn't Halen in it the cookie thing cream with hazelnut is kind of strange so see I write down my progress 7 same as a brownie there it's I mean it's good but it's not like my favorite thing so next I'm going to have ice cream so I guess I'll like just I mean I'll just measure it like on here how much I eat cause that just seems like the easiest thing to do so the first one I'm gonna try is this southern butter pecan so yeah I think I'll just measure and then I will walk it after I'm done eating it that literally tastes like butter okay so I think my camera died when I was filming but eight 80 grams of this so I logged it in my thing and I'm almost at 10,000 and I still have all the nice creams of dry ice so what I think I'm gonna do it was just not even worry about measuring the other stuff cause like now I'm gonna hit 10,000 with it what does eyeball it um just because I want to finish filming before my camera dies again so it doesn't honestly forget the whole awake I taste literally like butter which is amazing so I'm into that okay so next one I want to try is this Reese's oh my god I love ice cream oh my gosh so the southern butter pecan was our nine-and-a-half I feel like this is a ten this is so good I always need the edges cuz they're like the most melted so good okay next my sister recommended that I try this one it's the peanut butter fudge score from Ben & Jerry's Oh so I think that's the core right there the pigment - I guess I'm only good seven-and-a-half just cuz it's pretty much just chocolate I like like a little bit more to it than that but slowly okay nothing but I was most excited barks - I already have a salted caramel one I want to try the raspberry cheesecake that's okay Wow that's amazing it's like the exact right to a raspberry that's super sweet not like tar I don't really like tart raspberry I read this one Hyundai didn't have to okay and I think I forgot to show the fact that I finished before 12:00 so I just realized that so it is Saturday June 16 still at 11:15 so yes anyways I'm going to sleep now good night hey guys so it is currently the afternoon after the 10k challenge it is can you see that 12:30 on June 17th so I haven't eaten yet I'm actually kind of hungry so I actually am gonna make some breakfast or some like late breakfast um but I realized that I didn't try the other Charleston chew that I said I was going to and I wanted to try this so bad so even though I'm not gonna count this towards my calories or anything I just really want to try this I'm gonna try it really fast see have you got like this one the best sweat the strawberry and the chocolate and this little vanilla it's really good mm-hmm I'm gonna have real food now so that's the actual end of the video so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed it and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Megan McCullom
Views: 3,383,681
Rating: 4.8185639 out of 5
Keywords: 10k calorie challenge, 10000 calorie challenge, food challenge, eating show, mukbang, big bites, cinnabon, taco bell, ice cream
Id: idJwNB8-LFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 13sec (3433 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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