Clean vs. Dirty Pain: Are You Creating Your Own Suffering? How to Process Your Emotions 4/30

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Do you know someone who always gets offended,  whose life seems to be always full of drama   and victimhood, maybe small issues get blown out of  proportion or their life is just always in chaos?    How about you personally? Are you ever that person,  are you creating your own suffering? Sometimes I   like to oversimplify, I do this because when  we try to put our problems into categories   it helps us to clarify what we should do to solve  them. So in this video you're going to learn about   two categories of pain- Clean pain and Dirty pain  and this is really important because when you can   tell the difference, then you'll know what to do  about it because the vast majority of pain is   the type that we cause ourselves. That means that  you can resolve the vast majority of the painful   a friend who said I need to talk to you about  something but she wouldn't tell Rose what it was   about. So they made a plan to meet over coffee, but  because of their schedules they had to wait two   weeks. So for two whole weeks Rose worried about  it. She wondered what her friend needed to talk   to her about, she wracked her brain, she wondered  if she had offended her friend or if her daughter   had done something to her friend's daughter, and  Rose said- 'As time passed, all I thought about was   what I might have done wrong. I played back  every encounter we'd had over the past month   to the point where I became so distraught with the  idea of what I might have done that I was driving   myself a little crazy. Rehearsing explanations  for my phantom behavior was causing me   such great distress that I finally called a mutual  friend to see if I could find out what I had done.    My friend assured me it had nothing to do with  me, but I didn't believe her. When the coffee date   finally arrived my friend seemed nervous,  she had a hard time getting the words out   and apologized saying this was very hard for her,  she eventually blurted out I'm getting a divorce.'    This was the moment that Rose's whole perspective  shifted, she'd been assuming that this conversation   was about her, but in that moment all of her  self-created fear, her worries, her sense of guilt,   all of that fell away and she shifted to pure  compassion, she felt sadness with her friend.    Now, Rose didn't know it, but she was experiencing  two types of pain here- the pain of her friend's   divorce, and before that, her own self-inflicted  pain, which was brought on by her anxious thinking.    So let's take a look at these two different  categories of pain that Rose was experiencing   and talk about their differences. I know pain is  complex, but for our purposes I'm going to place   pain into two categories and for lack of a better  word i'm going to call them clean pain and dirty   pain. So clean pain is the beautiful and innate  emotions that come from our experiences from   being alive and these emotions can include: joy, and  gratitude, wonder, hurt, grief, regret, sadness, etc. So   think about this, like why do we listen to sad  songs or watch movies that make us cry or   even scary movies that make us jump? We like  to feel alive and and to live with feeling.    In Rose's story when she felt sympathy with  her friend she hurt with her, but this is a   clean pure sadness that comes from compassion  and it's part of being connected to people.    On the other hand dirty pain is the  suffering that we create in our lives   by our thoughts, our choices, and our actions. Often  this pain is created by how we think and how we   act. We feel bitter about missed opportunities or  we feel angry about perceived slights. In Rose's   story she created huge amounts of stress and pain  when she spent two weeks assuming that this chat   over coffee was about something she did wrong. Like Rose, we tend to spend so much of our time   making ourselves suffer and in this video as  well as throughout the rest of this course   you're going to learn about a bunch of ways that  you may be creating your own suffering of things   that you're doing that are keeping you sick or  hurting or angry and this includes things like-   How we think about the world, blaming others, taking  offense, holding grudges, taking things personally,   right? Distorted thinking patterns, things like- 'oh  everything is awful' or 'everyone's out to get me' or   taking things personally. Shaming ourselves for  having emotions and trying to suppress our   feelings, having a victim mindset, self-deception,  avoiding our problems, comparison and competition   with others, making bad choices, being reactive,  or making choices that go against our values and   there's chronic stress, which is believing you're  in danger when you're actually safe and there's   so many more, but there's a bunch of things that we  do to create our own suffering. So does this idea   that you're potentially causing a lot of your  own pain whether knowingly or unknowingly does   that make you feel empowered or discouraged? Now  this is really important to check your response.    