Making the World's Purest Cookie

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this video has been sponsored by brilliant a while ago I got an email and someone had sent me something very interesting it was a paper that covered all of the chemicals and reagents needed for the total laboratory synthesis of the chocolate chip cookie and the moment that I saw this I felt that I had to do it just the idea of synthesizing a cookie I thought was really funny but what I think is even more interesting is the fact that if I use pure lab chemicals to make them in theory I should get some pure lab cookies and then I I don't know are those better I feel like those have to be better than regular cookies they have to be they're pure the only problem is that they cost thirty thousand dollars which is slightly more than I'm willing to pay for a batch of cookies however I figure that if I just scaled everything down it might be possible I don't need an entire batch of 25 to 30 cookies all I need is just one pure cookie which should at least be less than thirty thousand dollars so that's what I'm doing I'm gonna be making as far as I know the world's purest cookie and uh I already have all the ingredients the first one we have is this sodium chloride pure table salt vanillin that's to make the vanilla vanilla extract way too much sodium bicarbonate which is baking soda sucrose sugar well it's not just regular sugar proteomics grade sugar what does that mean s it's really pure next one coconut oil which we'll be using instead of butter because apparently pure butter doesn't exist and the last one is my favorite water Ultra Pure Water part of me thinks this is the most expensive water I've ever bought I don't remember what it cost but I think it's going to hurt me if I remember these were not the bulk of the cost the other ones are in this fridge these were the difficult ones to get the first one is just wheat flour the next soleno is whole egg powder uh I just realized now it says not for human consumption right on the package intended for Laboratories only hmm either way the last one this is just baking chocolate also not for human consumption um but you know that's about it wait what about those what is it what oh no we don't we don't worry about those I've been waiting so long to open these up because a lot of money these alone were over a thousand each so it's like it's one of the most exciting unboxings I've done in a long time we'll start with the baking chocolate tear this thing open very curious okay oh that's that's a pretty whoa there's no way we're gonna use this much just one oh oh it's all dark chocolate I guess it's all baking dark chocolate okay looks like regular chocolate looks nice one whole egg powder so you get a bunch of pouches got all these whole egg powders it's kind of cool it comes in like these anti-static bags that's it so we got our egg and the last one is wheat flour well that's nice this is the heart and soul of the cookie so all of these are standard reference materials and these aren't just like needlessly super expensive they are actually certified to be pure so that when you do any food production you have something to compare what you're doing to something that's pure to know how dirty your stuff is so these have been certified to I I guess have no bacteria no weird contaminants they are as pure as you can possibly get these ingredients aren't things that are on the Shelf already supposed to be like pretty pure I'm pretty sure the average things that you can buy like chocolate and stuff they're literally allowed to have like bug parts in them and other random junk oh man there's a recipe in the original paper but I'm not sure where they got it and I mean as far as I know they could have just made it up so instead I had my grandmother put together a recipe I had her put together one that specifically would replace butter with coconut oil according to her she's it works according to her she's tested it and you know I trust her I think so it's just called Grandma recipe all scaled to the 50 grams of flour the first step is to preheat the oven we're just gonna skip that part so add coconut oil and both sugars to a stand mixer with a paddle attachment wait what okay we don't have any of that um instead we have a beaker and a glass rod we also have this I bought these specifically to make it this is standard Labs cookie synthesis equipment we're gonna need 29.07 grams of the coconut oil the only problem is it's kind of solid coconut oil melted now we can actually measure it out and to do that I got this a dedicated scale never hasn't ever experienced nasty chemicals before wait where are your gloves you're right this is serious here after all we bought this entire lab coat just for this I can't believe almost contaminated this cookie with me boom next ingredient are proteomics grade sucrose okay look at how crystalline it is oh my God oh my God I'm bad all right now we got sugar everywhere now we gotta combine these two ingredients gotta Stir It okay I think that's good got a classic oil carbohydrate mixture it'll hang out here okay I want to do the flour baking soda and salt next foreign oh yeah so we got the sodium bicarbonate there so we got our salt and what we have to do next is just mix them together so I'll add the salt first now the sodium bicarbonate that's mixed enough right that's good that's good and now for the difficult part the vanillin normally you just get vanilla extract uh but instead this is just some white crystals how do I turn this into vanilla extract how much vataline is in vanilla extract I think there's a I think there are some YouTube videos where people extract it from vanilla extract we can watch those and then we can do the calculations to figure out how much they're okay I got it I got it warning methyl acetate is highly volatile