How to Start A Podcast in 2024

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in this video let's talk about how to start a podcast in [Music] 2024 so first and foremost with developing a podcast you want to make sure that you have your idea and your concept together I know it can be very easy to think that all you need to do is grab a microphone and just start talking with some friends which guess what that is very possible but I also believe it's the number one reason that many podcasts don't make it past episode 3 that's because of the fact that you haven't taken the time to develop the concept the idea as well as your story arc think of it as a wellth thought out TV show if you just turned on the TV and they were just talking in circles you wouldn't really stay engaged item number two is you want to figure out how your Cadence of your show is going to be so those are the foundational elements so when we talk about Cadence and Foundation that's are you going to have a weekly podcast bi-weekly podcast how long is it going to be 30 minutes 40 5 minutes 60 Minutes even um when is it going to release is it going to release on Tuesdays Mondays or Wednesdays and let's kind of talk about some of those pieces often times when people launch a podcast they have a tendency to have their podcast be um weekly because the fact that that's what they see most people doing along with that most people go for weekly because of the fact that you want more downloads and you want more listeners but I always say you'd rather be consistent than to be erratic so if you start off doing a weekly podcast in the beginning you may think that's easy to do and now you've set this expectation for your audience But as time goes on and Life Starts lifing you might find yourself in a position to where you realize having a weekly show is a lot of work so I always tell people start off with a bi-weekly show to first get your Cadence your Rhythm and see what you are able to add on to that get your audience wanting more if you develop an audience who's perfectly fine with a bi-weekly podcast why do the extra work for a weekly one next up is determining the day that your podcast releases with determining the day I would say look at what people are doing when they listen to your podcast so in that foundational stage of figuring out like okay who is my audience what are the topics I want to talk about and what topics does my audience want to hear from me when you're doing that if your audience and your show is about motivation it could be really great for a release on Mondays because people are hyped to start the week or they need a little bit of hyping to get their week started and it's great to do that on a Monday versus Tuesdays people are a little further into their week it's less chaotic they're kind of getting into the groove th those are the things that you want to think about if you're less motivational and more kind of current events if you have a Wednesday show getting people through the midweek slump and the list just kind of goes on so think of the content and who your audience is and that's how you make these determinations versus a well Tuesday feels right for me so we've talked about you know when you release it we've talked about the type of content you release but let's also talk about the duration I know a lot of people love the read and quite frankly it introduced so many people to podcasting as a whole with this in mind though they have an hour hour and a half or Joe Rogan um so many people who have been either celebrities or been doing this for quite some time have really expansive podcast well let's be honest in 2024 and Beyond people's attention spans are just not where they used to be at so when we look at things like reals and how long it takes for you to capture somebody's attention and grab them and in essence it almost feels like this day and age we have to kidnap you in order to get your attention cuz you have three seconds to capture somebody's attention and really after that it starts to dwindle well with a podcast being more long form content anything really more than 22 to 25 minutes we start seeing on listening platforms where it starts to drop off and that's your listen through rate so when you're thinking about oh somebody listened to my podcast well that's only the first minute and that's how apple and all of these other platforms determine a listener but your listen through rate which you can see in apple will tell you more of those data and that's for much later as you've launched the podcast but that's just to just give you a little bit more information as to how we're coming to this this conclusion of 2 minutes now I always say an episode should be as long as it needs to be but you do need to create some form of expectation so your audience knows hey I know that I have a road trip this is a show that is 25 minutes so I can get a few episodes in so consistency is key in podcasting now we kind of talked about some of those foundational things so that's your topic your length of your podcast um now let's talk into determining if you should do audio and visual now I'm going to say this and I might be a little bit biased because I own a full service production agency that specializes in audio video and everything else in between but I promise the advice is true and exactly what you need I 100% believe in 2024 and on you really do need a video component now I definitely was one of those people who did not believe so at first back in 2020 I was definitely on the train of video is not necessary I'm a big audio person it's a companion tool so there are definitely still people who enjoy the audio experience but the reach and the marketing that having a visual component provides for your brand as well as for your show really makes the world of a difference if you start looking at your podcast less as a standalone element