Why You Should Start a Video Podcast

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welcome to another episode of the content he podcast where we dive into the world of digital content creation and content marketing I'm your host Studio Steve and today we're tackling a question that's on the minds of many aspiring and current podcasters to video or not to video that is the question in this digital age where content is King the decision between starting an audio only podcast or venturing into the visually engaging world of video podcasting can be a hard one and whether you're just starting out or you're considering a transition from audio to video this episode is tailored just for you and joining us today is Veronica from the Pod sound School a renowned expert in marketing and podcasting who has successfully navigated the Realms of both audio and video podcasting and she's here to shed the light on the pros and cons of each format share some insights on making the transition and maybe help demystify the world of video podcasting so whether you're jotting down notes for your future podcast or contemplating upgrading your current one this conversation is one you will not want to miss let's dive in po sounds cool present content H me the podcast that helps online business owners make better content and more money let's hey up first off Veronica welcome to the show thank you for having me I'm excited to be here for our listeners who are new to this or who may kind of need a little clarification can you explain what video podcasting is how it's different from traditional audio podcasting traditional audio podcasting is what we've been listening on the podcast platforms is Audio Only narrative type of content video podcasting on the other hand requires the video component you have the audio and you have the video and it's a very good way to make content these days because you can Leverage The Power of both formats a few years ago when you would say podcasting it would Encompass only audio content but now when you say podcasting that may Encompass all sorts of different ways to make content which can be only audio or audio and video vertical videos horizontal videos there's blur line between Audio Only and video podcasting and different formats and different platforms a lot of people may argue that the vertical videos that you see on social media with people talking into the microphone that that's podcasting that was a long answer for your question but no I love that because we just so in the weeds with this and there's kind of this maybe back and forth argument you hear maybe people get precious about it in the industry I know that some people will claim what it is to even have a podcast is to have an RSS feed and for those of you who don't know an RSS feed is basically a technology that allows you to upload all of your files to a hosting site and then there's a link to those files that get shared to the podcast directory so the podcast directories don't actually have to hold or house your files that's done through this kind of redirecting link magic right and so that's kind of cool maybe from Apple standpoint they don't have to hold all of these files and there's a bunch of podcast hosting companies that are respons for holding your files but that's also kind of what makes podcasting maybe complicated I know that that approach when you're first getting into podcasting can be complicated and so maybe some people are thinking about just ditching that whole aspect of podcasting in general and just going all in on YouTube and now YouTube has made a lot of advancements in podcasting they hired ahead of podcasting they have a podcast tab page now YouTube podcasts are now being directed to YouTube music you mentioned the lines are getting getting blurred why don't we just say that it's all semantics if you're going to be precious about what a podcast is and what a podcast isn't is there any other qualities that you would use to define what somebody says when they say I want to start a podcast and what's the difference between me saying I want to start a podcast and I want to start a YouTube channel when we are coaching people how to start making content and they send me an email or they send me a DM on Instagram and they say I want to start podcast I just don't say okay let's do it I want have a conversation with that person to really get to the bottom of what they want because once you have that meeting and you ask questions sometimes that's not what they want or that's what they want but they want it in a different way for example I met with a prospect the other day and he said that he wanted a podcast at the end of the conversation he was convinced that he wanted a video podcast because he wanted to start posting content on YouTube so it's not about getting attached to certain ideas or to certain formats it's about delivering what people are gravitating towards this days and also the content that you feel comfortable making instead of just being so precious about definitions how things should be a certain way is what your audience wants from you and what you feel the calling to make it can be video podcasting it can be audio only that you uh upload to a web host and distribut distributed via RSS it can be video podcasting that you take the audio from it and you do the same distribution through the RSS feed and then you upload your video to YouTube and then you upload your video to Spotify for podcaster there are many different Avenues and routes and if you are a podcast coach and somebody approaches you and tells you that they want to start a podcast my advice is just to look further into what they want if you want to