Why Your Brain Defaults to Scarcity and How to Flip it to Happiness - Anxiety Course 16/30

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Your brain is not designed to make you happy;   it's made to keep you alive. And in order  to do that, it's got some built-in biases,   including a negativity bias that literally  filters what you see, what you pay attention to,   what you notice in your life. And this is why  you might feel like everything is getting worse   all the time. This bias fuels depression and  anxiety, and this thinking pattern might make   you see the glass as half empty. So in this  video you'll learn how to catch yourself in   the negativity bias and how to interrupt that  story so that you can be healthier and happier. [Music] Okay. This is an oldie but a goodie. Check  out this YouTube video. This is an awareness test. How many passes does  the team in white make? Go! The answer is 13. But did you see the moonwalking bear? Go! It's easy to miss something you're not looking  for. Now, there are always thousands of pieces   of information that your brain could process  at any one time, but it uses attention to   choose what to focus on. Your brain is literally  processing sensory stimuli, internal sensations,   thoughts, and feelings all at once, but you don't  notice the vast majority of the things around you   because you have selective attention. Like right  now you're hopefully paying attention to me,   but there's a million things you could put your  attention on. So shift your attention to your breathing. Now shift your attention to the way  your shirt feels on your body. Now to the roof of   your mouth. What does that feel like? Now notice  any sounds. Now pay attention to the source of   light in your room. Now all of these things  were here all the time, but you didn't notice   them or you weren't noticing them because your  attention was hopefully here. Now, trouble abounds   everywhere, but goodness abounds everywhere too.  Your assumptions create your reality. What you   pay attention to you get more of. Your brain  literally makes more neural pathway ways about   the things you pay attention to. So if you notice  a lot of dangerous or anxiety-provoking things,   it's going to make more pathways for stressful,  dangerous, or anxiety-provoking things. But your   brain also has a built-in feature, a built-in  bias meant to keep you alive. So let's take   a look. Let's just check this out. What do you  notice? What stands out to you? Write it in the   comments. Now I'm going to change the picture. Now  what do you notice? If you're like most people,   the spiders also stood out to you in the second  picture, even though the flower was brighter and   more detailed than in the previous picture. So why  is that? Your brain has a built-in feature called   negativity bias. It's a cognitive phenomenon  where people tend to pay more attention to,   remember more vividly, and be influenced more  strongly by negative information compared to   positive or neutral information. This bias  is believed to have evolutionary roots,   where our ancestors needed to be hyper aware of  potential threats and dangers in their environment   for survival. So let's say, for example, that your  ancestor was in an open field with 100 delicious   watermelons and one saber-tooth tiger. Which  one would they focus on? In order to survive   you had to selectively filter out the positive  opportunities and pay attention to dangers. This   is called negativity bias or risk-aversion bias.  Your brain is not designed to make you happy;   your brain is designed to keep you alive long  enough to reproduce. Focusing on negative   stimuli helps us respond quickly to avoid harm or  dangerous situations. However, in modern times,   this bias can lead to a skewed perception  of reality and an increased sensitivity to   negative events or news. You can notice this  mental filter when people say things like,   "Kids these days are worse than ever." Okay,  people have literally been saying this since   Aristotle, at least. It's like our brain is wired  to notice how bad things are. Um people might say,   "Everyone is so mean" or "He never takes out the  trash" or "Nobody likes me." I mean, which which   YouTube comments do you think stand out? The  dozens of positive ones or the one really nasty   one? Okay. Here's another one: "This world is  going downhill fast. Everything is awful." Well,   no. Now that you know about negativity bias,  which is our mental filter, which news stories   do you think most people click on? "Everything  Seems Fine in These 10,000 Cities" or "Holy Cow,   There's Flooding in This One City"? After learning  to watch for this, you will see it all over the   news. So for example, in the last year in my  state, we saw a series of stories like this:   "Utah Is in a Terrible Drought." "Utah's Terrible  Drought Continues." "Utah's Gonna Dry Up and   Everyone's Gonna Die." Right? Like "Utah's in This  Terrible Drought" over and over again. And then in   the middle of the summer there was a story that  ran like this: "Utah Just Got a Ton of Rain, but   It Probably Won't Do Much Good in This Terrible  Drought," and then um "Pray for Snow," and then   Utah just got a ton of snow. "Oh, Wow, the Snow  Continues." "Utah's Having a Record-Breaking   Snow Year." Okay. "Uh-Oh, Look at the Collapsed  Roofs in This One Place." Oh yeah, we're not in   a drought anymore, Utah just got a ton more  snow, um but now let's worry about flooding.   "Everything's Going to Be Destroyed by Flooding."  "Everyone Needs to Worry About Flooding." "Look,   This One Street Was Destroyed by Flooding." Okay,  now it's summer. It's really hot. Let's talk about   how awful the heat is again. Okay, now I I do want  to say, some of you are probably going to comment   right now, "But what about climate change?" I I  get it about climate change. But if the news media   actually cared about climate change, they would  run educational stories about how to limit your   emissions or advocate with your congressman or  how to decrease commercialism, right? But instead,   the news focuses on the sensational stories  because they know about this negative bias   in your brain and they know they can make you  look, which means click, which means they make   more money by running frightening stories. A story  about, "Hey, let's change out your lawn mower to   an electric one" is just not going to make them as  much money as "Holy cow, check out this one place   where something bad is happening!" You can tell I  get a little bit worked up about this, and I do it   because our media consumption feeds our negativity  bias. They profit off of our negativity bias, and   our negativity bias feeds depression and anxiety.  And then they get to make money by running stories   about the anxiety epidemic. Right? The thing is,  most of us don't even notice it. That's how a bias   works. If you believe that every single aspect  of the world today is worse than in the past,   may I remind you about polio, small pox, um people  dying from tooth infections because dentistry and   antibiotics weren't available. I'm not not saying  that there aren't bad things happening now; I just   believe that it's negativity bias that says things  are worse than they've ever been. Back to my main   idea. Negativity bias doesn't just impact our  emotions; it also messes with our relationships,   politics, and our decision-making. People might  find it challenging to let go of any negative   experiences. We might ruminate on them more  often, and we might feel the emotional impact   of negative events more intensely compared  to positive ones. Also, if we feel bad,   it's easy to look for reasons that we feel  bad. So this is called emotional reasoning,   and we're going to talk more about this in another  video. But PMS is a good example of this, right?   Your body starts to feel like crap, and all of a  sudden you're scanning, you're looking for reasons   why you feel this way, and pretty pretty soon you  believe that the real problem is your husband,   right? He didn't put out the trash or something.  And this is important, right, because anxiety   literally sensitizes our brain to be more anxious.  When we feel anxious, we're more likely to scan   for danger and notice things that we perceive as  threatening, and then we'll feel more anxious,   and the spiral continues. So we have to be aware  of this mental filter, this negativity bias if we   want to manage anxiety. Chronic anxiety or trauma  also makes our brain more vigilant to threats. So   this seems kind of unfair. The more anxious you  are, the more likely you'll see threats everywhere   and feel more anxious. Now, this also might be  a learned habit. In addition to our biological   predisposition to it, it might be a learned habit  that you use to protect yourself. So for example,   let's say your parent was abusive or critical  or unpredictable. Let's say that three days a   week they were neutral, one day a week they were  scary, and two days a week they were super nice.   