The COMPLETE Beginner's Guide to ADC in SEASON 14 - League of Legends

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welcome to the only beginners 80 carry guide you will ever need to get started in League of Legends in this video you will find everything you need to know to get started playing the 80 carry rooll we'll be guiding you through the early leaning phase midgame macro how to Skirmish and team fight itemization and the most important settings you need to instantly succeed as an ADC so if you're sick of being one- shot by every Champion or feel like every game boils down to who has the better support well then this is the guide you've been looking for and once you get a handle on the fundamentals skill Capa is the perfect next step in your Lear Learning Journey we just did a massive update adding all brand new courses for season 14 take our new csing course it will get you farming like a pro in no time at all or take our new mechanics course it will teach you everything you need to start cutting like a challenger and more the best part you can try all of this out completely risk-free if you don't rank up while actively using skill Capa then you get your money back no questions asked so click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted this season all right now without a doubt the most important skill to learn as an 8 carry is learning to get through the early laning phase out of all five roles you are definitely the weakest during the early game and this can make playing ADC fairly frustrating at this point this is compounded by the fact that you are at the mercy of a random partner every single game not only are you at your weakest during those early levels but on top of that support and jungle are by far the most influential roles in the game at this point so what that means is that in the 3 v3s that are constantly going to be breaking out in bot Lane you have by far the least impact and this can make the role very frustrating this is the problem you're going to have to learn to deal with you must go through this painful period where you're pretty weak every single game and you're at the mercy of how well your teammates play this does sound awful but in reality it isn't think about it if we put expert 80 carries in low ELO or a normal game they would still win the laning phase 99% of the time regardless of their random teammates why is that it's simple ADC as a class can't really make things happen themselves they've got no engage and mediocre damage early on but the thing about League of Legends is that almost every play during that early game is based around minion waves which you have complete control over by managing them properly you make the plays that do happen way more likely to go in your favor for you and your team there are three strategies that you can play for in Lane depending on what your primary goals are you can either play for kills Lane pressure or to neutralize your opponents based on what type of ADC you're playing and the support you're with you will often find yourself wanting to constantly fight your opponents marksmen like Draven Samira kaisa when paired with supports like Leona Nautilus or Tri fall under this category these are fairly aggressive picks that like to go for kills early on of course you can apply this on any Champion if your primary intention is to score kills your goal will be to keep the wave towards your side of the lane or somewhere in the middle the point here is that it gives you and your support plenty of room to work with to look for trades or all-in engages the two wave tactics you can use to accomplish this is either slow pushing or freezing slow pushing is exactly what it sounds like your goal is to only hit minions at the last possible moment to last hit them for gold this will very slowly push the minion wave there's two reasons to do this for starters it keeps the wave in the middle of the lane for longer as we said this is your main goal since it allows you and your support to actually look for fights the second reason is that you want to slowly build up a minion lead fighting around minions is a huge Advantage early on not only do they add a lot of damage during low levels but by having killed more minions you will often find yourself at a level lead over your opponent this is a big timing you can take advantage of that will almost guarantee that you win any fight due to these two reasons slow pushing will often be your default strategy for aggressively trading and looking for fights in botling that being said freezing is another tactic you'll want to keep in mind this happen happens whenever your own Minion wave is being overpowered by the enemy wave this achieves a similar result to slow pushing by letting the enemy wave kill your own you can effectively keep the wave stuck in the middle or closer to your side of the lane this forces your opponent into an awkward situation they either never walk up and keep missing golden experience due to the freeze or they will eventually be forced to fight you to break the freeze this is one of those reliable ways that you can force fights to happen even on this low agency role just do keep in mind that you can't force freezes every single game remember that a big point we made a little bit ago is fighting around bigger waves a freeze can only happen if you're at a minion disadvantage so you need to already be stronger than your opponents for this to work otherwise you will simply lose the fight due to being at a minion deficit this enemy ADC was trying too hard to fight on this small freeze but since she's weaker she ends up losing the fight