Tristana Mid Guide - SECRETS that NO ONE will tell you - Learn to Carry Step by Step In-Depth S14

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my name is Pho and I have been playing professionally since season 8 I've also been Challenger and Tristana has been my main champion and what I promise you no I vow that by the end of this guide not only will you know how to play Tristana but you'll know how to actually win with this Champion lead him to summon his Rift and have little tips little tricks little cheeses that you can abuse to get yourself kills and to exploit the enemy Nexus Quick disclaimer please check the video time stamps in the description below so that you can skip to whichever part you want to watch if you feel like you know something already and make the most out of your time here now your two options for runes on Trana are lethal Tempo and Fleet footwork now Pro players will mostly take Fleet footwork but don't be baited by this for soloq uh this Rune is very good if you are playing at somebody of equal skill uh if you're playing at somebody who plays very respectfully um but in solu that's not the case most of the time it still has its uses you can take it into matchups like syndrome or Nico or Vex matchups were basically not just the healing from it but the move speed actually helps you dodge skill shots Dodge ability damage in the early game uh I would say that if you're running Fleet footwork I would change this up and maybe take second win so you could think about running this page into something like Nico uh H even zerth are all good uh poke a long range Mages uh where you get value of both of these uh both of these runes otherwise just run B plating run lethal Tempo 90% of your games this is probably the best page you can get triumph is a personal favorite of mine I find that overheal takes way too long to come online whereas with Triumph you can do some really cool out plays in the early game where you do a dive and you kind of jump away and midair you get that Triumph heal and uh you stay alive it's very very exciting to do uh Coupe is the most consistent damage Rune you can get if they have a lot of Tanks consider switching to cut down uh you can also take Last Stand if you're the kind of player that just likes to jump in and die a lot uh if your health bar goes down a lot Last Stand is good however in front to back team fights you'll generally be full health for the majority of of your time doing damage so coup is just the most consistent Rune there you can also consider taking demolish to some really easy Lanes uh ones that come to mind would be like cadin um I don't know like some tanks like cion mid maybe uh but the problem with a lot of these uh a lot of these matchups is let's say you take demolish into to silos is a Mele Champion but the demolish proc range is actually a lot shorter than your auto attack so when taking demolish you expose yourself to a trade by one of these Champions like silus Katarina yon yaso so I would not recommend taking demolish I think it's a bait Rune and I think it's going to cost you more HP than the the progress on the tower that you get from it um and overgrowth is kind of just like the most gold value runin this one gives you about um 400 gold when you stack it up towards the mid game 3 four 500 gold and it doesn't ever stop scaling I think this is a great way to sort of allow yourself to just build full damage while also not being uh one- shot by assassins now in terms of the uh the shards I'd say attack speed adaptive force is non-negotiable now this one is negotiable but I would I I've looked at the maths and if you take this flat Health Rune yes it helps your early game allins but actually this scaling Rune gives you 60 Health at six and 70 Health at level seven so by level seven this scaling Rune has already outscaled the flat Rune and most games aren't decided by level seven so you'd much rather take uh take this Rune now the only alternative page you can go is this one this is a cheese page where you run flash ignite um and you just jump on the enemy's head and you hope that they die I would really not recommend running this page I think this is uh All In All or Nothing as soon as they get frozen heart and some tank items you're not really um as strong as if you took a lethal Fleet but this is certainly an option if you want to have a bit of fun uh you want to go for those 20 30 kill games you maybe want to build collect a second Um this can be a lot of fun to try I think most of the time with Tristana you want to go with Berserker gaves first base it kind of gives you a lot of agency to roam a lot of agency to join skirmishes make it there faster helps you push the wave and last it under Tower uh you can go for mer treads in certain matchups uh if the enemy has two AP Champs so mid jungle AP you always go Merk shads if they have mid jungle ad you can consider going tabies although in those games I would say the zeras are still probably better so let's talk about settings guys it's very important you got the right settings so that you can kite as efficiently as possible the first setting is your camera lock mode a lot of people use this per side offset which is absolutely awful it just puts your character to the left of the screen for no reason make sure you've got the set to fixed offset so when you press space bar or whatever bind you have to Center your character you'll be right in the middle and you'll have an equal sort of uh distance to click on each side it's going to make it very very