and extremely flammable the experiment should be performed in a fume hood or in a well-ventilated area I just need another Beaker and I'm going to need to add 1.3 grams of vanolin oh it smells so nice now just gotta add 200 milliliters of liquid I put the label on the wrong side but it's food grade ethanol I really hope it dissolves this is this is the purest vanilla extract anyone has ever had you see that see it's all fully dissolved I think I don't see any crystals now for arguably what's even more difficult is the egg we now need about one-third of a large egg and you know when when we get it as just packets of egg powder I don't I'm assuming that this is one entire egg that's okay I think I have an idea I got this oh yeah looks uh looks exactly like I thought it would it's probably good I don't think it has to be super accurate that's about right I don't think this part doesn't this is not an exact science so we got about 10 mils of egg and now we need to add 10 milliliters of Ultra Pure Water opening up this pure water now lower in the pipette exactly 10 mils we're reconstituting the egg I'm not exactly sure why the egg was came as dry look at that uh okay does that look like a normal egg no it looks thicker than a normal egg it just doesn't look as slimy as it as a regular egg you know this is definitely the weirdest egg I've ever encountered okay I think that's good the egg is ready all right let's get the let's get to actually baking now what we need to do is transfer 2.76 mils of our vanillin solution into that [Music] good let's just mix it around okay I think that's good ooh that looks like uh a totally normal egg the next one is the coconut oil and the sugar look at that that's cool okay so that's good and now really important part adding the flour foreign how big is it supposed to get I don't I mean it's supposed to get like cookie dough consistency which is so pretty thick I'm just fearful that it it's gonna get too thick you know okay I'm gonna add the rest there's some left over that's probably like three like five dollars of the flour that's everything hmm does that look good yeah it looks good that's right that's right okay it looks it actually looks good but I'm definitely gonna have to do this by hand otherwise this is going to be the most unmixed cookie ever this looks really good I actually don't know what cookie dough looks like but this looks good foreign yes that's how you mix it right so what we have to do now is get the chocolate chips that is the last ingredient so I'm gonna have to break it up I'm going to make my own chocolate chips shouldn't be too hard right we're good just we have our choco chips now let's go to add them that's good that's plenty yeah that's like half chocolate okay now just gotta sprinkle some of this chocolate I think I gotta push it in right just add a bunch yeah I'm not I don't like when there's big chunks are you picking which chocolate sizes you want to add to it yeah I feel like in this cookie it matters yeah now you just that's right anything looks delicious does it looks like it's little sparse of chips yeah that looks like really good looks great it's like taking up the chocolate color as well whoa look at that this is a preview of The Cookie to come um okay and now we gotta preheat our oven it's a it's a vacuum oven but we should be able to make cookies in it I don't see why not how do you shape a cookie like what is the science like how much is it gonna spread out cool pretty quite a lot you think so oh yeah cookie a pizza dough this size I want to make it perfect how's this looks great I am really tempted to just like no taste it no yeah you're right I will wait we're literally like minutes away from the final cookie there's no point okay so how long you put in here like 10 minutes or something yep what it is it's just because it's vacuum sealed so then all when you shut it the extra air gets pushed down [Music] wait okay look actually it looks like it's doing something it's looking pretty good it's turning into a cookie it's puffing up yeah it's turning into a cookie it's working it's looking so cookie like I have no idea what it tastes like but at least it looks like it's working out in some way it's been 12 minutes it looks good you just it looks like it's cracking on the edges though that's not good we got to get it out of there that's normal that's normal no it's cracking we gotta get it out of there more cracks are forming we got to get it out of there it's cracking up in a very delicate process if you take it out too early it could fall apart it's cracking up we got to get it out of there it's cracking of pieces that doesn't smell like a cookie this was like nothing that doesn't smell like anything was done okay looks like a cookie right I don't know what that is in the middle I don't think it's cooked enough but it's all cracked on the edges that's okay it's cracked in the middle too that's normal that's normal like you'll get you'll experience cracks in a cookie it won't be perfect all the time okay that's good it's good I think so yeah it's a little doughy in the middle that looks cooked no no it's good it's good let it sit are you sure yes yes naturally as the cookie sits oh it's still gonna cook it's still gonna cook yeah yeah but if you leave it in for too long then it just then it will burn the outside should I stab this in or no no no no why would you do that [Laughter] want to be not done in the middle you know to put it back in this is really honestly your uh it's a judgment call I'm not a baker panicked you know what put it put it back in for another like minute I say do it I we I say we do it not it can't be in there for too long though okay we're just randomly putting it back in I mean I guess it can't be worse than it already is I mean as good as it already is swear to God it starts cracking