this all being said kills are not what you will play for in most games a ton of adcs look to play for pressure or Tempo instead one of the most reliable strategies in league is to Simply push a wave into your opponent's Tower by crashing a wave you guarantee that your OPP opponent is stuck there if they randomly leave the tower they will miss a ton of golden experience because their own Tower is killing their minions the point here is that your opponent is effectively stuck at their Tower which many ad carries can abuse this strategy will be best on adcs that have long-range pressure such as Caitlyn Ezreal kgma vars and so on but again of course you can pull this off on any Champion the best thing to abuse is the fact that their Tower is killing your own minions at a consistent rate this makes it very predictable for when they will stand still to look for a last hit you can abuse this timing to get free damage in while your opponent can't respond very well the reason this is best on long-range Champions is obviously due to your opponent having a tower there to defend them longrange spells and auto attacks will be way more reliable for punishing your opponent under their Tower since your opponent is stuck last hitting it will often also be easy to look for easy chip damage on Towers Tower damage will reward you with free gold from plates so this is good to look out for as well you generally do this when you don't think you can harass them without taking Tower aggro crashing minion waves into Towers isn't only good to pressure your opponent but also to build Tempo over them this is a term you're going to hear a lot in League of Legends Tempo is simply a way of saying that you can act before your opponent so because there's a wave at their Tower your opponent is stuck in Lane this means that you can freely move on the map before they do which means you have a Tempo Advantage you'll learn more about how to abuse Tempo advantages in our other guides but you can do anything during this time you can move around the map go into the enemy jungle or even just recall to recover resources and buy finally there's a major concern that every ADC will eventually have to deal with their support a random support will have varying degrees of skill you never know what you're going to get you'll get players on random Champions who literally abandon you the entire laning phase learning how to deal with this is probably one of the most important skills to learn as an ad carry as you're playing the lane if you start to notice that your support doesn't seem too good they seem uncomfortable in the matchup they're not helping you trade or whatever else it may be then you should probably try your best to hard push every single wave you can it's a bit similar to our previous strategy but you're not looking to get advantages out of this the goal of pushing the wave aggressively is to make the lane as uninteractive as possible with the minion Advantage your opponents have no choice but to back up and farm at their wave this makes it so that no action is happening so everyone in the lane is just farming minions the important part to remember when doing this though is that you want to prepare for the incoming Wave by standing around here as the enemy wave comes in you instantly begin hitting it the point is that you can hit the enemy wave first before they can hit yours this will almost guarantee that you're able to get the push lead letting you crash another wave and if you crash that wave the cycle repeats you stand here instantly push Etc this is an extremely good way of neutralizing almost any matchup if you manage to do do it you won't get a lead but you prevent your support from doing anything silly and losing the lane for you by the way this strategy is also good on strong late game marksmen like civer Jinx or Tristana they all have really good pushing power which lets them do the strategy easily at the same time they scale really well with items so they're technically winning the matchup by going even so if you play something that scales well definitely look to do this strategy moving on from the laning phase to understand how to play ad carry properly we should probably talk about your biggest strengths and weaknesses as a class when people think of 8 carries though they instinctively think about their biggest weakness how squishy they are this is very true in a lot of your games you will absolutely be blown up when your opponent looks at you even just for a moment as frustrating as that is you can definitely offset this by understanding your biggest strength as an ADC which is uptime let's explain there are some exceptions but almost every single Marksman shares these following characteristics you're probably ranged most of your damage comes from Auto attacks you are also unlikely to be overly reliant on Mana or cooldowns yes some ad carries are but not nearly as Reliant as other classes and finally most marksmen are able to pick up some form of life steal very reliably in their kit either through items or runes basically what this means is that unlike other classes you never really have an off mode for example a mage has a point of weakness around their mana and cooldown melee Champions have points of weakness around their range Health totals and so on adcs on the other hand can always hit something at range never run out of damage and can permanently sustain through life steal to put it simply you have nearly 100% up time and are almost always able to do something this is by far your biggest strength as an ADC and playing around it will give you the biggest chance for Success let's break