easy for you to kite in all directions the second setting I'd recommend is auto attack click this turn this on this does mean that in Lane in order to stop auto attacking automatically do have to press the S key um but in team fights if you ever find yourself misclicking uh your auto attacks will will automatically go off if you're like AFK in the shop or something somebody attacks you you're going to Auto attack them back with this setting on so I think it's pretty useful to have but but it is up to preference now make sure you have attack move and cursor selected cuz a lot of the time what will happen is if you don't have this setting on uh you'll have a Malai let's say this is maai that's chasing me and this is a Kaiser okay and I will a move near the Kaiser but maybe I'm not Challenger and I don't have the perfect clicks so I'm not actually a moving on top of Kaiser it's like near her it's pretty close but it's just going to attack whoever's closer to me it's not actually going to attack whoever's closer to my cursor um so it doesn't care about your intention at all and you know if I'm hitting maai instead of kaisar I'm going to die so this is a really important setting that way you don't have to be perfect with your clicks you have a little bit of room for error um so that as long as you click kind of around the hit box of your enemy the aim will try to guess uh where you want it to attack and hopefully hit the right target now the second thing I want to talk about is your clicks your clicks are very very important guys make sure that you don't do these very long motions with your click make sure that you click as close to your character as possible because this will give you the sharpest turns the sharpest angles and make you very very hard to hit with skill shots okay and also it will increase the frequency of your clicks because here between clicks I have to actually wait to flick my mouse whereas here it's very very short motions and secondly make sure that you don't get lazy um it's very easy to do with this setting right where you just kind of like you kite like this you see a lot of people kiting like this where they just not moving their Mouse at all they just right click a move right click a move um and and vice versa even if you have this on don't get lazy and click on the enemy and then move near the enemy click move click move don't don't do this just make make sure you're always respecting the execution element of the game click on the enemy then click back near you click on the enemy click back near you try and do this because this will build good habits um over time you'll get used to it and your movements will be the best they can be uh because you're clicking close to your character and then right on the enemy's head you're not getting lazy let's talk about Tristana combos really quickly uh the most basic one is just the we uh which gives you your first stack for free uh applies a slow and then you can uh you can do the the last three autos to get the big explosion damage now here make sure that you press your Q after you land don't press your Q before you jump because otherwise you're just wasting 1 second on jumping where you can't Auto attack anyway so go W and then Q as you're about to land to get the full duration of the attack speed uh the other combo is your EQ Auto auto alt Auto so you just go EQ Auto auto Al Auto um and that does the big big burst damage if somebody's half Health you can kind of kill them with that now if you land your W then and it just becomes E Auto old Auto so you basically do One Less Auto um and that's pretty much all there is to Trana you can also do the old flash uh to sort of engage a people if somebody's here my jungle is coming out I want to I want to help him um engage I would do something like this you jump in with a W apply the slow close the distance and then um Al them into your jungler so let's talk about playing against Champions with line skill shots things like LeBlanc qu Zera when you jump in the the way that his brain works is he's going to think that you're going to keep following the same path right because if he throws his e out too early while you're in the air and he misses it he's dead so he's going to hold it until the exact time that you arrive and then he's just going to throw it where he thinks you're going to go so if you jump this way for example then from H's perspective he's expecting you to either Walk This Way or this way but always sort of in this trajectory because this is where his Escape is and this is the direction that you jumped so just imagine the direction that you jump plus his escape this is kind of the arc that H will expect you to walk so what you want to do is do the exact opposite as soon as you land instead of Auto attacking so actually miss an auto attack land and immediately start clicking the opposite direction of where you were going and you will actually find that you will Dodge so many of these line skill Shots by just following this easy rule I've landed I've done my One auto e and I've immediately immediately click left I'm not trying to get the four Stacks explosion or anything like that I'm not worried about that I know that as soon as I get feared this trade is losing for me so if I can George the fear even at the cost of a couple Auto attacks it is 100% worth it and you can see we play it he loses uh he loses his only defensive ability and I get a really nice trade get his Al out as well so in terms of csing a normal wave not under Tower I find that prepping the