Can You Deep Fry Bubble Gum?

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the only one I kind of want to see there's the other in today's video we're taking the things you wanted to see deep fried and throwing him into our deep fryer guys we have our lovely patch of bare dirt here because we are doing some fun experiments with a deep fryer and we don't want to have that splash all over like it has some other times we may be left a couple oil stains on some concrete even when we put down tarps in the past when we've had things react very explosively well hot oil is going to burn through a plastic tarp so this seems like a better area to do that yeah here's the basic idea we found five comments of five different things that you guys want to see deep fried we're gonna try them out and let you know how it says we've looked through comments and found five things that you guys have requested for us to deep fry and we're gonna try all five of those and see what they do I think we've got some pretty fun ideas here yeah you guys seem very very interested in what can and cannot be deep-fried so we've done two of these in the past you'll notice we have a third deep fryer we've gone through three deep fryers now because we keep breaking things because the things we've deep-fried explode I don't know if anything we have today is as explosive but I am kind of curious to see what happens to it so let's get started should be interesting first off we had a video 'if we deep fried eggs in a few different ways but one thing we didn't do was to deep fry a hard-boiled egg so these are hard boiled eggs and I think we're gonna try deep-frying one with the shell on and one with the shell off and see how they react [Music] that's missing already hissing I'm pretty sure the unpeeled egg is going to pop fairly quickly or crack I just cracked Wow you called it and I jumped about seven feet not all of the shell came off but one part of it did I think that's probably the a pocket air pocket yeah or even the yolk in the inside that might have been too fast for the yolk to really start heating up that happened act like baby yeah okay old one has gotten this lovely golden fried egg coating has crust and we've definitely started losing shell off of our unpeeled hey that's a good way to peel a hard-boiled egg yeah deep fry it I want to try again like leave these going but I do want to fuse with another one and as soon as it pops I want to take it out and see how much of the shell can come off okay and let's back up a little farther because that almost threw oil at us cracked yet at all so that's strange one of them pops so quickly and then this other one has been in there for much longer and it hasn't maybe take these ones out and look at them and then we can grab the other two if we want all right so I'm gonna go ahead and say just as far as presentation is concerned doesn't look all that appetizing a new new way to fry an egg this one's kind of interesting the one that was in the shell because it's still browned but it didn't get the same crackly crust we didn't batter these guys you saw them go in as it was still soft-boiled even Wow look at that you have this crunchy this could be a thing I think one of the comments I saw asking about this suggested that it was actually a thing like a middle Scotch eggs that was called I've seen them before when I've gone to Britain but yeah battered egg and then it's fry that I believe tell me if I've got this wrong really good but it's kind of what this reminds me of here hot mm-hmm is the crunch texture on the outside nice or is it just me no I actually really like it it reminds me of just a very fried egg but I really like that crunchy texture that you get like the edges around the edge of the pan I would actually do that on purpose I would feel it first yeah I like that clam you're getting a nice even coating on the outside where is the one that had the shell on there are there parts of it that were more protected that I don't think picked up that texture as much you can see right there that still had shell it didn't come off and then this one none of the shell came off so we have inconsistent results and none of this is fried on the inside [Music] maybe the one that popped is the rare one be ammonium in there about 30 seconds whoa there we go it's only one I kind of want to think wow there's the other one of these days guys you're going to see us film an explosion where I don't scream someday someday it will happen all right so we had one egg that did not want to pop but three eggs with the show on that did but overall I think if you're gonna fry a hard-boiled egg or a soft-boiled egg it probably is best to peel it first because then you get like a soft-boiled egg with a nice crunchy outside texture and it's actually delicious eggs interesting what's next well you know there's one breakfast food next up people wanted to see a different breakfast food we've got pop-tarts pop-tarts can be cooked in a number of ways toasters microwaves it doesn't have deep-frying instructions though we're enough to make it up one two three that looks like a soggy pop-tart yeah I'm gonna save it but it also looks a lot more quick for that one next to it you can already see the difference in color there a little bit or it's just oil soaked into it yeah that is a soggy pop-tart I say let's put it in until they look nice and crisped up on the outside I don't know what time we're going for but just by a visual know that one RD I mean they come pretty looking good to me that's the other weird thing guys I don't care for toasted pop-tarts I don't want warm pop-tarts I just eat them directly out of the package I like toasted pepper I don't microwave them will I use the toaster I don't own a toaster they're floating like donuts these look like soggy pop-tarts they do that looks like it's gonna have so so so much oil in it oh it's gonna squish we're gonna try and eat it and it's gonna squish oh it's warm out it's soft but it's also still hot that seemed about the same texture as a unfried pop-tart let's let these cool down quite a bit they're still very hot to the touch and then we can try them what are we trying next Mentos I'm going in order of what we think is least likely to destroy our brand-new deep fryer to most likely to destroy our brand-new deep fryer just drop it goodbye Mentos well immediately there is no reaction okay give it some time and see if that changes I'm gonna just toss a couple more in oh it split open split open okay jumped its guts out I think the shell just came separate let's pull that out yeah that was interesting it didn't jump down in the tank it dumped its guts out we just have the Mentos shell left what all right let's see if all of them pop their