down how this relates to your midgame macro and then we'll talk about how to use it to dual Skirmish and team fight like we said let's talk macro first league is known as a strategy game and with so many potential options for what to do it can get overwhelming for a newer player thankfully knowing what to do as an ad carry is actually fairly simple if you just follow a few General guidelines your main goal after the Leaning phase is really simple you want to try your best to be hitting something as much as possible that's it remember you have the best uptime of any role in the game what this means is that you want to maximize the amount of damage you're dealing to stuff on the map that can can be farming minion waves jungle camps Towers objectives enemy Champions Etc you always want to be hitting something to abuse your uptime advantage as much as possible to do this after the laning phase ends you want to transition into mid lane with your support there is a theoretical reason for why you want to be midlane with your support at this time in the game proper macro in this game is about optimizing the amount of total resources your entire team is acquiring mid lane is the safest Lane out of all as a vulnerable carry this makes it the perfect spot to hang out to keep yourself safe not only that but it's obviously in the middle of the map this gives you the best access to everywhere you want to go both objectives are nearby there's a lot of jungle camps in close proximity Etc by being mid you have the best potential to abuse your uptime advantage Meanwhile your more self-reliant teammates can be in the sidelanes and securing the waves there this makes it so that none of the carries of the team are sharing resources and everyone is properly getting farmed the final reason is that your support typically wants to play around you by being in mid this will put your support nearby to whatever important objective is going to be contested next by being so close it lets them Ward the area around the objective quickly and and efficiently with these Lane assignments the goal is then to play around the pressure of pushing Waves by pushing a wave into your opponent's side of the map it forces one of them to have to react to that wave otherwise they risk Tower damage and missing Resources by playing around these timings you and your team can get big advantages for example if one of your s side laners pushes in bot Lane they can then collapse towards you in mid to force a fight with the numberers advantage likewise if you push Mid First you can collapse to a side lane first with your pressure while knowing what should theoretically happen is nice and all none of that is ever going to happen as cleanly as we just described it leag g GES are going to be messy random and chaotic you're never going to get actual Synergy from your teammates but the reason you want to understand the theory is because it lets you adapt to the randomness of solo quue and easily make the right decision no matter what crazy thing is happening on the map there's two main Concepts behind the actual theory of how to play the game first you want every lane being farmed efficiently by your team secondly you want to play around the pressure of pushing waves that's it then you combine those with the high up time of the ad carry role we spent a while discussing it sounds complicated but it really isn't here's how you actually apply this in your own game games after the laning phase ends head to Mid push out the wave if possible then take a look at the map if there's an objective up gravitate towards that with your team and look to set up in the area in preparation for a fight if you're ahead you'll get these for free but if you're even you'll probably have to fight for them if there's no upcoming objective then you want to take a look at how your teammates are playing in all three lanes in newer games and lower ranked brackets players tend to gravitate and sit in mid way too much this goes against our first guideline of keeping every lane farmed technically C's teammate should be the one going Bottom to collect this big wave but since she wants to stay in mid civer takes over his job and goes to farm bottom instead it's completely fine for you to break the rules and go to a s Side Lane on your own to take the farm that your teammate was supposed to get as you improve at this game and as we will often teach you winning games will often consist of playing around your teammates mistakes okay when you get to the Sid Lane you've got two goals Farm all the waves you can and to put pressure unfortunately you have to deal with the fact that in general you'll be quite vulnerable on your own if someone happens to be in the area you could very well die doing this so here are some simple guidelines to help deal with this if you feel exceptionally weak and or there's some scary champion on the enemy team like assassins then you want to be extra careful don't push past around this line otherwise you risk dying if you feel decently strong and or safe then you can farm and push waves a little further up to around here don't go past this somewhere around this wall obviously this will be inverted when playing in other lanes or on the other side of the map after pushing the waves in you head back to Mid and rejoin your team while the wave is on the enemy side of the map and if you're feeling really strong and think that you can handle your own in the Sid Lane then you can actually push even more aggressively this is known as split pushing and it's definitely not a standard ad carry thing to do we just wanted to cover that you can technically