first melee minion and then starting to hit the rang creeps as soon as you're um you're in range to hit them is the best way to efficiently farm and not drop minions at all um so you prep the first minion as soon as that wave comes in and I'm in range to Auto attack these minions I'll switch to the range creeps obviously pick up the melee I once it takes aggro and then just ignore the two melees hopefully they take an equal amount of damage and then all I need is just one Auto uh to grab both of them and the range is already dead so I have my turn nice and early so another example of how to prep creeps just think about it uh in order that you think they'll take the tower damage from so 1 2 3 that's what I'm hypothesizing here so the creep that is least likely to take the first hit I'm going to prep that with a couple Autos so that it's ready to explode um if I feel like I'm going to miss anything uh from this wave so I prep it with two autos and then I go back to the melees I know that with my Q up you'll always be able to get two extra Tower shots after the tower is fired uh two extra Auto attacks after the tower's fired and so you'll be able to get the melee and then the first creep that I know the first creep for sure will take aggro is the middle one so I just completely leave it don't touch it and this is kind of the HP you want you want your your one creep to be full HP one creep to be very low and one creep to be about half and then uh you'll be able to get these three range creeps every single time congratulations you have now done all your runes understood the different item builds and locked in Tristana mid now you're in summoner's Rift and where do we go from here to start off tristana's W is extremely OP level one uh it resets on takedown it's AOE 60% slow which is outrageous for any level one ability and obviously you've also got Triumph uh to give you back some some health and make the kills and assists more enticing so what I would recommend is just start by spaming your team to go in here and walk over make sure that you take this path like this because then you will not be seen until until you leave this bush so go like this and walk in a straight line okay and this way no matter where the enemy is they won't be able to spot you because as we can see from this perspective uh there's a there's straight up just a black blind spot here because this bush uh acts as a wall okay so once you get into this bush and all of your teammates are behind you you just pretty much blind W just sping on the way and just blind W and you will double slow whoever's in this bush your teammates can catch up and you'll get some guaranteed flashes now once you're done with this the next step to the invade is you want to actually take control so you could could go here try to interrupt the recoils or you could Ward The Buff but make sure you do Ward The Buff if you do this invade because there's a very high chance that your jungler actually gets invaded on the opposite side um so once you get get some flashes here your jungle can go back to doing red and he could do a red into blue path and just split the map if he's being traded on now the second invade you can try to do is Spam ping your team to go here and then just kind of like Ping Ping where that you want them to stand all right and then you just go up to this wall and pretty much blind jump in this bush but it's important that you actually jump from where I'm standing instead of from here because if you jump from here somebody seeing somebody standing there could spot you uh but if you jump from this angle somebody standing there will not spot you and so you just jump in the bush there's someone in the bush obviously your teammates are right next to you they can help you out but often what will happen is you'll actually see a champion standing here and what you're going to have to do then is just Spam ping your cool down for your team ping them back spam ping your cool down and just walk around just walk around while you're waiting for the cool down and then once you know just keep your team updated every couple of seconds once your cool Down's back up you'll be able to see him uh as your teammates walk in and you just get the W slow you're already behind him you walk with him you got your lethal going he can't really run this way because your team is cutting him off and you get a nice easy kill uh after you've done with that make sure that you drop a drop a ward on the Raptors or drop a ward on the red unless your jungle starting at so let's say you're versing a melee Champion somebody who has an AOE wave clear ability level one um so if you do nothing to the wave they'll simply get the first three creeps I'm talking about aali silus Q yasu yon the list goes on so what you got to do is you got to let the wave meet first in the middle uh don't break the formation you can see here as soon as the creeps are in the correct formation which is like this right they're as close to each other as possible I'm going to basically draw a line on these three creeps you know the line that they're standing on and I'm just going to either cross the line or stand right on this line somewhere here anywhere here is okay um in the circle and just Auto one of these creeps it's going to pull the Agro of everything towards you and you want to walk backwards in a diagonal line vice versa if you're doing it on this side you'd be walking backwards in a diagonal line like this to drop the aggro and uh by doing this instead of the minions having equally