How to Stop Overthinking Part 1: The 4 Subconscious Reasons You Overthink Everything

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I had a client who made a mistake at work.  Let's call her Layla. Now, her mistake wasn't   catastrophic, but she spent the next week worrying  about it. She couldn't sleep, she couldn't focus   on anything else. She just kept rehashing this  problem around in her brain over and over and   over. It made her stomach hurt. She couldn't enjoy  anything, and all she could do was think about her   mistake just over and over again. She just kept  thinking, "Oh, I am so stupid." She would imagine   handling the scenario like 50 different ways, and  she just couldn't stop rehashing it in her mind.   Does this sound familiar? Let's let's talk about  overthinking. It's also called rumination, and   it's basically when your mind won't shut up. You  think about things over and over and over again.   Even the most happy or exciting things in  your life can be tainted by rumination.   So thinking, you know, "I'm excited for this  date tonight" turns into "I wonder if they   liked me" and then into "Oh, why did I say that  thing?" and "I am such an idiot. I should have   said this thing instead." But overthinking  is super common. Research suggests that 73%   of 25- to 35-year-olds chronically overthink,  along with 52% of people ages 45 to 55.   In this video we're going to talk about the  unconscious reasons you overthink everything and   how to catch yourself when you do it. This video  is all about learning to recognize your thinking   patterns. And then in the next five videos  in this series you'll learn really practical   skills to stop overthinking and rumination. So  here are seven signs that you're an overthinker. This video is sponsored by BetterHelp. BetterHelp  provides licensed professional counselors in your   area who you can contact from the comfort of your  own home. You can reach out to these counselors   through messaging and also through calls and video  calls. And they make it really easy for you to   get the customized help you need to change your  thinking patterns and improve your mental health.   If you'd like to learn more about BetterHelp,  please check out the link in the description below   for 10% off your first month. Number one: You  have a hard time sleeping. So the minute you   lay down you start to go over everything you did  wrong. You obsess over everything you said. Your   brain won't shut off. Number two: you struggle  to make decisions or you second-guess them.   Now, just as an aside, confident people aren't  more likely to be right; they're more willing   to make imperfect choices. You spend a lot of  time thinking that you might be happier if you'd   taken a different job or wondering why you didn't  leave a situation earlier. Self-reflection leads   to action; rumination leads to stagnation.  Okay. Number three: You relive embarrassing   moments in your mind repeatedly. So you constantly  rehash conversations or you dwell on unpleasant   experiences. Number four: You ask a lot of  "what if" or "why me" questions. Number five:   You have trouble concentrating. You're so busy  with your thoughts that you can't focus on the   person in front of you. Number six: You always try  to read between the lines. You make assumptions   about what other people mean. When your boss  calls, you assume that it's something bad.   Or you seek constant reassurance. You're always  asking, you know, oh, "Are you mad at me?"   Or you bring up the same topic with  a trusted friend over and over again,   like, oh, "Am I annoying?" or "Do you think  my husband loves me?" Okay. And lastly,   how you know that you're overthinking  is because overthinking is unproductive.   It just doesn't help anything. So for example,  you can worry over and over again about a test,   or you can study and prepare for a test. Layla can  spend all week thinking about how stupid she is,   or she could talk with her boss about how to fix  the problem. You might think that overthinking is   healthy or helpful, but Amy Morin, the author  of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do,   said, "Overthinking is also different than  self-reflection. Healthy self-reflection is   about learning something about yourself or  gaining a new perspective about a situation.   It's purposeful. Overthinking involves dwelling  on how bad you feel and thinking about all the   things you have no control over. It won't help you  develop new insight." In my opinion, there's four   types of unproductive overthinking. There's  depressive rumination - so this is just only   thinking about negative events, chewing it over  and over and over again. Depressive rumination   says things like, oh, "Why is life so awful? Why  am I such a failure? Why is this world so cruel?   Why can't I ever be happy?" things like that. The  second type of overthinking is anxious rumination   or worry. You might analyze past situations and  imagine future catastrophes. You might think,   oh, "What's gonna happen? Is World War III  coming?" or "What if I did the wrong thing?"   Okay. The third type of overthinking is  decision paralysis or choice fatigue. Right?   You overthink decisions until you're frozen in  inaction. You're afraid to take the wrong action,   so you take no action at all. But even making the  wrong decision is better than making no decision   at all. Okay. The fourth type of overthinking  I think is a subset of social anxiety:   "What did she think of me? I should have responded  this way. I am such an idiot." You know. "What did   he mean when he said whatever he said?" So  this fourth type is all about worrying about   social situations. Now, rumination is  the technical term for overthinking,   and it literally means chewing the cud.  