do whatever you want on the map but this is a rarer thing to do on ADC but rules are there to be broken if you want to play aggressively and we suggest our other AD carry guides to learn when and how to do it anyways that's literally it for the basic ADC decision-making it's actually that easy in most games you're usually just sitting in mid waiting for things to happen keep farming minion waves and putting pressure by pushing waves make sure to press Tab and keep an eye out for what objectives are spawning and be in the area ready for those important team fights and if your teammates aren't doing their jobs and pick up the waves in the other lanes then you do that for them and then rejoin your team after a final note to keep in mind as you go through this process is the uptime advantage we mentioned before this section ad carries have effectively Limitless damage and sustain after one or two items a good mindset that will help your decision-making is simply thinking about how to make the most use of your uptime ad8 carries typically don't have a lot of playmaking potential on their own your biggest contributing strength as a champion will be your ability to collect resources better than any other role in the game so you ideally want to always be hitting something As you move around the map think about what gives you the most potential to make use of your DPS as you go between lanes Farm every jungle Camp along the way go to as many minion waves as possible if you have nothing better to do hit Towers try to maximize how often you're hitting something it will make you a better player very quickly now well decision- making is important for setting yourself up and getting stronger throughout a game League of Legends is of course a PVP game you will have to interact with the Enemy team at some point so let's talk about how to do that we'll be honest ad carry can definitely have its ups and downs there will be countless games where another role will simply breathe on you and you'll instantly collapse and die that being said players generally underrate just how strong Marksman can be take a look at this ad carry her opponent is up two levels and is relatively strong but she's still confident enough in her strength to camp this brush and look for a kill when he comes in close or this feris he's down three levels and is really weak vers a Fed enemy member but he still knows he can take this fight and scare his opponents away ADC is seen as this frail role but that's because most players never learned the simple mindset that will help you win way more fights than before let's go back to our earlier point about uptime as it's really critical here in fights every Champion has a certain level of threat potential that they can dish out because you are an auto attack class though your threat levels are actually pretty stable having unability up or something may give you a bit more kill potential but you will consistently have an average level of threat into most fights that you go into other roles on the other hand are way more spiky in fights in terms of their threat levels let's take a mage for example their initial threat is way higher than yours but the second that they use all their abilities their threat plumet to nearly zero and as they get to one or two abilities coming off coold down their threat goes back up a bit and continues spiking up and down as they use their spells so your goal in any encounter whether you're dueling someone skirmishing or team fighting is to play around those dips in an enemy Champions threat as an ADC you almost never have a dip in threat you always able to deal damage due to your range and auto attacks so you just need to wait for those moments when an enemy Champion's Threat Level is eventually lower than yours this is a perfect example vars and his support are winning Lane at the moment when they're eventually ganked by the Enemy jungler at the start Varys immediately runs away because the enemy jungler is a mage her Threat Level is really high at the beginning of a fight but he slowly Dodges all three of our abilities and a mage without any spells as basically zero threat so although it's a 2v3 fight bars knows that it's temporarily become a fair 2v2 instead of continuing to run he turns around and goes extremely aggressive his awareness of threat rewards him with a very favorable three for one trade and threat is not just based on how much damage a champion can do but on other factors like crowd control and GAP closers let's imagine a melee Champion like JAX on our threat graph at this point he uses his Gap closer on one of your allies his threat versus you is now effective L zero since you're ranged and he's melee that's a perfect period of time to freely hit him or his teammates this is a very good example of this concept during this fight the enemy Gwen has ghost active making her really fast around the same time the enemy hecm has his e active which also makes him really fast as a result notice how carefully civer is positioning Gap closers like dashes or movement speed Buffs are a big threat once those spells are down look how aggressively civer is posturing she knows their threat levels are low whereas hers are high but when she sees heum start to speed up again look how careful she begins to be finally when he uses all his spells on a teammate civer moves up very aggressively and knows it's her time to shine now that the biggest threads are no longer an issue obviously doing this properly sounds like it will require deep Champion knowledge yes there's no way around this but most champions in this game are fairly similar Mages are