low health and yaso being able to last hit with one ability I'm going to make the minions Focus fire one creep at a time H and that forces yaso to walk up for every single creep so he has to deal it three times once for each creep and I can have a really good start get a load of poke down uh while the lane has just begun at the start of the game make sure that you do not skill an ability on Tristana just keep your points and uh see what the enemy team is doing sometimes it'll be an invade sometimes it'll be an opportunity for uh a strong eart you just have to see what happens in this game I see my team is getting invaded and when this happens it's really important that you do not touch the wave at all do not touch the wave do not make it slow push because you're putting yourself in a timer by doing that instead uh block the enemy mid from walking in so uh here I look if I can contribute to the invade but it looks like the play is over I go back in the bush and I'm trying to play for the denial of three XP worth of minions so here I skill my e if you know that the enemy has to check uh the bush you're in then your e level one is obviously a very strong start cuz they can't keep walking at you the E damage is too much so once you have it successful All In level two it's important to prep for the level three kill with a ward around the 215 to 230 timer we want to place a ward in River anywhere you like um just to protect yourself from the jungle gank make you feel safe and make sure that you don't feel rushed okay so here for example the creep is about to die to give me level three but he's respecting it he's playing very very safe so we don't need to rush it we don't need to jump in and and get two autos and an e and and not get our W reset and then potentially miss out on a kill opportunity because we're basically pushing the wave as we're taking that that short meaningless trade okay so just be patient think of a reason for him to walk up the best reason is the cannon so your only job from this position is just to make sure that the Cannon's HP is different okay you want to make sure that his Cannon is slightly lower than yours so that you can get his Cannon first and then he's still walking up for yours you get the jump um and you punish his greed now in the previous example we had a look at how to bully a weak laner but what if you're against a bully yourself what if you're against the likes of an Oriana uh an Annie a Casio something that actually does have either more range than you or wins against an against un and Allin has a disengaged stun something like that so what you got to do is you got to walk up before the wave meets okay walk up and try and get two Autos just two just two free hits on the first minion um so that you're ahead in terms of push and that you are able to hit level two first and uh go for a nice trade because in these kind of lanes if you let them push you in it's going to be very hard for you to to farm under Tower and uh yeah you can see here I get the two Autos off and now your goal once you get the two Autos you just want to match okay so if they're spam Auto in the wave then you spam Auto the wave if Annie doesn't use her stun and just hits the wave then that's exactly what I'm going to do because I know that I'm already ahead by you know 100 HP uh in the minion health and I'm going to hit two first and if we both don't touch the wave or just uh you know last hit then the wave is going to stay in the middle I'm going to hit my level two first and I'll get a good trade so it's it's kind of the balls in her Park she has to make the move uh she has to compensate somehow by either using abilities on the wave or trying to force a trade on me uh because she's losing push now you can see that I'm just happily farming uh being patient not Skilling anything just seeing what happens and but as soon as she uses the stun there as soon as she use a stun I'm already pre-planning I'm going to jump in with my w I'm going to go for a trade but what's the other condition to to make our trade better of course if the enemy is on cool down or if the enemy doesn't have a key ability like the fear like Vex could have her e but if she doesn't have the fear then you can still jump in and go for a trade same thing with Annie um The crucial part is I'm going to take all of this aggro if I jump straight away there if I jumped as soon as she use her cool down I would probably still lose that trade or it would be equal because I'm tanking the whole wave even though I'm not stunned so what you want to do is you want to just try and jump as late as possible try and jump when all of the Creeps are pretty much dead and that will give you the best trade imaginable um I'm waiting for this to die waiting for this to die and when there's only one creep I'll jump in I know my w is going to pretty much kill it I take only one volley from the creep and I get a really nice tradeoff with my lethal Tempo my Lane is pretty much one if you find yourself two wave crashing like this on Tristana in order to enable the level three all in you're going to have to pull the third wave okay because otherwise it's going to stagger on your existing minions and make your wave move up too far okay so keep the line in the middle uh we need to Auto attack one of the melee creeps and pull it now each melee creep has a defensive range okay so if you're standing outside of its defensive range and you Auto attack it the auto won't pull the aggro so if it feels like it's not working in your games then