How to Start a Podcast in 2024 (For Beginners)

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[Music] hi I'm Rachel welcome back to my channel okay so today we are going to be talking about how to start a podcast in 2024 I feel like these days when you're scrolling on social media whether it's Instagram Tik Tok YouTube shorts you can't help but see little Snippets and excerpts from podcast episodes so you might be thinking everybody has a podcast and the truth of the matter is everyone does me included I have a podcast called you are here that is available on Spotify apple and anywhere you listen to podcast and it's mostly about stories from people who are taking unconventional and courageous paths in life to show you the audience all of the possibilities that life has to offer more on that in a bit I was having a conversation with a girlfriend of mine and she has a little toddler and when I told her that my podcast was on Spotify or on Apple podcast and to search for it she she said oh my gosh you're listed on those major platforms and I said yeah anyone can and she said even if I wanted to have my toddler have a podcast I could and I said yes you could literally record your child saying whatever and uploading it on all of these platforms the entry into creating online or creating in a digital way is so low now that if you have an idea or if you have a point of view and you want to get your voice out there it's never been easier which brings me to point number one in how to start a podcast of know your why do you want to entertain your audience do you want to educate your audience do you want to inspire there's so many reasons for why people start podcast sure there's the more business aspect of things if you are the podcast host or you're the owner of the podcast thinking okay could this be a revenue stream is this a distribution channel for my business my personal brand but there's the deeper sense of what is the intention behind why you want to start this for me and you are here I'm at this really interesting Crossroads in life where I've been working for several years and as you get older you see a lot of your Social Circle a lot of your peers going off in different directions in whatever way that means to you but there's so many different possibilities and what I'm sensing in my peer group is that they want to see what else is out there they want to be able to hear the inspiring stories of other people who are living unconventionally in hopes that perhaps that can give them the courage or the inspiration or even the education that they may be seeking in order to actually make that leap for themselves or to see what possibility could look like in their own lives so because I know that about my own personal Circle about my peers and where I am personally and my life stage I really gravitate towards those conversations so I really wanted to have a platform to be able to share more stories around people who are living unconventionally it's also about sharing stories from people who are very true to themselves and are looking for ways to feel aligned to feel fulfilled in their career and in their life so for you if you're interested in starting a podcast really understand your why of what is the intention and what is the purpose and message that you'd like to bring out into the world because naturally now here comes the audience side of things if you're sharing certain stories about a certain life phase or life stage or certain topic like will attract like if you are married and have kids and you're talking about Mom life you will naturally attract an audience of moms or parents who are married who have kids who are working and who are looking for ways on how to navigate all of it so if you're looking to create a community or looking to spread a message around something very specific that means something to to you chances are very likely that you will be attracting that same type of person in listening to your content so knowing your why is super important because that's how you actually attract who you want to within your podcast Community next you also need a name and cover once you start reflecting on what your why is the title will naturally come so you are here in the context of this podcast it means you are here and find beauty and where you are now and where you would like to be and then when it comes to the podcast cover I'm not the greatest at this because I didn't do a whole photo shoot for it I didn't do a whole conceptual brainstorm I just wanted to get something out there so I took an older photo of myself that felt happy that felt empowering that felt uplifting because that is how I want people to feel when they listen to these stories I made something in canva and there you have it next is choosing your podcast format as I'm talking to you solo oneon-one like this I also have solo episodes on my own podcast where I share life experiences insights or things that I've discovered along the way that I want to share with other people but the large majority of my content on my podcast is sharing interesting stories from others who are living a different life path than myself but are opening up the world to other possibilities so know what kind of format you would like to lean more into just because you have one format of you want to do a guest Style interview doesn't mean that you can't pepper in certain solo episodes for yourself or have something maybe even more Community oriented and have a Q&A so you can have a hybrid of all of it but just know what the main format is for your podcast because that will help you create a schedule and create the system that you need to keep your podcast going on a consistent basis so speaking about consistency knowing what your schedule is is really important and key so that you can plan a accordingly now the traditional format and Cadence for a podcast is weekly but I've seen it in so many different formats there are weekly ongoing episodes so 52 episodes every year or I've seen people do seasons so there could be a season one of 10 episodes or 12 episodes and then they take a break to kind of recharge rest and get another backlog of content ideas going interviews scheduled and then they launch season 2 which is sort of the phase 2 or maybe second era of their podcast so it's another iteration of it so there's literally no right or wrong way to either way but just knowing ahead of time what your schedule is will help you create that system that you need to keep things going that was just for a weekly option but I've definitely seen some that are bi-weekly even monthly so it really just depends on what your intention is and what your capacity is as well is this something that you really want to be a primary focus for for yourself your personal brand your business or is this something more supplementary that you want to do more casually as things come up for you as topics start igniting in your brain so this all informs the type of system and planning that you put into place now when I talk about systems this means the actual management of how things run despite me saying that anyone can start a podcast it is true anyone can but to keep it going and to be consistent with it so your audience knows when to check in on you when a new episode is releasing when all of these things occur it's