For many people with depression or anxiety they  create their own helplessness in one of two ways   they say 'oh this isn't fair, it's my genes, why  is everything out to get, me it's not my fault'   or on the other hand they say 'oh everything  is my fault, I'm a terrible person', or maybe   you do both of these things. Check yourself, when  you learn what you're doing that makes it worse   you can then learn how to stop it. To be  clear I am not saying that it's your fault that   you experience depression or anxiety, but I am  saying there's something you can do about it   and we all have a natural impulse to blind  ourselves to our self-created suffering, we try   to escape our responsibility for it and sometimes  that looks like wallowing and self- vindication.    We want to believe that it's not our fault, that  there's nothing we can do about it other than just   you know feel bitter. These are two mental blocks  that stop people from healing- it's blaming others   or outside circumstances, or blaming ourselves. We  can't create change in our lives when we blame   outside forces for everything. This is like saying-  'It's not my fault I'm depressed it's my parents   fault' or 'I can't help it' or 'the world is such  a terrible place and everyone is so horrible   they make me depressed', and we also can't create  change when we blame ourselves for everything.    So saying things like- 'Everything is my fault, I'm  a terrible person' you know, thinking this way is   just beating yourself up. When you label yourself  as broken you block yourself from taking the small   actions that actually lead toward healing your  pain. Neither of these attitudes which are you   know believing that we're completely helpless  or believing that it's all our fault, neither   of these really help us take action. The reality  is that we do contribute to our own suffering.    Our actions, our thoughts, and our responses can  greatly enlarge our pain. Blaming ourselves or   others doesn't help us take any action to improve  our situation. If we want to be able to take action   to change our lives and suffer less, then we  need to be able to know when our suffering is   in some part caused by us and when our pain is  simply a natural and beautiful part of being alive.    If we can distinguish between the two  then our choice of action becomes clear.    So option A is dirty pain right, 'I'm doing  something to make my pain worse so I'll work   to change it'. Option B is clean pain, 'this pain is a  natural result of caring so I'll continue to care'.    Now of course this is an oversimplification  there's times when we don't know if it's our fault   or not. There are circumstances where it's ninety  percent one way and ten percent the other way,   or there's times where we feel like it's  our fault and it really isn't you know and   then there's other times where we're deceiving  ourselves and I think it's not my fault or my   responsibility and it really is. So there probably  should be an option C which is something like- 'I'm   not sure if there's something I'm doing to make  this worse, so I'll keep doing my best to explore  and to stay open to change while moving forward  in my chosen path.' I think the serenity prayer   really illustrates this concept well- Grant me  the serenity to accept the things I cannot change   the courage to change the things I can and the  wisdom to know the difference. One of the best ways   to let go of self-caused suffering is to let go  of victimhood and blame and to take responsibility.    'I am 100% responsible for what I am responsible  for.' This is almost a radical responsibility,   we create suffering when we either resist  the truth of our own responsibility- 'it's   not my fault' or we create suffering when we take  responsibility for things outside of our control,   like other people's choices or trying to make  everyone around us happy or things like that right?   True accountability is letting go of trying to  change the things that you are not responsible for.    Stop putting all your energy into trying to  change other people and put that energy into   improving yourself. So here's an example of how  you could apply the idea of clean pain/dirty pain.    Mike's boss gave him a huge assignment at work, he  tried to work hard on it and some days he worked   really hard and other days he got overwhelmed, some  days he didn't focus very well, some days he got   distracted by social media, sometimes he couldn't  move forward because of the other members of the   team hadn't finished the parts of their job yet  or he was waiting on a step in the supply chain.   Now finally the deadline came around and the  assignment wasn't complete. Mike walked into   his boss's office with a sinking feeling. His boss  throws a fit, he gets all red in the face, he yells   at Mike, he tells him he's a horrible worker and he  ought to fire him and Mike is super furious right,    he's ashamed, he's indignant, but on the surface he  just submits, he nods his head, he promises to get   it done as soon as possible, and when the tirade is  over he walks back to his office, he shuts the door,   and he wants to cry. He thinks- 'this is so unfair,  this is his fault, the assignment was too big,   he didn't give me enough time'. Well now he feels  angry and like he's being mistreated. Then he   starts listing in his head all the reasons why his  boss is a terrible boss and he starts remembering   every little thing he ever did that bugged Mike.   