just make sure you're standing a little bit closer here you can see I walked up just a little bit closer to the creep now I'm within its defensive range and as soon as I auto it uh it's going to switch aggro to me and start chasing me I do need to keep autoing it just to keep the aggro up um drag it to the middle of the lane and uh now it's going to be way easier for me to actually jump on Annie when I H My Level Up whereas if she's close to her Tower there's not really much you can do now one thing you got to be very cautious of is after 5 minutes once the plating extra armor has gone down it can be very very tempting to walk up and actually use your e on the tower to push faster get a nice plate but this is a double- edged sword as soon as you use your cool down on the tower the enemy champ will uh attack you and you will lose a trade and lose CS cuz of a bad recoil so what you got to make sure is that you walk up do One auto click backwards One auto click backwards and never use your e so that as soon as she goes for a trade you're ready to fight back one thing you should also consider is when you hit level six on Trana that's a really easy way to get your four proc damage on the E and that's another 300 damage that you have for free so if the enemy doesn't see that you're six if you're about to hit six that's a great time to try and initiate a trade because he can you can get a nice all in but obviously the two prerequisites always is you need a creep that is low so that the enemy is forced to walk forward and as your creep is dying you don't even need to look at him you don't need to look at the enemy you just as the creep is dying you're already immediately jumping forward and uh trying to get a good trade off with your W because your goal like we said is just to land the W slow if the W slow lands your trade will always be good so one thing you can you should consider when uh setting up ganks with Tristana is that you can actually lean to the opposite side because Y duby is a very good Escape um and leaning to the opposite side of your jungler sells the idea that your jungler is on the side that you're playing toward see here for example I P that I want my Jung to come and gank mid and I immediately start posturing down because when you posture down naturally your opponent will posture up because this jump distance is a lot longer than this jump distance so if he stays here it's way easier for me to jump on him and initiate a good trade whereas if he stays opposite me then in the 1 V one isolated matchup he's actually winning because I don't have a way to to to trade him and he's just constantly poking my HP with his e and uh by selling this narrative that my jungler is botside because I'm warding botside it gives Lux the false sense of security she's hugging topside she hasn't warded and it sets up a really nice easy game so make sure if you're get junglers coming from this side you just quickly posture down see if you can force the enemy Med to actually hug the opposite side and just make it very nice and easy for your jungle gang so just something for you to think about when skirmishing with Tristana remember that your W will reset when you get the one kill so if you're playing a 2v2 around mid you can play extremely aggressively um and put yourself in a bad spot as long as you get that one kill here for example I know that qu won't die to my he solo if I just leave him B uh so I have to keep hitting even though I'm I'm tanking this entire wave and there's a Graves that will probably go on me I have to help my heum kill the and rely on the jump reset to actually get out now the graves dashes into me and the most natural thing that most players would do here is you would simply Dash away right the threat is coming from this angle so you're looking to go away from the threat in any of these directions right this is also a threat um but because we know that H will die he has no flash if we jump forward we can actually just do a double leap um and get out as well as helping our heum uh secure the kill now let's say you've had some good trades you are low and your opponent is low but unfortunately you can't just jump forward and kill them because you'll take the aggro they will CC you like in this case rarm and you will actually die so you need to get creative now one of tristana's strengths is her ability to roam uh so if you can fake a roam uh that could invite your opponent to actually follow and get a cheese off you can also fake a base to do the same thing so what I'm doing here is I'm walking in a straight line to this bush to say that I'm not basing because if I was basing the most obvious path would be like this to my tower so I'm saying I could be roaming I could be walking into your jungle um and meanwhile I'm going to place a wood over the wall so I can see when when she's coming in and as soon as I see her coming in um I will jump on her and kill her uh you can either do this from the bush uh or you can do this from the wall because this wall uh blocks line of sight so even if I is standing here she would not be able to see me hugging this wall either of those spots are fine to do this cheese but it won't always work because if your opponent just walks in the middle of the lane there's not really anything you can do especially if he walks uh as his creeps are coming in because again the same concept you'll jump in you'll take the aggo and you'll die so that's why we need to take it a step further we need to get even more creative we're going to try and play