start a podcast then I would advise you to get a coach so that person can guide you to make a good decision for the content that you'll be making and show you what that entails and what fits your time and your budget and maybe your skills or the the desire that you have of making this content that's interesting I like that a lot because it goes into what type of content you want to make and that there's gray area when I think about big podcasts like the Mel Robins show for example what makes Mel Robins podcast not just the Mel Robbins YouTube channel or the Diary of a CEO very big on YouTube but it's a podcast on YouTube is it the presence of a podcast microphone is it the interview is it the way that you're structuring the conversation why if Mel Robbins instead was doing more of a talk talking head approach and just deciding to do informative kind of entertaining Style videos so we have these radio conventions and broadcast conventions of people being really close to a microphone and talking like this and that's what we're kind of thinking is podcasting and even if it is video podcasting you could probably argue that a good portion of the video podcast audience are also listening and the listening component of those videos and especially the conversational or more of the longer format style that we're used to requires a different type of patience it requires a different type of investment of your time and when I watch video podcasts I Look Away quite a bit and I'm even more okay with it just kind of being on my phone off in the background and maybe if someone makes a funny comment or if they laugh or something that draws me to actually look at the video for a moment so maybe it's just this difference in consumption as a Creator you have to make those those decisions early on when you are planning the content that you will be making because if you want to Leverage The Power of podcasting in your developing stage you decide that your channels your brand the way that you make the content the way that you edit the content the topics the format all of that then will be centered on what a podcast is using your example Mel Robins podcast that's the name of the YouTube channel the male Robins podcast and the format that she chose for that type of content that she's making is conversational interview format long episodes instead of just shorter videos with information that people consume on YouTube so when you are planning your content you need to make those decisions early on of how the way that you build your brand is going to reflect on what you're making and whether you're making a podcast or not so it has nothing to do with the RSS or the microphone it has more to do with the format and attaching the word podcast to it if it's just the Mel Robins show I find that on YouTube then I would assume that is not a podcast that is just a talk show but because it says the male Robins podcast then we know that it's a podcast that was her intention and also because of the format of the content itself is conversational interview format and Al because you can find it in audio form and in video form I think that that's my commentary to what you were saying because it wasn't a question I I liked it though I think that gives me some clarity on basically the definitions is that first the definitions don't matter but second it is about when you are attaching the word podcast to the end of your content you are suggesting and telling your audience that you intend on being consistent um that you intend on either interviewing or having more like indepth exploration of topics if it's going to be educational or it's going to be entertaining talk show style radio show style in any number of formats we could go on and on and on and it's all just semantics and words and and it doesn't really matter so if you're approaching podcasting or you've been podcasting for a while and you really just kind of think that you're in this old school thought of just thinking you know what I know that my audience just listens to me I have a good listener base you know speak Mel Robins I know that a good portion of her audience just listens to her in the car or in their airpods when they're exercising podcasts aren't really made to be watched and all these video podcasting people are dumb convince me otherwise convince me of why should I bother video podcasting what's it going to do for me thinking this way is going to limit your reach when you are creating content in different formats that opens the door for you to Captivate audiences on other platforms if if you make audio only content that limits you to be on Spotify Apple podcast and the other podcast players and you are ignoring millions and millions of people who are on YouTube or millions and millions of people who are on Instagram or Tik Tok mhm that may never be interested in listening to your show but they may be interested in watching the video or watching a portion of the video or maybe watching a 60c clip with some nugget of wisdom that you recorded on your podcast instead of listening to the audio only it's all about expose your content to different audiences on different formats for your benefit because ultimately the reason why you're making content is because you want to have an audience so it doesn't matter if it's audio if it's video if I listen to it or if I play it on YouTube as a video and then I just plug my headphones and start cleaning my house and um am my watching am I listening it does not matter and if you have the thought of starting a video podcast and you're blocking yourself from doing it just think for a second that if you are thinking about it it's because you should be doing it