So now Mike is fuming right and then Mike starts   to get mad at his co-workers- 'they're idiots' he  thinks, 'it's their fault not mine, if they   had done their part I wouldn't be here.' So now  Mike is feeling trapped and angry and helpless.    Mike tries to get a little more work done  that afternoon but eventually the day ends   and he leaves work feeling kind of shaky and tired.   When he gets home Mike slumps on the couch and he   starts to think about all of his failures- 'What's  the matter with me? Why can't I get anything right?'   He starts to compare himself with his brother and  his coworkers, who all seem to get the work done   faster. 'I'm such a loser' he thinks, 'I hate my job,  but I'm just no good, I can't find a better one,   it's all my fault.' Well now he's feeling  discouraged, depressed, and hopeless. He's   upset because now he thinks the problem  is this incurable personality trait.    In this situation Mike is creating some of  his own pain, he's making himself angry by   remembering all of his boss's faults. He's making  himself feel helpless by blaming his co-workers.    He probably makes himself feel guilty because  he doesn't work as hard as he should and then   by using black and white thinking saying- 'I never  get anything right', he makes himself feel hopeless.    By comparing himself to others and putting himself  down he creates a sense of discouragement and   depression. All of this would be considered a dirty  pain, pain that Mike is creating by the way he is   thinking or acting and the great thing about this  is that when you learn to think or act differently   you can make the vast majority of your pain go  away. Let me give you an example of how this works.    We often get all confused about our responsibility  when we say things like- 'Well I did this because   he did that', in order to give ourselves power  to act and power to resolve our dirty emotions   we need to focus our efforts on exactly what we  are in control of and let go of the rest. When   we take full responsibility for 100% of the things  that we are responsible for it empowers us to free   ourselves from the pain that we're creating in  our lives. It can be hard to know how to do this   especially with really big, complicated problems  so doing the locus of control activity on paper   can be really really helpful with this and you  can find that in the next video in the full course.    But for Mike this might look like writing it down  on paper right? In this column says I'm responsible   for- The skills I learn, how hard I work, whether  I communicate assertively with my boss about the   scope and timeline of this project, I'm responsible  for how I choose to think about problems,   where I choose to work, I can choose to have a  growth mindset and learn from this experience.    I'm not responsible for- My boss's emotions, his  assumptions, his reactivity, I'm not responsible   for my co-workers and how fast they work, I  can't control problems in the supply chain, but I   am responsible to plan ahead and try  to predict problems in the supply chain.    When Mike takes the time to clarify responsibility  he can focus on his area of control, he can choose   to think differently about this problem instead  of exaggerating his own or others weaknesses, he   can just focus his energy on accepting what  he can't change and changing what he can   when Mike takes the time to write all of this down  he realizes that he needs to have a conversation   with his boss. He remembers the times his boss  has helped him out, not just the times he's yelled,   and Mike knows he needs to be assertive with  his boss and tell him how much time he really   needs for the project. He needs to talk to his  boss about the obstacles that he's facing and   he needs to give a realistic timeline for when the  work can be done. So he realizes that by thinking   of himself as a complete failure that that is  black and white thinking, a cognitive distortion,   and he replaces that with a little more  balanced approach saying something like-   'I've had some successes and some failures, but I  can keep learning and growing. When Mike creates   clarity about what pain he's causing himself and  what he needs to let go of, Mike starts to feel   a sense of hope and empowerment and he knows what  action to take. So this is the skill I call clean   pain/dirty pain. The truth is that we create much  of our own suffering and this is awesome because   if we can identify something we're doing to  create our own suffering, then we can fix it.   We can take action to resolve the problem and  come to peace. When we can identify areas to   change, we can turn our pain into peace, we can  heal our hearts from anger, fear, and depression.
Channel: Therapy in a Nutshell
Views: 802,312
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Keywords: therapy in a nutshell, how to process your emotions, clean pain, dirty pain, create your own suffering, create your own pain
Id: X7ip0DNofcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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