with that little 8sec ticking uh prediction in his head about when you're going to be basing you know he thinks that if you don't appear on this wave after 8 9 10 seconds you must have based so we're going to put ourselves as close as we possibly can without actually breaking the fog line which is about uh here for Ari now if Ari was already at the wave we could go as close as this because the creeps will not see anything um past this sort of this pocket here so you could just imagine this Little Rock here you can stand right here come out as soon as they've eduse their abilities and kill them but if there's a champion or if the creeps if the creeps are here or obviously if the Champions here you have to stand a little bit further back so these are sort of the two uh the two cheese lines that you can go for you just wait for her to start hitting the wave um also remember that her screen right now is probably something like this you know she's not looking at you at at worst you're going to be somewhere at the bottom right of her screen in her peripheral vision it will take a while for her brain to register that you've come out um and chances are she's already on cool down even if she's not on cool down she's going to panic and that's kind of what we want um I find that this cheese will get you a lot of kills uh especially in higher r ranks you can see we jump in uh we should have probably flashed the charm but uh we agreed we didn't Flash the charm we get the kill anyway but the concept is really really important and uh practice this in your games so here's another example from the same game I have pry I'm pretty much just pushing every lane on repeat and this time around we have the enemy jungler starting Dragon because you can see that my heum is ganking top now that means that we're down a player in the bot side of the map however it it shouldn't uh decentivize you from just uh looking for something you should still look I go into a bush I've swept both bushes so I know I haven't been spotted and I know for a fact that Syra has to walk in here because if she doesn't then it's a 3v3 okay and I'm pretty strong at this stage of the game so if it's a 3v3 it's probably winning for us so I know that she blindly has to check either this way or this way and if she's going to Ward something she's most likely going to Ward this Ward uh this this bush over the wall uh so I I take the least likely warded path and I just sit here um I I have no intention to go down to go down here it's a complete fake because I know that we're down numbers I know that if I go here then cnra is covering my escape and I'm pretty much just going to go one for one or even die for nothing and yeah we just go for a little cheese on our lane and the moral of story is pretend you're roaming and then just cheese your Lena that is the Tristana way that is what's going to win you games so a lot of people ask me this question they say fighter I've pushed my wave my jungler starting the objective what am I supposed to do about it okay should I go hit it with him uh should I keep eyes on my mid do I just walk up mid and try and spot him do I go deep in the enemy jungle what do I do and the answer is just imagine a line like this between you and the objective okay so the objective here is rift and make sure that the enemy Karma or whatever the enemy mid is cannot cross this line before you so I'm always ready to cross this line and link up with my heum before Karma does okay your goal is to not allow the enemy jungle to come from this side and your mid to come from this side essentially cutting Heim off and just killing him because he has no way out you don't want to allow this to happen but at the same time if you sit an enemy jungle and mid walking together you're going to get chunked or killed you know because your heum isn't there to help you so you want to help him without putting yourself at risk and this bush is great to sit in uh what you should do is actually not walk like I did because this could be wed and if this is wed um it only gives Vision to about here so all you do is you just walk up and you just sit somewhere here in this bush somewhere here because regardless of whether it's it's uh trink of water or not the enemy mid cannot see you and you're also very close um to link up with your jungle if he's in any danger and uh alternatively you can absolutely sit in this bush you can also sit in in this push maybe depending on which jungle you have and uh yeah so just be patient here it's important that you show intent so I know that this is a hard kill for me to get by myself so I'm spaming on the way on the way I want my heum to get off his camp and actually hit this guy with me if he was a good player he would unfortunately he doesn't but that's okay I still just wait till the last second jump in and uh don't let my mid walk into grubs and uh contest grubs we ended up getting a kill here but I really shouldn't be able to get that kill without my jungle but I did my job right my job is just to not allow my ler to impact the objective I don't need to hit the objective I don't need to do anything else just stop your ler from coming in and use it as a way to get yourself an advantage now when it comes to team fighting on Tristana you have two options you can either play front to back or you can try to flank if there's an existing fight somewhere on the map you're coming from behind you're flanking your number one goal is to reset your W so don't be afraid to use your all to last hit somebody that's low