and instead as a funnel to your business funnel to your brand funnel to your overall Niche it really kind of kind of sets the tone so if a company is marketing a product you expect that they have different verticals of where you can get the details about that product same concept around having video it allows for you to be on YouTube Tik Tok YouTube shorts Instagram reels and so many other places from Pinterest to everything else in between so you really want to make sure that as you're thinking of how you promote it how we used to promote podcasts would be static images with a voice over and I'm fairly sure you've seen some of the big names I know my leak still does this but guess what she's my leak she has a huge audience so it's still works for her but if you are just breaking into the industry and you don't have that audience then I wouldn't recommend that I would definitely say you want to have a video component if you do not that's perfectly fine as well and that's something that you can build up to see if you have the stamina for having a podcast and I don't think enough people talk about that if you see that you have the stamina then invest in that next level so I've kind of talked through what some people would call the fluff but I think the fluff is actually some of the most important portions of starting a podcast because it helps you lay the foundation to make sure that you have what you need to move forward now let's go into the next piece this is the portion that I think most people are like hey I'm ready to go I've definitely seen many clients who are like Hey we're ready to go with this podcast we have the concept but they haven't done some of those foundational things this next portion is around recording your podcast as well as figuring out what tools to utilize for that I know that if you are not coming to a studio that is sound treated that that we have here at adode media you do have the option to record yourself at home with a few simple pieces of equipment you do not need and let me say it again you do not need the most expensive microphones that you see don't get me wrong the sh smv 7s are amazing the shore microphones they look good and they've become an industry standard but those those microphones can range in the hundreds of dollars and they do a great job but the Samsung q2u which are about $67 do an amazing job as well for two years when I had the podcast Studio before we upgraded our equipment I utilized the Samsung qts and the content and what we put out there was absolutely amazing on a professional level there's a lot of production houses that they utilize those mics for on the road so I say all of that to say that they work just well and it allows for you to stay within budget so Samsung Q2 use as your microphone if you recording by yourself you don't necessarily need an audio interface but if you're recording in person with somebody else a Focus right um interface two person Plugin or for if you decide that down the line You'll have other people or a roadter pro version one because those are much less expensive The Roaster Pro 2 is great as well but it doesn't necessar neily like you don't need all the bells and whistles when you're first starting out last but definitely not least I always say a good pair of headphones that are plugged in because it does help from a sound quality and for you to kind of keep track of that so that's the equipment side of things and then let's talk about the do which is how you edit your podcast so from an editing perspective I like to say let's use the free tools that are out there I know there's Premiere uh Adobe Audition logic pro and so many other things but I'm still of the mindset that a good garage band that comes on Apple or um audacity which is for a non-apple products free to utilize and they do such an amazing job I'm big on YouTube University as your way to learn how to utilize these tools to do a few elements but keep in mind if you prepare before you start recording your podcast you won't have as many edits to make life easier for yourself so we've talked about the equipment we've talked about the foundation we've talked about the editing now let's talk about like okay the brand visuals when you're putting your podcast out there keep in mind that how people discover your show is like you have to capture their attention so imagine I'm looking for a podcast on making bread super random I understand but let's say I'm creating a podcast and I'm looking for Content about making bread and I'm scrolling through Apple podcast and I see an amazing cover art that has bread with smoke coming off of it I'm just go with the analogy at this point and it captures my ey so I feel the need to click on it that is the whole premise of creating amazing brand visuals this is your podcast cover art and the reason for this is It's think of it as like your trailer it's how people find you and then of course your content is how you hook them so the first step is I always say I know so many people are like you can go to canva and do it yourself i' say it's worth the investment and we do that here Shameless plug at a do media we do help you with creating your brand visuals from your cover art to your YouTube banner and thumbnails and everything else in between but if you're like you know what I can't afford you guys or I'm looking for a freelancer there's definitely websites from upwork to Fiverr that can definitely work with somebody on a one-on-one basis but I do recommend that you work with us because they also create your logo and so many other assets for you so that you don't have to worry about this as you grow so that's your Design Elements next up is more of the technical things I know most people always wonder like once I've recorded my episodes where do they go like what happens to the audio component now in the world of podcasting there's really two