guts out or if that was just a weird thing that one of them did and they don't do anything for the first like 30 seconds or so take some time that was spot that's bubbling that's where the goop was you're gonna go breaking open check that out they've all just dropped their shells right off that's bizarre okay I'm gonna regret this but this is a piece of a Mentos shell very warm windy crunchy fried oil it is very crunchy I think the shells always art but you don't really notice the crunch is much because there's a snap normally there's a goo behind it that absorbs it all but now all the goo was extracted but the crunchy part is my favorite so that's a funny way to get that all right it's very warm do but I'm gonna eat it anyway [Music] honest I think the mint is more powerful like this it really is I don't know what about is making it more powerful but like it's just almost an overwhelming amount of like mint and vapor and I just keep eating it up check out how the shell bubbled and you can see you just spit out their insides but the shell is now bumpy just popped over cut in half it's it's like a fried flaky pastry outside of a pop tart it's kind of what you'd expect it does absorb a lot of oil if you bite into needs it's like straight fry bread oil is a major component and flavor deep fry yeah it's a valid option the inside the filling definitely does get warm we've left it sitting for a bit and cooled down but it's still very warm so it would probably be way too hot when you first took it out like most things when you deep fry them and when you toast them filling can be too hot so if you like that kind of thing I'd say very valid option you can deep-fry a pop-tart personally I would stick to toasting them in a toaster Callie would stick to not cooking them at all but they're good in order of things least likely to destroy our deep fryer - most likely to destroy our deep fryer the next up I swore to never do a video with ever ever again we've got three different types of bubble gum here and I think we're going to try well all of them we're gonna see what happens to them just opening this pack of gum I was struck by a wave of strong scent so this could be some pretty intense gum this is just bazooka bubblegum pretty standard classic old brand I think although this has two flavors in and I think it used to only come up one so times are changing I think it's gonna melt right into that it might really really like that is a blue raspberry something nightmare oh I don't know if we are oh maybe in a minute we can try scraping it off that paper towel there the piece for not quite so long [Music] I think that's good it looks like a tongue let's try our other couple types of bubblegum we've got a ball and some bubble tape yep this I think actually will explode we're gonna back up for that one it's gonna pop well I just thought bubbles writing on yeah the bubble tape is fantastic that's disintegrated and gone I did not know that gum would come apart in oil most of it is just white a little bit that was near the top kind of looks like one of the eggs now yes it does oh it just seems now you got too much oil in it [Music] Tryg um I'm not very good at making bubbles apparently ports not very good but we're going gum I'm just gonna drop my piece of what we're gonna into it oh I hate this hot oil reacts to water kind of violently what you're listening to sizzle and pop there is Nate spits it's also completely disintegrated it's just gone wait kay my piece all right so bubble gum and different type this is the bubble tape yep giant chunk of it gross I think mine stuck to the bottom I don't want them getting in Oh the oils gone murky quick that's disgusting I don't think we're going to be eating anything else out of the oil at this point though so it's a good time yeah so now if you were to try something that oil it would be spit and bubble gum coated yeah yeah just what do you want I think you should probably do that as a prep before you cook a turkey in here all right I want to try some of our deep-fried bubblegum do you a little okay [Music] it actually does have that kind of classic fried texture it's crispy and light as you bite through it oh my goodness trying to just chew it and see what happens I think it dissolved a lot of the gum part and a lot of the sugar has been left behind there's really not very cohesive Ghul just like not holding itself together it's almost like a slime prove it oh you miss yummy yeah it's really squishy and disgusting so would you recommend somebody deep-fried their bubblegum definitely not there's no advantage to deep-frying bubblegum I know a lot of people planning to go out and do that but don't maybe not glow sticks glow sticks we want to see what happens if we deep-fry a glow stick a sealed glow stick mm-hmm and a cracked glow stick absolutely and then we probably need to crack a glow stick cut it open and pour the glowing fluid into the oil you're assuming that we can do that without just exploding it or however I'm worried about them exploding so we are going to be moving a fair distance away well in addition to that because I want to see if it activates the glow we're gonna move our whole fryer into a darker location so we can really see that yeah I love destruction in 3 2 1 I want to know if they're gonna expand and I'm not willing to stand close enough to see right I hear bubbling and one of them that looks like there's movement something's floating a little bit up near the top I think the plastic has opened it could still have the glass cylinders inside sealed or cylinder single well there is another experiment I want to try like I said I want to activate a glow stick then cut the top off and see what happens if I just pour the liquid directly into the fryer whoa that looks very cool so it's kind of like when we poured it onto the stove top yeah it goes very bright and then it kind of burns out guys that's it for today you let us know if you want to see anything else in our deep fryer and remember that's not all we've always got more if you see hit that box up to the top to see our most recent video and we'll talk to the next one see them you
Channel: TKOR
Views: 2,055,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deep fryer, deep frying experiments, what not to put in a deep fryer, cool deep frying experiments, tkor, thekingofrandom, random happens, grant thompson, nate, calli, deep fried bubble gum, deep fried eggs, deep fried hard boiled eggs, deep fried glow sticks, glow stick experiments, what happens to gum in a deep fryer, should you deep fry pop-tarts, pop tarts, best food to deep fry, blender experiments
Id: t-N4TakHqRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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