otherwise it wouldn't be something that you will be going back and forth so I would say if you want to introduce video to your podcast production I I don't think you should wait I think you should try it and I think you should open yourself up to to new ideas and new ways of making content now we have this thing with AI and there's a lot of resistance when it comes to AI we need just need to evolved with what's going on in the content marketing and in content creator industry because is an industry that is relatively new and now we have all of this services and ways to make content all this cool soft word and we have the script we're recording here on squadcast who's part of the script and all of this really cool tools that can make your content creation efficient and why not just be on different platforms if it doesn't entail more time for you or investment of more money or hiring more people if you can squeeze it into your workflow just go for it and try it I like that a lot and I think that if I were even more stubborn and you were my coach you would be peeling away layers of the onion to expose what's really going on right and that can be all the insecurities and everything of actually being on camera it adds an extra stress extra worries and concerns and obviously too it does add extra work and extra equipment and extra budget that you need for that equipment just to finalize this and bring it all together you say widen my reach and get the content in front of more people as a coach advise that if I'm going to have a podcast on YouTube that there should be a camera element that your face should be there that it's always going to be more advisable to have that versus an Audi or an audio only version playing on YouTube and that's just because of the nature of the YouTube so it's about understanding what platform your podcast is going to be on so the first box maybe or the first reason you're telling me just to kind of sum this together why you should have a video podcast why you should be incorporating a camera into your workflow is one for YouTube that's a big one then the other one that we could unpack a little bit is repurposing so if I already am looking at you looking at me if you're just listening to this podcast we have two podcast microphones both of us were looking at a camera directly at our computer I mean what you would imagine right for a podcast this is what we would be doing anyway because we're already in a virtual solution many times now with our guest so even though it's an audio only podcast I see my guest face you see me it's not really that crazy to think about us just pressing record on our cameras even if we're just using the camera on our laptops so what are the benefits of repurposing and how could I repurpose my podcast episode and what does that even mean repurposing to repurpose is to take a piece of your content and extract pieces from it that will go on different Platforms in this case it will be social media and you have to be smart about the way that you repurpose because sometimes it may hurt your brand more than helping you grow on other platforms one of the things that I recommend is when you are planning your content your long Format Interview or maybe your solo episode think about the ways that you want to repurpose that content because if you start planning your content that way then when it's time for you to record it you will have that in mind and you will know which pieces of that content you want to repurpose into vertical videos for other platforms the reason for this is because you don't want to post something with ideas that are in completed we've been experimenting with this a lot and there's a process that we use to repurpose our long format episodes for Content he our editors do this for us and they add Transitions and they add emojis and those animated captions that capture the attention of people on social media people on social media have different attention spans than people on YouTube than podcast listeners and they're there to be social to get entertained and to get tips or information or strategies or to learn something but it has to be condensed within 60 seconds or less so if you're thinking about repurposing your content you should have all all these things in mind learn about the platform that you will be posting your repurposing content on learned what people favors there what are some of the things that perform and not perform there as well and then adapt that piece of content into it I don't know if that answered your question yeah that was great I think what it reveals In Me Is Yet something else that you might have to do some coaching with me on which is I don't think it's laziness but it kind of feels like it might be just the fact that I am Limited in time to begin with right and the podcast has been hard to keep it going to maintain it to keep the spark alive I do have some loyal listeners and I'm committed to keep going with this thing but that all just really added a bunch of stress and a bunch of ideas cuz I'm like okay so now I have to learn about Instagram should I be on Instagram should I be on Tik Tok what's a way that you would recommend that would be an easier way for me to get started that wouldn't feel so overwhelming now I have this podcast episode and you're telling me that I need to go find vertical pieces of it cut it up and then add little captions and add little animations but those vertical pieces have to be really catchy they have to be little highlight or clips from my episode and I may or may not find that those perform well on social media so now I'm going to actually have to log into those social media accounts on a regular basis