different Realms there's a realm of you just have your video component and you are on YouTube and that's it you're not worrying about being able to be found on Apple podcast Spotify or any uh ihart or any of the other listening platforms but if you have an audio component to your podcast um if you are an Audi based podcast that has an RSS feed how you get that RSS feed is by finding a hosting platform I always recommend bus Sprout because of their ease of use what they give you for um the price and those prices start off at $12 and you're able to get hosting support stats and be able to kind of see what's out there now I'm 99.9% sure you've heard of anchor anchor is a free um podcast hosting platform from Spotify the thing about anchor is I think it's a great barrier of Entry if you're still trying to determine if this is for you and you don't want to spend money but if you're trying to grow utilize this as part of your larger brand it's a little problematic because of the fact that they don't give you the necessary stats to know if what you're doing is working to know if you're actually reaching your audience where are they located any of those things that help with the growth and sustainability of your show so from a host platform I always recommend bus Sprout however feel free to look into what other host platforms are out there and do a comparison for yourself as well and keep in mind before I move on host platforms are what create an RSS feed which then is what sends your podcast to the listening platforms so all you have to do is load your episodes into your host and from there it will actually send your podcast episode your audio file over to the apples the spotifi iHeart and all of these other listening platforms for your audience to hear it now as far as video goes you would just load it manually over into YouTube because bus Sprout does not feed over into YouTube next up let's talk about the launch um I'm very big on making sure you have what is called a trailer episode where you are introducing your audience into what your podcast is about I love a good trailer because it allows for me to almost like Netflix see what I'm getting myself into before I commit to a 30 to 45 minutes of listening to your show I want to understand like is this something that actually resonates with me is this something that I'm like oh this is good I connect I feel I feel one with the host and that's the whole premise of creating a trailer it shouldn't be anything longer than I say 10 minutes max because it's just giving insights into what the show is about who you are as the host and what they can expect for you from either this season or the show as a whole and then with your launch you want to have the trailer as well as an episode because now I've listened to the trailer and I'm like oo I'm intrigued along with this now I want to hear the first thing to see if this is something I want to subscribe and commit to last but definitely not least is figuring out what works for you as far as marketing your show I say it all the time as much as this video is about how to launch a podcast in 2024 and Beyond at the same token the hardest part about podcasting is actually the marketing of the show as well as your brand um if you are utilizing your podcast in the right way it should be a part of a larger brand and not just the brand on its own not saying it's not possible but we're seeing where you you do a lot better when you have a different return on investment than just listenership because the amount of time and money you'll spend in a podcast you have to feel like you're getting that return so with developing your marketing strategy figure out what you like doing as well as what platforms can you commit to it's very easy to say I want to be on Tik Tok Pinterest YouTube um Instagram Twitter and everywhere in between but you'll easily burn out once you kind of set a kadence your audience will then expect that from you and now you'll find yourself not enjoying this thing you initially created so find a platform find an Avenue and I always say do it for a quarter see if it's working and if it's not reassess for the next quarter this is going to be the case in any digital marketing space you always want to assess the elements that you've put in place whether that's for your podcast your brand or your overall Communications now if you're saying to yourself Anna you just said a lot of different moving parts to start this podcast there's like a list of 10 different things I don't even think you told us all the things we need to think about beforehand and I'm sure sure there's even more then don't worry about it you can come over here to do media and we can support you with all your podcast production and launch needs we are a full service agency that helps with everything from marketing branding design as well as recording because we have a studio in the heart of Atlanta Georgia we even work with people who are not in Atlanta so if you want to come in record your content we can take care of that for you for a quarter's worth of content in just one weekend so I hope you found this information helpful and I hope to get to work with you in the future until the next video have a good [Music] one
Channel: Adode Media
Views: 9,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a podcast, how to start a podcast for beginners, how to record a podcast, how to podcast, how to make a podcast, how to start a podcast for free, how to start a podcast 2023, start a podcast, how to start a podcast on your phone, how to start a free podcast, how to make a podcast for beginners, starting a podcast, how to start a podcast 2020, how to start a podcast in 2023, how to publish a podcast, how to monetize a podcast, Adode media, Ona oghogho
Id: ibyUoQ5AvVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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