Can You DISTILL Dr. Pepper?

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in today's video we're going to see what a home distiller can remove from your soda Nate you have a distiller I do this is a home water distiller it's for making distilled water which is used in some things like nebulizers and nasal rinse you're supposed to use distilled water my grandma gave this to me she no longer needed it and said hey maybe you could do something fun with it so here I am about to try something fun with it here's the basic idea we have a filtering pitcher and a home distilling machine we're gonna run a number of different liquids through both of them to see what they remove can we get clean water from soda this is a standard filter this is a Brita brand pitcher for making filtered water we've got a number of things that we want to put through both of them and see what they remove and this isn't like a comparison we're not just like oh look your bread that doesn't remove that's it does what it's supposed to I'm just curious now we're not the first people to try putting weird things in a Brita filter I think several people have done that I'm pretty sure I've seen rhettandlink do several videos that I haven't seen many videos with people using a distiller and maybe that's because these are kind of expensive to buy new but since I have one we're gonna try it out what happens here so this comes apart in two parts and you can see this is all hard water this is basically calcium and lime from your drinking water that has just built up on the sides then this part here is basically a cooling fan with a tube running through it so the water boils this is basically an electric kettle the water boils the hot steam goes up into the the coil up here which is basically got a radiator fins on it and then a fan cools it down and the water drips out right here and the idea is that only the water will actually boil in here all of the yeah all the particles all of the you know whatever is in the water you know minerals that are dissolved into your water won't come up like that lime and calcium buildup that you see yeah that just stays in the machine and you know it probably could be cleaned a little bit better but the idea is just that only the water is able to get out and so you end up with is essentially pure water that's all just been boiled a lot so if there was any contaminants in it that's also completely dead so it's supposed to be completely sterile pure water so I think what we want to try is we do have the dr. pepper we've got apple juice and I also just want to make salt water and then I want to just try putting some food coloring into water to see if either of these machines removes just the coloring I dye water so yeah it may take a while because none of these are gonna go instantly who may have to sort of set things up and let them run for 20 minutes and then be quick can I have the Brita filter real quick and I also bought a few extra filters in case like the dr. pepper ruins the filter so much that clean water doesn't come through it clean anymore I don't know where all this liquid is going right right now it's just it's filling this reservoir and very slowly starting operating through let's leave it right there you don't need to run a ton that's okay you know since we're starting with the dr. pepper let's throw some dr. pepper into our distillery we probably are not going to distill this down all the way for a few reasons one it would take a good long time this machine is not terribly fast - we don't actually want to reduce it completely we've dehydrated sodas before and freeze-dried starters before we've seen what happens if we remove all of the liquid I don't want to get burnt soda syrup on the inside of this machine that would basically stop it from working our goal is really just going to be to put some into the glass and see what is coming out of it it'll probably take 10 or 15 minutes before we start seeing anything coming out of the distiller [Music] how long has it been about 30 minutes 30 40 ish minutes mm-hmm so we got half a cup of liquid in the oil and then we switch cups and we did this because Brian and Jason on the modern rogue had distilled dr. pepper and they started having like a change in their results after at first a little bit so I wanted to stop after our first about 1/2 cup to see if it was different between the first half cup in the second half cup and we clear different I think this the color is very very minor but I do think this has just like the slightest hint of caramel color to it not much I didn't even notice it until I started the second time yeah it's really would but we have a clearer cup to compare to I think that there is a difference it's smells that's that's another thing that Brandon mentioned was how strongly it smells it's know and you're like Oh dr. pepper it just smells like dr. pepper stronger than that it almost just smells like an amaretto syrup it doesn't just smell like Dr Pepper it smells like concentrated our Brita filter had sort of stalled it it had very little and then just kind of wasn't doing anything else I tried just tilting it around sloshing it a bit and that seems to have gotten it going again so I don't know what it stopped let's go we have to do a taste test now I have to put it absolutely we're gonna we're gonna taste test everything there's a little bit of something oh good I do suspect that it's taken out most of the carbonation no smell I said no smell I'm smelling nothing now I just don't remember how much normal Dr Pepper smells well I know how much that smells a lot although you know partly it's because it's warm maybe but it's not much honestly oh there there's more partly I think it's cuz it's bubbling and putting off gases and this is no longer at all carbonated completely flat dr. pepper maybe no it's just completely flat sort of sugary water it's like somebody added a little bit of vanilla and sugar to your wife yeah no there's a caramel flavor to it it's cream soda flavor it's true this is cream soda Dr Pepper not