all spell reliant with decent cooldowns so when you see a mage cast two to three different kind of spells that's your time to go in you don't need to know what they do most of the time you just need to know they're on cool down and by the way a decent beginner tip for this would be that during the early levels most spells have around an 8 to 10c window you can punish later into the game that window goes down to about 4 to 5 Seconds this won't always be true but it's pretty reliable if you have no idea what you're playing against likewise most melee Champions have one or maybe two Gap closers if you see them randomly Dash to one of your teammates it's usually a good sign to go in like the silus using his Dash that's a good sign for jyn to try to be a bit aggressive then a little later the silus dashes again that's a sign that he can go aggressive once more to finish off the kill all right now let's move on to itemizing your Champion if you're completely new then the recommended tab in the shop is is actually better than many new players might think typically the recommended items talents or similar systems are quite mediocre in most games but League does a very good job of using stats to give you reliable recommendations on what to build so don't be afraid of pressing what you see here that being said you can look a little bit deeper into some stat websites like just to be sure just type the champion's name you're playing and you'll get a wide variety of information that will be useful to your Champion as for an ADC specific tip we can give you we want to remind you that your main goal as a class is to deal a lot of damage you are the carry of your team and you need to kill things a very common mistake you'll see from ad carry players is building way too defensively being a bit tankier will not help you if you don't deal enough damage here's a simple rule to follow do not build defensive items until your fourth or fifth item you really need to hit your core items otherwise you're not going to deal enough damage that being said you can break this rule if you're ahead when you're winning very hard you already deal more than enough damage therefore you can splurge on defense to preserve your lead all right let's wrap this guide up with some important in-game settings that are specifically good for adcs if you're new to or just struggle Auto attacking in these types of games there's usually a simple reason for it newer players tend to use the default keybind of right clicking to input all of their actions this can lead to frustration and misclicks having to input where you want your Champion to go and right-clicking the enemy you want to hit back and forth over and over will inevitably lead to mistakes and possibly losing your life due to a misplaced click here's an easy fix for that first go to your hotkeys in settings and look for player attack move click a popular key bind for this is a but whatever works for you is fine what this will do when you press the Bon is to make your Champion Auto attack whatever is closest to them so you can now easily click where you want to go and attack at the same time without having to send your mouse flying all over the place accurately the second big setting you want to find is under the game section here you'll want to make sure that attack move on cursor box is checked you'll inevitably run into the issue of your main target being surrounded by multiple other enemies these can be minions or enemy Champions let's say that you want to Auto attack this dummy in the back by normally using your attack move keybind you'd obviously just Auto attack the closest Target to you which is not what you want your auto attacks will be inconsistent and you'll not be able to focus fire properly with this setting enabled though your attack move will prioritize the target closest to your cursor so you can click the ground near your intended target and your Champion will Auto attack whatever was nearest to the click this makes kiting and hitting your intended target very easy instead of having to be super precise on your clicks you can move your Champion around and attack move somewhere near your priority Target there are of course more settings that you need especially if you're a newer player but we cover those way more in depth than our other guids for adcs though these are by far the two best tips you could ever learn if you didn't know them already and that's everything you need to know to start playing ad carry for everything else you need on your ad carry Journey there skill for example are you curious about those other settings we mentioned well we got you covered with an entire course covering every setting you need in season 14 and remember we're the only service that offers a rankup guarantee if you don't climb at least five divisions while actively using skill cap you'll get your money back no questions asked so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted this season all right and that will wrap things up we here at skillcap want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 106,855
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Keywords: adc guide, lol beginner guide, lol adc beginner guide, lol adc, lol ad carry, adc season 14, adc coaching, adc season 14 guide, lol adc guide, lol adc settings, adc guide lol, lol adc tips, challenger adc guide, how to adc, league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, lol coaching, skill-capped, league of legends season 14, lol s14, lol season 14
Id: ft0mfQ62hUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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