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what is going on everybody welcome back to my channel my name is Joey Brown if we haven't met and I am on set of the Trailblazers Talk podcast this is just one of the few podcasts that I produced and today I wanted to get in the podcast room and show you guys a little bit about the gear that we are using now before we jump into it I got to let you guys know that this is a very compact room it's a small space not large at all and um I I think that might be the point of this video just to show you guys exactly why there's no excuse not to be doing podcasts because if we can do it in this small space you can almost do it anywhere so let's get into the gear uh when it comes to podcasting I always like to um when I'm setting up a podcast I like to go in order of a V and L that's audio video and Lighting in the same way that I use that order for setup that's the order that I'm going to be uh talking about the gear that we use today so let's start off with audio I'm not using this mic right now it is in the shop but it's not connected to the camera I have a road shotgun mic on the camera but this is a two-person podcast setup the host is using a sure mv7 X the guest mic is actually Shore mv7 why they are different I have no idea but that's what we got and they are very similar mics audio sounds crispy out of both of them we route these mics directly into the fx30 is um with with XLR cables in the top handle so I'll show you guys what that looks like in a second but um for now yeah no uh no external audio recording we're not recording in uh through an interface or anything like that we're just going mics right into the camera so that's it for audio let's talk about video so here we are with video so we utilize two Sony fx3s this is the fx30 and this is the top handle I mentioned before we just take the XLR from the uh microphone and we go right into the top handle just like that and um I really like doing it this way because we can monitor all of our levels right right here directly on the top handle so super easy to uh to remember where we like it and just keep it there I won't go into too much detail about the top handle but if you're using top handles always make sure that you have the handle audio on because if you don't then you will screw yourself out of audio and um it's probably the most important part of a podcast audio our tripods are in use I'm using one of them right now to record this I would love to show you guys what it looks like on a tripod but you can imagine these sitting on a tripod we have one pointed at our guest and one pointed at our host and I'll actually throw in some b-roll from our latest podcast with Sean Kelly to show you guys what these shots actually look like we shoot everything 4K 30 frames per second with a shutter speed of 160th of a second cuz you always want to double your shutter speed to your frame rate so um we try to go for 100 ISO and we shoot 5400 Kelvin that's what I'm on right now because it looks pretty dayligh is and this specific room so we turn off all of the lights in the room and we we've got a blackout curtain to block the natural light from coming in so as far as aperture I try to open up uh we're using these standard Sony fullframe 50 mm for now we'll get better lenses but for now these lenses look great once again I'll throw in a Boll shot from our recent podcast just to show you guys you can't necessarily uh sleep on these they're they're good lenses um especially if you're on a bu and you're trying to just get started we use a Sony 50 f1.8 and I do tend to try to shoot wide open at f1.8 because it's a small room and I want a little bit of depth behind my uh behind my subject we got lights in the corner here and I do kind of want and you know a couple plants I do want those to kind of be blurred out in the background as much as possible just to create a little bit of depth as far as lighting let's get into lighting now for this I can get up out the chair and show you guys what we're using for lighting okay so for lighting in this corner we've got the amaran 100 D with the small rig OG uh Lantern on there and right over here in this corner um obviously the mics are not the only things that we're mismatching here uh we've got 100 DS and what the differences are with these lights I have absolutely no idea but there's a gin Bay or Jin B Lantern on this one so so here's a little pan shot of the podcast set up here there's a rug there as well a little Center table to put the waters on uh we always provide water and little coffee cans for our guests now this office is multi-purpose our owner does uh Apparel Design so we've got hats and uh cool things here but if we ever rent the space out or allow someone to come in and create content such as a business owner they can bring in their own brand identifiers or whatever they want to bring in and uh throw it up back here as well and we would then remove our things so that's really it to this setup man um I will link as many things things such as the lighting the microphones I can't link the chairs I don't know where they came from but I will link all the camera gear and equipment that we use here and um I forgot to mention every now and then we will introduce a wi shot like this one with the Sony a6700 camera and we'll just dial in the same settings from the uh the 2 fx30 so I will link all these cameras below if you are interested in like these colors uh these all shoot 4221 bit colors so amazing stuff I for got to show you guys the blackout curtain just blocking that large window there but um while we're speaking on the window I'll show you guys that we actually have a view of the Vegas trip from this room here so cool stuff um that's really it with this setup man it's not the best or the most formal setup video but it's a small room and um I think a small video would do it justice so um that's it for this podcast set up man I'll see you guys in the next video thanks
Channel: formygoodlv
Views: 2,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2vLjInwZ5jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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