standard Dr Pepper just because it's what was available to store but yeah you really can taste like the cream soda flavor so it way more than the Dr Pepper please thank you stuff out all the carbonation a lot of the sugar and a ton of the flavor none of the caramel color though the first half cup of it has a strong smelling much stronger smell than just the normal the normal Dr Pepper and it's not very warm even it's cooled down quite a bit it's the opposite oh that's bad it's the opposite of what the Brita filter did it took out all carbonation all sugar all color but the only thing it left is the amaretto flavor which without sugar isn't good so while that one there is no amaretto flavor left from the Brita filter this one that's the only thing left the smell is really strong I think you're right if you don't know amaretto is a flavor that's found in both cherries and almonds yeah and so you smell it and there is a dr. pepper flavor or scent smell to it but there is also the like if you think cherry or almond then that's what you're gonna smell okay now go straight to the cleaner water it's odd water [Music] not pleasant no but at the water it honestly almost tastes like sulfur II very yeah very nice yeah like if you breathe too deep at a hot spring yeah or or if you're drinking water and someone started eating a hard-boiled egg near you alright so we've got oh this smells so good very caramel e it's really a caramel scent like there's maybe a little bit of Dr Pepper scent but mostly I'm getting caramel yeah just concentrated Dr Pepper now a little bit of an ice bath to try and cool this down to the point where I can actually drink some of it how is it it's like drinking can be all strong there's no carbonation again we've boiled that out it's still a little too hot not pour it between my two glasses oh yeah that's strong apple juice juice dr. pepper you can make water out of dr. pepper mm-hmm it's we don't recommend it strangely strong smell at first and afterward doesn't taste great but it kind of worked I'm just gonna pour some apple juice down into our filter I did rinse this out and it seems to be running fairly clear and flavorless so so I think we have now distilled out what looks way that looks like peat apple juice look the same as it did before yeah but it's not in a container labeled apple juice frankly I forgot for sure which one is which but that this this is the filtered women when I just drank was not or was regular this is filtered slightly less [Music] I legitimately cannot tell the difference between a stick yeah it's slightly more diluted tasting it's like if you remind single ice cube in there yeah pretty minor for the most part I don't think a whole lot got pulled out of the avenues here okay pretty regular this is the first distilled we did the same thing we took whatever came off first and then we put a new cup there for the rest of it if you took all the apple peels from an apple and let the water soak in apple peels for a while and the stems also I think that's coming from it tastes like plant la bad like it's me no I'm gonna write on to the the cleaner stuff here it did not take out as much flavors to do with soda I looked over at the wrong time that's disgusting I am amazed that that flavor is even in there to pull out something can be changing like this says 100% apple juice which means that apple juice from concentrate we're also cooking it so something can be changing in the apple juice when it gets heated up and is actually creating new chemicals the sugars and the juices and whatever plant extract parts are in there oh I do not recommend this it's bad we're just gonna take distilled water and we're going to add some salt and some food coloring to it and then I'm just gonna run those through and see how they do I'm mostly just curious about the salt I think we've seen some evidence about the color already let's find out I mean I really hope he's filtered something because it was really salty before and it will be disgusting if it's still that salty very salty now Brita is taking out a lot of different things but salt apparently does also it will not be one of them on to our next one so the first cup which is slightly still colored I think there's a residue from the apple juice yeah but that's just water weight I think that's yet so onto the next one hmm we did it it can completely filter out color and salt this tastes like a still water lure it's just pretty blue pretty blue and there's like a lot of visible residue yeah I think at this point we've actually like now it's pulled some of the other minerals that were in it before mm-hmm stripped them all together cuz we kind of clean the sides with the salt here almost I am gonna taste this very small bit of our concentrate it's just concentrated worth it ma mmm can you Brita filter dr. pepper not so much you can change this flavor and get rid of some carbonation that's true same with apple juice same he with this I don't think much happened but distilling I would say it worked fantastically on dr. pepper it worked ish on apple juice don't do it just don't do it it was bad and I think this is our best result it just pulls the salt right out exactly like it's supposed to it's supposed to pull the minerals out so they're stealing different things we have a Brita filter we have a distiller there anything else do you want to see us trial of snow in the comments below [Music] guys that's it for today but we always have more to see click the button right there to subscribe to the channel that way you'll never miss a cool video and we'll see you the next one talk to you then [Music] you
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,413,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, distiller, distilled soda, can you distill soda, how does a distiller work, how to make distilled water, what can you filter out wiht a britta filter, britta filter experiments, water filter, distilled
Id: t1_niyLKNnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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