Now, I grew up in an agricultural society,   and in case you didn't know, cows will regurgitate  their food into their mouth, chew it, swallow it,   and repeat. And they'll do that over and over  again, and then it's going to go through four   different chambers of their stomachs. They spend  a third of their day ruminating. And if you're a   cow, that's great. It helps you process your food.  But if you're a human, ruminating can harm your   mental health. Overthinking is associated  with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and OCD.   But it's a chicken-and-an-egg situation, right?  Overthinking causes anxiety and depression,   and anxiety and depression can contribute to  overthinking. But overthinking is not your   identity. It's not who you are. It's a habit you  learned. It's something that you do, but it's not   a permanent trait. You can learn the skills to  stop overthinking, and when you practice them,   you can change your brain. So if overthinking is  so harmful, why do we do it? When it comes to our   minds, we keep doing things that we accidentally  reward. We keep overthinking because we get some   short-term benefit from it. So here's four  rewards you may get from overthinking. The   first one is a false sense of control. You might  believe that if you analyze a situation to death,   you might be able to control everything about it.  The second one is you convince yourself that you   can avoid any chance of messing up by trying to  be perfect instead. So you have to think over and   over and over again about how to be perfect. The  third way that overthinking kind of is rewarding   is you can't tolerate uncertainty. You're  addicted to reassurance and knowing outcomes,   or at least trying to control outcomes  by thinking about every possible outcome.   You think that if you plan out every single  detail you can make everything perfect. Now,   if you look carefully at these rewards, they're  all about avoiding fear. There's something deep   down that you're scared of, and you think  that if you just compulsively think about it   that you can control it and keep yourself safe  when instead, it, that backfires. Okay. The fourth   reward that comes from overthinking is you imagine  that overthinking is some kind of important work.   You feel like you're doing something when  you're thinking about something. Obviously,   overthinking backfires in the long run. Right? It  messes with your sleep. It messes with your mental   health. But even if we convince ourselves that  overthinking is working for us, it probably isn't.   So first we need to get really clear: What's  the difference between harmful overthinking   and problem-solving? Overthinking focuses on the  negative. It's fear-based. But it also focuses   on the things you can't control. So for example,  let's say you're worried about an upcoming test.   Productive stress can help you take action, to  study harder, to work a little bit more on the   project and maybe reach out to classmates to  form a study group. Productive stress might   make you sleep a little less, but you'll  use that time to prepare for a situation.   Overthinking, on the other hand,  is all about spending a lot of time   worrying about what questions will be on the test  or pondering your parent's reaction if you fail.   Both of these things are things that are out of  your control, and they lead to catastrophizing   thoughts like, oh, "Why am I such a  failure? Why can't things ever go my way?   Why can't I handle this?" Right? If you  actually have a problem you need to face,   uh like you're considering an important  life decision, you may need to spend a lot   of time considering your options or reviewing  your memories. But never worry in your head.   Productive thinking makes things more concrete  and actionable. So set a time limit for yourself,   and then write it down, say it out loud, diagram  it on a piece of paper, make a pros-and-cons list,   explore all the the aspects of a situation,  but not just the negative or the compulsive.   You can also combat shame by by telling  someone. You can combat cognitive distortions   by asking for someone's perspective. But the  whole purpose of this is, like, don't let these   thoughts, these overthinking thoughts stay  vague and cloudy in your head all day.   If you think that you need overthinking to be  successful, you might need to ask yourself,   you know, "How much time am I spending on this? Is  it actually helping me?" And then let's get honest   about how it may be negatively impacting you.  These are areas like sleep, work, relationships,   your physical health, stress,  tension headaches, stomachaches.   The truth is that overthinking actually makes you  less creative and less likely to solve problems.   Okay. So there's so much we can learn  about overthinking. I started writing   one video about it, and I ended up writing  six. So in the next video I'm going to teach   eight strategies to stop overthinking. These  are some really practical things you can do   to change how you think, to change your bad habits  and uh find a lot more sense of peace and calm   inside of your brain. So stay tuned.  Thank you for watching, and take care.
Channel: Therapy in a Nutshell
Views: 390,821
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Keywords: therapy in a nutshell, emma mcadam, mental health, depression, anxiety, overthinking, social anxiety, rumination
Id: Vz3PG1hjzC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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