If each time they were nice, if you really dwelled  on that and that's all you focused on, the next   time they were scary it would hurt more. So you  filter out the memories of them being nice. You   focus on safety and self- protection. You minimize  memories of of them being nice, and you highlight   the negative, and this keeps you from feeling too  vulnerable and hurt. It's a protective mechanism   that kept you safe as a child, but it isn't  working so well as an adult. Mental filtering   literally changes your memory. You literally won't  remember positive things that happened. Mental   filtering directly impacts how you feel. If if  you don't want to feel sad and mad and bad all the   time, you have to take intentional action to see  the positive. The habitual way we think is like   ruts in a road, and to get out of those ruts we  have to work hard to change direction. And and the   hardest part about this is because this is a bias,  we don't notice that we're doing it. We think this   is just how the world is, and we believe this  filtered perspective. Mental filtering is a   lesser evolved defense mechanism. It works a  little, it might keep you alive, but it makes   you miserable a lot. So if it feels like reality,  how will you know that you're doing it? It can be   hard to break the negativity bias cycle, but you  can do it. And here's how: first thing you need   to do is learn to notice your patterns. Because  by definition we don't notice our own biases,   you'll probably need to ask the people around you  or a therapist for insight on this. What kind of   situations trigger this for you? You've got to  get an outside perspective because we really   do believe what we think. It's literally hard to  see it differently. And it might also be helpful   to check a list of common mental filters in the  workbook to see if you can recognize any of them   in yourself. And then the second thing I would say  is take breaks from negative information sources,   and I'm going to leave it at that. Okay. Third:  slow it down. Get good at cognitive defusion. So   if you think, "Everything is awful" or "The worst  is going to happen," you could could say something   like, "Oh, thank you, mind, for that thought.  Thanks for trying to keep me safe. I'm also   interested in being happy, so I'm going to scan  for some other information too." Right? You can   observe your thoughts without judgment. You don't  have to believe them or buy them. Okay. The next:   challenge your thoughts. So once you notice  the filter and you can start seeing yourself   just noticing the negative, you can question  the validity of your thoughts, and you can   ask yourself, "Oh, am I focusing on one negative  aspect while ignoring positive aspects?" Or "Is   there evidence to support this filtered thought?"  Or "Hmm, I wonder if there's evidence to challenge   this thought?" Like what other information is  there? "Oh, maybe my husband does take out the   trash 9 out of 10 days" or "Maybe my husband's  really helpful in all these other things that he   does." Right? We can challenge this negativity  bias by looking for alternative stories here.   Because we have a built-in bias to focus on  negativity, this is one one of the reasons   why gratitude practice can be so powerful. If  you're consistently fear-based or negative,   try gratitude journaling each night. When you  ask your brain the question, "What is there to be   grateful for?" it starts searching. And what you  look for, you will find. What you pay attention   to you get more of. That's how your brain works.  That's how neuroplasticity works. Trouble does   abound everywhere, but goodness abounds everywhere  too. So which one will you choose to focus your   attention on? In the long run, you can train your  brain to redirect its attention toward a more   helpful approach. It's not like our goal is to  just be happy all the time, or toxic positivity,   like "Everything's fine!" Instead, our goal  is to see the world more clearly, to honestly   address problems, and to remember that goodness  and love and safety also abound. By working with   a therapist, challenging your own thoughts and the  bias from the media, and using gratitude practice,   you really can learn how to create an internal  sense of safety and stop seeing danger everywhere.   This is one way that we break the anxiety cycle.  And for those of you on YouTube, this is day 19   of my online course Break the Anxiety Cycle in  30 Days. You can watch the main videos here or   access the full course with the workbook,  Q&A's, and more videos at the link in the description.
Channel: Therapy in a Nutshell
Views: 447,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: therapy in a nutshell, emma mcadam, mental health, depression, anxiety, overthinking, social anxiety, Mental filtering, Rigid thinking, Negative Thinking Patterns, Mental flexibility, Thinking patterns, negativity bias, cognitive bias, mental filtering, attention focus, perception reality, overcoming anxiety, positive thinking, cognitive therapy, mental resilience, gratitude practice, emotional well-being, self-awareness, cognitive distortion, anxiety cycle.
Id: g6zXBHdbQJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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