again I'm gonna panic because you're right the cracking could spread and then it could just literally just crumble which is not good are there any cracks for me uh if it is sugar on top it's re-melting it doesn't look like more cracks are forming that really does just disturb me though the cracks why why is it cracking is that means it's like the flower or something could be a variety of reasons because now it looks like it's puffing a bit in the middle which means it's probably cooking more it is puffing up more in the middle I do see that I do see like what looks like little blooms or something is this just sugar coming that came out I really think that's sugar hopefully I didn't burn the hell out of it ooh that looks better I think that'll meet that looks immediately better it doesn't look raw in the middle you're right I'm now significantly more confident I'm very I'm significantly more confident with this cookie look in the middle is puffing down too looks really chewy yeah that feels way more cooked now it looks good I think it looks good I hope it looks good no it looks great I guess we have to wait for it to cool down and and we can see how it tastes and it seems pretty good this is it okay okay it's I would not I don't think it's super stable it's oily I think that's good oh okay this looks like what a seven on ten cookie yeah just by presentation except I think seven on ten is fair mostly because if this weird crust on the top smell it's zero on ten but consistency the fact that it stayed together that's 10 on 10 so far I think the only thing we can do now is taste it right yep I think I see to bite this thing so scared do it I don't want to swallow it no Okay so it's not good really damn who could have known I think I have to so the reason I spat it out isn't because I think it's actually dangerous well actually I kind of wonder if it is dangerous at the end of the day it is a bunch of chemicals like I don't actually want to eat I'm gonna try it again I need a second opinion the first one I was a little bit nervous is I need a second opinion to see well what is it what is it it what's wrong with it it's weird I don't understand it's like it's just the blandest thing I've ever had there's no there's nothing good about it it's it's not sweet it doesn't taste like coconut I don't know how that's possible it's like there's no vanilla in there chocolate I don't taste any chocolate how is that possible it's the blindness like grains just grainy you can see it looks grainy looks like a normal cookie to me you think so yeah okay come here looks like a normal cookie to you does it smell like a normal cookie oh God no no you want to try a piece yeah yeah I'll cut you off I'll cut you off a little sliver do it okay so I immediately hate the taste oh wait you gotta rate it on 10 when it's still in your mouth and The Taste is fresh so yeah I'm 10 man I'm giving that like like a three on ten three okay really bad that's better than I thought really this doesn't taste like it has any soul in it it also tastes like wood a bit so what's the conclusion what what what can we do what lesson can we learn from this I mean the obvious one is don't spend thousands of dollars on a cookie especially um if you're making a cookie with chemicals and lab supplies that's a good one I think that my interpretation of Purity was naive this whole time I didn't realize that Purity was here in this circle and that flavor and smell were out here Purity didn't didn't have anything to do with flavor or smell or Texture Purity is its own thing and if you want to achieve true Purity you must sacrifice everything everything that makes it worth it and you know what I think this was a success I learned a lot from this video a lot of stuff that I probably should have already known and I hope that maybe you learned something too but if you didn't well it's a perfect time to introduce the sponsor of this video brilliant's a website with a whole bunch of different interactive lessons and things like math physics chemistry and computer science and I think they teach everything in a really fun and interesting way in my opinion they make it feel a lot more like a game and not like you're just reading from a textbook and I think it's just way better on top of this all of the lessons are all really concise and they're chopped up into small little segments so you can start and stop whenever and you don't have to commit these large blocks of time to learn I think this is really important for me because I'm always running around making cookies and putting together videos and just being able to sit down or to go on my phone for like five minutes at a time is I mean it makes it even possible to do it right now I'm doing a couple of their math courses and in particular I'm focusing on the infinity one which is something that's just always interested me with all that being said though I've been really enjoying brilliant and if you're interested in learning something new I definitely recommend checking them out right now you can also get everything that brilliant offers for free for a full 30 Days by going to Nile blue or by clicking the link in the description the first 200 people who sign up will also get 20 off Brilliance annual premium subscription so that's it oh also I forgot we made these shirts it just for this video to commemorate the pure cookie and I think it turned out really well we got the the Nile blue here got the 100 percent Little Words pure everywhere and they're only available for a limited time [Music] laughs
Channel: NileBlue
Views: 7,961,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nileblue, nile, blue, red, science, chemistry, world's, purest, cookie, pure, 100%, baking, bake
Id: crjxpZHv7Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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