really important to have a system in place because there is the actual planning phase of scheduling out your guests are you reaching out to your network then there's the actual scheduling and recording of that podcast when is that happening how far out are you actually scheduling is it something timely that needs to occur with the launch of something that your guest is promoting so it needs to be scheduled Ed and published at a certain time when are you going to edit there are so many considerations that come into place so having the right system is super important so when it comes to creating a system use a process that works for you for me I lean very heavily on notion so I have a whole notion podcast Hub that I use that really helps me out in keeping me organized and keeping me on track the next thing to consider around starting a podcast is the equipment and the techn Tech ology that you will need to actually do this now podcasts are audio first but obviously there is a visual element as well if you start thinking about your promotional strategy and creating reels and shorts and ways that you want to promote the podcast so you may also want to include some video to it but primarily if we're just talking about audio there is the mic the pop filter and then the tools that come with that so what I use is this blue yeti this does the trick it is less than $200 I want to say it's around 100 to$ 150 but I've had this four years and it's such a great investment I honestly think even if you don't have a podcast that you can use this for anything if you have a voice over that you need to do it just brings in the sound so much better than what is actually in your computer the second is headphones so these are my headphones I don't use anything fancy but it does the trick so these are by nox gear obviously I think there are probably more fancy brands that are super expensive but if you're someone who wants to keep things really low budget really easy especially as you build up your brand build up your podcast and you just want to get started I for me didn't want to have money be a barrier to why I couldn't get started so I didn't want the fact that I don't have a professional podcast Studio or I don't have really expensive headphones or I don't have a super professional profal mic that's like really fancy and has all of these different settings I didn't want any of that to be a barrier I wanted to keep things really simple so I could say hey if I just as a bundle bought maybe let's say $200 worth of necessary required equipment then I could go ahead and get started so that was more of my priority everyone is different but I would say if you're just looking to start keep things as low entry as possible so now the third piece of equipment is this thing it is called a pop filter basically what a pop filter does is it filters out some of those hard sounds so a lot of times through audio it can be really sensitive especially when you're using a professional mic so sometimes those hard sounds with an S will come through really loudly in the audio and so this helps filter it and then lastly when it comes to the sound quality if you can create a space that is a little bit more insulated that does wonders so what what I've seen actually a lot of people do funny enough is that they will put a blanket up on the wall like almost like one of those moving blankets that you use to cover your furniture they've put that up on the wall to help some of the bounce and some of the sound stay a little bit more insulated now I'm in an open Loft so it's a little bit difficult to do that but with the tools that I'm about to get into you can kind of trick the sound into sounding like you're in a professional studio now for the technology and the recording aspects of things so there are a couple of different tools so I'm going to share the one that I use mostly because I have obviously the most familiarity with it but I use riverside. FM to record for video now I use this for my guest interviews because what I really like about their video platform is that all the video files are stored on your local computer so if someone's connection lags it's all stored locally so even if you see in real time time the lag happening know that as you're recording it there actually is no lag and what I also like is that there is this AI feature where you can create Magic Clips where it pulls out specific points in the conversation where you will be able to make these into social deliverables if you want to now that's for my guest interviews when I'm just doing a solo episode I actually record in descript it's super powerful and I'm actually going to show you some of the audio features that it has that I really like so all you have to do is set up your mic situation and there's this little button that you can use and once you toggle this over to Studio sound on it sounds like you are in a professional studio hi I'm Andrew from descript here to tell you about our newest feature it is called Studio sound and I'm actually using it right now here I'll turn it off so that you can hear the difference so now that I've talked about Riverside FM and also descript I'll show you my actual workflow so for me since I told you earlier on that I normally record podcasts with a guest I do use Riverside FM but because I like the studio sound and descript what I end up doing is I actually export what's in Riverside over to descript and I think the editing features within descript are a lot more customizable and you can use a lot of the audio engineering to be able to fine-tune specific areas a lot easier than Riverside both are wonderful platforms and I need both but I find the post- production the editing side of things a lot easier to use on descript now lastly of course now that you've recorded your wonderful podcast and I hope it gets thousands and thousands of downloads now you need to actually distribute it before you can get those downloads so I use Spotify for podcasters and it's so easy on the back end you can just plug and play all you need is your title your description your cover art audio itself as a separate file and you're good to go once you actually use Spotify for podcasters it will distribute your main podcast that you upload for Spotify into all of the other channels whether that's Apple whether that's overcast or any of the other platforms it automatically does it once you are hooked up to Spotify so I hope that if you are starting a podcast that you found this really helpful I know for me I had to kind of dig around for all of this information so I'm hoping that this is a one stop video for you to be able to see all the tools that you need see what you need to be thinking about and for anything that I have talked about in this video I will have links for in the description box let me know if you have any questions see you next week
Channel: Rachel Rhee
Views: 2,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Start a podcast, how to record a podcast, how to record a podcast 2024, how to start a podcast, how to start a podcast 2024, how to start a podcast for beginners, how to start a podcast for free, podcast tips 2024, podcasting at home, podcasting for beginners
Id: 8_HT1DsnHf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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