uh just so you have your W reset to immediately Chase close the distance or get out if needed when you're thinking about team fighting on Tristana front to back it's important that you assess the threat so which Champions can kill me which C abilities do I need to Dodge in this game it's just AR charm and atrox so as soon as I see the HX is occupied and AR on cool down I jump forward but keep in mind I'm never breaking formation it's really important as an ad car you do not break formation you can stand on top of your front line and hit as much as possible but don't ever cross this line so whatever line your your melee Champs are holding you're standing behind that right because you need to be protected and you need to value your life above their so uh the team fights are not working well for you and You' decided to do the Fiora split Bush play style which is totally viable in Tristana and why I love the champion because you're so versatile how do we decide when we should back off and when we should push and commit for the towers and maybe even die how do we know what we're going to get is going to be worth it well the first thing you got to ask yourself is which one of these Champions on the enemy team has the damage to kill me in this game there's a Fed Lux there's a Fed Jax there's a Fed Jin okay the Shaker is pretty weak the bot is obviously support which one of these Champions has the CC to kill me okay so this is a two this is a two this is a one so if I see a Jax recall then I'm potentially going to be backing off because the Jax can both engage on me he can lock me down um and he he has the damage to kill me but if I see just a Jin or if I see a Jin Lux recall together I would not be worried I would continue hitting this Tower because I know that worst case scenario I just jump away and they have no way to chase me same thing here if it's Shob uh that the Reco to try and stop me I know that these guys do not have the damage to kill me through my shieldbow Through My BT um so they either need three Champions or they need the right combination a one and a two to kill me we'll keep playing the clip and uh you can see that I'm just taking this Tower I can see everybody's disappeared uh off the map off fog of War so I'm actually kiing into the base expecting to die but but I want to make sure that I get the inhib if I do die that's a worthwhile death there's no objectives up on the map uh so there's nothing for them to get off my death and then I see that suddenly all the Champions appear again and all the twos have stopped recalling so we can see that the uh the Lux the Jin and the Shaker are all on the map so the only one threatening me here is the BD who doesn't have any damage so I continue pushing and I even uh consider the end now I see a tpce coming in now that's a lux B combo so here when I see this TP come in I know that if I walk up to this Tower they now have a one and a two in place so if I do commit for the objective I will most likely be dying for it uh and you just have to assess okay is this a worthwhile death is there anything up for them to punish are they going to end the game if I die here if they enter to all of those as no then absolutely just go forward and die for the tower because it's going to make your your life easier in you know 5 minutes or 3 minutes or 2 minutes when you come back here you can actually have an empty Nexus uh to end the game with uh when everybody is off the map you can see that nobody's showing so I don't feel safe I'm hitting the kugs I don't know if there's two or three Champions potentially coming towards me but then as soon as I see some people show up I'm immediately going back on the wave and starting to pressure making sure that I I pull at least one person here uh but I'm not jumping forward keep in mind I'm not jumping forward because I can't see everybody on the map I can only see B Lux and Jax I don't know where Sho is uh so I'm just waiting for that information all I'm doing is just looking at my map here I'm not actually looking at my screen even I'm just looking at my map looking at the icons as soon as I see the Shaker icon I will jump forward if I don't see the Shaker icon then my job is done I'm just assuming that the Shaker is bought which he is and uh your job is just to buy time here right your teammates should be winning in the 4 V3 so you just want to play this as slow as possible um kite away stay alive and give your team time to make progress on the other side where they have the numbers so let's quickly talk about Tristana matchups uh at the bottom we've just got the can't loose tier and pretty much all of these Champions uh don't have CC um are very susceptible to your jump combo you can pretty much just jump on them at every stage of the game um or you simply outrange them you have complete control of the lane it just feels like you can either play to scale you can play to solo kill your lane you can play to uh get plates against Champs like TR uh Champs like Katarina or cadan or singed you can easily hit the tower so uh very easy matchups there now we got the second tier for easy win and this this tier you can navigate very well if you're a skill Tristana player because there's a lot of outplay potential on your your end and not much outp potential for the enemy champ so something like a Zoe if she hits you with a bubble you can buffer the Sleep um and kind of make her miss her queue you can also just try to jump to the side um to dodge the sleep instead of jumping in a straight line same thing