and while I'm there I'm going to start getting all this dopamine without effort and my brain will be so wired for addiction by the time I'm done so is it worth it and what's an easier way that I can get started and now you're really just kind of back me back into a corner of wanting to go back to audio podcasting only again I was convinced and now I'm not convinced anymore okay here's the thing you have two ways to do this you can either Outsource all of that so you don't have to worry about wasting time on social media getting drawn into things that you don't want to get into oh okay I'm liking you out Source then your editor will do all of the editing will get your content looking nice they will also look for those short that will perform well on the platforms or you can give your editor instructions hey in minute number 10 or something like that I talked about let's say I'm a fitness coach and I talked about my preworkout meal and you know that will perform well maybe you have the sense that people are looking for this information so just you give your editor instructions and then you can have a Content distributor and that person can take that content and upload your podcast episode to your web host it can do all the uploading on YouTube all the uploading on spot ified if you are on Spotify for podcasters with all the titles the thumbnails the descriptions the show notes and all that and then they can also post your vertical videos to Instagram Tik Tok or LinkedIn or whatever is your social media platform of choice hey I wanted to interrupt this episode to give a big shout out to our podcast edit lab editor Jill lllo who edited this amazing video podcast episode for you if you'd like like to find out more about how you can work with Jill go to pod sound school.com and you can find a list of our certified editors if you have to do this by yourself if you don't have the means just now to bring those two people into your team if it was just me I would use this script the good thing about the script is that now we are recording on squadcast squadcast is now part of the script if I record interviews remotely then I will use squadcast I would get the files and I would edit them on the script and in the script I would edit my long format content my podcast my video podcast you don't have to overwhelm yourself with getting vertical videos three vertical videos that you can post on a week that will be sufficient the goal here is that you don't want to become an Instagram expert or a LinkedIn expert the goal is to distribute the content on the platforms so it stay there so it gets eyes and ears so you start growing your audience there mhm and it seems some people may say well this is a waste of time because if you don't have a strategy if you're not an expert on Instagram then this isn't going to work it's not going to help you grow as fast as if you would focus on one platform and just Master it and maybe get a coach and maybe get an Instagram expert or Tik Tok expert but it will help you grow and it will give you some traction and it's content that you already have it so why not use it to be on other platforms so that's the way that I would do it with this gript that you can get so good at and you can get fast editing your videos you can also get very fast at just finding those moments where you can get your vertical videos and add some captions just keep it very simple and the more you batch record the more you plan ahead the more organized you will be and the more efficient you will be so recording your podcast recording your videos and and posting all that content doesn't become a manageable monster that takes you days for you to complete and leverage the tools that are out there to save you time use chat GPT now with all of the new updates for the transcripts and again help you with the summaries and the script also generates summaries for show notes for your podcast so yes it actually suggests those moments that you could turn into clips and it will give you the time stamps and it'll say these are of particular interest like you said with chat gbt there's all sorts of crazy things people are doing because you could put the transcript in chat gbt and ask chat gbt to find the places in your script where you were most Sensational or you targeted certain keywords I I like this now now you got me moving in the right direction so listener and or Watcher or the combo of both you're going to need to stay tuned because we're going to have to move into part two this first compelling episode with Veronica was really all about convincing you that yes video podcasting is going to be in your benefit if you are just getting into podcasting just Dive Right In and do both get the video the sooner you get the video there the better also repurposing doesn't have to be difficult one or two pieces of extra content off of each episode one platform keep it simple use the simplified tools that we have train yourself just a little bit and you can get fast and then number three to summarize from this episode is Outsource Outsource that's my favorite and now don't waste any time and hop into the next episode where we're going to cover part two of this riveting video podcast series with Veronica where we're going to cover how to actually get started video podcasting with specific tips and tricks with gear with content ideas and strategy that you can put to use to grow and to attract more listeners and viewers to your podcast I'm excited
Channel: Content Jefe Podcast
Views: 3,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o8AveliMcxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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