with a Silas you know silus uses his Q on on a minion you can jump forward because he only has two out of three abilities you win that trade so most of these lanes are basically Champs with easily buffable abilities squishy Champions that you're able to pretty much one shot if they miss position we got the skill issue tier which is basically where it's it's completely dependent on your understanding of the matchup so Vex for example right if she walks up with fear and she presses EQ there's no real counterplay you will just get hit by the EQ and you'll just take a bunch of damage but if you understand the matchup okay Vex fear has a 20 second cool down now for the next 20 seconds I actually have complete control of the lane if there's a low creep I'm going to jump on Vex I'm going to get a trade back back um and at the end of the day you're going to have prior most of the time in this Lane as well so these are Lanes where you can maintain prior quite easily um but if you jump in at the wrong time if you don't choose your jumps carefully you can get solo killed something like a rumble with Ignite a yon R if you jump in Full full HP Against full HP you will die so uh that's that's pretty much uh this tier list there and uh the hard to trade here is the one we should talk about the most which is Nico uh this champion you cannot jump on because her e plus the triple wave of her Q if he do gets hit by the cool down it will completely chunk you and in this this kind of a lane you just have to try and play to push the wave there's no other there's no other way the trades are only available if she's on coold down if she has the Spells then it's just a 50/50 dead even matchup you hit the creeps she hits the creeps and you handshake at that same thing with cnra her e actually has two parts of CC to it there's the knock back with the wave as as well as the stun of the orb itself so if you try to buffer cnra e while standing near her you will just get interrupted halfway your jump will go and cool down the damage won't go off and same thing if you try to jump on her um and basically she will just do a third of your HP and walk away while you're stunned and very likely you'll actually take minion Agro as well because when you jump and press e at the same time your e counts as a single Target ability and all the Minions will Agro you same as it would with an auto attack so these kind of ales are fine you just have to go into it expecting to have a boring game where you just go 100 CS at 10 minutes and play the scale and then we've got Casio and yaso which I would say a Dodge of 15 CIO because this Champion absolutely outscales you she has more impact in team fights uh because she provides some CC and provides very similar damage to you um she can just win trades by running it you in Lane uh if she runs at you and land her abilities even if she's tanking creeps you still lose uh so this Champion kind of Beats you at every stage of the game and most importantly it's it's a bit hard to buffer uh buffer her W because if you buffer her W incorrectly you just get grounded and uh if you press it a second too late you just die and same thing with her ultimate you know if you jump in for an aggressive trade and you don't sidestep the uh the stun um you will just lose that uh lose that entirely but even if you do sidestep the stun chances are you probably still die so these this matchup is very very bad I would avoid just uh I would advise just dodging it we've got the yo Lane as well where his windwall eats your e it eats your ult it eats your auto attacks so you basically have no guaranteed damage you can never jump forward and if he gets on top of you you can't actually knock him away with the AL because if he puts a windall on top of you and you Al your Al's gone um and he's still on top of you and yeah it's a very very hard matchup where he can also use the wave to chase you after you Rocket Jump away um I would just recommend not playing these matchups dodging them um or playing extremely safe and just playing for team fights scaling up avoiding trades as much as possible kind of playing for prior uh playing for objectives not expecting to win this Lane if you got through that whole video I salute you you are now an official graduate of phto Academy a resident Tristana expert and I wish you the best of luck uh in your rank Journey a few little shoutouts I have a uh coaching Discord that you can join if you're interested in one-on-one coaching I'll also be uploading free content on there uh some uh potential matchup spreadsheets for Tristana and other Champions uh there's also little channels that you can ask me questions about uh the matchup or Midland in general or jungle so feel free to come by uh say hi uh please do subscribe to my YouTube uh leave a like if you have any comment for suggestions or feedbacks uh about what I could do in the future I'd really appreciate that and uh yeah just have a great day
Channel: Fighto
Views: 8,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: s14, climb, elo hell, escape low elo, season 14, patch 14.5, patch 14.6, tristana, tristana mid, mid fundamentals, challenger, league coaching, league coach, lol guide, matchups, cant win, help climbing, KR Challenger, league of legends, soloq, tilt, lol, trist, trist vs, tristana vs, improve league, free coaching, cant climb
Id: 9M3toW6bm1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 51sec (2271 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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